changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/addon/doxyapp/doxyapp.cpp	Thu Jan 21 17:29:01 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2006 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file
+ *  @brief Example of how to use doxygen as part of another GPL applications
+ *
+ *  This example shows how to configure and run doxygen programmatically from
+ *  within an application without generating the usual output.
+ *  The example should work on any Unix like OS (including Linux and Mac OS X).
+ *  
+ *  This example shows how to use to code parser to get cross-references information
+ *  and it also shows how to look up symbols in a program parsed by doxygen and
+ *  show some information about them.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "outputgen.h"
+#include "parserintf.h"
+class XRefDummyCodeGenerator : public CodeOutputInterface
+  public:
+    XRefDummyCodeGenerator(FileDef *fd) : m_fd(fd) {}
+   ~XRefDummyCodeGenerator() {}
+    // these are just null functions, they can be used to produce a syntax highlighted
+    // and cross-linked version of the source code, but who needs that anyway ;-)
+    void codify(const char *) {}
+    void writeCodeLink(const char *,const char *,const char *,const char *,const char *)  {}
+    void startCodeLine() {}
+    void endCodeLine() {}
+    void startCodeAnchor(const char *) {}
+    void endCodeAnchor() {}
+    void startFontClass(const char *) {}
+    void endFontClass() {}
+    void writeCodeAnchor(const char *) {}
+    void writeLineNumber(const char *,const char *,const char *,int) {}
+    // here we are presented with the symbols found by the code parser
+    void linkableSymbol(int l, const char *sym,Definition *symDef,Definition *context) 
+    {
+      QCString ctx;
+      if (context) // the context of the symbol is known
+      {
+        if (context->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember) // it is inside a member
+        {
+          Definition *parentContext = context->getOuterScope();
+          if (parentContext && parentContext->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass)
+             // it is inside a member of a class
+          {
+            ctx.sprintf("inside %s %s of %s %s",
+              ((MemberDef *)context)->memberTypeName().data(),
+              context->name().data(),
+              ((ClassDef*)parentContext)->compoundTypeString().data(),
+              parentContext->name().data());
+          }
+          else if (parentContext==Doxygen::globalScope) // it is inside a global member
+          {
+            ctx.sprintf("inside %s %s",
+              ((MemberDef *)context)->memberTypeName().data(),
+              context->name().data());
+          }
+        }
+        if (ctx.isEmpty()) // it is something else (class, or namespace member, ...)
+        {
+          ctx.sprintf("in %s",context->name().data());
+        }
+      }
+      printf("Found symbol %s at line %d of %s %s\n",
+          sym,l,m_fd->getDefFileName().data(),ctx.data());
+      if (symDef && context) // in this case the definition of the symbol is
+        // known to doxygen.
+      {
+        printf("-> defined at line %d of %s\n",
+            symDef->getDefLine(),symDef->getDefFileName().data());
+      }
+    }
+  private:
+    FileDef *m_fd;
+static void findXRefSymbols(FileDef *fd)
+  // get the interface to a parser that matches the file extension
+  ParserInterface *pIntf=Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(fd->getDefFileExtension());
+  // reset the parsers state
+  pIntf->resetCodeParserState();
+  // create a new backend object 
+  XRefDummyCodeGenerator *xrefGen = new XRefDummyCodeGenerator(fd);
+  // parse the source code
+  pIntf->parseCode(*xrefGen,
+                0,
+                fileToString(fd->absFilePath()),
+                FALSE,
+                0,
+                fd);
+  // dismiss the object.
