changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  *
     4  *
     5  *
     6  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     7  * Authors: Dimitri van Heesch, Miguel Lobo.
     8  *
     9  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
    10  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
    11  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
    12  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    13  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    14  *
    15  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    16  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    17  *
    18  */
    20 #include <stdlib.h>
    22 #include "perlmodgen.h"
    23 #include "docparser.h"
    24 #include "message.h"
    25 #include "doxygen.h"
    26 #include "pagedef.h"
    28 #include <qdir.h>
    29 #include <qstack.h>
    30 #include <qdict.h>
    31 #include <qfile.h>
    32 #include <qtextstream.h>
    36 class PerlModOutputStream
    37 {
    38 public:
    40   QString m_s;
    41   QTextStream *m_t;
    43   PerlModOutputStream(QTextStream *t = 0) : m_t(t) { }
    45   void add(char c);
    46   void add(const char *s);
    47   void add(QCString &s);
    48   void add(QString &s);
    49   void add(int n);
    50   void add(unsigned int n);
    51 };
    53 void PerlModOutputStream::add(char c)
    54 {
    55   if (m_t != 0)
    56     (*m_t) << c;
    57   else
    58     m_s += c;
    59 }
    61 void PerlModOutputStream::add(const char *s)
    62 {
    63   if (m_t != 0)
    64     (*m_t) << s;
    65   else
    66     m_s += s;
    67 }
    69 void PerlModOutputStream::add(QCString &s)
    70 {
    71   if (m_t != 0)
    72     (*m_t) << s;
    73   else
    74     m_s += s;
    75 }
    77 void PerlModOutputStream::add(QString &s)
    78 {
    79   if (m_t != 0)
    80     (*m_t) << s;
    81   else
    82     m_s += s;
    83 }
    85 void PerlModOutputStream::add(int n)
    86 {
    87   if (m_t != 0)
    88     (*m_t) << n;
    89   else
    90     m_s += n;
    91 }
    93 void PerlModOutputStream::add(unsigned int n)
    94 {
    95   if (m_t != 0)
    96     (*m_t) << n;
    97   else
    98     m_s += n;
    99 }
   101 class PerlModOutput
   102 {
   103 public:
   105   bool m_pretty;
   107   inline PerlModOutput(bool pretty)
   108     : m_pretty(pretty), m_stream(0), m_indentation(false), m_blockstart(true)
   109   {
   110     m_spaces[0] = 0;
   111   }
   113   virtual ~PerlModOutput() { }
   115   inline void setPerlModOutputStream(PerlModOutputStream *os) { m_stream = os; }
   117   inline PerlModOutput &openSave() { iopenSave(); return *this; }
   118   inline PerlModOutput &closeSave(QString &s) { icloseSave(s); return *this; }
   120   inline PerlModOutput &continueBlock()
   121   {
   122     if (m_blockstart)
   123       m_blockstart = false;
   124     else
   125       m_stream->add(',');
   126     indent();
   127     return *this;
   128   }
   130   inline PerlModOutput &add(char c) { m_stream->add(c); return *this; }
   131   inline PerlModOutput &add(const char *s) { m_stream->add(s); return *this; }
   132   inline PerlModOutput &add(QCString &s) { m_stream->add(s); return *this; }
   133   inline PerlModOutput &add(QString &s) { m_stream->add(s); return *this; }
   134   inline PerlModOutput &add(int n) { m_stream->add(n); return *this; }
   135   inline PerlModOutput &add(unsigned int n) { m_stream->add(n); return *this; }
   137   PerlModOutput &addQuoted(const char *s) { iaddQuoted(s); return *this; }
   139   inline PerlModOutput &indent()
   140   {
   141     if (m_pretty) {
   142       m_stream->add('\n');
   143       m_stream->add(m_spaces);
   144     }
   145     return *this;
   146   }
   148   inline PerlModOutput &open(char c, const char *s = 0) { iopen(c, s); return *this; }
   149   inline PerlModOutput &close(char c = 0) { iclose(c); return *this; }
   151   inline PerlModOutput &addField(const char *s) { iaddField(s); return *this; }
   152   inline PerlModOutput &addFieldQuotedChar(const char *field, char content)
   153   {
   154     iaddFieldQuotedChar(field, content); return *this;
   155   }
   156   inline PerlModOutput &addFieldQuotedString(const char *field, const char *content)
   157   {
   158     iaddFieldQuotedString(field, content); return *this;
   159   }
   160   inline PerlModOutput &addFieldBoolean(const char *field, bool content)
   161   {
   162     return addFieldQuotedString(field, content ? "yes" : "no");
   163   }
   164   inline PerlModOutput &openList(const char *s = 0) { open('[', s); return *this; }
   165   inline PerlModOutput &closeList() { close(']'); return *this; }
   166   inline PerlModOutput &openHash(const char *s = 0 ) { open('{', s); return *this; }
   167   inline PerlModOutput &closeHash() { close('}'); return *this; }
   169 protected:
   171   void iopenSave();
   172   void icloseSave(QString &);
   174   void incIndent();
   175   void decIndent();
   177   void iaddQuoted(const char *);
   178   void iaddFieldQuotedChar(const char *, char);
   179   void iaddFieldQuotedString(const char *, const char *);
   180   void iaddField(const char *);
   182   void iopen(char, const char *);
   183   void iclose(char);
   185 private:
   187   PerlModOutputStream *m_stream;
   188   int m_indentation;
   189   bool m_blockstart;
   191   QStack<PerlModOutputStream> m_saved;
   192   char m_spaces[PERLOUTPUT_MAX_INDENTATION * 2 + 2];
   193 };
   195 void PerlModOutput::iopenSave()
   196 {
   197   m_saved.push(m_stream);
   198   m_stream = new PerlModOutputStream();
   199 }
   201 void PerlModOutput::icloseSave(QString &s)
   202 {
   203   s = m_stream->m_s;
   204   delete m_stream;
   205   m_stream = m_saved.pop();
   206 }
   208 void PerlModOutput::incIndent()
   209 {
   210   if (m_indentation < PERLOUTPUT_MAX_INDENTATION)
   211   {
   212     char *s = &m_spaces[m_indentation * 2];
   213     *s++ = ' '; *s++ = ' '; *s = 0;
   214   }
   215   m_indentation++;
   216 }
   218 void PerlModOutput::decIndent()
   219 {
   220   m_indentation--;
   221   if (m_indentation < PERLOUTPUT_MAX_INDENTATION)
   222     m_spaces[m_indentation * 2] = 0;
   223 }
   225 void PerlModOutput::iaddQuoted(const char *s) 
   226 {
   227   char c;
   228   while ((c = *s++) != 0) {
   229     if ((c == '\'') || (c == '\\'))
   230       m_stream->add('\\');
   231     m_stream->add(c);
   232   }
   233 }
   235 void PerlModOutput::iaddField(const char *s)
   236 {
   237   continueBlock();
   238   m_stream->add(s);
   239   m_stream->add(m_pretty ? " => " : "=>");
   240 }
   242 void PerlModOutput::iaddFieldQuotedChar(const char *field, char content)
   243 {
   244   iaddField(field);
   245   m_stream->add('\'');
   246   if ((content == '\'') || (content == '\\'))
   247     m_stream->add('\\');
   248   m_stream->add(content);
   249   m_stream->add('\'');
   250 }
   252 void PerlModOutput::iaddFieldQuotedString(const char *field, const char *content)
   253 {
   254   if (content == 0)
   255     return;
   256   iaddField(field);
   257   m_stream->add('\'');
   258   iaddQuoted(content);
   259   m_stream->add('\'');
   260 }
   262 void PerlModOutput::iopen(char c, const char *s)
   263 {
   264   if (s != 0)
   265     iaddField(s);
   266   else
   267     continueBlock();
   268   m_stream->add(c);
   269   incIndent();
   270   m_blockstart = true;
   271 }
   273 void PerlModOutput::iclose(char c)
   274 {
   275   decIndent(); 
   276   indent();
   277   if (c != 0)
   278     m_stream->add(c); 
   279   m_blockstart = false;
   280 }
   282 /*! @brief Concrete visitor implementation for PerlMod output. */
   283 class PerlModDocVisitor : public DocVisitor
   284 {
   285 public:
   286   PerlModDocVisitor(PerlModOutput &);
   287   virtual ~PerlModDocVisitor() { }
   289   void finish();
   291   //--------------------------------------
   292   // visitor functions for leaf nodes
   293   //--------------------------------------
   295   void visit(DocWord *);
   296   void visit(DocLinkedWord *);
   297   void visit(DocWhiteSpace *);
   298   void visit(DocSymbol *);
   299   void visit(DocURL *);
   300   void visit(DocLineBreak *);
   301   void visit(DocHorRuler *);
   302   void visit(DocStyleChange *);
   303   void visit(DocVerbatim *);
   304   void visit(DocAnchor *);
   305   void visit(DocInclude *);
   306   void visit(DocIncOperator *);
   307   void visit(DocFormula *);
   308   void visit(DocIndexEntry *);
   309   void visit(DocSimpleSectSep *);
   311   //--------------------------------------
   312   // visitor functions for compound nodes
   313   //--------------------------------------
   315   void visitPre(DocAutoList *);
   316   void visitPost(DocAutoList *);
   317   void visitPre(DocAutoListItem *);
   318   void visitPost(DocAutoListItem *);
   319   void visitPre(DocPara *) ;
   320   void visitPost(DocPara *);
   321   void visitPre(DocRoot *);
   322   void visitPost(DocRoot *);
   323   void visitPre(DocSimpleSect *);
   324   void visitPost(DocSimpleSect *);
   325   void visitPre(DocTitle *);
   326   void visitPost(DocTitle *);
   327   void visitPre(DocSimpleList *);
   328   void visitPost(DocSimpleList *);
   329   void visitPre(DocSimpleListItem *);
   330   void visitPost(DocSimpleListItem *);
   331   void visitPre(DocSection *);
   332   void visitPost(DocSection *);
   333   void visitPre(DocHtmlList *);
   334   void visitPost(DocHtmlList *) ;
   335   void visitPre(DocHtmlListItem *);
   336   void visitPost(DocHtmlListItem *);
   337   //void visitPre(DocHtmlPre *);
   338   //void visitPost(DocHtmlPre *);
   339   void visitPre(DocHtmlDescList *);
   340   void visitPost(DocHtmlDescList *);
   341   void visitPre(DocHtmlDescTitle *);
   342   void visitPost(DocHtmlDescTitle *);
   343   void visitPre(DocHtmlDescData *);
   344   void visitPost(DocHtmlDescData *);
   345   void visitPre(DocHtmlTable *);
   346   void visitPost(DocHtmlTable *);
   347   void visitPre(DocHtmlRow *);
   348   void visitPost(DocHtmlRow *) ;
   349   void visitPre(DocHtmlCell *);
   350   void visitPost(DocHtmlCell *);
   351   void visitPre(DocHtmlCaption *);
   352   void visitPost(DocHtmlCaption *);
   353   void visitPre(DocInternal *);
   354   void visitPost(DocInternal *);
   355   void visitPre(DocHRef *);
   356   void visitPost(DocHRef *);
   357   void visitPre(DocHtmlHeader *);
   358   void visitPost(DocHtmlHeader *);
   359   void visitPre(DocImage *);
   360   void visitPost(DocImage *);
   361   void visitPre(DocDotFile *);
   362   void visitPost(DocDotFile *);
   363   void visitPre(DocLink *);
   364   void visitPost(DocLink *);
   365   void visitPre(DocRef *);
   366   void visitPost(DocRef *);
   367   void visitPre(DocSecRefItem *);
   368   void visitPost(DocSecRefItem *);
   369   void visitPre(DocSecRefList *);
   370   void visitPost(DocSecRefList *);
   371   //void visitPre(DocLanguage *);
   372   //void visitPost(DocLanguage *);
   373   void visitPre(DocParamSect *);
   374   void visitPost(DocParamSect *);
   375   void visitPre(DocParamList *);
   376   void visitPost(DocParamList *);
   377   void visitPre(DocXRefItem *);
   378   void visitPost(DocXRefItem *);
   379   void visitPre(DocInternalRef *);
   380   void visitPost(DocInternalRef *);
   381   void visitPre(DocCopy *);
   382   void visitPost(DocCopy *);
   383   void visitPre(DocText *);
   384   void visitPost(DocText *);
   386 private:
   388   //--------------------------------------
   389   // helper functions
   390   //--------------------------------------
   392   void addLink(const QString &ref, const QString &file,
   393 	       const QString &anchor);
   395   void enterText();
   396   void leaveText();
   398   void openItem(const char *);
   399   void closeItem();
   400   void singleItem(const char *);
   401   void openSubBlock(const char * = 0);
   402   void closeSubBlock();
   403   void openOther();
   404   void closeOther();
   406   //--------------------------------------
   407   // state variables
   408   //--------------------------------------
   410   PerlModOutput &m_output;
   411   bool m_textmode;
   412   bool m_textblockstart;
   413   QString m_other;
   414 };
   416 PerlModDocVisitor::PerlModDocVisitor(PerlModOutput &output)
   417   : DocVisitor(DocVisitor_Other), m_output(output), m_textmode(false)
   418 {
   419   m_output.openList("doc");
   420 }
   422 void PerlModDocVisitor::finish()
   423 {
   424   leaveText();
   425   m_output.closeList()
   426     .add(m_other);
   427 }
   429 void PerlModDocVisitor::addLink(const QString &,const QString &file,const QString &anchor)
   430 {
   431   QString link = file;
   432   if (!anchor.isEmpty())
   433     (link += "_1") += anchor;
   434   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("link", link);
   435 }
   437 void PerlModDocVisitor::openItem(const char *name)
   438 {
   439   leaveText();
   440   m_output.openHash().addFieldQuotedString("type", name);
   441 }
   443 void PerlModDocVisitor::closeItem()
   444 {
   445   leaveText();
   446   m_output.closeHash();
   447 }
   449 void PerlModDocVisitor::enterText()
   450 {
   451   if (m_textmode)
   452     return;
   453   openItem("text");
   454   m_output.addField("content").add('\'');
   455   m_textmode = true;
   456 }
   458 void PerlModDocVisitor::leaveText()
   459 {
   460   if (!m_textmode)
   461     return;
   462   m_textmode = false;
   463   m_output
   464     .add('\'')
   465     .closeHash();
   466 }
   468 void PerlModDocVisitor::singleItem(const char *name)
   469 {
   470   openItem(name);
   471   closeItem();
   472 }
   474 void PerlModDocVisitor::openSubBlock(const char *s)
   475 {
   476   leaveText();
   477   m_output.openList(s);
   478   m_textblockstart = true;
   479 }
   481 void PerlModDocVisitor::closeSubBlock()
   482 {
   483   leaveText();
   484   m_output.closeList();
   485 }
   487 void PerlModDocVisitor::openOther()
   488 {
   489   // Using a secondary text stream will corrupt the perl file. Instead of
   490   // printing doc => [ data => [] ], it will print doc => [] data => [].
