changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  * The code is this file is largely based on a contribution from
    17  * Harm van der Heijden <H.v.d.Heijden@phys.tue.nl>
    18  * Please send thanks to him and bug reports to me :-)
    19  */
    21 #include <stdio.h>
    22 #include <stdlib.h>
    23 #include <qlist.h>
    24 #include <qdict.h>
    25 #include <qregexp.h>
    26 #include "qtextcodec.h"
    28 #include "htmlhelp.h"
    29 #include "config.h"
    30 #include "message.h"
    31 #include "doxygen.h"
    32 #include "language.h"
    33 #include "portable.h"
    35 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    37 struct IndexField
    38 {
    39   QCString name;
    40   QCString url;
    41   QCString anchor;
    42   bool     link;
    43   bool     reversed;
    44 };
    46 class IndexFieldList : public QList<IndexField>
    47 {
    48   public:
    49     int compareItems(GCI item1, GCI item2)
    50     {
    51       return stricmp(((IndexField *)item1)->name,((IndexField *)item2)->name);
    52     }
    53    ~IndexFieldList() {}
    54 };
    56 class IndexFieldListIterator : public QListIterator<IndexField>
    57 {
    58   public:
    59     IndexFieldListIterator( const IndexFieldList &list) :
    60        QListIterator<IndexField>(list) {}
    61 };
    63 class IndexFieldDict : public QDict<IndexField>
    64 {
    65   public:
    66     IndexFieldDict(int size) : QDict<IndexField>(size) {}
    67    ~IndexFieldDict() {}
    68 };
    70 /*! A helper class for HtmlHelp that manages a two level index in 
    71  * alphabetical order 
    72  */
    73 class HtmlHelpIndex
    74 {
    75   public:
    76     HtmlHelpIndex();
    77    ~HtmlHelpIndex();
    78     void addItem(const char *first,const char *second, 
    79                  const char *url, const char *anchor,
    80                  bool hasLink,bool reversed);
    81     void writeFields(QTextStream &t);
    82   private:
    83     IndexFieldList *list;
    84     IndexFieldDict *dict;   
    85 };
    87 /*! Constructs a new HtmlHelp index */
    88 HtmlHelpIndex::HtmlHelpIndex()
    89 {
    90   list = new IndexFieldList;
    91   dict = new IndexFieldDict(10007);
    92   list->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
    93 }
    95 /*! Destroys the HtmlHelp index */
    96 HtmlHelpIndex::~HtmlHelpIndex()
    97 {
    98   delete list;
    99   delete dict;
   100 }
   102 /*! Stores an item in the index if it is not already present. 
   103  *  Items are stored in alphetical order, by sorting on the
   104  *  concatenation of \a level1 and \a level2 (if present).
   105  *
   106  *  \param level1 the string at level 1 in the index.
   107  *  \param level2 the string at level 2 in the index (or 0 if not applicable).
   108  *  \param url the url of the documentation (without .html extension).
   109  *  \param anchor the anchor of the documentation within the page.
   110  *  \param hasLink if true, the url (without anchor) can be used in the 
   111  *         level1 item, when writing the header of a list of level2 items.
   112  *  \param reversed TRUE if level1 is the member name and level2 the compound
   113  *         name.
   114  */
   115 void HtmlHelpIndex::addItem(const char *level1,const char *level2,
   116                        const char *url,const char *anchor,bool hasLink,
   117                        bool reversed)
   118 {
   119   QCString key = level1; 
   120   if (level2) key+= (QCString)"?" + level2;
   121   if (key.find(QRegExp("@[0-9]+"))!=-1) // skip anonymous stuff
   122   {
   123     return;
   124   }
   125   if (dict->find(key)==0) // new key
   126   {
   127     //printf(">>>>>>>>> HtmlHelpIndex::addItem(%s,%s,%s,%s)\n",
   128     //      level1,level2,url,anchor);
   129     IndexField *f = new IndexField;
   130     f->name     = key;
   131     f->url      = url;
   132     f->anchor   = anchor;
   133     f->link     = hasLink;
   134     f->reversed = reversed;
   135     list->inSort(f);
   136     dict->insert(key,f);
   137   }
   138 }
   140 /*! Writes the sorted list of index items into a html like list.
