changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include <stdio.h>
    19 #include <qregexp.h>
    20 #include <assert.h>
    21 #include <md5.h>
    22 #include "memberdef.h"
    23 #include "membername.h"
    24 #include "doxygen.h"
    25 #include "util.h"
    26 #include "code.h"
    27 #include "message.h"
    28 #include "htmlhelp.h"
    29 #include "language.h"
    30 #include "outputlist.h"
    31 #include "example.h"
    32 #include "membergroup.h"
    33 #include "groupdef.h"
    34 #include "defargs.h"
    35 #include "docparser.h"
    36 #include "dot.h"
    37 #include "searchindex.h"
    38 #include "parserintf.h"
    39 #include "marshal.h"
    40 #include "objcache.h"
    41 #include "vhdlscanner.h"
    42 #include "vhdldocgen.h"
    44 #define START_MARKER 0x4D454D5B // MEM[
    45 #define END_MARKER   0x4D454D5D // MEM]
    47 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    49 int MemberDef::s_indentLevel = 0;
    51 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    53 static QCString addTemplateNames(const QCString &s,const QCString &n,const QCString &t)
    54 {
    55   QCString result;
    56   QCString clRealName=n;
    57   int p=0,i;
    58   if ((i=clRealName.find('<'))!=-1)
    59   {
    60     clRealName=clRealName.left(i); // strip template specialization
    61   }
    62   if ((i=clRealName.findRev("::"))!=-1)
    63   {
    64     clRealName=clRealName.right(clRealName.length()-i-2);
    65   }
    66   while ((i=s.find(clRealName,p))!=-1)
    67   {
    68     result+=s.mid(p,i-p);
    69     uint j=clRealName.length()+i;
    70     if (s.length()==j || (s.at(j)!='<' && !isId(s.at(j))))
    71     { // add template names
    72       //printf("Adding %s+%s\n",clRealName.data(),t.data());
    73       result+=clRealName+t; 
    74     }
    75     else 
    76     { // template names already present
    77       //printf("Adding %s\n",clRealName.data());
    78       result+=clRealName;
    79     }
    80     p=i+clRealName.length();
    81   }
    82   result+=s.right(s.length()-p);
    83   //printf("addTemplateNames(%s,%s,%s)=%s\n",s.data(),n.data(),t.data(),result.data());
    84   return result;
    85 }
    87 static bool writeDefArgumentList(OutputList &ol,ClassDef *cd,
    88                                  const QCString & /*scopeName*/,MemberDef *md)
    89 {
    90   LockingPtr<ArgumentList> defArgList=(md->isDocsForDefinition()) ? 
    91                              md->argumentList() : md->declArgumentList();
    92   //printf("writeDefArgumentList `%s' isDocsForDefinition()=%d\n",md->name().data(),md->isDocsForDefinition());
    93   if (defArgList==0 || md->isProperty()) 
    94   {
    95     return FALSE; // member has no function like argument list
    96   }
    97   if (!md->isDefine()) ol.docify(" ");
    99   //printf("writeDefArgList(%d)\n",defArgList->count());
   100   ol.pushGeneratorState();
   101   ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   102   {
   103     // html
   104     ol.endMemberDocName();
   105     ol.startParameterList(!md->isObjCMethod()); 
   106   }
   107   ol.enableAll();
   108   ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
   109   {
   110     // other formats
   111     if (!md->isObjCMethod()) ol.docify("("); // start argument list
   112     ol.endMemberDocName();
   113   }
   114   ol.popGeneratorState();
   115   //printf("===> name=%s isDefine=%d\n",md->name().data(),md->isDefine());
   117   Argument *a=defArgList->first();
   118   QCString cName;
   119   if (cd)
   120   {
   121     cName=cd->name();
   122     int il=cName.find('<');
   123     int ir=cName.findRev('>');
   124     if (il!=-1 && ir!=-1 && ir>il)
   125     {
   126       cName=cName.mid(il,ir-il+1);
   127       //printf("1. cName=%s\n",cName.data());
   128     }
   129     else if (cd->templateArguments())
   130     {
   131       cName=tempArgListToString(cd->templateArguments()); 
   132       //printf("2. cName=%s\n",cName.data());
   133     }
   134     else // no template specifier
   135     {
   136       cName.resize(0);
   137     }
   138   }
   139   //printf("~~~ %s cName=%s\n",md->name().data(),cName.data());
   141   //if (!md->isDefine()) ol.startParameter(TRUE); else ol.docify(" ");
   142   bool first=TRUE;
   143   bool paramTypeStarted=FALSE;
   144   while (a)
   145   {
   146     if (md->isDefine() || first) 
   147     {
   148       ol.startParameterType(first,md->isObjCMethod()?"dummy":0);
   149       paramTypeStarted=TRUE;
   150     }
   151     QRegExp re(")("),res("(.*\\*");
   152     int vp=a->type.find(re);
   153     int wp=a->type.find(res);
   155     // use the following to put the function pointer type before the name
   156     bool hasFuncPtrType=FALSE; 
   158     // or use the following to put the function pointer as it appears in
   159     // the prototype.
   160     //bool hasFuncPtrType=vp!=-1 && wp!=-1 && wp<vp; 
   162     if (!a->attrib.isEmpty() && !md->isObjCMethod()) // argument has an IDL attribute
   163     {
   164       ol.docify(a->attrib+" ");
   165     }
   166     if (hasFuncPtrType) // argument type is a function pointer
   167     {
   168       //printf("a->type=`%s' a->name=`%s'\n",a->type.data(),a->name.data());
   169       QCString n=a->type.left(vp);
   170       if (hasFuncPtrType) n=a->type.left(wp);
   171       if (md->isObjCMethod()) { n.prepend("("); n.append(")"); }
   172       if (!cName.isEmpty()) n=addTemplateNames(n,cd->name(),cName);
   173       linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),cd,md->getBodyDef(),md->name(),n);
   174     }
   175     else // non-function pointer type
   176     {
   177       QCString n=a->type;
   178       if (md->isObjCMethod()) { n.prepend("("); n.append(")"); }
   179       if (a->type!="...")
   180       {
   181         if (!cName.isEmpty()) n=addTemplateNames(n,cd->name(),cName);
   182         linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),cd,md->getBodyDef(),md->name(),n);
   183       }
   184     }
   185     if (!md->isDefine())
   186     {
   187       if (paramTypeStarted) 
   188       {
   189         ol.endParameterType();
   190         paramTypeStarted=FALSE;
   191       }
   192       ol.startParameterName(defArgList->count()<2);
   193     }
   194     if (hasFuncPtrType)
   195     {
   196       ol.docify(a->type.mid(wp,vp-wp)); 
   197     }
   198     if (!a->name.isEmpty() || (a->name.isEmpty() && a->type=="...")) // argument has a name
   199     { 
   200       if (!hasFuncPtrType)
   201       {
   202         ol.docify(" ");
   203       }
   204       ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
   205       ol.startEmphasis();
   206       ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man);
   207       if (a->name.isEmpty()) ol.docify(a->type); else ol.docify(a->name);
   208       ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
   209       ol.endEmphasis();
   210       ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man);
   211     }
   212     if (!a->array.isEmpty())
   213     {
   214       ol.docify(a->array);
   215     }
   216     if (hasFuncPtrType) // write the part of the argument type 
   217                         // that comes after the name
   218     {
   219       linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),cd,md->getBodyDef(),
   220                   md->name(),a->type.right(a->type.length()-vp));
   221     }
   222     if (!a->defval.isEmpty()) // write the default value
   223     {
   224       QCString n=a->defval;
   225       if (!cName.isEmpty()) n=addTemplateNames(n,cd->name(),cName);
   226       ol.docify(" = ");
   228       ol.startTypewriter();
   229       linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),cd,md->getBodyDef(),md->name(),n,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE); 
   230       ol.endTypewriter();
   232     }
   233     a=defArgList->next();
   234     if (a) 
   235     {
   236       if (!md->isObjCMethod()) ol.docify(", "); // there are more arguments
   237       if (!md->isDefine()) 
   238       {
   239         QCString key;
   240         if (md->isObjCMethod() && a->attrib.length()>=2)
   241         {
   242           //printf("Found parameter keyword %s\n",a->attrib.data());
   243           // strip [ and ]
   244           key=a->attrib.mid(1,a->attrib.length()-2);
   245           if (key!=",") key+=":"; // for normal keywords add colon
   246         }
   247         ol.endParameterName(FALSE,FALSE,!md->isObjCMethod());
   248         if (paramTypeStarted) 
   249         {
   250           ol.endParameterType();
   251         }
   252         ol.startParameterType(FALSE,key);
   253         paramTypeStarted=TRUE;
   254       }
   255       else
   256       {
   257         ol.endParameterName(FALSE,FALSE,TRUE);
   258       }
   259     }
   260     first=FALSE;
   261   }
   262   ol.pushGeneratorState();
   263   bool htmlOn = ol.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Html);
   264   ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
   265   //if (!first) ol.writeString("&nbsp;");
   266   if (!md->isObjCMethod()) ol.docify(")"); // end argument list
   267   ol.enableAll();
   268   ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
   269   if (!htmlOn) ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
   270   if (!md->isDefine()) 
   271   {
   272     if (first) ol.startParameterName(defArgList->count()<2);
   273     ol.endParameterName(TRUE,defArgList->count()<2,!md->isObjCMethod());
   274   }
   275   else 
   276   {
   277     ol.endParameterType();
   278     ol.startParameterName(TRUE);
   279     ol.endParameterName(TRUE,TRUE,!md->isObjCMethod());
   280   }
   281   ol.popGeneratorState();
   282   if (md->extraTypeChars())
   283   {
   284     ol.docify(md->extraTypeChars());
   285   }
   286   if (defArgList->constSpecifier)
   287   {
   288     ol.docify(" const");
   289   }
   290   if (defArgList->volatileSpecifier)
   291   {
   292     ol.docify(" volatile");
   293   }
   294   return TRUE;
   295 }
   297 static void writeTemplatePrefix(OutputList &ol,ArgumentList *al)
   298 {
   299   ol.docify("template<");
   300   Argument *a=al->first();
   301   while (a)
   302   {
   303     ol.docify(a->type);
   304     ol.docify(" ");
   305     ol.docify(a->name);
   306     if (a->defval.length()!=0)
   307     {
   308       ol.docify(" = ");
   309       ol.docify(a->defval);
   310     } 
   311     a=al->next();
   312     if (a) ol.docify(", ");
   313   }
   314   ol.docify("> ");
   315 }
   317 QCString extractDirection(QCString &docs)
   318 {
   319   QRegExp re("\\[[^\\]]+\\]"); // [...]
   320   int l=0;
   321   if (re.match(docs,0,&l)==0)
   322   {
   323     int  inPos  = docs.find("in", 1,FALSE);
   324     int outPos  = docs.find("out",1,FALSE);
   325     bool input  =  inPos!=-1 &&  inPos<l;
   326     bool output = outPos!=-1 && outPos<l;
   327     if (input || output) // in,out attributes
   328     {
   329       docs = docs.mid(l); // strip attributes
   330       if (input && output) return "[in,out]";
   331       else if (input)      return "[in]";
   332       else if (output)     return "[out]";
   333     }
   334   }
   335   return QCString();
   336 }
   338 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   339 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   340 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   342 class MemberDefImpl
   343 {
   344   public:
   345     MemberDefImpl();
   346    ~MemberDefImpl();
   347     void init(Definition *def,const char *t,const char *a,const char *e,
   348               Protection p,Specifier v,bool s,Relationship r,
   349               MemberDef::MemberType mt,const ArgumentList *tal,
   350               const ArgumentList *al
   351              );
   353     ClassDef     *classDef;   // member of or related to 
   354     FileDef      *fileDef;    // member of file definition 
   355     NamespaceDef *nspace;     // the namespace this member is in.
   357     MemberDef  *enumScope;    // the enclosing scope, if this is an enum field
   358     MemberDef  *annEnumType;  // the annonymous enum that is the type of this member
   359     MemberList *enumFields;   // enumeration fields
   361     MemberDef  *redefines;    // the members that this member redefines 
   362     MemberList *redefinedBy;  // the list of members that redefine this one
   364     MemberDef  *memDef;       // member definition for this declaration
   365     MemberDef  *memDec;       // member declaration for this definition
   366     ClassDef   *relatedAlso;  // points to class marked by relatedAlso
   368     ExampleSDict *exampleSDict; // a dictionary of all examples for quick access
   370     QCString type;            // return type
   371     QCString args;            // function arguments/variable array specifiers
   372     QCString def;             // member definition in code (fully qualified name)
   373     QCString anc;             // HTML anchor name
   374     Specifier virt;           // normal/virtual/pure virtual
   375     Protection prot;          // protection type [Public/Protected/Private]
   376     QCString decl;            // member declaration in class
   378     QCString bitfields;       // struct member bitfields
   379     QCString read;            // property read accessor
   380     QCString write;           // property write accessor
   381     QCString exception;       // exceptions that can be thrown
   382     QCString initializer;     // initializer
   383     QCString extraTypeChars;  // extra type info found after the argument list
   384     int initLines;            // number of lines in the initializer
   386     int  memSpec;             // The specifiers present for this member
   387     MemberDef::MemberType mtype;         // returns the kind of member
   388     int maxInitLines;         // when the initializer will be displayed 
   389     int userInitLines;        // result of explicit \hideinitializer or \showinitializer
   390     MemberDef  *annMemb;
   392     ArgumentList *defArgList;    // argument list of this member definition
   393     ArgumentList *declArgList;   // argument list of this member declaration
   395     ArgumentList *tArgList;      // template argument list of function template
   396     ArgumentList *typeConstraints; // type constraints for template parameters
   397     MemberDef *templateMaster;
   398     QList<ArgumentList> *defTmpArgLists; // lists of template argument lists 
   399                                          // (for template functions in nested template classes)
   401     ClassDef *cachedAnonymousType; // if the member has an anonymous compound
   402                                    // as its type then this is computed by
   403                                    // getClassDefOfAnonymousType() and 
   404                                    // cached here. 
   405     SDict<MemberList> *classSectionSDict; // not accessible
   407     MemberDef *groupAlias;    // Member containing the definition
   408     int grpId;                // group id
   409     MemberGroup *memberGroup; // group's member definition
   410     GroupDef *group;          // group in which this member is in
   411     Grouping::GroupPri_t grouppri; // priority of this definition
   412     QCString groupFileName;   // file where this grouping was defined
   413     int groupStartLine;       // line  "      "      "     "     "
   414     MemberDef *groupMember;
   416     bool isTypedefValCached;
   417     ClassDef *cachedTypedefValue;
   418     QCString cachedTypedefTemplSpec;
   419     QCString cachedResolvedType;
   421     // inbody documentation
   422     //int inbodyLine;
   423     //QCString inbodyFile;
   424     //QCString inbodyDocs;
   426     // documentation inheritance
   427     MemberDef *docProvider;
   429     // to store the output file base from tag files
   430     QCString explicitOutputFileBase;
   432     // objective-c
   433     bool implOnly; // function found in implementation but not 
   434                      // in the interface
   435     bool hasDocumentedParams;
   436     bool hasDocumentedReturnType;
   437     bool isDMember;
   438     Relationship related;     // relationship of this to the class
   439     bool stat;                // is it a static function?
   440     bool proto;               // is it a prototype;
   441     bool docEnumValues;       // is an enum with documented enum values.
   442     bool annScope;            // member is part of an annoymous scope
   443     bool annUsed;             
   444     bool hasCallGraph;
   445     bool hasCallerGraph;
   446     bool explExt;             // member was explicitly declared external
   447     bool tspec;               // member is a template specialization
   448     bool groupHasDocs;        // true if the entry that caused the grouping was documented
   449     bool docsForDefinition;   // TRUE => documentation block is put before
   450                               //         definition.
   451                               // FALSE => block is put before declaration.
   453     ClassDef *category;
   454 };
   456 MemberDefImpl::MemberDefImpl() :
   457     enumFields(0),
   458     redefinedBy(0),
   459     exampleSDict(0),
   460     defArgList(0),
   461     declArgList(0),
   462     tArgList(0),
   463     typeConstraints(0),
   464     defTmpArgLists(0),
   465     classSectionSDict(0),
   466     category(0)
   467 {
   468 }
   470 MemberDefImpl::~MemberDefImpl()
   471 {
   472   delete redefinedBy;
   473   delete exampleSDict;
   474   delete enumFields;
   475   delete defArgList;
   476   delete tArgList;
   477   delete typeConstraints;
   478   delete defTmpArgLists;
   479   delete classSectionSDict;
   480   delete declArgList;
   481 }
   483 void MemberDefImpl::init(Definition *def,
   484                      const char *t,const char *a,const char *e,
   485                      Protection p,Specifier v,bool s,Relationship r,
   486                      MemberDef::MemberType mt,const ArgumentList *tal,
   487                      const ArgumentList *al
   488                     )
   489 {
   490   classDef=0;
   491   fileDef=0;
   492   redefines=0;
   493   relatedAlso=0;
   494   redefinedBy=0;
   495   nspace=0;
   496   memDef=0;
   497   memDec=0;
   498   group=0;
   499   grpId=-1;
   500   exampleSDict=0;
   501   enumFields=0;
   502   enumScope=0;
   503   defTmpArgLists=0;
   504   hasCallGraph = FALSE;
   505   hasCallerGraph = FALSE;
   506   initLines=0;
   507   type=t;
   508   if (mt==MemberDef::Typedef) type.stripPrefix("typedef ");
   509   //  type.stripPrefix("struct ");
   510   //  type.stripPrefix("class " );
   511   //  type.stripPrefix("union " );
   512   type=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(type);
   513   args=a;
   514   args=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(args);
   515   if (type.isEmpty()) decl=def->name()+args; else decl=type+" "+def->name()+args;
   517   memberGroup=0;
   518   virt=v;
   519   prot=p;
   520   related=r;
   521   stat=s;
   522   mtype=mt;
   523   exception=e;
   524   proto=FALSE;
   525   annScope=FALSE;
   526   memSpec=0;
   527   annMemb=0;
   528   annUsed=FALSE;
   529   annEnumType=0;
   530   groupAlias=0;
   531   explExt=FALSE;
   532   tspec=FALSE;
   533   cachedAnonymousType=0;
   534   maxInitLines=Config_getInt("MAX_INITIALIZER_LINES");
   535   userInitLines=-1;
   536   docEnumValues=FALSE;
   537   // copy function template arguments (if any)
   538   if (tal)
   539   {
   540     tArgList = new ArgumentList;
   541     tArgList->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   542     ArgumentListIterator ali(*tal);
   543     Argument *a;
   544     for (;(a=ali.current());++ali)
   545     {
   546       tArgList->append(new Argument(*a));
   547     }
   548   }
   549   else
   550   {
   551     tArgList=0;
   552   }
   553   //printf("new member al=%p\n",al);
   554   // copy function definition arguments (if any)
   555   if (al)
   556   {
   557     defArgList = new ArgumentList;
   558     defArgList->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   559     ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
   560     Argument *a;
   561     for (;(a=ali.current());++ali)
   562     {
   563       //printf("copy argument %s (doc=%s)\n",a->name.data(),a->docs.data());
   564       defArgList->append(new Argument(*a));
   565     }
   566     defArgList->constSpecifier    = al->constSpecifier;
   567     defArgList->volatileSpecifier = al->volatileSpecifier;
   568     defArgList->pureSpecifier     = al->pureSpecifier;
   569     //printf("defArgList(%p)->constSpecifier=%d\n",defArgList,defArgList->constSpecifier);
   570   }
   571   else
   572   {
   573     defArgList=0;
   574   }
   575   // convert function declaration arguments (if any)
   576   if (!args.isEmpty())
   577   {
   578     declArgList = new ArgumentList;
   579     stringToArgumentList(args,declArgList,&extraTypeChars);
   580     //printf("setDeclArgList %s to %s const=%d\n",args.data(),
   581     //    argListToString(declArgList).data(),declArgList->constSpecifier);
   582   }
   583   else
   584   {
   585     declArgList = 0;
   586   }
   587   templateMaster = 0;
   588   classSectionSDict = 0;
   589   docsForDefinition = TRUE;
   590   isTypedefValCached = FALSE;
   591   cachedTypedefValue = 0;
   592   //inbodyLine = -1;
   593   implOnly=FALSE;
   594   groupMember = 0;
   595   hasDocumentedParams = FALSE;
   596   hasDocumentedReturnType = FALSE;
   597   docProvider = 0;
   598   isDMember = def->getDefFileName().right(2).lower()==".d";
   599 }
   602 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   603 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   604 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   606 /*! Creates a new member definition.
