changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /* -*- mode: fundamental; indent-tabs-mode: 1; -*- */
     2 /*****************************************************************************
     3  * Parser for Fortran90 F subset
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) by Anke Visser
     6  * based on the work of Dimitri van Heesch.
     7  *
     8  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     9  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
    10  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    11  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    12  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    13  *
    14  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    15  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    16  *
    17  */ 
    19 /* Developer notes.
    20  *
    21  * - Consider using startScope(), endScope() functions with  module, program, 
    22  * subroutine or any other scope in fortran program.
    23  *
    24  * - Symbol modifiers (attributes) are collected using SymbolModifiers |= operator during
    25  * substructure parsing. When substructure ends all modifiers are applied to actual
    26  * entries in applyModifiers() functions.
    27  * 
    28  * - How case insensitiveness should be handled in code?
    29  * On one side we have arg->name and entry->name, on another side modifierMap[name].
    30  * In entries and arguments case is the same as in code, in modifier map case is lowered and
    31  * then it is compared to lowered entry/argument names.
    32  *
    33  * - Do not like constructs like aa{BS} or {BS}bb. Should try to handle blank space
    34  * with separate rule?: It seems it is often necessary, because we may parse something like 
    35  * "functionA" or "MyInterface". So constructs like `(^|[ \t])interface({BS_}{ID})?/[ \t\n]'
    36  * are desired.
    37  */
    39 %{
    41 #include <stdio.h> 
    42 #include <stdlib.h>
    43 #include <assert.h>
    44 #include <ctype.h>
    46 #include "qtbc.h"
    47 #include <qarray.h>
    48 #include <qstack.h>
    49 #include <qregexp.h>
    50 #include <unistd.h> 
    51 #include <qfile.h>
    52 #include <qmap.h>
    54 #include "fortranscanner.h"
    55 #include "entry.h"
    56 #include "message.h"
    57 #include "config.h"
    58 #include "doxygen.h"
    59 #include "util.h"
    60 #include "defargs.h"
    61 #include "language.h"
    62 #include "commentscan.h" 
    63 #include "fortrancode.h"
    64 #include "pre.h"
    66 #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1
    68 enum ScanVar { V_IGNORE, V_VARIABLE, V_PARAMETER};
    70 // {{{ ----- Helper structs -----
    71 //! Holds modifiers (ie attributes) for one symbol (variable, function, etc)
    72 struct SymbolModifiers {
    73   enum Protection {NONE_P, PUBLIC, PRIVATE};
    74   enum Direction {NONE_D, IN, OUT, INOUT};
    76   //!< This is only used with function return value.
    77   QCString type, returnName;
    78   Protection protection;
    79   Direction direction;
    80   bool optional;
    81   QCString dimension;
    82   bool allocatable;
    83   bool external;
    84   bool intrinsic;
    85   bool parameter;
    86   bool pointer;
    87   bool target;
    88   bool save;
    90   SymbolModifiers() : type(), returnName(), protection(NONE_P), direction(NONE_D),
    91     optional(FALSE), dimension(), allocatable(FALSE),
    92     external(FALSE), intrinsic(FALSE), parameter(FALSE),
    93     pointer(FALSE), target(FALSE), save(FALSE) {}
    95   SymbolModifiers& operator|=(const SymbolModifiers &mdfs);
    96   SymbolModifiers& operator|=(QCString mdfrString);
    97 };
    99 //ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const SymbolModifiers& mdfs);
   101 static const char *directionStrs[] = 
   102 {
   103    "", "intent(in)", "intent(out)", "intent(inout)"
   104 };
   106 // }}}
   108 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
   109  *
   110  *	statics
   111  */
   112 static ParserInterface *g_thisParser; 
   113 static const char *     inputString;
   114 static int		inputPosition;
   115 static bool             isFixedForm;
   116 static QCString         inputStringPrepass; ///< Input string for prepass of line cont. '&'
   117 static unsigned int     inputPositionPrepass;
   118 static int              lineCountPrepass = 0;
   120 struct CommentInPrepass {
   121   int column;
   122   QCString str;
   123   CommentInPrepass(int column, QCString str) : column(column), str(str) {}
   124 };
   125 static QList<CommentInPrepass>  comments;
   127 #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 10
   128 YY_BUFFER_STATE include_stack[MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH];
   129 int include_stack_ptr = 0;
   131 static QFile            inputFile;
   132 static QCString		yyFileName;
   133 static int		yyLineNr     = 1 ;
   134 static Entry*		current_root = 0 ;
   135 static Entry*		global_root  = 0 ;
   136 static Entry*		file_root    = 0 ;
   137 static Entry*		current      = 0 ;
   138 static Entry*		last_entry   = 0 ;
   139 static ScanVar          v_type       = V_IGNORE; // type of parsed variable
   140 static QList<Entry>     moduleProcedures; // list of all interfaces which contain unresolved 
   141                                           // module procedures
   142 static QCString         docBlock;
   143 static QCString         docBlockName;
   144 static bool             docBlockInBody;
   145 static bool             docBlockJavaStyle;
   147 static MethodTypes 	mtype;
   148 static bool    		gstat;
   149 static Specifier 	virt;
   151 static QCString          debugStr;
   152 static QCString          result; // function result
   153 static Argument          *parameter; // element of parameter list
   154 static QCString          argType;  // fortran type of an argument of a parameter list
   155 static QCString          argName;  // last identifier name in variable list
   156 static QCString          initializer;  // initial value of a variable
   157 static int               initializerScope;  // number if nested array scopes in initializer
   158 static QCString          useModuleName;  // name of module in the use statement
   159 static Protection        defaultProtection;
   161 static char              stringStartSymbol; // single or double quote
   163 //! Accumulated modifiers of current statement, eg variable declaration.
   164 static SymbolModifiers currentModifiers;
   165 //! Holds program scope->symbol name->symbol modifiers.
