changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
2:932c358ece3e 3:d8fccb2cd802
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     4  *
     5  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     6  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     7  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
     8  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
     9  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    10  *
    11  * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
    12  * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
    13  *
    14  */
    15 /******************************************************************************
    16  * Parser for VHDL subset
    17  * written by M. Kreis
    18  * supports VHDL-87/93
    19  * does not support VHDL-AMS 
    20  ******************************************************************************/
    21 %{
    23 // global includes
    24 #include <stdio.h>
    25 #include <stdlib.h>
    26 #include <assert.h>
    27 #include <string.h>
    28 #include <qcstring.h>
    29 #include <qfileinfo.h>
    30 #include <qstringlist.h>
    32 /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
    34 // local includes
    35 #include "vhdlscanner.h"
    36 #include "vhdlcode.h"
    37 #include "vhdldocgen.h"
    38 #include "message.h"
    39 #include "config.h"
    40 #include "doxygen.h"
    41 #include "util.h"
    42 #include "language.h"
    43 #include "commentscan.h"
    44 #include "index.h"
    45 #include "definition.h"
    46 #include "searchindex.h"
    47 #include "outputlist.h"
    49 /* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
    51 //#define theTranslator_vhdlType theTranslator->trVhdlType
    52 #define theTranslator_vhdlType VhdlDocGen::getVhdlType
    54 static QStringList      qrl;
    55 static int              openGroups;
    56 static ParserInterface *g_thisParser;
    57 static const char *     inputString;
    58 static int              inputPosition;
    59 static int              startComment  = 0;
    60 static QFile            inputFile;
    61 static QCString         inbuf;
    62 static Entry*           global_root   = 0;
    63 static Entry*           current_root  = 0;
    64 static Entry*           current       = 0;
    65 static Entry*           previous      = 0;
    66 static Entry*           functionEntry = 0;
    67 static Entry*           lastEntity    = 0;
    68 static Entry*           lastCompound  = 0;
    69 static int              genPort       = 0;
    70 static QCString         yyFileName;
    71 static int              iFuncLine     = 1;
    72 static bool             g_inputFromFile ;
    73 static bool             g_lexInit     = FALSE;
    74 static int              isBody=0;
    75 static int              isFunc=0;
    76 static int              yyLineNr      = 1;
    77 static char *           g_buf         = 0;
    78 static uint             g_bufSize     = 0;
    79 static int              iTextCounter  = 0;
    80 static int              iCounter      = 0;
    81 static int              bropen        = 0;
    82 static int              scantype      = 0;
    83 static int              g_lastCommentContext = 0;
    84 static bool             docBlockAutoBrief;
    85 static char             docBlockTerm;
    86 static int              iDocLine      = -1;
    88 //#define YY_A_INTERACTIVE 1
    89 #define YY_NEVER_INTERACTIVE 1
    90 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    92 static void parserInit();
    93 static void deleteSpecChars(char* str,char *buf);
    94 static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief);
    95 static void newEntry();
    96 static void initEntry(Entry *e);
    98 static void addSubEntry(Entry* root, Entry* e)
    99 {
   100   if (e==0 || root==0) return;
   101   //if (isPrevDoc) 
   102   //{
   103   //  e->brief=prevDocEntry.brief;
   104   //  e->briefLine=prevDocEntry.briefLine;
   105   //  prevDocEntry.reset();
   106   //  isPrevDoc=FALSE;
   107   //}
   108   root->addSubEntry(e);
   109 } 
   111 static void bufferClear()
   112 {
   113   int j;
   114   for (j=0;j<iCounter+1;j++)
   115   {
   116     g_buf[j]=0;
   117   }
   119   iCounter=0;
   120 }
   122 static void  addText (char *word, int llen)
   123 {
   124   if ((uint)(iCounter + llen) > g_bufSize)
   125   {
   126     char *pTmp = (char*)realloc(g_buf,iCounter+llen+2048);
   127     if (pTmp)
   128     {
   129       g_buf = pTmp;
   130     }
   131     else
   132     {
   133       fprintf(stderr,"\n not enough memory for realloc\n");
   134       return; 
   135     }
   136   }
   137   while (llen>0)
   138   {
   139     g_buf[iCounter]=*word++;
   140     iCounter++;
   141     llen--;
   142   }    
   143   g_buf[iCounter]='\0'; 
   144 } 
   146 static void getBufText(QCString& qc,int start)
   147 {
   148   while (start < iCounter)
   149   {
   150     qc+=(g_buf[start]);
   151     start++;
   152   }
   153 }
   155 static void lineCount()
   156 {
   157   for ( const char* c = yytext ; *c ; ++c )
   158   {
   159     yyLineNr += (*c == '\n') ;
   160   }
   161 }
   163 static void deleteSpecChars(char* str,char *buf)
   164 {
   165   while (*str)
   166   {
   167     if ((*str == '\t') || (*str == '\n') || (*str == '\r') || (*str == ' ')) 
   168     {
   169       *str++;
   170     }
   171     else
   172     {
   173       *buf++ = *str++;
   174     }
   175   }
   176   *buf='\0';
   177 }
   179 void getType(Entry* p,char* text)
   180 {
   181   QCString name(text);
   182   name=name.stripWhiteSpace();           
   183   if (stricmp(name.data(),"signal" )==0)
   184   {
   185     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL;
   186   }
   187   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"type" )==0)
   188   {
   189     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::TYPE; 
   190   }
   191   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"subtype" )==0)
   192   {
   193     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE;   
   194   }
   195   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"constant" )==0)
   196   {
   197     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT;    
   198   }
   199   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"attribute" )==0)
   200   {
   201     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE;
   202   }
   203   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"function" )==0)
   204   {
   205     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION;    
   206   }
   207   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"procedure" )==0)
   208   {
   209     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE;
   210   }
   211   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"units" )==0)
   212   {
   213     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::UNITS;
   214   }
   215   else if (name.contains("shared",false) && name.contains("variable",false))
   216   {
   217     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE;
   218   }
   219   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"file" )==0) 
   220   {
   221     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::VFILE;
   222   }
   223   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"group" )==0) 
   224   {
   225     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::GROUP; 
   226   }
