changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/doc/translator.py	Thu Jan 21 17:29:01 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1949 @@
+"""Script to generate reports on translator classes from Doxygen sources.
+  The main purpose of the script is to extract the information from sources
+  related to internationalization (the translator classes). It uses the
+  information to generate documentation (language.doc,
+  translator_report.txt) from templates (language.tpl, maintainers.txt).
+  Simply run the script without parameters to get the reports and
+  documentation for all supported languages. If you want to generate the
+  translator report only for some languages, pass their codes as arguments
+  to the script. In that case, the language.doc will not be generated.
+  Example:
+    python translator.py en nl cz
+  Originally, the script was written in Perl and was known as translator.pl.
+  The last Perl version was dated 2002/05/21 (plus some later corrections)
+  $Id: translator.py 708 2009-10-04 20:20:24Z dimitri $
+                                         Petr Prikryl (prikrylp@skil.cz)
+  History:
+  --------
+  2002/05/21 - This was the last Perl version. 
+  2003/05/16 - List of language marks can be passed as arguments.
+  2004/01/24 - Total reimplementation started: classes TrManager, and Transl.
+  2004/02/05 - First version that produces translator report. No language.doc yet.
+  2004/02/10 - First fully functional version that generates both the translator
+               report and the documentation. It is a bit slower than the
+               Perl version, but is much less tricky and much more flexible.
+               It also solves some problems that were not solved by the Perl
+               version. The translator report content should be more useful
+               for developers.
+  2004/02/11 - Some tuning-up to provide more useful information.
+  2004/04/16 - Added new tokens to the tokenizer (to remove some warnings).
+  2004/05/25 - Added from __future__ import generators not to force Python 2.3.
+  2004/06/03 - Removed dependency on textwrap module.
+  2004/07/07 - Fixed the bug in the fill() function.
+  2004/07/21 - Better e-mail mangling for HTML part of language.doc.
+             - Plural not used for reporting a single missing method.
+             - Removal of not used translator adapters is suggested only
+               when the report is not restricted to selected languages
+               explicitly via script arguments.
+  2004/07/26 - Better reporting of not-needed adapters.
+  2004/10/04 - Reporting of not called translator methods added.
+  2004/10/05 - Modified to check only doxygen/src sources for the previous report.
+  2005/02/28 - Slight modification to generate "mailto.txt" auxiliary file.
+  2005/08/15 - Doxygen's root directory determined primarily from DOXYGEN 
+               environment variable. When not found, then relatively to the script.
+  2007/03/20 - The "translate me!" searched in comments and reported if found.
+  2008/06/09 - Warning when the MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT is still part of trLegendDocs().
+  2009/05/09 - Changed HTML output to fit it with XHTML DTD
+  2009/09/02 - Added percentage info to the report (implemented / to be implemented).
+  """                               
+from __future__ import generators
+import os, re, sys
+def fill(s):
+    """Returns string formated to the wrapped paragraph multiline string.
+    Replaces whitespaces by one space and then uses he textwrap.fill()."""
+    # Replace all whitespace by spaces, remove whitespaces that are not
+    # necessary, strip the left and right whitespaces, and break the string 
+    # to list of words.
+    rexWS = re.compile(r'\s+')
+    lst = rexWS.sub(' ', s).strip().split()
+    # If the list is not empty, put the words together and form the lines 
+    # of maximum 70 characters. Build the list of lines.
+    lines = []
+    if lst:
+        line = lst.pop(0)   # no separation space in front of the first word
+        for word in lst:
+            if len(line) + len(word) < 70:
+                line += ' ' + word
+            else:
+                lines.append(line)  # another full line formed
+                line = word         # next line started
+        lines.append(line)          # the last line
+    return '\n'.join(lines)
+# The following function dedent() is the verbatim copy from the textwrap.py
+# module. The textwrap.py was introduced in Python 2.3. To make this script
+# working also in older Python versions, I have decided to copy it. 
+# Notice that the textwrap.py is copyrighted:
+# Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Gregory P. Ward.
+# Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Python Software Foundation.
+# Written by Greg Ward <gward@python.net>
+# The explicit permission to use the code here was sent by Guido van Rossum 
+# (4th June, 2004).
+def dedent(text):
+    """dedent(text : string) -> string
+    Remove any whitespace than can be uniformly removed from the left
+    of every line in `text`.
+    This can be used e.g. to make triple-quoted strings line up with
+    the left edge of screen/whatever, while still presenting it in the
+    source code in indented form.
+    For example:
+        def test():
+            # end first line with \ to avoid the empty line!
+            s = '''\
+            hello
+              world
+            '''
+            print repr(s)          # prints '    hello\n      world\n    '
+            print repr(dedent(s))  # prints 'hello\n  world\n'
+    """
+    lines = text.expandtabs().split('\n')
+    margin = None
+    for line in lines:
+        content = line.lstrip()
+        if not content:
+            continue
+        indent = len(line) - len(content)
+        if margin is None:
+            margin = indent
+        else:
+            margin = min(margin, indent)
+    if margin is not None and margin > 0:
+        for i in range(len(lines)):
+            lines[i] = lines[i][margin:]
+    return '\n'.join(lines)
+class Transl:
+    """One instance is build for each translator.
+    The abbreviation of the source file--part after 'translator_'--is used as
+    the identification of the object. The empty string is used for the
+    abstract Translator class from translator.h. The other information is
+    extracted from inside the source file."""
+    def __init__(self, fname, manager):
+        """Bind to the manager and initialize."""
+        # Store the filename and the reference to the manager object.
+        self.fname = fname
+        self.manager = manager
+        # The instance is responsible for loading the source file, so it checks
+        # for its existence and quits if something goes wrong.
+        if not os.path.isfile(fname):
+            sys.stderr.write("\a\nFile '%s' not found!\n" % fname)
+            sys.exit(1)
+        # Initialize the other collected information.
+        self.classId = None
+        self.baseClassId = None
+        self.readableStatus = None   # 'up-to-date', '1.2.3', '1.3', etc.
+        self.status = None           # '', '1.2.03', '1.3.00', etc.
+        self.lang = None             # like 'Brasilian'
+        self.langReadable = None     # like 'Brasilian Portuguese'
+        self.note = None             # like 'should be cleaned up'
+        self.prototypeDic = {}       # uniPrototype -> prototype
+        self.translateMeText = 'translate me!'
+        self.translateMeFlag = False # comments with "translate me!" found
+        self.txtMAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT_flag = False # found in string in trLegendDocs()
+        self.obsoleteMethods = None  # list of prototypes to be removed
+        self.missingMethods = None   # list of prototypes to be implemented
+        self.implementedMethods = None  # list of implemented required methods
+        self.adaptMinClass = None    # The newest adapter class that can be used
+    def __tokenGenerator(self):
+        """Generator that reads the file and yields tokens as 4-tuples.
+        The tokens have the form (tokenId, tokenString, lineNo). The
+        last returned token has the form ('eof', None, None). When trying
+        to access next token afer that, the exception would be raised."""
+        # Set the dictionary for recognizing tokenId for keywords, separators
+        # and the similar categories. The key is the string to be recognized,
+        # the value says its token identification.
+        tokenDic = { 'class':     'class',
+                     'const':     'const',
+                     'public':    'public',
+                     'protected': 'protected',
+                     'private':   'private',
+                     'static':    'static',
+                     'virtual':   'virtual',
+                     ':':         'colon',    
+                     ';':         'semic',
+                     ',':         'comma',
+                     '[':         'lsqbra',   
+                     ']':         'rsqbra',
+                     '(':         'lpar',    
+                     ')':         'rpar',
+                     '{':         'lcurly',    
+                     '}':         'rcurly',
+                     '=':         'assign',
+                     '*':         'star',
+                     '&':         'amp',
+                     '+':         'plus',
+                     '-':         'minus',
+                     '!':         'excl',
+                     '?':         'qmark',
+                     '<':         'lt',
+                     '>':         'gt',
+                     "'":         'quot',
+                     '"':         'dquot',
+                     '.':         'dot',
+                     '%':         'perc',
+                     '~':         'tilde',
+                     '^':         'caret',
+                   }
+        # Regular expression for recognizing identifiers.