   166 static QMap<Entry*,QMap<QCString,SymbolModifiers> > modifiers;
   168 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   170 static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size);
   171 static void startCommentBlock(bool);
   172 static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief);
   173 static void addCurrentEntry();
   174 static void addModule(const char *name, bool isModule=FALSE);
   175 static void addSubprogram(const char *text);
   176 static void addInterface(QCString name);
   177 static Argument *addFortranParameter(const QCString &type,const QCString &name, const QCString docs);
   178 static void scanner_abort();
   180 static void startScope(Entry *scope);
   181 static bool endScope(Entry *scope, bool isGlobalRoot=FALSE);
   182 static QCString getFullName(Entry *e);
   183 static bool isTypeName(QCString name);
   184 static void resolveModuleProcedures(QList<Entry> &moduleProcedures, Entry *current_root);
   185 static int getAmpersandAtTheStart(const char *buf, int length);
   186 static int getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(const char *buf, int length);
   187 static void truncatePrepass(int index);
   188 static void pushBuffer(QCString &buffer);
   189 static void popBuffer();
   190 static void extractPrefix(QCString& text);
   192 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   193 #undef	YY_INPUT
   194 #define	YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
   195 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   197 %}
   199  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   200  //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   201 IDSYM	  [a-z_A-Z0-9]
   202 NOTIDSYM  [^a-z_A-Z0-9]
   203 SEPARATE  [:, \t]
   204 ID        [a-z_A-Z%]+{IDSYM}*
   205 PP_ID     {ID}
   206 LABELID   [a-z_A-Z]+[a-z_A-Z0-9\-]*
   207 SUBPROG   (subroutine|function|block)
   208 B         [ \t]
   209 BS        [ \t]*
   210 BS_       [ \t]+
   211 COMMA     {BS},{BS}
   212 ARGS      {BS}("("[^)]*")")
   213 NOARGS    {BS}"\n"
   215 NUM_TYPE  (complex|integer|logical|real)
   216 KIND      {ARGS}
   217 CHAR      (CHARACTER{ARGS}?|CHARACTER{BS}"*"({BS}[0-9]+|{ARGS}))
   220 INTENT_SPEC intent{BS}"("{BS}(in|out|in{BS}out){BS}")"
   223 /* Assume that attribute statements are almost the same as attributes. */
   229 %option noyywrap
   230 %option stack
   231 %option caseless
   232 /*%option debug */
   234  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
   236  /** fortran parsing states */
   237 %x	Subprog
   238 %x	SubprogPrefix
   239 %x	Parameterlist
   240 %x	SubprogBody
   241 %x	SubprogBodyContains
   242 %x	Start
   243 %x	Comment
   244 %x      Module
   245 %x      Program
   246 %x      ModuleBody
   247 %x	ModuleBodyContains
   248 %x	AttributeList
   249 %x      Variable
   250 %x      Initialization
   251 %x      ArrayInitializer
   252 %x      Typedef
   253 %x      TypedefBody
   254 %x      InterfaceBody
   255 %x      StrIgnore
   256 %x      String
   257 %x      Use
   258 %x      UseOnly
   259 %x      ModuleProcedure
   261 %x      Prepass
   263  /** comment parsing states */
   264 %x	DocBlock
   265 %x	DocBackLine
   266 %x	EndDoc
   268 %%
   270  /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   272 <*>^.*\n                                { // prepass: look for line continuations
   274                                           //fprintf(stderr, "---%s", yytext);
   276                                             int indexStart = getAmpersandAtTheStart(yytext, yyleng);                              
   277                                             int indexEnd = getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(yytext, yyleng);
   278 					    if (indexEnd>=0 && yytext[indexEnd]!='&') //we are only interested in amp
   279 					      indexEnd=-1;
   281                                             if(indexEnd<0){ // ----- no ampersand as line continuation
   282                                                if(YY_START == Prepass) { // last line in "continuation"
   284                                                  // Only take input after initial ampersand
   285                                                  inputStringPrepass+=(const char*)(yytext+(indexStart+1));
   287                                                  pushBuffer(inputStringPrepass);
   288                                                  yy_pop_state();
   289                                                } else { // simple line
   290                                                  REJECT;
   291                                                }
   293                                             } else { // ----- line with continuation
   294                                               if(YY_START != Prepass) {
   295                                                 comments.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   296 						comments.clear();
   297                                                 yy_push_state(Prepass);
   298                                               }
   300                                               int length = inputStringPrepass.length();
   302                                               // Only take input after initial ampersand
   303                                               inputStringPrepass+=(const char*)(yytext+(indexStart+1));
   304                                               lineCountPrepass ++;
   306                                               // cut off & and remove following comment if present
   307 					      truncatePrepass(length+indexEnd-(indexStart+1));
   308                                             }
   310                                         }
   313  /*------ ignore strings */ 
   314 <*>"\\\\"                               { /* ignore \\  */}
   315 <*>"\\\""|\\\'                          { /* ignore \" and \'  */}
   317 <String>\"|\'                           { // string ends with next quote without previous backspace
   318                                           if (yytext[0]!=stringStartSymbol) REJECT; // single vs double quote
   319                                           // fprintf(stderr,"string end: %s\n",debugStr.data());
   320                                           yy_pop_state();
   321                                         }           
   323 <String>.                               { debugStr+=yytext; } // ignore String contents (especially '!') 
   325 <*>\"|\'                                { /* string starts */
   326 					  if (YY_START == StrIgnore) REJECT; // ignore in simple comments
   327                                           // fprintf(stderr,"string start: %c %d\n",yytext[0],yyLineNr);
   328                                           yy_push_state(YY_START);
   329                                           stringStartSymbol=yytext[0]; // single or double quote
   330                                           BEGIN(String); debugStr="!^!";
   331                                         }
   333  /*------ ignore simple comment (not documentation comments) */
   335 <*>"!"/[^<>\n]                         {  if (YY_START == String) REJECT; // "!" is ignored in strings
   336                                           // skip comment line (without docu comments "!>" "!<" ) 
   337                                           /* ignore further "!" and ignore comments in Strings */
   338                                           if ((YY_START != StrIgnore) && (YY_START != String)) 
   339 					  {
   340                                             yy_push_state(YY_START);
   341                                             BEGIN(StrIgnore); 
   342                                             debugStr="*!";
   343                                             //fprintf(stderr,"start comment %d\n",yyLineNr);
   344                                            }      
   345                                         }
   346 <StrIgnore>.?/\n                        { yy_pop_state(); // comment ends with endline character
   347                                           //fprintf(stderr,"end comment %d %s\n",yyLineNr,debugStr.data());
   348                                         } // comment line ends
   349 <StrIgnore>.                            { debugStr+=yytext; } 
   352  /*------ use handling ------------------------------------------------------------*/
   354 <Start,ModuleBody,TypedefBody,SubprogBody>"use"{BS_} {
   355                                           if(YY_START == Start)
   356                                           {
   357                                             addModule(NULL); 
   358                                             yy_push_state(ModuleBody); //anon program
   359                                           }
   360                                           yy_push_state(Use);
   361                                         }
   362 <Use>{ID}                               { 
   363                                           //fprintf(stderr,"using dir %s\n",yytext);
   364                                           current->name=yytext;
   365                                           current->fileName = yyFileName; 
   366   					  current->section=Entry::USINGDIR_SEC;
   367 					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
   368 					  current = new Entry;
   369                                           yy_pop_state();
   370                                         }
   371 <Use>{ID}/,                             { 
   372                                           useModuleName=yytext;
   373                                         }
   374 <Use>,{BS}"ONLY"                        { BEGIN(UseOnly); 
   375                                         }           
   376 <UseOnly>{BS},{BS}                      {}
   377 <UseOnly>{ID}                           {
   378   					  current->name= useModuleName+"::"+yytext;
   379                                           current->fileName = yyFileName; 
   380   					  current->section=Entry::USINGDECL_SEC;
   381 					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
   382 					  current = new Entry ;
   383   					}
   384 <Use,UseOnly>"\n"                       {
   385                                           unput(*yytext);
   386                                           yy_pop_state();
   387                                         }
   389  /*------ ignore special fortran statements */
   390 <Start,ModuleBody,SubprogBody>^[ \t]*interface({BS_}{ID}({BS}\({BS}[^ \t()]+{BS}\))?)?/{BS}(!|\n) { // handle interface block
   391                                           if(YY_START == Start)
   392                                           {
   393                                             addModule(NULL); 
   394                                             yy_push_state(ModuleBody); //anon program
   395                                           }
   397 					  QCString name = yytext;
   398 					  int index = name.find("interface", 0, FALSE);
   399 					  index = name.find(QRegExp("[^ \\t]"), index+9);
   400 					  //printf(stderr,"%s,%d\n",name.data(),index);
   401 					  if (index!=-1)
   402 					    name = name.right(name.length()-index);
   403 					  else // interface without name, must be inside subprog
   404 					    name = "interface"; 
   405 					  addInterface(name);
   406 					  yy_push_state(InterfaceBody);
   407  					  startScope(last_entry);