   141  *
   142  *  An list of calls with <code>name = level1,level2</code> as follows:
   143  *  <pre>
   144  *    a1,b1
   145  *    a1,b2
   146  *    a2,b1
   147  *    a2,b2
   148  *    a3
   149  *    a4,b1
   150  *  </pre>
   151  *
   152  *  Will result in the following list:
   153  *
   154  *  <pre>
   155  *    a1       -> link to url if hasLink==TRUE
   156  *      b1     -> link to url#anchor
   157  *      b2     -> link to url#anchor
   158  *    a2       -> link to url if hasLink==TRUE
   159  *      b1     -> link to url#anchor
   160  *      b2     -> link to url#anchor
   161  *    a3       -> link to url if hasLink==TRUE
   162  *    a4       -> link to url if hasLink==TRUE
   163  *      b1     -> link to url#anchor 
   164  *  </pre>
   165  */
   166 void HtmlHelpIndex::writeFields(QTextStream &t)
   167 {
   168   IndexFieldListIterator ifli(*list);
   169   IndexField *f;
   170   QCString lastLevel1;
   171   bool level2Started=FALSE;
   172   for (;(f=ifli.current());++ifli)
   173   {
   174     QCString level1,level2;
   175     int i;
   176     if ((i=f->name.find('?'))!=-1)
   177     {
   178       level1 = f->name.left(i);
   179       level2 = f->name.right(f->name.length()-i-1); 
   180     }
   181     else
   182     {
   183       level1  = f->name.copy();
   184     }
   186     if (level1!=lastLevel1)
   187     { // finish old list at level 2
   188       if (level2Started) t << "  </UL>" << endl;
   189       level2Started=FALSE;
   191       // <Antony>
   192       // Added this code so that an item with only one subitem is written
   193       // without any subitem.
   194       // For example:
   195       //   a1, b1 -> will create only a1, not separate subitem for b1
   196       //   a2, b2
   197       //   a2, b3
   198       QCString nextLevel1;
   199       IndexField* fnext = ++ifli;
   200       if (fnext)
   201       {
   202         nextLevel1 = fnext->name.left(fnext->name.find('?'));
   203         --ifli;
   204       }
   205       if (level1 != nextLevel1)
   206       {
   207         level2 = "";
   208       }
   209       // </Antony>
   211       if (level2.isEmpty())
   212       {
   213         t << "  <LI><OBJECT type=\"text/sitemap\">";
   214         t << "<param name=\"Local\" value=\"" << f->url << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
   215         if (!f->anchor.isEmpty() && f->reversed) t << "#" << f->anchor;  
   216         t << "\">";
   217         t << "<param name=\"Name\" value=\"" << level1 << "\">"
   218            "</OBJECT>\n";
   219       }
   220       else
   221       {
   222         if (f->link)
   223         {
   224           t << "  <LI><OBJECT type=\"text/sitemap\">";
   225           t << "<param name=\"Local\" value=\"" << f->url << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
   226           if (!f->anchor.isEmpty() && f->reversed) t << "#" << f->anchor;  
   227           t << "\">";
   228           t << "<param name=\"Name\" value=\"" << level1 << "\">"
   229                "</OBJECT>\n";
   230         }
   231         else
   232         {
   233           t << "  <LI><OBJECT type=\"text/sitemap\">";
   234           t << "<param name=\"See Also\" value=\"" << level1 << "\">";
   235           t << "<param name=\"Name\" value=\"" << level1 << "\">"
   236                "</OBJECT>\n";
   237         }
   238       }
   239     }
   240     if (!level2Started && !level2.isEmpty())
   241     { // start new list at level 2
   242       t << "  <UL>" << endl;
   243       level2Started=TRUE;
   244     }
   245     else if (level2Started && level2.isEmpty())
   246     { // end list at level 2
   247       t << "  </UL>" << endl;
   248       level2Started=FALSE;
   249     }
   250     if (level2Started)
   251     {
   252       t << "    <LI><OBJECT type=\"text/sitemap\">";
   253       t << "<param name=\"Local\" value=\"" << f->url << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
   254       if (!f->anchor.isEmpty()) t << "#" << f->anchor;  
   255       t << "\">";
   256       t << "<param name=\"Name\" value=\"" << level2 << "\">"
   257          "</OBJECT>\n";
   258     }
   259     lastLevel1 = level1.copy();
   260   } 
   261   if (level2Started) t << "  </UL>" << endl;
   262 }
   264 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   266 HtmlHelp *HtmlHelp::theInstance = 0;
   268 /*! Constructs an html object. 