   491   /*
   492   leaveText();
   493   m_output.openSave();
   494   */
   495 }
   497 void PerlModDocVisitor::closeOther()
   498 {
   499   // Using a secondary text stream will corrupt the perl file. Instead of
   500   // printing doc => [ data => [] ], it will print doc => [] data => [].
   501   /*
   502   QString other;
   503   leaveText();
   504   m_output.closeSave(other);
   505   m_other += other;
   506   */
   507 }
   509 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocWord *w)
   510 {
   511   enterText();
   512   m_output.addQuoted(w->word());
   513 }
   515 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocLinkedWord *w)
   516 {
   517   openItem("url");
   518   addLink(w->ref(), w->file(), w->anchor());
   519   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("content", w->word());
   520   closeItem();
   521 }
   523 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocWhiteSpace *)
   524 {
   525   enterText();
   526   m_output.add(' ');
   527 }
   529 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocSymbol *sy)
   530 {
   531   char c = 0;
   532   const char *s = 0;
   533   const char *accent = 0;
   534   const char *symbol = 0;
   535   switch(sy->symbol())
   536   {
   537   case DocSymbol::At:      c = '@'; break;
   538   case DocSymbol::Less:    c = '<'; break;
   539   case DocSymbol::Greater: c = '>'; break;
   540   case DocSymbol::Amp:     c = '&'; break;
   541   case DocSymbol::Dollar:  c = '$'; break;
   542   case DocSymbol::Hash:    c = '#'; break;
   543   case DocSymbol::Percent: c = '%'; break;
   544   case DocSymbol::Quot:    c = '"'; break;
   545   case DocSymbol::Lsquo:   s = "\\\'"; break;
   546   case DocSymbol::Rsquo:   s = "\\\'"; break;
   547   case DocSymbol::Ldquo:   c = '"'; break;
   548   case DocSymbol::Rdquo:   c = '"'; break;
   549   case DocSymbol::Ndash:   c = '-'; break;
   550   case DocSymbol::Mdash:   s = "--"; break;
   551   case DocSymbol::Nbsp:    c = ' '; break;
   552   case DocSymbol::Uml:     accent = "umlaut"; break;
   553   case DocSymbol::Acute:   accent = "acute"; break;
   554   case DocSymbol::Grave:   accent = "grave"; break;
   555   case DocSymbol::Circ:    accent = "circ"; break;
   556   case DocSymbol::Slash:   accent = "slash"; break;
   557   case DocSymbol::Tilde:   accent = "tilde"; break;
   558   case DocSymbol::Cedil:   accent = "cedilla"; break;
   559   case DocSymbol::Ring:    accent = "ring"; break;
   560   case DocSymbol::BSlash:  s = "\\\\"; break;
   561   case DocSymbol::Copy:    symbol = "copyright"; break;
   562   case DocSymbol::Tm:      symbol = "trademark"; break;
   563   case DocSymbol::Reg:     symbol = "registered"; break;
   564   case DocSymbol::Szlig:   symbol = "szlig"; break;
   565   case DocSymbol::Apos:    s = "\\\'"; break;
   566   case DocSymbol::Aelig:   symbol = "aelig"; break;
   567   case DocSymbol::AElig:   symbol = "AElig"; break;
   568   case DocSymbol::Unknown:
   569     err("Error: unknown symbol found\n");
   570     break;
   571   }
   572   if (c != 0) {
   573     enterText();
   574     m_output.add(c);
   575   } else if (s != 0) {
   576     enterText();
   577     m_output.add(s);
   578   } else if (symbol != 0) {
   579     leaveText();
   580     openItem("symbol");
   581     m_output.addFieldQuotedString("symbol", symbol);
   582     closeItem();
   583   } else if (accent != 0) {
   584     leaveText();
   585     openItem("accent");
   586     m_output
   587       .addFieldQuotedString("accent", accent)
   588       .addFieldQuotedChar("letter", sy->letter());
   589     closeItem();
   590   }
   591 }
   593 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocURL *u)
   594 {
   595   openItem("url");
   596   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("content", u->url());
   597   closeItem();
   598 }
   600 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocLineBreak *) { singleItem("linebreak"); }
   601 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocHorRuler *) { singleItem("hruler"); }
   603 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocStyleChange *s)
   604 {
   605   const char *style = 0;
   606   switch (s->style())
   607   {
   608     case DocStyleChange::Bold:          style = "bold"; break;
   609     case DocStyleChange::Italic:        style = "italic"; break;
   610     case DocStyleChange::Code:          style = "code"; break;
   611     case DocStyleChange::Subscript:     style = "subscript"; break;
   612     case DocStyleChange::Superscript:   style = "superscript"; break;
   613     case DocStyleChange::Center:        style = "center"; break;
   614     case DocStyleChange::Small:         style = "small"; break;
   615     case DocStyleChange::Preformatted:  style = "preformatted"; break;
   616     case DocStyleChange::Div:           style = "div"; break;
   617     case DocStyleChange::Span:          style = "span"; break;
   619   }
   620   openItem("style");
   621   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("style", style)
   622     .addFieldBoolean("enable", s->enable());
   623   closeItem();
   624 }
   626 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocVerbatim *s)
   627 {
   628   const char *type = 0;
   629   switch(s->type())
   630   {
   631   case DocVerbatim::Code:
   632 #if 0
   633     m_output.add("<programlisting>");
   634     parseCode(m_ci,s->context(),s->text(),FALSE,0);
   635     m_output.add("</programlisting>");
   636 #endif
   637     return;
   638   case DocVerbatim::Verbatim:	type = "preformatted"; break;
   639   case DocVerbatim::HtmlOnly:	type = "htmlonly"; break;
   640   case DocVerbatim::ManOnly:	type = "manonly"; break;
   641   case DocVerbatim::LatexOnly:	type = "latexonly"; break;
   642   case DocVerbatim::XmlOnly:	type = "xmlonly"; break;
   643   case DocVerbatim::Dot:	type = "dot"; break;
   644   case DocVerbatim::Msc:	type = "msc"; break;
   645   }
   646   openItem(type);
   647   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("content", s->text());
   648   closeItem();
   649 }
   651 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocAnchor *anc)
   652 {
   653   QString anchor = anc->file() + "_1" + anc->anchor();
   654   openItem("anchor");
   655   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("id", anchor);
   656   closeItem();
   657 }
   659 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocInclude *inc)
   660 {
   661   const char *type = 0;
   662   switch(inc->type())
   663   {
   664   case DocInclude::IncWithLines:
   665   #if 0
   666       { 
   667          m_t << "<div class=\"fragment\"><pre>";
   668          QFileInfo cfi( inc->file() );
   669          FileDef fd( cfi.dirPath(), cfi.fileName() );
   670          parseCode(m_ci,inc->context(),inc->text().latin1(),inc->isExample(),inc->exampleFile(), &fd);
   671          m_t << "</pre></div>"; 
   672       }
   673       break;
   674   #endif
   675     return;
   676   case DocInclude::Include:
   677 #if 0
   678     m_output.add("<programlisting>");
   679     parseCode(m_ci,inc->context(),inc->text(),FALSE,0);
   680     m_output.add("</programlisting>");
   681 #endif
   682     return;
   683   case DocInclude::DontInclude:	return;
   684   case DocInclude::HtmlInclude:	type = "htmlonly"; break;
   685   case DocInclude::VerbInclude:	type = "preformatted"; break;
   686   }
   687   openItem(type);
   688   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("content", inc->text());
   689   closeItem();
   690 }
   692 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocIncOperator *)
   693 {
   694 #if 0
   695   //printf("DocIncOperator: type=%d first=%d, last=%d text=`%s'\n",
   696   //    op->type(),op->isFirst(),op->isLast(),op->text().data());
   697   if (op->isFirst())
   698   {
   699     m_output.add("<programlisting>");
   700   }
   701   if (op->type()!=DocIncOperator::Skip)
   702   {
   703     parseCode(m_ci,op->context(),op->text(),FALSE,0);
   704   }
   705   if (op->isLast()) 
   706   {
   707     m_output.add("</programlisting>");
   708   }
   709   else
   710   {
   711     m_output.add('\n');
   712   }
   713 #endif
   714 }
   716 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocFormula *f)
   717 {
   718   openItem("formula");
   719   QString id;
   720   id += f->id();
   721   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("id", id).addFieldQuotedString("content", f->text());
   722   closeItem();
   723 }
   725 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocIndexEntry *)
   726 {
   727 #if 0
   728   m_output.add("<indexentry>"
   729 	       "<primaryie>");
   730   m_output.addQuoted(ie->entry());
   731   m_output.add("</primaryie>"
   732 	       "<secondaryie></secondaryie>"
   733 	       "</indexentry>");
   734 #endif
   735 }
   737 void PerlModDocVisitor::visit(DocSimpleSectSep *)
   738 {
   739 }
   741 //--------------------------------------
   742 // visitor functions for compound nodes
   743 //--------------------------------------
   745 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocAutoList *l)
   746 {
   747   openItem("list");
   748   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("style", l->isEnumList() ? "ordered" : "itemized");
   749   openSubBlock("content");
   750 }
   752 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocAutoList *)
   753 {
   754   closeSubBlock();
   755   closeItem();
   756 }
   758 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocAutoListItem *)
   759 {
   760   openSubBlock();
   761 }
   763 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocAutoListItem *)
   764 {
   765   closeSubBlock();
   766 }
   768 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocPara *)
   769 {
   770   if (m_textblockstart)
   771     m_textblockstart = false;
   772   else
   773     singleItem("parbreak");
   774   /*
   775   openItem("para");
   776   openSubBlock("content");
   777   */
   778 }
   780 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocPara *)
   781 {
   782   /*
   783   closeSubBlock();
   784   closeItem();
   785   */
   786 }
   788 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocRoot *)
   789 {
   790 }
   792 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocRoot *)
   793 {
   794 }
   796 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleSect *s)
   797 {
   798   const char *type = 0;
   799   switch (s->type())
   800   {
   801   case DocSimpleSect::See:		type = "see"; break;
   802   case DocSimpleSect::Return:		type = "return"; break;
   803   case DocSimpleSect::Author:		type = "author"; break;
   804   case DocSimpleSect::Authors:		type = "authors"; break;
   805   case DocSimpleSect::Version:		type = "version"; break;
   806   case DocSimpleSect::Since:		type = "since"; break;
   807   case DocSimpleSect::Date:		type = "date"; break;
   808   case DocSimpleSect::Note:		type = "bug"; break;
   809   case DocSimpleSect::Warning:		type = "warning"; break;
   810   case DocSimpleSect::Pre:		type = "pre"; break;
   811   case DocSimpleSect::Post:		type = "post"; break;
   812   case DocSimpleSect::Invar:		type = "invariant"; break;
   813   case DocSimpleSect::Remark:		type = "remark"; break;
   814   case DocSimpleSect::Attention:	type = "attention"; break;
   815   case DocSimpleSect::User:		type = "par"; break;
   816   case DocSimpleSect::Rcs:		type = "rcs"; break;
   817   case DocSimpleSect::Unknown:
   818     err("Error: unknown simple section found\n");
   819     break;
   820   }
   821   openOther();
   822   openSubBlock(type);
   823 }
   825 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleSect *)
   826 {
   827   closeSubBlock();
   828   closeOther();
   829 }
   831 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocTitle *)
   832 {
   833   openItem("title");
   834   openSubBlock("content");
   835 }
   837 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocTitle *)
   838 {
   839   closeSubBlock();
   840   closeItem();
   841 }
   843 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleList *) 
   844 {
   845   openItem("list");
   846   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("style", "itemized");
   847   openSubBlock("content");
   848 }
   850 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleList *)
   851 {
   852   closeSubBlock();
   853   closeItem();
   854 }
   856 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSimpleListItem *) { openSubBlock(); }
   857 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSimpleListItem *) { closeSubBlock(); }
   859 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSection *s)
   860 {
   861   QString sect = QString("sect%1").arg(s->level());