   227   else if (stricmp(name.data(),"alias" )==0) 
   228   {
   229     p->spec=VhdlDocGen::ALIAS; 
   230   }
   231   else 
   232   {
   233     err("wrong type");
   234   }
   235   p->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
   236 }
   238 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   240 /*
   241  * adds signals found in entities|records|units
   242  */
   244 void addSignals(const char* str,int line, Entry *e,const char *comment=0)
   245 {
   246   //printf("===> addSignals (%s) comment='%s'\n",str,comment);
   247   QList<QCString> ql;
   248   QCString bufio;
   249   ql.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   251   VhdlDocGen::getSigName(ql,str,bufio);
   252   int count = ql.count();
   254   QCString brief  = current->brief;
   255   QCString doc    = current->doc;
   256   Entry *tmpEntry = current;
   257   current = new Entry;
   258   initEntry(current);
   259   handleCommentBlock(comment,TRUE);
   260   if (!current->brief.isEmpty())
   261   {
   262     if (doc.isEmpty())
   263     {
   264       doc = brief;
   265     }
   266     else if (!brief.isEmpty())
   267     {
   268       doc = brief + "<p>" + doc;
   269     }
   270     brief = current->brief;
   271   }
   272   delete current;
   273   current = tmpEntry;
   274   current->brief.resize(0);
   275   current->doc.resize(0);
   277   if (genPort!=3) // not a unit
   278   {
   279     for (int k=1;k<count;k++)
   280     {
   281       //printf("adding '%s' '%s'\n",ql.at(0)->data(),ql.at(k)->data());
   282       Entry *pTemp=new Entry;
   283       initEntry(pTemp);
   284       pTemp->startLine = line;
   285       pTemp->bodyLine  = line;
   286       pTemp->name      = ql.at(k)->data();
   287       pTemp->section   = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
   288       pTemp->brief     = brief;
   289       pTemp->doc       = doc;
   290       pTemp->mGrpId    = current->mGrpId; // copy member group id
   291       QCString stSpec  = ql.at(0)->data();
   292       if (genPort==1) // found port
   293       {
   294 	pTemp->spec    = VhdlDocGen::PORT;
   295 	stSpec.stripPrefix(bufio.data()); 
   296 	stSpec=stSpec.stripWhiteSpace();
   297 	pTemp->args    = stSpec;
   298 	pTemp->type    = bufio;
   299 	addSubEntry(e,pTemp);
   300       }
   301       else if (genPort==2) // found record
   302       {
   303 	pTemp->spec    = VhdlDocGen::RECORD;
   304 	pTemp->type    = stSpec;
   305 	pTemp->name.prepend(VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber());
   306 	delete current;
   307 	current = new Entry(*pTemp); // make a deep copy of pTemp
   308 	newEntry();                  // add it to lastCompound and make a new current
   309 	delete pTemp;
   310       }
   311       else 
   312       {
   313 	pTemp->spec    = VhdlDocGen::GENERIC;
   314 	pTemp->type    = stSpec;
   315 	addSubEntry(e,pTemp);
   316       }
   317     }// for
   318   }
   319   else // found a unit 
   320   {
   321     Entry *pTemp=new Entry;
   322     initEntry(pTemp);
   323     QCString tt(str);
   324     QStringList ql=QStringList::split("=",tt,FALSE);
   325     pTemp->spec      = VhdlDocGen::UNITS;
   326     pTemp->section   = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
   327     pTemp->startLine = line;
   328     pTemp->bodyLine  = line;
   329     pTemp->brief     = brief; // adds brief description to the unit member
   330     pTemp->doc       = doc;   // adds doc to the unit member
   331     pTemp->type      = ql[1];
   332     pTemp->name      = ql[0].stripWhiteSpace();
   333     pTemp->name.prepend(VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber());
   334     delete current;
   335     current = new Entry(*pTemp); // make a deep copy
   336     newEntry();                  // add it to lastCompound
   337     delete pTemp;
   338   }
   339 }                                              
   341 /*
   342  * this function parses a process prototype
   343  * and adds the signal to the process
   344  */
   346 static void parseProcessProto()
   347 {
   348   QStringList ql;
   349   QCString qcs;
   350   bool sem=FALSE;
   351   //Entry* ppEntry=new Entry;
   352   //ppEntry->fileName=yyFileName;
   353   //processEntry=ppEntry;
   354   QCString name; 
   355   scantype=0;
   356   getBufText(qcs,0);
   357   if (qcs.contains('(') != qcs.contains(')')) return; 
   358   VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(qcs,'\n');
   359   VhdlDocGen::parseProcessProto(qcs,name,ql);
   360   current->section=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
   361   //current->stat=TRUE;
   362   current->spec=VhdlDocGen::PROCESS;
   363   current->startLine=iFuncLine;
   364   current->bodyLine=iFuncLine;
   365   current->fileName=yyFileName;
   366   if (!name.isEmpty())
   367   {
   368     current->name=name.stripWhiteSpace();
   369   }
   370   else // found an anonymous process, so we add a generated name  
   371   {
   372     current->name=VhdlDocGen::getProcessNumber(); 
   373   }
   375   current->args+=" ( "; 
   376   if (!ql.isEmpty())
   377   {
   378     QValueList<QString>::Iterator iter = ql.begin();
   379     for ( ; iter != ql.end(); ++iter)
   380     {
   381       if (sem)
   382       {
   383         current->args+=',';
   384       }
   385       Argument *arg=new Argument;
   386       arg->name=((QCString)*iter).stripWhiteSpace();    
   387       current->argList->append(arg);
   388       current->args+=(QCString)*iter; 
   389       sem = TRUE;
   390     }    
   391   }
   392   current->args+=" ) ";
   393   bufferClear();
   394 }//parseProcessProto
   397 /*
   398  * parses a function|procedure protoype
   399  */
   401 static void parseFunctionProto()
   402 {
   403   QCString name,ret,qcs,temp;
   404   bool sem=FALSE;
   405   QList<Argument> ql;
   406   ql.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
   407   getBufText(qcs,0);
   408   if (qcs.contains('(') != qcs.contains(')')) 
   409     return; // function without a prototype 
   410   if (qcs.contains("function",FALSE)==0 && qcs.contains("procedure",FALSE)==0) 
   411     return; 
   412   qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace();
   413   temp=qcs.lower();
   414   if (temp.stripPrefix("impure"))
   415   {
   416     current->exception="impure";
   417     qcs=qcs.remove(0,6);
   418   }
   419   else if (temp.stripPrefix("pure")) 
   420   {
   421     current->exception="pure";
   422     qcs=qcs.remove(0,4);
   423   }
   425   VhdlDocGen::parseFuncProto(qcs.data(),ql,name,ret); 
   426   //printf("parseFuncProto(%s)=%s,%s\n",qcs.data(),name.data(),ret.data());
   427   VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(name,';');
   428   current->name=name;
   429   current->startLine=iFuncLine;
   430   current->bodyLine=iFuncLine;
   432   int count = ql.count(); 
   434   current->args+" ( "; 
   435   for (int k=0;k<count;k++)
   436   {
   437     if (sem)
   438     {
   439       current->args+=",";
   440     }
   441     Argument *arg=new Argument;
   442     Argument *hh=(Argument*)ql.at(k);
   443     arg->name=hh->name;
   444     arg->type=hh->type;
   445     arg->defval=hh->defval;
   446     arg->attrib=hh->attrib;
   447     current->argList->append(arg);
   448     current->args+=hh->name;
   449     sem=TRUE;
   450   }
   451   current->args+" )";
   453   if (!ret.isEmpty()) 
   454     current->spec=VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION;