+        rexId = re.compile(r'^[a-zA-Z]\w*$')
+        # Open the file for reading and extracting tokens until the eof.
+        # Initialize the finite automaton.
+        f = file(self.fname)
+        lineNo = 0
+        line = ''         # init -- see the pos initialization below
+        linelen = 0       # init
+        pos = 100         # init -- pos after the end of line
+        status = 0     
+        tokenId = None    # init
+        tokenStr = ''     # init -- the characters will be appended.
+        tokenLineNo = 0
+        while status != 777:
+            # Get the next character. Read next line first, if necessary.
+            if pos < linelen:
+                c = line[pos]
+            else:
+                lineNo += 1
+                line = f.readline()
+                linelen = len(line)
+                pos = 0
+                if line == '':   # eof
+                    status = 777
+                else:
+                    c = line[pos]
+            # Consume the character based on the status
+            if status == 0:     # basic status
+                # This is the initial status. If tokenId is set, yield the
+                # token here and only here (except when eof is found).
+                # Initialize the token variables after the yield.
+                if tokenId:
+                    # If it is an unknown item, it can still be recognized
+                    # here. Keywords and separators are the example.
+                    if tokenId == 'unknown': 
+                        if tokenDic.has_key(tokenStr):
+                            tokenId = tokenDic[tokenStr]
+                        elif tokenStr.isdigit():
+                            tokenId = 'num'
+                        elif rexId.match(tokenStr):
+                            tokenId = 'id'
+                        else:
+                            msg = '\aWarning: unknown token "' + tokenStr + '"'
+                            msg += '\tfound on line %d' % tokenLineNo 
+                            msg += ' in "' + self.fname + '".\n'
+                            sys.stderr.write(msg)
+                    yield (tokenId, tokenStr, tokenLineNo)
+                    # If it is a comment that contains the self.translateMeText 
+                    # string, set the flag -- the situation will be reported.
+                    if tokenId == 'comment' and tokenStr.find(self.translateMeText) >= 0:
+                        self.translateMeFlag = True
+                    tokenId = None
+                    tokenStr = ''
+                    tokenLineNo = 0 
+                # Now process the character. When we just skip it (spaces),
+                # stay in this status. All characters that will be part of
+                # some token cause moving to the specific status. And only
+                # when moving to the status == 0 (or the final state 777), 
+                # the token is yielded. With respect to that the automaton
+                # behaves as Moore's one (output bound to status). When 
+                # collecting tokens, the automaton is the Mealy's one 
+                # (actions bound to transitions).
+                if c.isspace():
+                    pass                 # just skip whitespace characters
+                elif c == '/':           # Possibly comment starts here, but
+                    tokenId = 'unknown'  # it could be only a slash in code.
+                    tokenStr = c
+                    tokenLineNo = lineNo
+                    status = 1
+                elif c == '#':
+                    tokenId = 'preproc'  # preprocessor directive
+                    tokenStr = c
+                    tokenLineNo = lineNo
+                    status = 5
+                elif c == '"':           # string starts here
+                    tokenId = 'string'
+                    tokenStr = c
+                    tokenLineNo = lineNo
+                    status = 6
+                elif c == "'":           # char literal starts here
+                    tokenId = 'charlit'
+                    tokenStr = c
+                    tokenLineNo = lineNo
+                    status = 8
+                elif tokenDic.has_key(c):  # known one-char token 
+                    tokenId = tokenDic[c]
+                    tokenStr = c
+                    tokenLineNo = lineNo
+                    # stay in this state to yield token immediately
+                else:
+                    tokenId = 'unknown'  # totally unknown
+                    tokenStr = c
+                    tokenLineNo = lineNo
+                    status = 333
+                pos += 1                 # move position in any case
+            elif status == 1:            # possibly a comment
+                if c == '/':             # ... definitely the C++ comment
+                    tokenId = 'comment'
+                    tokenStr += c
+                    pos += 1            
+                    status = 2
+                elif c == '*':           # ... definitely the C comment
+                    tokenId = 'comment'
+                    tokenStr += c
+                    pos += 1            
+                    status = 3
+                else:
+                    status = 0           # unrecognized, don't move pos
+            elif status == 2:            # inside the C++ comment
+                if c == '\n':            # the end of C++ comment
+                    status = 0           # yield the token
+                else:
+                    tokenStr += c        # collect the C++ comment
+                pos += 1
+            elif status == 3:            # inside the C comment
+                if c == '*':             # possibly the end of the C comment
+                    tokenStr += c
+                    status = 4
+                else:
+                    tokenStr += c        # collect the C comment
+                pos += 1
+            elif status == 4:            # possibly the end of the C comment
+                if c == '/':             # definitely the end of the C comment
+                    tokenStr += c
+                    status = 0           # yield the token
+                elif c == '*':           # more stars inside the comment
+                    tokenStr += c
+                else:
+                    tokenStr += c        # this cannot be the end of comment
+                    status = 3
+                pos += 1
+            elif status == 5:            # inside the preprocessor directive
+                if c == '\n':            # the end of the preproc. command
+                    status = 0           # yield the token
+                else:
+                    tokenStr += c        # collect the preproc
+                pos += 1
+            elif status == 6:            # inside the string
+                if c == '\\':            # escaped char inside the string
+                    tokenStr += c
+                    status = 7
+                elif c == '"':           # end of the string
+                    tokenStr += c
+                    status = 0
+                else:
+                    tokenStr += c        # collect the chars of the string
+                pos += 1
+            elif status == 7:            # escaped char inside the string
+                tokenStr += c            # collect the char of the string
+                status = 6
+                pos += 1
+            elif status == 8:            # inside the char literal
+                tokenStr += c            # collect the char of the literal
+                status = 9
+                pos += 1
+            elif status == 9:            # end of char literal expected
+                if c == "'":             # ... and found
+                    tokenStr += c
+                    status = 0
+                    pos += 1
+                else:
+                    tokenId = 'error'    # end of literal was expected
+                    tokenStr += c
+                    status = 0
+            elif status == 333:          # start of the unknown token
+                if c.isspace():
+                    pos += 1
+                    status = 0           # tokenId may be determined later
+                elif tokenDic.has_key(c):  # separator, don't move pos
+                    status = 0
+                else:
+                    tokenStr += c        # collect
+                    pos += 1
+        # We should have finished in the final status. If some token 
+        # have been extracted, yield it first.
+        assert(status == 777)
+        if tokenId:
+            yield (tokenId, tokenStr, tokenLineNo)
+            tokenId = None
+            tokenStr = ''
+            tokenLineNo = 0 
+        # The file content is processed. Close the file. Then always yield 
+        # the eof token.
+        f.close()
+        yield ('eof', None, None)
+    def __collectClassInfo(self, tokenIterator):
+        """Collect the information about the class and base class.
+        The tokens including the opening left curly brace of the class are
+        consumed."""
+        status = 0  # initial state
+        while status != 777:   # final state
+            # Always assume that the previous tokens were processed. Get
+            # the next one.
+            tokenId, tokenStr, tokenLineNo = tokenIterator.next()
+            # Process the token and never return back.
+            if status == 0:    # waiting for the 'class' keyword.
+                if tokenId == 'class':
+                    status = 1
+            elif status == 1:  # expecting the class identification
+                if tokenId == 'id':
+                    self.classId = tokenStr
+                    status = 2
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 2:  # expecting the curly brace or base class info
+                if tokenId == 'lcurly':
+                    status = 777        # correctly finished
+                elif tokenId == 'colon':
+                    status = 3
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 3:  # expecting the 'public' in front of base class id
+                if tokenId == 'public':
+                    status = 4
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 4:  # expecting the base class id
+                if tokenId == 'id':
+                    self.baseClassId = tokenStr
+                    status = 5
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 5:  # expecting the curly brace and quitting
+                if tokenId == 'lcurly':
+                    status = 777        # correctly finished
+                elif tokenId == 'comment':
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+        # Extract the status of the TranslatorXxxx class. The readable form
+        # will be used in reports the status form is a string that can be
+        # compared lexically (unified length, padding with zeros, etc.).