+  delete xrefGen;
+static void listSymbol(Definition *d)
+  if (d!=Doxygen::globalScope && // skip the global namespace symbol
+      d->name().at(0)!='@'       // skip anonymous stuff
+     )      
+  {
+    printf("%s\n",
+        d->name().data());
+  }
+static void listSymbols()
+  QDictIterator<DefinitionIntf> sli(*Doxygen::symbolMap);
+  DefinitionIntf *di;
+  for (sli.toFirst();(di=sli.current());++sli)
+  {
+    if (di->definitionType()==DefinitionIntf::TypeSymbolList) // list of symbols
+      // with same name
+    {
+      DefinitionListIterator dli(*(DefinitionList*)di);
+      Definition *d;
+      // for each symbol
+      for (dli.toFirst();(d=dli.current());++dli)
+      {
+        listSymbol(d);
+      }
+    }
+    else // single symbol
+    {
+      listSymbol((Definition*)di);
+    }
+  }
+static void lookupSymbol(Definition *d)
+  if (d!=Doxygen::globalScope && // skip the global namespace symbol
+      d->name().at(0)!='@'       // skip anonymous stuff
+     )      
+  {
+    printf("Symbol info\n");
+    printf("-----------\n");
+    printf("Name: %s\n",d->name().data());
+    printf("File: %s\n",d->getDefFileName().data());
+    printf("Line: %d\n",d->getDefLine());
+    // depending on the definition type we can case to the appropriate
+    // derived to get additional information
+    switch (d->definitionType())
+    {
+      case Definition::TypeClass:
+        {
+          ClassDef *cd = (ClassDef *)d;
+          printf("Kind: %s\n",cd->compoundTypeString().data());
+        }
+        break;
+      case Definition::TypeFile:
+        {
+          FileDef *fd = (FileDef *)d;
+          printf("Kind: File: #includes %d other files\n",
+              fd->includeFileList() ? fd->includeFileList()->count() : 0);
+        }
+        break;
+      case Definition::TypeNamespace:
+        {
+          NamespaceDef *nd = (NamespaceDef *)d;
+          printf("Kind: Namespace: contains %d classes and %d namespaces\n",
+              nd->getClassSDict() ? nd->getClassSDict()->count() : 0,
+              nd->getNamespaceSDict() ? nd->getNamespaceSDict()->count() : 0);
+        }
+        break;
+      case Definition::TypeMember:
+        {
+          MemberDef *md = (MemberDef *)d;
+          printf("Kind: %s\n",md->memberTypeName().data());
+        }
+        break;
+      default:
+        // ignore groups/pages/packages/dirs for now
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+static void lookupSymbols(const QCString &sym)
+  if (!sym.isEmpty())
+  {
+    DefinitionIntf *di = Doxygen::symbolMap->find(sym);
+    if (di)
+    {
+      if (di->definitionType()==DefinitionIntf::TypeSymbolList)
+      {
+        DefinitionListIterator dli(*(DefinitionList*)di);
+        Definition *d;
+        // for each symbol with the given name
+        for (dli.toFirst();(d=dli.current());++dli)
+        {
+          lookupSymbol(d);
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        lookupSymbol((Definition*)di);
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      printf("Unknown symbol\n");
+    }
+  }
+int main(int argc,char **argv)
+  char cmd[256];
+  if (argc<2)
+  {
+    printf("Usage: %s [source_file | source_dir]\n",argv[0]);
+    exit(1);
+  }
+  // initialize data structures 
+  initDoxygen();
+  // setup the non-default configuration options
+  // we need a place to put intermediate files
+  Config_getString("OUTPUT_DIRECTORY")="/tmp/doxygen"; 
+  // disable html output
+  Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML")=FALSE;
+  // disable latex output
+  Config_getBool("GENERATE_LATEX")=FALSE;
+  // be quiet
+  Config_getBool("QUIET")=TRUE;
+  // turn off warnings
+  Config_getBool("WARNINGS")=FALSE;
+  Config_getBool("WARN_IF_DOC_ERROR")=FALSE;
+  // Extract as much as possible
+  Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")=TRUE;
+  Config_getBool("EXTRACT_STATIC")=TRUE;
+  Config_getBool("EXTRACT_PRIVATE")=TRUE;
+  // Extract source browse information, needed 
+  // to make doxygen gather the cross reference info
+  Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER")=TRUE;
+  // set the input
+  Config_getList("INPUT").append(argv[1]);
+  // check and finialize the configuration
+  checkConfiguration();
+  adjustConfiguration();
+  // parse the files
+  parseInput();
+  // iterate over the input files
+  FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList); 
+  FileName *fn;
+  // foreach file with a certain name
+  for (fnli.toFirst();(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
+  {
+    FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
+    FileDef *fd;
+    // for each file definition
+    for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
+    {
+      // get the references (linked and unlinked) found in this file
+      findXRefSymbols(fd);
+    }
+  }
+  // remove temporary files
+  if (!Doxygen::objDBFileName.isEmpty()) unlink(Doxygen::objDBFileName);
+  if (!Doxygen::entryDBFileName.isEmpty()) unlink(Doxygen::entryDBFileName);
+  // clean up after us
+  rmdir("/tmp/doxygen");
+  while (1)
+  {
+    printf("> Type a symbol name or\n> .list for a list of symbols or\n> .quit to exit\n> ");
+    fgets(cmd,256,stdin);
+    QCString s(cmd);
+    if (s.at(s.length()-1)=='\n') s=s.left(s.length()-1); // strip trailing \n
+    if (s==".list") 
+      listSymbols();
+    else if (s==".quit") 
+      exit(0);
+    else 
+      lookupSymbols(s);
+  }