   862   openItem(sect);
   863   openSubBlock("content");
   864 }
   866 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSection *)
   867 {
   868   closeSubBlock();
   869   closeItem();
   870 }
   872 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlList *l)
   873 {
   874   openItem("list");
   875   m_output.addFieldQuotedString("style", (l->type() == DocHtmlList::Ordered) ? "ordered" : "itemized");
   876   openSubBlock("content");
   877 }
   879 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlList *)
   880 {
   881   closeSubBlock();
   882   closeItem();
   883 }
   885 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlListItem *) { openSubBlock(); }
   886 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlListItem *) { closeSubBlock(); }
   888 //void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlPre *)
   889 //{
   890 //  openItem("preformatted");
   891 //  openSubBlock("content");
   892 //  //m_insidePre=TRUE;
   893 //}
   895 //void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlPre *)
   896 //{
   897 //  //m_insidePre=FALSE;
   898 //  closeSubBlock();
   899 //  closeItem();
   900 //}
   902 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescList *)
   903 {
   904 #if 0
   905   m_output.add("<variablelist>\n");
   906 #endif
   907 }
   909 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescList *)
   910 {
   911 #if 0
   912   m_output.add("</variablelist>\n");
   913 #endif
   914 }
   916 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescTitle *)
   917 {
   918 #if 0
   919   m_output.add("<varlistentry><term>");
   920 #endif
   921 }
   923 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescTitle *)
   924 {
   925 #if 0
   926   m_output.add("</term></varlistentry>\n");
   927 #endif
   928 }
   930 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlDescData *)
   931 {
   932 #if 0
   933   m_output.add("<listitem>");
   934 #endif
   935 }
   937 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlDescData *)
   938 {
   939 #if 0
   940   m_output.add("</listitem>\n");
   941 #endif
   942 }
   944 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlTable *)
   945 {
   946 #if 0
   947   m_output.add("<table rows=\""); m_output.add(t->numRows());
   948   m_output.add("\" cols=\""); m_output.add(t->numCols()); m_output.add("\">");
   949 #endif
   950 }
   952 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlTable *)
   953 {
   954 #if 0
   955   m_output.add("</table>\n");
   956 #endif
   957 }
   959 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlRow *)
   960 {
   961 #if 0
   962   m_output.add("<row>\n");
   963 #endif
   964 }
   966 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlRow *)
   967 {
   968 #if 0
   969   m_output.add("</row>\n");
   970 #endif
   971 }
   973 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlCell *)
   974 {
   975 #if 0
   976   if (c->isHeading()) m_output.add("<entry thead=\"yes\">"); else m_output.add("<entry thead=\"no\">");
   977 #endif
   978 }
   980 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlCell *)
   981 {
   982 #if 0
   983   m_output.add("</entry>");
   984 #endif
   985 }
   987 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlCaption *)
   988 {
   989 #if 0
   990   m_output.add("<caption>");
   991 #endif
   992 }
   994 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlCaption *)
   995 {
   996 #if 0
   997   m_output.add("</caption>\n");
   998 #endif
   999 }
  1001 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocInternal *)
  1002 {
  1003 #if 0
  1004   m_output.add("<internal>");
  1005 #endif
  1006 }
  1008 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocInternal *)
  1009 {
  1010 #if 0
  1011   m_output.add("</internal>");
  1012 #endif
  1013 }
  1015 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHRef *)
  1016 {
  1017 #if 0
  1018   m_output.add("<ulink url=\""); m_output.add(href->url()); m_output.add("\">");
  1019 #endif
  1020 }
  1022 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHRef *)
  1023 {
  1024 #if 0
  1025   m_output.add("</ulink>");
  1026 #endif
  1027 }
  1029 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocHtmlHeader *)
  1030 {
  1031 #if 0
  1032   m_output.add("<sect"); m_output.add(header->level()); m_output.add(">");
  1033 #endif
  1034 }
  1036 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocHtmlHeader *)
  1037 {
  1038 #if 0
  1039   m_output.add("</sect"); m_output.add(header->level()); m_output.add(">\n");
  1040 #endif
  1041 }
  1043 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocImage *)
  1044 {
  1045 #if 0
  1046   m_output.add("<image type=\"");
  1047   switch(img->type())
  1048   {
  1049   case DocImage::Html:  m_output.add("html"); break;
  1050   case DocImage::Latex: m_output.add("latex"); break;
  1051   case DocImage::Rtf:   m_output.add("rtf"); break;
  1052   }
  1053   m_output.add("\"");
  1055   QCString baseName=img->name();
  1056   int i;
  1057   if ((i=baseName.findRev('/'))!=-1 || (i=baseName.findRev('\\'))!=-1)
  1058   {
  1059     baseName=baseName.right(baseName.length()-i-1);
  1060   }
  1061   m_output.add(" name=\""); m_output.add(baseName); m_output.add("\"");
  1062   if (!img->width().isEmpty())
  1063   {
  1064     m_output.add(" width=\"");
  1065     m_output.addQuoted(img->width());
  1066     m_output.add("\"");
  1067   }
  1068   else if (!img->height().isEmpty())
  1069   {
  1070     m_output.add(" height=\"");
  1071     m_output.addQuoted(img->height());
  1072     m_output.add("\"");
  1073   }
  1074   m_output.add(">");
  1075 #endif
  1076 }
  1078 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocImage *)
  1079 {
  1080 #if 0
  1081   m_output.add("</image>");
  1082 #endif
  1083 }
  1085 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocDotFile *)
  1086 {
  1087 #if 0
  1088   m_output.add("<dotfile name=\""); m_output.add(df->file()); m_output.add("\">");
  1089 #endif
  1090 }
  1092 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocDotFile *)
  1093 {
  1094 #if 0
  1095   m_output.add("</dotfile>");
  1096 #endif
  1097 }
  1099 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocLink *lnk)
  1100 {
  1101   openItem("link");
  1102   addLink(lnk->ref(), lnk->file(), lnk->anchor());
  1103 }
  1105 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocLink *)
  1106 {
  1107   closeItem();
  1108 }
  1110 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocRef *ref)
  1111 {
  1112   openItem("ref");
  1113   if (!ref->hasLinkText())
  1114     m_output.addFieldQuotedString("text", ref->targetTitle());
  1115   openSubBlock("content");
  1116 }
  1118 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocRef *)
  1119 {
  1120   closeSubBlock();
  1121   closeItem();
  1122 }
  1124 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSecRefItem *)
  1125 {
  1126 #if 0
  1127   m_output.add("<tocitem id=\""); m_output.add(ref->file()); m_output.add("_1"); m_output.add(ref->anchor()); m_output.add("\">");
  1128 #endif
  1129 }
  1131 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSecRefItem *)
  1132 {
  1133 #if 0
  1134   m_output.add("</tocitem>");
  1135 #endif
  1136 }
  1138 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocSecRefList *)
  1139 {
  1140 #if 0
  1141   m_output.add("<toclist>");
  1142 #endif
  1143 }
  1145 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocSecRefList *)
  1146 {
  1147 #if 0
  1148   m_output.add("</toclist>");
  1149 #endif
  1150 }
  1152 //void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocLanguage *l)
  1153 //{
  1154 //  openItem("language");
  1155 //  m_output.addFieldQuotedString("id", l->id());
  1156 //}
  1157 //
  1158 //void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocLanguage *)
  1159 //{
  1160 //  closeItem();
  1161 //}
  1163 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocParamSect *s)
  1164 {
  1165   leaveText();
  1166   const char *type = 0;
  1167   switch(s->type())
  1168   {
  1169   case DocParamSect::Param:     type = "params"; break;
  1170   case DocParamSect::RetVal:    type = "retvals"; break;
  1171   case DocParamSect::Exception: type = "exceptions"; break;
  1172   case DocParamSect::TemplateParam: type = "templateparam"; break;
  1173   case DocParamSect::Unknown:
  1174     err("Error: unknown parameter section found\n");
  1175     break;
  1176   }
  1177   openOther();
  1178   openSubBlock(type);
  1179 }
  1181 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocParamSect *)
  1182 {
  1183   closeSubBlock();
  1184   closeOther();
  1185 }
  1187 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocParamList *pl)
  1188 {
  1189   leaveText();
  1190   m_output.openHash()
  1191     .openList("parameters");
  1192   //QStrListIterator li(pl->parameters());
  1193   //const char *s;
  1194   QListIterator<DocNode> li(pl->parameters());
  1195   DocNode *param;
  1196   for (li.toFirst();(param=li.current());++li)
  1197   {
  1198     QCString s;
  1199     if (param->kind()==DocNode::Kind_Word)
  1200     {
  1201       s = ((DocWord*)param)->word(); 
  1202     }
  1203     else if (param->kind()==DocNode::Kind_LinkedWord)
  1204     {
  1205       s = ((DocLinkedWord*)param)->word(); 
  1206     }
  1207     m_output.openHash()
  1208       .addFieldQuotedString("name", s)
  1209       .closeHash();
  1210   }
  1211   m_output.closeList()
  1212     .openList("doc");
  1213 }
  1215 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocParamList *)
  1216 {
  1217   leaveText();
  1218   m_output.closeList()
  1219     .closeHash();
  1220 }
  1222 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocXRefItem *)
  1223 {
  1224 #if 0
  1225   m_output.add("<xrefsect id=\"");
  1226   m_output.add(x->file()); m_output.add("_1"); m_output.add(x->anchor());
  1227   m_output.add("\">");
  1228   m_output.add("<xreftitle>");
  1229   m_output.addQuoted(x->title());
  1230   m_output.add("</xreftitle>");
  1231   m_output.add("<xrefdescription>");
  1232 #endif
  1233   openItem("xrefitem");
  1234   openSubBlock("content");
  1235 }
  1237 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocXRefItem *)
  1238 {
  1239   closeSubBlock();
  1240   closeItem();
  1241 #if 0
  1242   m_output.add("</xrefdescription>");
  1243   m_output.add("</xrefsect>");
  1244 #endif
  1245 }
  1247 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocInternalRef *ref)
  1248 {
  1249   openItem("ref");
  1250   addLink(0,ref->file(),ref->anchor());
  1251   openSubBlock("content");
  1252 }
  1254 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocInternalRef *)
  1255 {
  1256   closeSubBlock();
  1257   closeItem();
  1258 }
  1260 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocCopy *)
  1261 {
  1262 }
  1264 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocCopy *)
  1265 {
  1266 }
  1268 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPre(DocText *)
  1269 {
  1270 }
  1272 void PerlModDocVisitor::visitPost(DocText *)
  1273 {
  1274 }
  1276 static void addTemplateArgumentList(ArgumentList *al,PerlModOutput &output,const char *)
  1277 {
  1278   QCString indentStr;
  1279   if (!al)
  1280     return;
  1281   output.openList("template_parameters");
  1282   ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
  1283   Argument *a;
  1284   for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
  1285   {
  1286     output.openHash();
  1287     if (!a->type.isEmpty())
  1288       output.addFieldQuotedString("type", a->type);
  1289     if (!a->name.isEmpty())
  1290       output.addFieldQuotedString("declaration_name", a->name)
  1291 	.addFieldQuotedString("definition_name", a->name);
  1292     if (!a->defval.isEmpty())
  1293       output.addFieldQuotedString("default", a->defval);
  1294     output.closeHash();
  1295   }
  1296   output.closeList();
  1297 }
  1299 #if 0
  1300 static void addMemberTemplateLists(MemberDef *md,PerlModOutput &output)
  1301 {
  1302   ClassDef *cd = md->getClassDef();
  1303   const char *cname = cd ? cd->name().data() : 0;
  1304   if (md->templateArguments()) // function template prefix
  1305     addTemplateArgumentList(md->templateArguments(),output,cname);
  1306 }
  1307 #endif
  1309 static void addTemplateList(ClassDef *cd,PerlModOutput &output)
  1310 {
  1311   addTemplateArgumentList(cd->templateArguments(),output,cd->name());
  1312 }
  1314 static void addPerlModDocBlock(PerlModOutput &output,
  1315 			    const char *name,
  1316 			    const QCString &fileName,
  1317 			    int lineNr,
  1318 			    Definition *scope,
  1319 			    MemberDef *md,
  1320 			    const QCString &text)
  1321 {
  1322   QCString stext = text.stripWhiteSpace();
