changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include "qtbc.h"
    19 #include "membergroup.h"
    20 #include "memberlist.h"
    21 #include "outputlist.h"
    22 #include "util.h"
    23 #include "classdef.h"
    24 #include "namespacedef.h"
    25 #include "filedef.h"
    26 #include "language.h"
    27 #include "groupdef.h"
    28 #include "doxygen.h"
    29 #include "docparser.h"
    30 #include "marshal.h"
    31 #include "entry.h"
    32 #include "md5.h"
    34 //static QCString idToName(int id)
    35 //{
    36 //  QCString result;
    37 //  result.sprintf("mgroup_%d",id);
    38 //  return result;
    39 //}
    41 MemberGroup::MemberGroup()
    42 {
    43 }
    45 MemberGroup::MemberGroup(Definition *parent,
    46       int id,const char *hdr,const char *d,const char *docFile) 
    47 {
    48   //printf("New member group id=%d header=%s desc=%s\n",id,hdr,d);
    49   memberList      = new MemberList(MemberList::memberGroup);
    50   grpId           = id;
    51   grpHeader       = hdr;
    52   doc             = d;
    53   scope           = 0;
    54   inSameSection   = TRUE;
    55   inDeclSection   = 0;
    56   m_numDecMembers = -1;
    57   m_numDocMembers = -1;
    58   m_parent        = parent;
    59   m_docFile       = docFile;
    60   m_xrefListItems = 0;
    61   doc.prepend("<a name=\""+anchor()+"\"></a>");
    62   //printf("Member group docs=`%s'\n",doc.data());
    63 }
    65 MemberGroup::~MemberGroup()
    66 {
    67   delete memberList;
    68 }
    70 void MemberGroup::insertMember(MemberDef *md)
    71 {
    72   //printf("MemberGroup::insertMember m_parent=%s memberList=%p count=%d"
    73   //       " member section list: %p\n",
    74   //       m_parent ? m_parent->name().data() : "<null>",
    75   //       memberList->first() ? memberList->first()->getSectionList(m_parent) : 0,
    76   //       memberList->count(),
    77   //       md->getSectionList(m_parent));
    78   MemberDef *firstMd = memberList->first();
    79   if (inSameSection && memberList->count()>0 && 
    80       firstMd->getSectionList(m_parent)!=md->getSectionList(m_parent))
    81   {
    82     inSameSection=FALSE;
    83   }
    84   else if (inDeclSection==0)
    85   {
    86     inDeclSection = md->getSectionList(m_parent);
    87     //printf("inDeclSection=%p type=%d\n",inDeclSection,inDeclSection->listType());
    88   }
    89   memberList->append(md);
    91   // copy the group of the first member in the memberGroup
    92   GroupDef *gd;
    93   if (firstMd && (gd=firstMd->getGroupDef()))
    94   {
    95     md->setGroupDef(gd, firstMd->getGroupPri(), 
    96                     firstMd->getGroupFileName(), firstMd->getGroupStartLine(), 
    97                     firstMd->getGroupHasDocs());
    98     gd->insertMember(md);
    99   }
   100 }
   103 void MemberGroup::setAnchors(ClassDef *context)
   104 {
   105   ::setAnchors(context,'z',memberList,grpId);
   106 }
   108 void MemberGroup::writeDeclarations(OutputList &ol,
   109                ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd)
   110 {
   111   //printf("MemberGroup::writeDeclarations() memberList->count()=%d\n",memberList->count());
   112   memberList->writeDeclarations(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,grpHeader,doc/*,TRUE,TRUE*/);
   113 }
   115 void MemberGroup::writePlainDeclarations(OutputList &ol,
   116                ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd
   117               )
   118 {
   119   //printf("MemberGroup::writePlainDeclarations() memberList->count()=%d\n",memberList->count());
   120   memberList->writePlainDeclarations(ol,cd,nd,fd,gd);
   121 }
   123 void MemberGroup::writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol,const char *scopeName,
