changeset 4 468f4c8d3d5b
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:d8fccb2cd802 4:468f4c8d3d5b
     1 /******************************************************************************
     2  *
     3  * $Id: config_templ.l,v 1.8 2001/01/01 10:15:16 root Exp $
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2007 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    11  * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
    12  *
    13  */
    15 %{
    17 /*
    18  *	includes
    19  */
    20 #include "config.h"
    21 #include "input.h"
    22 #include <QtCore>
    24 #define MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH 10
    27 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
    28  *
    29  *	static variables
    30  */
    32 struct ConfigFileState
    33 {
    34   int lineNr;
    35   FILE *file;
    36   YY_BUFFER_STATE oldState;
    37   YY_BUFFER_STATE newState;
    38   QString fileName;
    39 };  
    41 static const QHash<QString,Input*>   *g_options;
    42 static FILE                          *g_file;
    43 static QString                        g_yyFileName;
    44 static QString                        g_includeName;
    45 static QVariant                       g_includePathList;
    46 static QStack<ConfigFileState*>       g_includeStack;  
    47 static int                            g_includeDepth;
    48 static QVariant                      *g_arg;
    49 static Input                         *g_curOption=0;
    50 static QString                        g_elemStr;
    51 static QTextCodec                    *g_codec     = QTextCodec::codecForName("UTF-8");
    52 static QString                        g_codecName = QString::fromAscii("UTF-8");
    53 static int                            g_lastState;
    54 static QByteArray                     g_tmpString;
    56 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
    57  */
    58 #undef	YY_INPUT
    59 #define	YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
    61 static int yyread(char *buf,int maxSize)
    62 {
    63     // no file included
    64     if (g_includeStack.isEmpty()) 
    65     {
    66       return fread(buf,1,maxSize,g_file);
    67     } 
    68     else 
    69     {
    70       return fread(buf,1,maxSize,g_includeStack.top()->file);
    71     }
    72 }
    74 void config_err(const char *fmt, ...)
    75 {
    76   va_list args;
    77   va_start(args, fmt);
    78   vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
    79   va_end(args); 
    80 }
    81 void config_warn(const char *fmt, ...)
    82 {
    83   va_list args;
    84   va_start(args, fmt);
    85   vfprintf(stderr, fmt, args);
    86   va_end(args);
    87 }
    89 static void substEnvVarsInStrList(QStringList &sl);
    90 static void substEnvVarsInString(QString &s);
    92 static void checkEncoding()
    93 {
    94   Input *option = g_options->value(QString::fromAscii("DOXYFILE_ENCODING"));
    95   if (option && option->value().toString()!=g_codecName)
    96   {
    97     QTextCodec *newCodec = QTextCodec::codecForName(option->value().toString().toAscii());
    98     if (newCodec)
    99     {
   100       g_codec = newCodec;
   101       g_codecName = option->value().toString();
   102     }
   103   }
   104 }
   106 static FILE *tryPath(const QString &path,const QString &fileName)
   107 {
   108   QString absName=!path.isEmpty() ? path+QString::fromAscii("/")+fileName : fileName;
   109   QFileInfo fi(absName);
   110   if (fi.exists() && fi.isFile())
   111   {
   112     FILE *f = fopen(absName.toLocal8Bit(),"r");
   113     if (f==NULL)
   114       config_err("Error: could not open file %s for reading\n",absName.toLatin1().data());
   115     else 
   116       return f;
   117   }
   118   return NULL;
   119 }
   121 static FILE *findFile(const QString &fileName)
   122 {
   123   if (QFileInfo(fileName).isAbsolute()) // absolute path
   124   {
   125     return tryPath(QString(), fileName);
   126   }
   128   // relative path, try with include paths in the list
   129   QStringList sl = g_includePathList.toStringList();
   130   substEnvVarsInStrList(sl);
   131   foreach (QString s, sl) 