  1323   if (stext.isEmpty())
  1324     output.addField(name).add("{}");
  1325   else {
  1326     DocNode *root = validatingParseDoc(fileName,lineNr,scope,md,stext,FALSE,0);
  1327     output.openHash(name);
  1328     PerlModDocVisitor *visitor = new PerlModDocVisitor(output);
  1329     root->accept(visitor);
  1330     visitor->finish();
  1331     output.closeHash();
  1332     delete visitor;
  1333     delete root;
  1334   }
  1335 }
  1337 static const char *getProtectionName(Protection prot) 
  1338 {
  1339   switch (prot)
  1340   {
  1341   case Public:    return "public";
  1342   case Protected: return "protected";
  1343   case Private:   return "private";
  1344   case Package:   return "package";
  1345   }
  1346   return 0;
  1347 }
  1349 static const char *getVirtualnessName(Specifier virt)
  1350 {
  1351   switch(virt)
  1352   {
  1353   case Normal:  return "non_virtual";
  1354   case Virtual: return "virtual";
  1355   case Pure:    return "pure_virtual";
  1356   }
  1357   return 0;
  1358 }
  1360 static QString pathDoxyfile;
  1361 static QString pathDoxyExec;
  1363 void setPerlModDoxyfile(const QString &qs)
  1364 {
  1365   pathDoxyfile = qs;
  1366   pathDoxyExec = QDir::currentDirPath();
  1367 }
  1369 class PerlModGenerator
  1370 {
  1371 public:
  1373   PerlModOutput m_output;
  1375   QString pathDoxyStructurePM;
  1376   QString pathDoxyDocsTex;
  1377   QString pathDoxyFormatTex;
  1378   QString pathDoxyLatexTex;
  1379   QString pathDoxyLatexDVI;
  1380   QString pathDoxyLatexPDF;
  1381   QString pathDoxyStructureTex;
  1382   QString pathDoxyDocsPM;
  1383   QString pathDoxyLatexPL;
  1384   QString pathDoxyLatexStructurePL;
  1385   QString pathDoxyRules;
  1386   QString pathMakefile;
  1388   inline PerlModGenerator(bool pretty) : m_output(pretty) { }
  1390   void generatePerlModForMember(MemberDef *md, Definition *);
  1391   void generatePerlModSection(Definition *d, MemberList *ml,
  1392 			      const char *name, const char *header=0);
  1393   void addListOfAllMembers(ClassDef *cd);
  1394   void generatePerlModForClass(ClassDef *cd);
  1395   void generatePerlModForNamespace(NamespaceDef *nd);
  1396   void generatePerlModForFile(FileDef *fd);
  1397   void generatePerlModForGroup(GroupDef *gd);
  1398   void generatePerlModForPage(PageDef *pi);
  1400   bool createOutputFile(QFile &f, const char *s);
  1401   bool createOutputDir(QDir &perlModDir);
  1402   bool generateDoxyLatexTex();
  1403   bool generateDoxyFormatTex();
  1404   bool generateDoxyStructurePM();
  1405   bool generateDoxyLatexPL();
  1406   bool generateDoxyLatexStructurePL();
  1407   bool generateDoxyRules();
  1408   bool generateMakefile();
  1409   bool generatePerlModOutput();
  1411   void generate();
  1412 };
  1414 void PerlModGenerator::generatePerlModForMember(MemberDef *md,Definition *)
  1415 {
  1416   // + declaration/definition arg lists
  1417   // + reimplements
  1418   // + reimplementedBy
  1419   // + exceptions
  1420   // + const/volatile specifiers
  1421   // - examples
  1422   // - source definition
  1423   // - source references
  1424   // - source referenced by
  1425   // - body code
  1426   // - template arguments
  1427   //     (templateArguments(), definitionTemplateParameterLists())
  1429   QCString memType;
  1430   bool isFunc=FALSE;
  1431   switch (md->memberType())
  1432   {
  1433   case MemberDef::Define:      memType="define";    break;
  1434   case MemberDef::EnumValue:   memType="enumvalue"; break;
  1435   case MemberDef::Property:    memType="property";  break;
  1436   case MemberDef::Variable:    memType="variable";  break;
  1437   case MemberDef::Typedef:     memType="typedef";   break;
  1438   case MemberDef::Enumeration: memType="enum";      break;
  1439   case MemberDef::Function:    memType="function";  isFunc=TRUE; break;
  1440   case MemberDef::Signal:      memType="signal";    isFunc=TRUE; break;
  1441   //case MemberDef::Prototype:   memType="prototype"; isFunc=TRUE; break;
  1442   case MemberDef::Friend:      memType="friend";    isFunc=TRUE; break;
  1443   case MemberDef::DCOP:        memType="dcop";      isFunc=TRUE; break;
  1444   case MemberDef::Slot:        memType="slot";      isFunc=TRUE; break;
  1445   case MemberDef::Event:       memType="event";     break;
  1446   }
  1448   m_output.openHash()
  1449     .addFieldQuotedString("kind", memType)
  1450     .addFieldQuotedString("name", md->name())
  1451     .addFieldQuotedString("virtualness", getVirtualnessName(md->virtualness()))
  1452     .addFieldQuotedString("protection", getProtectionName(md->protection()))
  1453     .addFieldBoolean("static", md->isStatic());
  1455   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"brief",md->getDefFileName(),md->getDefLine(),md->getOuterScope(),md,md->briefDescription());
  1456   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"detailed",md->getDefFileName(),md->getDefLine(),md->getOuterScope(),md,md->documentation());
  1457   if (md->memberType()!=MemberDef::Define &&
  1458       md->memberType()!=MemberDef::Enumeration)
  1459     m_output.addFieldQuotedString("type", md->typeString());
  1461   LockingPtr<ArgumentList> al = md->argumentList();
  1462   if (isFunc) //function
  1463   {
  1464     m_output.addFieldBoolean("const", al!=0 && al->constSpecifier)
  1465       .addFieldBoolean("volatile", al!=0 && al->volatileSpecifier);
  1467     m_output.openList("parameters");
  1468     LockingPtr<ArgumentList> declAl = md->declArgumentList();
  1469     LockingPtr<ArgumentList> defAl  = md->argumentList();
  1470     if (declAl!=0 && declAl->count()>0)
  1471     {
  1472       ArgumentListIterator declAli(*declAl);
  1473       ArgumentListIterator defAli(*defAl);
  1474       Argument *a;
  1475       for (declAli.toFirst();(a=declAli.current());++declAli)
  1476       {
  1477 	Argument *defArg = defAli.current();
  1478 	m_output.openHash();
  1480 	if (!a->name.isEmpty())
  1481 	  m_output.addFieldQuotedString("declaration_name", a->name);
  1483 	if (defArg && !defArg->name.isEmpty() && defArg->name!=a->name)
  1484 	  m_output.addFieldQuotedString("definition_name", defArg->name);
  1486 	if (!a->type.isEmpty())
  1487 	  m_output.addFieldQuotedString("type", a->type);
  1489 	if (!a->array.isEmpty())
  1490 	  m_output.addFieldQuotedString("array", a->array);
  1492 	if (!a->defval.isEmpty())
  1493 	  m_output.addFieldQuotedString("default_value", a->defval);
  1495 	if (!a->attrib.isEmpty())
  1496 	  m_output.addFieldQuotedString("attributes", a->attrib);
  1498 	m_output.closeHash();
  1499 	if (defArg) ++defAli;
  1500       }
  1501     }
  1502     m_output.closeList();
  1503   }
  1504   else if (md->memberType()==MemberDef::Define &&
  1505 	   md->argsString()!=0) // define
  1506   {
  1507     m_output.openList("parameters");
  1508     ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
  1509     Argument *a;
  1510     for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
  1511     {
  1512       m_output.openHash()
  1513 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", a->type)
  1514 	.closeHash();
  1515     }
  1516     m_output.closeList();
  1517   }
  1518   if (!md->initializer().isEmpty())
  1519     m_output.addFieldQuotedString("initializer", md->initializer());
  1521   if (md->excpString())
  1522     m_output.addFieldQuotedString("exceptions", md->excpString());
  1524   if (md->memberType()==MemberDef::Enumeration) // enum
  1525   {
  1526     LockingPtr<MemberList> enumFields = md->enumFieldList();
  1527     if (enumFields!=0)
  1528     {
  1529       m_output.openList("values");
  1530       MemberListIterator emli(*enumFields);
  1531       MemberDef *emd;
  1532       for (emli.toFirst();(emd=emli.current());++emli)
  1533       {
  1534 	m_output.openHash()
  1535 	  .addFieldQuotedString("name", emd->name());
  1537 	if (!emd->initializer().isEmpty())
  1538 	  m_output.addFieldQuotedString("initializer", emd->initializer());
  1540 	addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"brief",emd->getDefFileName(),emd->getDefLine(),emd->getOuterScope(),emd,emd->briefDescription());
  1542 	addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"detailed",emd->getDefFileName(),emd->getDefLine(),emd->getOuterScope(),emd,emd->documentation());
  1544 	m_output.closeHash();
  1545       }
  1546       m_output.closeList();
  1547     }
  1548   }
  1550   MemberDef *rmd = md->reimplements();
  1551   if (rmd)
  1552     m_output.openHash("reimplements")
  1553       .addFieldQuotedString("name", rmd->name())
  1554       .closeHash();
  1556   LockingPtr<MemberList> rbml = md->reimplementedBy();
  1557   if (rbml!=0)
  1558   {
  1559     MemberListIterator mli(*rbml);
  1560     m_output.openList("reimplemented_by");
  1561     for (mli.toFirst();(rmd=mli.current());++mli)
  1562       m_output.openHash()
  1563 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", rmd->name())
  1564 	.closeHash();
  1565     m_output.closeList();
  1566   }
  1568   m_output.closeHash();
  1569 }
  1571 void PerlModGenerator::generatePerlModSection(Definition *d,
  1572 					      MemberList *ml,const char *name,const char *header)
  1573 {
  1574   if (ml==0) return; // empty list
  1576   m_output.openHash(name);
  1578   if (header)
  1579     m_output.addFieldQuotedString("header", header);
  1581   m_output.openList("members");
  1582   MemberListIterator mli(*ml);
  1583   MemberDef *md;
  1584   for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli)
  1585   {
  1586     generatePerlModForMember(md,d);
  1587   }
  1588   m_output.closeList()
  1589     .closeHash();
  1590 }
  1592 void PerlModGenerator::addListOfAllMembers(ClassDef *cd)
  1593 {
  1594   m_output.openList("all_members");
  1595   if (cd->memberNameInfoSDict())
  1596   {
  1597     MemberNameInfoSDict::Iterator mnii(*cd->memberNameInfoSDict());
  1598     MemberNameInfo *mni;
  1599     for (mnii.toFirst();(mni=mnii.current());++mnii)
  1600     {
  1601       MemberNameInfoIterator mii(*mni);
  1602       MemberInfo *mi;
  1603       for (mii.toFirst();(mi=mii.current());++mii)
  1604       {
  1605         MemberDef *md=mi->memberDef;
  1606         ClassDef  *cd=md->getClassDef();
  1607         Definition *d=md->getGroupDef();
  1608         if (d==0) d = cd;
  1610         m_output.openHash()
  1611           .addFieldQuotedString("name", md->name())
  1612           .addFieldQuotedString("virtualness", getVirtualnessName(md->virtualness()))
  1613           .addFieldQuotedString("protection", getProtectionName(mi->prot));
  1615         if (!mi->ambiguityResolutionScope.isEmpty())
  1616           m_output.addFieldQuotedString("ambiguity_scope", mi->ambiguityResolutionScope);
  1618         m_output.addFieldQuotedString("scope", cd->name())
  1619           .closeHash();
  1620       }
  1621     }
  1622   }
  1623   m_output.closeList();
  1624 }
  1626 void PerlModGenerator::generatePerlModForClass(ClassDef *cd)
  1627 {
  1628   // + brief description
  1629   // + detailed description
  1630   // + template argument list(s)
  1631   // - include file
  1632   // + member groups
  1633   // + inheritance diagram
  1634   // + list of direct super classes
  1635   // + list of direct sub classes
  1636   // + list of inner classes
  1637   // + collaboration diagram
  1638   // + list of all members
  1639   // + user defined member sections
  1640   // + standard member sections
  1641   // + detailed member documentation
  1642   // - examples using the class
  1644   if (cd->isReference())        return; // skip external references.
  1645   if (cd->name().find('@')!=-1) return; // skip anonymous compounds.
  1646   if (cd->templateMaster()!=0)  return; // skip generated template instances.
  1648   m_output.openHash()
  1649     .addFieldQuotedString("name", cd->name());
  1651   if (cd->baseClasses())
  1652   {
  1653     m_output.openList("base");
  1654     BaseClassListIterator bcli(*cd->baseClasses());
  1655     BaseClassDef *bcd;
  1656     for (bcli.toFirst();(bcd=bcli.current());++bcli)
  1657       m_output.openHash()
  1658 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", bcd->classDef->displayName())
  1659 	.addFieldQuotedString("virtualness", getVirtualnessName(bcd->virt))
  1660 	.addFieldQuotedString("protection", getProtectionName(bcd->prot))
  1661 	.closeHash();
  1662     m_output.closeList();
  1663   }
  1665   if (cd->subClasses())
  1666   {
  1667     m_output.openList("derived");
  1668     BaseClassListIterator bcli(*cd->subClasses());
  1669     BaseClassDef *bcd;
  1670     for (bcli.toFirst();(bcd=bcli.current());++bcli)
  1671       m_output.openHash()