   124                Definition *container)
   125 {
   126   memberList->writeDocumentation(ol,scopeName,container,0);
   127 }
   129 void MemberGroup::writeDocumentationPage(OutputList &ol,const char *scopeName,
   130                Definition *container)
   131 {
   132   memberList->writeDocumentationPage(ol,scopeName,container);
   133 }
   135 /*! Add this group as a subsection of the declaration section, instead
   136  *  of rendering it in its own section
   137  */
   138 void MemberGroup::addToDeclarationSection()
   139 {
   140   if (inDeclSection)
   141   {
   142     //printf("Adding group %p to list %p (type=%d)\n",this,
   143     //                              inDeclSection,inDeclSection->listType());
   144     inDeclSection->addMemberGroup(this);
   145   }
   146 }
   148 int MemberGroup::countDecMembers(/*bool sectionPerType*/)
   149 {
   150   if (m_numDecMembers==-1) /* number of member not cached */
   151   {
   152     memberList->countDecMembers(/*TRUE,TRUE,sectionPerType*/);
   153     m_numDecMembers = memberList->numDecMembers();
   154   }
   155   return m_numDecMembers;
   156 }
   158 int MemberGroup::countDocMembers()
   159 {
   160   if (m_numDocMembers==-1)
   161   {
   162     memberList->countDocMembers();
   163     m_numDocMembers = memberList->numDocMembers();
   164   }
   165   return m_numDocMembers;
   166 }
   168 void MemberGroup::distributeMemberGroupDocumentation()
   169 {
   170   //printf("MemberGroup::distributeMemberGroupDocumentation() %s\n",grpHeader.data());
   171   MemberDef *md=memberList->first();
   172   while (md)
   173   {
   174     //printf("checking md=%s\n",md->name().data());
   175     // find the first member of the group with documentation
   176     if (!md->documentation().isEmpty()       ||
   177         !md->briefDescription().isEmpty()    ||
   178         !md->inbodyDocumentation().isEmpty()
   179        )
   180     {
   181       //printf("found it!\n");
   182       break;
   183     }
   184     md=memberList->next();
   185   }
   186   if (md) // distribute docs of md to other members of the list
   187   {
   188     //printf("Member %s has documentation!\n",md->name().data());
   189     MemberDef *omd=memberList->first();
   190     while (omd)
   191     {
   192       if (md!=omd && omd->documentation().isEmpty() && 
   193                      omd->briefDescription().isEmpty() && 
   194                      omd->inbodyDocumentation().isEmpty()
   195          )
   196       {
   197         //printf("Copying documentation to member %s\n",omd->name().data());
   198         omd->setBriefDescription(md->briefDescription(),md->briefFile(),md->briefLine());
   199         omd->setDocumentation(md->documentation(),md->docFile(),md->docLine());
   200         omd->setInbodyDocumentation(md->inbodyDocumentation(),md->inbodyFile(),md->inbodyLine());
   201       }
   202       omd=memberList->next();
   203     }
   204   }
   205 }
   207 int MemberGroup::varCount() const
   208 {
   209   return memberList->varCount();
   210 }
   212 int MemberGroup::funcCount() const      
   213 { 
   214   return memberList->funcCount(); 
   215 }
   217 int MemberGroup::enumCount() const      
   218 { 
   219   return memberList->enumCount(); 
   220 }
   222 int MemberGroup::enumValueCount() const 
   223 { 
   224   return memberList->enumValueCount(); 
   225 }
   227 int MemberGroup::typedefCount() const   
   228 { 
   229   return memberList->typedefCount(); 
   230 }
   232 int MemberGroup::protoCount() const     
   233 { 
   234   return memberList->protoCount(); 
   235 }
   237 int MemberGroup::defineCount() const    
   238 { 
   239   return memberList->defineCount(); 
   240 }
   242 int MemberGroup::friendCount() const    