   132   {
   133     FILE *f = tryPath(s,fileName);
   134     if (f) return f;
   135   }
   136   // try cwd if g_includePathList fails
   137   return tryPath(QString::fromAscii("."),fileName);
   138 }
   140 static void readIncludeFile(const QString &incName)
   141 {
   142   if (g_includeDepth==MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH) 
   143   {
   144     config_err("Error: maximum include depth (%d) reached, %s is not included. Aborting...\n",
   145 	MAX_INCLUDE_DEPTH,qPrintable(incName));
   146     exit(1);
   147   } 
   149   QString inc = incName;
   150   substEnvVarsInString(inc);
   151   inc = inc.trimmed();
   152   uint incLen = inc.length();
   153   if (inc.at(0)==QChar::fromAscii('"') && 
   154       inc.at(incLen-1)==QChar::fromAscii('"')) // strip quotes
   155   {
   156     inc=inc.mid(1,incLen-2);
   157   }
   159   FILE *f = findFile(inc);
   160   if (f) // see if the include file can be found
   161   {
   162     // For debugging
   163 #if SHOW_INCLUDES
   164     for (i=0;i<includeStack.count();i++) msg("  ");
   165     msg("@INCLUDE = %s: parsing...\n",inc.toLatin1().data());
   166 #endif
   168     // store the state of the old file 
   169     ConfigFileState *fs=new ConfigFileState;
   170     fs->oldState=YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
   171     fs->fileName=g_yyFileName;
   172     fs->file=f;
   173     // push the state on the stack
   174     g_includeStack.push(fs);
   175     // set the scanner to the include file
   176     yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(f, YY_BUF_SIZE));
   177     fs->newState=YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
   178     g_yyFileName=inc;
   179     g_includeDepth++;
   180   } 
   181   else
   182   {
   183     config_err("Error: @INCLUDE = %s: not found!\n",inc.toLatin1().data());
   184     exit(1);
   185   }
   186 }
   189 %}
   191 %option nounput
   192 %option noyywrap
   193 %option yylineno
   195 %x      Start
   196 %x	SkipComment
   197 %x      SkipInvalid
   198 %x      GetString
   199 %x      GetStrList
   200 %x      GetQuotedString
   201 %x      GetEnvVar
   202 %x      Include
   204 %%
   206 <*>\0x0d
   207 <Start,GetString,GetStrList,SkipInvalid>"#"	 { BEGIN(SkipComment); }
   208 <Start>[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*[ \t]*"="	 { QString cmd = g_codec->toUnicode(yytext);
   209                                            cmd=cmd.left(cmd.length()-1).trimmed(); 
   210 					   g_curOption = g_options->value(cmd);
   211 					   if (g_curOption==0) // oops not known
   212 					   {
   213 					     config_err("Warning: ignoring unsupported tag `%s' at line %d, file %s\n",
   214 						 qPrintable(cmd),yylineno,qPrintable(g_yyFileName)); 
   215 					     BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   216 					   }
   217 					   else // known tag
   218 					   {
   219 					     //option->setEncoding(encoding);
   220 					     g_arg = &g_curOption->value();
   221 					     switch(g_curOption->kind())
   222 					     {
   223 					       case Input::StrList:
   224 						 g_elemStr = QString();
   225 						 *g_arg = QStringList();
   226 					         BEGIN(GetStrList);
   227 					         break;
   228 					       case Input::String:
   229 					         BEGIN(GetString);
   230 					         break;
   231 					       case Input::Int:
   232 					         BEGIN(GetString);
   233 					         break;
   234 					       case Input::Bool:
   235 					         BEGIN(GetString);
   236 						 break;
   237 					       case Input::Obsolete:
   238 					         config_err("Warning: Tag `%s' at line %d of file %s has become obsolete.\n"
   239 						            "To avoid this warning please update your configuration "
   240 							    "file using \"doxygen -u\"\n", qPrintable(cmd),
   241 							    yylineno,qPrintable(g_yyFileName)); 
   242 					         BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   243 						 break;
   244 					     }
   245 					   }
   246 					}
   247 <Start>[a-z_A-Z][a-z_A-Z0-9]*[ \t]*"+="	{ QString cmd=g_codec->toUnicode(yytext);
   248                                           cmd=cmd.left(cmd.length()-2).trimmed(); 