   607  *
   608  * \param df File containing the definition of this member.
   609  * \param dl Line at which the member definition was found.
   610  * \param t  A string representing the type of the member.
   611  * \param na A string representing the name of the member.
   612  * \param a  A string representing the arguments of the member.
   613  * \param e  A string representing the throw clause of the members.
   614  * \param p  The protection context of the member, possible values are:
   615  *           \c Public, \c Protected, \c Private.
   616  * \param v  The degree of `virtualness' of the member, possible values are:
   617  *           \c Normal, \c Virtual, \c Pure.
   618  * \param s  A boolean that is true iff the member is static.
   619  * \param r  The relationship between the class and the member.
   620  * \param mt The kind of member. See #MemberDef::MemberType for a list of 
   621  *           all types.
   622  * \param tal The template arguments of this member.
   623  * \param al  The arguments of this member. This is a structured form of 
   624  *            the string past as argument \a a.
   625  */
   627 MemberDef::MemberDef(const char *df,int dl,
   628                      const char *t,const char *na,const char *a,const char *e,
   629                      Protection p,Specifier v,bool s,Relationship r,MemberType mt,
   630                      const ArgumentList *tal,const ArgumentList *al
   631                     ) : Definition(df,dl,removeRedundantWhiteSpace(na))
   632 {
   633   m_storagePos=-1;
   634   m_cacheHandle=-1;
   635   m_impl = new MemberDefImpl;
   636   m_impl->init(this,t,a,e,p,v,s,r,mt,tal,al);
   637   m_flushPending = FALSE;
   638 }
   640 void MemberDef::moveTo(Definition *scope)
   641 {
   642    setOuterScope(scope);
   643    if (scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass)
   644    {
   645      m_impl->classDef = (ClassDef*)scope;
   646    }
   647    else if (scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeFile)
   648    {
   649      m_impl->fileDef = (FileDef*)scope;
   650    }
   651    else if (scope->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace)
   652    {
   653      m_impl->nspace = (NamespaceDef*)scope;
   654    }
   655 }
   658 /*! Destroys the member definition. */
   659 MemberDef::~MemberDef()
   660 {
   661   delete m_impl;
   662   if (m_cacheHandle!=-1)
   663   {
   664     Doxygen::symbolCache->del(m_cacheHandle);
   665     m_cacheHandle=-1;
   666   }
   667 }
   669 void MemberDef::setReimplements(MemberDef *md)   
   670 { 
   671   makeResident();
   672   //if (redefines==0) redefines = new MemberList;
   673   //if (redefines->find(md)==-1) redefines->inSort(md);
   675   m_impl->redefines = md;
   676 }
   678 void MemberDef::insertReimplementedBy(MemberDef *md)
   679 {
   680   makeResident();
   681   if (m_impl->templateMaster)
   682   {
   683     m_impl->templateMaster->insertReimplementedBy(md);
   684   }
   685   if (m_impl->redefinedBy==0) m_impl->redefinedBy = new MemberList(MemberList::redefinedBy);
   686   if (m_impl->redefinedBy->findRef(md)==-1) 
   687   {
   688     m_impl->redefinedBy->inSort(md);
   689   }
   690 }
   692 MemberDef *MemberDef::reimplements() const      
   693 { 
   694   makeResident();
   695   return m_impl->redefines; 
   696 }
   698 LockingPtr<MemberList> MemberDef::reimplementedBy() const   
   699 { 
   700   makeResident();
   701   return LockingPtr<MemberList>(this,m_impl->redefinedBy); 
   702 }
   704 void MemberDef::insertEnumField(MemberDef *md)
   705 {
   706   makeResident();
   707   if (m_impl->enumFields==0) m_impl->enumFields=new MemberList(MemberList::enumFields);
   708   m_impl->enumFields->append(md);
   709 }
   711 bool MemberDef::addExample(const char *anchor,const char *nameStr,
   712                            const char *file)
   713 {
   714   makeResident();
   715   //printf("%s::addExample(%s,%s,%s)\n",name().data(),anchor,nameStr,file);
   716   if (m_impl->exampleSDict==0) m_impl->exampleSDict = new ExampleSDict;
   717   if (m_impl->exampleSDict->find(nameStr)==0) 
   718   {
   719     //printf("Add reference to example %s to member %s\n",nameStr,name.data());
   720     Example *e=new Example;
   721     e->anchor=anchor;
   722     e->name=nameStr;
   723     e->file=file;
   724     m_impl->exampleSDict->inSort(nameStr,e);
   725     return TRUE;
   726   }
   727   return FALSE; 
   728 }
   730 bool MemberDef::hasExamples()
   731 {
   732   makeResident();
   733   if (m_impl->exampleSDict==0) 
   734     return FALSE;
   735   else
   736     return m_impl->exampleSDict->count()>0;
   737 }
   739 QCString MemberDef::getOutputFileBase() const
   740 {
   741   makeResident();
   742   static bool separateMemberPages = Config_getBool("SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES");
   743   QCString baseName;
   744   //printf("Member: %s: templateMaster=%p group=%p classDef=%p nspace=%p fileDef=%p\n",
   745   //    name().data(),m_impl->templateMaster,m_impl->group,m_impl->classDef,
   746   //    m_impl->nspace,m_impl->fileDef);
   747   if (!m_impl->explicitOutputFileBase.isEmpty())
   748   {
   749     return m_impl->explicitOutputFileBase;
   750   }
   751   else if (m_impl->templateMaster)
   752   {
   753     return m_impl->templateMaster->getOutputFileBase();
   754   }
   755   else if (m_impl->group)
   756   {
   757     baseName=m_impl->group->getOutputFileBase();
   758   }
   759   else if (m_impl->classDef)
   760   {
   761     baseName=m_impl->classDef->getOutputFileBase();
   762   }
   763   else if (m_impl->nspace)
   764   {
   765     baseName=m_impl->nspace->getOutputFileBase();
   766   }
   767   else if (m_impl->fileDef)
   768   {
   769     baseName=m_impl->fileDef->getOutputFileBase();
   770   }
   772   if (baseName.isEmpty())
   773   {
   774     warn(getDefFileName(),getDefLine(),
   775        "Warning: Internal inconsistency: member %s does not belong to any"
   776        " container!",name().data()
   777       );
   778     return "dummy";
   779   }
   780   else if (separateMemberPages)
   781   {
   782     if (getEnumScope()) // enum value, which is part of enum's documentation
   783     {
   784       baseName+="_"+getEnumScope()->anchor();
   785     }
   786     else
   787     {
   788       baseName+="_"+anchor();
   789     }
   790   }
   791   return baseName;
   792 }
   794 QCString MemberDef::getReference() const
   795 {
   796   makeResident();
   797   QCString ref = Definition::getReference();
   798   if (!ref.isEmpty())
   799   {
   800     return ref;
   801   }
   802   if (m_impl->templateMaster)
   803   {
   804     return m_impl->templateMaster->getReference();
   805   }
   806   else if (m_impl->group)
   807   {
   808     return m_impl->group->getReference();
   809   }
   810   else if (m_impl->classDef)
   811   {
   812     return m_impl->classDef->getReference();
   813   }
   814   else if (m_impl->nspace)
   815   {
   816     return m_impl->nspace->getReference();
   817   }
   818   else if (m_impl->fileDef)
   819   {
   820     return m_impl->fileDef->getReference();
   821   }
   822   return "";
   823 }
   825 QCString MemberDef::anchor() const
   826 {
   827   makeResident();
   828   QCString result=m_impl->anc;
   829   if (m_impl->groupAlias)     return m_impl->groupAlias->anchor();
   830   if (m_impl->templateMaster) return m_impl->templateMaster->anchor();
   831   if (m_impl->enumScope && m_impl->enumScope!=this) // avoid recursion for C#'s public enum E { E, F }
   832   {
   833     result.prepend(m_impl->enumScope->anchor());
   834   }
   835   if (m_impl->group) 
   836   {
   837     if (m_impl->groupMember)
   838     {
   839       result=m_impl->groupMember->anchor();
   840     }
   841     else if (getReference().isEmpty())
   842     {
   843       result.prepend("g");
   844     }
   845   }
   846   return result;
   847 }
   849 bool MemberDef::isLinkableInProject() const
   850 {
   851   static bool extractPrivate = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE");
   852   static bool extractStatic  = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_STATIC");
   853   makeResident();
   855   //printf("MemberDef::isLinkableInProject(name=%s)\n",name().data());
   856   if (isHidden()) 
   857   {
   858     //printf("is hidden\n");
   859     return FALSE;
   860   }
   861   if (m_impl->templateMaster)
   862   {
   863     //printf("has template master\n");
   864     return m_impl->templateMaster->isLinkableInProject();
   865   }
   866   if (name().isEmpty() || name().at(0)=='@') 
   867   {
   868     //printf("name invalid\n");
   869     return FALSE; // not a valid or a dummy name
   870   }
   871   if (!hasDocumentation() && !isReference()) 
   872   {
   873     //printf("no docs or reference\n");
   874     return FALSE; // no documentation
   875   }
   876   if (m_impl->group && !m_impl->group->isLinkableInProject()) 
   877   {
   878     //printf("group but group not linkable!\n");
   879     return FALSE; // group but group not linkable
   880   }
   881   if (!m_impl->group && m_impl->classDef && !m_impl->classDef->isLinkableInProject()) 
   882   {
   883     //printf("in a class but class not linkable!\n");
   884     return FALSE; // in class but class not linkable
   885   }
   886   if (!m_impl->group && m_impl->nspace && !m_impl->related && !m_impl->nspace->isLinkableInProject()) 
   887   {
   888     //printf("in a namespace but namespace not linkable!\n");
   889     return FALSE; // in namespace but namespace not linkable
   890   }
   891   if (!m_impl->group && !m_impl->nspace && 
   892       !m_impl->related && !m_impl->classDef && 
   893       m_impl->fileDef && !m_impl->fileDef->isLinkableInProject()) 
   894   {
   895     //printf("in a file but file not linkable!\n");
   896     return FALSE; // in file (and not in namespace) but file not linkable
   897   }
   898   if (m_impl->prot==Private && !extractPrivate && m_impl->mtype!=Friend) 
   899   {
   900     //printf("private and invisible!\n");
   901     return FALSE; // hidden due to protection
   902   }
   903   if (m_impl->stat && m_impl->classDef==0 && !extractStatic) 
   904   {
   905     //printf("static and invisible!\n");
   906     return FALSE; // hidden due to staticness
   907   }
   908   //printf("linkable!\n");
   909   return TRUE; // linkable!
   910 }
   912 bool MemberDef::isLinkable() const
   913 {
   914   makeResident();
   915   if (m_impl->templateMaster)
   916   {
   917     return m_impl->templateMaster->isLinkable();
   918   }
   919   else
   920   {
   921     return isLinkableInProject() || isReference();
   922   }
   923 }
   926 void MemberDef::setDefinitionTemplateParameterLists(QList<ArgumentList> *lists)
   927 {
   928   if (lists)
   929   {
   930     makeResident();
   931     if (m_impl->defTmpArgLists) delete m_impl->defTmpArgLists;
   932     m_impl->defTmpArgLists = copyArgumentLists(lists);
   933   }
   934 }
   936 void MemberDef::writeLink(OutputList &ol,ClassDef *,NamespaceDef *,
   937                       FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd,bool onlyText)
   938 {
   939   static bool optimizeOutputJava = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA");
   940   static bool hideScopeNames     = Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES");
   941   makeResident();
   942   LockingPtr<MemberDef> lock(this,this);
   943   QCString sep = optimizeOutputJava ? "." : "::";
   944   QCString n = name();
   945   if (!hideScopeNames && m_impl->classDef && gd) n.prepend(m_impl->classDef->name()+sep);
   946   else if (!hideScopeNames && m_impl->nspace && (gd || fd)) n.prepend(m_impl->nspace->name()+sep);
   947   if (isObjCMethod())
   948   {
   949     if (isStatic()) ol.docify("+ "); else ol.docify("- ");
   950   }
   951   if (!onlyText) // write link
   952   {
   953     if (m_impl->mtype==EnumValue && getGroupDef()==0 &&          // enum value is not grouped
   954         getEnumScope() && getEnumScope()->getGroupDef()) // but its container is
   955     {
   956       GroupDef *enumValGroup = getEnumScope()->getGroupDef();
   957       ol.writeObjectLink(enumValGroup->getReference(),
   958                          enumValGroup->getOutputFileBase(),
   959                          anchor(),n);
   960     }
   961     else
   962     {
   963       ol.writeObjectLink(getReference(),getOutputFileBase(),anchor(),n);
   964     }
   965   }
   966   else // write only text
   967   {
   968     ol.startBold();
   969     ol.docify(n);
   970     ol.endBold();
   971   }
   972 }
   974 /*! If this member has an anonymous class/struct/union as its type, then
   975  *  this method will return the ClassDef that describes this return type.
   976  */
   977 ClassDef *MemberDef::getClassDefOfAnonymousType() 
   978 {
   979   makeResident();
   980   if (m_impl->cachedAnonymousType) return m_impl->cachedAnonymousType;
   981   LockingPtr<MemberDef> lock(this,this);
   983   QCString cname;
   984   if (getClassDef()!=0) 
   985   {
   986     cname=getClassDef()->name().copy();
   987   }
   988   else if (getNamespaceDef()!=0)
   989   {
   990     cname=getNamespaceDef()->name().copy();
   991   }
   992   QCString ltype(m_impl->type);
   993   // strip `static' keyword from ltype
   994   //if (ltype.left(7)=="static ") ltype=ltype.right(ltype.length()-7);
   995   // strip `friend' keyword from ltype
   996   ltype.stripPrefix("friend ");
   997   static QRegExp r("@[0-9]+");
   998   int l,i=r.match(ltype,0,&l);
   999   //printf("ltype=`%s' i=%d\n",ltype.data(),i);
  1000   // search for the last anonymous scope in the member type
  1001   ClassDef *annoClassDef=0;
  1002   if (i!=-1) // found anonymous scope in type
  1003   {
  1004     int il=i-1,ir=i+l;
  1005     // extract anonymous scope
  1006     while (il>=0 && (isId(ltype.at(il)) || ltype.at(il)==':' || ltype.at(il)=='@')) il--;
  1007     if (il>0) il++; else if (il<0) il=0;
  1008     while (ir<(int)ltype.length() && (isId(ltype.at(ir)) || ltype.at(ir)==':' || ltype.at(ir)=='@')) ir++;
  1010     QCString annName = ltype.mid(il,ir-il);
  1012     // if inside a class or namespace try to prepend the scope name
  1013     if (!cname.isEmpty() && annName.left(cname.length()+2)!=cname+"::") 
  1014     {
  1015       QCString ts=stripAnonymousNamespaceScope(cname+"::"+annName);
  1016       //printf("Member::writeDeclaration: Trying %s\n",ts.data());
  1017       annoClassDef=getClass(ts);
  1018     }
  1019     // if not found yet, try without scope name
  1020     if (annoClassDef==0)
  1021     {
  1022       QCString ts=stripAnonymousNamespaceScope(annName);
  1023       //printf("Member::writeDeclaration: Trying %s\n",ts.data());
  1024       annoClassDef=getClass(ts);
  1025     }
  1026   }
  1027   m_impl->cachedAnonymousType = annoClassDef;
  1028   return annoClassDef;
  1029 }
  1031 /*! This methods returns TRUE iff the brief section (also known as
  1032  *  declaration section) is visible in the documentation.
  1033  */
  1034 bool MemberDef::isBriefSectionVisible() const
  1035 {
  1036   static bool extractStatic       = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_STATIC");
  1037   static bool hideUndocMembers    = Config_getBool("HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS");
  1038   static bool briefMemberDesc     = Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC");
  1039   static bool repeatBrief         = Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF");
  1040   static bool hideFriendCompounds = Config_getBool("HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS");
  1041   static bool extractPrivate      = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE");
  1043   //printf("Member %s grpId=%d docs=%s file=%s args=%s\n",
  1044   //    name().data(),
  1045   //    0,"", //grpId,grpId==-1?"<none>":Doxygen::memberDocDict[grpId]->data(),
  1046   //    "", //getFileDef()->name().data(),
  1047   //    argsString());
  1049   makeResident();
  1050   LockingPtr<MemberDef> lock(this,this);
  1051   MemberGroupInfo *info = Doxygen::memGrpInfoDict[m_impl->grpId];
  1052   //printf("name=%s m_impl->grpId=%d info=%p\n",name().data(),m_impl->grpId,info);
  1053   //QCString *pMemGrp = Doxygen::memberDocDict[grpId];
  1054   bool hasDocs = hasDocumentation() || 
  1055                   // part of a documented member group
  1056                  (m_impl->grpId!=-1 && info && !(info->doc.isEmpty() && info->header.isEmpty()));
  1058   // only include static members with file/namespace scope if 
  1059   // explicitly enabled in the config file
  1060   bool visibleIfStatic = !(getClassDef()==0 && 
  1061                            isStatic() && 
  1062                            !extractStatic
  1063                           );
  1065   // only include members is the are documented or 
  1066   // HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS is NO in the config file
  1067   bool visibleIfDocumented = (!hideUndocMembers || 
  1068                               hasDocs || 
  1069                               isDocumentedFriendClass()
  1070                              );
  1072   // hide members with no detailed description and brief descriptions 
  1073   // explicitly disabled.