   243 { 
   244   return memberList->friendCount(); 
   245 }
   247 int MemberGroup::numDecMembers() const  
   248 { 
   249   return memberList->numDecMembers(); 
   250 }
   252 int MemberGroup::numDocMembers() const  
   253 { 
   254   return memberList->numDocMembers(); 
   255 }
   257 void MemberGroup::setInGroup(bool b)
   258 {
   259   memberList->setInGroup(b);
   260 }
   262 QCString MemberGroup::anchor() const
   263 {
   264   uchar md5_sig[16];
   265   QCString sigStr(33);
   266   MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *)grpHeader.data(),grpHeader.length(),md5_sig);
   267   MD5SigToString(md5_sig,sigStr.data(),33);
   268   return "amgrp"+sigStr;
   269 }
   271 void MemberGroup::addListReferences(Definition *def)
   272 {
   273   memberList->addListReferences(def);
   274   if (m_xrefListItems && def)
   275   {
   276     QCString name = def->getOutputFileBase()+"#"+anchor();
   277     addRefItem(m_xrefListItems,
   278         name,
   279         theTranslator->trGroup(TRUE,TRUE),
   280         name,
   281         grpHeader,0);
   282   }
   283 }
   285 void MemberGroup::findSectionsInDocumentation()
   286 {
   287   docFindSections(doc,0,this,m_docFile);
   288   memberList->findSectionsInDocumentation();
   289 }
   291 void MemberGroup::marshal(StorageIntf *s)
   292 {
   293   marshalMemberList(s,memberList);
   294   marshalObjPointer(s,inDeclSection); // reference only
   295   marshalInt(s,grpId);
   296   marshalQCString(s,grpHeader);
   297   marshalQCString(s,fileName);
   298   marshalObjPointer(s,scope);
   299   marshalQCString(s,doc);
   300   marshalBool(s,inSameSection);
   301   marshalInt(s,m_numDecMembers);
   302   marshalInt(s,m_numDocMembers);
   303   marshalObjPointer(s,m_parent);
   304   marshalQCString(s,m_docFile);
   305   marshalItemInfoList (Doxygen::symbolStorage,m_xrefListItems);
   306 }
   308 void MemberGroup::unmarshal(StorageIntf *s)
   309 {
   310   memberList      = unmarshalMemberList(s);
   311   inDeclSection   = (MemberList *)unmarshalObjPointer(s); 
   312   grpId           = unmarshalInt(s);
   313   grpHeader       = unmarshalQCString(s);
   314   fileName        = unmarshalQCString(s);
   315   scope           = (Definition *)unmarshalObjPointer(s);
   316   doc             = unmarshalQCString(s);
   317   inSameSection   = unmarshalBool(s);
   318   m_numDecMembers = unmarshalInt(s);
   319   m_numDocMembers = unmarshalInt(s);
   320   m_parent        = (Definition *)unmarshalObjPointer(s);
   321   m_docFile       = unmarshalQCString(s);
   322   m_xrefListItems = unmarshalItemInfoList (Doxygen::symbolStorage);
   323 }
   325 void MemberGroup::setRefItems(const QList<ListItemInfo> *sli)
   326 {
   327   if (sli)
   328   {
   329     // deep copy the list
   330     if (m_xrefListItems==0) 
   331     {
   332       m_xrefListItems=new QList<ListItemInfo>;
   333       m_xrefListItems->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   334     }
   335     QListIterator<ListItemInfo> slii(*sli);
   336     ListItemInfo *lii;
   337     for (slii.toFirst();(lii=slii.current());++slii)
   338     {
   339       m_xrefListItems->append(new ListItemInfo(*lii));
   340     } 
   341   }
   342 }
   343 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
   345 void MemberGroupInfo::setRefItems(const QList<ListItemInfo> *sli)
   346 {
   347   if (!sli) return;
   348   if (m_sli==0)
   349   {
   350     m_sli = new QList<ListItemInfo>;
   351     m_sli->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   352   }
   353   QListIterator<ListItemInfo> slii(*sli);
   354   ListItemInfo *ili;
   355   for (slii.toFirst();(ili=slii.current());++slii)
   356   {
   357     m_sli->append(new ListItemInfo(*ili));
   358   }
   359 }