  1672 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", bcd->classDef->displayName())
  1673 	.addFieldQuotedString("virtualness", getVirtualnessName(bcd->virt))
  1674 	.addFieldQuotedString("protection", getProtectionName(bcd->prot))
  1675 	.closeHash();
  1676     m_output.closeList();
  1677   }
  1679   ClassSDict *cl = cd->getInnerClasses();
  1680   if (cl)
  1681   {
  1682     m_output.openList("inner");
  1683     ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*cl);
  1684     ClassDef *cd;
  1685     for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
  1686       m_output.openHash()
  1687 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", cd->name())
  1688 	.closeHash();
  1689     m_output.closeList();
  1690   }
  1692   IncludeInfo *ii=cd->includeInfo();
  1693   if (ii)
  1694   {
  1695     QCString nm = ii->includeName;
  1696     if (nm.isEmpty() && ii->fileDef) nm = ii->fileDef->docName();
  1697     if (!nm.isEmpty())
  1698     {
  1699       m_output.openHash("includes");
  1700 #if 0
  1701       if (ii->fileDef && !ii->fileDef->isReference()) // TODO: support external references
  1702         t << " id=\"" << ii->fileDef->getOutputFileBase() << "\"";
  1703 #endif
  1704       m_output.addFieldBoolean("local", ii->local)
  1705 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", nm)
  1706 	.closeHash();
  1707     }
  1708   }
  1710   addTemplateList(cd,m_output);
  1711   addListOfAllMembers(cd);
  1712   if (cd->getMemberGroupSDict())
  1713   {
  1714     MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*cd->getMemberGroupSDict());
  1715     MemberGroup *mg;
  1716     for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
  1717       generatePerlModSection(cd,mg->members(),"user_defined",mg->header());
  1718   }
  1720   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::pubTypes),"public_typedefs");
  1721   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::pubMethods),"public_methods");
  1722   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::pubAttribs),"public_members");
  1723   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::pubSlots),"public_slots");
  1724   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::signals),"signals");
  1725   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::dcopMethods),"dcop_methods");
  1726   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::properties),"properties");
  1727   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::pubStaticMethods),"public_static_methods");
  1728   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::pubStaticAttribs),"public_static_members");
  1729   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::proTypes),"protected_typedefs");
  1730   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::proMethods),"protected_methods");
  1731   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::proAttribs),"protected_members");
  1732   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::proSlots),"protected_slots");
  1733   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::proStaticMethods),"protected_static_methods");
  1734   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::proStaticAttribs),"protected_static_members");
  1735   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::priTypes),"private_typedefs");
  1736   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::priMethods),"private_methods");
  1737   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::priAttribs),"private_members");
  1738   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::priSlots),"private_slots");
  1739   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::priStaticMethods),"private_static_methods");
  1740   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::priStaticAttribs),"private_static_members");
  1741   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::friends),"friend_methods");
  1742   generatePerlModSection(cd,cd->getMemberList(MemberList::related),"related_methods");
  1744   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"brief",cd->getDefFileName(),cd->getDefLine(),cd,0,cd->briefDescription());
  1745   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"detailed",cd->getDefFileName(),cd->getDefLine(),cd,0,cd->documentation());
  1747 #if 0
  1748   DotClassGraph inheritanceGraph(cd,DotClassGraph::Inheritance);
  1749   if (!inheritanceGraph.isTrivial())
  1750   {
  1751     t << "    <inheritancegraph>" << endl;
  1752     inheritanceGraph.writePerlMod(t);
  1753     t << "    </inheritancegraph>" << endl;
  1754   }
  1755   DotClassGraph collaborationGraph(cd,DotClassGraph::Implementation);
  1756   if (!collaborationGraph.isTrivial())
  1757   {
  1758     t << "    <collaborationgraph>" << endl;
  1759     collaborationGraph.writePerlMod(t);
  1760     t << "    </collaborationgraph>" << endl;
  1761   }
  1762   t << "    <location file=\"" 
  1763     << cd->getDefFileName() << "\" line=\"" 
  1764     << cd->getDefLine() << "\"";
  1765     if (cd->getStartBodyLine()!=-1)
  1766     {
  1767       t << " bodystart=\"" << cd->getStartBodyLine() << "\" bodyend=\"" 
  1768         << cd->getEndBodyLine() << "\"";
  1769     }
  1770   t << "/>" << endl;
  1771 #endif
  1773   m_output.closeHash();
  1774 }
  1776 void PerlModGenerator::generatePerlModForNamespace(NamespaceDef *nd)
  1777 {
  1778   // + contained class definitions
  1779   // + contained namespace definitions
  1780   // + member groups
  1781   // + normal members
  1782   // + brief desc
  1783   // + detailed desc
  1784   // + location
  1785   // - files containing (parts of) the namespace definition
  1787   if (nd->isReference()) return; // skip external references
  1789   m_output.openHash()
  1790     .addFieldQuotedString("name", nd->name());
  1792   ClassSDict *cl = nd->getClassSDict();
  1793   if (cl)
  1794   {
  1795     m_output.openList("classes");
  1796     ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*cl);
  1797     ClassDef *cd;
  1798     for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
  1799       m_output.openHash()
  1800 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", cd->name())
  1801 	.closeHash();
  1802     m_output.closeList();
  1803   }
  1805   NamespaceSDict *nl = nd->getNamespaceSDict();
  1806   if (nl)
  1807   {
  1808     m_output.openList("namespaces");
  1809     NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*nl);
  1810     NamespaceDef *nd;
  1811     for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli)
  1812       m_output.openHash()
  1813 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", nd->name())
  1814 	.closeHash();
  1815     m_output.closeList();
  1816   }
  1818   if (nd->getMemberGroupSDict())
  1819   {
  1820     MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*nd->getMemberGroupSDict());
  1821     MemberGroup *mg;
  1822     for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
  1823       generatePerlModSection(nd,mg->members(),"user-defined",mg->header());
  1824   }
  1826   generatePerlModSection(nd,nd->getMemberList(MemberList::decDefineMembers),"defines");
  1827   generatePerlModSection(nd,nd->getMemberList(MemberList::decProtoMembers),"prototypes");
  1828   generatePerlModSection(nd,nd->getMemberList(MemberList::decTypedefMembers),"typedefs");
  1829   generatePerlModSection(nd,nd->getMemberList(MemberList::decEnumMembers),"enums");
  1830   generatePerlModSection(nd,nd->getMemberList(MemberList::decFuncMembers),"functions");
  1831   generatePerlModSection(nd,nd->getMemberList(MemberList::decVarMembers),"variables");
  1833   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"brief",nd->getDefFileName(),nd->getDefLine(),0,0,nd->briefDescription());
  1834   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"detailed",nd->getDefFileName(),nd->getDefLine(),0,0,nd->documentation());
  1836   m_output.closeHash();
  1837 }
  1839 void PerlModGenerator::generatePerlModForFile(FileDef *fd)
  1840 {
  1841   // + includes files
  1842   // + includedby files
  1843   // - include graph
  1844   // - included by graph
  1845   // - contained class definitions
  1846   // - contained namespace definitions
  1847   // - member groups
  1848   // + normal members
  1849   // + brief desc
  1850   // + detailed desc
  1851   // - source code
  1852   // - location
  1853   // - number of lines
  1855   if (fd->isReference()) return;
  1857   m_output.openHash()
  1858     .addFieldQuotedString("name", fd->name());
  1860   IncludeInfo *inc;
  1861   m_output.openList("includes");
  1862   if (fd->includeFileList())
  1863   {
  1864     QListIterator<IncludeInfo> ili1(*fd->includeFileList());
  1865     for (ili1.toFirst();(inc=ili1.current());++ili1)
  1866     {
  1867       m_output.openHash()
  1868         .addFieldQuotedString("name", inc->includeName);
  1869       if (inc->fileDef && !inc->fileDef->isReference())
  1870       {
  1871         m_output.addFieldQuotedString("ref", inc->fileDef->getOutputFileBase());
  1872       }
  1873       m_output.closeHash();
  1874     }
  1875   }
  1876   m_output.closeList();
  1878   m_output.openList("included_by");
  1879   if (fd->includedByFileList())
  1880   {
  1881     QListIterator<IncludeInfo> ili2(*fd->includedByFileList());
  1882     for (ili2.toFirst();(inc=ili2.current());++ili2)
  1883     {
  1884       m_output.openHash()
  1885         .addFieldQuotedString("name", inc->includeName);
  1886       if (inc->fileDef && !inc->fileDef->isReference())
  1887       {
  1888         m_output.addFieldQuotedString("ref", inc->fileDef->getOutputFileBase());
  1889       }
  1890       m_output.closeHash();
  1891     }
  1892   }
  1893   m_output.closeList();
  1895   generatePerlModSection(fd,fd->getMemberList(MemberList::decDefineMembers),"defines");
  1896   generatePerlModSection(fd,fd->getMemberList(MemberList::decProtoMembers),"prototypes");
  1897   generatePerlModSection(fd,fd->getMemberList(MemberList::decTypedefMembers),"typedefs");
  1898   generatePerlModSection(fd,fd->getMemberList(MemberList::decEnumMembers),"enums");
  1899   generatePerlModSection(fd,fd->getMemberList(MemberList::decFuncMembers),"functions");
  1900   generatePerlModSection(fd,fd->getMemberList(MemberList::decVarMembers),"variables");
  1902   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"brief",fd->getDefFileName(),fd->getDefLine(),0,0,fd->briefDescription());
  1903   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"detailed",fd->getDefFileName(),fd->getDefLine(),0,0,fd->documentation());
  1905   m_output.closeHash();
  1906 }
  1908 void PerlModGenerator::generatePerlModForGroup(GroupDef *gd)
  1909 {
  1910   // + members
  1911   // + member groups
  1912   // + files
  1913   // + classes
  1914   // + namespaces
  1915   // - packages
  1916   // + pages
  1917   // + child groups
  1918   // - examples
  1919   // + brief description
  1920   // + detailed description
  1922   if (gd->isReference()) return; // skip external references
  1924   m_output.openHash()
  1925     .addFieldQuotedString("name", gd->name())
  1926     .addFieldQuotedString("title", gd->groupTitle());
  1928   FileList *fl = gd->getFiles();
  1929   if (fl)
  1930   {
  1931     m_output.openList("files");
  1932     QListIterator<FileDef> fli(*fl);
  1933     FileDef *fd = fl->first();
  1934     for (fli.toFirst();(fd=fli.current());++fli)
  1935       m_output.openHash()
  1936 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", fd->name())
  1937 	.closeHash();
  1938     m_output.closeList();
  1939   }
  1941   ClassSDict *cl = gd->getClasses();
  1942   if (cl)
  1943   {
  1944     m_output.openList("classes");
  1945     ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*cl);
  1946     ClassDef *cd;
  1947     for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
  1948       m_output.openHash()
  1949 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", cd->name())
  1950 	.closeHash();
  1951     m_output.closeList();
  1952   }
  1954   NamespaceSDict *nl = gd->getNamespaces();
  1955   if (nl)
  1956   {
  1957     m_output.openList("namespaces");
  1958     NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*nl);
  1959     NamespaceDef *nd;
  1960     for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli)
  1961       m_output.openHash()
  1962 	.addFieldQuotedString("name", nd->name())
  1963 	.closeHash();
  1964     m_output.closeList();
  1965   }
  1967   PageSDict *pl = gd->getPages();
  1968   if (pl)
  1969   {
  1970     m_output.openList("pages");
  1971     PageSDict::Iterator pli(*pl);
  1972     PageDef *pd;
  1973     for (pli.toFirst();(pd=pli.current());++pli)
  1974       m_output.openHash()