   455   else
   456     current->spec=VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE;
   458   current->section=Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
   459   current->type=ret;
   460   //addSubEntry(ee,ppEntry); 
   461   if (lastCompound)
   462   {
   463     lastCompound->addSubEntry(current);
   464     current = new Entry;
   465     initEntry(current);
   466   }
   467   else
   468   {
   469     newEntry();
   470   }
   471   bufferClear();
   472 }//parseFunctionProto
   474 static Entry* getEntryAtLine(const Entry* ce,int line)
   475 {
   476   EntryListIterator eli(*ce->children());
   477   Entry *found=0;
   478   Entry *rt;
   479   for (;(rt=eli.current());++eli)
   480   {
   481     if (rt->bodyLine==line)
   482     {
   483       found=rt;
   484     } // if
   485     if (!found) 
   486     {
   487       found=getEntryAtLine(rt,line);
   488     }
   489   }
   490   return found;
   491 }// getEntryAtLine
   493 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
   496 void parserInit()
   497 {
   498   iCounter=0; 
   499   iTextCounter=0;
   500   yyLineNr=1;
   501   current=0;
   502   previous=0;
   503   isFunc=0;
   504   isBody=0;
   505   scantype=0;
   506   //pEntry=0;
   507   //pp=0; 
   508   lastCompound=0;
   509   lastEntity=0;
   510   bropen=0;
   511   openGroups=0;
   512   iDocLine=-1;
   513   //isPrevDoc=FALSE;
   514   //prevDocEntry.reset();
   515   qrl.clear();
   517   if (!g_lexInit) 
   518   {
   519     VhdlDocGen::init();
   520   }
   522   g_bufSize=inputFile.size()+1024;
   523   if (g_buf==0) free(g_buf);
   524   g_buf=(char*)(calloc(g_bufSize,sizeof(char)));
   526   if (g_buf==0)
   527   {
   528     fprintf(stderr,"\n not enough memory");
   529     return;
   530   }
   531   g_buf[g_bufSize-1]='\0';
   532 }
   534 bool VHDLLanguageScanner::needsPreprocessing(const QCString &)
   535 {
   536   return FALSE;
   537 }
   540 void VHDLLanguageScanner::resetCodeParserState()
   541 {
   543 }
   545 #undef    YY_INPUT
   546 #define    YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
   548 static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size)
   549 {
   550   int c=0;
   551   if (g_inputFromFile)
   552   {
   553     c = inputFile.readBlock(buf,max_size);
   554     if (c==-1) yy_fatal_error("input in flex scanner failed");
   555   }
   556   else
   557   {
   558     while ( c < max_size && inputString[inputPosition] )
   559     {
   560       *buf = inputString[inputPosition++] ;
   561       c++; buf++;
   562     }
   563   }
   564   return c;
   565 }
   567 #if 0
   568 /*
   569  * adds a  text line description [--#] to the the previous type  
   570  */
   572 static void addOneTextLine(QCString& ss )
   573 {
   574   Entry* pTemp=0;
   575   if (current && current->bodyLine==yyLineNr)
   576     pTemp=current;
   577   //else if (pEntry && pEntry->bodyLine==yyLineNr)
   578   //  pTemp=pEntry;
   579   else 
   580     pTemp=getEntryAtLine(current_root,yyLineNr) ;
   582   if (pTemp)
   583   {
   584     ss=ss.stripWhiteSpace();
   585     ss.stripPrefix("--!");
   586     pTemp->brief=ss;
   587     pTemp->briefLine=yyLineNr;
   588   }        
   589 }
   590 #endif
   592 %}
   595   /* start command character */
   596   /* -------------- VHDL SECTION -----------------------------------*/
   598 B                       [ \t]
   599 CR                      [\r\n]
   600 BR                      [ \t\n\r]
   601 DIGIT                   [0-9]
   602 LOWER_CASE_LETTER       [a-z]
   603 UPPER_CASE_LETTER       [A-Z]
   604 LETTER                  [a-zA-Z_0-9]
   605 SPACE_CHARACTER         [ \t]
   606 SPECIAL_CHARACTER       [#&'()*+,\-\./:;<=>_|]
   607 OTHER_SPECIAL_CHARACTER [~!$§%?@\[\\\]^{}]
   612 NAME                    ({LETTER}[a-zA-Z0-9_.]*)|{EXTENDED_CHARACTER}
   614 FUNCNAME                ([a-zA-Z"][*+\-_a-zA-Z0-9"\/=<>]*)|{EXTENDED_CHARACTER}
   615 DIGITS                  [0-9]+|[0-9]+"."[0-9]+|[0-9]+"#"[0-9_a-fA-F\+\.]+"#"
   616 COMMENT                 "--"[^\n]*
   617 LABELID                 [a-z_A-Z][^\;]*";"({B}*{COMMENT})*
   618 PROTO                   [ (]*
   619 TEXTT                   "--"[^\/\@\*\#][^\n]*
   620 PROC                    ("function"|"procedure")
   621 ENDE                    ({BR}*("end"){BR}*{PROC}*{BR}*[;]{1})
   622 ENDEFF                  ("if"|"case"|"loop"|"generate"){BR}*[;]
   623 ENDE3                   ({BR}*("end"){BR}*{PROC}*{BR}*{FUNCNAME}{BR}*[;])|{ENDE}
   624 ENDFUNC                 {B}*"end"{BR}*{PROC}*{BR}*{FUNCNAME}{BR}*[;]
   625 FUNCIMPURE              "impure"|"pure"
   626 FUNCPROC                ^{B}*{FUNCIMPURE}*{BR}*("function"|"procedure"){B}*
   627 ARCHITECTURE            ("architecture"){BR}+{NAME}{BR}*("of")
   628    /* Removed due to bug 538239
   629       POST         "postponed"
   630       PROCESS      ({BR}*{FUNCNAME}{B}*[:]{BR}*({POST}{BR}+)?("process"){BR}*{PROTO})|("process"){BR}*("("){BR}*{PROTO}|[^a-zA-Z]("process"){CR}|[^a-zA-Z]("process"){BR}+("is")
   631    */
   632 PROCESS                 ({B}*{FUNCNAME}{B}*:{BR}*)?({B}*("postponed"){BR}+)?{B}*("process"){BR}*{PROTO}
   634 ENDPROCESS              ("end"){BR}*("postponed")*("process"){BR}*{FUNCNAME}*{BR}*[;]
   635 LIBUSE                  ^{B}*("use"|"library"){BR}+
   636 ENTITY                  ^{B}*("component"|"entity"|"package"){BR}+
   637 PBODY                   ("package"){B}+("body"){BR}+{NAME}
   638 SHARED                  ("shared"){BR}+("variable")
   639 SIGTYPES                ^{B}*({SHARED}|"alias"|"file"|"group"|"subtype"|"type"|"constant"|"attribute"|"signal"|"units"){BR}+
   640 CONFIG                  ("configuration"){BR}+{NAME}{BR}*("of"){BR}+{NAME}{BR}+"is"
   642 ALLTYPESMAP             {B}*[_a-zA-ZA_Z0-9.() ]*{B}*
   643 MAPCOMPONENT            ({ALLTYPESMAP}{BR}*[:]{BR}*("component"|"configuration")*{ALLTYPESMAP}{BR}*{TEXTT}*{BR}*("port"|"generic"){BR}*("map"){BR}*("("){1})
   644 MAPCOMPONENT1           ({ALLTYPESMAP}{BR}*[:]{BR}*("entity"){BR}*{ALLTYPESMAP}{BR}*("port"|"generic"){BR}*("map"){BR}*("("){1})
   646 BRACEOPEN               [(]{1}
   647 BRACECLOSE              [)]{1}
   649 ALLID                   [^;()\t ]
   651 /* VHDL 2001 */
   652 ENDPROTECTED            ("end"{BR}+"protected"{BR}+{NAME}{BR}*";")|("end"{BR}+"protected"{BR}*";")
   653 ENDPROTECEDBODY         "end"{BR}+"protected"{BR}+"body"{BR}+{NAME}
   656 %option noyywrap
   658   /* language parsing states */
   660 %x Start
   661 %x Comment
   662 %x FindTypeName
   663 %x ParseType 
   664 %x ParseRecord
   665 %x ParseUnits
   666 %x ParseProcess
   667 %x ParseFunc
   668 %x FindName
   669 %x FindEntityName
   670 %x FindGenPort
   671 %x FindTypes
   672 %x FindSigName
   673 %x FindFuncName
   674 %x FindBegin
   676 %%
   679  lineCount();
   680 }
   684 <Start>{CONFIG} { // found configuration
   686   QCString qcs(vhdlscanYYtext);
   687   current->name=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(qcs,1);
   688   current->type=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(qcs,3);
   689   current->startLine=yyLineNr;
   690   current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
   691   current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC; 
   692   current->spec=VhdlDocGen::CONFIG;
   693   current->args="configuration";
   694   newEntry();
   695   BEGIN(Start);
   696 }
   698 <Start>{SIGTYPES}  { // found type constant|type|attribute and so on..