+        if self.baseClassId:
+            lst = self.baseClassId.split('_')
+            if lst[0] == 'Translator':
+                self.readableStatus = 'up-to-date'
+                self.status = ''
+            elif lst[0] == 'TranslatorAdapter':
+                self.status = lst[1] + '.' + lst[2]
+                self.readableStatus = self.status
+                if len(lst) > 3:        # add the last part of the number
+                    self.status += '.' + ('%02d' % int(lst[3]))
+                    self.readableStatus += '.' + lst[3]
+                else:
+                    self.status += '.00'
+            elif lst[0] == 'TranslatorEnglish':
+                # Obsolete or Based on English.
+                if self.classId[-2:] == 'En':
+                    self.readableStatus = 'English based'
+                    self.status = 'En'
+                else:
+                    self.readableStatus = 'obsolete'
+                    self.status = '0.0.00'
+            # Check whether status was set, or set 'strange'.
+            if self.status == None: 
+                self.status = 'strange'
+            if not self.readableStatus: 
+                self.readableStatus = 'strange'
+            # Extract the name of the language and the readable form.
+            self.lang = self.classId[10:]  # without 'Translator'
+            if self.lang == 'Brazilian':
+                self.langReadable = 'Brazilian Portuguese'
+            elif self.lang == 'Chinesetraditional':
+                self.langReadable = 'Chinese Traditional'
+            else:
+                self.langReadable = self.lang
+    def __unexpectedToken(self, status, tokenId, tokenLineNo):
+        """Reports unexpected token and quits with exit code 1."""
+        import inspect
+        calledFrom = inspect.stack()[1][3]
+        msg = "\a\nUnexpected token '%s' on the line %d in '%s'.\n"
+        msg = msg % (tokenId, tokenLineNo, self.fname)
+        msg += 'status = %d in %s()\n' % (status, calledFrom)
+        sys.stderr.write(msg)
+        sys.exit(1)
+    def collectPureVirtualPrototypes(self):
+        """Returns dictionary 'unified prototype' -> 'full prototype'.
+        The method is expected to be called only for the translator.h. It
+        extracts only the pure virtual method and build the dictionary where
+        key is the unified prototype without argument identifiers."""
+        # Prepare empty dictionary that will be returned.
+        resultDic = {}
+        # Start the token generator which parses the class source file.
+        tokenIterator = self.__tokenGenerator()
+        # Collect the class and the base class identifiers.
+        self.__collectClassInfo(tokenIterator)
+        assert(self.classId == 'Translator')
+        # Let's collect readable form of the public virtual pure method
+        # prototypes in the readable form -- as defined in translator.h.
+        # Let's collect also unified form of the same prototype that omits
+        # everything that can be omitted, namely 'virtual' and argument
+        # identifiers.
+        prototype = ''    # readable prototype (with everything)
+        uniPrototype = '' # unified prototype (without arg. identifiers)
+        # Collect the pure virtual method prototypes. Stop on the closing
+        # curly brace followed by the semicolon (end of class).
+        status = 0
+        curlyCnt = 0      # counter for the level of curly braces
+        # Loop until the final state 777 is reached. The errors are processed
+        # immediately. In this implementation, it always quits the application.
+        while status != 777:     
+            # Get the next token.
+            tokenId, tokenStr, tokenLineNo = tokenIterator.next()
+            if status == 0:      # waiting for 'public:'
+                if tokenId == 'public':
+                    status = 1
+            elif status == 1:    # colon after the 'public'
+                if tokenId == 'colon':
+                    status = 2
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 2:    # waiting for 'virtual'
+                if tokenId == 'virtual':
+                    prototype = tokenStr  # but not to unified prototype
+                    status = 3
+                elif tokenId == 'comment':
+                    pass
+                elif tokenId == 'rcurly':
+                    status = 11         # expected end of class
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 3:    # return type of the method expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype = tokenStr  # start collecting the unified prototype
+                    status = 4
+		elif tokenId == 'tilde':
+                    status = 4
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 4:    # method identifier expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    status = 5
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 5:    # left bracket of the argument list expected
+                if tokenId == 'lpar':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 6
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 6:    # collecting arguments of the method
+                if tokenId == 'rpar':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 7
+                elif tokenId == 'const':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 12
+                elif tokenId == 'id':           # type identifier
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 13
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 7:    # assignment expected or left curly brace
+                if tokenId == 'assign':
+                    status = 8
+                elif tokenId == 'lcurly':
+                    curlyCnt = 1      # method body entered 
+                    status = 10
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 8:    # zero expected
+                if tokenId == 'num' and tokenStr == '0':
+                    status = 9
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 9:    # after semicolon, produce the dic item
+                if tokenId == 'semic':
+                    assert(not resultDic.has_key(uniPrototype))
+                    resultDic[uniPrototype] = prototype
+                    status = 2
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 10:   # consuming the body of the method
+                if tokenId == 'rcurly':
+                    curlyCnt -= 1
+                    if curlyCnt == 0:
+                        status = 2     # body consumed
+                elif tokenId == 'lcurly':
+                    curlyCnt += 1
+            elif status == 11:   # probably the end of class
+                if tokenId == 'semic':
+                    status = 777
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 12:   # type id for argument expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    status = 13
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 13:   # namespace qualification or * or & expected
+                if tokenId == 'colon':        # was namespace id
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 14
+                elif tokenId == 'star' or tokenId == 'amp':  # pointer or reference
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    status = 16
+                elif tokenId == 'id':         # argument identifier
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    # don't put this into unified prototype
+                    status = 17
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 14:   # second colon for namespace:: expected
+                if tokenId == 'colon':        
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 15
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 15:   # type after namespace:: expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':        
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 13
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 16:   # argument identifier expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':        
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    # don't put this into unified prototype
+                    status = 17
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 17:   # comma or ')' after argument identifier expected
+                if tokenId == 'comma':        
+                    prototype += ', '
+                    uniPrototype += ', '
+                    status = 6
+                elif tokenId == 'rpar':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 7
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+        # Eat the rest of the source to cause closing the file.
+        while tokenId != 'eof':
+            tokenId, tokenStr, tokenLineNo = tokenIterator.next()
+        # Return the resulting dictionary with 'uniPrototype -> prototype'.
+        return resultDic
+    def __collectPublicMethodPrototypes(self, tokenIterator):    
+        """Collects prototypes of public methods and fills self.prototypeDic.
+        The dictionary is filled by items: uniPrototype -> prototype. 
+        The method is expected to be called only for TranslatorXxxx classes,
+        i.e. for the classes that implement translation to some language.
+        It assumes that the openning curly brace of the class was already
+        consumed. The source is consumed until the end of the class. 
+        The caller should consume the source until the eof to cause closing 
+        the source file."""
+        assert(self.classId != 'Translator')
+        assert(self.baseClassId != None)
+        # The following finite automaton slightly differs from the one
+        # inside self.collectPureVirtualPrototypes(). It produces the
+        # dictionary item just after consuming the body of the method
+        # (transition from from state 10 to state 2). It also does not allow
+        # definitions of public pure virtual methods, except for
+        # TranslatorAdapterBase (states 8 and 9). Argument identifier inside
+        # method argument lists can be omitted or commented.
+        #
+        # Let's collect readable form of all public method prototypes in 
+        # the readable form -- as defined in the source file.
+        # Let's collect also unified form of the same prototype that omits
+        # everything that can be omitted, namely 'virtual' and argument
+        # identifiers.
