changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * 
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    14  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    15  *
    16  */
    18 #include <stdio.h>
    19 #include <assert.h>
    20 #include <qglobal.h>
    21 #include "objcache.h"
    23 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    25 #ifdef CACHE_STATS
    26 int ObjCache::misses = 0;
    27 int ObjCache::hits   = 0;
    28 #endif
    30 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
    32 ObjCache::ObjCache(unsigned int logSize) 
    33   : m_head(-1), m_tail(-1), //m_numEntries(0), 
    34     m_size(1<<logSize), m_freeHashNodes(0), m_freeCacheNodes(0), m_lastHandle(-1)
    35 {
    36   int i;
    37   m_cache = new CacheNode[m_size];
    38   m_hash  = new HashNode[m_size];
    39   // add all items to list of free buckets
    40   for (i=0;i<m_size-1;i++)
    41   {
    42     m_hash[i].nextHash = i+1;
    43     m_cache[i].next    = i+1;
    44   }
    45 }
    47 ObjCache::~ObjCache()
    48 {
    49   delete[] m_cache;
    50   delete[] m_hash;
    51 }
    53 int ObjCache::add(void *obj,void **victim)
    54 {
    55   *victim=0;
    57   HashNode *hnode = hashFind(obj);
    58   //printf("hnode=%p\n",hnode);
    59   if (hnode) // move object to the front of the LRU list, since it is used
    60     // most recently
    61   {
    62     //printf("moveToFront=%d\n",hnode->index);
    63     moveToFront(hnode->index);
    64 #ifdef CACHE_STATS
    65     hits++;
    66 #endif
    67   }
    68   else // object not in the cache.
    69   {
    70     void *lruObj=0;
    71     if (m_freeCacheNodes!=-1) // cache not full -> add element to the cache
    72     {
    73       // remove element from free list
    74       int index = m_freeCacheNodes;
    75       m_freeCacheNodes = m_cache[index].next;
    77       // add to head of the list
    78       if (m_tail==-1)
    79       {
    80         m_tail = index;
    81       }
    82       m_cache[index].prev = -1;
    83       m_cache[index].next = m_head;
    84       if (m_head!=-1)
    85       {
    86         m_cache[m_head].prev = index;
    87       }
    88       m_head = index;
    89     }
    90     else // cache full -> replace element in the cache
    91     {
    92       //printf("Cache full!\n");
    93       lruObj = m_cache[m_tail].obj;
    94       hashRemove(lruObj);
    95       moveToFront(m_tail); // m_tail indexes the emptied element, which becomes m_head
    96     }
    97     //printf("numEntries=%d size=%d\n",m_numEntries,m_size);
    98     m_cache[m_head].obj = obj;
    99     hnode = hashInsert(obj);
   100     hnode->index = m_head;
   101     *victim = lruObj;
   102 #ifdef CACHE_STATS
   103     misses++;
   104 #endif
   105   }
   106   return m_head;
   107 }
   109 void ObjCache::del(int index)
   110 {
   111   assert(index!=-1);
   112   assert(m_cache[index].obj!=0);
   113   hashRemove(m_cache[index].obj);
   114   moveToFront(index);
   115   m_head = m_cache[index].next;
   116   if (m_head==-1) 
   117     m_tail=-1;
   118   else 
   119     m_cache[m_head].prev=-1;
   120   m_cache[index].obj=0;
   121   m_cache[index].prev=-1;
   122   m_cache[index].next = m_freeCacheNodes;
   123   m_freeCacheNodes = index;
   124 }
   126 #ifdef CACHE_DEBUG
   127 #define cache_debug_printf printf
   128 void ObjCache::printLRU()
   129 {
   130   cache_debug_printf("MRU->LRU: ");
   131   int index = m_head;
   132   while (index!=-1)
   133   {
   134     cache_debug_printf("%d=%p ",index,m_cache[index].obj);
   135     index = m_cache[index].next;
   136   }
   137   cache_debug_printf("\n");
   139   cache_debug_printf("LRU->MRU: ");
   140   index = m_tail;
   141   while (index!=-1)
   142   {
   143     cache_debug_printf("%d=%p ",index,m_cache[index].obj);
   144     index = m_cache[index].prev;
   145   }
   146   cache_debug_printf("\n");
   147 }
   148 #endif
   150 #ifdef CACHE_STATS
   151 #define cache_stats_printf printf
   152 void ObjCache::printStats()
   153 {
   154   cache_stats_printf("ObjCache: hits=%d misses=%d hit ratio=%f\n",hits,misses,hits*100.0/(hits+misses));
   155 }
   156 #endif
   158 void ObjCache::moveToFront(int index)
   159 {
   160   int prev,next;
   161   if (m_head!=index)
   162   {
   163     next = m_cache[index].next;
   164     prev = m_cache[index].prev;
   166     // de-chain node at index
   167     m_cache[prev].next = next;
   168     if (next!=-1) m_cache[next].prev = prev; else m_tail = prev;
   170     // add to head