   249 					  g_curOption = g_options->value(cmd);
   250 					  if (g_curOption==0) // oops not known
   251 					  {
   252 					    config_err("Warning: ignoring unsupported tag `%s' at line %d, file %s\n",
   253 						yytext,yylineno,qPrintable(g_yyFileName)); 
   254 					    BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   255 					  }
   256 					  else // known tag
   257 					  {
   258 					    switch(g_curOption->kind())
   259 					    {
   260 					      case Input::StrList:
   261 						g_arg = &g_curOption->value();
   262 						g_elemStr=QString();
   263 					        BEGIN(GetStrList);
   264 					        break;
   265 					      case Input::String:
   266 					      case Input::Int:
   267 					      case Input::Bool:
   268 					        config_err("Warning: operator += not supported for `%s'. Ignoring line at line %d, file %s\n",
   269 						    yytext,yylineno,qPrintable(g_yyFileName)); 
   270 					        BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   271 						break;
   272 					      case Input::Obsolete:
   273 					         config_err("Warning: Tag `%s' at line %d of file %s has become obsolete.\n"
   274 						            "To avoid this warning please update your configuration "
   275 							    "file using \"doxygen -u\"\n", 
   276 							    qPrintable(cmd),yylineno,qPrintable(g_yyFileName)); 
   277 					         BEGIN(SkipInvalid);
   278 						 break;
   279 					     }
   280 					   }
   281 					}
   282 <Start>"@INCLUDE_PATH"[ \t]*"=" 	{ BEGIN(GetStrList); g_arg=&g_includePathList; *g_arg = QStringList(); g_elemStr=QString(); }
   283   /* include a config file */
   284 <Start>"@INCLUDE"[ \t]*"="     		{ BEGIN(Include);}
   285 <Include>([^ \"\t\r\n]+)|("\""[^\n\"]+"\"") { 
   286   					  readIncludeFile(g_codec->toUnicode(yytext)); 
   287   					  BEGIN(Start);
   288 					}
   289 <<EOF>>					{
   290                                           //printf("End of include file\n");
   291 					  //printf("Include stack depth=%d\n",g_includeStack.count());
   292                                           if (g_includeStack.isEmpty())
   293 					  {
   294 					    //printf("Terminating scanner!\n");
   295 					    yyterminate();
   296 					  }
   297 					  else
   298 					  {
   299 					    ConfigFileState *fs = g_includeStack.pop();
   300 					    fclose(fs->file);
   301 					    YY_BUFFER_STATE oldBuf = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
   302 					    yy_switch_to_buffer( fs->oldState );
   303 					    yy_delete_buffer( oldBuf );
   304 					    g_yyFileName=fs->fileName;
   305 					    delete fs; 
   306                                             g_includeDepth--;
   307 					  }
   308   					}
   310 <Start>[a-z_A-Z0-9]+			{ config_err("Warning: ignoring unknown tag `%s' at line %d, file %s\n",yytext,yylineno,qPrintable(g_yyFileName)); }
   311 <GetString,SkipInvalid>\n	        { BEGIN(Start); }
   312 <GetStrList>\n				{ 
   313 					  if (!g_elemStr.isEmpty())
   314 					  {
   315 					    //printf("elemStr1=`%s'\n",elemStr.toLatin1().data());
   316 					    *g_arg = QVariant(g_arg->toStringList() << g_elemStr);
   317 					  }
   318 					  BEGIN(Start); 
   319 					}
   320 <GetStrList>[ \t]+			{
   321   				          if (!g_elemStr.isEmpty())
   322 					  {
   323 					    //printf("elemStr2=`%s'\n",elemStr.toLatin1().data());
   324   					    *g_arg = QVariant(g_arg->toStringList() << g_elemStr);
   325 					  }
   326 					  g_elemStr = QString();
   327   					}
   328 <GetString>[^ \"\t\r\n]+		{ 
   329                                           *g_arg = QVariant(g_codec->toUnicode(yytext)); 
   330                                           checkEncoding();
   331                                         }
   332 <GetString,GetStrList,SkipInvalid>"\""	{ g_lastState=YY_START;
   333   					  BEGIN(GetQuotedString); 
   334                                           g_tmpString="";
   335 					}
   336 <GetQuotedString>"\""|"\n" 		{ 
   337                                           // we add a bogus space to signal that the string was quoted. This space will be stripped later on.