  1074   bool visibleIfEnabled = !(hideUndocMembers && 
  1075                             documentation().isEmpty() &&
  1076                             !briefMemberDesc && 
  1077                             !repeatBrief
  1078                            );
  1080   // Hide friend (class|struct|union) declarations if HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS is true
  1081   bool visibleIfFriendCompound = !(hideFriendCompounds &&
  1082                                    isFriend() &&
  1083                                    (m_impl->type=="friend class" || 
  1084                                     m_impl->type=="friend struct" ||
  1085                                     m_impl->type=="friend union"
  1086                                    )
  1087                                   );
  1089   // only include members that are non-private unless EXTRACT_PRIVATE is
  1090   // set to YES or the member is part of a group
  1091   bool visibleIfPrivate = (protection()!=Private || 
  1092                            extractPrivate ||
  1093                            m_impl->mtype==Friend
  1094                           );
  1096   // hide member if it overrides a member in a superclass and has no
  1097   // documentation of its own
  1098   //bool visibleIfDocVirtual = !reimplements() || 
  1099   //                           !Config_getBool("INHERIT_DOCS") ||  
  1100   //                           hasDocs;
  1102   // true if this member is a constructor or destructor
  1103   bool cOrDTor = isConstructor() || isDestructor();
  1105   // hide default constructors or destructors (no args) without
  1106   // documentation
  1107   bool visibleIfNotDefaultCDTor = !(cOrDTor &&
  1108                                    m_impl->defArgList &&
  1109                                    (m_impl->defArgList->isEmpty() ||
  1110                                     m_impl->defArgList->first()->type == "void"
  1111                                    ) &&
  1112                                    !hasDocs
  1113                                   );
  1115   //printf("visibleIfStatic=%d visibleIfDocumented=%d visibleIfEnabled=%d "
  1116   //       "visibleIfPrivate=%d visibltIfNotDefaultCDTor=%d "
  1117   //       "visibleIfFriendCompound=%d !annScope=%d\n",
  1118   //       visibleIfStatic,visibleIfDocumented,
  1119   //       visibleIfEnabled,visibleIfPrivate,visibleIfNotDefaultCDTor,
  1120   //       visibleIfFriendCompound,!m_impl->annScope);
  1122   bool visible = visibleIfStatic     && visibleIfDocumented      && 
  1123                  visibleIfEnabled    && visibleIfPrivate         &&
  1124                  /*visibleIfDocVirtual &&*/ visibleIfNotDefaultCDTor && 
  1125                  visibleIfFriendCompound &&
  1126                  !m_impl->annScope;
  1127   //printf("MemberDef::isBriefSectionVisible() %d\n",visible);
  1128   return visible;
  1129 }
  1132 void MemberDef::writeDeclaration(OutputList &ol,
  1133                ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd,
  1134                bool inGroup
  1135                )
  1136 {
  1137   //printf("%s MemberDef::writeDeclaration() inGroup=%d\n",name().data(),inGroup);
  1139   // hide enum value, since they appear already as part of the enum, unless they
  1140   // are explicitly grouped.
  1141   makeResident();
  1142   if (!inGroup && m_impl->mtype==EnumValue) return;
  1143   LockingPtr<MemberDef> lock(this,this);
  1145   // hide members whose brief section should not be visible
  1146   //if (!isBriefSectionVisible()) return;
  1148   Definition *d=0;
  1149   ASSERT (cd!=0 || nd!=0 || fd!=0 || gd!=0); // member should belong to something
  1150   if (cd) d=cd; else if (nd) d=nd; else if (fd) d=fd; else d=gd;
  1152   // write tag file information of this member
  1153   if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty() && !isReference())
  1154   {
  1155     Doxygen::tagFile << "    <member kind=\"";
  1156     switch (m_impl->mtype)
  1157     {
  1158       case Define:      Doxygen::tagFile << "define";      break;
  1159       case EnumValue:   Doxygen::tagFile << "enumvalue";   break;
  1160       case Property:    Doxygen::tagFile << "property";    break;
  1161       case Event:       Doxygen::tagFile << "event";       break;
  1162       case Variable:    Doxygen::tagFile << "variable";    break;
  1163       case Typedef:     Doxygen::tagFile << "typedef";     break;
  1164       case Enumeration: Doxygen::tagFile << "enumeration"; break;
  1165       case Function:    Doxygen::tagFile << "function";    break;
  1166       case Signal:      Doxygen::tagFile << "signal";      break;
  1167       //case Prototype:   Doxygen::tagFile << "prototype";   break;
  1168       case Friend:      Doxygen::tagFile << "friend";      break;
  1169       case DCOP:        Doxygen::tagFile << "dcop";        break;
  1170       case Slot:        Doxygen::tagFile << "slot";        break;
  1171     }
  1172     if (m_impl->prot!=Public)
  1173     {
  1174       Doxygen::tagFile << "\" protection=\"";
  1175       if (m_impl->prot==Protected)    Doxygen::tagFile << "protected";
  1176       else if (m_impl->prot==Package) Doxygen::tagFile << "package";
  1177       else /* Private */              Doxygen::tagFile << "private"; 
  1178     }
  1179     if (m_impl->virt!=Normal)
  1180     {
  1181       Doxygen::tagFile << "\" virtualness=\"";
  1182       if (m_impl->virt==Virtual) Doxygen::tagFile << "virtual";
  1183       else /* Pure */            Doxygen::tagFile << "pure"; 
  1184     }
  1185     if (isStatic())
  1186     {
  1187       Doxygen::tagFile << "\" static=\"yes";
  1188     }
  1189     Doxygen::tagFile << "\">" << endl;
  1190     Doxygen::tagFile << "      <type>" << convertToXML(typeString()) << "</type>" << endl;
  1191     Doxygen::tagFile << "      <name>" << convertToXML(name()) << "</name>" << endl;
  1192     Doxygen::tagFile << "      <anchorfile>" << convertToXML(getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension) << "</anchorfile>" << endl;
  1193     Doxygen::tagFile << "      <anchor>" << convertToXML(anchor()) << "</anchor>" << endl;
  1194     Doxygen::tagFile << "      <arglist>" << convertToXML(argsString()) << "</arglist>" << endl;
  1195     writeDocAnchorsToTagFile();
  1196     Doxygen::tagFile << "    </member>" << endl;
  1197   }
  1199   // write search index info
  1200   if (Doxygen::searchIndex && isLinkableInProject())
  1201   {
  1202     Doxygen::searchIndex->setCurrentDoc(qualifiedName(),getOutputFileBase(),anchor());
  1203     Doxygen::searchIndex->addWord(localName(),TRUE);
  1204     Doxygen::searchIndex->addWord(qualifiedName(),FALSE);
  1205   }
  1207   QCString cname  = d->name();
  1208   QCString cfname = getOutputFileBase();
  1209   //QCString osname = cname;
  1210   // in case of class members that are put in a group the name of the outerscope
  1211   // differs from the cname.
  1212   //if (getOuterScope()) osname=getOuterScope()->name();
  1214   //HtmlHelp *htmlHelp=0;
  1215   //bool hasHtmlHelp = Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML") && Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTMLHELP");
  1216   //if (hasHtmlHelp) htmlHelp = HtmlHelp::getInstance();
  1218   // search for the last anonymous scope in the member type
  1219   ClassDef *annoClassDef=getClassDefOfAnonymousType();
  1221   // start a new member declaration
  1222   bool isAnonymous = annoClassDef || m_impl->annMemb || m_impl->annEnumType;
  1223   ///printf("startMemberItem for %s\n",name().data());
  1224   ol.startMemberItem( isAnonymous ? 1 : m_impl->tArgList ? 3 : 0);
  1226   // If there is no detailed description we need to write the anchor here.
  1227   bool detailsVisible = isDetailedSectionLinkable();
  1228   if (!detailsVisible && !m_impl->annMemb)
  1229   {
  1230     QCString doxyName=name().copy();
  1231     if (!cname.isEmpty()) doxyName.prepend(cname+"::");
  1232     QCString doxyArgs=argsString();
  1233     ol.startDoxyAnchor(cfname,cname,anchor(),doxyName,doxyArgs);
  1235     ol.pushGeneratorState();
  1236     ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
  1237     ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
  1238     ol.docify("\n");
  1239     ol.popGeneratorState();
  1240   }
  1242   if (annoClassDef || m_impl->annMemb)
  1243   {
  1244     int j;
  1245     for (j=0;j<s_indentLevel;j++) 
  1246     {
  1247       ol.writeNonBreakableSpace(3);
  1248     }
  1249   }
  1251   // *** write template lists
  1252   if (m_impl->tArgList)
  1253   {
  1254     if (!isAnonymous) ol.startMemberTemplateParams();
  1255     writeTemplatePrefix(ol,m_impl->tArgList);
  1256     if (!isAnonymous) ol.endMemberTemplateParams();
  1257   }
  1259   // *** write type
  1260   QCString ltype(m_impl->type);
  1261   if (m_impl->mtype==Typedef) ltype.prepend("typedef ");
  1262   // strip `friend' keyword from ltype
  1263   ltype.stripPrefix("friend ");
  1264   static QRegExp r("@[0-9]+");
  1266   bool endAnonScopeNeeded=FALSE;
  1267   int l,i=r.match(ltype,0,&l);
  1268   if (i!=-1) // member has an anonymous type
  1269   {
  1270     //printf("annoClassDef=%p annMemb=%p scopeName=`%s' anonymous=`%s'\n",
  1271     //    annoClassDef,annMemb,cname.data(),ltype.mid(i,l).data());
  1273     if (annoClassDef) // type is an anonymous compound
  1274     {
  1275       int ir=i+l;
  1276       //printf("<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
  1277       ol.startAnonTypeScope(s_indentLevel++);
  1278       annoClassDef->writeDeclaration(ol,m_impl->annMemb,inGroup);
  1279       //printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> startMemberItem(2)\n");
  1280       ol.startMemberItem(2);
  1281       int j;
  1282       for (j=0;j< s_indentLevel-1;j++) 
  1283       {
  1284         ol.writeNonBreakableSpace(3);
  1285       }
  1286       QCString varName=ltype.right(ltype.length()-ir).stripWhiteSpace();
  1287       //printf(">>>>>> indDepth=%d ltype=`%s' varName=`%s'\n",indDepth,ltype.data(),varName.data());
  1288       ol.docify("}");
  1289       if (varName.isEmpty() && (name().isEmpty() || name().at(0)=='@')) 
  1290       {
  1291         ol.docify(";"); 
  1292       }
  1293       endAnonScopeNeeded=TRUE;
  1294     }
  1295     else
  1296     {
  1297       if (getAnonymousEnumType()) // type is an anonymous enum
  1298       {
  1299         linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,getBodyDef(),name(),ltype.left(i),TRUE); 
  1300         getAnonymousEnumType()->writeEnumDeclaration(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd);
  1301         //ol+=*getAnonymousEnumType()->enumDecl();
  1302         linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,m_impl->fileDef,name(),ltype.right(ltype.length()-i-l),TRUE); 
  1303       }
  1304       else
  1305       {
  1306         ltype = ltype.left(i) + " { ... } " + removeAnonymousScopes(ltype.right(ltype.length()-i-l));
  1307         linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,getBodyDef(),name(),ltype,TRUE); 
  1308       }
  1309     }
  1310   }
  1311   else if (ltype=="@") // rename type from enum values
  1312   {
  1313     ltype="";
  1314   }
  1315   else
  1316   {
  1317     if (isObjCMethod())
  1318     {
  1319       ltype.prepend("(");
  1320       ltype.append(")");
  1321     }
  1322     linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,getBodyDef(),name(),ltype,TRUE); 
  1323   }
  1324   bool htmlOn = ol.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Html);
  1325   if (htmlOn && Config_getBool("HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS") && !ltype.isEmpty())
  1326   {
  1327     ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
  1328   }
  1329   if (!ltype.isEmpty()) ol.docify(" ");
  1330   if (htmlOn) 
  1331   {
  1332     ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Html);
  1333   }
  1335   if (m_impl->annMemb) 
  1336   {
  1337     ol.pushGeneratorState();
  1338     ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
  1339     ol.writeNonBreakableSpace(3);
  1340     ol.popGeneratorState();
  1341   }
  1342   else
  1343   {
  1344     ol.insertMemberAlign(m_impl->tArgList!=0);
  1345   }
  1347   // *** write name
  1348   if (!name().isEmpty() && name().at(0)!='@') // hide annonymous stuff 
  1349   {
  1350     //printf("Member name=`%s gd=%p md->groupDef=%p inGroup=%d isLinkable()=%d\n",name().data(),gd,getGroupDef(),inGroup,isLinkable());
  1351     if (!(name().isEmpty() || name().at(0)=='@') && // name valid
  1352         (hasDocumentation() || isReference()) && // has docs
  1353         !(m_impl->prot==Private && !Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE") && m_impl->mtype!=Friend) && // hidden due to protection
  1354         !(isStatic() && m_impl->classDef==0 && !Config_getBool("EXTRACT_STATIC")) // hidden due to static-ness
  1355        )
  1356     {
  1357       if (m_impl->annMemb)
  1358       {
  1359         //printf("anchor=%s ann_anchor=%s\n",anchor(),annMemb->anchor());
  1360         m_impl->annMemb->writeLink(ol,
  1361             m_impl->annMemb->getClassDef(),
  1362             m_impl->annMemb->getNamespaceDef(),
  1363             m_impl->annMemb->getFileDef(),
  1364             m_impl->annMemb->getGroupDef()
  1365                           );
  1366         m_impl->annMemb->setAnonymousUsed();
  1367         setAnonymousUsed();
  1368       }
  1369       else
  1370       {
  1371         //printf("writeLink %s->%d\n",name.data(),hasDocumentation());
  1372         ClassDef *rcd = cd;
  1373         if (isReference() && m_impl->classDef) rcd = m_impl->classDef; 
  1374         writeLink(ol,rcd,nd,fd,gd);
  1375       }
  1376     }
  1377     else if (isDocumentedFriendClass())
  1378       // if the member is an undocumented friend declaration for some class, 
  1379       // then maybe we can link to the class
  1380     {
  1381       writeLink(ol,getClass(name()),0,0,0);
  1382     }
  1383     else
  1384       // there is a brief member description and brief member 
  1385       // descriptions are enabled or there is no detailed description.
  1386     {
  1387       if (m_impl->annMemb)  
  1388       {
  1389         m_impl->annMemb->setAnonymousUsed();
  1390         setAnonymousUsed();
  1391       }
  1392       ClassDef *rcd = cd;
  1393       if (isReference() && m_impl->classDef) rcd = m_impl->classDef; 
  1394       writeLink(ol,rcd,nd,fd,gd,TRUE);
  1395     }
  1396   }
  1398   // add to index
  1399   if (isEnumerate() && name().at(0)=='@')
  1400   {
  1401     // don't add to index
  1402   }
  1403   else // index member
  1404   {
  1405     //static bool separateMemPages = Config_getBool("SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES");
  1406     //QCString cfname = getOutputFileBase();
  1407     //QCString cfiname = d->getOutputFileBase();
  1408     //Doxygen::indexList.addIndexItem(
  1409     //    cname,                                 // level1
  1410     //    name(),                                // level2
  1411     //    separateMemPages ? cfname : cfiname,   // contRef
  1412     //    cfname,                                // memRef
  1413     //    anchor(),                              // anchor
  1414     //    this);                                 // memberdef
  1415     Doxygen::indexList.addIndexItem(d,this);
  1416   }
  1418   // *** write arguments
  1419   if (argsString() && !isObjCMethod()) 
  1420   {
  1421     if (!isDefine()) ol.writeString(" ");
  1422     //ol.docify(argsString());
  1423     linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,getBodyDef(),name(),argsString()); 
  1424   }
  1426   // *** write exceptions
  1427   if (excpString())
  1428   {
  1429     ol.writeString(" ");
  1430     ol.docify(excpString());
  1431   }
  1433   // *** write bitfields
  1434   if (!m_impl->bitfields.isEmpty()) // add bitfields
  1435   {
  1436     linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,getBodyDef(),name(),m_impl->bitfields.simplifyWhiteSpace());
  1437   }
  1438   else if (hasOneLineInitializer()
  1439       //!init.isEmpty() && initLines==0 && // one line initializer
  1440       //((maxInitLines>0 && userInitLines==-1) || userInitLines>0) // enabled by default or explicitly
  1441           ) // add initializer
  1442   {
  1443     if (!isDefine()) 
  1444     {
  1445       ol.writeString(" = "); 
  1446       linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,getBodyDef(),name(),m_impl->initializer.simplifyWhiteSpace());
  1447     }
  1448     else 
  1449     {
  1450       ol.writeNonBreakableSpace(3);
  1451       linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),d,getBodyDef(),name(),m_impl->initializer);
  1452     }
  1453   }
  1455   if (isObjCMethod() && isImplementation())
  1456   {
  1457     ol.startTypewriter();
  1458     ol.docify(" [implementation]");
  1459     ol.endTypewriter();
  1460   }
  1462   if (isProperty() && (isSettable() || isGettable()))
  1463   {
  1464       ol.writeLatexSpacing();
  1465       ol.startTypewriter();
  1466       ol.docify(" [");
  1467       QStrList sl;
  1468       if (isGettable())  sl.append("get");
  1469       if (isSettable())  sl.append("set");
  1470       const char *s=sl.first();
  1471       while (s)
  1472       {
  1473          ol.docify(s);
  1474          s=sl.next();
  1475          if (s) ol.docify(", ");
  1476       }
  1477       ol.docify("]");
  1478       ol.endTypewriter();
  1479   }
  1481   if (isEvent() && (isAddable() || isRemovable() || isRaisable()))
  1482   {
  1483       ol.writeLatexSpacing();
  1484       ol.startTypewriter();
  1485       ol.docify(" [");
  1486       QStrList sl;
  1487       if (isAddable())   sl.append("add");
  1488       if (isRemovable()) sl.append("remove");
  1489       if (isRaisable())  sl.append("raise");
  1490       const char *s=sl.first();
  1491       while (s)
  1492       {
  1493          ol.docify(s);
  1494          s=sl.next();
  1495          if (s) ol.docify(", ");
  1496       }
  1497       ol.docify("]");
  1498       ol.endTypewriter();
  1499   }
  1501   if (!detailsVisible && !m_impl->annMemb)
  1502   {
  1503     ol.endDoxyAnchor(cfname,anchor());
  1504   }
  1506   //printf("endMember %s annoClassDef=%p annEnumType=%p\n",
  1507   //    name().data(),annoClassDef,annEnumType);
  1508   ol.endMemberItem();
  1509   if (endAnonScopeNeeded) 
  1510   {
  1511     ol.endAnonTypeScope(--s_indentLevel);
  1512   }
  1514   // write brief description
  1515   if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && 
  1516       Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC") 
  1517       /* && !annMemb */
  1518      )
  1519   {
  1520     ol.startMemberDescription();
  1521     ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),
  1522                 getOuterScope()?getOuterScope():d,this,briefDescription(),
  1523                 TRUE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE);
  1524     if (detailsVisible) 
  1525     {
  1526       ol.pushGeneratorState();
  1527       ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
  1528       //ol.endEmphasis();
  1529       ol.docify(" ");
  1530       if (m_impl->group!=0 && gd==0) // forward link to the group
  1531       {
  1532         ol.startTextLink(getOutputFileBase(),anchor());
  1533       }
  1534       else // local link
  1535       {
  1536         ol.startTextLink(0,anchor());
  1537       }
  1538       ol.endTextLink();
  1539       //ol.startEmphasis();
  1540       ol.popGeneratorState();
  1541     }
  1542     // for RTF we need to add an extra empty paragraph
  1543     ol.pushGeneratorState();
  1544     ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::RTF);
  1545       ol.startParagraph();
  1546       ol.endParagraph();
  1547     ol.popGeneratorState();
  1548     ol.endMemberDescription();
  1549   }
  1550   warnIfUndocumented();
  1551 }
  1553 bool MemberDef::isDetailedSectionLinkable() const          
  1554 { 
  1555   static bool extractAll        = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL");
  1556   static bool alwaysDetailedSec = Config_getBool("ALWAYS_DETAILED_SEC");
  1557   static bool repeatBrief       = Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF");
  1558   static bool briefMemberDesc   = Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC");
  1559   static bool hideUndocMembers  = Config_getBool("HIDE_UNDOC_MEMBERS");
  1560   static bool extractStatic     = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_STATIC");
  1561   static bool extractPrivate    = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE");
  1563   makeResident();
  1564   // the member has details documentation for any of the following reasons
  1565   bool docFilter = 
  1566          // treat everything as documented
  1567          extractAll ||          
  1568          // has detailed docs
  1569          !documentation().isEmpty() ||             
  1570          // has inbody docs
  1571          !inbodyDocumentation().isEmpty() ||
  1572          // is an enum with values that are documented
  1573          (m_impl->mtype==Enumeration && m_impl->docEnumValues) ||  
  1574          // is documented enum value
  1575          (m_impl->mtype==EnumValue && !briefDescription().isEmpty()) || 
  1576          // has brief description that is part of the detailed description
  1577          (!briefDescription().isEmpty() &&           // has brief docs
  1578           (alwaysDetailedSec &&                      // they are visible in
  1579            (repeatBrief ||                           // detailed section or
  1580             !briefMemberDesc                         // they are explicitly not
  1581            )                                         // shown in brief section
  1582           )                                       
  1583          ) ||
  1584          // has a multi-line initialization block
  1585          //(initLines>0 && initLines<maxInitLines) || 
  1586          (hasMultiLineInitializer() && !hideUndocMembers) ||
  1587          // has one or more documented arguments
  1588          (m_impl->defArgList!=0 && m_impl->defArgList->hasDocumentation()) ||
  1589          // has user comments
  1590          Doxygen::userComments
  1591          ; 
  1593   // this is not a global static or global statics should be extracted
  1594   bool staticFilter = getClassDef()!=0 || !isStatic() || extractStatic; 
  1596   // only include members that are non-private unless EXTRACT_PRIVATE is
  1597   // set to YES or the member is part of a group
  1598   bool privateFilter = (protection()!=Private || extractPrivate ||
  1599                            m_impl->mtype==Friend
  1600                           );
  1602   // member is part of an anonymous scope that is the type of
  1603   // another member in the list.