  1975 	.addFieldQuotedString("title", pd->title())
  1976 	.closeHash();
  1977     m_output.closeList();
  1978   }
  1980   GroupList *gl = gd->getSubGroups();
  1981   if (gl)
  1982   {
  1983     m_output.openList("groups");
  1984     GroupListIterator gli(*gl);
  1985     GroupDef *sgd;
  1986     for (gli.toFirst();(sgd=gli.current());++gli)
  1987       m_output.openHash()
  1988 	.addFieldQuotedString("title", sgd->groupTitle())
  1989 	.closeHash();
  1990     m_output.closeList();
  1991   }
  1993   if (gd->getMemberGroupSDict())
  1994   {
  1995     MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*gd->getMemberGroupSDict());
  1996     MemberGroup *mg;
  1997     for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
  1998       generatePerlModSection(gd,mg->members(),"user-defined",mg->header());
  1999   }
  2001   generatePerlModSection(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::decDefineMembers),"defines");
  2002   generatePerlModSection(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::decProtoMembers),"prototypes");
  2003   generatePerlModSection(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::decTypedefMembers),"typedefs");
  2004   generatePerlModSection(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::decEnumMembers),"enums");
  2005   generatePerlModSection(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::decFuncMembers),"functions");
  2006   generatePerlModSection(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::decVarMembers),"variables");
  2008   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"brief",gd->getDefFileName(),gd->getDefLine(),0,0,gd->briefDescription());
  2009   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"detailed",gd->getDefFileName(),gd->getDefLine(),0,0,gd->documentation());
  2011   m_output.closeHash();
  2012 }
  2014 void PerlModGenerator::generatePerlModForPage(PageDef *pd)
  2015 {
  2016   // + name
  2017   // + title
  2018   // + documentation
  2020   if (pd->isReference()) return;
  2022   m_output.openHash()
  2023     .addFieldQuotedString("name", pd->name());
  2025   SectionInfo *si = Doxygen::sectionDict.find(pd->name());
  2026   if (si)
  2027     m_output.addFieldQuotedString("title", si->title);
  2029   addPerlModDocBlock(m_output,"detailed",pd->docFile(),pd->docLine(),0,0,pd->documentation());
  2030   m_output.closeHash();
  2031 }
  2033 bool PerlModGenerator::generatePerlModOutput()
  2034 {
  2035   QFile outputFile;
  2036   if (!createOutputFile(outputFile, pathDoxyDocsPM))
  2037     return false;
  2039   QTextStream outputTextStream(&outputFile);
  2040   PerlModOutputStream outputStream(&outputTextStream);
  2041   m_output.setPerlModOutputStream(&outputStream);
  2042   m_output.add("$doxydocs=").openHash();
  2044   m_output.openList("classes");
  2045   ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
  2046   ClassDef *cd;
  2047   for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
  2048     generatePerlModForClass(cd);
  2049   m_output.closeList();
  2051   m_output.openList("namespaces");
  2052   NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*Doxygen::namespaceSDict);
  2053   NamespaceDef *nd;
  2054   for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli)
  2055     generatePerlModForNamespace(nd);
  2056   m_output.closeList();
  2058   m_output.openList("files");
  2059   FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList);
  2060   FileName *fn;
  2061   for (;(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
  2062   {
  2063     FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
  2064     FileDef *fd;
  2065     for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
  2066       generatePerlModForFile(fd);
  2067   }
  2068   m_output.closeList();
  2070   m_output.openList("groups");
  2071   GroupSDict::Iterator gli(*Doxygen::groupSDict);
  2072   GroupDef *gd;
  2073   for (;(gd=gli.current());++gli)
  2074   {
  2075     generatePerlModForGroup(gd);
  2076   }
  2077   m_output.closeList();
  2079   m_output.openList("pages");
  2080   PageSDict::Iterator pdi(*Doxygen::pageSDict);
  2081   PageDef *pd=0;
  2082   for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi)
  2083   {
  2084     generatePerlModForPage(pd);
  2085   }
  2086   if (Doxygen::mainPage)
  2087   {
  2088     generatePerlModForPage(Doxygen::mainPage);
  2089   }
  2090   m_output.closeList();
  2092   m_output.closeHash().add(";\n1;\n");
  2093   return true;
  2094 }
  2096 bool PerlModGenerator::createOutputFile(QFile &f, const char *s)
  2097 {
  2098   f.setName(s);
  2099   if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
  2100   {
  2101     err("Cannot open file %s for writing!\n", s);
  2102     return false;
  2103   }
  2104   return true;
  2105 }
  2107 bool PerlModGenerator::createOutputDir(QDir &perlModDir)
  2108 {
  2109   QCString outputDirectory = Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY");
  2110   if (outputDirectory.isEmpty())
  2111   {
  2112     outputDirectory=QDir::currentDirPath();
  2113   }
  2114   else
  2115   {
  2116     QDir dir(outputDirectory);
  2117     if (!dir.exists())
  2118     {
  2119       dir.setPath(QDir::currentDirPath());
  2120       if (!dir.mkdir(outputDirectory))
  2121       {
  2122 	err("Error: tag OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: Output directory `%s' does not "
  2123 	    "exist and cannot be created\n",outputDirectory.data());
  2124 	exit(1);
  2125       }
  2126       else if (!Config_getBool("QUIET"))
  2127       {
  2128 	err("Notice: Output directory `%s' does not exist. "
  2129 	    "I have created it for you.\n", outputDirectory.data());
  2130       }
  2131       dir.cd(outputDirectory);
  2132     }
  2133     outputDirectory=dir.absPath();
  2134   }
  2136   QDir dir(outputDirectory);
  2137   if (!dir.exists())
  2138   {
  2139     dir.setPath(QDir::currentDirPath());
  2140     if (!dir.mkdir(outputDirectory))
  2141     {
  2142       err("Cannot create directory %s\n",outputDirectory.data());
  2143       return false;
  2144     }
  2145   }
  2147   perlModDir.setPath(outputDirectory+"/perlmod");
  2148   if (!perlModDir.exists() && !perlModDir.mkdir(outputDirectory+"/perlmod"))
  2149   {
  2150     err("Could not create perlmod directory in %s\n",outputDirectory.data());
  2151     return false;
  2152   }
  2153   return true;
  2154 }
  2156 bool PerlModGenerator::generateDoxyStructurePM()
  2157 {
  2158   QFile doxyModelPM;
  2159   if (!createOutputFile(doxyModelPM, pathDoxyStructurePM))
  2160     return false;
  2162   QTextStream doxyModelPMStream(&doxyModelPM);
  2163   doxyModelPMStream << 
  2164     "sub memberlist($) {\n"
  2165     "    my $prefix = $_[0];\n"
  2166     "    return\n"
  2167     "\t[ \"hash\", $prefix . \"s\",\n"
  2168     "\t  {\n"
  2169     "\t    members =>\n"
  2170     "\t      [ \"list\", $prefix . \"List\",\n"
  2171     "\t\t[ \"hash\", $prefix,\n"
  2172     "\t\t  {\n"
  2173     "\t\t    kind => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"Kind\" ],\n"
  2174     "\t\t    name => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"Name\" ],\n"
  2175     "\t\t    static => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"Static\" ],\n"
  2176     "\t\t    virtualness => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"Virtualness\" ],\n"
  2177     "\t\t    protection => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"Protection\" ],\n"
  2178     "\t\t    type => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"Type\" ],\n"
  2179     "\t\t    parameters =>\n"
  2180     "\t\t      [ \"list\", $prefix . \"Params\",\n"
  2181     "\t\t\t[ \"hash\", $prefix . \"Param\",\n"
  2182     "\t\t\t  {\n"
  2183     "\t\t\t    declaration_name => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"ParamName\" ],\n"
  2184     "\t\t\t    type => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"ParamType\" ],\n"
  2185     "\t\t\t  },\n"
  2186     "\t\t\t],\n"
  2187     "\t\t      ],\n"
  2188     "\t\t    detailed =>\n"
  2189     "\t\t      [ \"hash\", $prefix . \"Detailed\",\n"
  2190     "\t\t\t{\n"
  2191     "\t\t\t  doc => [ \"doc\", $prefix . \"DetailedDoc\" ],\n"
  2192     "\t\t\t  return => [ \"doc\", $prefix . \"Return\" ],\n"
  2193     "\t\t\t  see => [ \"doc\", $prefix . \"See\" ],\n"
  2194     "\t\t\t  params =>\n"
  2195     "\t\t\t    [ \"list\", $prefix . \"PDBlocks\",\n"
  2196     "\t\t\t      [ \"hash\", $prefix . \"PDBlock\",\n"
  2197     "\t\t\t\t{\n"
  2198     "\t\t\t\t  parameters =>\n"
  2199     "\t\t\t\t    [ \"list\", $prefix . \"PDParams\",\n"
  2200     "\t\t\t\t      [ \"hash\", $prefix . \"PDParam\",\n"
  2201     "\t\t\t\t\t{\n"
  2202     "\t\t\t\t\t  name => [ \"string\", $prefix . \"PDParamName\" ],\n"
  2203     "\t\t\t\t\t},\n"
  2204     "\t\t\t\t      ],\n"
  2205     "\t\t\t\t    ],\n"
  2206     "\t\t\t\t  doc => [ \"doc\", $prefix . \"PDDoc\" ],\n"
  2207     "\t\t\t\t},\n"
  2208     "\t\t\t      ],\n"
  2209     "\t\t\t    ],\n"
  2210     "\t\t\t},\n"
  2211     "\t\t      ],\n"
  2212     "\t\t  },\n"
  2213     "\t\t],\n"
  2214     "\t      ],\n"
  2215     "\t  },\n"
  2216     "\t];\n"
  2217     "}\n"
  2218     "\n"
  2219     "$doxystructure =\n"
  2220     "    [ \"hash\", \"Root\",\n"
  2221     "      {\n"
  2222     "\tfiles =>\n"
  2223     "\t  [ \"list\", \"Files\",\n"
  2224     "\t    [ \"hash\", \"File\",\n"
  2225     "\t      {\n"
  2226     "\t\tname => [ \"string\", \"FileName\" ],\n"
  2227     "\t\ttypedefs => memberlist(\"FileTypedef\"),\n"
  2228     "\t\tvariables => memberlist(\"FileVariable\"),\n"
  2229     "\t\tfunctions => memberlist(\"FileFunction\"),\n"
  2230     "\t\tdetailed =>\n"
  2231     "\t\t  [ \"hash\", \"FileDetailed\",\n"
  2232     "\t\t    {\n"
  2233     "\t\t      doc => [ \"doc\", \"FileDetailedDoc\" ],\n"
  2234     "\t\t    },\n"
  2235     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2236     "\t      },\n"
  2237     "\t    ],\n"
  2238     "\t  ],\n"
  2239     "\tpages =>\n"
  2240     "\t  [ \"list\", \"Pages\",\n"
  2241     "\t    [ \"hash\", \"Page\",\n"
  2242     "\t      {\n"
  2243     "\t\tname => [ \"string\", \"PageName\" ],\n"
  2244     "\t\tdetailed =>\n"
  2245     "\t\t  [ \"hash\", \"PageDetailed\",\n"
  2246     "\t\t    {\n"
  2247     "\t\t      doc => [ \"doc\", \"PageDetailedDoc\" ],\n"
  2248     "\t\t    },\n"
  2249     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2250     "\t      },\n"
  2251     "\t    ],\n"
  2252     "\t  ],\n"
  2253     "\tclasses =>\n"
  2254     "\t  [ \"list\", \"Classes\",\n"
  2255     "\t    [ \"hash\", \"Class\",\n"
  2256     "\t      {\n"
  2257     "\t\tname => [ \"string\", \"ClassName\" ],\n"
  2258     "\t\tpublic_typedefs => memberlist(\"ClassPublicTypedef\"),\n"
  2259     "\t\tpublic_methods => memberlist(\"ClassPublicMethod\"),\n"
  2260     "\t\tpublic_members => memberlist(\"ClassPublicMember\"),\n"
  2261     "\t\tprotected_typedefs => memberlist(\"ClassProtectedTypedef\"),\n"
  2262     "\t\tprotected_methods => memberlist(\"ClassProtectedMethod\"),\n"
  2263     "\t\tprotected_members => memberlist(\"ClassProtectedMember\"),\n"
  2264     "\t\tprivate_typedefs => memberlist(\"ClassPrivateTypedef\"),\n"
  2265     "\t\tprivate_methods => memberlist(\"ClassPrivateMethod\"),\n"
  2266     "\t\tprivate_members => memberlist(\"ClassPrivateMember\"),\n"
  2267     "\t\tdetailed =>\n"
  2268     "\t\t  [ \"hash\", \"ClassDetailed\",\n"
  2269     "\t\t    {\n"
  2270     "\t\t      doc => [ \"doc\", \"ClassDetailedDoc\" ],\n"
  2271     "\t\t    },\n"
  2272     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2273     "\t      },\n"
  2274     "\t    ],\n"
  2275     "\t  ],\n"
  2276     "\tgroups =>\n"
  2277     "\t  [ \"list\", \"Groups\",\n"
  2278     "\t    [ \"hash\", \"Group\",\n"
  2279     "\t      {\n"
  2280     "\t\tname => [ \"string\", \"GroupName\" ],\n"
  2281     "\t\ttitle => [ \"string\", \"GroupTitle\" ],\n"
  2282     "\t\tfiles =>\n"
  2283     "\t\t  [ \"list\", \"Files\",\n"
  2284     "\t\t    [ \"hash\", \"File\",\n"
  2285     "\t\t      {\n"
  2286     "\t\t        name => [ \"string\", \"Filename\" ]\n"
  2287     "\t\t      }\n"
  2288     "\t\t    ],\n"
  2289     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2290     "\t\tclasses  =>\n"
  2291     "\t\t  [ \"list\", \"Classes\",\n"
  2292     "\t\t    [ \"hash\", \"Class\",\n"
  2293     "\t\t      {\n" 
  2294     "\t\t        name => [ \"string\", \"Classname\" ]\n"
  2295     "\t\t      }\n"
  2296     "\t\t    ],\n"
  2297     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2298     "\t\tnamespaces =>\n"
  2299     "\t\t  [ \"list\", \"Namespaces\",\n"