   338                                           g_tmpString+=" ";
   339   					  //printf("Quoted String = `%s'\n",tmpString.toLatin1().data());
   340   					  if (g_lastState==GetString)
   341 					  {
   342 					    *g_arg = g_codec->toUnicode(g_tmpString);
   343                                             checkEncoding();
   344 					  }
   345 					  else
   346 					  {
   347 					    g_elemStr+=g_codec->toUnicode(g_tmpString);
   348 					  }
   349 					  if (*yytext=='\n')
   350 					  {
   351 					    config_err("Warning: Missing end quote (\") on line %d, file %s\n",yylineno,
   352                                                 qPrintable(g_yyFileName));
   353 					  }
   354 					  BEGIN(g_lastState);
   355   					}
   356 <GetQuotedString>"\\\""			{
   357   					  g_tmpString+='"';
   358   					}
   359 <GetQuotedString>.			{ g_tmpString+=*yytext; }
   360 <GetStrList>[^ \#\"\t\r\n]+		{
   361   					  g_elemStr+=g_codec->toUnicode(yytext);
   362   					}
   363 <SkipComment>\n				{ BEGIN(Start); }
   364 <SkipComment>\\[ \r\t]*\n		{ BEGIN(Start); }
   365 <*>\\[ \r\t]*\n				{ }
   366 <*>\n
   367 <*>.					
   369 %%
   371 /*@ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
   372  */
   374 static void substEnvVarsInString(QString &s)
   375 {
   376   static QRegExp re(QString::fromAscii("\\$\\([a-z_A-Z0-9]+\\)"));
   377   if (s.isEmpty()) return;
   378   int p=0;
   379   int i,l;
   380   //printf("substEnvVarInString(%s) start\n",s.toLatin1().data());
   381   while ((i=re.indexIn(s,p))!=-1)
   382   {
   383     l = re.matchedLength();
   384     //printf("Found environment var s.mid(%d,%d)=`%s'\n",i+2,l-3,s.mid(i+2,l-3).toLatin1().data());
   385     QString env=g_codec->toUnicode(getenv(s.mid(i+2,l-3).toLatin1()));
   386     substEnvVarsInString(env); // recursively expand variables if needed.
   387     s = s.left(i)+env+s.right(s.length()-i-l);
   388     p=i+env.length(); // next time start at the end of the expanded string
   389   }
   390   s=s.trimmed(); // to strip the bogus space that was added when an argument
   391                          // has quotes
   392   //printf("substEnvVarInString(%s) end\n",s.toLatin1().data());
   393 }
   395 static void substEnvVarsInStrList(QStringList &sl)
   396 {
   397   QStringList out;
   399   foreach (QString result, sl)
   400   {
   401     // an argument with quotes will have an extra space at the end, so wasQuoted will be TRUE.
