changeset 4 468f4c8d3d5b
parent 3 d8fccb2cd802
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:d8fccb2cd802 4:468f4c8d3d5b
     1 /*****************************************************************************
     1 /*****************************************************************************
     2  *
     2  *
     3  * 
     3  * 
     4  *
     4  *
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     5  * Copyright (C) 1997-2010 by Dimitri van Heesch.
     6  *
     6  *
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     7  * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     8  * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
     9  * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
    10  * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
  1593     {
  1593     {
  1594       ADD_CHAR(',');
  1594       ADD_CHAR(',');
  1595       ADD_CHAR(' ');
  1595       ADD_CHAR(' ');
  1596     }
  1596     }
  1597     else if (i>0 && 
  1597     else if (i>0 && 
  1598         ((isId(s.at(i)) && s.at(i-1)==')') || 
  1598          ((isId(s.at(i)) && s.at(i-1)==')') || 
  1599          (s.at(i)=='\''  && s.at(i-1)==' ')
  1599           (s.at(i)=='\''  && s.at(i-1)==' ')
  1600         )
  1600          )
  1601         )
  1601         )
  1602     {
  1602     {
  1603       ADD_CHAR(' ');
  1603       ADD_CHAR(' ');
  1604       ADD_CHAR(s.at(i));
  1604       ADD_CHAR(s.at(i));
  1605     }
  1605     }
  2075   // no match
  2075   // no match
  2076   return "";
  2076   return "";
  2077 }
  2077 }
  2079 #if 0
  2079 QCString recodeString(const QCString &str,const char *fromEncoding,const char *toEncoding)
  2080 QCString recodeString(const QCString &str,const char *fromEncoding,const char *toEncoding)
  2080 {
  2081 {
  2081   QCString inputEncoding  = fromEncoding;
  2082   QCString inputEncoding  = fromEncoding;
  2082   QCString outputEncoding = toEncoding;
  2083   QCString outputEncoding = toEncoding;
  2083   if (inputEncoding.isEmpty() || outputEncoding.isEmpty() || 
  2084   if (inputEncoding.isEmpty() || outputEncoding.isEmpty() || 
  2110     exit(1);
  2111     exit(1);
  2111   }
  2112   }
  2112   portable_iconv_close(cd);
  2113   portable_iconv_close(cd);
  2113   return output;
  2114   return output;
  2114 }
  2115 }
  2116 #endif
  2117 QCString transcodeCharacterStringToUTF8(const QCString &input)
  2119 QCString transcodeCharacterStringToUTF8(const QCString &input)
  2118 {
  2120 {
  2119   bool error=FALSE;
  2121   bool error=FALSE;
  2251   return "";
  2253   return "";
  2252 }
  2254 }
  2254 QCString dateToString(bool includeTime)
  2256 QCString dateToString(bool includeTime)
  2255 {
  2257 {
  2258   QDateTime current = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
  2259   return theTranslator->trDateTime(current.date().year(),
  2260                                    current.date().month(),
  2261                                    current.date().day(),
  2262                                    current.date().dayOfWeek(),
  2263                                    current.time().hour(),
  2264                                    current.time().minute(),
  2265                                    current.time().second(),
  2266                                    includeTime);
  2267 #if 0
  2256   if (includeTime)
  2268   if (includeTime)
  2257   {
  2269   {
  2258     return convertToQCString(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString());
  2270     return convertToQCString(QDateTime::currentDateTime().toString());
  2259   }
  2271   }
  2260   else
  2272   else
  2265         d.day(),
  2277         d.day(),
  2266         convertToQCString(d.monthName(d.month())).data(),
  2278         convertToQCString(d.monthName(d.month())).data(),
  2267         d.year());
  2279         d.year());
  2268     return result;
  2280     return result;
  2269   }
  2281   }
  2282 #endif
  2270 }
  2283 }
  2272 QCString yearToString()
  2285 QCString yearToString()
  2273 {
  2286 {
  2274   const QDate &d=QDate::currentDate();
  2287   const QDate &d=QDate::currentDate();
  3568                                         bool checkStatics,
  3581                                         bool checkStatics,
  3569                                         FileDef *currentFile,
  3582                                         FileDef *currentFile,