  2300     "\t\t    [ \"hash\", \"Namespace\",\n"
  2301     "\t\t      {\n" 
  2302     "\t\t        name => [ \"string\", \"NamespaceName\" ]\n"
  2303     "\t\t      }\n"
  2304     "\t\t    ],\n"
  2305     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2306     "\t\tpages =>\n"
  2307     "\t\t  [ \"list\", \"Pages\",\n"
  2308     "\t\t    [ \"hash\", \"Page\","
  2309     "\t\t      {\n"
  2310     "\t\t        title => [ \"string\", \"PageName\" ]\n"
  2311     "\t\t      }\n"
  2312     "\t\t    ],\n"
  2313     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2314     "\t\tgroups =>\n"
  2315     "\t\t  [ \"list\", \"Groups\",\n"
  2316     "\t\t    [ \"hash\", \"Group\",\n"
  2317     "\t\t      {\n"
  2318     "\t\t        title => [ \"string\", \"GroupName\" ]\n"
  2319     "\t\t      }\n"
  2320     "\t\t    ],\n"
  2321     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2322     "\t\tfunctions => memberlist(\"GroupFunction\"),\n"
  2323     "\t\tdetailed =>\n"
  2324     "\t\t  [ \"hash\", \"GroupDetailed\",\n"
  2325     "\t\t    {\n"
  2326     "\t\t      doc => [ \"doc\", \"GroupDetailedDoc\" ],\n"
  2327     "\t\t    },\n"
  2328     "\t\t  ],\n"
  2329     "\t      }\n"
  2330     "\t    ],\n"
  2331     "\t  ],\n"
  2332     "      },\n"
  2333     "    ];\n"
  2334     "\n"
  2335     "1;\n";
  2337   return true;
  2338 }
  2340 bool PerlModGenerator::generateDoxyRules()
  2341 {
  2342   QFile doxyRules;
  2343   if (!createOutputFile(doxyRules, pathDoxyRules))
  2344     return false;
  2346   bool perlmodLatex = Config_getBool("PERLMOD_LATEX");
  2347   QString prefix = Config_getString("PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX");
  2349   QTextStream doxyRulesStream(&doxyRules);
  2350   doxyRulesStream <<
  2351     prefix << "DOXY_EXEC_PATH = " << pathDoxyExec << "\n" <<
  2352     prefix << "DOXYFILE = " << pathDoxyfile << "\n" <<
  2353     prefix << "DOXYDOCS_PM = " << pathDoxyDocsPM << "\n" <<
  2354     prefix << "DOXYSTRUCTURE_PM = " << pathDoxyStructurePM << "\n" <<
  2355     prefix << "DOXYRULES = " << pathDoxyRules << "\n";
  2356   if (perlmodLatex)
  2357     doxyRulesStream <<
  2358       prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PL = " << pathDoxyLatexPL << "\n" <<
  2359       prefix << "DOXYLATEXSTRUCTURE_PL = " << pathDoxyLatexStructurePL << "\n" <<
  2360       prefix << "DOXYSTRUCTURE_TEX = " << pathDoxyStructureTex << "\n" <<
  2361       prefix << "DOXYDOCS_TEX = " << pathDoxyDocsTex << "\n" <<
  2362       prefix << "DOXYFORMAT_TEX = " << pathDoxyFormatTex << "\n" <<
  2363       prefix << "DOXYLATEX_TEX = " << pathDoxyLatexTex << "\n" <<
  2364       prefix << "DOXYLATEX_DVI = " << pathDoxyLatexDVI << "\n" <<
  2365       prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PDF = " << pathDoxyLatexPDF << "\n";
  2367   doxyRulesStream <<
  2368     "\n"
  2369     ".PHONY: clean-perlmod\n"
  2370     "clean-perlmod::\n"
  2371     "\trm -f $(" << prefix << "DOXYSTRUCTURE_PM) \\\n"
  2372     "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYDOCS_PM)";
  2373   if (perlmodLatex)
  2374     doxyRulesStream <<
  2375       " \\\n"
  2376       "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PL) \\\n"
  2377       "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEXSTRUCTURE_PL) \\\n"
  2378       "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYDOCS_TEX) \\\n"
  2379       "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYSTRUCTURE_TEX) \\\n"
  2380       "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYFORMAT_TEX) \\\n"
  2381       "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_TEX) \\\n"
  2382       "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PDF) \\\n"
  2383       "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_DVI) \\\n"
  2384       "\t$(addprefix $(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_TEX:tex=),out aux log)";
  2385   doxyRulesStream << "\n\n";
  2387   doxyRulesStream <<
  2388     "$(" << prefix << "DOXYRULES) \\\n"
  2389     "$(" << prefix << "DOXYMAKEFILE) \\\n"
  2390     "$(" << prefix << "DOXYSTRUCTURE_PM) \\\n"
  2391     "$(" << prefix << "DOXYDOCS_PM)";
  2392   if (perlmodLatex) {
  2393     doxyRulesStream <<
  2394       " \\\n"
  2395       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PL) \\\n"
  2396       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEXSTRUCTURE_PL) \\\n"
  2397       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYFORMAT_TEX) \\\n"
  2398       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_TEX)";
  2399   }
  2400   doxyRulesStream <<
  2401     ": \\\n"
  2402     "\t$(" << prefix << "DOXYFILE)\n"
  2403     "\tcd $(" << prefix << "DOXY_EXEC_PATH) ; doxygen \"$<\"\n";
  2405   if (perlmodLatex) {
  2406     doxyRulesStream <<
  2407       "\n"
  2408       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYDOCS_TEX): \\\n"
  2409       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PL) \\\n"
  2410       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYDOCS_PM)\n"
  2411       "\tperl -I\"$(<D)\" \"$<\" >\"$@\"\n"
  2412       "\n"
  2413       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYSTRUCTURE_TEX): \\\n"
  2414       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEXSTRUCTURE_PL) \\\n"
  2415       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYSTRUCTURE_PM)\n"
  2416       "\tperl -I\"$(<D)\" \"$<\" >\"$@\"\n"
  2417       "\n"
  2418       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PDF) \\\n"
  2419       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_DVI): \\\n"
  2420       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_TEX) \\\n"
  2421       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYFORMAT_TEX) \\\n"
  2422       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYSTRUCTURE_TEX) \\\n"
  2423       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYDOCS_TEX)\n"
  2424       "\n"
  2425       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PDF): \\\n"
  2426       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_TEX)\n"
  2427       "\tpdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode \"$<\"\n"
  2428       "\n"
  2429       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_DVI): \\\n"
  2430       "$(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_TEX)\n"
  2431       "\tlatex -interaction=nonstopmode \"$<\"\n";
  2432   }
  2434   return true;
  2435 }
  2437 bool PerlModGenerator::generateMakefile()
  2438 {
  2439   QFile makefile;
  2440   if (!createOutputFile(makefile, pathMakefile))
  2441     return false;
  2443   bool perlmodLatex = Config_getBool("PERLMOD_LATEX");
  2444   QString prefix = Config_getString("PERLMOD_MAKEVAR_PREFIX");
  2446   QTextStream makefileStream(&makefile);
  2447   makefileStream <<
  2448     ".PHONY: default clean" << (perlmodLatex ? " pdf" : "") << "\n"
  2449     "default: " << (perlmodLatex ? "pdf" : "clean") << "\n"
  2450     "\n"
  2451     "include " << pathDoxyRules << "\n"
  2452     "\n"
  2453     "clean: clean-perlmod\n";
  2455   if (perlmodLatex) {
  2456     makefileStream <<
  2457       "pdf: $(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_PDF)\n"
  2458       "dvi: $(" << prefix << "DOXYLATEX_DVI)\n";
  2459   }
  2461   return true;
  2462 }
  2464 bool PerlModGenerator::generateDoxyLatexStructurePL()
  2465 {
  2466   QFile doxyLatexStructurePL;
  2467   if (!createOutputFile(doxyLatexStructurePL, pathDoxyLatexStructurePL))
  2468     return false;
  2470   QTextStream doxyLatexStructurePLStream(&doxyLatexStructurePL);
  2471   doxyLatexStructurePLStream << 
  2472     "use DoxyStructure;\n"
  2473     "\n"
  2474     "sub process($) {\n"
  2475     "\tmy $node = $_[0];\n"
  2476     "\tmy ($type, $name) = @$node[0, 1];\n"
  2477     "\tmy $command;\n"
  2478     "\tif ($type eq \"string\") { $command = \"String\" }\n"
  2479     "\telsif ($type eq \"doc\") { $command = \"Doc\" }\n"
  2480     "\telsif ($type eq \"hash\") {\n"
  2481     "\t\t$command = \"Hash\";\n"
  2482     "\t\tfor my $subnode (values %{$$node[2]}) {\n"
  2483     "\t\t\tprocess($subnode);\n"
  2484     "\t\t}\n"
  2485     "\t}\n"
  2486     "\telsif ($type eq \"list\") {\n"
  2487     "\t\t$command = \"List\";\n"
  2488     "\t\tprocess($$node[2]);\n"
  2489     "\t}\n"
  2490     "\tprint \"\\\\\" . $command . \"Node{\" . $name . \"}%\\n\";\n"
  2491     "}\n"
  2492     "\n"
  2493     "process($doxystructure);\n";
  2495   return true;
  2496 }
  2498 bool PerlModGenerator::generateDoxyLatexPL()
  2499 {
  2500   QFile doxyLatexPL;
  2501   if (!createOutputFile(doxyLatexPL, pathDoxyLatexPL))
  2502     return false;
  2504   QTextStream doxyLatexPLStream(&doxyLatexPL);
  2505   doxyLatexPLStream << 
  2506     "use DoxyStructure;\n"
  2507     "use DoxyDocs;\n"
  2508     "\n"
  2509     "sub latex_quote($) {\n"
  2510     "\tmy $text = $_[0];\n"
  2511     "\t$text =~ s/\\\\/\\\\textbackslash /g;\n"
  2512     "\t$text =~ s/\\|/\\\\textbar /g;\n"
  2513     "\t$text =~ s/</\\\\textless /g;\n"
  2514     "\t$text =~ s/>/\\\\textgreater /g;\n"
  2515     "\t$text =~ s/~/\\\\textasciitilde /g;\n"
  2516     "\t$text =~ s/\\^/\\\\textasciicircum /g;\n"
  2517     "\t$text =~ s/[\\$&%#_{}]/\\\\$&/g;\n"
  2518     "\tprint $text;\n"
  2519     "}\n"
  2520     "\n"
  2521     "sub generate_doc($) {\n"
  2522     "\tmy $doc = $_[0];\n"
  2523     "\tfor my $item (@$doc) {\n"
  2524     "\t\tmy $type = $$item{type};\n"
  2525     "\t\tif ($type eq \"text\") {\n"
  2526     "\t\t\tlatex_quote($$item{content});\n"
  2527     "\t\t} elsif ($type eq \"parbreak\") {\n"
  2528     "\t\t\tprint \"\\n\\n\";\n"
  2529     "\t\t} elsif ($type eq \"style\") {\n"
  2530     "\t\t\tmy $style = $$item{style};\n"
  2531     "\t\t\tif ($$item{enable} eq \"yes\") {\n"
  2532     "\t\t\t\tif ($style eq \"bold\") { print '\\bfseries'; }\n"
  2533     "\t\t\t\tif ($style eq \"italic\") { print '\\itshape'; }\n"
  2534     "\t\t\t\tif ($style eq \"code\") { print '\\ttfamily'; }\n"
  2535     "\t\t\t} else {\n"
  2536     "\t\t\t\tif ($style eq \"bold\") { print '\\mdseries'; }\n"
  2537     "\t\t\t\tif ($style eq \"italic\") { print '\\upshape'; }\n"
  2538     "\t\t\t\tif ($style eq \"code\") { print '\\rmfamily'; }\n"
  2539     "\t\t\t}\n"
  2540     "\t\t\tprint '{}';\n"
  2541     "\t\t} elsif ($type eq \"symbol\") {\n"
  2542     "\t\t\tmy $symbol = $$item{symbol};\n"
  2543     "\t\t\tif ($symbol eq \"copyright\") { print '\\copyright'; }\n"
  2544     "\t\t\telsif ($symbol eq \"szlig\") { print '\\ss'; }\n"
  2545     "\t\t\tprint '{}';\n"
  2546     "\t\t} elsif ($type eq \"accent\") {\n"
  2547     "\t\t\tmy ($accent) = $$item{accent};\n"
  2548     "\t\t\tif ($accent eq \"umlaut\") { print '\\\"'; }\n"
  2549     "\t\t\telsif ($accent eq \"acute\") { print '\\\\\\''; }\n"
  2550     "\t\t\telsif ($accent eq \"grave\") { print '\\`'; }\n"
  2551     "\t\t\telsif ($accent eq \"circ\") { print '\\^'; }\n"
  2552     "\t\t\telsif ($accent eq \"tilde\") { print '\\~'; }\n"
  2553     "\t\t\telsif ($accent eq \"cedilla\") { print '\\c'; }\n"
  2554     "\t\t\telsif ($accent eq \"ring\") { print '\\r'; }\n"
  2555     "\t\t\tprint \"{\" . $$item{letter} . \"}\"; \n"
  2556     "\t\t} elsif ($type eq \"list\") {\n"
  2557     "\t\t\tmy $env = ($$item{style} eq \"ordered\") ? \"enumerate\" : \"itemize\";\n"
  2558     "\t\t\tprint \"\\n\\\\begin{\" . $env .\"}\";\n"
  2559     "\t\t  \tfor my $subitem (@{$$item{content}}) {\n"
  2560     "\t\t\t\tprint \"\\n\\\\item \";\n"
  2561     "\t\t\t\tgenerate_doc($subitem);\n"
  2562     "\t\t  \t}\n"
  2563     "\t\t\tprint \"\\n\\\\end{\" . $env .\"}\";\n"
  2564     "\t\t} elsif ($type eq \"url\") {\n"
  2565     "\t\t\tlatex_quote($$item{content});\n"
  2566     "\t\t}\n"
  2567     "\t}\n"
  2568     "}\n"
  2569     "\n"
  2570     "sub generate($$) {\n"
  2571     "\tmy ($item, $node) = @_;\n"
  2572     "\tmy ($type, $name) = @$node[0, 1];\n"
  2573     "\tif ($type eq \"string\") {\n"
  2574     "\t\tprint \"\\\\\" . $name . \"{\";\n"
  2575     "\t\tlatex_quote($item);\n"
  2576     "\t\tprint \"}\";\n"
  2577     "\t} elsif ($type eq \"doc\") {\n"
  2578     "\t\tif (@$item) {\n"
  2579     "\t\t\tprint \"\\\\\" . $name . \"{\";\n"
  2580     "\t\t\tgenerate_doc($item);\n"
  2581     "\t\t\tprint \"}%\\n\";\n"
  2582     "\t\t} else {\n"
  2583     "#\t\t\tprint \"\\\\\" . $name . \"Empty%\\n\";\n"
  2584     "\t\t}\n"
  2585     "\t} elsif ($type eq \"hash\") {\n"
  2586     "\t\tmy ($key, $value);\n"
  2587     "\t\twhile (($key, $subnode) = each %{$$node[2]}) {\n"
  2588     "\t\t\tmy $subname = $$subnode[1];\n"
  2589     "\t\t\tprint \"\\\\Defcs{field\" . $subname . \"}{\";\n"