+        prototype = ''    # readable prototype (with everything)
+        uniPrototype = '' # unified prototype (without arg. identifiers)
+        warning = ''      # warning message -- if something special detected
+        methodId = None   # processed method id
+        # Collect the method prototypes. Stop on the closing
+        # curly brace followed by the semicolon (end of class).
+        status = 0
+        curlyCnt = 0      # counter for the level of curly braces
+        # Loop until the final state 777 is reached. The errors are processed
+        # immediately. In this implementation, it always quits the application.
+        while status != 777:     
+            # Get the next token.
+            tokenId, tokenStr, tokenLineNo = tokenIterator.next()
+            if status == 0:      # waiting for 'public:'
+                if tokenId == 'public':
+                    status = 1
+                elif tokenId == 'eof':  # non-public things until the eof
+                    status = 777
+            elif status == 1:    # colon after the 'public'
+                if tokenId == 'colon':
+                    status = 2
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 2:    # waiting for 'virtual' (can be omitted)
+                if tokenId == 'virtual':
+                    prototype = tokenStr  # but not to unified prototype
+                    status = 3
+                elif tokenId == 'id':     # 'virtual' was omitted
+                    prototype = tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype = tokenStr  # start collecting the unified prototype
+                    status = 4
+                elif tokenId == 'comment':
+                    pass
+                elif tokenId == 'protected' or tokenId == 'private':
+                    status = 0
+                elif tokenId == 'rcurly':
+                    status = 11         # expected end of class
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 3:    # return type of the method expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype = tokenStr  # start collecting the unified prototype
+                    status = 4
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 4:    # method identifier expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    methodId = tokenStr    # for reporting
+                    status = 5
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 5:    # left bracket of the argument list expected
+                if tokenId == 'lpar':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 6
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 6:    # collecting arguments of the method
+                if tokenId == 'rpar':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 7
+                elif tokenId == 'const':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 12
+                elif tokenId == 'id':           # type identifier
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 13
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 7:    # left curly brace expected 
+                if tokenId == 'lcurly':
+                    curlyCnt = 1      # method body entered 
+                    status = 10
+                elif tokenId == 'comment':
+                    pass
+                elif tokenId == 'assign': # allowed only for TranslatorAdapterBase
+                    assert(self.classId == 'TranslatorAdapterBase')
+                    status = 8
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 8:    # zero expected (TranslatorAdapterBase)
+                assert(self.classId == 'TranslatorAdapterBase')
+                if tokenId == 'num' and tokenStr == '0':
+                    status = 9
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 9:    # after semicolon (TranslatorAdapterBase)
+                assert(self.classId == 'TranslatorAdapterBase')
+                if tokenId == 'semic':
+                    status = 2
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 10:   # consuming the body of the method, then dic item
+                if tokenId == 'rcurly':
+                    curlyCnt -= 1
+                    if curlyCnt == 0:
+                        # Insert new dictionary item.
+                        assert(not self.prototypeDic.has_key(uniPrototype))
+                        self.prototypeDic[uniPrototype] = prototype
+                        status = 2      # body consumed
+                        methodId = None # outside of any method
+                elif tokenId == 'lcurly':
+                    curlyCnt += 1
+                # Warn in special case.     
+                elif methodId == 'trLegendDocs' and tokenId == 'string' \
+                    and tokenStr.find('MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT') >= 0:
+                        self.txtMAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT_flag = True  
+            elif status == 11:   # probably the end of class
+                if tokenId == 'semic':
+                    status = 777
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 12:   # type id for argument expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    status = 13
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 13:   # :: or * or & or id or ) expected
+                if tokenId == 'colon':        # was namespace id
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 14
+                elif tokenId == 'star' or tokenId == 'amp':  # pointer or reference
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    status = 16
+                elif tokenId == 'id':         # argument identifier
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    # don't put this into unified prototype
+                    status = 17
+                elif tokenId == 'comment':    # probably commented-out identifier
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                elif tokenId == 'rpar':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 7
+                elif tokenId == 'comma':        
+                    prototype += ', '
+                    uniPrototype += ', '
+                    status = 6
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 14:   # second colon for namespace:: expected
+                if tokenId == 'colon':        
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 15
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 15:   # type after namespace:: expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':        
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 13
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 16:   # argument identifier or ) expected
+                if tokenId == 'id':        
+                    prototype += ' ' + tokenStr
+                    # don't put this into unified prototype
+                    status = 17
+                elif tokenId == 'rpar':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 7
+                elif tokenId == 'comment':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+            elif status == 17:   # comma or ')' after argument identifier expected
+                if tokenId == 'comma':        
+                    prototype += ', '
+                    uniPrototype += ', '
+                    status = 6
+                elif tokenId == 'rpar':
+                    prototype += tokenStr
+                    uniPrototype += tokenStr
+                    status = 7
+                else:
+                    self.__unexpectedToken(status, tokenId, tokenLineNo)
+    def collectAdapterPrototypes(self):
+        """Returns the dictionary of prototypes implemented by adapters.
+        It is created to process the translator_adapter.h. The returned 
+        dictionary has the form: unifiedPrototype -> (version, classId)
+        thus by looking for the prototype, we get the information what is 
+        the newest (least adapting) adapter that is sufficient for 
+        implementing the method."""            
+        # Start the token generator which parses the class source file.
+        assert(os.path.split(self.fname)[1] == 'translator_adapter.h')
+        tokenIterator = self.__tokenGenerator()
+        # Get the references to the involved dictionaries.
+        reqDic = self.manager.requiredMethodsDic
+        # Create the empty dictionary that will be returned.
+        adaptDic = {}
+        # Loop through the source of the adapter file until no other adapter
+        # class is found.
+        while True:
+            try:
+                # Collect the class and the base class identifiers.
+                self.__collectClassInfo(tokenIterator)
+                # Extract the comparable version of the adapter class.
+                # Note: The self.status as set by self.__collectClassInfo()
+                # contains similar version, but is related to the base class,
+                # not to the class itself.
+                lst = self.classId.split('_')
+                version = ''
+                if lst[0] == 'TranslatorAdapter': # TranslatorAdapterBase otherwise
+                    version = lst[1] + '.' + lst[2]
+                    if len(lst) > 3:        # add the last part of the number
+                        version += '.' + ('%02d' % int(lst[3]))
+                    else:
+                        version += '.00'
+                # Collect the prototypes of implemented public methods.
+                self.__collectPublicMethodPrototypes(tokenIterator)
+                # For the required methods, update the dictionary of methods 
+                # implemented by the adapter.
+                for protoUni in self.prototypeDic:
+                    if reqDic.has_key(protoUni):
+                        # This required method will be marked as implemented
+                        # by this adapter class. This implementation assumes 
+                        # that newer adapters do not reimplement any required
+                        # methods already implemented by older adapters.
+                        assert(not adaptDic.has_key(protoUni))
+                        adaptDic[protoUni] = (version, self.classId)
+                # Clear the dictionary object and the information related
+                # to the class as the next adapter class is to be processed.
+                self.prototypeDic.clear()
+                self.classId = None
+                self.baseClassId = None
+            except StopIteration:
+                break
+        # Return the result dictionary.
+        return adaptDic    
+    def processing(self):
+        """Processing of the source file -- only for TranslatorXxxx classes."""            
+        # Start the token generator which parses the class source file.
+        tokenIterator = self.__tokenGenerator()
+        # Collect the class and the base class identifiers.
+        self.__collectClassInfo(tokenIterator)
+        assert(self.classId != 'Translator')
+        assert(self.classId[:17] != 'TranslatorAdapter')
+        # Collect the prototypes of implemented public methods.
+        self.__collectPublicMethodPrototypes(tokenIterator)
+        # Eat the rest of the source to cause closing the file.
+        while True:
+            try:
+                t = tokenIterator.next()
+            except StopIteration:
+                break
+        # Shorthands for the used dictionaries.
+        reqDic = self.manager.requiredMethodsDic
+        adaptDic = self.manager.adaptMethodsDic
+        myDic = self.prototypeDic
+        # Build the list of obsolete methods.