   408                                         }
   409 <InterfaceBody>^{BS}"end"({BS}"interface"({BS_}{ID})?)?{BS}/(\n|!)   {
   410 					  if (!endScope(current_root))
   411 					    yyterminate();
   412 					  yy_pop_state();
   413                                         }
   414 <InterfaceBody>module{BS}procedure      { yy_push_state(YY_START);
   415                                           BEGIN(ModuleProcedure);
   416                                         }
   417 <ModuleProcedure>{ID}                   {                       			
   418                                           current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC ;
   419                                           current->name = yytext; 
   420  	                                  moduleProcedures.append(current);
   421                                           addCurrentEntry();
   422                                         }
   423 <ModuleProcedure>"\n"                   { unput(*yytext); 
   424                                           yy_pop_state();
   425                                         }
   426 <InterfaceBody>.                        {}
   428  /*-- Contains handling --*/
   429 <Start>^{BS}{CONTAINS}/({BS}|\n|!)      {
   430                                           if(YY_START == Start)
   431                                           {
   432                                             addModule(NULL); 
   433                                             yy_push_state(ModuleBodyContains); //anon program
   434                                           }                                            
   435                                         }
   436 <ModuleBody>^{BS}{CONTAINS}/({BS}|\n|!)   { BEGIN(ModuleBodyContains); }
   437 <SubprogBody>^{BS}{CONTAINS}/({BS}|\n|!)  { BEGIN(SubprogBodyContains); }
   439  /*------ module handling ------------------------------------------------------------*/ 
   440 <Start>module|program{BS_}             {  //
   441 					    if(yytext[0]=='m' || yytext[0]=='M')
   442 					      yy_push_state(Module);
   443 					    else
   444 					      yy_push_state(Program);
   445                                             defaultProtection = Public;
   446                                        }
   447 <Start,ModuleBody,ModuleBodyContains>^{BS}"end"({BS}(module|program)({BS_}{ID})?)?{BS}/(\n|!) { // end module	
   448 					    resolveModuleProcedures(moduleProcedures, current_root);
   449 					    if (!endScope(current_root))
   450 					      yyterminate();
   451                                             defaultProtection = Public;
   452 					    yy_pop_state();
   453                                        }
   454 <Module>{ID}                           {  
   455                                             addModule(yytext, TRUE);
   456 					    BEGIN(ModuleBody);
   457                                        }
   459 <Program>{ID}                           {  
   460                                             addModule(yytext, FALSE);
   461 					    BEGIN(ModuleBody);
   462                                        }
   464   /*------- access specification --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   466 <ModuleBody>private/{BS}(\n|"!")         { defaultProtection = Private; }
   467 <ModuleBody>public/{BS}(\n|"!")          { defaultProtection = Public; }
   469  /*------- type definition  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   471 <Start,ModuleBody>"type"({BS_}|({COMMA}{ACCESS_SPEC})) { /* type definition found : TYPE , access-spec::type-name |*/
   472                                           if(YY_START == Start)
   473                                           {
   474                                             addModule(NULL); 
   475                                             yy_push_state(ModuleBody); //anon program
   476                                           }
   478  					    yy_push_state(Typedef);
   479 					    current->protection = defaultProtection;
   480                                         }
   481 <Typedef>{ACCESS_SPEC}          	{ 	
   482                                             QCString type= yytext;				    
   483                                         }
   484 <Typedef>{ID}                        	{ /* type name found */
   485                                             //cout << "=========> got typedef " << yytext << ": " << yyLineNr << endl; 
   486                                             current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC; // was Entry::STRUCT_SEC;
   487    					    current->spec = Entry::Struct;        	
   488   					    current->name = yytext;
   490                                             /* if type is part of a module, mod name is necessary for output */
   491                                             if ((current_root) && 
   492                                                (current_root->section ==  Entry::CLASS_SEC ||
   493 					        current_root->section ==  Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC))
   494 						//current_root->section ==  Entry::INTERFACE_SEC)) 
   495 					    {
   496                                               current->name= current_root->name+"::"+current->name;
   497                                             }
   498 					    current->fileName = yyFileName;
   499 					    current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr; 
   500                                             addCurrentEntry();
   501 					    startScope(last_entry); 
   502                                             BEGIN(TypedefBody);
   503                                         }
   504 <TypedefBody>^{BS}"end"{BS}"type"({BS_}{ID})?{BS}/(\n|!)         { /* end type definition */
   505                                            //printf("=========> got typedef end \n"); 
   506 					   if (!endScope(current_root))
   507 					     yyterminate();
   508                                            yy_pop_state();
   509                                         } 
   511  /*------- module/global/typedef variable ---------------------------------------------------*/
   513 <SubprogBody,SubprogBodyContains>^{BS}"end"({BS}{SUBPROG}({BS_}{ID})?)?{BS}/(\n|!) {  
   514                                            //fprintf(stderr,"1e=========> got end subprog: %s\n", yytext);
   516                                            /* args is used for parameters in list of functions, argList for 
   517                                              parameters in detailed function descripttion */
   518                                            //current->args = argListToString(current->argList); 
   519 					   //current->endBodyLine  = yyLineNr; // ??? what ist endBodyLine for
   520 					   if (!endScope(current_root))
   521 					     yyterminate();
   522 					   yy_pop_state() ;
   523 				       } 
   524 <Start,ModuleBody,TypedefBody,SubprogBody>{
   525 ^{BS}{TYPE_SPEC}/{SEPARATE}			{
   526                                           /* variable declaration starts */
   527                                           if(YY_START == Start)
   528                                           {
   529                                             addModule(NULL); 
   530                                             yy_push_state(ModuleBody); //anon program
   531                                           }
   532                                           //fprintf(stderr,"4=========> got variable type: %s\n",yytext);
   533  					  QCString help=yytext;
   534 					  help= help.simplifyWhiteSpace();
   535 					  argType= help;
   536 					  yy_push_state(AttributeList);
   537                                         }
   538 ^{BS}{PP_ID}{KIND}?			{ /* check for preprocessor symbol expand to type */
   539 					  QCString str = yytext;
   540 					  str = str.stripWhiteSpace();
   541 					  DefineDict* defines = getFileDefineDict();
   542 					  QCString name;
   543 					  int index = str.find("(");
   544 					  if (index != -1)
   545 					    name = str.left(index).stripWhiteSpace();
   546 					  else
   547 					    name = str;
   549 					  Define *define = (*defines)[name];
   550 					  if (define != 0 && isTypeName(define->definition)) 
   551 					  {
   552 					    argType = str;
   553 					    yy_push_state(AttributeList);
   554 					  } 
   555 					  else 
   556 					  {
   557 					    REJECT;
   558 					  }
   559 					}
   560 {ATTR_STMT}/{BS_}{ID}		       |
   561 {ATTR_STMT}/{BS}"::"                   { 
   562                                           /* attribute statement starts */
   563                                           //fprintf(stderr,"5=========> Attribute statement: %s\n", yytext); 
   564                                           QCString tmp = yytext;
   565                                           currentModifiers |= tmp.stripWhiteSpace();
   566 					  argType="";
   567 					  yy_push_state(YY_START);
   568 					  BEGIN( AttributeList ) ;
   569   				       }
   570 {ID}	                               {
   571                                        }  
   572 }
   573 <AttributeList>{
   574 {COMMA}					{}
   575 {BS}					{}
   576 {ATTR_SPEC}				{ /* update current modifiers */
   577                                           QCString tmp = yytext;
   578                                           currentModifiers |= (tmp);
   579 					}
   580 "::"					{ /* end attribute list */
   581 					  BEGIN( Variable );
   582 					}
   583 .					{ /* unknown attribute, consider variable name */
   584 					  //cout<<"start variables, unput "<<*yytext<<endl;
   585 					  unput(*yytext);
   586 					  BEGIN( Variable );
   587 					}
   588 }
   590 <Variable>{BS}				{}
   591 <Variable>{ID}				{ /* parse variable declaration */
   592                                           //cout << "5=========> got variable: " << argType << "::" << yytext << endl;
   593  					  /* work around for bug in QCString.replace (QCString works) */
   594 					  QCString name=yytext;
   595 					  /* remember attributes for the symbol */
   596 					  modifiers[current_root][name.lower()] |= currentModifiers;
   597 					  argName= name;
   599 					  v_type= V_IGNORE;
   600   					  if (!argType.isEmpty() && current_root->section!=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC) 
   601 					  { // new variable entry
   602 					    v_type = V_VARIABLE;
   603                                             current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
   604  					    current->name = argName;
   605 					    current->type = argType;
   606 					    current->fileName = yyFileName;
   607 					    current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr; // used for source reference
   608                                             addCurrentEntry();
   609                                           } 
   610 					  else if (!argType.isEmpty())
   611 					  { // deklaration of parameter list: add type for corr. parameter 
   612 					    parameter= addFortranParameter(argType,argName,docBlock);
   613 					    if (parameter) v_type= V_PARAMETER;
   614 					    // save, it may be function return type
   615 					    modifiers[current_root][name.lower()].type = argType;
   616 					    // any accumulated doc for argument should be emptied,
   617 					    // because it is handled other way and this doc can be
   618 					    // unexpectedly passed to the next member.