  1604   //
  1605   //bool inAnonymousScope = !briefDescription().isEmpty() && annUsed;
  1607   // hide friend (class|struct|union) member if HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS
  1608   // is true
  1609   bool friendCompoundFilter = !(Config_getBool("HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS") &&
  1610                                 isFriend() &&
  1611                                 (m_impl->type=="friend class" || 
  1612                                  m_impl->type=="friend struct" ||
  1613                                  m_impl->type=="friend union"
  1614                                 )
  1615                                );
  1617   return ((docFilter && staticFilter && privateFilter && friendCompoundFilter) /*|| inAnonymousScope*/);
  1618 }
  1620 bool MemberDef::isDetailedSectionVisible(bool inGroup,bool inFile) const          
  1621 { 
  1622   static bool separateMemPages = Config_getBool("SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES");
  1623   bool groupFilter = getGroupDef()==0 || inGroup || separateMemPages; 
  1624   bool fileFilter  = getNamespaceDef()==0 || !inFile;
  1626   bool visible = isDetailedSectionLinkable() && groupFilter && fileFilter && 
  1627                  !isReference();
  1628   //printf("MemberDef::isDetailedSectionVisible() %d\n",visible);
  1629   return visible;
  1630 }
  1632 /*! Writes the "detailed documentation" section of this member to
  1633  *  all active output formats.
  1634  */
  1635 void MemberDef::writeDocumentation(MemberList *ml,OutputList &ol,
  1636                                    const char *scName,
  1637                                    Definition *container,
  1638                                    bool inGroup,
  1639                                    bool showEnumValues
  1640                                   )
  1641 {
  1642   // if this member is in a group find the real scope name.
  1643   bool hasParameterList = FALSE;
  1644   bool inFile = container->definitionType()==Definition::TypeFile;
  1645   bool hasDocs = isDetailedSectionVisible(inGroup,inFile);
  1646   static bool optVhdl          = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
  1647   //printf("MemberDef::writeDocumentation(): name=`%s' hasDocs=`%d' containerType=%d inGroup=%d\n",
  1648   //    name().data(),hasDocs,container->definitionType(),inGroup);
  1649   if ( !hasDocs ) return;
  1650   if (isEnumValue() && !showEnumValues) return;
  1652   makeResident();
  1653   LockingPtr<MemberDef> lock(this,this);
  1655   QCString scopeName = scName;
  1656   QCString memAnchor = anchor();
  1657   QCString ciname = container->name();
  1658   if (container->definitionType()==TypeGroup)
  1659   {
  1660     if (getClassDef())          scopeName=getClassDef()->name();
  1661     else if (getNamespaceDef()) scopeName=getNamespaceDef()->name();
  1662     else if (getFileDef())      scopeName=getFileDef()->name();
  1663     ciname = ((GroupDef *)container)->groupTitle();
  1664   }
  1665   else if (container->definitionType()==TypeFile && getNamespaceDef())
  1666   { // member is in a namespace, but is written as part of the file documentation
  1667     // as well, so we need to make sure its label is unique.
  1668     memAnchor.prepend("file_");
  1669   }
  1671   QCString cname  = container->name();
  1672   QCString cfname = getOutputFileBase();
  1673   QCString cfiname = container->getOutputFileBase();
  1675   // get member name
  1676   QCString doxyName=name();
  1677   // prepend scope if there is any. TODO: make this optional for C only docs
  1678   if (scopeName) doxyName.prepend((QCString)scopeName+"::");
  1679   QCString doxyArgs=argsString();
  1681   QCString ldef = definition();
  1682   //printf("member `%s' def=`%s'\n",name().data(),ldef.data());
  1683   if (isEnumerate()) 
  1684   {
  1685     if (name().at(0)=='@')
  1686     {
  1687       ldef = "anonymous enum";
  1688     }
  1689     else
  1690     {
  1691       ldef.prepend("enum ");
  1692     }
  1693   }
  1694   else if (isEnumValue())
  1695   {
  1696     if (ldef.at(0)=='@')
  1697     {
  1698       ldef=ldef.mid(2);
  1699     }
  1700   }
  1701   int i=0,l;
  1702   static QRegExp r("@[0-9]+");
  1704   //----------------------------------------
  1706   ol.pushGeneratorState();
  1709   if ((isVariable() || isTypedef()) && (i=r.match(ldef,0,&l))!=-1)
  1710   {
  1711     // find enum type and insert it in the definition
  1712     MemberListIterator vmli(*ml);
  1713     MemberDef *vmd;
  1714     bool found=FALSE;
  1715     for ( ; (vmd=vmli.current()) && !found ; ++vmli)
  1716     {
  1717       if (vmd->isEnumerate() && ldef.mid(i,l)==vmd->name())
  1718       {
  1719         ol.startDoxyAnchor(cfname,cname,memAnchor,doxyName,doxyArgs);
  1720         ol.startMemberDoc(cname,name(),memAnchor,name());
  1721         linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),container,getBodyDef(),name(),ldef.left(i));
  1722         vmd->writeEnumDeclaration(ol,getClassDef(),getNamespaceDef(),getFileDef(),getGroupDef());
  1723         linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),container,getBodyDef(),name(),ldef.right(ldef.length()-i-l));
  1725         found=TRUE;
  1726       }
  1727     }
  1728     if (!found) // anonymous compound
  1729     {
  1730       //printf("Anonymous compound `%s'\n",cname.data());
  1731       ol.startDoxyAnchor(cfname,cname,memAnchor,doxyName,doxyArgs);
  1732       ol.startMemberDoc(cname,name(),memAnchor,name());
  1733       // strip anonymous compound names from definition
  1734       int si=ldef.find(' '),pi,ei=i+l;
  1735       if (si==-1) si=0;
  1736       while ((pi=r.match(ldef,i+l,&l))!=-1) ei=i=pi+l;
  1737       // first si characters of ldef contain compound type name
  1738       ol.startMemberDocName(isObjCMethod());
  1739       ol.docify(ldef.left(si));
  1740       ol.docify(" { ... } ");
  1741       // last ei characters of ldef contain pointer/reference specifiers
  1742       int ni=ldef.find("::",si);
  1743       if (ni>=ei) ei=ni+2;
  1744       linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),container,getBodyDef(),name(),ldef.right(ldef.length()-ei));
  1745     }
  1746   }
  1747   else // not an enum value
  1748   {
  1749     ol.startDoxyAnchor(cfname,cname,memAnchor,doxyName,doxyArgs);
  1750     ol.startMemberDoc(cname,name(),memAnchor,name());
  1752     ClassDef *cd=getClassDef();
  1753     if (!Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES"))
  1754     {
  1755       bool first=TRUE;
  1756       if (m_impl->defTmpArgLists) 
  1757         // definition has explicit template parameter declarations
  1758       {
  1759         QListIterator<ArgumentList> ali(*m_impl->defTmpArgLists);
  1760         ArgumentList *tal;
  1761         for (ali.toFirst();(tal=ali.current());++ali)
  1762         {
  1763           if (tal->count()>0)
  1764           {
  1765             if (!first) ol.docify(" ");
  1766             ol.startMemberDocPrefixItem();
  1767             writeTemplatePrefix(ol,tal);
  1768             ol.endMemberDocPrefixItem();
  1769           }
  1770         }
  1771       }
  1772       else // definition gets it template parameters from its class
  1773         // (since no definition was found)
  1774       {
  1775         if (cd && !isTemplateSpecialization())
  1776         {
  1777           QList<ArgumentList> tempParamLists;
  1778           cd->getTemplateParameterLists(tempParamLists);
  1779           //printf("#tempParamLists=%d\n",tempParamLists.count());
  1780           QListIterator<ArgumentList> ali(tempParamLists);
  1781           ArgumentList *tal;
  1782           for (ali.toFirst();(tal=ali.current());++ali)
  1783           {
  1784             if (tal->count()>0)
  1785             {
  1786               if (!first) ol.docify(" ");
  1787               ol.startMemberDocPrefixItem();
  1788               writeTemplatePrefix(ol,tal);
  1789               ol.endMemberDocPrefixItem();
  1790             }
  1791           }
  1792         }
  1793         if (m_impl->tArgList) // function template prefix
  1794         {
  1795           ol.startMemberDocPrefixItem();
  1796           writeTemplatePrefix(ol,m_impl->tArgList);
  1797           ol.endMemberDocPrefixItem();
  1798         }
  1799       }
  1800     }
  1802     ol.startMemberDocName(isObjCMethod());
  1803     if (cd && cd->isObjectiveC())
  1804     {
  1805       // strip scope name
  1806       int ep = ldef.find("::");
  1807       if (ep!=-1) 
  1808       {
  1809         int sp=ldef.findRev(' ',ep);
  1810         if (sp!=-1)
  1811         {
  1812           ldef=ldef.left(sp+1)+ldef.mid(ep+2);
  1813         }
  1814       }
  1815       // strip keywords
  1816       int dp = ldef.find(':');
  1817       if (dp!=-1)
  1818       {
  1819         ldef=ldef.left(dp+1);
  1820       }
  1821       int l=ldef.length();
  1822       //printf("start >%s<\n",ldef.data());
  1823       int i=l-1;
  1824       while (i>=0 && (isId(ldef.at(i)) || ldef.at(i)==':')) i--;
  1825       while (i>=0 && isspace((uchar)ldef.at(i))) i--;
  1826       if (i>0)
  1827       {
  1828         // insert braches around the type
  1829         QCString tmp("("+ldef.left(i+1)+")"+ldef.mid(i+1));
  1830         ldef=tmp;
  1831       }
  1832       //printf("end   >%s< i=%d\n",ldef.data(),i);
  1833       if (isStatic()) ldef.prepend("+ "); else ldef.prepend("- ");
  1834     }
  1836     if (optVhdl)
  1837     {
  1838       VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLTypeDocumentation(this,container,ol);
  1839     }
  1840     else
  1841     {
  1842       linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),container,getBodyDef(),name(),ldef);
  1843       hasParameterList=writeDefArgumentList(ol,cd,scopeName,this);
  1844     }
  1846     if (hasOneLineInitializer()) // add initializer
  1847     {
  1848       if (!isDefine()) 
  1849       {
  1850         ol.docify(" = "); 
  1851         linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),container,getBodyDef(),name(),m_impl->initializer.simplifyWhiteSpace());
  1852       }
  1853       else 
  1854       {
  1855         ol.writeNonBreakableSpace(3);
  1856         linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),container,getBodyDef(),name(),m_impl->initializer);
  1857       }
  1858     }
  1859     if (excpString()) // add exception list
  1860     {
  1861       ol.docify(" ");
  1862       linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),container,getBodyDef(),name(),excpString());
  1863     }
  1864   }
  1866   Specifier lvirt=virtualness();
  1868   if ((!isObjCMethod() || isOptional() || isRequired()) &&
  1869       (protection()!=Public || lvirt!=Normal ||
  1870        isFriend() || isRelated() || 
  1871        (isInline() && Config_getBool("INLINE_INFO")) ||
  1872        isSignal() || isSlot() ||
  1873        isStatic() || (m_impl->classDef && m_impl->classDef!=container) ||
  1874        (m_impl->memSpec & ~Entry::Inline)!=0 
  1875       )
  1876      )
  1877   {
  1878     // write the member specifier list
  1879     ol.writeLatexSpacing();
  1880     ol.startTypewriter();
  1881     ol.docify(" [");
  1882     QStrList sl;
  1883     if (optVhdl)
  1884     {
  1885       sl.append(VhdlDocGen::trTypeString(getMemberSpecifiers()));
  1886     }
  1887     else
  1888     {
  1889       if (isFriend()) sl.append("friend");
  1890       else if (isRelated()) sl.append("related");
  1891       else
  1892       {
  1893         if      (Config_getBool("INLINE_INFO") && isInline()) sl.append("inline");
  1894         if      (isExplicit())            sl.append("explicit");
  1895         if      (isMutable())             sl.append("mutable");
  1896         if      (isStatic())              sl.append("static");
  1897         if      (isGettable())            sl.append("get");
  1898         if      (isSettable())            sl.append("set");
  1899         if      (isAddable())             sl.append("add");
  1900         if      (isRemovable())           sl.append("remove");
  1901         if      (isRaisable())            sl.append("raise");
  1902         if      (isReadable())            sl.append("read");
  1903         if      (isWritable())            sl.append("write");
  1904         if      (isFinal())               sl.append("final");
  1905         if      (isAbstract())            sl.append("abstract");
  1906         if      (isOverride())            sl.append("override");
  1907         if      (isInitonly())            sl.append("initonly");
  1908         if      (isSealed())              sl.append("sealed");
  1909         if      (isNew())                 sl.append("new");
  1910         if      (isOptional())            sl.append("optional");
  1911         if      (isRequired())            sl.append("required");
  1912         if      (isAssign())              sl.append("assign");
  1913         else if (isCopy())                sl.append("copy");
  1914         else if (isRetain())              sl.append("retain");
  1916         if (!isObjCMethod())
  1917         {
  1918           if      (protection()==Protected) sl.append("protected");
  1919           else if (protection()==Private)   sl.append("private");
  1920           else if (protection()==Package)   sl.append("package");
  1922           if      (lvirt==Virtual)          sl.append("virtual");
  1923           else if (lvirt==Pure)             sl.append("pure virtual");
  1924           if      (isSignal())              sl.append("signal");
  1925           if      (isSlot())                sl.append("slot");
  1926         }
  1927       }
  1928       if (m_impl->classDef && m_impl->classDef!=container) sl.append("inherited");
  1929     }
  1930     const char *s=sl.first();
  1931     while (s)
  1932     {
  1933       ol.docify(s);
  1934       s=sl.next();
  1935       if (s) ol.docify(", ");
  1936     }
  1937     ol.docify("]");
  1938     ol.endTypewriter();
  1939   }
  1940   else if (isObjCMethod() && isImplementation())
  1941   {
  1942     ol.writeLatexSpacing();
  1943     ol.startTypewriter();
  1944     ol.docify(" [implementation]");
  1945     ol.endTypewriter();
  1946   }
  1947   if (hasParameterList) 
  1948   {
  1949     ol.endParameterList();
  1950     ol.endMemberDoc(TRUE);
  1951   }
  1952   else
  1953   {
  1954     ol.endMemberDocName();
  1955     ol.endMemberDoc(FALSE);
  1956   }
  1957   ol.endDoxyAnchor(cfname,memAnchor);
  1958   ol.startIndent();
  1960   // FIXME:PARA
  1961   //ol.pushGeneratorState();
  1962   //ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
  1963   //ol.newParagraph();
  1964   //ol.popGeneratorState();
  1966   /* write multi-line initializer (if any) */
  1967   if (hasMultiLineInitializer()
  1968       //initLines>0 && ((initLines<maxInitLines && userInitLines==-1) // implicitly enabled
  1969       //                || initLines<userInitLines // explicitly enabled
  1970       //               )
  1971      )
  1972   {
  1973     //printf("md=%s initLines=%d init=`%s'\n",name().data(),initLines,init.data());
  1974     ol.startBold();
  1975     if (m_impl->mtype==Define)
  1976       ol.parseText(theTranslator->trDefineValue());
  1977     else
  1978       ol.parseText(theTranslator->trInitialValue());
  1979     ol.endBold();
  1980     ParserInterface *pIntf = Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(getDefFileExtension());
  1981     pIntf->resetCodeParserState();
  1982     ol.startCodeFragment();
  1983     pIntf->parseCode(ol,scopeName,m_impl->initializer,FALSE,0);
  1984     ol.endCodeFragment();
  1985   }
  1987   QCString brief           = briefDescription();
  1988   QCString detailed        = documentation();
  1989   LockingPtr<ArgumentList> docArgList = LockingPtr<ArgumentList>(this,m_impl->defArgList);
  1990   if (m_impl->templateMaster)
  1991   {
  1992     brief      = m_impl->templateMaster->briefDescription();
  1993     detailed   = m_impl->templateMaster->documentation();
  1994     docArgList = m_impl->templateMaster->argumentList();
  1995   }
  1997   /* write brief description */
  1998   if (!brief.isEmpty() && 
  1999       (Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") || 
  2000        !Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC")
  2001       ) 
  2002      )  
  2003   { 
  2004     ol.startParagraph();
  2005     ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),
  2006                 getOuterScope()?getOuterScope():container,this,
  2007                 brief,FALSE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE);
  2008     ol.endParagraph();
  2009   }
  2011   /* write detailed description */
  2012   if (!detailed.isEmpty() || 
  2013       !inbodyDocumentation().isEmpty())
  2014   { 
  2015     ol.parseDoc(docFile(),docLine(),getOuterScope()?getOuterScope():container,this,detailed+"\n",TRUE,FALSE);
  2016     if (!inbodyDocumentation().isEmpty())
  2017     {
  2018       ol.startParagraph();
  2019       ol.parseDoc(inbodyFile(),inbodyLine(),getOuterScope()?getOuterScope():container,this,inbodyDocumentation()+"\n",TRUE,FALSE);
  2020       ol.endParagraph();
  2021     }
  2022   }
  2023   else if (!brief.isEmpty() && (Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") ||
  2024         !Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC")))
  2025   {
  2026     if (!inbodyDocumentation().isEmpty())
  2027     {
  2028       ol.parseDoc(inbodyFile(),inbodyLine(),getOuterScope()?getOuterScope():container,this,inbodyDocumentation()+"\n",TRUE,FALSE);
  2029     }
  2030   }
  2033   //printf("***** defArgList=%p name=%s docs=%s hasDocs=%d\n",
  2034   //     defArgList, 
  2035   //     defArgList?defArgList->hasDocumentation():-1);
  2036   if (docArgList!=0 && docArgList->hasDocumentation())
  2037   {
  2038     QCString paramDocs;
  2039     ArgumentListIterator ali(*docArgList);
  2040     Argument *a;
  2041     // convert the parameter documentation into a list of @param commands
  2042     for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
  2043     {
  2044       if (a->hasDocumentation())
  2045       {
  2046         QCString direction = extractDirection(a->docs);
  2047         paramDocs+="@param"+direction+" "+a->name+" "+a->docs;
  2048       }
  2049     }
  2050     // feed the result to the documentation parser
  2051     ol.parseDoc(
  2052         docFile(),docLine(),
  2053         getOuterScope()?getOuterScope():container,
  2054         this,         // memberDef
  2055         paramDocs,    // docStr
  2056         TRUE,         // indexWords
  2057         FALSE         // isExample
  2058         );
  2060   }
  2062   // For enum, we also write the documented enum values
  2063   if (isEnumerate())
  2064   {
  2065     bool first=TRUE;
  2066     LockingPtr<MemberList> fmdl=enumFieldList();
  2067     if (fmdl!=0)
  2068     {
  2069       MemberDef *fmd=fmdl->first();
  2070       while (fmd)
  2071       {
  2072         //printf("Enum: isLinkable()=%d\n",fmd->isLinkable());
  2073         if (fmd->isLinkable())
  2074         {
  2075           if (first)
  2076           {
  2077             ol.startSimpleSect(BaseOutputDocInterface::EnumValues,0,0,theTranslator->trEnumerationValues()+": ");
  2078             ol.startDescForItem();
  2079             ol.startDescTable();
  2080           }
  2082           ol.addIndexItem(fmd->name(),cname);
  2083           ol.addIndexItem(cname,fmd->name());
  2085           //Doxygen::indexList.addIndexItem(
  2086           //                       ciname,                                // level1
  2087           //                       fmd->name(),                           // level2
  2088           //                       separateMemPages ? cfname : cfiname,   // contRef
  2089           //                       cfname,                                // memRef
  2090           //                       fmd->anchor(),                         // anchor
  2091           //                       fmd);                                  // memberdef
  2092           Doxygen::indexList.addIndexItem(container,fmd);
  2094           //ol.writeListItem();
  2095           ol.startDescTableTitle(); // this enables emphasis!