  3570                                         bool checkCV,
  3583                                         bool checkCV,
  3571                                         QList<MemberDef> &members)
  3584                                         QList<MemberDef> &members)
  3572 {
  3585 {
  3573   //printf("\n  findMembersWithSpecificName() - start\n");
  3586   //printf("  Function with global scope name `%s' args=`%s'\n",
  3574   //printf("  findMembersWithSpecificName() Function with global scope name `%s' args=`%s'\n",mn->memberName(),args);
  3587   //       mn->memberName(),args);
  3575   MemberListIterator mli(*mn);
  3588   MemberListIterator mli(*mn);
  3576   MemberDef *md;
  3589   MemberDef *md;
  3577   for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli)
  3590   for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli)
  3578   {
  3591   {
  3579     FileDef  *fd=md->getFileDef();
  3592     FileDef  *fd=md->getFileDef();
  3580     GroupDef *gd=md->getGroupDef();
  3593     GroupDef *gd=md->getGroupDef();
  3581     //printf("  findMembersWithSpecificName() md->name()=`%s' md->args=`%s' fd=%p gd=%p file=%s\n",
  3594     //printf("  md->name()=`%s' md->args=`%s' fd=%p gd=%p current=%p\n",
  3582 	//	md->name().data(),args,fd,gd,fd?fd->absFilePath().data():"");
  3595     //    md->name().data(),args,fd,gd,currentFile);
  3583 	//if (gd) printf("  findMembersWithSpecificName() group isLinkable()=%d\n", gd->isLinkable());
  3584 	//if (fd) printf("  findMembersWithSpecificName() file  isLinkable()=%d\n", fd->isLinkable());
  3585 	//if (md) printf("  findMembersWithSpecificName() memb  isLinkable()=%d\n", md->isLinkable());
  3586     if (
  3596     if (
  3587         ((gd && gd->isLinkable()) || (fd && fd->isLinkable())) && 
  3597         ((gd && gd->isLinkable()) || (fd && fd->isLinkable())) && 
  3588         md->getNamespaceDef()==0 && md->isLinkable() &&
  3598         md->getNamespaceDef()==0 && md->isLinkable() &&
  3589         (!checkStatics || !md->isStatic() || currentFile==0 || fd==currentFile) // statics must appear in the same file
  3599         (!checkStatics || (!md->isStatic() && !md->isDefine()) || 
  3600          currentFile==0 || fd==currentFile) // statics must appear in the same file
  3590        )
  3601        )
  3591     {
  3602     {
  3592       //printf("  findMembersWithSpecificName() fd=%p gd=%p args=`%s'\n",fd,gd,args);
  3603       //printf("  findMembersWithSpecificName() fd=%p gd=%p args=`%s'\n",fd,gd,args);
  3593       bool match=TRUE;
  3604       bool match=TRUE;
  3594       ArgumentList *argList=0;
  3605       ArgumentList *argList=0;
  3685   MemberName *mn = Doxygen::memberNameSDict->find(mName);
  3696   MemberName *mn = Doxygen::memberNameSDict->find(mName);
  3686   //printf("getDefs(): mName=%s mn=%p\n",mName.data(),mn);
  3697   //printf("getDefs(): mName=%s mn=%p\n",mName.data(),mn);
  3687   if (!forceEmptyScope && mn && !(scopeName.isEmpty() && mScope.isEmpty()))
  3698   if (!forceEmptyScope && mn && !(scopeName.isEmpty() && mScope.isEmpty()))
  3688   {
  3699   {
  3689     //printf("getDefs(): >member name found\n");
  3700     //printf("  >member name '%s' found\n",mName.data());
  3690     int scopeOffset=scopeName.length();
  3701     int scopeOffset=scopeName.length();
  3691     do
  3702     do
  3692     {
  3703     {
  3693       QCString className = scopeName.left(scopeOffset);
  3704       QCString className = scopeName.left(scopeOffset);
  3694       if (!className.isEmpty() && !mScope.isEmpty())
  3705       if (!className.isEmpty() && !mScope.isEmpty())
  3695       {
  3706       {
  3696         className+="::"+mScope;
  3707         className+="::"+mScope;
  3697       }
  3708       }
  3698       else if (!mScope.isEmpty())
  3709       else if (!mScope.isEmpty())
  3699       {
  3710       {
  3700         className=mScope.copy();
  3711         className=mScope;
  3701       }
  3712       }
  3702       //printf("getDefs(): Trying class scope %s\n",className.data());
  3713       //printf("getDefs(): Trying class scope %s\n",className.data());
  3704       ClassDef *fcd=0;
  3715       ClassDef *fcd=getResolvedClass(Doxygen::globalScope,0,className);
  3716       //printf("Trying class scope %s: %p\n",className.data(),fcd);
  3705       // todo: fill in correct fileScope!