  2590     "\t\t\tif ($$item{$key}) {\n"
  2591     "\t\t\t\tgenerate($$item{$key}, $subnode);\n"
  2592     "\t\t\t} else {\n"
  2593     "#\t\t\t\t\tprint \"\\\\\" . $subname . \"Empty%\\n\";\n"
  2594     "\t\t\t}\n"
  2595     "\t\t\tprint \"}%\\n\";\n"
  2596     "\t\t}\n"
  2597     "\t\tprint \"\\\\\" . $name . \"%\\n\";\n"
  2598     "\t} elsif ($type eq \"list\") {\n"
  2599     "\t\tmy $index = 0;\n"
  2600     "\t\tif (@$item) {\n"
  2601     "\t\t\tprint \"\\\\\" . $name . \"{%\\n\";\n"
  2602     "\t\t\tfor my $subitem (@$item) {\n"
  2603     "\t\t\t\tif ($index) {\n"
  2604     "\t\t\t\t\tprint \"\\\\\" . $name . \"Sep%\\n\";\n"
  2605     "\t\t\t\t}\n"
  2606     "\t\t\t\tgenerate($subitem, $$node[2]);\n"
  2607     "\t\t\t\t$index++;\n"
  2608     "\t\t\t}\n"
  2609     "\t\t\tprint \"}%\\n\";\n"
  2610     "\t\t} else {\n"
  2611     "#\t\t\tprint \"\\\\\" . $name . \"Empty%\\n\";\n"
  2612     "\t\t}\n"
  2613     "\t}\n"
  2614     "}\n"
  2615     "\n"
  2616     "generate($doxydocs, $doxystructure);\n";
  2618   return true;
  2619 }
  2621 bool PerlModGenerator::generateDoxyFormatTex()
  2622 {
  2623   QFile doxyFormatTex;
  2624   if (!createOutputFile(doxyFormatTex, pathDoxyFormatTex))
  2625     return false;
  2627   QTextStream doxyFormatTexStream(&doxyFormatTex);
  2628   doxyFormatTexStream << 
  2629     "\\def\\Defcs#1{\\long\\expandafter\\def\\csname#1\\endcsname}\n"
  2630     "\\Defcs{Empty}{}\n"
  2631     "\\def\\IfEmpty#1{\\expandafter\\ifx\\csname#1\\endcsname\\Empty}\n"
  2632     "\n"
  2633     "\\def\\StringNode#1{\\Defcs{#1}##1{##1}}\n"
  2634     "\\def\\DocNode#1{\\Defcs{#1}##1{##1}}\n"
  2635     "\\def\\ListNode#1{\\Defcs{#1}##1{##1}\\Defcs{#1Sep}{}}\n"
  2636     "\\def\\HashNode#1{\\Defcs{#1}{}}\n"
  2637     "\n"
  2638     "\\input{" << pathDoxyStructureTex << "}\n"
  2639     "\n"
  2640     "\\newbox\\BoxA\n"
  2641     "\\dimendef\\DimenA=151\\relax\n"
  2642     "\\dimendef\\DimenB=152\\relax\n"
  2643     "\\countdef\\ZoneDepth=151\\relax\n"
  2644     "\n"
  2645     "\\def\\Cs#1{\\csname#1\\endcsname}\n"
  2646     "\\def\\Letcs#1{\\expandafter\\let\\csname#1\\endcsname}\n"
  2647     "\\def\\Heading#1{\\vskip 4mm\\relax\\textbf{#1}}\n"
  2648     "\\def\\See#1{\\begin{flushleft}\\Heading{See also: }#1\\end{flushleft}}\n"
  2649     "\n"
  2650     "\\def\\Frame#1{\\vskip 3mm\\relax\\fbox{ \\vbox{\\hsize0.95\\hsize\\vskip 1mm\\relax\n"
  2651     "\\raggedright#1\\vskip 0.5mm\\relax} }}\n"
  2652     "\n"
  2653     "\\def\\Zone#1#2#3{%\n"
  2654     "\\Defcs{Test#1}{#2}%\n"
  2655     "\\Defcs{Emit#1}{#3}%\n"
  2656     "\\Defcs{#1}{%\n"
  2657     "\\advance\\ZoneDepth1\\relax\n"
  2658     "\\Letcs{Mode\\number\\ZoneDepth}0\\relax\n"
  2659     "\\Letcs{Present\\number\\ZoneDepth}0\\relax\n"
  2660     "\\Cs{Test#1}\n"
  2661     "\\expandafter\\if\\Cs{Present\\number\\ZoneDepth}1%\n"
  2662     "\\advance\\ZoneDepth-1\\relax\n"
  2663     "\\Letcs{Present\\number\\ZoneDepth}1\\relax\n"
  2664     "\\expandafter\\if\\Cs{Mode\\number\\ZoneDepth}1%\n"
  2665     "\\advance\\ZoneDepth1\\relax\n"
  2666     "\\Letcs{Mode\\number\\ZoneDepth}1\\relax\n"
  2667     "\\Cs{Emit#1}\n"
  2668     "\\advance\\ZoneDepth-1\\relax\\fi\n"
  2669     "\\advance\\ZoneDepth1\\relax\\fi\n"
  2670     "\\advance\\ZoneDepth-1\\relax}}\n"
  2671     "\n"
  2672     "\\def\\Member#1#2{%\n"
  2673     "\\Defcs{Test#1}{\\Cs{field#1Detailed}\n"
  2674     "\\IfEmpty{field#1DetailedDoc}\\else\\Letcs{Present#1}1\\fi}\n"
  2675     "\\Defcs{#1}{\\Letcs{Present#1}0\\relax\n"
  2676     "\\Cs{Test#1}\\if1\\Cs{Present#1}\\Letcs{Present\\number\\ZoneDepth}1\\relax\n"
  2677     "\\if1\\Cs{Mode\\number\\ZoneDepth}#2\\fi\\fi}}\n"
  2678     "\n"
  2679     "\\def\\TypedefMemberList#1#2{%\n"
  2680     "\\Defcs{#1DetailedDoc}##1{\\vskip 5.5mm\\relax##1}%\n"
  2681     "\\Defcs{#1Name}##1{\\textbf{##1}}%\n"
  2682     "\\Defcs{#1See}##1{\\See{##1}}%\n"
  2683     "%\n"
  2684     "\\Zone{#1s}{\\Cs{field#1List}}{\\subsubsection{#2}\\Cs{field#1List}}%\n"
  2685     "\\Member{#1}{\\Frame{typedef \\Cs{field#1Type} \\Cs{field#1Name}}%\n"
  2686     "\\Cs{field#1DetailedDoc}\\Cs{field#1See}\\vskip 5mm\\relax}}%\n"
  2687     "\n"
  2688     "\\def\\VariableMemberList#1#2{%\n"
  2689     "\\Defcs{#1DetailedDoc}##1{\\vskip 5.5mm\\relax##1}%\n"
  2690     "\\Defcs{#1Name}##1{\\textbf{##1}}%\n"
  2691     "\\Defcs{#1See}##1{\\See{##1}}%\n"
  2692     "%\n"
  2693     "\\Zone{#1s}{\\Cs{field#1List}}{\\subsubsection{#2}\\Cs{field#1List}}%\n"
  2694     "\\Member{#1}{\\Frame{\\Cs{field#1Type}{} \\Cs{field#1Name}}%\n"
  2695     "\\Cs{field#1DetailedDoc}\\Cs{field#1See}\\vskip 5mm\\relax}}%\n"
  2696     "\n"
  2697     "\\def\\FunctionMemberList#1#2{%\n"
  2698     "\\Defcs{#1PDParamName}##1{\\textit{##1}}%\n"
  2699     "\\Defcs{#1PDParam}{\\Cs{field#1PDParamName}}%\n"
  2700     "\\Defcs{#1PDParamsSep}{, }%\n"
  2701     "\\Defcs{#1PDBlocksSep}{\\vskip 2mm\\relax}%\n"
  2702     "%\n"
  2703     "\\Defcs{#1PDBlocks}##1{%\n"
  2704     "\\Heading{Parameters:}\\vskip 1.5mm\\relax\n"
  2705     "\\DimenA0pt\\relax\n"
  2706     "\\Defcs{#1PDBlock}{\\setbox\\BoxA\\hbox{\\Cs{field#1PDParams}}%\n"
  2707     "\\ifdim\\DimenA<\\wd\\BoxA\\DimenA\\wd\\BoxA\\fi}%\n"
  2708     "##1%\n"
  2709     "\\advance\\DimenA3mm\\relax\n"
  2710     "\\DimenB\\hsize\\advance\\DimenB-\\DimenA\\relax\n"
  2711     "\\Defcs{#1PDBlock}{\\hbox to\\hsize{\\vtop{\\hsize\\DimenA\\relax\n"
  2712     "\\Cs{field#1PDParams}}\\hfill\n"
  2713     "\\vtop{\\hsize\\DimenB\\relax\\Cs{field#1PDDoc}}}}%\n"
  2714     "##1}\n"
  2715     "\n"
  2716     "\\Defcs{#1ParamName}##1{\\textit{##1}}\n"
  2717     "\\Defcs{#1Param}{\\Cs{field#1ParamType}{} \\Cs{field#1ParamName}}\n"
  2718     "\\Defcs{#1ParamsSep}{, }\n"
  2719     "\n"
  2720     "\\Defcs{#1Name}##1{\\textbf{##1}}\n"
  2721     "\\Defcs{#1See}##1{\\See{##1}}\n"
  2722     "\\Defcs{#1Return}##1{\\Heading{Returns: }##1}\n"
  2723     "\\Defcs{field#1Title}{\\Frame{\\Cs{field#1Type}{} \\Cs{field#1Name}(\\Cs{field#1Params})}}%\n"
  2724     "%\n"
  2725     "\\Zone{#1s}{\\Cs{field#1List}}{\\subsubsection{#2}\\Cs{field#1List}}%\n"
  2726     "\\Member{#1}{%\n"
  2727     "\\Cs{field#1Title}\\vskip 6mm\\relax\\Cs{field#1DetailedDoc}\n"
  2728     "\\Cs{field#1Return}\\Cs{field#1PDBlocks}\\Cs{field#1See}\\vskip 5mm\\relax}}\n"
  2729     "\n"
  2730     "\\def\\FileDetailed{\\fieldFileDetailedDoc\\par}\n"
  2731     "\\def\\ClassDetailed{\\fieldClassDetailedDoc\\par}\n"
  2732     "\n"
  2733     "\\def\\FileSubzones{\\fieldFileTypedefs\\fieldFileVariables\\fieldFileFunctions}\n"
  2734     "\n"
  2735     "\\def\\ClassSubzones{%\n"
  2736     "\\fieldClassPublicTypedefs\\fieldClassPublicMembers\\fieldClassPublicMethods\n"
  2737     "\\fieldClassProtectedTypedefs\\fieldClassProtectedMembers\\fieldClassProtectedMethods\n"
  2738     "\\fieldClassPrivateTypedefs\\fieldClassPrivateMembers\\fieldClassPrivateMethods}\n"
  2739     "\n"
  2740     "\\Member{Page}{\\subsection{\\fieldPageName}\\fieldPageDetailedDoc}\n"
  2741     "\n"
  2742     "\\TypedefMemberList{FileTypedef}{Typedefs}\n"
  2743     "\\VariableMemberList{FileVariable}{Variables}\n"
  2744     "\\FunctionMemberList{FileFunction}{Functions}\n"
  2745     "\\Zone{File}{\\FileSubzones}{\\subsection{\\fieldFileName}\\fieldFileDetailed\\FileSubzones}\n"
  2746     "\n"
  2747     "\\TypedefMemberList{ClassPublicTypedef}{Public Typedefs}\n"
  2748     "\\TypedefMemberList{ClassProtectedTypedef}{Protected Typedefs}\n"
  2749     "\\TypedefMemberList{ClassPrivateTypedef}{Private Typedefs}\n"
  2750     "\\VariableMemberList{ClassPublicMember}{Public Members}\n"
  2751     "\\VariableMemberList{ClassProtectedMember}{Protected Members}\n"
  2752     "\\VariableMemberList{ClassPrivateMember}{Private Members}\n"
  2753     "\\FunctionMemberList{ClassPublicMethod}{Public Methods}\n"
  2754     "\\FunctionMemberList{ClassProtectedMethod}{Protected Methods}\n"
  2755     "\\FunctionMemberList{ClassPrivateMethod}{Private Methods}\n"
  2756     "\\Zone{Class}{\\ClassSubzones}{\\subsection{\\fieldClassName}\\fieldClassDetailed\\ClassSubzones}\n"
  2757     "\n"
  2758     "\\Zone{AllPages}{\\fieldPages}{\\section{Pages}\\fieldPages}\n"
  2759     "\\Zone{AllFiles}{\\fieldFiles}{\\section{Files}\\fieldFiles}\n"
  2760     "\\Zone{AllClasses}{\\fieldClasses}{\\section{Classes}\\fieldClasses}\n"
  2761     "\n"
  2762     "\\newlength{\\oldparskip}\n"
  2763     "\\newlength{\\oldparindent}\n"
  2764     "\\newlength{\\oldfboxrule}\n"
  2765     "\n"
  2766     "\\ZoneDepth0\\relax\n"
  2767     "\\Letcs{Mode0}1\\relax\n"
  2768     "\n"
  2769     "\\def\\EmitDoxyDocs{%\n"
  2770     "\\setlength{\\oldparskip}{\\parskip}\n"
  2771     "\\setlength{\\oldparindent}{\\parindent}\n"
  2772     "\\setlength{\\oldfboxrule}{\\fboxrule}\n"
  2773     "\\setlength{\\parskip}{0cm}\n"
  2774     "\\setlength{\\parindent}{0cm}\n"
  2775     "\\setlength{\\fboxrule}{1pt}\n"
  2776     "\\AllPages\\AllFiles\\AllClasses\n"
  2777     "\\setlength{\\parskip}{\\oldparskip}\n"
  2778     "\\setlength{\\parindent}{\\oldparindent}\n"
  2779     "\\setlength{\\fboxrule}{\\oldfboxrule}}\n";
  2781   return true;
  2782 }
  2784 bool PerlModGenerator::generateDoxyLatexTex()
  2785 {
  2786   QFile doxyLatexTex;
  2787   if (!createOutputFile(doxyLatexTex, pathDoxyLatexTex))
  2788     return false;
  2790   QTextStream doxyLatexTexStream(&doxyLatexTex);
  2791   doxyLatexTexStream <<
  2792     "\\documentclass[a4paper,12pt]{article}\n"
  2793     "\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}\n"
  2794     "\\usepackage[none]{hyphenat}\n"
  2795     "\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}\n"
  2796     "\\usepackage{hyperref}\n"
  2797     "\\usepackage{times}\n"
  2798     "\n"
  2799     "\\input{doxyformat}\n"
  2800     "\n"
  2801     "\\begin{document}\n"
  2802     "\\input{" << pathDoxyDocsTex << "}\n"
  2803     "\\sloppy\n"
  2804     "\\EmitDoxyDocs\n"
  2805     "\\end{document}\n";
  2807   return true;
  2808 }
  2810 void PerlModGenerator::generate()
  2811 {
  2812   // + classes
  2813   // + namespaces
  2814   // + files
  2815   // - packages
  2816   // + groups
  2817   // + related pages
  2818   // - examples
  2820   QDir perlModDir;
  2821   if (!createOutputDir(perlModDir))
  2822     return;
  2824   bool perlmodLatex = Config_getBool("PERLMOD_LATEX");
  2826   pathDoxyDocsPM = perlModDir.absPath() + "/DoxyDocs.pm";
  2827   pathDoxyStructurePM = perlModDir.absPath() + "/DoxyStructure.pm";
  2828   pathMakefile = perlModDir.absPath() + "/Makefile";
  2829   pathDoxyRules = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxyrules.make";
  2831   if (perlmodLatex) {
  2832     pathDoxyStructureTex = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxystructure.tex";
  2833     pathDoxyFormatTex = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxyformat.tex";
  2834     pathDoxyLatexTex = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxylatex.tex";
  2835     pathDoxyLatexDVI = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxylatex.dvi";
  2836     pathDoxyLatexPDF = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxylatex.pdf";
  2837     pathDoxyDocsTex = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxydocs.tex";
  2838     pathDoxyLatexPL = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxylatex.pl";
  2839     pathDoxyLatexStructurePL = perlModDir.absPath() + "/doxylatex-structure.pl";
  2840   }
  2842   if (!(generatePerlModOutput()
  2843 	&& generateDoxyStructurePM()
  2844 	&& generateMakefile()
  2845 	&& generateDoxyRules()))
  2846     return;
  2848   if (perlmodLatex) {
  2849     if (!(generateDoxyLatexStructurePL()
  2850 	  && generateDoxyLatexPL()
  2851 	  && generateDoxyLatexTex()
  2852 	  && generateDoxyFormatTex()))
  2853       return;
  2854   }
  2855 }
  2857 void generatePerlMod()
  2858 {
  2859   PerlModGenerator pmg(Config_getBool("PERLMOD_PRETTY"));
  2860   pmg.generate();
  2861 }
  2863 // Local Variables:
  2864 // c-basic-offset: 2
  2865 // End:
  2867 /* This elisp function for XEmacs makes Control-Z transform
  2868    the text in the region into a valid C string.
  2870   (global-set-key '(control z) (lambda () (interactive)
  2871    (save-excursion
  2872     (if (< (mark) (point)) (exchange-point-and-mark))
  2873     (let ((start (point)) (replacers 
  2874      '(("\\\\" "\\\\\\\\")
  2875        ("\"" "\\\\\"")
  2876        ("\t" "\\\\t")
  2877        ("^.*$" "\"\\&\\\\n\""))))
  2878      (while replacers   
  2879       (while (re-search-forward (caar replacers) (mark) t)
  2880        (replace-match (cadar replacers) t))
  2881       (goto-char start)
  2882       (setq replacers (cdr replacers)))))))
  2883 */