   402     bool wasQuoted = (result.indexOf(QChar::fromAscii(' '))!=-1) || 
   403                      (result.indexOf(QChar::fromAscii('\t'))!=-1);
   404     // here we strip the quote again
   405     substEnvVarsInString(result);
   407     //printf("Result %s was quoted=%d\n",result.toLatin1().data(),wasQuoted);
   409     if (!wasQuoted) /* as a result of the expansion, a single string
   410 		       may have expanded into a list, which we'll
   411 		       add to sl. If the orginal string already 
   412 		       contained multiple elements no further 
   413 		       splitting is done to allow quoted items with spaces! */
   414     {
   415       int l=result.length();
   416       int i,p=0;
   417       // skip spaces
   418       // search for a "word"
   419       for (i=0;i<l;i++)
   420       {
   421 	QChar c=0;
   422 	// skip until start of new word
   423 	while (i<l && ((c=result.at(i))==QChar::fromAscii(' ') || c==QChar::fromAscii('\t'))) i++; 
   424 	p=i; // p marks the start index of the word
   425 	// skip until end of a word
   426 	while (i<l && ((c=result.at(i))!=QChar::fromAscii(' ') && 
   427 	              c!=QChar::fromAscii('\t') && 
   428 		      c!=QChar::fromAscii('"'))) i++;
   429 	if (i<l) // not at the end of the string
   430 	{
   431 	  if (c==QChar::fromAscii('"')) // word within quotes
   432 	  {
   433 	    p=i+1;
   434 	    for (i++;i<l;i++)
   435 	    {
   436 	      c=result.at(i);
   437 	      if (c==QChar::fromAscii('"')) // end quote
   438 	      {
   439                 out += result.mid(p,i-p);
   440 		p=i+1;
   441 		break; 
   442 	      }
   443 	      else if (c==QChar::fromAscii('\\')) // skip escaped stuff
   444 	      {
   445 		i++;
   446 	      }
   447 	    }
   448 	  }
   449 	  else if (c==QChar::fromAscii(' ') || c==QChar::fromAscii('\t')) // separator
   450 	  {
   451             out += result.mid(p,i-p);
   452 	    p=i+1;
   453 	  }
   454 	}
   455       }
   456       if (p!=l) // add the leftover as a string
   457       {
   458         out += result.right(l-p);
   459       }
   460     }
   461     else // just goto the next element in the list
   462     {
   463       out += result;
   464     }
   465   }
   466   sl = out;
   467 }
   469 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------
   471 bool parseConfig(
   472       const QString &fileName,
   473       const QHash<QString,Input *> &options
   474     )
   475 {
   476   QHashIterator<QString, Input*> i(options);
   477   g_file = fopen(fileName.toLocal8Bit(),"r");
   478   if (g_file==NULL) return false;
   480   // reset all values
   481   i.toFront();
   482   while (i.hasNext()) 
   483   {
   484     i.next();
   485     if (i.value())
   486     {
   487       i.value()->reset();
   488     }
   489   }
   491   // parse config file
   492   g_options       = &options;
   493   g_yyFileName    = fileName;
   494   g_includeStack.clear();
   495   g_includeDepth  = 0;
   496   configrestart( configin );
   497   BEGIN( Start );
   498   configlex();
   500   // update the values in the UI
   501   i.toFront();
   502   while (i.hasNext()) 
   503   {
   504     i.next();
   505     if (i.value())
   506     {
   507       //printf("Updating: %s\n",qPrintable(i.key()));
   508       i.value()->update();
   509     }
   510     else
   511     {
   512       printf("Invalid option: %s\n",qPrintable(i.key()));
   513     }
   514   } 
   515   fclose(g_file);
   516   return true;
   517 }
   519 void writeStringValue(QTextStream &t,QTextCodec *codec,const QString &s)
   520 {
   521   QChar c;
   522   bool needsEscaping=FALSE;
   523   // convert the string back to it original encoding
   524   //QByteArray se = codec->fromUnicode(s);
   525   t.setCodec(codec);
   526   const QChar *p=s.data();
   527   if (!s.isEmpty() && !p->isNull())
   528   {
   529     while (!(c=*p++).isNull() && !needsEscaping) 
   530     {
   531       needsEscaping = (c==QChar::fromAscii(' ')  || 
   532 	               c==QChar::fromAscii('\n') || 
   533 		       c==QChar::fromAscii('\t') || 
   534 		       c==QChar::fromAscii('"'));
   535     }
   536     if (needsEscaping)
   537     { 
   538       t << "\"";
   539       p=s.data();
   540       while (!p->isNull())
   541       {
   542 	if (*p   ==QChar::fromAscii(' ') && 
   543 	   *(p+1)==QChar::fromAscii('\0')) break; // skip inserted space at the end
   544 	if (*p   ==QChar::fromAscii('"')) t << "\\"; // escape quotes
   545 	t << *p++;
   546       }
   547       t << "\"";
   548     }
   549     else
   550     {
   551       t << s;
   552     }
   553   }
   554 }