  3717       // todo: fill in correct fileScope!
  3706       if ((fcd=getResolvedClass(Doxygen::globalScope,0,className)) &&  // is it a documented class
  3718       if (fcd &&  // is it a documented class
  3707           fcd->isLinkable() 
  3719           fcd->isLinkable() 
  3708          )
  3720          )
  3709       {
  3721       {
  3710         //printf("getDefs(): getDefs(): Found fcd=%p\n",fcd);
  3722         //printf("getDefs(): getDefs(): Found fcd=%p\n",fcd);
  3711         MemberListIterator mmli(*mn);
  3723         MemberListIterator mmli(*mn);
  3959       if (members.count()==0) // nothing found
  3971       if (members.count()==0) // nothing found
  3960       {
  3972       {
  3961         // search again without strict static checking
  3973         // search again without strict static checking
  3962         findMembersWithSpecificName(mn,args,FALSE,currentFile,checkCV,members);
  3974         findMembersWithSpecificName(mn,args,FALSE,currentFile,checkCV,members);
  3963       }
  3975       }
  3965 #if 0
  3966       //printf("  Function with global scope name `%s' args=`%s'\n",memberName.data(),args);
  3967       MemberListIterator mli(*mn);
  3968       for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli)
  3969       {
  3970         fd=md->getFileDef();
  3971         gd=md->getGroupDef();
  3972         //printf("  md->name()=`%s' md->args=`%s' fd=%p gd=%p\n",
  3973         //    md->name().data(),args,fd,gd);
  3974         if (
  3975             ((gd && gd->isLinkable()) || (fd && fd->isLinkable())) && 
  3976             md->getNamespaceDef()==0 && md->isLinkable() &&
  3977             (!md->isStatic() || fd==currentFile) // statics must appear in the same file
  3978            )
  3979         {
  3980           //printf("    fd=%p gd=%p args=`%s'\n",fd,gd,args);
  3981           bool match=TRUE;
  3982           ArgumentList *argList=0;
  3983           if (args && !md->isDefine() && strcmp(args,"()")!=0)
  3984           {
  3985             argList=new ArgumentList;
  3986             LockingPtr<ArgumentList> mdAl = md->argumentList();
  3987             stringToArgumentList(args,argList);
  3988             match=matchArguments2(
  3989                 md->getOuterScope(),fd,mdAl.pointer(),
  3990                 Doxygen::globalScope,fd,argList,
  3991                 checkCV); 
  3992             delete argList; argList=0;
  3993           }
  3994           if (match) 
  3995           {
  3996             //printf("Found match!\n");
  3997             members.append(md);
  3998           }
  3999         }
  4000       }
  4001 #endif
  4002       if (members.count()!=1 && args && !strcmp(args,"()"))
  3976       if (members.count()!=1 && args && !strcmp(args,"()"))
  4003       {
  3977       {
  4004         // no exact match found, but if args="()" an arbitrary 
  3978         // no exact match found, but if args="()" an arbitrary 
  4005         // member will do
  3979         // member will do
  4006         md=mn->last();
  3980         md=mn->last();
  4772   return FALSE;
  4746   return FALSE;
  4773 }
  4747 }
  4775 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4749 //----------------------------------------------------------------------
  4777 QCString escapeCharsInString(const char *name,bool allowDots)
  4751 QCString escapeCharsInString(const char *name,bool allowDots,bool allowUnderscore)
  4778 {
  4752 {
  4779   static bool caseSenseNames = Config_getBool("CASE_SENSE_NAMES");
  4753   static bool caseSenseNames = Config_getBool("CASE_SENSE_NAMES");
  4780   QCString result;
  4754   QCString result;
  4781   char c;
  4755   char c;
  4782   const char *p=name;
  4756   const char *p=name;
  4783   while ((c=*p++)!=0)
  4757   while ((c=*p++)!=0)
  4784   {
  4758   {
  4785     switch(c)
  4759     switch(c)
  4786     {
  4760     {
  4787       case '_': result+="__"; break;
  4761       case '_': if (allowUnderscore) result+="_"; else result+="__"; break;
  4788       case '-': result+="-";  break;
  4762       case '-': result+="-";  break;
  4789       case ':': result+="_1"; break;
  4763       case ':': result+="_1"; break;
  4790       case '/': result+="_2"; break;
  4764       case '/': result+="_2"; break;
  4791       case '<': result+="_3"; break;
  4765       case '<': result+="_3"; break;
  4792       case '>': result+="_4"; break;
  4766       case '>': result+="_4"; break;
  4837 /*! This function determines the file name on disk of an item
  4811 /*! This function determines the file name on disk of an item
  4838  *  given its name, which could be a class name with template 
  4812  *  given its name, which could be a class name with template 
  4839  *  arguments, so special characters need to be escaped.