  2096           ol.startDoxyAnchor(cfname,cname,fmd->anchor(),fmd->name(),fmd->argsString());
  2097           first=FALSE;
  2098           //ol.startEmphasis();
  2099           ol.docify(fmd->name());
  2100           //ol.endEmphasis();
  2101           ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Man);
  2102           ol.writeString(" ");
  2103           ol.enableAll();
  2104           ol.endDoxyAnchor(cfname,fmd->anchor());
  2105           ol.endDescTableTitle();
  2106           //ol.newParagraph();
  2107           ol.startDescTableData();
  2109           if (!fmd->briefDescription().isEmpty())
  2110           { 
  2111             ol.parseDoc(fmd->briefFile(),fmd->briefLine(),getOuterScope()?getOuterScope():container,fmd,fmd->briefDescription(),TRUE,FALSE);
  2112           }
  2113           // FIXME:PARA
  2114           //if (!fmd->briefDescription().isEmpty() && 
  2115           //    !fmd->documentation().isEmpty())
  2116           //{
  2117           //  ol.newParagraph();
  2118           //}
  2119           if (!fmd->documentation().isEmpty())
  2120           { 
  2121             ol.parseDoc(fmd->docFile(),fmd->docLine(),getOuterScope()?getOuterScope():container,fmd,fmd->documentation()+"\n",TRUE,FALSE);
  2122           }
  2123           ol.endDescTableData();
  2124         }
  2125         fmd=fmdl->next();
  2126       }
  2127     }
  2128     if (!first) 
  2129     { 
  2130       //ol.endItemList(); 
  2131       ol.endDescTable();
  2132       ol.endDescForItem();
  2133       ol.endSimpleSect();
  2134       ol.writeChar('\n'); 
  2135     }
  2136   }
  2138   MemberDef *bmd=reimplements();
  2139   ClassDef *bcd=0;
  2140   if (bmd && (bcd=bmd->getClassDef()))
  2141   {
  2142     // write class that contains a member that is reimplemented by this one
  2143     if (bcd->isLinkable())
  2144     {
  2145       ol.startParagraph();
  2146       QCString reimplFromLine; 
  2147       if (bmd->virtualness()!=Pure && bcd->compoundType()!=ClassDef::Interface)
  2148       {
  2149         reimplFromLine = theTranslator->trReimplementedFromList(1);
  2150       }
  2151       else
  2152       {
  2153         reimplFromLine = theTranslator->trImplementedFromList(1);
  2154       }
  2155       int markerPos = reimplFromLine.find("@0");
  2156       if (markerPos!=-1) // should always pass this.
  2157       {
  2158         ol.parseText(reimplFromLine.left(markerPos)); //text left from marker
  2159         if (bmd->isLinkable()) // replace marker with link
  2160         {
  2161           //Definition *bd=bmd->group;
  2162           //if (bd==0) bd=bcd;
  2163           ol.writeObjectLink(bmd->getReference(),bmd->getOutputFileBase(),
  2164               bmd->anchor(),bcd->displayName());
  2166           //ol.writeObjectLink(bcd->getReference(),bcd->getOutputFileBase(),
  2167           //    bmd->anchor(),bcd->name());
  2168           if ( bmd->isLinkableInProject() ) 
  2169           {
  2170             writePageRef(ol,bmd->getOutputFileBase(),bmd->anchor());
  2171           }
  2172         }
  2173         else
  2174         {
  2175           ol.writeObjectLink(bcd->getReference(),bcd->getOutputFileBase(),
  2176               0,bcd->displayName());
  2177           if (bcd->isLinkableInProject()/* && !Config_getBool("PDF_HYPERLINKS")*/ )
  2178           {
  2179             writePageRef(ol,bcd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
  2180           }
  2181         }
  2182         ol.parseText(reimplFromLine.right(
  2183               reimplFromLine.length()-markerPos-2)); // text right from marker
  2185       }
  2186       else
  2187       {
  2188         err("Error: translation error: no marker in trReimplementsFromList()\n");
  2189       }
  2190       ol.endParagraph();
  2191     }
  2193     //ol.writeString(".");
  2194   }
  2196   LockingPtr<MemberList> bml=reimplementedBy();
  2197   if (bml!=0)
  2198   {
  2199     MemberListIterator mli(*bml);
  2200     MemberDef *bmd=0;
  2201     uint count=0;
  2202     ClassDef *bcd=0;
  2203     for (mli.toFirst();(bmd=mli.current()) && (bcd=bmd->getClassDef());++mli)
  2204     {
  2205       // count the members that directly inherit from md and for
  2206       // which the member and class are visible in the docs.
  2207       if ( bmd->isLinkable() && bcd->isLinkable() ) 
  2208       {
  2209         count++;
  2210       }
  2211     }
  2212     if (count>0)
  2213     {
  2214       mli.toFirst();
  2215       // write the list of classes that overwrite this member
  2216       ol.startParagraph();
  2218       QCString reimplInLine;
  2219       if (m_impl->virt==Pure || (m_impl->classDef && m_impl->classDef->compoundType()==ClassDef::Interface))
  2220       {
  2221         reimplInLine = theTranslator->trImplementedInList(count);
  2222       }
  2223       else
  2224       {
  2225         reimplInLine = theTranslator->trReimplementedInList(count);
  2226       }
  2227       static QRegExp marker("@[0-9]+");
  2228       int index=0,newIndex,matchLen;
  2229       // now replace all markers in reimplInLine with links to the classes
  2230       while ((newIndex=marker.match(reimplInLine,index,&matchLen))!=-1)
  2231       {
  2232         ol.parseText(reimplInLine.mid(index,newIndex-index));
  2233         bool ok;
  2234         uint entryIndex = reimplInLine.mid(newIndex+1,matchLen-1).toUInt(&ok);
  2235         //bmd=bml->at(entryIndex);
  2237         count=0;
  2238         // find the entryIndex-th documented entry in the inheritance list.
  2239         for (mli.toLast();(bmd=mli.current()) && (bcd=bmd->getClassDef());--mli)
  2240         {
  2241           if ( bmd->isLinkable() && bcd->isLinkable()) 
  2242           {
  2243             if (count==entryIndex) break;
  2244             count++;
  2245           }
  2246         }
  2248         if (ok && bcd && bmd) // write link for marker
  2249         {
  2250           //ol.writeObjectLink(bcd->getReference(),bcd->getOutputFileBase(),
  2251           //    bmd->anchor(),bcd->name());
  2252           ol.writeObjectLink(bmd->getReference(),bmd->getOutputFileBase(),
  2253               bmd->anchor(),bcd->displayName());
  2255           if (bmd->isLinkableInProject() ) 
  2256           {
  2257             writePageRef(ol,bmd->getOutputFileBase(),bmd->anchor());
  2258           }
  2259         }
  2260         ++mli;
  2261         index=newIndex+matchLen;
  2262       } 
  2263       ol.parseText(reimplInLine.right(reimplInLine.length()-index));
  2264       ol.endParagraph();
  2265     }
  2266   }
  2268   // write the list of examples that use this member
  2269   if (hasExamples())
  2270   {
  2271     ol.startSimpleSect(BaseOutputDocInterface::Examples,0,0,theTranslator->trExamples()+": ");
  2272     ol.startDescForItem();
  2273     writeExample(ol,m_impl->exampleSDict);
  2274     ol.endDescForItem();
  2275     ol.endSimpleSect();
  2276   }
  2278   if (m_impl->typeConstraints)
  2279   {
  2280     writeTypeConstraints(ol,this,m_impl->typeConstraints);
  2281   }
  2283   // write reference to the source
  2284   writeSourceDef(ol,cname);
  2285   writeSourceRefs(ol,cname);
  2286   writeSourceReffedBy(ol,cname);
  2287   writeInlineCode(ol,cname);
  2289   // write call graph
  2290   if ((m_impl->hasCallGraph || Config_getBool("CALL_GRAPH")) 
  2291       && (isFunction() || isSlot() || isSignal()) && Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT")
  2292      )
  2293   {
  2294     DotCallGraph callGraph(this,FALSE);
  2295     if (!callGraph.isTrivial() && !callGraph.isTooBig())
  2296     {
  2297       msg("Generating call graph for function %s\n",qualifiedName().data());
  2298       ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
  2299       ol.startParagraph();
  2300       ol.startCallGraph();
  2301       ol.parseText(theTranslator->trCallGraph());
  2302       ol.endCallGraph(callGraph);
  2303       ol.endParagraph(); 
  2304       ol.enableAll();
  2305     }
  2306   }
  2307   if ((m_impl->hasCallerGraph || Config_getBool("CALLER_GRAPH")) 
  2308       && (isFunction() || isSlot() || isSignal()) && Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT")
  2309      )
  2310   {
  2311     DotCallGraph callerGraph(this, TRUE);
  2312     if (!callerGraph.isTrivial() && !callerGraph.isTooBig())
  2313     {
  2314       msg("Generating caller graph for function %s\n",qualifiedName().data());
  2315       ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
  2316       ol.startParagraph();
  2317       ol.startCallGraph();
  2318       ol.parseText(theTranslator->trCallerGraph());
  2319       ol.endCallGraph(callerGraph);
  2320       ol.endParagraph();
  2321       ol.enableAll();
  2322     }
  2323   }
  2325   if (Doxygen::userComments)
  2326   {
  2327     ol.pushGeneratorState();
  2328     ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
  2329     QCString cmd = "<? $root=$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']; "
  2330                    "passthru(\"$root/doxynotes --lookup "+
  2331                    getOutputFileBase()+":"+anchor()+"\") ?>";
  2332     ol.writeString(cmd);
  2333     ol.popGeneratorState();
  2334   }
  2336   ol.endIndent();
  2338   // enable LaTeX again
  2339   //if (Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL") && !hasDocs) ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Latex); 
  2340   ol.popGeneratorState();
  2342   //------------------------------------------------
  2344   if (!Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL") &&
  2345       Config_getBool("WARN_IF_UNDOCUMENTED") &&
  2346       Config_getBool("WARN_NO_PARAMDOC") &&
  2347       !Doxygen::suppressDocWarnings)
  2348   {
  2349     if (!hasDocumentedParams())
  2350     {
  2351       warn_doc_error(docFile(),docLine(),
  2352           "Warning: parameters of member %s are not (all) documented",
  2353           qualifiedName().data());
  2354     }
  2355     if (!hasDocumentedReturnType())
  2356     {
  2357       warn_doc_error(docFile(),docLine(),
  2358           "Warning: return type of member %s is not documented",
  2359           qualifiedName().data());
  2360     }
  2361   }
  2363 }
  2365 QCString MemberDef::memberTypeName() const
  2366 {
  2367   makeResident();
  2368   switch (m_impl->mtype)
  2369   {
  2370     case Define:      return "define";
  2371     case Function:    return "function";
  2372     case Variable:    return "variable";
  2373     case Typedef:     return "typedef";
  2374     case Enumeration: return "enumeration"; 
  2375     case EnumValue:   return "enumvalue";
  2376     case Signal:      return "signal";
  2377     case Slot:        return "slot";
  2378     case Friend:      return "friend";
  2379     case DCOP:        return "dcop";
  2380     case Property:    return "property";
  2381     case Event:       return "event";
  2382     default:          return "unknown";
  2383   }
  2384 }
  2386 void MemberDef::warnIfUndocumented()
  2387 {
  2388   makeResident();
  2389   if (m_impl->memberGroup) return;
  2390   ClassDef     *cd = getClassDef();
  2391   NamespaceDef *nd = getNamespaceDef();
  2392   FileDef      *fd = getFileDef();
  2393   GroupDef     *gd = getGroupDef();
  2394   Definition *d=0;
  2395   const char *t=0;
  2396   if (cd) 
  2397     t="class", d=cd; 
  2398   else if (nd) 
  2399     t="namespace", d=nd; 
  2400   else if (gd)
  2401     t="group", d=gd;
  2402   else
  2403     t="file", d=fd;
  2404   static bool extractAll = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL");
  2406   //printf("warnIfUndoc: d->isLinkable()=%d isLinkable()=%d "
  2407   //       "isDocumentedFriendClass()=%d name()=%s prot=%d\n",
  2408   //       d->isLinkable(),isLinkable(),isDocumentedFriendClass(),
  2409   //       name().data(),prot);
  2410   if ((!hasUserDocumentation() && !extractAll) &&
  2411       !isFriendClass() && 
  2412       name().find('@')==-1 && d->name().find('@')==-1 &&
  2413       (m_impl->prot!=Private || Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE"))
  2414      )
  2415   {
  2416     warn_undoc(getDefFileName(),getDefLine(),"Warning: Member %s%s (%s) of %s %s is not documented.",
  2417          name().data(),argsString()?argsString():"",memberTypeName().data(),t,d->name().data());
  2418   }
  2419 }
  2423 bool MemberDef::isFriendClass() const
  2424 {
  2425   makeResident();
  2426   return (isFriend() && 
  2427          (m_impl->type=="friend class" || m_impl->type=="friend struct" || 
  2428           m_impl->type=="friend union"));
  2429 }
  2431 bool MemberDef::isDocumentedFriendClass() const
  2432 {
  2433   makeResident();
  2434   ClassDef *fcd=0;
  2435   QCString baseName=name();
  2436   int i=baseName.find('<');
  2437   if (i!=-1) baseName=baseName.left(i);
  2438   return (isFriendClass() &&
  2439          (fcd=getClass(baseName)) && fcd->isLinkable()); 
  2440 }
  2442 bool MemberDef::hasDocumentation() const
  2443 { 
  2444   makeResident();
  2445   return Definition::hasDocumentation() || 
  2446          (m_impl->mtype==Enumeration && m_impl->docEnumValues) ||  // has enum values
  2447          (m_impl->defArgList!=0 && m_impl->defArgList->hasDocumentation()); // has doc arguments
  2448 }
  2450 #if 0
  2451 bool MemberDef::hasUserDocumentation() const
  2452 {
  2453   bool hasDocs = Definition::hasUserDocumentation();
  2454   return hasDocs;
  2455 }
  2456 #endif
  2459 void MemberDef::setMemberGroup(MemberGroup *grp)
  2460 {
  2461   makeResident();
  2462   m_impl->memberGroup = grp;
  2463 }
  2465 bool MemberDef::visibleMemberGroup(bool hideNoHeader) 
  2466 { 
  2467   makeResident();
  2468   return m_impl->memberGroup!=0 && 
  2469           (!hideNoHeader || m_impl->memberGroup->header()!="[NOHEADER]"); 
  2470 }
  2472 QCString MemberDef::getScopeString() const
  2473 {
  2474   makeResident();
  2475   QCString result;
  2476   if (getClassDef()) result=getClassDef()->displayName();
  2477   else if (getNamespaceDef()) result=getNamespaceDef()->displayName();
  2478   return result;
  2479 }
  2481 #if 0
  2482 static QCString escapeAnchor(const QCString &anchor)
  2483 {
  2484   QCString result;
  2485   int l = anchor.length(),i;
  2486   for (i=0;i<l;i++)
  2487   {
  2488     char c = anchor.at(i);
  2489     if ((c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z'))
  2490     {
  2491       result+=c;
  2492     }
  2493     else
  2494     {
  2495       static char hexStr[]="0123456789ABCDEF";
  2496       char escChar[]={ '_', 0, 0, 0 };
  2497       escChar[1]=hexStr[c>>4];
  2498       escChar[2]=hexStr[c&0xf];
  2499       result+=escChar;
  2500     }
  2501   }
  2502   return result;
  2503 }
  2504 #endif
  2506 void MemberDef::setAnchor(const char *a)
  2507 {
  2508   makeResident();
  2509   //anc=a;
  2510   a=a;
  2511   QCString memAnchor = name();
  2512   if (!m_impl->args.isEmpty()) memAnchor+=m_impl->args;
  2514   // include definition as well, to distinguish between two template
  2515   // specializations that only differ in the template parameters.