   171     m_cache[index].prev  = -1;
   172     m_cache[index].next  = m_head;
   173     m_cache[m_head].prev = index;
   174     m_head = index;
   175   }
   176 }
   178 unsigned int ObjCache::hash(void *addr)
   179 {
   180   static bool isPtr64 = sizeof(addr)==8;
   181   if (isPtr64)
   182   {
   183     uint64 key = (uint64)addr;
   184     // Thomas Wang's 64 bit Mix Function
   185     key += ~(key << 32);
   186     key ^=  (key >> 22);
   187     key += ~(key << 13);
   188     key ^=  (key >> 8);
   189     key +=  (key << 3);
   190     key ^=  (key >> 15);
   191     key += ~(key << 27);
   192     key ^=  (key >> 31);
   193     return key & (m_size-1);
   194   }
   195   else
   196   {
   197     // Thomas Wang's 32 bit Mix Function
   198     unsigned long key = (unsigned long)addr;
   199     key += ~(key << 15);
   200     key ^=  (key >> 10);
   201     key +=  (key << 3);
   202     key ^=  (key >> 6);
   203     key += ~(key << 11);
   204     key ^=  (key >> 16);
   205     return key & (m_size-1);
   206   }
   207 }
   209 ObjCache::HashNode *ObjCache::hashFind(void *obj)
   210 {
   211   HashNode *node = 0;
   212   int index = m_hash[hash(obj)].head;
   213   //printf("hashFind: obj=%p index=%d\n",obj,index);
   214   while (index!=-1 &&
   215       m_hash[index].obj!=obj
   216       ) // search for right object in the list
   217   {
   218     index = m_hash[index].nextHash;
   219   }
   220   // found the obj at index, so it is in the cache!
   221   if (index!=-1)
   222   {
   223     node = &m_hash[index];
   224   }
   225   return node;
   226 }
   228 ObjCache::HashNode *ObjCache::hashInsert(void *obj)
   229 {
   230   int index = hash(obj);
   231   //printf("Inserting %p index=%d\n",obj,index);
   233   // remove element from empty list
   234   int newElement = m_freeHashNodes;
   235   assert(newElement!=-1);
   236   m_freeHashNodes = m_hash[m_freeHashNodes].nextHash;
   238   if (m_hash[index].head!=-1) // hash collision -> goto end of the list
   239   {
   240     index = m_hash[index].head;
   241     while (m_hash[index].nextHash!=-1)
   242     {
   243       index = m_hash[index].nextHash;
   244     }
   245     // add to end of the list
   246     m_hash[index].nextHash = newElement;
   247   }
   248   else // first element in the hash list
   249   {
   250     m_hash[index].head = newElement;
   251   }
   252   // add to the end of the list
   253   m_hash[newElement].nextHash = -1;
   254   m_hash[newElement].obj = obj;
   255   return &m_hash[newElement];
   256 }
   258 void ObjCache::hashRemove(void *obj)
   259 {
   260   int index = hash(obj);
   262   // find element
   263   int curIndex = m_hash[index].head;
   264   int prevIndex=-1;
   265   while (m_hash[curIndex].obj!=obj)
   266   {
   267     prevIndex = curIndex;
   268     curIndex = m_hash[curIndex].nextHash;     
   269   }
   271   if (prevIndex==-1) // remove from start
   272   {
   273     m_hash[index].head = m_hash[curIndex].nextHash;
   274   }
   275   else // remove in the middle
   276   {
   277     m_hash[prevIndex].nextHash = m_hash[curIndex].nextHash;
   278   }
   280   // add curIndex element to empty list
   281   m_hash[curIndex].nextHash = m_freeHashNodes;
   282   m_hash[curIndex].index = -1;
   283   m_hash[curIndex].obj   = 0;
   284   m_freeHashNodes = curIndex;
   285 }
   287 #ifdef CACHE_TEST
   288 int main()
   289 {
   290   int i;
   291   struct obj
   292   {
   293     obj() : handle(-1) {}
   294     int handle;
   295   };
   296   obj *objs = new obj[100];
   297   ObjCache c(3);
   298   for (i=0;i<32;i++)
   299   {
   300     int objId=(i%3)+(i>>2)*4;
   301     printf("------- use(%d=%p)--------\n",objId,&objs[objId]);
   302 #ifdef CACHE_DEBUG
   303     c.printLRU();
   304 #endif
   305     obj *victim=0;
   306     if (objs[objId].handle==-1)
   307     {
   308       objs[objId].handle = c.add(&objs[objId],(void**)&victim);
   309       if (victim) victim->handle=-1;
   310     }
   311     else
   312     {
   313       c.use(objs[objId].handle);
   314     }
   315     printf("i=%d objId=%d using %p victim=%p\n",i,objId,&objs[objId],victim);
   316   }
   317   for (i=0;i<100;i++)
   318   {
   319     if (objs[i].handle!=-1)
   320     {
   321       printf("------ del objId=%d handle=%d ------\n",i,objs[i].handle);
   322       c.del(objs[i].handle);
   323       objs[i].handle=-1;
   324 #ifdef CACHE_DEBUG
   325       c.printLRU();
   326 #endif
   327     }
   328   }
   329   c.printStats();
   330   return 0;
   331 }
   332 #endif