   619 					    current->doc.resize(0);
   620 					    current->brief.resize(0);
   621                                           } 
   622   					}
   623 <Variable>{ARGS}			{ /* dimension of the previous entry. */
   624 					  QCString name(argName);
   625 					  QCString attr("dimension");
   626 					  attr += yytext;
   627 					  modifiers[current_root][name] |= attr;
   628 					}
   629 <Variable>{COMMA}	                {}
   630 <Variable>{BS}"="                       { yy_push_state(YY_START);
   631                                           initializer="";
   632                                           initializerScope = 0;
   633 					  BEGIN(Initialization);
   634                                         }
   635 <Variable>"\n"	                        { currentModifiers = SymbolModifiers();
   636                                           yy_pop_state(); // end variable deklaration list
   637                                           yyLineNr++; yyLineNr+=lineCountPrepass; lineCountPrepass=0;
   638                                           docBlock.resize(0);
   639                                         }
   641 <Initialization,ArrayInitializer>"(/"   { initializer+=yytext;
   642                                            initializerScope++;
   643                                            BEGIN(ArrayInitializer); // initializer may contain comma
   644                                         }
   645 <ArrayInitializer>"/)"                   { initializer+=yytext;
   646                                            initializerScope--;
   647                                            if(initializerScope<=0)
   648                                            {
   649                                               initializerScope = 0; // just in case
   650                                               BEGIN(Initialization);
   651                                            }
   652                                         }
   653 <ArrayInitializer>.                     { initializer+=yytext; }
   654 <Initialization>{COMMA}                 { yy_pop_state(); // end initialization
   655                                           if (v_type == V_VARIABLE) last_entry->initializer= initializer;
   656                                         }
   657 <Initialization>"\n"|"!"                { //| 
   658                                           yy_pop_state(); // end initialization
   659                                           if (v_type == V_VARIABLE) last_entry->initializer= initializer;
   660  					  unput(*yytext);
   661                                         }
   662 <Initialization>.                       { initializer+=yytext; }
   664  /*------ fortran subroutine/function handling ------------------------------------------------------------*/
   665  /*       Start is initial condition                                                                       */
   667 <Start,ModuleBody,SubprogBody,InterfaceBody,ModuleBodyContains,SubprogBodyContains>^{BS}({PREFIX}{BS_})?{TYPE_SPEC}{BS}/{SUBPROG}{BS_} {   
   668 		                           // TYPE_SPEC is for old function style function result
   669                                            result= yytext;
   670                                            result= result.stripWhiteSpace();
   671                                            extractPrefix(result);
   672                                            //fprintf(stderr, "===%s\n", (const char*)result);
   673   					   current->type = result;
   674                                            yy_push_state(SubprogPrefix);
   675                                        }          
   677 <SubprogPrefix>{BS}{SUBPROG}{BS_}     {
   678                                          // Fortran subroutine or function found
   679                                          addSubprogram(yytext);
   680                                          BEGIN(Subprog);
   681                                        }
   683 <Start,ModuleBody,SubprogBody,InterfaceBody,ModuleBodyContains,SubprogBodyContains>^{BS}({PREFIX}{BS_})?{SUBPROG}{BS_} {
   684                                          // Fortran subroutine or function found
   685                                          result= yytext;
   686                                          result= result.stripWhiteSpace();
   687                                          extractPrefix(result);
   688                                          addSubprogram(result);
   689                                          yy_push_state(Subprog);
   690                                        }
   692 <Subprog>{BS}                          {   /* ignore white space */   }
   693 <Subprog>{ID}                          {   current->name = yytext;
   694 					   //cout << "1a==========> got " << current->type << " " << yytext << " " << yyLineNr << endl;
   695 					   modifiers[current_root][current->name.lower()].returnName = current->name;
   696 					   BEGIN(Parameterlist);
   697                                        } 
   698 <Parameterlist>{ARGS}                  {   
   699 				           //current->type not yet available
   700                                            QCString arglist= yytext;
   701 					   //cout << "3=========> got parameterlist " << yytext << endl;
   702                                            //yyLineNr+= arglist.contains('\n');
   703 					   //static QRegExp re("&[^\n]*\n");
   704                                            //arglist = arglist.replace(re,"");
   705 					   //cout << "3=========> got parameterlist " << arglist << endl;
   706 					   current->args = arglist;
   707 					   current->args = removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->args);
   708 					   stringToArgumentList(current->args, current->argList);
   709                                            addCurrentEntry();
   710 					   startScope(last_entry);
   711 					   BEGIN(SubprogBody);
   712  				       } 
   713 <Parameterlist>{NOARGS}                {   
   714                                            yyLineNr++; yyLineNr+=lineCountPrepass; lineCountPrepass=0;
   715 					   //printf("3=========> without parameterlist \n");
   716  					   stringToArgumentList("", current->argList);
   717                                            addCurrentEntry();
   718 					   startScope(last_entry);
   719 					   BEGIN(SubprogBody);				           
   720 }
   721 <SubprogBody>result{BS}\({BS}{ID}      {  
   722                                            result= yytext;
   723                                            result= result.right(result.length()-result.find("(")-1);
   724                                            result= result.stripWhiteSpace();
   725  					   modifiers[current_root->parent()][current_root->name.lower()].returnName = result;
   726                                            //cout << "=====> got result " <<  result << endl;
   727  				       } 
   729  /*---- documentation comments --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   731 <Variable>"!<"                           { /* backward docu comment (only one line) */
   732                                           if (v_type != V_IGNORE) {
   733                                            yy_push_state(YY_START);
   734 					   current->docLine  = yyLineNr;
   735  					   docBlockJavaStyle = FALSE;
   736 					   docBlock.resize(0);
   737 					   docBlockJavaStyle = Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF");
   738 					   startCommentBlock(TRUE);
   739 					   BEGIN(DocBackLine);
   740                                           }
   741   					 }
   742 <DocBackLine>.*    			 { // contents of current comment line
   743                                           docBlock=yytext;
   744 					  if (v_type == V_VARIABLE) 
   745 					  {
   746 					    Entry *tmp_entry = current; 
   747 					    current = last_entry; // temporarily switch to the previous entry
   748   					    handleCommentBlock(docBlock,TRUE);
   749  					    current=tmp_entry;
   750                                           }
   751 					  else if (v_type == V_PARAMETER) 
   752 					  {
   753 					    parameter->docs=docBlock;
   754                                           }
   755                                           yy_pop_state();
   756  					 }
   758 <Start,SubprogBody,ModuleBody,TypedefBody,InterfaceBody,ModuleBodyContains,SubprogBodyContains>"!>"  {
   759                                           yy_push_state(YY_START);
   760 					  current->docLine  = yyLineNr;
   761  					  docBlockJavaStyle = FALSE;
   762 					  docBlock.resize(0);
   763 					  docBlockJavaStyle = Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF");
   764 					  startCommentBlock(TRUE);
   765 					  BEGIN(DocBlock);
   766                                           //cout << "start DocBlock " << endl;
   767 					}
   769 <DocBlock>.*    			{ // contents of current comment line
   770                                           docBlock+=yytext;
   771   					}
   772 <DocBlock>"\n"{BS}"!"(">"|"!"+)		{ // comment block (next line is also comment line)
   773 					  docBlock+="\n"; // \n is necessary for lists
   774                                           yyLineNr++; yyLineNr+=lineCountPrepass; lineCountPrepass=0;
   775   					}
   776 <DocBlock>"\n"        			{ // comment block ends at the end of this line
   777                                           //cout <<"3=========> comment block : "<< docBlock << endl;
   778 					  unput(*yytext);                                        
   779  					  handleCommentBlock(docBlock,TRUE);
   780                                           yy_pop_state();                                          
   781   					}
   783  /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   785 <*>"\n"                                 {
   786                                           yyLineNr++; yyLineNr+=lineCountPrepass; lineCountPrepass=0;
   787                                           //if (debugStr.stripWhiteSpace().length() > 0) cout << "ignored text: " << debugStr << " state: " <<YY_START << endl;
   788                                           debugStr="";
   789                                         }
   792  /*---- error: EOF in wrong state --------------------------------------------------------------------*/
   794 <*><<EOF>>                              {
   795                                           if ( include_stack_ptr <= 0 ) {
   796                                             if (YY_START!=INITIAL && YY_START!=Start) {
   797                                               //fprintf(stderr,"==== Error: EOF reached in wrong state (end missing)");
   798                                               scanner_abort();
   799                                             }
   800                                             yyterminate();
   801                                           } else {
   802                                             popBuffer();
   803                                           }
   804                                         }
   805  <*>.                 	                {
   806                                           //debugStr+=yytext;
   807 					  //printf("I:%c\n", *yytext);
   808                                         } // ignore remaining text 
   810  /**********************************************************************************/
   811  /**********************************************************************************/
   812  /**********************************************************************************/
   813 %%
   814 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   816 static void extractPrefix(QCString &text) {
   817   int prefixIndex = 0;
   818   int curIndex = 0;
   819   bool cont = TRUE;
   820   const char* pre[] = {"RECURSIVE","PURE","ELEMENTAL"};
   821   while(cont)
   822   {
   823     cont = FALSE;
   824     for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++)
   825     {
   826       if((prefixIndex=text.find(pre[i], curIndex, FALSE))==0)
   827       {
   828         text.remove(0,strlen(pre[i]));
   829         text.stripWhiteSpace();
   830         cont = TRUE;
   831       }
   832     }
   833   }
   834 }
   836 static int getAmpersandAtTheStart(const char *buf, int length)
   837 {
   838   for(int i=0; i<length; i++) {
   839     switch(buf[i]) {
   840       case ' ':
   841       case '\t':
   842         break;
   843       case '&':
   844         return i;
   845       default:
   846         return -1;
   847     }
   848   }
   849   return -1;
   850 }
   852 /* Returns ampersand index, comment start index or -1 if neither exist.*/ 
   853 static int getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(const char *buf, int length)
   854 {
   855   // Avoid ampersands in string and comments
   856   int parseState = Start;
   857   char quoteSymbol = 0;
   858   int ampIndex = -1;
   859   int commentIndex = -1;
   861   for(int i=0; i<length && parseState!=Comment; i++)
   862   {
   863     // When in string, skip backslashes
   864     // Legacy code, not sure whether this is correct?