   269  *  The object has to be \link initialize() initialized\endlink before it can 
   270  *  be used.
   271  */
   272 HtmlHelp::HtmlHelp() : indexFileDict(1009)
   273 {
   274   /* initial depth */
   275   dc = 0;
   276   cf = kf = 0;
   277   index = new HtmlHelpIndex;
   278   m_fromUtf8 = (void *)(-1);
   279 }
   281 HtmlHelp::~HtmlHelp()
   282 {
   283   if (m_fromUtf8!=(void *)(-1))   portable_iconv_close(m_fromUtf8);
   284 }
   285 #if 0
   286 /*! return a reference to the one and only instance of this class. 
   287  */
   288 HtmlHelp *HtmlHelp::getInstance()
   289 {
   290   if (theInstance==0) theInstance = new HtmlHelp;
   291   return theInstance;
   292 }
   293 #endif
   295 static QDict<QCString> s_languageDict;
   297 /*! This will create a contents file (index.hhc) and a index file (index.hhk)
   298  *  and write the header of those files. 
   299  *  It also creates a project file (index.hhp)
   300  *  \sa finalize()
   301  */
   302 void HtmlHelp::initialize()
   303 {
   304   const char *str = Config_getString("CHM_INDEX_ENCODING");
   305   if (!str) str = "CP1250"; // use safe and likely default
   306   m_fromUtf8 = portable_iconv_open(str,"UTF-8"); 
   307   if (m_fromUtf8==(void *)(-1))
   308   {
   309     err("Error: unsupported character conversion for CHM_INDEX_ENCODING: '%s'->'UTF-8'\n", str);
   310     exit(1);
   311   }
   313   /* open the contents file */
   314   QCString fName = Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT") + "/index.hhc";
   315   cf = new QFile(fName);
   316   if (!cf->open(IO_WriteOnly))
   317   {
   318     err("Could not open file %s for writing\n",fName.data());
   319     exit(1);
   320   }
   321   /* Write the header of the contents file */
   322   cts.setDevice(cf);
   323   cts.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1);
   324   cts << "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n"
   325          "<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>\n"
   326          "<OBJECT type=\"text/site properties\">\n"
   327          "<param name=\"FrameName\" value=\"right\">\n"
   328          "</OBJECT>\n"
   329          "<UL>\n";
   331   /* open the contents file */
   332   fName = Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT") + "/index.hhk";
   333   kf = new QFile(fName);
   334   if (!kf->open(IO_WriteOnly))
   335   {
   336     err("Could not open file %s for writing\n",fName.data());
   337     exit(1);
   338   }
   339   /* Write the header of the contents file */
   340   kts.setDevice(kf);
   341   kts.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1);
   342   kts << "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN\">\n"
   343          "<HTML><HEAD></HEAD><BODY>\n"
   344          "<OBJECT type=\"text/site properties\">\n"
   345          "<param name=\"FrameName\" value=\"right\">\n"
   346          "</OBJECT>\n"
   347          "<UL>\n";
   349   /* language codes for Html help
   350      0x405 Czech
   351      0x406 Danish
   352      0x413 Dutch
   353      0xC09 English (Australia)
   354      0x809 English (Britain)
   355      0x1009 English (Canada)
   356      0x1809 English (Ireland)
   357      0x1409 English (New Zealand)
   358      0x1C09 English (South Africa)
   359      0x409 English (United States)
   360      0x40B Finnish
   361      0x40C French
   362      0x407 German
   363      0x408 Greece
   364      0x40E Hungarian
   365      0x410 Italian
   366      0x814 Norwegian
   367      0x415 Polish
   368      0x816 Portuguese(Portugal)
   369      0x416 Portuguese(Brazil)
   370      0x419 Russian
   371      0x80A Spanish(Mexico)
   372      0xC0A Spanish(Modern Sort)
   373      0x40A Spanish(Traditional Sort)
   374      0x41D Swedish
   375      0x41F Turkey
   376      0x411 Japanese
   377      0x412 Korean