+        self.obsoleteMethods = []
+        for p in myDic:
+            if not reqDic.has_key(p):
+                self.obsoleteMethods.append(p)
+        # Build the list of missing methods and the list of implemented
+        # required methods.
+        self.missingMethods = []
+        self.implementedMethods = []
+        for p in reqDic:
+            if myDic.has_key(p):
+                self.implementedMethods.append(p)
+            else:
+                self.missingMethods.append(p)
+        # Check whether adapter must be used or suggest the newest one.
+        # Change the status and set the note accordingly.
+        if self.baseClassId != 'Translator':
+            if not self.missingMethods: 
+                self.note = 'Change the base class to Translator.'
+                self.status = ''
+                self.readableStatus = 'up-to-date'
+            elif self.baseClassId != 'TranslatorEnglish':
+                # The translator uses some of the adapters.
+                # Look at the missing methods and check what adapter 
+                # implements them. Remember the one with the lowest version.
+                adaptMinVersion = '9.9.99'
+                adaptMinClass = 'TranslatorAdapter_9_9_99'
+                for uniProto in self.missingMethods:
+                    if adaptDic.has_key(uniProto):
+                        version, cls = adaptDic[uniProto]
+                        if version < adaptMinVersion:
+                            adaptMinVersion = version
+                            adaptMinClass = cls
+                # Test against the current status -- preserve the self.status.
+                # Possibly, the translator implements enough methods to 
+                # use some newer adapter.
+                status = self.status
+                # If the version of the used adapter is smaller than
+                # the required, set the note and update the status as if
+                # the newer adapter was used.
+                if adaptMinVersion > status:
+                    self.note = 'Change the base class to %s.' % adaptMinClass
+                    self.status = adaptMinVersion
+                    self.adaptMinClass = adaptMinClass
+                    self.readableStatus = adaptMinVersion # simplified
+        # If everything seems OK, some explicit warning flags still could 
+        # be set. 
+        if not self.note and self.status == '' and \
+           (self.translateMeFlag or self.txtMAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT_flag):
+           self.note = '' 
+           if self.translateMeFlag:
+               self.note += 'The "%s" found in a comment.' % self.translateMeText
+           if self.note != '':
+               self.note += '\n\t\t'          
+           if self.txtMAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT_flag:
+                self.note += 'The MAX_DOT_GRAPH_HEIGHT found in trLegendDocs()'
+        # If everything seems OK, but there are obsolete methods, set 
+        # the note to clean-up source. This note will be used only when
+        # the previous code did not set another note (priority).
+        if not self.note and self.status == '' and self.obsoleteMethods:
+            self.note = 'Remove the obsolete methods (never used).'
+    def report(self, fout):
+        """Returns the report part for the source as a multiline string.
+        No output for up-to-date translators without problem."""
+        # If there is nothing to report, return immediately.
+        if self.status == '' and not self.note:
+            return
+        # Report the number of not implemented methods.
+        fout.write('\n\n\n')
+        fout.write(self.classId + '   (' + self.baseClassId + ')')
+        percentImplemented = 100    # init
+        allNum = len(self.manager.requiredMethodsDic) 
+        if self.missingMethods:
+            num = len(self.missingMethods)
+            percentImplemented = 100 * (allNum - num) / allNum
+            fout.write('  %d' % num)
+            fout.write(' method')
+            if num > 1:
+                fout.write('s')
+            fout.write(' to implement (%d %%)' % (100 * num / allNum))
+        fout.write('\n' + '-' * len(self.classId))
+        # Write the info about the implemented required methods.
+        fout.write('\n\n  Implements %d' % len(self.implementedMethods))
+        fout.write(' of the required methods (%d %%).' % percentImplemented)
+        # Report the missing method, but only when it is not English-based
+        # translator.
+        if self.missingMethods and self.status != 'En':
+            fout.write('\n\n  Missing methods (should be implemented):\n')
+            reqDic = self.manager.requiredMethodsDic
+            for p in self.missingMethods:
+                fout.write('\n    ' + reqDic[p])
+        # Always report obsolete methods.
+        if self.obsoleteMethods:
+            fout.write('\n\n  Obsolete methods (should be removed, never used):\n')
+            myDic = self.prototypeDic
+            for p in self.obsoleteMethods:
+                fout.write('\n    ' + myDic[p])
+        # For English-based translator, report the implemented methods.
+        if self.status == 'En' and self.implementedMethods:
+            fout.write('\n\n  This English-based translator implements ')
+            fout.write('the following methods:\n')
+            reqDic = self.manager.requiredMethodsDic
+            for p in self.implementedMethods:
+                fout.write('\n    ' + reqDic[p])
+    def getmtime(self):
+        """Returns the last modification time of the source file."""
+        assert(os.path.isfile(self.fname))
+        return os.path.getmtime(self.fname)
+class TrManager:
+    """Collects basic info and builds subordinate Transl objects."""
+    def __init__(self):
+        """Determines paths, creates and initializes structures.
+        The arguments of the script may explicitly say what languages should 
+        be processed. Write the two letter identifications that are used
+        for composing the source filenames, so...
+            python translator.py cz
+        this will process only translator_cz.h source.
+        """
+        # Determine the path to the script and its name.
+        self.script = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) 
+        self.script_path, self.script_name = os.path.split(self.script) 
+        self.script_path = os.path.abspath(self.script_path)
+        # Determine the absolute path to the Doxygen's root subdirectory.
+        # If DOXYGEN environment variable is not found, the directory is
+        # determined from the path of the script.
+        doxy_default = os.path.join(self.script_path, '..')    
+        self.doxy_path = os.path.abspath(os.getenv('DOXYGEN', doxy_default))
+        # Get the explicit arguments of the script.
+        self.script_argLst = sys.argv[1:]
+        # Build the path names based on the Doxygen's root knowledge.
+        self.doc_path = os.path.join(self.doxy_path, 'doc')
+        self.src_path = os.path.join(self.doxy_path, 'src')
+        # Create the empty dictionary for Transl object identitied by the
+        # class identifier of the translator. 
+        self.__translDic = {}
+        # Create the None dictionary of required methods. The key is the
+        # unified prototype, the value is the full prototype. Set inside
+        # the self.__build().
+        self.requiredMethodsDic = None
+        # Create the empty dictionary that says what method is implemented
+        # by what adapter.
+        self.adaptMethodsDic = {}
+        # The last modification time will capture the modification of this
+        # script, of the translator.h, of the translator_adapter.h (see the 
+        # self.__build() for the last two) of all the translator_xx.h files
+        # and of the template for generating the documentation. So, this
+        # time can be compared with modification time of the generated 
+        # documentation to decide, whether the doc should be re-generated.
+        self.lastModificationTime = os.path.getmtime(self.script)
+        # Set the names of the translator report text file, of the template
+        # for generating "Internationalization" document, for the generated
+        # file itself, and for the maintainers list.
+        self.translatorReportFileName = 'translator_report.txt'
+        self.maintainersFileName = 'maintainers.txt'
+        self.languageTplFileName = 'language.tpl'
+        self.languageDocFileName = 'language.doc'
+        # The information about the maintainers will be stored 
+        # in the dictionary with the following name.
+        self.__maintainersDic = None
+        # Define the other used structures and variables for information.
+        self.langLst = None                   # including English based
+        self.supportedLangReadableStr = None  # coupled En-based as a note
+        self.numLang = None                   # excluding coupled En-based
+        self.doxVersion = None                # Doxygen version
+        # Build objects where each one is responsible for one translator.
+        self.__build()
+    def __build(self):
+        """Find the translator files and build the objects for translators."""
+        # The translator.h must exist (the Transl object will check it),
+        # create the object for it and let it build the dictionary of
+        # required methods.
+        tr = Transl(os.path.join(self.src_path, 'translator.h'), self)
+        self.requiredMethodsDic = tr.collectPureVirtualPrototypes()
+        tim = tr.getmtime()
+        if tim > self.lastModificationTime:
+            self.lastModificationTime = tim
+        # The translator_adapter.h must exist (the Transl object will check it),
+        # create the object for it and store the reference in the dictionary.