   699     bropen=0;
   700     lineCount();
   702     bufferClear();
   703     //pEntry=current;
   704     getType(current,yytext);
   705     current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
   706     if (current->spec==VhdlDocGen::UNITS)
   707     {
   708       //addSubEntry(current,pEntry);
   709       current->startLine=yyLineNr;
   710       current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
   711       newEntry(); // adds the unit to the lastCompound
   712       genPort=3;
   713       BEGIN(ParseRecord);
   714     }
   715     else    
   716     {
   717       BEGIN(FindTypeName);
   718     }
   719   }
   721 <Start>{ARCHITECTURE} {     //found architecure
   722   lineCount();
   723   bropen=0;
   724   bufferClear();
   725   isBody=0;
   726   lastCompound = current;
   727   QCString curName=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(yytext,1);
   728   current->section=Entry::CLASS_SEC; //Entry::CLASS_SEC;
   729   current->spec=VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE;
   730   current->protection=Private;
   731   current->name=curName;
   732   current->fileName=yyFileName;
   733   current->startLine=yyLineNr;
   734   current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;      
   735   //printf("-> Architecture at line %d\n",yyLineNr);
   736   BEGIN(FindName);
   737 }
   740 <Start>{PROCESS} {          //found process
   741   lineCount();
   742   iFuncLine=yyLineNr;
   743   bropen=0;
   744   //printf("--> Process: line=%d\n",yyLineNr);
   745   bufferClear();
   746   addText(yytext,yyleng);
   747   QCString qcs(yytext);
   748   if (qcs.contains('('))
   749   {
   750     bropen=1;
   751     scantype=2;
   752     BEGIN(ParseType);
   753   }
   754   else 
   755   {
   756     //                      iFuncLine--;
   757     parseProcessProto();  
   758     BEGIN(ParseProcess);
   759   }
   760 }                                                                               
   762 <Start>{LIBUSE}{BR}*       {      //  found library or package
   763   bropen=0;
   764   bufferClear();
   765   isBody=0;
   766   QCString qcs=QCString(yytext);
   767   // lowerString(qcs);
   768   qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace();
   769   if (stricmp(qcs.data(),"use")==0)
   770   {
   771     current->spec=VhdlDocGen::USE;
   772     current->type="package";
   773   }
   774   else 
   775   {
   776     current->spec=VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY;
   777     current->type="library";
   778   }
   779   current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
   780   current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
   781   lineCount();
   782   BEGIN(FindName);
   783 }
   785 <Start>{FUNCPROC}       {   // found a new function|procedure
   786   lineCount();
   787   iFuncLine=yyLineNr;
   788   bropen=0;
   789   bufferClear();
   790   isFunc=1;
   791   addText(yytext,yyleng);
   792   BEGIN(FindFuncName);
   793 }
   795 <Start>{ENTITY}  {     // found entity|component|package
   796   lineCount();
   797   //printf("--> Entity at line %d\n",yyLineNr);
   799   bropen=0;  
   800   bufferClear();
   801   QCString word(yytext);
   802   word=word.lower();  
   803   word=word.stripWhiteSpace();
   805   if (strcmp(word.data(),"entity")==0)
   806   {
   807     isBody=0;
   808     scantype=0;                                    
   809     lastCompound=0;
   810     current->section=Entry::CLASS_SEC;
   811     current->spec=VhdlDocGen::ENTITY;
   812     current->protection=Public;
   813     current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
   814     current->fileName=yyFileName;
   815     lastEntity = current;
   816   }
   817   else if (strcmp(word.data(),"component")==0)
   818   {
   819     current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
   820    // current->stat=TRUE;
   821     current->spec=VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT;
   822     current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
   823     scantype=1;  
   824   }
   825   else if (strcmp(word,"package")==0)
   826   {
   827     isBody=0;
   828     scantype=0;
   829     lastCompound = current;
   830     current->section=Entry::CLASS_SEC;
   831     current->spec=VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE;
   832     current->protection=Package; //VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE;
   833     current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
   834     current->fileName=yyFileName;
   835   }
   836   else
   837     err("\n found wrong component at line [%d]",yyLineNr); 
   839   BEGIN(FindEntityName);
   840 }
   842 <Start>{MAPCOMPONENT}|{MAPCOMPONENT1}  { // found component instantiation 
   844  // lineCount();
   845   QCString type;
   846   QCString tt(yytext);
   847   QRegExp regg("[\\s:.()-]");
   848   QStringList qsl=QStringList::split(regg,tt,false);
   850   // consider upper/lower-case letters
   851   QStringList qsltemp=QStringList::split(regg,tt.lower(),false);
   852   int index=qsltemp.findIndex(QCString("entity"))+1;
   853   index+=qsltemp.findIndex(QCString("component"))+1;
   854   index+=qsltemp.findIndex(QCString("configuration"))+1;
   855   int len=qsltemp.count();
   857   current->spec=VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT_INST;
   858   current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
   859   current->startLine=yyLineNr;
   860   current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
   862   if (index!=0 && tt.contains(')')==0)     // found component instantiation xxx: configuration/component/entity yyy
   863   {
   864     current->type=(QCString)qsl[len-3];
   865   }
   866   else if (index!=0 && tt.contains(')'))   // found component instantiation xxx: entity www.yyy(zzz)
   867   {
   868     current->type=(QCString)qsl[len-4];
   869   }
   870   else
   871   {
   872     current->type=(QCString)qsl[1];          // found component instantiation xxx:yyy
   873   }
   875   current->name=QCString(qsl[0]);
   876   if (lastCompound)
   877   {
   878     lastCompound->addSubEntry(current);
   879     current = new Entry;
   880     initEntry(current);
   881   }
   882   else
   883   {
   884     newEntry();
   885   }
   886  lineCount();
   888 } 
   890 <Start>{CR}*    {
   891   lineCount();
   892   addText(yytext,yyleng);
   893   BEGIN(Start); 
   894 }
   896 <ParseProcess>[^;()] {
   897   // eat process body
   898   lineCount();
   899   BEGIN(ParseProcess);
   900 }
   902 <ParseProcess,ParseType>{ENDPROCESS} {  // find end of process
   903   lineCount();
   904   current->endBodyLine=yyLineNr;
   905   //printf("Process: start=%d end=%d\n",current->bodyLine,current->endBodyLine);
   906   if (lastCompound)
   907   {
   908     lastCompound->addSubEntry(current);
   909     current = new Entry;
   910     initEntry(current);
   911   }
   912   else
   913   {
   914     newEntry();
   915   }
   916   BEGIN(Start);
   917 }
   920 <ParseUnits>{BR}* { 
   921   lineCount();
   922 }
   924 <ParseUnits>{B}*[a-z_][^\n;]* { // parse record|unit body
   925   lineCount();
   926   QCString zz(yytext);
   927   addSignals(zz.data(),yyLineNr,current);
   928   BEGIN(ParseUnits);
   929 }
   931 <FindName>{NAME} {  // found entity|architecture|component name
   932   lineCount();
   934   QCString qcs(yytext);
   935   qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace();
   936   if (current->spec==VhdlDocGen::USE || current->spec==VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY)
   937   {
   938     int j=qcs.length();
   939     int i=qcs.find(".");
   940     if (i>0)
   941       qcs=qcs.right(j-i-1);
   942     i=qcs.find(".");
   943     if (i>0)
   944       qcs=qcs.left(i);            
   945   /*  
   946     -- Consider the case we have more than one entity in one file.Each entity has its own package/library
   947     -- declaration. In this case package yyy will be added [with newEntry()] to architecture aaa !! instead to entity
   948     -- bbb. We must place these constructs to current_root and the function mapLibPackage() will finish the rest.
   950     -- package xxx;
   951     -- entity aaa
   952     --  ....
   953     -- end entity aaa;
   954     -- architecture aaa
   955     --     ...
   956     -- end architecture aaa;
   957     -- package yyy;
   958     -- entity bbb;
   959     */
   961     current->name=qcs;                 
   962     Entry *copy=new Entry(*current);
   963     current->reset();
   964     addSubEntry(current_root,copy);   //  insert into entry list  with mapLibPackage()           
   965   }
   966   else if (current->spec==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE)
   967   {
   968     //current->name+=qcs.lower();
   969     current->name.prepend(qcs+"::");
   971     if (lastEntity)
   972     {
   973       // inherit private inheritance relation between entity and architecture
   974       if (!VhdlDocGen::foundInsertedComponent(current->name,lastEntity))
   975       {
   976 	BaseInfo *bb=new BaseInfo(current->name,Private,Normal);
   977 	lastEntity->extends->append(bb);    
   978       }
   979     }
   981   }
   982   else if (current->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY)
   983   {
   984     current->name+=qcs;
   985   }
   986   else
   987   {
   988     current->name+=qcs;
   989   }
   990   if (!(current->spec==VhdlDocGen::USE || current->spec==VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY))
   991   newEntry();
   993   BEGIN(Start);
   994 }
   996 <FindFuncName>{FUNCNAME}    { // found name of a process|function|procedure
   997   lineCount();
   999   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1000   BEGIN(ParseType);
  1001 }
  1003 <FindTypeName>{NAME}{BR}* {
  1004   lineCount();                                                            
  1005   current->name=QCString(yytext);
  1006   BEGIN(ParseType);
  1007 }
  1010 <ParseType>("is"){BR}+("protected"){BR}+("body") {lineCount(); BEGIN(Start); }
  1012 <ParseType>("is"){BR}+("protected"){BR}+ { 
  1013  lineCount();
  1014  current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
  1015  current->spec=VhdlDocGen::TYPE;
  1016  current->type="protected"; 
  1017  newEntry(); 
  1018   BEGIN(Start);
  1019 }
  1024 <ParseType>("is"){BR}*("record") { // find record
  1025   lineCount();
  1026   if (isFunc)
  1027   {
  1028     BEGIN(Start);
  1029   }
  1031   genPort=2;
  1032   current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
  1033   current->spec=VhdlDocGen::RECORD;
  1034   addText(yytext,yyleng); 
  1035   newEntry(); // adds the record to the last compound
  1036   BEGIN(ParseRecord);
  1037 }
  1039 <ParseRecord>{BR}* {
  1040   lineCount();
  1041 }
  1043 <ParseRecord>("end"){BR}*("record"){BR}*{LETTER}*{BR}*[;]|("end"){BR}*("units"){BR}*[;]  {
  1044   lineCount();
  1045   genPort=0;
  1046   bufferClear();
  1047   BEGIN(Start);
  1048 }
  1050 <ParseRecord>[a-z_A-Z0-9][^\n;]*";"({B}*{COMMENT})* { // parse record body
  1051   lineCount();
  1052   QCString comment;
  1053   QCString zz(yytext);
  1054   VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(zz,';'); //delete ; in unit construct
  1055   if (zz.contains("--!"))