  4813  *  arguments, so special characters need to be escaped.
  4840  */
  4814  */
  4841 QCString convertNameToFile(const char *name,bool allowDots)
  4815 QCString convertNameToFile(const char *name,bool allowDots,bool allowUnderscore)
  4842 {
  4816 {
  4843   static bool shortNames = Config_getBool("SHORT_NAMES");
  4817   static bool shortNames = Config_getBool("SHORT_NAMES");
  4844   static bool createSubdirs = Config_getBool("CREATE_SUBDIRS");
  4818   static bool createSubdirs = Config_getBool("CREATE_SUBDIRS");
  4845   QCString result;
  4819   QCString result;
  4846   if (shortNames) // use short names only
  4820   if (shortNames) // use short names only
  4862     }
  4836     }
  4863     result.sprintf("a%05d",num); 
  4837     result.sprintf("a%05d",num); 
  4864   }
  4838   }
  4865   else // long names
  4839   else // long names
  4866   {
  4840   {
  4867     result=escapeCharsInString(name,allowDots);
  4841     result=escapeCharsInString(name,allowDots,allowUnderscore);
  4868     int resultLen = result.length();
  4842     int resultLen = result.length();
  4869     if (resultLen>=128) // prevent names that cannot be created!
  4843     if (resultLen>=128) // prevent names that cannot be created!
  4870     {
  4844     {
  4871       // third algorithm based on MD5 hash
  4845       // third algorithm based on MD5 hash
  4872       uchar md5_sig[16];
  4846       uchar md5_sig[16];
  5851 void addRefItem(const QList<ListItemInfo> *sli,
  5825 void addRefItem(const QList<ListItemInfo> *sli,
  5852     const char *key, 
  5826     const char *key, 
  5853     const char *prefix, const char *name,const char *title,const char *args)
  5827     const char *prefix, const char *name,const char *title,const char *args)
  5854 {
  5828 {
  5855   //printf("addRefItem(sli=%p,prefix=%s,name=%s,title=%s,args=%s)\n",sli,prefix,name,title,args);
  5829   //printf("addRefItem(sli=%p,key=%s,prefix=%s,name=%s,title=%s,args=%s)\n",sli,key,prefix,name,title,args);
  5856   if (sli)
  5830   if (sli)
  5857   {
  5831   {
  5858     QListIterator<ListItemInfo> slii(*sli);
  5832     QListIterator<ListItemInfo> slii(*sli);
  5859     ListItemInfo *lii;
  5833     ListItemInfo *lii;
  5860     for (slii.toFirst();(lii=slii.current());++slii)
  5834     for (slii.toFirst();(lii=slii.current());++slii)
  5879         item->title  = title;
  5853         item->title  = title;
  5880         item->args   = args;
  5854         item->args   = args;
  5882         refList->insertIntoList(key,item);
  5856         refList->insertIntoList(key,item);
  5884 #if 0
  5886         //printf("anchor=%s written=%d\n",item->listAnchor.data(),item->written);
  5887         //if (item->written) return;
  5889         QCString doc;
  5890         doc =  "\\anchor ";
  5891         doc += item->listAnchor;
  5892         doc += " <dl><dt>";
  5893         doc += prefix;
  5894         doc += " \\_internalref ";
  5895         doc += name;
  5896         doc += " \"";
  5897         doc += title;
  5898         doc += "\"";
  5899         if (args) doc += args;
  5900         doc += "</dt>\n<dd>";
  5901         doc += item->text;
  5902         doc += "</dd></dl>\n";
  5903         addRelatedPage(refList->listName(),refList->pageTitle(),doc,0,refList->listName(),1,0,0,0);