   865     if(parseState==String)
   866     {
   867       if(buf[i]=='\\') i++;
   868     }
   870     switch(buf[i])
   871     {
   872         case '\'':
   873         case '"':
   874           // Close string, if quote symbol matches.
   875           // Quote symbol is set iff parseState==String
   876           if(buf[i]==quoteSymbol)
   877           {
   878              parseState = Start;
   879              quoteSymbol = 0;
   880           }
   881           // Start new string, if not already in string or comment
   882           else if(parseState==Start)
   883           {
   884             parseState = String;
   885             quoteSymbol = buf[i];
   886           }
   887           ampIndex = -1; // invalidate prev ampersand
   888           break;
   889         case '!':
   890           // When in string or comment, ignore exclamation mark
   891           if(parseState==Start)
   892           {
   893             parseState = Comment;
   894             commentIndex = i;
   895           }
   896           break;
   897         case ' ':  // ignore whitespace
   898         case '\t':
   899         case '\n': // this may be at the end of line
   900           break;
   901         case '&':
   902           ampIndex = i;
   903           break;
   904         default:
   905           ampIndex = -1; // invalidate prev ampersand
   906     }
   907   }
   909   if (ampIndex>=0)
   910     return ampIndex;
   911   else
   912    return commentIndex;
   913 }
   915 /* Although comments at the end of continuation line are grabbed by this function,
   916 * we still do not know how to use them later in parsing.
   917 */
   918 void truncatePrepass(int index)
   919 {
   920   int length = inputStringPrepass.length();
   921   for (int i=index+1; i<length; i++) {
   922     if (inputStringPrepass[i]=='!') { // save comment 
   923       //printf("-----SAVE----- %d:%s", i, (const char*)inputStringPrepass.right(length-i));
   924       struct CommentInPrepass *c=new CommentInPrepass(index, inputStringPrepass.right(length-i));
   925       comments.append(c);
   926     }
   927   }
   928   inputStringPrepass.truncate(index);
   929 }
   931 // simplified way to know if this is fixed form
   932 // duplicate in fortrancode.l
   933 static bool recognizeFixedForm(const char* contents)
   934 {
   935   int column=0;
   936   bool skipLine=FALSE;
   938   for(int i=0;;i++) {
   939     column++;
   941     switch(contents[i]) {
   942       case '\n':
   943         column=0;
   944         skipLine=FALSE;
   945         break;
   946       case ' ':
   947         break;
   948       case '\000':
   949         return FALSE;
   950       case 'C':
   951       case 'c':
   952       case '*':
   953         if(column==1) return TRUE;
   954         if(skipLine) break;
   955         return FALSE;
   956       case '!':
   957         if(column>1 && column<7) return FALSE;
   958         skipLine=TRUE;
   959         break;
   960       default:
   961         if(skipLine) break;
   962         if(column==7) return TRUE;
   963         return FALSE;
   964     }
   965   }
   966   return FALSE;
   967 }
   969 /* This function assumes that contents has at least size=length+1 */
   970 static void insertCharacter(char *contents, int length, int pos, char c)
   971 {
   972   // shift tail by one character
   973   for(int i=length; i>pos; i--)
   974     contents[i]=contents[i-1];
   975   // set the character
   976   contents[pos] = c;
   977 }
   979 /* change comments and bring line continuation character to previous line */
   980 static const char* prepassFixedForm(const char* contents)
   981 {
   982   int column=0;
   983   int prevLineLength=0;
   984   int prevLineAmpOrExclIndex=-1;
   985   bool emptyLabel=TRUE;
   986   int newContentsSize = strlen(contents)+2; // \000 and one spare character (to avoid reallocation)
   987   char* newContents = (char*)malloc(newContentsSize);
   989   for(int i=0, j=0;;i++,j++) {
   990     if(j>=newContentsSize-1) { // check for one spare character, which may be eventually used below (by &)
   991       newContents = (char*)realloc(newContents, newContentsSize+1000);
   992       newContentsSize = newContentsSize+1000;
   993     }
   995     column++;
   996     char c = contents[i];
   997     switch(c) {
   998       case '\n':
   999         prevLineLength=column;
  1000         prevLineAmpOrExclIndex=getAmpOrExclAtTheEnd(&contents[i-prevLineLength+1], prevLineLength);
  1001         column=0;
  1002 	emptyLabel=TRUE;
  1003         newContents[j]=c;
  1004         break;
  1005       case ' ':
  1006         newContents[j]=c;
  1007         break;
  1008       case '\000':
  1009         newContents[j]='\000';
  1010         return newContents;
  1011       case 'C':
  1012       case 'c':
  1013       case '*':
  1014 	emptyLabel=FALSE;
  1015         if(column==1)
  1016 	  newContents[j]='!';
  1017         else
  1018           newContents[j]=c;
  1019         break;
  1020       default:
  1021         if(column==6 && emptyLabel) { // continuation
  1022           newContents[j]=' ';
  1024           if(prevLineAmpOrExclIndex==-1) { // add & just before end of previous line
  1025             insertCharacter(newContents, j+1, (j+1)-6-1, '&');
  1026             j++;
  1027           } else { // add & just before end of previous line comment
  1028             insertCharacter(newContents, j+1, (j+1)-6-prevLineLength+prevLineAmpOrExclIndex, '&');
  1029             j++;
  1030           }
  1031 	} else {
  1032 	  newContents[j]=c;
  1033 	  emptyLabel=FALSE;
  1034 	}
  1035         break;
  1036     }
  1037   }
  1038   return newContents;
  1039 }
  1041 static void pushBuffer(QCString& buffer)
  1042 {
  1043   if ( include_stack_ptr >= MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH )
  1044   {
  1045     fprintf( stderr, "Stack buffers nested too deeply" );
  1046     exit( 1 );
  1047   }
  1048   include_stack[include_stack_ptr++] = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
  1049   yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_scan_string(buffer));
  1051   //fprintf(stderr, "--PUSH--%s", (const char *)buffer);
  1052   buffer = NULL;
  1053 }
  1055 static void popBuffer() {
  1056   //fprintf(stderr, "--POP--");
  1057   include_stack_ptr --;
  1058   yy_delete_buffer( YY_CURRENT_BUFFER );
  1059   yy_switch_to_buffer( include_stack[include_stack_ptr] );
  1060 }
  1062 /** used to copy entry to an interface module procedure */
  1063 static void copyEntry(Entry *dest, Entry *src) 
  1064 {
  1065    dest->type     = src->type;
  1066    dest->fileName = src->fileName;
  1067    dest->bodyLine = src->bodyLine;
  1068    dest->args     = src->args;
  1069    dest->argList  = new ArgumentList(*src->argList);
  1070 }
  1072 /** fill empty interface module procedures with info from 
  1073     corresponding module subprogs 
  1074     @TODO: handle procedures in used modules
  1075 */
  1076 void resolveModuleProcedures(QList<Entry> &moduleProcedures, Entry *current_root)
  1077 {
  1078   if (moduleProcedures.isEmpty()) return;
  1080   EntryListIterator eli1(moduleProcedures);
  1081   // for all module procedures
  1082   for (Entry *ce1; (ce1=eli1.current()); ++eli1) 
  1083   {
  1084     // check all entries in this module