  1056   {
  1057     QStringList ql=QStringList::split("--!",zz,FALSE);
  1058     comment = ql[1];
  1059     zz = ql[0];
  1060   }
  1061   else if (zz.contains("--"))
  1062   {
  1063     QStringList ql=QStringList::split("--",zz,FALSE);
  1064     zz = ql[0];
  1065   }
  1066   initEntry(current);
  1067   addSignals(zz,yyLineNr,current,comment);
  1068   addText(yytext,yyleng); 
  1069   BEGIN(ParseRecord);
  1070 }
  1072 <ParseType>{BR}+("is"){BR}+|{BR}+("is"){B}*"--" { // found a new function  in an architecture ?
  1073   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1074   lineCount();
  1075   QCString ttt;
  1076   bool bb=TRUE;
  1077   getBufText(ttt,0);
  1078   if (ttt.contains("--"))
  1079   { 
  1080     unput('-');unput('-'); 
  1081     VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(ttt,'-');
  1082     VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(ttt,'-');
  1083   }
  1084   if (ttt.contains('(') != ttt.contains(')'))
  1085   {
  1086     bb=FALSE;
  1087   }
  1088   bool ss = VhdlDocGen::isFunctionProto(ttt);
  1089   //printf("VhdlDocGen::isFunctionProto(%s)=%d\n",ttt.data(),ss);
  1090   if (ss && bb)
  1091   {
  1092     bufferClear();
  1093     addText(ttt.data(),ttt.length());
  1094     functionEntry=0;
  1095     //eFuncBody=new Entry;
  1096     ::parseFunctionProto();
  1097 #if 0
  1099     EntryListIterator eli(*eFuncBody->children());
  1100     Entry *rrt=eli.current();
  1102     if (current && (current->spec==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE && rrt))
  1103     {
  1104       Entry *ep=new Entry(*rrt);
  1105       addSubEntry(current,ep);
  1106       isBody=1;
  1107     }
  1108     if (rrt) 
  1109     {
  1110       Entry *ef=VhdlDocGen::findFunction(current_root,rrt);
  1111       if (ef) 
  1112       { 
  1113 	ef->bodyLine=iFuncLine;
  1114 	functionEntry=ef;
  1115       }
  1116       else if ((current->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY))//VhdlDocGen::Package_Body))
  1117       {
  1118 	Entry *ep=new Entry(*rrt);
  1119 	addSubEntry(current,ep);
  1120 	ep->bodyLine=iFuncLine;
  1121 	functionEntry = ep;
  1122       }
  1123     }
  1124     delete eFuncBody;
  1125     eFuncBody=0;
  1126 #endif
  1127   }
  1128   bufferClear();  
  1129   BEGIN(ParseType);
  1130 }
  1133 <ParseType>[^;()\t ] {
  1134   lineCount();      
  1135   addText(yytext,yyleng); 
  1136   BEGIN(ParseType);
  1137 }
  1139 <ParseType>{BRACEOPEN} {
  1140   lineCount();
  1141   bropen++;
  1142   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1143   BEGIN(ParseType);
  1144 }
  1146 <ParseType>{BRACECLOSE} {
  1147   lineCount();
  1148   bropen--;
  1149   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1150   if (bropen==0 && scantype==2) // process
  1151   {
  1152     ::parseProcessProto();
  1153     BEGIN(ParseProcess);
  1154   } // if
  1155   else
  1156   {
  1157     BEGIN(ParseType);
  1158   }
  1159 }
  1162 <ParseType>{ENDE}|{ENDFUNC} { // found end of function|process
  1163   QRegExp regg("[\\s;]");
  1164   lineCount();
  1165   QCString tt(yytext);
  1166   tt=tt.lower();
  1167   QStringList ql=QStringList::split(regg,tt,FALSE);
  1168   int index=ql.findIndex(QCString("if"))+1;
  1169   index+=ql.findIndex(QCString("case"))+1;
  1170   index+=ql.findIndex(QCString("loop"))+1;
  1171   index+=ql.findIndex(QCString("generate"))+1;
  1172   bufferClear();
  1173   if (index==0)
  1174   {
  1175     if (isFunc)
  1176     {
  1177       Entry* pFunc=getEntryAtLine(current_root,iFuncLine);
  1178       if (pFunc && pFunc->section==Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
  1179       {
  1180 	pFunc->endBodyLine=yyLineNr;
  1181       }
  1182       isFunc=0;
  1183       BEGIN(Start);
  1184     }
  1185   }
  1186 }
  1188 <ParseFunc>[^;()] {
  1189   // eat process body
  1190   lineCount();
  1191   BEGIN(ParseFunc);
  1192  }
  1194 <ParseFunc>{ENDE3} {
  1195   QRegExp regg("[\\s;]");
  1196   lineCount();
  1197   QCString tt(yytext);
  1198   tt=tt.lower();
  1199   QStringList ql=QStringList::split(regg,tt,FALSE);
  1200   int index=ql.findIndex(QCString("if"))+1;
  1201   index+=ql.findIndex(QCString("case"))+1;
  1202   index+=ql.findIndex(QCString("loop"))+1;
  1203   index+=ql.findIndex(QCString("generate"))+1;
  1204   bufferClear();
  1205   if (index==0 && isFunc)
  1206   {
  1207     Entry* pFunc=getEntryAtLine(current_root,iFuncLine);
  1208     if (pFunc && pFunc->section==Entry::FUNCTION_SEC)
  1209     {
  1210       pFunc->endBodyLine=yyLineNr;
  1211     }
  1212     isFunc=0;
  1213     BEGIN(Start);
  1214   }
  1215 }
  1217 <ParseType>";" {
  1218   lineCount();
  1219   addText(yytext,yyleng);    
  1220   if (bropen==0 && !(isFunc==1 && isBody==1) )
  1221   {
  1222     if (isFunc)
  1223     {
  1224       parseFunctionProto();
  1225       bufferClear();
  1226       if (lastCompound && lastCompound->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE) 
  1227       {
  1228         isFunc=0;
  1229         BEGIN(Start);
  1230       }
  1231       else
  1232       {
  1233         BEGIN(ParseFunc); 
  1234       }
  1235     }//if
  1236     else
  1237     {
  1238       QCString qcs;
  1239       getBufText(qcs,0);
  1240       qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace();
  1241       current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
  1242       current->type+=qcs.data();  
  1244       if ((current->spec==VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL   || 
  1245 	   current->spec==VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT || 
  1246 	   current->spec==VhdlDocGen::TYPE     || 
  1247 	   current->spec==VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE  ||
  1248 	   current->spec==VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE
  1249 	  ) &&  
  1250 	  qcs.stripPrefix(","))
  1251       {
  1252 	QList<QCString> ql;
  1253 	ql.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
  1254 	QCString buffer;
  1255 	if (current->spec==VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE || 
  1256 	    current->spec==VhdlDocGen::TYPE
  1257 	   )
  1258 	{
  1259 	  VhdlDocGen::getSigTypeName(ql,qcs.data(),buffer);
  1260 	}
  1261 	else
  1262 	{
  1263 	  VhdlDocGen::getSigName(ql,qcs.data(),buffer);
  1264 	}
  1265 	QCString doc = current->doc;
  1266 	QCString brief = current->brief;
  1267 	if (ql.count()>0) 
  1268 	{
  1269 	  for (uint j=1;j<ql.count();j++)
  1270 	  {
  1271 	    Entry *ppt = new Entry;
  1272             initEntry(ppt);
  1273 	    ppt->type     += ql.at(0)->data();  
  1274 	    ppt->section   = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
  1275 	    ppt->spec      = current->spec;        
  1276 	    ppt->name     += ql.at(j)->data();
  1277 	    ppt->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