  5904         //item->written=TRUE;
  5905 #endif
  5906       }
  5858       }
  5907     }
  5859     }
  5908   }
  5860   }
  5909 }
  5861 }
  6368   int p=0,i,l;
  6320   int p=0,i,l;
  6369   while ((i=wordExp.match(s,p,&l))!=-1)
  6321   while ((i=wordExp.match(s,p,&l))!=-1)
  6370   {
  6322   {
  6371     if (s.mid(i,l)==word) 
  6323     if (s.mid(i,l)==word) 
  6372     {
  6324     {
  6373       if (i>0 && isspace(s.at(i-1))) 
  6325       if (i>0 && isspace((uchar)s.at(i-1))) 
  6374         i--,l++;
  6326         i--,l++;
  6375       else if (i+l<(int)s.length() && isspace(s.at(i+l))) 
  6327       else if (i+l<(int)s.length() && isspace(s.at(i+l))) 
  6376         l++;
  6328         l++;
  6377       s = s.left(i)+s.mid(i+l); // remove word + spacing
  6329       s = s.left(i)+s.mid(i+l); // remove word + spacing
  6378       return TRUE;
  6330       return TRUE;
  6866   fprintf(stderr,"============ STACKTRACE END ==============\n");
  6818   fprintf(stderr,"============ STACKTRACE END ==============\n");
  6867   //fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", frameStrings[x]);
  6819   //fprintf(stderr,"%s\n", frameStrings[x]);
  6868 #endif
  6820 #endif
  6869 }
  6821 }
  6871 static int transcodeCharacterBuffer(BufStr &srcBuf,int size,
  6823 static int transcodeCharacterBuffer(const char *fileName,BufStr &srcBuf,int size,
  6872            const char *inputEncoding,const char *outputEncoding)
  6824            const char *inputEncoding,const char *outputEncoding)
  6873 {
  6825 {
  6874   if (inputEncoding==0 || outputEncoding==0) return size;
  6826   if (inputEncoding==0 || outputEncoding==0) return size;
  6875   if (qstricmp(inputEncoding,outputEncoding)==0) return size;
  6827   if (qstricmp(inputEncoding,outputEncoding)==0) return size;
  6876   void *cd = portable_iconv_open(outputEncoding,inputEncoding);
  6828   void *cd = portable_iconv_open(outputEncoding,inputEncoding);
  6895     strncpy(srcBuf.data(),tmpBuf.data(),newSize);
  6847     strncpy(srcBuf.data(),tmpBuf.data(),newSize);
  6896     //printf("iconv: input size=%d output size=%d\n[%s]\n",size,newSize,srcBuf.data());
  6848     //printf("iconv: input size=%d output size=%d\n[%s]\n",size,newSize,srcBuf.data());
  6897   }
  6849   }
  6898   else
  6850   else
  6899   {
  6851   {
  6900     err("Error: failed to translate characters from %s to %s: check INPUT_ENCODING\n",
  6852     err("%s: Error: failed to translate characters from %s to %s: check INPUT_ENCODING\n",
  6901         inputEncoding,outputEncoding);
  6853         fileName,inputEncoding,outputEncoding);
  6902     exit(1);
  6854     exit(1);
  6903   }
  6855   }
  6904   portable_iconv_close(cd);
  6856   portable_iconv_close(cd);
  6905   return newSize;
  6857   return newSize;
  6906 }
  6858 }
  6959       ((inBuf.at(0)==-1 && inBuf.at(1)==-2) || // Litte endian BOM
  6911       ((inBuf.at(0)==-1 && inBuf.at(1)==-2) || // Litte endian BOM
  6960        (inBuf.at(0)==-2 && inBuf.at(1)==-1)    // big endian BOM
  6912        (inBuf.at(0)==-2 && inBuf.at(1)==-1)    // big endian BOM
  6961       )
  6913       )
  6962      ) // UCS-2 encoded file
  6914      ) // UCS-2 encoded file
  6963   {
  6915   {
  6964     transcodeCharacterBuffer(inBuf,inBuf.curPos(),