   378      0x804 Chinese (PRC)
   379      0x404 Chinese (Taiwan)
   381      New LCIDs:
   382 	 0x421 Indonesian
   383 	 0x41A Croatian
   384 	 0x418 Romanian
   385 	 0x424 Slovenian
   386 	 0x41B Slovak
   387 	 0x422 Ukrainian
   388 	 0x81A Serbian (Serbia, Latin)
   389 	 0x403 Catalan
   390 	 0x427 Lithuanian
   391 	 0x436 Afrikaans
   392 	 0x42A Vietnamese
   393 	 0x429 Persian (Iran)
   394 	 0xC01 Arabic (Egypt) - I don't know which version of arabic is used inside translator_ar.h ,
   395      so I have chosen Egypt at random
   397   */
   398   s_languageDict.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   399   s_languageDict.clear();
   400   s_languageDict.insert("czech",       new QCString("0x405 Czech"));
   401   s_languageDict.insert("danish",      new QCString("0x406 Danish"));
   402   s_languageDict.insert("dutch",       new QCString("0x413 Dutch"));
   403   s_languageDict.insert("finnish",     new QCString("0x40B Finnish"));
   404   s_languageDict.insert("french",      new QCString("0x40C French"));
   405   s_languageDict.insert("german",      new QCString("0x407 German"));
   406   s_languageDict.insert("greek",       new QCString("0x408 Greece"));
   407   s_languageDict.insert("hungarian",   new QCString("0x40E Hungarian"));
   408   s_languageDict.insert("italian",     new QCString("0x410 Italian"));
   409   s_languageDict.insert("norwegian",   new QCString("0x814 Norwegian"));
   410   s_languageDict.insert("polish",      new QCString("0x415 Polish"));
   411   s_languageDict.insert("portuguese",  new QCString("0x816 Portuguese(Portugal)"));
   412   s_languageDict.insert("brazil",      new QCString("0x416 Portuguese(Brazil)"));
   413   s_languageDict.insert("russian",     new QCString("0x419 Russian"));
   414   s_languageDict.insert("spanish",     new QCString("0x40A Spanish(Traditional Sort)"));
   415   s_languageDict.insert("swedish",     new QCString("0x41D Swedish"));
   416   s_languageDict.insert("turkish",     new QCString("0x41F Turkey"));
   417   s_languageDict.insert("japanese",    new QCString("0x411 Japanese"));
   418   s_languageDict.insert("japanese-en", new QCString("0x411 Japanese"));
   419   s_languageDict.insert("korean",      new QCString("0x412 Korean"));
   420   s_languageDict.insert("korean-en",   new QCString("0x412 Korean"));
   421   s_languageDict.insert("chinese",     new QCString("0x804 Chinese (PRC)"));
   422   s_languageDict.insert("chinese-traditional", new QCString("0x404 Chinese (Taiwan)"));
   424   // new LCIDs
   425   s_languageDict.insert("indonesian",  new QCString("0x412 Indonesian"));
   426   s_languageDict.insert("croatian",    new QCString("0x41A Croatian"));
   427   s_languageDict.insert("romanian",    new QCString("0x418 Romanian"));
   428   s_languageDict.insert("slovene",     new QCString("0x424 Slovenian"));
   429   s_languageDict.insert("slovak",      new QCString("0x41B Slovak"));
   430   s_languageDict.insert("ukrainian",   new QCString("0x422 Ukrainian"));
   431   s_languageDict.insert("serbian",     new QCString("0x81A Serbian (Serbia, Latin)"));
   432   s_languageDict.insert("catalan",     new QCString("0x403 Catalan"));
   433   s_languageDict.insert("lithuanian",  new QCString("0x427 Lithuanian"));
   434   s_languageDict.insert("afrikaans",   new QCString("0x436 Afrikaans"));
   435   s_languageDict.insert("vietnamese",  new QCString("0x42A Vietnamese"));
   436   s_languageDict.insert("persian",     new QCString("0x429 Persian (Iran)"));
   437   s_languageDict.insert("arabic",      new QCString("0xC01 Arabic (Egypt)"));
   438 }
   441 static QCString getLanguageString()
   442 {
   443   if (!theTranslator->idLanguage().isEmpty())
   444   {
   445     QCString *s = s_languageDict[theTranslator->idLanguage()];
   446     if (s)
   447     {
   448       return *s;
   449     }
   450   }