  1278 	    ppt->startLine = yyLineNr;
  1279 	    ppt->brief     = brief;
  1280 	    ppt->doc       = doc;
  1281 	    if (lastCompound)
  1282 	    {
  1283 	      lastCompound->addSubEntry(ppt);
  1284 	    }
  1285 	    else
  1286 	    {
  1287 	      current->addSubEntry(ppt);
  1288 	    }
  1289 	  }
  1290 	  current->type=ql.at(0)->data(); 
  1291 	  ql.clear();   
  1292 	}
  1293       }
  1294       if (lastCompound)
  1295       {
  1296 	lastCompound->addSubEntry(current);
  1297 	current = new Entry;
  1298 	initEntry(current);
  1299       }
  1300       else
  1301       {
  1302 	newEntry();
  1303       }
  1304       isFunc=0;
  1305       bufferClear();
  1306       BEGIN(Start);
  1307     }
  1308   }
  1309   else
  1310   {
  1311     BEGIN(ParseType);
  1312   }
  1313 }
  1315 <ParseType>{TEXTT} {
  1316   lineCount();
  1317   BEGIN(ParseType);
  1318 }
  1320 <ParseType>{BR}* {
  1321   lineCount();
  1322   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1323   BEGIN(ParseType);
  1324 }
  1326 <FindEntityName>{NAME} {    // found name of an entity/architecture/package
  1327   lineCount();
  1328   QCString qcs(yytext);
  1329   qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace();
  1330   qcs=qcs.lower();
  1331   if (strcmp(qcs.data(),"body")==0) // found package body
  1332   {
  1333     current->spec=VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY;
  1334     current->section=Entry::CLASS_SEC;
  1335     current->protection=Protected;
  1336     current->name+=QCString("_");
  1337     isBody=1;
  1338     BEGIN(FindName);
  1339   }
  1340   else if (scantype==1) // found a component
  1341   {
  1342     QCString qq(yytext);
  1343     qq=qq.stripWhiteSpace();
  1344     //qq=qq.lower();
  1346     current->name=qq;
  1347     if (lastCompound)
  1348     {
  1349       if (lastCompound->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE)
  1350       {
  1351         if (!VhdlDocGen::foundInsertedComponent(qq,lastCompound))
  1352         {  
  1353 	  BaseInfo *bb=new BaseInfo(qq,Private,Normal);
  1354 	  lastCompound->extends->append(bb);    
  1355         }
  1356       } 
  1358       lastCompound->addSubEntry(current);
  1359       current = new Entry;
  1360       initEntry(current);
  1361     }
  1362     else
  1363     {
  1364       newEntry();
  1365     }
  1366     BEGIN(Start);
  1367   } 
  1368   else
  1369   {
  1370     QCString qq(yytext);
  1371     qq=qq.stripWhiteSpace();
  1372     current->name=qq;
  1373     newEntry();
  1374     //QCString qreal=QCString(yytext);
  1375     BEGIN(Start);
  1376   }
  1377 }
  1379 <Start>{B}*("generic"|"port"){BR}*[(]+ { // found generic|port in entity
  1380     QCString genp(yyleng+1);
  1381     deleteSpecChars(yytext,genp.data());
  1382     VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(genp,'(');
  1384     if (stricmp(genp.data(),"port" )==0)
  1385     {
  1386       genPort=1;
  1387     }
  1388     else 
  1389     {
  1390       genPort=0;
  1391     }
  1393     bropen=1;
  1394     bufferClear();
  1395     lineCount();
  1396     BEGIN(FindSigName);
  1397 }
  1399 <FindSigName>{BRACECLOSE} { 
  1400     lineCount();
  1401     bropen--;
  1402     addText(yytext,yyleng); 
  1403     if (bropen==0)
  1404     {
  1405       bufferClear();
  1406       BEGIN(Start);
  1407     }
  1408     else
  1409     {
  1410       BEGIN(FindSigName);
  1411     }
  1412 }
  1414 <FindSigName>{LABELID} {  // found signals in entity
  1415   QCString line(yytext);
  1417   // note that line can be something like:
  1418   // "var1, var2, var3 : in std_logic_vector(8 downto 0); --! Some comment"
  1420   // but also
  1421   // "var4 --! Some comment
  1422   // );"
  1423   // which marks the end of a port
  1425   // and also
  1426   // "-- Some comment
  1427   // var1 : in std_logic;"
  1429   //printf("--> labelid='%s'\n",line.data());
  1430   QStringList ql;
  1431   QCString comment;
  1432   int openCount=line.contains('(');
  1433   int closeCount=line.contains(')');
  1434   int semi = line.find(';');
  1435   int pos  = line.find("--");
  1436   int pos1 = line.find("--!");
  1437   if (pos!=-1 && pos<pos1) // strip normal comment before special one
  1438   {
  1439     line = line.remove(pos,pos1-pos);
  1440   }
  1441   //printf("=> signal: line='%s'\n",line.data());
  1442   if (semi!=-1 && pos!=-1)
  1443   {
  1444     int eol = line.findRev('\n');
  1445     //printf("pos=%d eol=%d\n",pos,eol);
  1446     if (eol>=pos+2)
  1447     {
  1448       QRegExp re("\\n[\\s]*--!"); // comment continuation
  1449       comment=line.mid(pos+2,eol-pos-2);
  1450       //printf("Comment: '%s'\n",comment.data());
  1451       int p,l;
  1452       while ((p=re.match(comment,0,&l))!=-1)
  1453       {
  1454 	comment.remove(p,l);
  1455       }
  1456       line=line.left(pos)+line.right(line.length()-eol);
  1457     }
  1458     else
  1459     {
  1460       comment=line.mid(pos+2);
  1461       line=line.left(pos);
  1462     }
  1463     comment.stripWhiteSpace();
  1464     // must subtract "(" and ")" in comments because they are used for determining the
  1465     // end of a port/generic construct
  1466     openCount-=comment.contains('(');
  1467     closeCount-=comment.contains(')');
  1468     if (!comment.stripPrefix("!")) // not a special comment
  1469     {
  1470       comment.resize(0);
  1471     }
  1472   }
  1473   else
  1474   {
  1475     //printf("no ; or --: pos=%d semi=%d\n",pos,semi);
  1476   }
  1477   int diff=openCount-closeCount;
  1478   if (diff<0)
  1479   {
  1480     VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(line,')');
  1481   }
  1483   if (scantype!=1) // not a component
  1484   {  
  1485     addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1486     addSignals(line,yyLineNr,lastEntity,comment);
  1487   } 
  1489   lineCount();
  1491   if ((bropen+openCount-closeCount)==0)
  1492   {
  1493     bufferClear();
  1494     BEGIN(Start);
  1495   }
  1496 }
  1499 <FindSigName>{BRACEOPEN} { 
  1500   lineCount();
  1501   bropen++;
  1502   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1503 }
  1506 <FindSigName>{CR}        { 
  1507   lineCount();
  1508   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1509   //BEGIN(FindSigName);
  1510 }
  1513 <*>^{B}*("for ")[^;]* {
  1514   //printf("\n found for[%s] [%d]",yytext,yyLineNr);
  1515   lineCount();
  1516 }
  1518 <*>{DIGITS}                {   // found digit
  1519   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1520   lineCount();
  1521 }
  1523 <*>{STRING_LITERAL} {
  1524   // Make sure string literals get transfered to the output
  1525   // We have to match these because the comment characters (--)
  1526   // can exist inside a string literal.