  2516   memAnchor.prepend(definition());
  2518   // convert to md5 hash
  2519   uchar md5_sig[16];
  2520   QCString sigStr(33);
  2521   MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *)memAnchor.data(),memAnchor.length(),md5_sig);
  2522   MD5SigToString(md5_sig,sigStr.data(),33);
  2523   m_impl->anc = "a"+sigStr;
  2524 }
  2526 void MemberDef::setGroupDef(GroupDef *gd,Grouping::GroupPri_t pri,
  2527                             const QCString &fileName,int startLine,
  2528                             bool hasDocs,MemberDef *member)
  2529 {
  2530   //printf("%s MemberDef::setGroupDef(%s)\n",name().data(),gd->name().data());
  2531   makeResident();
  2532   m_impl->group=gd;
  2533   m_impl->grouppri=pri;
  2534   m_impl->groupFileName=fileName;
  2535   m_impl->groupStartLine=startLine;
  2536   m_impl->groupHasDocs=hasDocs;
  2537   m_impl->groupMember=member;
  2538 }
  2540 void MemberDef::setEnumScope(MemberDef *md) 
  2541 { 
  2542   makeResident();
  2543   m_impl->enumScope=md; 
  2544   if (md->getGroupDef())
  2545   {
  2546     m_impl->group=md->getGroupDef();
  2547     m_impl->grouppri=md->getGroupPri();
  2548     m_impl->groupFileName=md->getGroupFileName();
  2549     m_impl->groupStartLine=md->getGroupStartLine();
  2550     m_impl->groupHasDocs=md->getGroupHasDocs();
  2551   }
  2552 }
  2554 void MemberDef::setMemberClass(ClassDef *cd)     
  2555 { 
  2556   makeResident();
  2557   m_impl->classDef=cd; 
  2558   setOuterScope(cd); 
  2559 }
  2561 void MemberDef::setNamespace(NamespaceDef *nd) 
  2562 { 
  2563   makeResident();
  2564   m_impl->nspace=nd; 
  2565   setOuterScope(nd); 
  2566 }
  2568 MemberDef *MemberDef::createTemplateInstanceMember(
  2569         ArgumentList *formalArgs,ArgumentList *actualArgs)
  2570 {
  2571   makeResident();
  2572   LockingPtr<MemberDef> lock(this,this);
  2573   //printf("  Member %s %s %s\n",typeString(),name().data(),argsString());
  2574   ArgumentList *actualArgList = 0;
  2575   if (m_impl->defArgList)
  2576   {
  2577     actualArgList = new ArgumentList;
  2578     ArgumentListIterator ali(*m_impl->defArgList);
  2579     Argument *arg;
  2580     for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali)
  2581     {
  2582       Argument *actArg = new Argument(*arg);
  2583       actArg->type = substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(actArg->type,formalArgs,actualArgs);
  2584       actualArgList->append(actArg);
  2585     }
  2586     actualArgList->constSpecifier    = m_impl->defArgList->constSpecifier;
  2587     actualArgList->volatileSpecifier = m_impl->defArgList->volatileSpecifier;
  2588     actualArgList->pureSpecifier     = m_impl->defArgList->pureSpecifier;
  2589   }
  2591   QCString methodName=name();
  2592   if (methodName.left(9)=="operator ") // conversion operator
  2593   {
  2594     methodName=substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(methodName,formalArgs,actualArgs);
  2595   }
  2597   MemberDef *imd = new MemberDef(
  2598                        getDefFileName(),getDefLine(),
  2599                        substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(m_impl->type,formalArgs,actualArgs), 
  2600                        methodName, 
  2601                        substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(m_impl->args,formalArgs,actualArgs), 
  2602                        m_impl->exception, m_impl->prot,
  2603                        m_impl->virt, m_impl->stat, m_impl->related, m_impl->mtype, 0, 0
  2604                    );
  2605   imd->setArgumentList(actualArgList);
  2606   imd->setDefinition(substituteTemplateArgumentsInString(m_impl->def,formalArgs,actualArgs));
  2607   imd->setBodyDef(getBodyDef());
  2608   imd->setBodySegment(getStartBodyLine(),getEndBodyLine());
  2609   //imd->setBodyMember(this);
  2611   // TODO: init other member variables (if needed).
  2612   // TODO: reimplemented info
  2613   return imd; 
  2614 }
  2616 bool MemberDef::hasOneLineInitializer() const
  2617 {
  2618   makeResident();
  2619   //printf("%s: init=%s, initLines=%d maxInitLines=%d userInitLines=%d\n",
  2620   //    name().data(),m_impl->initializer.data(),m_impl->initLines,
  2621   //    m_impl->maxInitLines,m_impl->userInitLines);
  2622   return !m_impl->initializer.isEmpty() && m_impl->initLines==0 && // one line initializer
  2623          ((m_impl->maxInitLines>0 && m_impl->userInitLines==-1) || m_impl->userInitLines>0); // enabled by default or explicitly
  2624 }
  2626 bool MemberDef::hasMultiLineInitializer() const
  2627 {
  2628   makeResident();
  2629   //printf("initLines=%d userInitLines=%d maxInitLines=%d\n",
  2630   //    initLines,userInitLines,maxInitLines);
  2631   return m_impl->initLines>0 && 
  2632          ((m_impl->initLines<m_impl->maxInitLines && m_impl->userInitLines==-1) // implicitly enabled
  2633           || m_impl->initLines<m_impl->userInitLines // explicitly enabled
  2634          );
  2635 }
  2637 void MemberDef::setInitializer(const char *initializer)    
  2638 { 
  2639   makeResident();
  2640   m_impl->initializer=initializer; 
  2641   int p=m_impl->initializer.length()-1;
  2642   while (p>=0 && isspace((uchar)m_impl->initializer.at(p))) p--;
  2643   m_impl->initializer=m_impl->initializer.left(p+1);
  2644   m_impl->initLines=m_impl->initializer.contains('\n');
  2645 }
  2647 void MemberDef::addListReference(Definition *)
  2648 {
  2649   makeResident();
  2650   static bool optimizeOutputForC = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_FOR_C");
  2651   static bool hideScopeNames     = Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES");
  2652   static bool optimizeOutputJava = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA");
  2653   static bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");  
  2654   visited=TRUE;
  2655   if (!isLinkableInProject()) return;
  2656   QCString memLabel;
  2657   if (optimizeOutputForC) 
  2658   {
  2659     memLabel=theTranslator->trGlobal(TRUE,TRUE);
  2660   }
  2661   else if (fortranOpt)
  2662   {
  2663     memLabel=theTranslator->trSubprogram(TRUE,TRUE);
  2664   }
  2665   else
  2666   {
  2667     memLabel=theTranslator->trMember(TRUE,TRUE);
  2668   }
  2669   QCString memName = name();
  2670   Definition *pd=getOuterScope();
  2671   QCString memArgs;
  2672   if (!isRelated() 
  2673       /* && commented out as a result of bug 597016
  2674       (
  2675        (!hideScopeNames &&                    // there is a scope
  2676         pd && pd!=Doxygen::globalScope)       // and we can show it
  2677        ||
  2678        (pd=getClassDef())                     // it's a class so we
  2679                                               // show the scope anyway
  2680       )
  2681       */
  2682      )
  2683   {
  2684     if (isObjCMethod())
  2685     {
  2686       memName = "[" + pd->name() + " " + name() + "]";
  2687     }
  2688     else if (optimizeOutputJava)
  2689     {
  2690       if (!hideScopeNames) memName.prepend(pd->name()+".");
  2691       memArgs = argsString();
  2692     }
  2693     else
  2694     {
  2695       if (!hideScopeNames) memName.prepend(pd->name()+"::");
  2696       memArgs = argsString();
  2697     }
  2698   }
  2699   LockingPtr< QList<ListItemInfo> > xrefItems = xrefListItems();
  2700   if (xrefItems!=0)
  2701   {
  2702     addRefItem(xrefItems.pointer(),
  2703         qualifiedName(),
  2704         memLabel,
  2705         getOutputFileBase()+"#"+anchor(),memName,memArgs);
  2706   }
  2707 }
  2709 MemberList *MemberDef::getSectionList(Definition *d) const 
  2710 { 
  2711   makeResident();
  2712   char key[20];
  2713   sprintf(key,"%p",d);
  2714   return (d!=0 && m_impl->classSectionSDict) ? m_impl->classSectionSDict->find(key) : 0;
  2715 }
  2717 void MemberDef::setSectionList(Definition *d, MemberList *sl)   
  2718 { 
  2719   makeResident();
  2720   //printf("MemberDef::setSectionList(%p,%p) name=%s\n",d,sl,name().data());
  2721   char key[20];
  2722   sprintf(key,"%p",d);
  2723   if (m_impl->classSectionSDict==0) 
  2724   {
  2725     m_impl->classSectionSDict = new SDict<MemberList>(7);
  2726   }
  2727   m_impl->classSectionSDict->append(key,sl);
  2728 }
  2730 Specifier MemberDef::virtualness(int count) const
  2731 {
  2732   if (count>25) 
  2733   {
  2734      warn(getDefFileName(),getDefLine(),
  2735        "Warning: Internal inconsistency: recursion detected in overload relation for member %s!"
  2736        ,name().data()
  2737       );
  2738      return Normal;
  2739   }
  2740   makeResident();
  2741   Specifier v = m_impl->virt;
  2742   MemberDef *rmd = reimplements();
  2743   while (rmd && v==Normal)
  2744   {
  2745     v = rmd->virtualness(count+1)==Normal ? Normal : Virtual;
  2746     rmd = rmd->reimplements();
  2747   }
  2748   return v;
  2749 }
  2751 bool MemberDef::isConstructor() const            
  2752 { 
  2753   makeResident();
  2754   if (m_impl->classDef) 
  2755   {
  2756     if (m_impl->isDMember) // for D
  2757     {
  2758       return name()=="this";
  2759     }
  2760     else if (m_impl->fileDef && 
  2761              getLanguageFromFileName(m_impl->fileDef->name())==SrcLangExt_PHP)
  2762     {                // for PHP
  2763       return name()=="__construct";
  2764     }
  2765     else // for other languages
  2766     {
  2767       QCString locName = m_impl->classDef->localName();
  2768       int i=locName.find('<');
  2769       if (i==-1) // not a template class
  2770       {
  2771         return name()==locName;
  2772       }
  2773       else
  2774       {
  2775         return name()==locName.left(i);
  2776       }
  2777     }
  2778   }
  2779   else
  2780      return FALSE; 
  2781 }
  2783 bool MemberDef::isDestructor() const
  2784 { 
  2785   makeResident();
  2786   if (m_impl->isDMember) // for D
  2787   {
  2788     return name()=="~this";
  2789   }
  2790   else if (m_impl->fileDef && 
  2791       getLanguageFromFileName(m_impl->fileDef->name())==SrcLangExt_PHP)
  2792   {                // for PHP
  2793     return name()=="__destruct";
  2794   }
  2795   else // other languages
  2796   {
  2797     return (name().find('~')!=-1 || name().find('!')!=-1)  // The ! is for C++/CLI
  2798            && name().find("operator")==-1; 
  2799   }
  2800 }
  2802 void MemberDef::writeEnumDeclaration(OutputList &typeDecl,
  2803      ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd)
  2804 {
  2805   makeResident();
  2806   LockingPtr<MemberDef> lock(this,this);
  2807   int enumMemCount=0;
  2809   QList<MemberDef> *fmdl=m_impl->enumFields;
  2810   uint numVisibleEnumValues=0;
  2811   if (fmdl)
  2812   {
  2813     MemberDef *fmd=fmdl->first();
  2814     while (fmd)
  2815     {
  2816       if (fmd->isBriefSectionVisible()) numVisibleEnumValues++;
  2817       fmd=fmdl->next();
  2818     }
  2819   }
  2820   if (numVisibleEnumValues==0 && !isBriefSectionVisible()) 
  2821   {
  2822     return;
  2823   }
  2825   QCString n = name();
  2826   int i=n.findRev("::");
  2827   if (i!=-1) n=n.right(n.length()-i-2); // strip scope (TODO: is this needed?)