   451   // default language
   452   return "0x409 English (United States)";
   453 }
   457 void HtmlHelp::createProjectFile()
   458 {
   459   /* Write the project file */
   460   QCString fName = Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT") + "/index.hhp";
   461   QFile f(fName);
   462   if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
   463   {
   464     QTextStream t(&f);
   465 #if QT_VERSION >= 200
   466     t.setEncoding(QTextStream::Latin1);
   467 #endif
   471     QCString indexName="index"+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
   472     if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_TREEVIEW")) indexName="main"+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
   473     t << "[OPTIONS]\n";
   474     if (!Config_getString("CHM_FILE").isEmpty())
   475     {
   476       t << "Compiled file=" << Config_getString("CHM_FILE") << "\n";
   477     }
   478     t << "Compatibility=1.1\n"
   479          "Full-text search=Yes\n"
   480          "Contents file=index.hhc\n"
   481          "Default Window=main\n"
   482          "Default topic=" << indexName << "\n"
   483          "Index file=index.hhk\n"
   484          "Language=" << getLanguageString() << endl;
   485     if (Config_getBool("BINARY_TOC")) t << "Binary TOC=YES\n";
   486     if (Config_getBool("GENERATE_CHI")) t << "Create CHI file=YES\n";
   487     t << "Title=" << recode(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")) << endl << endl;
   489     t << "[WINDOWS]" << endl;
   491     // NOTE: the 0x10387e number is a set of bits specifying the buttons
   492     //       which should appear in the CHM viewer; that specific value
   493     //       means "show all buttons including the font-size one";
   494     //       the font-size one is not normally settable by the HTML Help Workshop
   495     //       utility but the way to set it is described here:
   496     //          http://support.microsoft.com/?scid=kb%3Ben-us%3B240062&x=17&y=18
   497     t << "main=\"" << recode(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")) << "\",\"index.hhc\","
   498          "\"index.hhk\",\"" << indexName << "\",\"" << 
   499          indexName << "\",,,,,0x23520,,0x10387e,,,,,,,,0" << endl << endl;
   501     t << "[FILES]" << endl;
   502     char *s = indexFiles.first();
   503     while (s)
   504     {
   505       t << s << endl;
   506       s = indexFiles.next();
   507     }
   508     t << "tabs.css" << endl;
   509     t << "tab_b.gif" << endl;
   510     t << "tab_l.gif" << endl;
   511     t << "tab_r.gif" << endl;
   512     if (Config_getBool("HTML_DYNAMIC_SECTIONS"))
   513     {
   514       t << "open.gif" << endl;
   515       t << "closed.gif" << endl;
   516     }
   517     f.close();
   518   }
   519   else
   520   {
   521     err("Could not open file %s for writing\n",fName.data());
   522   }
   523 }
   525 void HtmlHelp::addIndexFile(const char *s)
   526 {
   527   if (indexFileDict.find(s)==0)
   528   {
   529     indexFiles.append(s);
   530     indexFileDict.insert(s,(void *)0x8);
   531   }
   532 }
   534 /*! Finalizes the HTML help. This will finish and close the
   535  *  contents file (index.hhc) and the index file (index.hhk).
   536  *  \sa initialize()
   537  */
   538 void HtmlHelp::finalize()
   539 {
   540   // end the contents file
   541   cts << "</UL>\n";
   542   cts << "</BODY>\n";
   543   cts << "</HTML>\n";
   544   cts.unsetDevice();
   545   cf->close();
   546   delete cf;
   548   index->writeFields(kts);
   550   // end the index file
   551   kts << "</UL>\n";
   552   kts << "</BODY>\n";
   553   kts << "</HTML>\n";
   554   kts.unsetDevice();
   555   kf->close();
   556   delete kf;
   558   createProjectFile();
   559   s_languageDict.clear();
   560 }
   562 /*! Increase the level of the contents hierarchy. 