  1527   // We shouldn't have to call lineCount because newlines
  1528   // are not allowed inside string literals
  1529   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1530 }
  1532    /*
  1533 <*>{BR}*"--!"{B}*"@}"    { // end group
  1534   if (current) 
  1535   {
  1536     Entry *pg=new Entry;  
  1537     addSubEntry(current,pg);
  1538     pg->startLine=yyLineNr;
  1539     pg->name="endgroup";
  1540   }
  1541   lineCount();
  1542 }
  1544 <*>{BR}*"--!"{B}*"@{"     {  // start group
  1545   if (current) 
  1546   {
  1547     Entry *pg=new Entry;  
  1548     addSubEntry(current,pg);
  1549     pg->startLine=yyLineNr;
  1550     pg->name="startgroup";
  1551   }
  1552   lineCount();
  1553 }
  1554    */
  1556 <*>{BR}*"--!"[^{}\n][^\n]*\n/{B}*"--!" { // multi line comment
  1557   if (iDocLine==-1) iDocLine=yyLineNr;
  1558   // signal clk :in std_logic; --!@brief global clock
  1559   // --!@brief  global reset
  1560   // signal reset:in std_logic;
  1561   // these two comments are detected as a multi line comment
  1562   QCString qc(yytext);
  1563   int len=qc.contains('\n')+yyLineNr-1;
  1565   if (YY_START!=Comment) // Start of the comment block
  1566   {
  1567     bufferClear();
  1568     iTextCounter=0;
  1569     startComment=yyLineNr;
  1570     g_lastCommentContext=YY_START;
  1571   }
  1573   Entry* pTemp=getEntryAtLine(current_root,len);
  1574   if (pTemp)
  1575   { // found one line comment, add it to the entry on this line
  1576     pTemp->briefLine=yyLineNr;
  1577     pTemp->brief+=yytext;
  1578     VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(pTemp->brief);
  1579   }
  1580   else 
  1581   {
  1582     addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1583   }
  1584   lineCount();
  1585   BEGIN(Comment);
  1586 }
  1588 <Comment>^{B}*"--!"[^\n]* {
  1589   if (iDocLine==-1) iDocLine=yyLineNr;
  1590   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1591   lineCount();
  1592 }
  1594 <Comment>.|\n {
  1595   // found end of comment block
  1596   QCString qcs;
  1597   getBufText(qcs,iTextCounter);
  1598   VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(qcs);
  1599   handleCommentBlock(qcs,FALSE);
  1600   bufferClear();
  1601   unput(*yytext);
  1602   BEGIN(g_lastCommentContext);
  1603 }
  1605 <*>"--!"[^\n]* { // one line comment
  1606   if (iDocLine==-1) iDocLine=yyLineNr;
  1607   QCString qcs(yytext);
  1608   int j=qcs.find("--!");
  1609   qcs=qcs.right(qcs.length()-3-j);
  1610   //printf("--> handleCommentBlock line %d\n",yyLineNr);
  1611   Entry* pTemp=getEntryAtLine(current_root,yyLineNr);
  1612   if (pTemp)
  1613   {
  1614     pTemp->briefLine=yyLineNr;
  1615     pTemp->brief+=qcs;
  1616     iDocLine=-1;
  1617   }
  1618   else
  1619   {
  1620     handleCommentBlock(qcs,TRUE);
  1621   }
  1622   //printf("--> end: handleCommentBlock line %d\n",yyLineNr);
  1623   bufferClear();
  1624 } 
  1626 <*>{COMMENT} {
  1627 }
  1629 <*>\n                    {
  1630   lineCount();
  1631   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1632   //         printf("\n new-line [%d]",yyLineNr);
  1633   BEGIN(Start);
  1634 }
  1636 <*>{NAME} {
  1637   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1638   lineCount();
  1639 }
  1641 <*>{B}*	{
  1642   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1643   lineCount();
  1644 }
  1646 <*>.                    {
  1647   addText(yytext,yyleng);
  1648   lineCount();
  1649 }
  1652 %%
  1654 static void initEntry(Entry *e)
  1655 {
  1656   e->fileName = yyFileName;
  1657   initGroupInfo(e);
  1658 }
  1660 static void newEntry()
  1661 {
  1662   // Add only enties/architectures/packages to root 
  1663   // and signals to  classes where they were found
  1664   // ENTITY dlatch_93 IS -- VHDL'93-Syntax !!!
  1665   //      PORT (d, clk : IN bit;
  1666   //      q, qbar : OUT bit);
  1667   //      GROUP path IS (SIGNAL, SIGNAL);
  1668   //      GROUP d_to_q : path (d, q);
  1669   //      ATTRIBUTE propagation : time;
  1670   //  END dlatch_93;
  1672   if (current->spec==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY || 
  1673       current->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE || 
  1674       current->spec==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE || 
  1675       current->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY)
  1676   {
  1677     current_root->addSubEntry(current);
  1678   }
  1679   else
  1680   {
  1681     if (lastCompound) 
  1682     {
  1683       lastCompound->addSubEntry(current);
  1684     }
  1685     else
  1686     {
  1687       if (lastEntity)
  1688       {
  1689 	lastEntity->addSubEntry(current);
  1690       }
  1691       else 
  1692       {
  1693 	current_root->addSubEntry(current); // should not happen!
  1694       }
  1695     }
  1696   }
  1697   previous = current;
  1698   current = new Entry ;
  1699   initEntry(current);
  1700 }
  1702 static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief)
  1703 {
  1704   int position=0;
  1705   bool needsEntry=FALSE;
  1706   Protection protection=Public;
  1707   int lineNr = iDocLine;
  1708   if (brief) 
  1709     current->briefLine = iDocLine; 
  1710   else 
  1711     current->docLine = iDocLine;
  1713   //printf("parseCommentBlock %p [%s]\n",current,doc.data());
  1714   while (parseCommentBlock(
  1715 	g_thisParser,
  1716 	current,
  1717 	doc,        // text
  1718 	yyFileName, // file
  1719 	lineNr,     // line of block start
  1720 	brief, 
  1721 	docBlockAutoBrief,
  1722 	FALSE,
  1723 	protection,
  1724         position,
  1725         needsEntry
  1726         )
  1727      ) 
  1728   {
  1729     //printf("parseCommentBlock position=%d [%s]\n",position,doc.data()+position);
  1730     if (needsEntry) newEntry();
  1731   }
  1732   if (needsEntry)
  1733   {
  1734     newEntry();
  1735   }
  1737   if (docBlockTerm)
  1738   {
  1739     unput(docBlockTerm);
  1740     docBlockTerm=0;
  1741   }
  1742   iDocLine=-1;
  1743 }
  1745 #if 0
  1746 /*!
  1747  * adds grouping to the entries
  1748  */
  1749 static void mergeGrouping(const Entry* ce,int)
  1750 {
  1751   EntryListIterator eli(*ce->children());
  1752   Entry *rt;
  1753   for (;(rt=eli.current());++eli)
  1754   {
  1755     if (rt->section==Entry::GROUPDOC_SEC)
  1756     {
  1757       if (openGroups)
  1758       {
  1759 	QCString tt=(QCString)qrl.last();
  1760 	if (!tt.isEmpty()) 
  1761 	{
  1762 	  rt->groups->append(new Grouping(tt.data(),Grouping::GROUPING_LOWEST));
  1763 	}
  1764       }
  1765       qrl.append(rt->name);    
  1766     }
  1768     if ((strcmp(rt->name.data(),"endgroup")==0) && !qrl.isEmpty())
  1769     {
  1770       qrl.remove((QCString)qrl.last());
  1771       openGroups--;
  1772     }
  1774     if ((strcmp(rt->name.data(),"startgroup")==0))
  1775     {
  1776       openGroups++;
  1777     }
  1779     if (rt->section!=Entry::GROUPDOC_SEC && openGroups && !qrl.isEmpty())
  1780     {
  1781       rt->groups->append(new Grouping(qrl.last().data(),Grouping::GROUPING_LOWEST));
  1782     }
  1784     mergeGrouping(rt,openGroups);
  1785   }
  1786 }
  1787 #endif
  1789 /*
  1790  * adds the library|use statements to the next class (entity|package|architecture|package body
  1791  * library ieee
  1792  * entity xxx
  1793  * .....