  1085     EntryListIterator eli2(*current_root->children());
  1086     for (Entry *ce2; (ce2=eli2.current()); ++eli2) 
  1087     {
  1088       if (ce1->name == ce2->name) 
  1089       {
  1090         copyEntry(ce1, ce2);
  1091       }
  1092     } // for procedures in current module
  1093   } // for all interface module procedures
  1094   moduleProcedures.clear();
  1095 }
  1097 static bool isTypeName(QCString name)
  1098 {
  1099   name = name.lower();
  1100   return name=="integer" || name == "real" || 
  1101     name=="complex" || name == "logical";
  1102 }
  1104 /*! Extracts string which resides within parentheses of provided string. */
  1105 static QCString extractFromParens(const QCString name)
  1106 {
  1107   QCString extracted = name;
  1108   int start = extracted.find("(");
  1109   if (start != -1) 
  1110   {
  1111     extracted.remove(0, start+1);
  1112   }
  1113   int end = extracted.findRev(")");
  1114   if (end != -1) 
  1115   {
  1116     int length = extracted.length();
  1117     extracted.remove(end, length);
  1118   }
  1119   extracted = extracted.stripWhiteSpace();
  1121   return extracted;
  1122 }
  1124 /*! Adds passed modifiers to these modifiers.*/
  1125 SymbolModifiers& SymbolModifiers::operator|=(const SymbolModifiers &mdfs)
  1126 {
  1127   if (mdfs.protection!=NONE_P) protection = mdfs.protection;
  1128   if (mdfs.direction!=NONE_D) direction = mdfs.direction;
  1129   optional |= mdfs.optional;
  1130   if (!mdfs.dimension.isNull()) dimension = mdfs.dimension;
  1131   allocatable |= mdfs.allocatable;
  1132   external |= mdfs.external;
  1133   intrinsic |= mdfs.intrinsic;
  1134   parameter |= mdfs.parameter;
  1135   pointer |= mdfs.pointer;
  1136   target |= mdfs.target;
  1137   save |= mdfs.save;
  1138   return *this;
  1139 }
  1141 /*! Extracts  and adds passed modifier to these modifiers.*/
  1142 SymbolModifiers& SymbolModifiers::operator|=(QCString mdfString)
  1143 {
  1144   mdfString = mdfString.lower();
  1145   SymbolModifiers newMdf;
  1147   if (mdfString.find("dimension")==0) 
  1148   {
  1149     newMdf.dimension=mdfString;
  1150   }
  1151   else if (mdfString.contains("intent")) 
  1152   {
  1153     QCString tmp = extractFromParens(mdfString);
  1154     bool isin = tmp.contains("in");
  1155     bool isout = tmp.contains("out");
  1156     if (isin && isout) newMdf.direction = SymbolModifiers::INOUT;
  1157     else if (isin) newMdf.direction = SymbolModifiers::IN;
  1158     else if (isout) newMdf.direction = SymbolModifiers::OUT;
  1159   }
  1160   else if (mdfString=="public") 
  1161   {
  1162     newMdf.protection = SymbolModifiers::PUBLIC;
  1163   }
  1164   else if (mdfString=="private") 
  1165   {
  1166     newMdf.protection = SymbolModifiers::PRIVATE;
  1167   }
  1168   else if (mdfString=="optional") 
  1169   {
  1170     newMdf.optional = TRUE;
  1171   }
  1172   else if (mdfString=="allocatable") 
  1173   {
  1174     newMdf.allocatable = TRUE;
  1175   }
  1176   else if (mdfString=="external") 
  1177   {
  1178     newMdf.external = TRUE;
  1179   }
  1180   else if (mdfString=="intrinsic") 
  1181   {
  1182     newMdf.intrinsic = TRUE;
  1183   }
  1184   else if (mdfString=="parameter") 
  1185   {
  1186     newMdf.parameter = TRUE;
  1187   }
  1188   else if (mdfString=="pointer") 
  1189   {
  1190     newMdf.pointer = TRUE;
  1191   }
  1192   else if (mdfString=="target") 
  1193   {
  1194     newMdf.target = TRUE;
  1195   }
  1196   else if (mdfString=="save") 
  1197   {
  1198     newMdf.save = TRUE;
  1199   }
  1201   (*this) |= newMdf;
  1202   return *this;
  1203 }
  1205 /*! For debugging purposes. */
  1206 //ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const SymbolModifiers& mdfs)
  1207 //{
  1208 //  out<<mdfs.protection<<", "<<mdfs.direction<<", "<<mdfs.optional<<
  1209 //    ", "<<(mdfs.dimension.isNull() ? "" : mdfs.dimension.latin1())<<
  1210 //    ", "<<mdfs.allocatable<<", "<<mdfs.external<<", "<<mdfs.intrinsic;
  1211 //
  1212 //  return out;
  1213 //}
  1215 /*! Find argument with given name in \a subprog entry. */
  1216 static Argument *findArgument(Entry* subprog, QCString name, bool byTypeName = FALSE)
  1217 {
  1218   QCString cname(name.lower());
  1219   for (unsigned int i=0; i<subprog->argList->count(); i++) 
  1220   {
  1221     Argument *arg = subprog->argList->at(i);
  1222     if ((!byTypeName && arg->name.lower() == cname) ||
  1223 	(byTypeName && arg->type.lower() == cname)
  1224        )
  1225     {
  1226       return arg;
  1227     }
  1228   }
  1229   return 0;
  1230 }
  1232 /*! Find function with given name in \a entry. */
  1233 #if 0
  1234 static Entry *findFunction(Entry* entry, QCString name)
  1235 {
  1236   QCString cname(name.lower());
  1238   EntryListIterator eli(*entry->children());
  1239   Entry *ce;
  1240   for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli) 
  1241   {
  1242     if (ce->section != Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
  1243       continue;
  1245     if (ce->name.lower() == cname)
  1246       return ce;
  1247   }
  1249   return 0;
  1250 }
  1251 #endif
  1253 /*! Apply modifiers stored in \a mdfs to the \a typeName string. */
  1254 static QCString applyModifiers(QCString typeName, SymbolModifiers& mdfs) 
  1255 {
  1256   if (!mdfs.dimension.isNull()) 
  1257   {
  1258     typeName += ",";
  1259     typeName += mdfs.dimension;
  1260   }
  1261   if (mdfs.direction!=SymbolModifiers::NONE_D) 
  1262   {
  1263     typeName += ",";
  1264     typeName += directionStrs[mdfs.direction];
  1265   }
  1266   if (mdfs.optional) 
  1267   {
  1268     typeName += ",";
  1269     typeName += "optional";
  1270   }
  1271   if (mdfs.allocatable) 
  1272   {
  1273     typeName += ",";
  1274     typeName += "allocatable";
  1275   }
  1276   if (mdfs.external) 
  1277   {
  1278     typeName += ",";
  1279     typeName += "external";
  1280   }
  1281   if (mdfs.intrinsic) 
  1282   {
  1283     typeName += ",";
  1284     typeName += "intrinsic";
  1285   }
  1286   if (mdfs.parameter) 
  1287   {
  1288     typeName += ",";
  1289     typeName += "parameter";
  1290   }
  1291   if (mdfs.pointer) 
  1292   {
  1293     typeName += ",";
  1294     typeName += "pointer";
  1295   }
  1296   if (mdfs.target) 
  1297   {
  1298     typeName += ",";
  1299     typeName += "target";
  1300   }
  1301   if (mdfs.save) 
  1302   {
  1303     typeName += ",";
  1304     typeName += "save";
  1305   }
  1307   return typeName;
  1308 }
  1310 /*! Apply modifiers stored in \a mdfs to the \a arg argument. */
  1311 static void applyModifiers(Argument *arg, SymbolModifiers& mdfs)
  1312 {
  1313   QCString tmp = arg->type;
  1314   arg->type = applyModifiers(tmp, mdfs);
  1315 }
  1317 /*! Apply modifiers stored in \a mdfs to the \a ent entry. */
  1318 static void applyModifiers(Entry *ent, SymbolModifiers& mdfs)
  1319 {
  1320   QCString tmp = ent->type;
  1321   ent->type = applyModifiers(tmp, mdfs);
  1323   if (mdfs.protection == SymbolModifiers::PUBLIC)
  1324     ent->protection = Public;
  1325   else if (mdfs.protection == SymbolModifiers::PRIVATE)
  1326     ent->protection = Private;
  1327 }
  1329 /*! Starts the new scope in fortran program. Consider using this function when
  1330  * starting module, interface, function or other program block.