+        tr = Transl(os.path.join(self.src_path, 'translator_adapter.h'), self)
+        self.adaptMethodsDic = tr.collectAdapterPrototypes()
+        tim = tr.getmtime()
+        if tim > self.lastModificationTime:
+            self.lastModificationTime = tim
+        # Create the list of the filenames with language translator sources.
+        # If the explicit arguments of the script were typed, process only
+        # those files.
+        if self.script_argLst:
+            lst = ['translator_' + x + '.h' for x in self.script_argLst]
+            for fname in lst:
+                if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(self.src_path, fname)):
+                    sys.stderr.write("\a\nFile '%s' not found!\n" % fname)
+                    sys.exit(1)
+        else:                    
+            lst = os.listdir(self.src_path)
+            lst = filter(lambda x: x[:11] == 'translator_'
+                                   and x[-2:] == '.h'
+                                   and x != 'translator_adapter.h', lst)
+        # Build the object for the translator_xx.h files, and process the 
+        # content of the file. Then insert the object to the dictionary
+        # accessed via classId.
+        for fname in lst:
+            fullname = os.path.join(self.src_path, fname)
+            tr = Transl(fullname, self)
+            tr.processing()
+            assert(tr.classId != 'Translator')
+            self.__translDic[tr.classId] = tr
+        # Extract the global information of the processed info. 
+        self.__extractProcessedInfo()
+    def __extractProcessedInfo(self):
+        """Build lists and strings of the processed info."""        
+        # Build the auxiliary list with strings compound of the status,
+        # readable form of the language, and classId.
+        statLst = []
+        for obj in self.__translDic.values():
+            assert(obj.classId != 'Translator')
+            s = obj.status + '|' + obj.langReadable + '|' + obj.classId
+            statLst.append(s)
+        # Sort the list and extract the object identifiers (classId's) for
+        # the up-to-date translators and English-based translators.
+        statLst.sort()
+        self.upToDateIdLst = [x.split('|')[2] for x in statLst if x[0] == '|']
+        self.EnBasedIdLst = [x.split('|')[2] for x in statLst if x[:2] == 'En']
+        # Reverse the list and extract the TranslatorAdapter based translators.
+        statLst.reverse()
+        self.adaptIdLst = [x.split('|')[2] for x in statLst if x[0].isdigit()]
+        # Build the list of tuples that contain (langReadable, obj). 
+        # Sort it by readable name.
+        self.langLst = []
+        for obj in self.__translDic.values():
+            self.langLst.append((obj.langReadable, obj))
+        self.langLst.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a[0], b[0]))
+        # Create the list with readable language names. If the language has
+        # also the English-based version, modify the item by appending
+        # the note. Number of the supported languages is equal to the length
+        # of the list.
+        langReadableLst = []
+        for name, obj in self.langLst:
+            if obj.status == 'En': continue
+            # Append the 'En' to the classId to possibly obtain the classId
+            # of the English-based object. If the object exists, modify the
+            # name for the readable list of supported languages.
+            classIdEn = obj.classId + 'En'
+            if self.__translDic.has_key(classIdEn):
+                name += ' (+En)'
+            # Append the result name of the language, possibly with note.
+            langReadableLst.append(name)
+        # Create the multiline string of readable language names, 
+        # with punctuation, wrapped to paragraph.
+        if len(langReadableLst) == 1:
+            s = langReadableLst[0]
+        elif len(langReadableLst) == 2:
+            s = ' and '.join(langReadableLst) 
+        else:    
+            s = ', '.join(langReadableLst[:-1]) + ', and ' 
+            s += langReadableLst[-1]
+        self.supportedLangReadableStr = fill(s + '.') 
+        # Find the number of the supported languages. The English based
+        # languages are not counted if the non-English based also exists.
+        self.numLang = len(self.langLst)
+        for name, obj in self.langLst:
+            if obj.status == 'En':
+                classId = obj.classId[:-2]
+                if self.__translDic.has_key(classId):
+                    self.numLang -= 1    # the couple will be counted as one
+        # Extract the version of Doxygen.
+        f = file(os.path.join(self.doxy_path, 'VERSION'))
+        self.doxVersion = f.readline().strip()
+        f.close()
+        # Update the last modification time.
+        for tr in self.__translDic.values():
+            tim = tr.getmtime()
+            if tim > self.lastModificationTime:
+                self.lastModificationTime = tim
+    def __getNoTrSourceFilesLst(self):
+        """Returns the list of sources to be checked.
+        All .cpp files and also .h files that do not declare or define
+        the translator methods are included in the list. The file names 
+        are searched in doxygen/src directory.
+        """ 
+        files = []
+        for item in os.listdir(self.src_path):
+            # Split the bare name to get the extension.
+            name, ext = os.path.splitext(item)
+            ext = ext.lower()
+            # Include only .cpp and .h files (case independent) and exclude
+            # the files where the checked identifiers are defined.
+            if ext == '.cpp' or (ext == '.h' and name.find('translator') == -1):
+                fname = os.path.join(self.src_path, item)
+                assert os.path.isfile(fname) # assumes no directory with the ext
+                files.append(fname)          # full name
+        return files
+    def __removeUsedInFiles(self, fname, dic):
+        """Removes items for method identifiers that are found in fname.
+        The method reads the content of the file as one string and searches
+        for all identifiers from dic. The identifiers that were found in
+        the file are removed from the dictionary.
+        Note: If more files is to be checked, the files where most items are
+        probably used should be checked first and the resulting reduced 
+        dictionary should be used for checking the next files (speed up).
+        """
+        lst_in = dic.keys()   # identifiers to be searched for
+        # Read content of the file as one string.
+        assert os.path.isfile(fname)
+        f = file(fname)
+        cont = f.read()
+        f.close()
+        # Remove the items for identifiers that were found in the file.
+        while lst_in:
+            item = lst_in.pop(0)
+            if cont.find(item) != -1:
+                del dic[item]
+    def __checkForNotUsedTrMethods(self):
+        """Returns the dictionary of not used translator methods.
+        The method can be called only after self.requiredMethodsDic has been
+        built. The stripped prototypes are the values, the method identifiers
+        are the keys.
+        """
+        # Build the dictionary of the required method prototypes with
+        # method identifiers used as keys.
+        trdic = {}
+        for prototype in self.requiredMethodsDic.keys():
+            ri = prototype.split('(')[0]
+            identifier = ri.split()[1].strip()
+            trdic[identifier] = prototype
+        # Build the list of source files where translator method identifiers
+        # can be used.
+        files = self.__getNoTrSourceFilesLst()
+        # Loop through the files and reduce the dictionary of id -> proto.
+        for fname in files:
+            self.__removeUsedInFiles(fname, trdic)
+        # Return the dictionary of not used translator methods.
+        return trdic
+    def __email(self, classId):
+        """Returns the first maintainer for the translator class"""
+        return self.__maintainersDic[classId][0][1]
+    def generateTranslatorReport(self):
+        """Generates the translator report."""
+        output = os.path.join(self.doc_path, self.translatorReportFileName)
+        # Open the textual report file for the output.
+        f = file(output, 'w')
+        # Output the information about the version.
+        f.write('(' + self.doxVersion + ')\n\n')
+        # Output the information about the number of the supported languages
+        # and the list of the languages, or only the note about the explicitly
+        # given languages to process.
+        if self.script_argLst:
+            f.write('The report was generated for the following, explicitly')
+            f.write(' identified languages:\n\n')
+            f.write(self.supportedLangReadableStr + '\n\n')
+        else:
+            f.write('Doxygen supports the following ')
+            f.write(str(self.numLang))
+            f.write(' languages (sorted alphabetically):\n\n')
+            f.write(self.supportedLangReadableStr + '\n\n')
+            # Write the summary about the status of language translators (how 
+            # many translators) are up-to-date, etc.