   563  *  This will start a new unnumbered HTML list in contents file.
   564  *  \sa decContentsDepth()
   565  */
   566 void HtmlHelp::incContentsDepth()
   567 {
   568   int i; for (i=0;i<dc+1;i++) cts << "  ";
   569   cts << "<UL>\n";
   570   ++dc;
   571 }
   573 /*! Decrease the level of the contents hierarchy.
   574  *  This will end the unnumber HTML list.
   575  *  \sa incContentsDepth()
   576  */
   577 void HtmlHelp::decContentsDepth()
   578 {
   579   int i; for (i=0;i<dc;i++) cts << "  ";
   580   cts << "</UL>\n";
   581   --dc;
   582 }
   584 QCString HtmlHelp::recode(const QCString &s) 
   585 {
   586   int iSize        = s.length();
   587   int oSize        = iSize*4+1;
   588   QCString output(oSize);
   589   size_t iLeft     = iSize;
   590   size_t oLeft     = oSize;
   591   const char *iPtr = s.data();
   592   char *oPtr       = output.data();
   593   if (!portable_iconv(m_fromUtf8,&iPtr,&iLeft,&oPtr,&oLeft))
   594   {
   595     oSize -= oLeft;
   596     output.resize(oSize+1);
   597     output.at(oSize)='\0';
   598     return output;
   599   }
   600   else
   601   {
   602     return s;
   603   }
   604 }
   606 /*! Add an list item to the contents file.
   607  *  \param isDir boolean indicating if this is a dir or file entry
   608  *  \param name the name of the item.
   609  *  \param ref  the URL of to the item.
   610  *  \param file the file in which the item is defined.
   611  *  \param anchor the anchor of the item.
   612  */
   613 void HtmlHelp::addContentsItem(bool isDir,
   614                                const char *name,
   615                                const char * /*ref*/, 
   616                                const char *file,
   617                                const char *anchor)
   618 {
   619   // If we're using a binary toc then folders cannot have links. 
   620   if(Config_getBool("BINARY_TOC") && isDir) 
   621   {
   622     file = 0;
   623     anchor = 0;
   624   }
   625   int i; for (i=0;i<dc;i++) cts << "  ";
   626   cts << "<LI><OBJECT type=\"text/sitemap\">";
   627   cts << "<param name=\"Name\" value=\"" << recode(name) << "\">";
   628   if (file)      // made file optional param - KPW
   629   {
   630     cts << "<param name=\"Local\" value=\"" << file << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
   631     if (anchor) cts << "#" << anchor;  
   632     cts << "\">";
   633   }
   634   cts << "<param name=\"ImageNumber\" value=\"";
   635   if (isDir)  // added - KPW
   636   {
   637     cts << (int)BOOK_CLOSED ;
   638   }
   639   else
   640   {
   641     cts << (int)TEXT;
   642   }
   643   cts << "\">";
   644   cts << "</OBJECT>\n";
   645 }
   648 void HtmlHelp::addIndexItem(Definition *context,MemberDef *md,
   649                             const char *anc,const char *word)
   650 {
   651   if (md)
   652   {
   653     static bool separateMemberPages = Config_getBool("SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES");
   654     if (context==0) // global member
   655     {
   656       if (md->getGroupDef())
   657         context = md->getGroupDef();
   658       else if (md->getFileDef())
   659         context = md->getFileDef();
   660     }
   661     if (context==0) return; // should not happen
   663     QCString cfname  = md->getOutputFileBase();
   664     QCString cfiname = context->getOutputFileBase();
   665     QCString level1  = context->name();
   666     QCString level2  = md->name();
   667     QCString contRef = separateMemberPages ? cfname : cfiname;
   668     QCString memRef  = cfname;
   669     QCString anchor  = anc;
   670     index->addItem(level1,level2,contRef,anchor,TRUE,FALSE);
   671     index->addItem(level2,level1,memRef,anchor,TRUE,TRUE);
   672   }
   673   else if (context)
   674   {
   675     QCString level1  = word ? QCString(word) : context->name();
   676     index->addItem(level1,0,context->getOutputFileBase(),anc,TRUE,FALSE);
   677   }
   678 }