  1331  * \see endScope()
  1332  */
  1333 static void startScope(Entry *scope) 
  1334 {
  1335   //cout<<"start scope: "<<scope->name<<endl;
  1336   current_root= scope; /* start substructure */
  1338   QMap<QCString,SymbolModifiers> mdfMap;
  1339   modifiers.insert(scope, mdfMap);
  1340 }
  1342 /*! Ends scope in fortran program: may update subprogram arguments or module variable attributes.
  1343  * \see startScope()
  1344  */
  1345 static bool endScope(Entry *scope, bool isGlobalRoot)
  1346 {
  1347   //cout<<"end scope: "<<scope->name<<endl;
  1348   if (current_root->parent() || isGlobalRoot)
  1349   {
  1350     current_root= current_root->parent(); /* end substructure */
  1351   }
  1352   else 
  1353   {
  1354     fprintf(stderr,"parse error in end <scopename>");
  1355     scanner_abort();
  1356     return FALSE;
  1357   }
  1359   // update variables or subprogram arguments with modifiers
  1360   QMap<QCString,SymbolModifiers>& mdfsMap = modifiers[scope];
  1362   if (scope->section == Entry::FUNCTION_SEC) 
  1363   {
  1364     // iterate all symbol modifiers of the scope
  1365     for (QMap<QCString,SymbolModifiers>::Iterator it=mdfsMap.begin(); it!=mdfsMap.end(); it++) 
  1366     {
  1367       //cout<<it.key()<<": "<<it.data()<<endl;
  1368       Argument *arg = findArgument(scope, it.key());
  1370       if (arg)
  1371         applyModifiers(arg, it.data());
  1372     }
  1374     // find return type for function
  1375     //cout<<"RETURN NAME "<<modifiers[current_root][scope->name.lower()].returnName<<endl;
  1376     QCString returnName = modifiers[current_root][scope->name.lower()].returnName.lower();
  1377     if (modifiers[scope].contains(returnName)) 
  1378     {
  1379       scope->type = modifiers[scope][returnName].type; // returning type works
  1380       applyModifiers(scope, modifiers[scope][returnName]); // returning array works
  1381     }
  1383   } 
  1384   if (scope->section == Entry::CLASS_SEC) 
  1385   { // was INTERFACE_SEC
  1386     if (scope->parent()->section == Entry::FUNCTION_SEC) 
  1387     { // interface within function
  1388       // iterate functions of interface and 
  1389       // try to find types for dummy(ie. argument) procedures.
  1390       //cout<<"Search in "<<scope->name<<endl;
  1391       EntryListIterator eli(*scope->children());
  1392       Entry *ce;
  1393       for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli) 
  1394       {
  1395         if (ce->section != Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
  1396           continue;
  1398         Argument *arg = findArgument(scope->parent(), ce->name, TRUE);
  1399         if (arg != 0) 
  1400 	{
  1401           // set type of dummy procedure argument to interface
  1402 	  arg->name = arg->type;
  1403           arg->type = scope->name;
  1404         }
  1405       }
  1406     }
  1407   } 
  1408   if (scope->section!=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC) 
  1409   { // not function section 
  1410     // iterate variables: get and apply modifiers
  1411     EntryListIterator eli(*scope->children());
  1412     Entry *ce;
  1413     for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli) 
  1414     {
  1415       if (ce->section != Entry::VARIABLE_SEC && ce->section != Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
  1416         continue;
  1418       //cout<<ce->name<<", "<<mdfsMap.contains(ce->name.lower())<<mdfsMap.count()<<endl;
  1419       if (mdfsMap.contains(ce->name.lower()))
  1420         applyModifiers(ce, mdfsMap[ce->name.lower()]);
  1421     }
  1422   }
  1424   // clear all modifiers of the scope
  1425   modifiers.remove(scope);
  1427   return TRUE;
  1428 }
  1430 //! Return full name of the entry. Sometimes we must combine several names recursively.
  1431 static QCString getFullName(Entry *e) 
  1432 {
  1433   QCString name = e->name;
  1434   if (e->section == Entry::CLASS_SEC //  || e->section == Entry::INTERFACE_SEC
  1435      || !e->parent() || e->parent()->name.isEmpty())
  1436     return name;
  1438   return getFullName(e->parent())+"::"+name;
  1439 }
  1441 static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size)
  1442 {
  1443   int c=0;
  1445   while ( c < max_size && inputString[inputPosition] )
  1446   {
  1447     *buf = inputString[inputPosition++] ;
  1448     c++; buf++;
  1449   }
  1450   return c;
  1451 }
  1453 static void initParser()
  1454 {
  1455   last_entry = 0;
  1456 }
  1458 static void initEntry()
  1459 {
  1460   current->protection = defaultProtection ;
  1461   current->mtype      = mtype;
  1462   current->virt       = virt;
  1463   current->stat       = gstat;
  1464   initGroupInfo(current);
  1465 }
  1467 /**
  1468   adds current entry to current_root and creates new current
  1469 */
  1470 static void addCurrentEntry()
  1471 {
  1472   //printf("===Adding entry %s to %s\n", current->name.data(), current_root->name.data());
  1473   current_root->addSubEntry(current);
  1474   last_entry = current;
  1475   current = new Entry ;
  1476   initEntry();
  1477 }
  1479 static int max(int a, int b) {return a>b?a:b;}
  1481 static void addModule(const char *name, bool isModule)
  1482 {
  1483   //fprintf(stderr, "0=========> got module %s\n", name);
  1485   if (isModule)
  1486     current->section = Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC;
  1487   else
  1488     current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
  1490   if (name!=NULL)
  1491   {
  1492     current->name = name;
  1493   } 
  1494   else
  1495   {
  1496     QCString fname = yyFileName;
  1497     int index = max(fname.findRev('/'), fname.findRev('\\'));
  1498     fname = fname.right(fname.length()-index-1);
  1499     fname = fname.prepend("__").append("__");
  1500     current->name = fname;
  1501   }
  1502   current->type = "program";
  1503   current->fileName  = yyFileName;
  1504   current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr; // used for source reference
  1505   current->protection = Public ;
  1506   addCurrentEntry();
  1507   startScope(last_entry);
  1508 }
  1511 static void addSubprogram(const char *text)
  1512 {
  1513   //fprintf(stderr,"1=========> got subprog, type: %s\n",text); 
  1514   current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC ;
  1515   QCString subtype = text; subtype=subtype.lower().stripWhiteSpace();
  1516   if (!current->type) current->type = subtype;
  1517   current->fileName  = yyFileName;
  1518   current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr; // used for source reference
  1519   current->startLine = -1; // ??? what is startLine for?
  1520   current->args.resize(0);
  1521   current->argList->clear();
  1522   docBlock.resize(0);
  1523 }
  1525 /*! Adds interface to the root entry.
  1526  * \note Code was brought to this procedure from the parser,
  1527  * because there was/is idea to use it in several parts of the parser.
