changeset 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:d8fccb2cd802 4:468f4c8d3d5b
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
     2 <!-- ================================================================= -->
     3 <!-- HEADER -->
     4 <!-- ================================================================= -->
     5 <!-- MODULE:    C++ File DTD -->
     6 <!-- VERSION:   0.5.0 -->
     7 <!-- DATE:      February 2009 -->
     8 <!---->
     9 <!-- ================================================================= -->
    10 <!-- ================================================================= -->
    12 <!-- TYPICAL INVOCATION -->
    13 <!---->
    14 <!--
    15   Refer to this file by the following public identifier or an 
    16         appropriate system identifier 
    17   PUBLIC "-//NOKIA//DTD DITA C++ API File Reference Type v0.5.0//EN"
    18         Delivered as file "cxxFile.dtd"
    19 -->
    20 <!-- ================================================================= -->
    21 <!-- SYSTEM:     Darwin Information Typing Architecture (DITA) -->
    22 <!---->
    23 <!-- PURPOSE:    C++ API Reference for Files -->
    24 <!---->
    26 <!-- November 2009 -->
    27 <!---->
    28 <!-- Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies). -->
    29 <!-- All rights reserved. -->
    30 <!---->
    31 <!-- Change History (latest at top): -->
    32 <!-- +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    33 <!-- 2010-02-10 PaulRoss: Updated. -->
    34 <!-- 2009-11-16 PaulRoss: Initial design. -->
    35 <!---->
    36 <!-- ================================================================= -->
    37 <!-- <!DOCTYPE cxxFile PUBLIC "-//NOKIA//DTD DITA C++ API File Reference Type v0.5.0//EN" "dtd/cxxFile.dtd"   > -->
    38 <!--
    39   Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
    40   All rights reserved.
    41 -->
    42 <!-- vocabulary declarations -->
    43 <xs:schema elementFormDefault="qualified"
    44            xmlns:ditaarch="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/"
    45            xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    46   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/technicalContent/xsd/programmingDomain.xsd" />
    47   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/technicalContent/xsd/softwareDomain.xsd" />
    48   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/technicalContent/xsd/uiDomain.xsd" />
    49   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/base/xsd/utilitiesDomain.xsd" />
    50   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/base/xsd/highlightDomain.xsd" />
    51   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../apiref/xsd/apiDomain.xsd" />
    52   <xs:include schemaLocation="cxxAPIDomain.ent.xsd" />
    53   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/base/xsd/topicGrp.xsd" />
    55   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/technicalContent/xsd/referenceGrp.xsd" />
    56   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../apiref/xsd/apiRefGrp.xsd" />
    59   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/base/xsd/topicMod.xsd" />
    60   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../../schema/technicalContent/xsd/referenceMod.xsd" />
    61   <xs:include schemaLocation="../../apiref/xsd/apiRefMod.xsd" />  
    63   <xs:include schemaLocation="apiPackage.mod.xsd" />
    64   <xs:include schemaLocation="cxxFile.mod.xsd" />
    65   <xs:include schemaLocation="cxxFunction.mod.xsd" />
    66   <xs:include schemaLocation="cxxDefine.mod.xsd" />
    67   <xs:include schemaLocation="cxxVariable.mod.xsd" />
    68   <xs:include schemaLocation="cxxEnumeration.mod.xsd" />
    69   <xs:include schemaLocation="cxxTypedef.mod.xsd" />
    70   <xs:include schemaLocation="cxxAPIDomain.mod.xsd" />
    71   <xs:import namespace="http://dita.oasis-open.org/architecture/2005/"
    72              schemaLocation="../../../schema/base/xsd/ditaarch.xsd" />
    73   <xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
    74              schemaLocation="../../../schema/base/xsd/xml.xsd" />
    75   <!-- vocabulary substitution -->
    76   <xs:group name="pre">
    77     <xs:choice>
    78       <xs:element ref="pre" />
    79       <xs:element ref="pr-d-pre" />
    80       <xs:element ref="sw-d-pre" />
    81       <xs:element ref="ui-d-pre" />
    82     </xs:choice>
    83   </xs:group>
    84   <xs:group name="keyword">
    85     <xs:choice>
    86       <xs:element ref="keyword" />
    87       <xs:element ref="pr-d-keyword" />
    88       <xs:element ref="sw-d-keyword" />
    89       <xs:element ref="ui-d-keyword" />
    90     </xs:choice>
    91   </xs:group>
    92   <xs:group name="ph">
    93     <xs:choice>
    94       <xs:element ref="ph" />
    95       <xs:element ref="pr-d-ph" />
    96       <xs:element ref="sw-d-ph" />
    97       <xs:element ref="hi-d-ph" />
    98       <xs:element ref="ui-d-ph" />
    99     </xs:choice>
   100   </xs:group>
   101   <xs:group name="fig">
   102     <xs:choice>
   103       <xs:element ref="fig" />
   104       <xs:element ref="pr-d-fig" />
   105       <xs:element ref="ut-d-fig" />
   106     </xs:choice>
   107   </xs:group>
   108   <xs:group name="dl">
   109     <xs:choice>
   110       <xs:element ref="dl" />
   111       <xs:element ref="pr-d-dl" />
   112     </xs:choice>
   113   </xs:group>
   114   <xs:group name="xref">
   115     <xs:choice>
   116       <xs:element ref="xref" />
   117       <xs:element ref="api-d-xref" />
   118       <xs:element ref="cxxapi-d-xref" />
   119     </xs:choice>
   120   </xs:group>
   121   <!-- Declare the domains -->
   122   <!-- Topic nesting uses defaults -->
   123   <!-- Embed the base topic module to define the base elements -->
   124   <!-- Embed the base reference module to define the base elements -->
   125   <!-- Embed the base API module to define the base elements -->
   126   <!-- Embed the base package module to define the base elements -->
   127   <!-- Embed the cxx Class API module to get the cxx File elements -->
   128   <!-- Embed the cxx Function API module to get the cxx Function elements -->
   129   <!-- Embed the cxx Define API module to get the cxx Define elements -->
   130   <!-- Embed the cxx Variable API module to get the cxx Variable elements -->
   131   <!-- Embed the cxx Enumeration API module to get the cxx Enumeration elements -->
   132   <!-- Embed the cxx Typedef API module to get the cxx Typedef elements -->
   133   <!-- vocabulary definitions -->
   134   <xs:complexType mixed="true"
   135                   name="any">
   136     <xs:sequence>
   137       <xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded"
   138               minOccurs="0"
   139               processContents="strict" />
   140     </xs:sequence>
   141   </xs:complexType>
   142 </xs:schema>