+            s = 'Of them, %d translators are up-to-date, ' % len(self.upToDateIdLst)
+            s += '%d translators are based on some adapter class, ' % len(self.adaptIdLst)  
+            s += 'and %d are English based.' % len(self.EnBasedIdLst)
+            f.write(fill(s) + '\n\n')
+        # The e-mail addresses of the maintainers will be collected to 
+        # the auxiliary file in the order of translator classes listed
+        # in the translator report.
+        fmail = file('mailto.txt', 'w')
+        # Write the list of up-to-date translator classes. 
+        if self.upToDateIdLst:
+            s = '''The following translator classes are up-to-date (sorted
+                alphabetically). This means that they derive from the
+                Translator class and they implement all %d of the required
+                methods. Anyway, there still may be some details listed even 
+                for them:'''
+            s = s % len(self.requiredMethodsDic)    
+            f.write('-' * 70 + '\n')
+            f.write(fill(s) + '\n\n')
+            mailtoLst = []
+            for x in self.upToDateIdLst:
+                obj = self.__translDic[x]
+                f.write('  ' + obj.classId)
+                if obj.note:
+                    f.write(' -- ' + obj.note)
+                f.write('\n')
+                mailtoLst.append(self.__email(obj.classId))
+            fmail.write('up-to-date\n')
+            fmail.write('; '.join(mailtoLst))
+        # Write the list of the adapter based classes. The very obsolete
+        # translators that derive from TranslatorEnglish are included.
+        if self.adaptIdLst:
+            s = '''The following translator classes need some maintenance 
+                (the most obsolete at the end). The other info shows the
+                estimation of Doxygen version when the class was last
+                updated and number of methods that must be implemented to
+                become up-to-date:'''
+            f.write('\n' + '-' * 70 + '\n')
+            f.write(fill(s) + '\n\n')
+            # Find also whether some adapter classes may be removed.
+            adaptMinVersion = '9.9.99'
+            mailtoLst = []
+            numRequired = len(self.requiredMethodsDic)
+            for x in self.adaptIdLst:
+                obj = self.__translDic[x]
+                f.write('  %-30s' % obj.classId)
+                f.write('  %-6s' % obj.readableStatus)
+                numimpl = len(obj.missingMethods)
+                pluralS = ''
+                if numimpl > 1: pluralS = 's'
+                percent = 100 * numimpl / numRequired
+                f.write('\t%2d method%s to implement (%d %%)' % (
+                        numimpl, pluralS, percent))
+                if obj.note:
+                    f.write('\n\tNote: ' + obj.note + '\n')
+                f.write('\n')
+                mailtoLst.append(self.__email(obj.classId)) # to maintainer
+                # Check the level of required adapter classes.
+                if obj.status != '0.0.00' and obj.status < adaptMinVersion:
+                    adaptMinVersion = obj.status
+            fmail.write('\n\ntranslator based\n')
+            fmail.write('; '.join(mailtoLst))
+            # Set the note if some old translator adapters are not needed 
+            # any more. Do it only when the script is called without arguments,
+            # i.e. all languages were checked against the needed translator 
+            # adapters. 
+            if not self.script_argLst:
+                to_remove = {}
+                for version, adaptClassId in self.adaptMethodsDic.values():
+                    if version < adaptMinVersion:
+                        to_remove[adaptClassId] = True
+                if to_remove:
+                    lst = to_remove.keys()
+                    lst.sort()
+                    plural = len(lst) > 1
+                    note = 'Note: The adapter class'
+                    if plural: note += 'es'
+                    note += ' ' + ', '.join(lst)    
+                    if not plural: 
+                        note += ' is'
+                    else:
+                        note += ' are'
+                    note += ' not used and can be removed.'
+                    f.write('\n' + fill(note) + '\n')
+        # Write the list of the English-based classes.
+        if self.EnBasedIdLst:
+            s = '''The following translator classes derive directly from the 
+                TranslatorEnglish. The class identifier has the suffix 'En' 
+                that says that this is intentional. Usually, there is also 
+                a non-English based version of the translator for 
+                the language:'''
+            f.write('\n' + '-' * 70 + '\n')
+            f.write(fill(s) + '\n\n')
+            for x in self.EnBasedIdLst:
+                obj = self.__translDic[x]
+                f.write('  ' + obj.classId)
+                f.write('\timplements %d methods' % len(obj.implementedMethods))
+                if obj.note:
+                    f.write(' -- ' + obj.note)
+                f.write('\n')
+        # Check for not used translator methods and generate warning if found.
+        # The check is rather time consuming, so it is not done when report
+        # is restricted to explicitly given language identifiers.
+        if not self.script_argLst:
+            dic = self.__checkForNotUsedTrMethods()
+            if dic:
+                s = '''WARNING: The following translator methods are declared
+                    in the Translator class but their identifiers do not appear 
+                    in source files. The situation should be checked. The .cpp 
+                    files and .h files excluding the '*translator*' files 
+                    in doxygen/src directory were simply searched for occurence 
+                    of the method identifiers:'''
+                f.write('\n' + '=' * 70 + '\n')
+                f.write(fill(s) + '\n\n')
+                keys = dic.keys()
+                keys.sort()
+                for key in keys:
+                    f.write('  ' + dic[key] + '\n')
+                f.write('\n')
+        # Write the details for the translators.
+        f.write('\n' + '=' * 70)
+        f.write('\nDetails for translators (classes sorted alphabetically):\n')
+        cls = self.__translDic.keys()
+        cls.sort()
+        for c in cls:
+            obj = self.__translDic[c]
+            assert(obj.classId != 'Translator') 
+            obj.report(f)
+        # Close the report file and the auxiliary file with e-mails.     
+        f.close()
+        fmail.close()
+    def __loadMaintainers(self):
+        """Load and process the file with the maintainers.
+        Fills the dictionary classId -> [(name, e-mail), ...]."""
+        fname = os.path.join(self.doc_path, self.maintainersFileName)
+        # Include the maintainers file to the group of files checked with
+        # respect to the modification time.
+        tim = os.path.getmtime(fname)
+        if tim > self.lastModificationTime:
+            self.lastModificationTime = tim
+        # Process the content of the maintainers file.
+        f = file(fname)
+        inside = False  # inside the record for the language
+        lineReady = True
+        classId = None
+        maintainersLst = None
+        self.__maintainersDic = {}
+        while lineReady:
+            line = f.readline()            # next line
+            lineReady = line != ''         # when eof, then line == ''
+            line = line.strip()            # eof should also behave as separator
+            if line != '' and line[0] == '%':    # skip the comment line
+                continue           
+            if not inside:                 # if outside of the record
+                if line != '':             # should be language identifier
+                    classId = line
+                    maintainersLst = []
+                    inside = True
+                # Otherwise skip empty line that do not act as separator.
+            else:                          # if inside the record                       
+                if line == '':             # separator found
+                    inside = False
+                else:
+                    # If it is the first maintainer, create the empty list.
+                    if not self.__maintainersDic.has_key(classId):
+                        self.__maintainersDic[classId] = []
+                    # Split the information about the maintainer and append
+                    # the tuple.
+                    lst = line.split(':', 1)
+                    assert(len(lst) == 2)
+                    t = (lst[0].strip(), lst[1].strip())
+                    self.__maintainersDic[classId].append(t)
+        f.close()
+    def generateLanguageDoc(self):
+        """Checks the modtime of files and generates language.doc."""
+        self.__loadMaintainers()
+        # Check the last modification time of the template file. It is the
+        # last file from the group that decide whether the documentation
+        # should or should not be generated.
+        fTplName = os.path.join(self.doc_path, self.languageTplFileName)
+        tim = os.path.getmtime(fTplName)
+        if tim > self.lastModificationTime:
+            self.lastModificationTime = tim
+        # If the generated documentation exists and is newer than any of 
+        # the source files from the group, do not generate it and quit 
+        # quietly.