  6916     transcodeCharacterBuffer(fileName,inBuf,inBuf.curPos(),
  6965         "UCS-2","UTF-8");
  6917         "UCS-2","UTF-8");
  6966   }
  6918   }
  6967   else if (inBuf.size()>=3 &&
  6919   else if (inBuf.size()>=3 &&
  6968            (uchar)inBuf.at(0)==0xEF &&
  6920            (uchar)inBuf.at(0)==0xEF &&
  6969            (uchar)inBuf.at(1)==0xBB &&
  6921            (uchar)inBuf.at(1)==0xBB &&
  6974     inBuf.dropFromStart(3); // remove UTF-8 BOM: no translation needed
  6926     inBuf.dropFromStart(3); // remove UTF-8 BOM: no translation needed
  6975   }
  6927   }
  6976   else // transcode according to the INPUT_ENCODING setting
  6928   else // transcode according to the INPUT_ENCODING setting
  6977   {
  6929   {
  6978     // do character transcoding if needed.
  6930     // do character transcoding if needed.
  6979     transcodeCharacterBuffer(inBuf,inBuf.curPos(),
  6931     transcodeCharacterBuffer(fileName,inBuf,inBuf.curPos(),
  6980         Config_getString("INPUT_ENCODING"),"UTF-8");
  6932         Config_getString("INPUT_ENCODING"),"UTF-8");
  6981   }
  6933   }
  6983   inBuf.addChar('\n'); /* to prevent problems under Windows ? */
  6935   inBuf.addChar('\n'); /* to prevent problems under Windows ? */
  7009   }
  6961   }
  7010   tf+=title.right(title.length()-p);
  6962   tf+=title.right(title.length()-p);
  7011   return tf;
  6963   return tf;
  7012 }
  6964 }
  6966 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  6967 // returns TRUE if the name of the file represented by `fi' matches
  6968 // one of the file patterns in the `patList' list.
  6970 bool patternMatch(const QFileInfo &fi,const QStrList *patList)
  6971 {
  6972   bool found=FALSE;
  6973   if (patList)
  6974   { 
  6975     QStrListIterator it(*patList);
  6976     QCString pattern;
  6977     for (it.toFirst();(pattern=it.current());++it)
  6978     {
  6979       if (!pattern.isEmpty() && !found)
  6980       {
  6981         int i=pattern.find('=');
  6982         if (i!=-1) pattern=pattern.left(i); // strip of the extension specific filter name
  6984 #if defined(_WIN32) || defined(__MACOSX__) // Windows or MacOSX
  6985         QRegExp re(pattern,FALSE,TRUE); // case insensitive match 
  6986 #else                // unix
  6987         QRegExp re(pattern,TRUE,TRUE);  // case sensitive match
  6988 #endif
  6989         found = found || re.match(fi.fileName())!=-1 || 
  6990                          re.match(fi.filePath())!=-1 ||
  6991                          re.match(fi.absFilePath())!=-1;
  6992         //printf("Matching `%s' against pattern `%s' found=%d\n",
  6993         //    fi->fileName().data(),pattern.data(),found);
  6994       }
  6995     }
  6996   }
  6997   return found;
  6998 }
  7000 void writeSummaryLink(OutputList &ol,const char *label,const char *title,
  7001                       bool &first)
  7002 {
  7003   if (first)
  7004   {
  7005     ol.writeString("  <div class=\"summary\">\n");
  7006     first=FALSE;
  7007   }
  7008   else
  7009   {
  7010     ol.writeString(" &#124;\n");
  7011   }
  7012   ol.writeString("<a href=\"#");
  7013   ol.writeString(label);
  7014   ol.writeString("\">");
  7015   ol.writeString(title);
  7016   ol.writeString("</a>");
  7017 }