  2828   if (n[0]!='@') // not an anonymous enum
  2829   {
  2830     if (isLinkableInProject() || hasDocumentedEnumValues())
  2831     {
  2832       if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty() && !isReference())
  2833       {
  2834         Doxygen::tagFile << "    <member kind=\"enumeration\">" << endl;
  2835         Doxygen::tagFile << "      <name>" << convertToXML(name()) << "</name>" << endl; 
  2836         Doxygen::tagFile << "      <anchorfile>" << convertToXML(getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension) << "</anchorfile>" << endl;
  2837         Doxygen::tagFile << "      <anchor>" << convertToXML(anchor()) << "</anchor>" << endl; 
  2838         Doxygen::tagFile << "      <arglist>" << convertToXML(argsString()) << "</arglist>" << endl; 
  2839         Doxygen::tagFile << "    </member>" << endl;
  2840       }
  2841       writeLink(typeDecl,cd,nd,fd,gd);
  2842     }
  2843     else
  2844     {
  2845       typeDecl.startBold();
  2846       typeDecl.docify(n);
  2847       typeDecl.endBold();
  2848     }
  2849     typeDecl.writeChar(' ');
  2850   }
  2852   if (numVisibleEnumValues>0)
  2853   {
  2854     uint enumValuesPerLine = (uint)Config_getInt("ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE");
  2855     if (enumValuesPerLine==0) enumValuesPerLine=1;
  2856     typeDecl.docify("{ ");
  2857     if (fmdl)
  2858     {
  2859       MemberDef *fmd=fmdl->first();
  2860       bool fmdVisible = fmd->isBriefSectionVisible();
  2861       while (fmd)
  2862       {
  2863         if (fmdVisible)
  2864         {
  2865           /* in html we start a new line after a number of items */
  2866           if (numVisibleEnumValues>enumValuesPerLine
  2867               && (enumMemCount%enumValuesPerLine)==0
  2868              )
  2869           {
  2870             typeDecl.pushGeneratorState();
  2871             typeDecl.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
  2872             typeDecl.enable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
  2873             typeDecl.lineBreak(); 
  2874             typeDecl.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
  2875             typeDecl.writeString("&nbsp;&nbsp;");
  2876             typeDecl.popGeneratorState();
  2877           }
  2879           if (fmd->hasDocumentation()) // enum value has docs
  2880           {
  2881             if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty() && !fmd->isReference())
  2882             {
  2883               Doxygen::tagFile << "    <member kind=\"enumvalue\">" << endl;
  2884               Doxygen::tagFile << "      <name>" << convertToXML(fmd->name()) << "</name>" << endl; 
  2885               Doxygen::tagFile << "      <anchorfile>" << convertToXML(getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension) << "</anchorfile>" << endl;              
  2886               Doxygen::tagFile << "      <anchor>" << convertToXML(fmd->anchor()) << "</anchor>" << endl; 
  2887               Doxygen::tagFile << "      <arglist>" << convertToXML(fmd->argsString()) << "</arglist>" << endl; 
  2888               Doxygen::tagFile << "    </member>" << endl;
  2889             }
  2890             fmd->writeLink(typeDecl,cd,nd,fd,gd);
  2891           }
  2892           else // no docs for this enum value
  2893           {
  2894             typeDecl.startBold();
  2895             typeDecl.docify(fmd->name());
  2896             typeDecl.endBold();
  2897           }
  2898           if (fmd->hasOneLineInitializer()) // enum value has initializer
  2899           {
  2900             typeDecl.writeString(" = ");
  2901             typeDecl.parseText(fmd->initializer());
  2902           }
  2903         }
  2905         bool prevVisible = fmdVisible;
  2906         fmd=fmdl->next();
  2907         if (fmd && (fmdVisible=fmd->isBriefSectionVisible())) 
  2908         {
  2909           typeDecl.writeString(", ");
  2910         }
  2911         if (prevVisible)
  2912         {
  2913           typeDecl.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
  2914           typeDecl.writeString("\n"); // to prevent too long lines in LaTeX
  2915           typeDecl.enable(OutputGenerator::Man);
  2916           enumMemCount++;
  2917         }
  2918       }
  2919       if (numVisibleEnumValues>enumValuesPerLine)
  2920       {
  2921         typeDecl.pushGeneratorState();
  2922         typeDecl.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
  2923         typeDecl.lineBreak(); 
  2924         typeDecl.popGeneratorState();
  2925       }
  2926     }
  2927     typeDecl.docify(" }");
  2928   }
  2929 }
  2931 void MemberDef::setArgumentList(ArgumentList *al) 
  2932 { 
  2933   makeResident();
  2934   if (m_impl->defArgList) delete m_impl->defArgList;
  2935   m_impl->defArgList = al;
  2936 }
  2938 void MemberDef::setDeclArgumentList(ArgumentList *al)
  2939 {
  2940   makeResident();
  2941   if (m_impl->declArgList) delete m_impl->declArgList;
  2942   m_impl->declArgList = al;
  2943 }
  2945 void MemberDef::setTypeConstraints(ArgumentList *al)
  2946 {
  2947   if (al==0) return;
  2948   makeResident();
  2949   if (m_impl->typeConstraints) delete m_impl->typeConstraints;
  2950   m_impl->typeConstraints = new ArgumentList;
  2951   m_impl->typeConstraints->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
  2952   ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
  2953   Argument *a;
  2954   for (;(a=ali.current());++ali)
  2955   {
  2956     m_impl->typeConstraints->append(new Argument(*a));
  2957   }
  2958 }
  2960 void MemberDef::findSectionsInDocumentation()
  2961 {
  2962   makeResident();
  2963   docFindSections(documentation(),this,0,docFile());  
  2964 }
  2966 void MemberDef::enableCallGraph(bool e) 
  2967 { 
  2968   makeResident();
  2969   m_impl->hasCallGraph=e; 
  2970   if (e) Doxygen::parseSourcesNeeded = TRUE;
  2971 }
  2973 void MemberDef::enableCallerGraph(bool e) 
  2974 { 
  2975   makeResident();
  2976   m_impl->hasCallerGraph=e; 
  2977   if (e) Doxygen::parseSourcesNeeded = TRUE;
  2978 }
  2980 bool MemberDef::protectionVisible() const
  2981 {
  2982   makeResident();
  2983   return m_impl->prot==Public || 
  2984          (m_impl->prot==Private   && Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE"))   ||
  2985          (m_impl->prot==Protected && Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PROTECTED")) ||
  2986          (m_impl->prot==Package   && Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PACKAGE"));
  2987 }
  2989 #if 0
  2990 void MemberDef::setInbodyDocumentation(const char *docs,
  2991                   const char *docFile,int docLine)
  2992 {
  2993   makeResident();
  2994   m_impl->inbodyDocs = docs;
  2995   m_impl->inbodyDocs = m_impl->inbodyDocs.stripWhiteSpace();
  2996   m_impl->inbodyLine = docLine;
  2997   m_impl->inbodyFile = docFile;
  2998 }
  2999 #endif
  3001 bool MemberDef::isObjCMethod() const
  3002 {
  3003   makeResident();
  3004   if (m_impl->classDef && m_impl->classDef->isObjectiveC() && isFunction()) return TRUE;
  3005   return FALSE; 
  3006 }
  3008 bool MemberDef::isObjCProperty() const
  3009 {
  3010   makeResident();
  3011   if (m_impl->classDef && m_impl->classDef->isObjectiveC() && isProperty()) return TRUE;
  3012   return FALSE; 
  3013 }
  3015 QCString MemberDef::qualifiedName() const
  3016 {
  3017   makeResident();
  3018   if (isObjCMethod())
  3019   {
  3020     QCString qm;
  3021     if (isStatic()) qm="+"; else qm="-";
  3022     qm+="[";
  3023     qm+=m_impl->classDef->name()+" ";
  3024     qm+=name();
  3025     qm+="]";
  3026     return qm;
  3027   }
  3028   else
  3029   {
  3030     return Definition::qualifiedName();
  3031   }  
  3032 }
  3034 void MemberDef::setTagInfo(TagInfo *ti)
  3035 {
  3036   if (ti)
  3037   {
  3038     makeResident();
  3039     //printf("%s: Setting tag name=%s anchor=%s\n",name().data(),ti->tagName.data(),ti->anchor.data());
  3040     m_impl->anc=ti->anchor;
  3041     setReference(ti->tagName);
  3042     m_impl->explicitOutputFileBase = stripExtension(ti->fileName);
  3043   }
  3044 }
  3046 QCString MemberDef::objCMethodName(bool localLink,bool showStatic) const
  3047 {
  3048   makeResident();
  3049   QCString qm;
  3050   if (showStatic)
  3051   {
  3052     if (isStatic()) qm="+ "; else qm="- ";
  3053   }
  3054   qm+=name();
  3055   if (!localLink) // link to method of same class
  3056   {
  3057     qm+=" (";
  3058     qm+=m_impl->classDef->name();
  3059     qm+=")";
  3060   }
  3061   return qm;
  3062 }
  3064 const char *MemberDef::declaration() const
  3065 { 
  3066   makeResident();
  3067   return m_impl->decl; 
  3068 }
  3070 const char *MemberDef::definition() const
  3071 { 
  3072   makeResident();
  3073   return m_impl->def;
  3074 }
  3076 const char *MemberDef::extraTypeChars() const
  3077 {
  3078   makeResident();
  3079   return m_impl->extraTypeChars;
  3080 }
  3082 const char *MemberDef::typeString() const
  3083 { 
  3084   makeResident();
  3085   return m_impl->type; 
  3086 }
  3088 const char *MemberDef::argsString() const
  3089 { 
  3090   makeResident();
  3091   return m_impl->args; 
  3092 }
  3094 const char *MemberDef::excpString() const
  3095 { 
  3096   makeResident();
  3097   return m_impl->exception; 
  3098 }
  3100 const char *MemberDef::bitfieldString() const
  3101 { 
  3102   makeResident();
  3103   return m_impl->bitfields; 
  3104 }
  3106 const QCString &MemberDef::initializer() const
  3107 { 
  3108   makeResident();
  3109   return m_impl->initializer; 
  3110 }
  3112 int MemberDef::initializerLines() const
  3113 { 
  3114   makeResident();
  3115   return m_impl->initLines; 
  3116 }
  3118 int  MemberDef::getMemberSpecifiers() const
  3119 { 
  3120   makeResident();
  3121   return m_impl->memSpec; 
  3122 }
  3124 ClassDef *MemberDef::getClassDef() const
  3125 { 
  3126   makeResident();
  3127   return m_impl->classDef; 
  3128 }
  3130 FileDef  *MemberDef::getFileDef() const
  3131 { 
  3132   makeResident();
  3133   return m_impl->fileDef; 
  3134 }
  3136 NamespaceDef* MemberDef::getNamespaceDef() const
  3137 { 
  3138   makeResident();
  3139   return m_impl->nspace; 
  3140 }
  3142 const char *MemberDef::getReadAccessor() const
  3143 { 
  3144   makeResident();
  3145   return m_impl->read; 
  3146 }
  3148 const char *MemberDef::getWriteAccessor() const
  3149 { 
  3150   makeResident();
  3151   return m_impl->write; 
  3152 }
  3154 GroupDef *MemberDef::getGroupDef() const
  3155 { 
  3156   makeResident();
  3157   return m_impl->group; 
  3158 }
  3160 Grouping::GroupPri_t MemberDef::getGroupPri() const
  3161 { 
  3162   makeResident();
  3163   return m_impl->grouppri; 
  3164 }
  3166 const char *MemberDef::getGroupFileName() const
  3167 { 
  3168   makeResident();
  3169   return m_impl->groupFileName; 
  3170 }
  3172 int MemberDef::getGroupStartLine() const
  3173 { 
  3174   makeResident();
  3175   return m_impl->groupStartLine; 
  3176 }
  3178 bool MemberDef::getGroupHasDocs() const
  3179 { 
  3180   makeResident();
  3181   return m_impl->groupHasDocs; 
  3182 }
  3184 Protection MemberDef::protection() const
  3185 { 
  3186   makeResident();
  3187   return m_impl->prot; 
  3188 }
  3190 MemberDef::MemberType MemberDef::memberType() const
  3191 { 
  3192   makeResident();
  3193   return m_impl->mtype; 
  3194 }
  3196 bool MemberDef::isSignal() const
  3197 { 
  3198   makeResident();
  3199   return m_impl->mtype==Signal;      
  3200 }
  3202 bool MemberDef::isSlot() const
  3203 { 
  3204   makeResident();
  3205   return m_impl->mtype==Slot;        
  3206 }
  3208 bool MemberDef::isVariable() const
  3209 { 
  3210   makeResident();
  3211   return m_impl->mtype==Variable;    
  3212 }
  3214 bool MemberDef::isEnumerate() const
  3215 { 
  3216   makeResident();
  3217   return m_impl->mtype==Enumeration; 
  3218 }
  3220 bool MemberDef::isEnumValue() const
  3221 { 
  3222   makeResident();
  3223   return m_impl->mtype==EnumValue;   
  3224 }
  3226 bool MemberDef::isTypedef() const
  3227 { 
  3228   makeResident();
  3229   return m_impl->mtype==Typedef;     
  3230 }
  3232 bool MemberDef::isFunction() const
  3233 { 
  3234   makeResident();
  3235   return m_impl->mtype==Function;    
  3236 }
  3238 bool MemberDef::isDefine() const
  3239 { 
  3240   makeResident();
  3241   return m_impl->mtype==Define;      
  3242 }
  3244 bool MemberDef::isFriend() const
  3245 { 
  3246   makeResident();
  3247   return m_impl->mtype==Friend;      
  3248 }
  3250 bool MemberDef::isDCOP() const
  3251 { 
  3252   makeResident();
  3253   return m_impl->mtype==DCOP;        
  3254 }
  3256 bool MemberDef::isProperty() const
  3257 { 
  3258   makeResident();
  3259   return m_impl->mtype==Property;    
  3260 }
  3262 bool MemberDef::isEvent() const
  3263 { 
  3264   makeResident();
  3265   return m_impl->mtype==Event;       
  3266 }
  3268 bool MemberDef::isRelated() const
  3269 { 
  3270   makeResident();
  3271   return m_impl->related == Related;
  3272 }
  3274 bool MemberDef::isForeign() const
  3275 { 
  3276   makeResident();
  3277   return m_impl->related == Foreign; 
  3278 }
  3280 bool MemberDef::isStatic() const
  3281 { 
  3282   makeResident();
  3283   return m_impl->stat; 
  3284 }
  3286 bool MemberDef::isInline() const
  3287 { 
  3288   makeResident();
  3289   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Inline)!=0; 
  3290 }
  3292 bool MemberDef::isExplicit() const
  3293 { 
  3294   makeResident();
  3295   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Explicit)!=0; 
  3296 }
  3298 bool MemberDef::isMutable() const
  3299 { 
  3300   makeResident();
  3301   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Mutable)!=0; 
  3302 }
  3304 bool MemberDef::isGettable() const
  3305 { 
  3306   makeResident();
  3307   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Gettable)!=0; 
  3308 }
  3310 bool MemberDef::isSettable() const
  3311 { 
  3312   makeResident();
  3313   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Settable)!=0; 
  3314 }
  3316 bool MemberDef::isAddable() const
  3317 { 
  3318   makeResident();
  3319   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Addable)!=0; 
  3320 }
  3322 bool MemberDef::isRemovable() const
  3323 { 
  3324   makeResident();
  3325   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Removable)!=0; 
  3326 }
  3328 bool MemberDef::isRaisable() const
  3329 { 
  3330   makeResident();
  3331   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Raisable)!=0; 
  3332 }
  3334 bool MemberDef::isReadable() const
  3335 { 
  3336   makeResident();
  3337   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Readable)!=0; 
  3338 }
  3340 bool MemberDef::isWritable() const
  3341 { 
  3342   makeResident();
  3343   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Writable)!=0; 
  3344 }
  3346 bool MemberDef::isFinal() const
  3347 { 
  3348   makeResident();
  3349   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Final)!=0; 
  3350 }
  3352 bool MemberDef::isNew() const
  3353 { 
  3354   makeResident();
  3355   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::New)!=0; 
  3356 }
  3358 bool MemberDef::isSealed() const
  3359 { 
  3360   makeResident();
  3361   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Sealed)!=0; 
  3362 }
  3364 bool MemberDef::isOverride() const
  3365 { 
  3366   makeResident();
  3367   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Override)!=0; 
  3368 }
  3370 bool MemberDef::isInitonly() const
  3371 { 
  3372   makeResident();
  3373   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Initonly)!=0; 
  3374 }
  3376 bool MemberDef::isAbstract() const
  3377 { 
  3378   makeResident();
  3379   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Abstract)!=0; 
  3380 }
  3382 bool MemberDef::isOptional() const
  3383 { 
  3384   makeResident();
  3385   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Optional)!=0; 
  3386 }
  3388 bool MemberDef::isRequired() const
  3389 { 
  3390   makeResident();
  3391   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Required)!=0; 
  3392 }
  3394 bool MemberDef::isNonAtomic() const
  3395 { 
  3396   makeResident();
  3397   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::NonAtomic)!=0; 
  3398 }
  3400 bool MemberDef::isCopy() const
  3401 { 
  3402   makeResident();
  3403   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Copy)!=0; 
  3404 }
  3406 bool MemberDef::isAssign() const
  3407 { 
  3408   makeResident();
  3409   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Assign)!=0; 
  3410 }
  3412 bool MemberDef::isRetain() const
  3413 { 
  3414   makeResident();
  3415   return (m_impl->memSpec&Entry::Retain)!=0; 
  3416 }
  3419 bool MemberDef::isImplementation() const
  3420 { 
  3421   makeResident();
  3422   return m_impl->implOnly; 
  3423 }
  3425 bool MemberDef::isExternal() const
  3426 { 
  3427   makeResident();
  3428   return m_impl->explExt; 
  3429 }
  3431 bool MemberDef::isTemplateSpecialization() const
  3432 { 
  3433   makeResident();
  3434   return m_impl->tspec; 
  3435 }
  3437 bool MemberDef::hasDocumentedParams() const
  3438 { 
  3439   makeResident();
  3440   return m_impl->hasDocumentedParams; 
  3441 }
  3443 bool MemberDef::hasDocumentedReturnType() const
  3444 { 
  3445   makeResident();
  3446   return m_impl->hasDocumentedReturnType; 
  3447 }
  3449 #if 0
  3450 int MemberDef::inbodyLine() const
  3451 { 
  3452   makeResident();
  3453   return m_impl->inbodyLine; 
  3454 }
  3456 QCString MemberDef::inbodyFile() const
  3457 { 
  3458   makeResident();
  3459   return m_impl->inbodyFile; 
  3460 }
  3462 const QCString &MemberDef::inbodyDocumentation() const
  3463 { 
  3464   makeResident();
  3465   return m_impl->inbodyDocs; 
  3466 }
  3467 #endif
  3469 ClassDef *MemberDef::relatedAlso() const
  3470 { 
  3471   makeResident();
  3472   return m_impl->relatedAlso; 
  3473 }
  3475 bool MemberDef::hasDocumentedEnumValues() const
  3476 { 
  3477   makeResident();
  3478   return m_impl->docEnumValues; 
  3479 }
  3481 MemberDef *MemberDef::getAnonymousEnumType() const
  3482 { 
  3483   makeResident();
  3484   return m_impl->annEnumType; 
  3485 }
  3487 bool MemberDef::isDocsForDefinition() const
  3488 { 
  3489   makeResident();
  3490   return m_impl->docsForDefinition; 
  3491 }
  3493 MemberDef *MemberDef::getEnumScope() const
  3494 { 
  3495   makeResident();
  3496   return m_impl->enumScope; 
  3497 }
  3499 LockingPtr<MemberList> MemberDef::enumFieldList() const
  3500 { 
  3501   makeResident();
  3502   return LockingPtr<MemberList>(this,m_impl->enumFields); 
  3503 }
  3505 LockingPtr<ExampleSDict> MemberDef::getExamples() const
  3506 { 
  3507   makeResident();
  3508   return LockingPtr<ExampleSDict>(this,m_impl->exampleSDict); 
  3509 }
  3511 bool MemberDef::isPrototype() const
  3512 { 
  3513   makeResident();
  3514   return m_impl->proto; 
  3515 }
  3517 LockingPtr<ArgumentList> MemberDef::argumentList() const
  3518 { 
  3519   makeResident();
  3520   return LockingPtr<ArgumentList>(this,m_impl->defArgList); 
  3521 }
  3523 LockingPtr<ArgumentList> MemberDef::declArgumentList() const
  3524 { 
  3525   makeResident();
  3526   return LockingPtr<ArgumentList>(this,m_impl->declArgList); 
  3527 }
  3529 LockingPtr<ArgumentList> MemberDef::templateArguments() const
  3530 { 
  3531   makeResident();
  3532   return LockingPtr<ArgumentList>(this,m_impl->tArgList); 
  3533 }
  3535 LockingPtr< QList<ArgumentList> > MemberDef::definitionTemplateParameterLists() const
  3536 { 
  3537   makeResident();
  3538   return LockingPtr< QList<ArgumentList> >(this,m_impl->defTmpArgLists); 
  3539 }
  3541 int MemberDef::getMemberGroupId() const
  3542 { 
  3543   makeResident();
  3544   return m_impl->grpId; 
  3545 }
  3547 MemberGroup *MemberDef::getMemberGroup() const
  3548 { 
  3549   makeResident();
  3550   return m_impl->memberGroup; 
  3551 }
  3553 bool MemberDef::fromAnonymousScope() const
  3554 { 
  3555   makeResident();
  3556   return m_impl->annScope; 
  3557 }
  3559 bool MemberDef::anonymousDeclShown() const
  3560 { 
  3561   makeResident();
  3562   return m_impl->annUsed; 
  3563 }
  3565 void MemberDef::setAnonymousUsed() 
  3566 {
  3567   makeResident();
  3568   m_impl->annUsed = TRUE;
  3569 }
  3571 bool MemberDef::hasCallGraph() const
  3572 { 
  3573   makeResident();
  3574   return m_impl->hasCallGraph; 
  3575 }
  3577 bool MemberDef::hasCallerGraph() const
  3578 { 
  3579   makeResident();
  3580   return m_impl->hasCallerGraph; 
  3581 }
  3583 MemberDef *MemberDef::templateMaster() const
  3584 { 
  3585   makeResident();
  3586   return m_impl->templateMaster; 
  3587 }
  3589 bool MemberDef::isTypedefValCached() const
  3590 { 
  3591   makeResident();
  3592   return m_impl->isTypedefValCached; 
  3593 }
  3595 ClassDef *MemberDef::getCachedTypedefVal() const
  3596 { 
  3597   makeResident();
  3598   return m_impl->cachedTypedefValue; 
  3599 }
  3601 QCString MemberDef::getCachedTypedefTemplSpec() const
  3602 { 
  3603   makeResident();
  3604   return m_impl->cachedTypedefTemplSpec; 
  3605 }
  3607 QCString MemberDef::getCachedResolvedTypedef() const
  3608 { 
  3609   makeResident();
  3610   //printf("MemberDef::getCachedResolvedTypedef()=%s m_impl=%p\n",m_impl->cachedResolvedType.data(),m_impl);
  3611   return m_impl->cachedResolvedType; 
  3612 }
  3614 MemberDef *MemberDef::memberDefinition() const
  3615 { 
  3616   makeResident();
  3617   return m_impl->memDef; 
  3618 }
  3620 MemberDef *MemberDef::memberDeclaration() const
  3621 { 
  3622   makeResident();
  3623   return m_impl->memDec; 
  3624 }
  3626 MemberDef *MemberDef::inheritsDocsFrom() const
  3627 { 
  3628   makeResident();
  3629   return m_impl->docProvider; 
  3630 }
  3632 MemberDef *MemberDef::getGroupAlias() const
  3633 { 
  3634   makeResident();
  3635   return m_impl->groupAlias; 
  3636 }
  3638 void MemberDef::setMemberType(MemberType t)
  3639 { 
  3640   makeResident();
  3641   m_impl->mtype=t; 
  3642 }
  3644 void MemberDef::setDefinition(const char *d)
  3645 { 
  3646   makeResident();
  3647   m_impl->def=d; 
  3648 }
  3650 void MemberDef::setFileDef(FileDef *fd)
  3651 { 
  3652   makeResident();
  3653   m_impl->fileDef=fd; 
  3654 }
  3656 void MemberDef::setProtection(Protection p)
  3657 { 
  3658   makeResident();
  3659   m_impl->prot=p; 
  3660 }
  3662 void MemberDef::setMemberSpecifiers(int s)
  3663 { 
  3664   makeResident();
  3665   m_impl->memSpec=s; 
  3666 }
  3668 void MemberDef::mergeMemberSpecifiers(int s)
  3669 { 
  3670   makeResident();
  3671   m_impl->memSpec|=s; 
  3672 }
  3674 void MemberDef::setBitfields(const char *s)
  3675 { 
  3676   makeResident();
  3677   m_impl->bitfields = s; 
  3678 }
  3680 void MemberDef::setMaxInitLines(int lines)
  3681 { 
  3682   if (lines!=-1)
  3683   {
  3684     makeResident();
  3685     m_impl->userInitLines=lines; 
  3686   }