+        fDocName = os.path.join(self.doc_path, self.languageDocFileName)
+        if os.path.isfile(fDocName): 
+            if os.path.getmtime(fDocName) > self.lastModificationTime:
+                return
+        # The document or does not exist or is older than some of the
+        # sources. It must be generated again.
+        #
+        # Read the template of the documentation, and remove the first
+        # attention lines.
+        f = file(fTplName)
+        line = f.readline()
+        while line[0] != '/':
+            line = f.readline()
+        doctpl = line + f.read()    
+        f.close()
+        # Fill the tplDic by symbols that will be inserted into the 
+        # document template.
+        tplDic = {}
+        s = 'Do not edit this file. It was generated by the %s script.' % self.script_name
+        tplDic['editnote'] = s
+        tplDic['doxVersion'] = self.doxVersion
+        tplDic['supportedLangReadableStr'] = self.supportedLangReadableStr 
+        tplDic['translatorReportFileName'] = self.translatorReportFileName
+        ahref = '<a href="../doc/' + self.translatorReportFileName
+        ahref += '"\n><code>doxygen/doc/'  + self.translatorReportFileName
+        ahref += '</code></a>'
+        tplDic['translatorReportLink'] = ahref
+        tplDic['numLangStr'] = str(self.numLang)
+        # Define templates for HTML table parts of the documentation.
+        htmlTableTpl = '''\
+            \\htmlonly
+            <table align="center" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
+            <tr bgcolor="#000000">
+            <td>
+              <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="2" border="0">
+              <tr bgcolor="#4040c0">
+              <td ><b><font size="+1" color="#ffffff"> Language </font></b></td>
+              <td ><b><font size="+1" color="#ffffff"> Maintainer </font></b></td>
+              <td ><b><font size="+1" color="#ffffff"> Contact address </font>
+                      <font size="-2" color="#ffffff">(replace the at and dot)</font></b></td>
+              <td ><b><font size="+1" color="#ffffff"> Status </font></b></td>
+              </tr>
+              <!-- table content begin -->
+            %s
+              <!-- table content end -->
+              </table>
+            </td>
+            </tr>
+            </table>
+            \\endhtmlonly
+            '''
+        htmlTableTpl = dedent(htmlTableTpl)    
+        htmlTrTpl = '\n  <tr bgcolor="#ffffff">%s\n  </tr>'
+        htmlTdTpl = '\n    <td>%s</td>'
+        # Loop through transl objects in the order of sorted readable names
+        # and add generate the content of the HTML table.
+        trlst = []
+        for name, obj in self.langLst:
+            # Fill the table data elements for one row. The first element
+            # contains the readable name of the language.
+            lst = [ htmlTdTpl % obj.langReadable ]
+            # The next two elements contain the list of maintainers 
+            # and the list of their mangled e-mails. For English-based
+            # translators that are coupled with the non-English based, 
+            # insert the 'see' note.
+            mm = None  # init
+            ee = None  # init
+            if obj.status == 'En':
+                # Check whether there is the coupled non-English.
+                classId = obj.classId[:-2]
+                if self.__translDic.has_key(classId):
+                    lang = self.__translDic[classId].langReadable
+                    mm = 'see the %s language' % lang
+                    ee = '&nbsp;'
+            if not mm and self.__maintainersDic.has_key(obj.classId):
+                lm = [ m[0] for m in self.__maintainersDic[obj.classId] ]  
+                mm = '<br/>'.join(lm)
+                le = [ m[1] for m in self.__maintainersDic[obj.classId] ]
+                ee = '<br/>'.join(le)
+            # Mangle the e-mail and replace the entity references.
+            if ee and ee != '&nbsp;':
+                # More than one maintainer address separated by <br> can be used.
+                emails = ee.split('<br/>')
+                mangled_list = []
+                for email in emails:
+                    name, domain = email.split('@')
+                    domain = domain.replace('.', ' dot ')
+                    mangled_list.append(name + ' at ' + domain)
+                ee = '<br/>'.join(mangled_list)
+            if mm:
+                mm = mm.replace('&ccaron;', '&#x010d;')
+                mm = mm.replace('&rcaron;', '&#x0159;')
+                mm = mm.replace('&scaron;', '&#x0161;')
+                mm = mm.replace('&zcaron;', '&#x017e;')
+            # Append the maintainer and e-mail elements.
+            lst.append(htmlTdTpl % mm)
+            lst.append(htmlTdTpl % ee)
+            # The last element contains the readable form of the status.
+            lst.append(htmlTdTpl % obj.readableStatus)
+            # Join the table data to one table row. 
+            trlst.append(htmlTrTpl % (''.join(lst)))
+        # Join the table rows and insert into the template.
+        htmlTable = htmlTableTpl % (''.join(trlst))
+        # Define templates for LaTeX table parts of the documentation.
+        latexTableTpl = r'''
+            \latexonly
+            \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|l|}
+              \hline 
+              {\bf Language} & {\bf Maintainer} & {\bf Contact address} & {\bf Status} \\
+              \hline
+            %s
+              \hline
+            \end{tabular}
+            \endlatexonly
+            '''
+        latexTableTpl = dedent(latexTableTpl)    
+        latexLineTpl = '\n' + r'  %s & %s & {\tt\tiny %s} & %s \\'
+        # Loop through transl objects in the order of sorted readable names
+        # and add generate the content of the LaTeX table.
+        trlst = []
+        for name, obj in self.langLst:
+            # For LaTeX, more maintainers for the same language are
+            # placed on separate rows in the table.  The line separator
+            # in the table is placed explicitly above the first
+            # maintainer. Prepare the arguments for the LaTeX row template.
+            maintainers = []
+            if self.__maintainersDic.has_key(obj.classId):
+                maintainers = self.__maintainersDic[obj.classId]
+            lang = obj.langReadable
+            maintainer = None  # init
+            email = None       # init
+            if obj.status == 'En':
+                # Check whether there is the coupled non-English.
+                classId = obj.classId[:-2]
+                if self.__translDic.has_key(classId):
+                    langNE = self.__translDic[classId].langReadable
+                    maintainer = 'see the %s language' % langNE
+                    email = '~'
+            if not maintainer and self.__maintainersDic.has_key(obj.classId):
+                lm = [ m[0] for m in self.__maintainersDic[obj.classId] ]  
+                maintainer = maintainers[0][0]
+                email = maintainers[0][1]
+            status = obj.readableStatus
+            # Use the template to produce the line of the table and insert
+            # the hline plus the constructed line into the table content.
+            trlst.append('\n  \\hline')
+            trlst.append(latexLineTpl % (lang, maintainer, email, status))
+            # List the other maintainers for the language. Do not set
+            # lang and status for them.
+            lang = '~'
+            status = '~'
+            for m in maintainers[1:]:
+                maintainer = m[0]
+                email = m[1]
+                trlst.append(latexLineTpl % (lang, maintainer, email, status))
+        # Join the table lines and insert into the template.
+        latexTable = latexTableTpl % (''.join(trlst))
+        # Do the LaTeX replacements.
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&aacute;', "\\'{a}")
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&Aacute;', "\\'{A}")
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&auml;',   '\\"{a}')
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&ouml;',   '\\"{o}')
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&oslash;', '\\o{}')
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&ccaron;', '\\v{c}')
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&rcaron;', '\\v{r}')
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&scaron;', '\\v{s}')
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('&zcaron;', '\\v{z}')
+        latexTable = latexTable.replace('_',        '\\_')
+        # Put the HTML and LaTeX parts together and define the dic item.
+        tplDic['informationTable'] = htmlTable + '\n' + latexTable 
+        # Insert the symbols into the document template and write it down.
+        f = file(fDocName, 'w')
+        f.write(doctpl % tplDic)
+        f.close()
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    # Create the manager, build the transl objects, and parse the related
+    # sources.
+    trMan = TrManager()
+    # Generate the language.doc.
+    trMan.generateLanguageDoc()
+    # Generate the translator report.
+    trMan.generateTranslatorReport()