  1528  */ 
  1529 static void addInterface(QCString name) 
  1530 {
  1531   current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC; // was Entry::INTERFACE_SEC;
  1532   current->spec = Entry::Interface;
  1533   current->name = name;
  1535   /* if type is part of a module, mod name is necessary for output */
  1536   if ((current_root) && 
  1537       (current_root->section ==  Entry::CLASS_SEC ||
  1538        current_root->section ==  Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC)) 
  1539   {
  1540     current->name= current_root->name+"::"+current->name;
  1541   }
  1542   if ((current_root) &&
  1543       (current_root->section ==  Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)) 
  1544   {
  1545     current->name = getFullName(current_root) + "__" + QCString(current->name);
  1546   }
  1548   current->fileName = yyFileName;
  1549   current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr; 
  1550   addCurrentEntry();
  1551 }
  1554 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1556 /*! Update the argument \a name with additional \a type info. 
  1557  */
  1558 static Argument *addFortranParameter(const QCString &type,const QCString &name, const QCString docs)
  1559 {
  1560   //cout<<"addFortranParameter(): "<<name<<" DOCS:"<<(docs.isNull()?QCString("null"):docs)<<endl;
  1561   Argument *ret = 0;
  1562   if (current_root->argList==0) return 0;
  1563   ArgumentListIterator ali(*current_root->argList);
  1564   Argument *a;
  1565   for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
  1566   {
  1567     if (a->type.lower()==name.lower())
  1568     {
  1569       ret=a;
  1570 //cout << "addParameter found:   " << type << " , " << name << endl;
  1571       a->type=type.stripWhiteSpace();
  1572       a->name=name.stripWhiteSpace();
  1573       if (!docs.isNull())
  1574         a->docs = docs;
  1575       break;
  1576     }
  1577   } // for
  1578   return ret;
  1579 }
  1581   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1582 static void startCommentBlock(bool brief)
  1583 {
  1584   if (brief)
  1585   {
  1586     current->briefFile = yyFileName;
  1587     current->briefLine = yyLineNr;
  1588   }
  1589   else
  1590   {
  1591     current->docFile = yyFileName;
  1592     current->docLine = yyLineNr;
  1593   }
  1594 }
  1596   //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1597 static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief)
  1598 {
  1599   docBlockInBody = FALSE;
  1600   bool needsEntry = FALSE;
  1601   static bool hideInBodyDocs = Config_getBool("HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS");
  1602   int position=0;
  1603   if (docBlockInBody && hideInBodyDocs) return;
  1604   //fprintf(stderr,"call parseCommentBlock [%s]\n",doc.data());
  1605   int lineNr = brief ? current->briefLine : current->docLine;
  1606   while (parseCommentBlock(
  1607 	g_thisParser,
  1608 	docBlockInBody ? last_entry : current,
  1609 	doc,        // text
  1610 	yyFileName, // file
  1611 	lineNr,
  1612 	docBlockInBody ? FALSE : brief, 
  1613 	docBlockInBody ? FALSE : docBlockJavaStyle,
  1614 	docBlockInBody,
  1615 	defaultProtection,
  1616         position,
  1617         needsEntry
  1618         )) 
  1619   {
  1620 	   //fprintf(stderr,"parseCommentBlock position=%d [%s]  needsEntry=%d\n",position,doc.data()+position,needsEntry);
  1621    if (needsEntry) addCurrentEntry();
  1622   }
  1623   //fprintf(stderr,"parseCommentBlock position=%d [%s]  needsEntry=%d\n",position,doc.data()+position,needsEntry);
  1625   if (needsEntry) addCurrentEntry();
  1626 }
  1628 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1629 static int level=0;
  1630 static void debugCompounds(Entry *rt)  // print Entry structure (for debugging)
  1631 {
  1632  level++;
  1633   printf("%d) debugCompounds(%s) line %d\n",level, rt->name.data(), rt->bodyLine);
  1634   EntryListIterator eli(*rt->children());
  1635   Entry *ce;
  1636   for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
  1637   {
  1638      debugCompounds(ce); 
  1639   } 
  1640 level--;
  1641 }
  1644 static void parseMain(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *rt)
  1645 {
  1646   initParser();
  1648   defaultProtection = Public;
  1649   inputString = fileBuf;
  1650   inputPosition = 0;
  1651   inputStringPrepass = NULL;
  1652   inputPositionPrepass = 0;
  1654   //anonCount     = 0;  // don't reset per file
  1655   mtype         = Method;
  1656   gstat         = FALSE;
  1657   virt          = Normal;
  1658   current_root  = rt;
  1659   global_root   = rt;
  1660   inputFile.setName(fileName);
  1661   if (inputFile.open(IO_ReadOnly))
  1662   {
  1663     isFixedForm = recognizeFixedForm(fileBuf);
  1665     if (isFixedForm) {
  1666       printf("Prepassing fixed form of %s\n", yyFileName.data());
  1667       //printf("---strlen=%d\n", strlen(fileBuf));
  1668       //clock_t start=clock();
  1670       inputString = prepassFixedForm(fileBuf);
  1672       //clock_t end=clock();
  1673       //printf("CPU time used=%f\n", ((double) (end-start))/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
  1674     }
  1676     yyLineNr= 1 ; 
  1677     yyFileName = fileName;
  1678     msg("Parsing file %s...\n",yyFileName.data());
  1680     startScope(rt); // implies current_root = rt
  1681     initParser();
  1682     groupEnterFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
  1684     current          = new Entry;
  1685     current->name    = yyFileName;
  1686     current->section = Entry::SOURCE_SEC;
  1687     current_root->addSubEntry(current);
  1688     file_root        = current;
  1689     current          = new Entry;
  1691     fscanYYrestart( fscanYYin );
  1692     {
  1693       BEGIN( Start );
  1694     }
  1696     fscanYYlex();
  1697     groupLeaveFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
  1699     endScope(current_root, TRUE); // TRUE - global root
  1701     //debugCompounds(rt); //debug 
  1703     rt->program.resize(0);
  1704     delete current; current=0;
  1705     moduleProcedures.clear();
  1706     if (isFixedForm) {
  1707       free((char*)inputString);
  1708       inputString=NULL;
  1709     }
  1711     inputFile.close();
  1712   }
  1713 }
  1715 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1717 void FortranLanguageScanner::parseInput(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *root)
  1718 {
  1719   g_thisParser = this;
  1720   ::parseMain(fileName,fileBuf,root);
  1721 }
  1723 void FortranLanguageScanner::parseCode(CodeOutputInterface & codeOutIntf,
  1724                    const char * scopeName,
  1725                    const QCString & input,
  1726                    bool isExampleBlock,
  1727                    const char * exampleName,
  1728                    FileDef * fileDef,
  1729                    int startLine,
  1730                    int endLine,
  1731                    bool inlineFragment,
  1732 		   MemberDef *memberDef
  1733                   )
  1734 {
  1735   ::parseFortranCode(codeOutIntf,scopeName,input,isExampleBlock,exampleName,
  1736                      fileDef,startLine,endLine,inlineFragment,memberDef);
  1737 }
  1739 bool FortranLanguageScanner::needsPreprocessing(const QCString &extension)
  1740 {
  1741   (void)extension;
  1742   return TRUE;
  1743 }
  1744 void FortranLanguageScanner::resetCodeParserState()
  1745 {
  1746   ::resetFortranCodeParserState();
  1747 }
  1749 void FortranLanguageScanner::parsePrototype(const char *text)
  1750 {
  1751   (void)text;
  1752 }
  1754 static void scanner_abort() 
  1755 {
  1756   fprintf(stderr,"********************************************************************\n");
  1757   fprintf(stderr,"Error in file %s line: %d, state: %d\n",yyFileName.data(),yyLineNr,YY_START);
  1758   fprintf(stderr,"********************************************************************\n");
  1760   EntryListIterator eli(*global_root->children());
  1761   Entry *ce;
  1762   bool start=FALSE;
  1764   for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
  1765   {
  1766      if (ce == file_root) start=TRUE;
  1767      if (start) ce->reset(); 
  1768   } 
  1770   // dummy call to avoid compiler warning
  1771   (void)yy_top_state();
  1773   return;
  1774   //exit(-1);
  1775 }
  1777 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1779 #if !defined(YY_FLEX_SUBMINOR_VERSION) 
  1780 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1781 extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
  1782   void fscannerYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); } 
  1783 }
  1784 #endif