  3687 }
  3689 void MemberDef::setExplicitExternal(bool b)
  3690 { 
  3691   makeResident();
  3692   m_impl->explExt=b; 
  3693 }
  3695 void MemberDef::setReadAccessor(const char *r)
  3696 { 
  3697   makeResident();
  3698   m_impl->read=r; 
  3699 }
  3701 void MemberDef::setWriteAccessor(const char *w)
  3702 { 
  3703   makeResident();
  3704   m_impl->write=w; 
  3705 }
  3707 void MemberDef::setTemplateSpecialization(bool b)
  3708 { 
  3709   makeResident();
  3710   m_impl->tspec=b; 
  3711 }
  3713 void MemberDef::makeRelated()
  3714 { 
  3715   makeResident();
  3716   m_impl->related = Related; 
  3717 }
  3719 void MemberDef::makeForeign()
  3720 { 
  3721   makeResident();
  3722   m_impl->related = Foreign; 
  3723 }
  3725 void MemberDef::setHasDocumentedParams(bool b)
  3726 { 
  3727   makeResident();
  3728   m_impl->hasDocumentedParams = b; 
  3729 }
  3731 void MemberDef::setHasDocumentedReturnType(bool b)
  3732 { 
  3733   makeResident();
  3734   m_impl->hasDocumentedReturnType = b; 
  3735 }
  3737 void MemberDef::setInheritsDocsFrom(MemberDef *md)
  3738 { 
  3739   makeResident();
  3740   m_impl->docProvider = md; 
  3741 }
  3743 void MemberDef::setArgsString(const char *as)
  3744 { 
  3745   makeResident();
  3746   m_impl->args = as; 
  3747 }
  3749 void MemberDef::setRelatedAlso(ClassDef *cd)
  3750 { 
  3751   makeResident();
  3752   m_impl->relatedAlso=cd; 
  3753 }
  3755 void MemberDef::setEnumClassScope(ClassDef *cd)
  3756 { 
  3757   makeResident();
  3758   m_impl->classDef = cd; 
  3759 }
  3761 void MemberDef::setDocumentedEnumValues(bool value)
  3762 { 
  3763   makeResident();
  3764   m_impl->docEnumValues=value; 
  3765 }
  3767 void MemberDef::setAnonymousEnumType(MemberDef *md)
  3768 { 
  3769   makeResident();
  3770   m_impl->annEnumType = md; 
  3771 }
  3773 void MemberDef::setPrototype(bool p)
  3774 { 
  3775   makeResident();
  3776   m_impl->proto=p; 
  3777 }
  3779 void MemberDef::setMemberGroupId(int id)
  3780 { 
  3781   makeResident();
  3782   m_impl->grpId=id; 
  3783 }
  3785 void MemberDef::makeImplementationDetail()
  3786 { 
  3787   makeResident();
  3788   m_impl->implOnly=TRUE; 
  3789 }
  3791 void MemberDef::setFromAnonymousScope(bool b)
  3792 { 
  3793   makeResident();
  3794   m_impl->annScope=b; 
  3795 }
  3797 void MemberDef::setFromAnonymousMember(MemberDef *m)
  3798 { 
  3799   makeResident();
  3800   m_impl->annMemb=m; 
  3801 }
  3803 void MemberDef::setTemplateMaster(MemberDef *mt)
  3804 { 
  3805   makeResident();
  3806   m_impl->templateMaster=mt; 
  3807 }
  3809 void MemberDef::setDocsForDefinition(bool b)
  3810 { 
  3811   makeResident();
  3812   m_impl->docsForDefinition = b; 
  3813 }
  3815 void MemberDef::setGroupAlias(MemberDef *md)
  3816 { 
  3817   makeResident();
  3818   m_impl->groupAlias = md; 
  3819 }
  3821 void MemberDef::invalidateTypedefValCache()
  3822 { 
  3823   makeResident();
  3824   m_impl->isTypedefValCached=FALSE; 
  3825 }
  3827 void MemberDef::setMemberDefinition(MemberDef *md)
  3828 { 
  3829   makeResident();
  3830   m_impl->memDef=md; 
  3831 }
  3833 void MemberDef::setMemberDeclaration(MemberDef *md)
  3834 { 
  3835   makeResident();
  3836   m_impl->memDec=md; 
  3837 }
  3839 ClassDef *MemberDef::category() const
  3840 {
  3841   makeResident();
  3842   return m_impl->category;
  3843 }
  3845 void MemberDef::setCategory(ClassDef *def)
  3846 {
  3847   makeResident();
  3848   m_impl->category = def;
  3849 }
  3852 void MemberDef::cacheTypedefVal(ClassDef*val, const QCString & templSpec, const QCString &resolvedType)
  3853 {
  3854   makeResident();
  3855   m_impl->isTypedefValCached=TRUE; 
  3856   m_impl->cachedTypedefValue=val; 
  3857   m_impl->cachedTypedefTemplSpec=templSpec; 
  3858   m_impl->cachedResolvedType=resolvedType;
  3859   //printf("MemberDef::cacheTypedefVal=%s m_impl=%p\n",m_impl->cachedResolvedType.data(),m_impl);
  3860 }
  3862 void MemberDef::flushToDisk() const
  3863 {
  3864   if (isLocked()) return;
  3865   MemberDef *that = (MemberDef*)this;
  3866   that->m_storagePos = Doxygen::symbolStorage->alloc();
  3867   //printf("%p: MemberDef::flushToDisk()\n",this);
  3868   // write the definition base class member variables to disk
  3869   Definition::flushToDisk();
  3871   //printf("%p:   flushing specific part\n",this);
  3873   // write the memberdef member variables to disk
  3874   marshalUInt(Doxygen::symbolStorage,START_MARKER);
  3875   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->classDef);
  3876   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->fileDef);
  3877   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->nspace);
  3878   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->enumScope);
  3879   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->annEnumType);
  3880   marshalMemberList   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->enumFields);
  3881   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->redefines);
  3882   marshalMemberList   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->redefinedBy);
  3883   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->memDef);
  3884   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->memDec);
  3885   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->relatedAlso);
  3886   marshalExampleSDict (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->exampleSDict);
  3887   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->type);
  3888   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->args);
  3889   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->def);
  3890   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->anc);
  3891   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,(int)m_impl->virt);
  3892   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,(int)m_impl->prot);
  3893   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->decl);
  3894   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->bitfields);
  3895   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->read);
  3896   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->write);
  3897   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->exception);
  3898   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->initializer);
  3899   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->extraTypeChars);
  3900   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->initLines);
  3901   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->memSpec);
  3902   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,(int)m_impl->mtype);
  3903   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->maxInitLines);
  3904   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->userInitLines);
  3905   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->annMemb);
  3906   marshalArgumentList (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->defArgList);
  3907   marshalArgumentList (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->declArgList);
  3908   marshalArgumentList (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->tArgList);
  3909   marshalArgumentList (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->typeConstraints);
  3910   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->templateMaster);
  3911   marshalArgumentLists(Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->defTmpArgLists);
  3912   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->cachedAnonymousType);
  3913   marshalMemberLists  (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->classSectionSDict);
  3914   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->groupAlias);
  3915   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->grpId);
  3916   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->memberGroup);
  3917   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->group);
  3918   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,(int)m_impl->grouppri);
  3919   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->groupFileName);
  3920   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->groupStartLine);
  3921   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->groupMember);
  3922   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->isTypedefValCached);
  3923   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->cachedTypedefValue);
  3924   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->cachedTypedefTemplSpec);
  3925   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->cachedResolvedType);
  3926   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->docProvider);
  3927   marshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->explicitOutputFileBase);
  3928   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->implOnly); 
  3929   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->hasDocumentedParams);
  3930   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->hasDocumentedReturnType);
  3931   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->isDMember);
  3932   marshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage,(int)m_impl->related);
  3933   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->stat);
  3934   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->proto);
  3935   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->docEnumValues);
  3936   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->annScope);
  3937   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->annUsed);
  3938   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->hasCallGraph);
  3939   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->hasCallerGraph);
  3940   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->explExt);
  3941   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->tspec);
  3942   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->groupHasDocs);
  3943   marshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->docsForDefinition);
  3944   marshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_impl->category);
  3945   marshalUInt(Doxygen::symbolStorage,END_MARKER);
  3947   // function doesn't modify the object conceptually but compiler doesn't know this.
  3948   delete that->m_impl;
  3949   that->m_impl=0;
  3950   that->m_flushPending=FALSE;
  3951 }
  3953 void MemberDef::loadFromDisk() const
  3954 {
  3955   //printf("%p: MemberDef::loadFromDisk()\n",this);
  3956   MemberDef *that = (MemberDef *)this;
  3957   if (isLocked()) 
  3958   {
  3959     assert(m_impl!=0);
  3960     return;
  3961   }
  3962   assert(m_impl==0);
  3964   Doxygen::symbolStorage->seek(m_storagePos);
  3965   Definition::loadFromDisk();
  3967   //printf("%p:   loading specific part\n",this);
  3969   that->m_impl = new MemberDefImpl;
  3971   uint marker = unmarshalUInt(Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3972   assert(marker==START_MARKER);
  3973   m_impl->classDef                = (ClassDef*)unmarshalObjPointer     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3974   m_impl->fileDef                 = (FileDef*)unmarshalObjPointer      (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3975   m_impl->nspace                  = (NamespaceDef*)unmarshalObjPointer (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3976   m_impl->enumScope               = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer    (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3977   m_impl->annEnumType             = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer    (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3978   m_impl->enumFields              = unmarshalMemberList                (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3979   m_impl->redefines               = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer    (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3980   m_impl->redefinedBy             = unmarshalMemberList                (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3981   m_impl->memDef                  = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer    (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3982   m_impl->memDec                  = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer    (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3983   m_impl->relatedAlso             = (ClassDef*)unmarshalObjPointer     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3984   m_impl->exampleSDict            = unmarshalExampleSDict (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3985   m_impl->type                    = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3986   m_impl->args                    = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3987   m_impl->def                     = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3988   m_impl->anc                     = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3989   m_impl->virt                    = (Specifier)unmarshalInt (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3990   m_impl->prot                    = (Protection)unmarshalInt(Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3991   m_impl->decl                    = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3992   m_impl->bitfields               = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3993   m_impl->read                    = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3994   m_impl->write                   = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3995   m_impl->exception               = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3996   m_impl->initializer             = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3997   m_impl->extraTypeChars          = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3998   m_impl->initLines               = unmarshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  3999   m_impl->memSpec                 = unmarshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4000   m_impl->mtype                   = (MemberDef::MemberType)unmarshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4001   m_impl->maxInitLines            = unmarshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4002   m_impl->userInitLines           = unmarshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4003   m_impl->annMemb                 = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4004   m_impl->defArgList              = unmarshalArgumentList (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4005   m_impl->declArgList             = unmarshalArgumentList (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4006   m_impl->tArgList                = unmarshalArgumentList (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4007   m_impl->typeConstraints         = unmarshalArgumentList (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4008   m_impl->templateMaster          = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4009   m_impl->defTmpArgLists          = unmarshalArgumentLists(Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4010   m_impl->cachedAnonymousType     = (ClassDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4011   m_impl->classSectionSDict       = unmarshalMemberLists  (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4012   m_impl->groupAlias              = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4013   m_impl->grpId                   = unmarshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4014   m_impl->memberGroup             = (MemberGroup*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4015   m_impl->group                   = (GroupDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4016   m_impl->grouppri                = (Grouping::GroupPri_t)unmarshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4017   m_impl->groupFileName           = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4018   m_impl->groupStartLine          = unmarshalInt          (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4019   m_impl->groupMember             = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4020   m_impl->isTypedefValCached      = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4021   m_impl->cachedTypedefValue      = (ClassDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4022   m_impl->cachedTypedefTemplSpec  = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4023   m_impl->cachedResolvedType      = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4024   m_impl->docProvider             = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4025   m_impl->explicitOutputFileBase  = unmarshalQCString     (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4026   m_impl->implOnly                = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage); 
  4027   m_impl->hasDocumentedParams     = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4028   m_impl->hasDocumentedReturnType = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4029   m_impl->isDMember               = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4030   m_impl->related                 = (Relationship)unmarshalInt(Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4031   m_impl->stat                    = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4032   m_impl->proto                   = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4033   m_impl->docEnumValues           = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4034   m_impl->annScope                = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4035   m_impl->annUsed                 = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4036   m_impl->hasCallGraph            = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4037   m_impl->hasCallerGraph          = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4038   m_impl->explExt                 = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4039   m_impl->tspec                   = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4040   m_impl->groupHasDocs            = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4041   m_impl->docsForDefinition       = unmarshalBool         (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4042   m_impl->category                = (ClassDef*)unmarshalObjPointer   (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4043   marker = unmarshalUInt(Doxygen::symbolStorage);
  4044   assert(marker==END_MARKER);
  4045 }
  4047 void MemberDef::makeResident() const
  4048 { 
  4049   if (Doxygen::symbolCache==0) return;
  4050   if (m_cacheHandle==-1) // not yet in cache
  4051   { 
  4052     MemberDef *victim = 0;
  4053     MemberDef *that = (MemberDef*)this; // fake method constness
  4054     that->m_cacheHandle = Doxygen::symbolCache->add(that,(void **)&victim);
  4055     //printf("adding %s to cache, handle=%d\n",m_impl->name.data(),that->m_cacheHandle);
  4056     if (victim)  // cache was full, victim was the least recently used item and has to go
  4057     {
  4058       victim->m_cacheHandle=-1; // invalidate cache handle
  4059       victim->saveToDisk();     // store the item on disk
  4060     }
  4061     else // cache not yet full
  4062     {
  4063       //printf("Adding %s to cache, handle=%d\n",m_impl->name.data(),m_cacheHandle);
  4064     }
  4065     if (m_storagePos!=-1) // already been written to disk
  4066     {
  4067       if (isLocked()) // locked in memory
  4068       {
  4069         assert(m_impl!=0);
  4070         that->m_flushPending=FALSE; // no need to flush anymore
  4071       }
  4072       else // not locked in memory
  4073       {
  4074         assert(m_impl==0);
  4075         loadFromDisk();
  4076       }
  4077     }
  4078   }
  4079   else // already cached, make this object the most recently used.
  4080   {
  4081     assert(m_impl!=0);
  4082     //printf("Touching symbol %s\n",m_impl->name.data());
  4083     Doxygen::symbolCache->use(m_cacheHandle);
  4084   }
  4085 }
  4087 void MemberDef::saveToDisk() const
  4088 {
  4089   assert(m_impl!=0);
  4090   MemberDef *that = (MemberDef *)this;
  4091   if (isLocked()) // cannot flush the item as it is locked
  4092   {
  4093     that->m_flushPending=TRUE; // flush when unlocked
  4094   }
  4095   else // ready to flush the item to disk
  4096   {
  4097     //printf("Adding %s to cache, handle=%d by replacing %s\n",
  4098     //    m_impl->name.data(),m_cacheHandle,victim->m_impl->name.data());
  4099     if (m_storagePos!=-1) 
  4100       // if victim was stored on disk already and is not locked
  4101     {
  4102       // free the storage space occupied by the old store item
  4103       Doxygen::symbolStorage->release(m_storagePos); // free up space for others
  4104     }
  4105     // write a the new (possibly modified) instance to disk
  4106     flushToDisk();
  4107     // end to write sequence (unless nothing was written due to the lock)
  4108     Doxygen::symbolStorage->end();
  4109   }
  4110 }
  4112 void MemberDef::lock() const
  4113 {
  4114 }
  4116 void MemberDef::unlock() const
  4117 {
  4118   if (m_flushPending && !isLocked())
  4119   {
  4120     // write a the new (possibly modified) instance to disk
  4121     flushToDisk();
  4122     // end to write sequence (unless nothing was written due to the lock)
  4123     Doxygen::symbolStorage->end();
  4124   }
  4125 }
  4127 void MemberDef::copyArgumentNames(MemberDef *bmd)
  4128 {
  4129   makeResident();
  4130   {
  4131     LockingPtr<ArgumentList> arguments = bmd->argumentList();
  4132     if (m_impl->defArgList && arguments!=0)
  4133     {
  4134       ArgumentListIterator aliDst(*m_impl->defArgList);
  4135       ArgumentListIterator aliSrc(*arguments);
  4136       Argument *argDst, *argSrc;
  4137       for (;(argDst=aliDst.current()) && (argSrc=aliSrc.current());++aliDst,++aliSrc)
  4138       {
  4139         argDst->name = argSrc->name;
  4140       }
  4141     }
  4142   }
  4143   {
  4144     LockingPtr<ArgumentList> arguments = bmd->declArgumentList();
  4145     if (m_impl->declArgList && arguments!=0)
  4146     {
  4147       ArgumentListIterator aliDst(*m_impl->declArgList);
  4148       ArgumentListIterator aliSrc(*arguments);
  4149       Argument *argDst, *argSrc;
  4150       for (;(argDst=aliDst.current()) && (argSrc=aliSrc.current());++aliDst,++aliSrc)
  4151       {
  4152         argDst->name = argSrc->name;
  4153       }
  4154     }
  4155   }
  4156 }
  4158 static void invalidateCachedTypesInArgumentList(ArgumentList *al)
  4159 {
  4160   if (al)
  4161   {
  4162     ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
  4163     Argument *a;
  4164     for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
  4165     {
  4166       a->canType.resize(0);
  4167     }
  4168   }
  4169 }
  4171 void MemberDef::invalidateCachedArgumentTypes()
  4172 {
  4173   makeResident();
  4174   invalidateCachedTypesInArgumentList(m_impl->defArgList);
  4175   invalidateCachedTypesInArgumentList(m_impl->declArgList);
  4176 }