  1794  * library
  1795  * package
  1796  * enity zzz
  1797  * .....
  1798  * and so on..
  1799  */
  1801 void mapLibPackage(const Entry* ce)
  1802 {
  1803   Entry *lastComp=0;
  1804   while (TRUE)
  1805   {
  1806     bool found = FALSE;
  1807     Entry *rt=0;
  1808     //const QList<Entry> *epp=ce->children();
  1809     EntryListIterator eli(*ce->children());
  1810     EntryListIterator eli1=eli;
  1811     for (;(rt=eli.current()),eli1=eli;++eli)
  1812     {
  1813       if (rt->spec==VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY || rt->spec==VhdlDocGen::USE)
  1814         // top level library or use statement
  1815       {
  1816 	Entry *temp=0;
  1817 	for (;(temp=eli1.current());++eli1) // find next entity
  1818 	{
  1819 	  if (temp->spec==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY || temp->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE || temp->spec==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE || temp->spec==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY)
  1820 	  {
  1821 	    Entry *ee=new Entry(*rt); //append a copy to entries sublist
  1822 	    temp->addSubEntry(ee);
  1823 	    found=TRUE;
  1824 	    rt->spec=-1; //nullify entry
  1825 	    rt->section=0;
  1826 	    lastComp=temp;
  1827 	    break;
  1828 	  }
  1829 	}//for
  1830 	if (lastComp && rt->spec!=-1)
  1831 	{
  1832 	  Entry *ee=new Entry(*rt); //append a copy to entries sublist
  1833 	  lastComp->addSubEntry(ee);
  1834 	  found=TRUE;
  1835 	  rt->spec=-1; //nullify entry
  1836 	  rt->section=0;
  1837 	}
  1838       }//if
  1839     }//for
  1840     if (!found) // nothing left to do
  1841     {
  1842       return; 
  1843     }
  1844   }//while
  1845 }//MapLib
  1847 #if 0
  1848 /*!
  1849  * merges a brief descriptions to the next entry
  1850  */
  1851 void mergeBrief(const Entry* ce)
  1852 {
  1853   EntryListIterator eli(*ce->children());
  1854   Entry *rt;
  1855   for (;(rt=eli.current());++eli)
  1856   {
  1858     if (found && (!eMerge.brief.isEmpty() || !eMerge.doc.isEmpty()))
  1859     {
  1860       rt->doc+=eMerge.doc.data();
  1861       rt->docLine=eMerge.docLine;
  1862       rt->brief+=eMerge.brief.data();
  1863       rt->briefLine=eMerge.briefLine;
  1864       found=FALSE;
  1865     }
  1867     if ((strcmp(rt->name.data(),"string")==0))
  1868     {
  1869       eMerge.reset();
  1870       eMerge.doc+=rt->doc.data();
  1871       eMerge.docLine=rt->docLine;
  1872       eMerge.brief+=rt->brief.data();
  1873       eMerge.briefLine=rt->briefLine;
  1875       found=TRUE;
  1876     }
  1877     MergeBrief(rt);
  1878   }
  1879 }
  1880 #endif
  1884 void vhdlscanFreeScanner()
  1885 {
  1886 #if defined(YY_FLEX_SUBMINOR_VERSION)
  1887   if (g_lexInit)
  1888   {
  1889     vhdlscanYYlex_destroy();
  1890   }
  1892   if (g_buf)
  1893   {
  1894     free(g_buf);
  1895   }
  1897   g_buf=0;
  1898 #endif
  1900 }
  1902 void VHDLLanguageScanner::parseInput(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *root)
  1903 {
  1904   inputFile.setName(fileName);
  1905   //uint jfile=inputFile.size();
  1906   ::parserInit(); 
  1907   yyFileName=QCString(fileName);
  1908   groupEnterFile(fileName,yyLineNr);
  1909   g_thisParser = this;
  1910   g_inputFromFile = FALSE;
  1911   inputPosition = 0;
  1912   assert(root!=0);
  1913   inputString=fileBuf;
  1914   current_root  = root;
  1915   global_root   = root;
  1916   current=new Entry;
  1917   initEntry(current);
  1918   //current_root->name=QCString("XXX"); // dummy name for root
  1919   if (!inputFile.open(IO_ReadOnly))
  1920   {
  1921     err("\n\n could not open file: %s !!\n\n",yyFileName.data());
  1922     return ;
  1923   }
  1925   if (g_lexInit)
  1926   {
  1927     vhdlscanYYrestart(vhdlscanYYin);     
  1928     unput(' ');
  1929     BEGIN(Start);
  1930   }
  1931   vhdlscanYYlex();
  1932   g_lexInit=TRUE;
  1934   free(g_buf);
  1935   g_buf=0;
  1937   delete current;
  1938   current=0;
  1940   groupLeaveFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
  1941   inputFile.close();
  1943   //mergeBrief(current_root);
  1944   //mergeGrouping(current_root,0);
  1945   mapLibPackage(current_root);
  1946 }
  1949 void VHDLLanguageScanner::parsePrototype(const char *text)
  1950 {
  1951   // will be called when a \fn command is found in a comment block
  1953   QCString ss,ret;
  1954   bool sem=FALSE;
  1955   bool func=FALSE;
  1956   QList<Argument> qs;
  1957   qs.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
  1958   VhdlDocGen::parseFuncProto(text,qs,ss,ret,TRUE);
  1959   int count=qs.count();
  1960   if (stricmp(ret.data(),"function")==0)
  1961   {
  1962     func=TRUE;
  1963   }
  1964   if (count<1 && !func)
  1965   {
  1966     return;
  1967   }
  1968   Entry *pp = new Entry;
  1969   initEntry(pp);
  1970   pp->name=ss.stripWhiteSpace();
  1971   pp->args+='(';
  1972   for (int j=0;j<count;j++)
  1973   {
  1974     if (sem)
  1975     {
  1976       pp->args+=','; 
  1977     }
  1979     Argument *ars=(Argument*)(qs.at(j));
  1980     Argument *arg=new Argument;
  1981     arg->attrib = ars->attrib;
  1982     arg->name = ars->name;
  1983     arg->type = ars->type;
  1984     pp->args+=ars->name.data();
  1985     pp->args+=" ";
  1986     pp->args+=ars->type.data();
  1987     pp->argList->append(arg);
  1988     sem=TRUE;
  1989   }
  1990   pp->args+=')';
  1992   if (!ret.isEmpty()) 
  1993     pp->spec=VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION;
  1994   else
  1995     pp->spec=VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE;
  1997   if (pp->section == Entry::MEMBERDOC_SEC && pp->args.isEmpty())
  1998     pp->section = Entry::VARIABLEDOC_SEC;
  2000   pp->type=ret;
  2001   current_root->addSubEntry(pp);
  2002 }
  2004 void VHDLLanguageScanner::parseCode(CodeOutputInterface &codeOutIntf,
  2005     const char *scopeName,
  2006     const QCString &input,
  2007     bool isExampleBlock,
  2008     const char *exampleName,
  2009     FileDef *fileDef,
  2010     int startLine,
  2011     int endLine,
  2012     bool inlineFragment,
  2013     MemberDef *memberDef
  2014     )
  2015 {
  2016   ::parseVhdlCode(codeOutIntf,scopeName,input,isExampleBlock,exampleName,fileDef,startLine,endLine,inlineFragment,memberDef);
  2017 }