--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/qtools/qdatetime.cpp Thu Jan 21 17:29:01 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1434 @@
+** Implementation of date and time classes
+** Created : 940124
+** Copyright (C) 1992-2000 Trolltech AS. All rights reserved.
+** This file is part of the tools module of the Qt GUI Toolkit.
+** This file may be distributed under the terms of the Q Public License
+** as defined by Trolltech AS of Norway and appearing in the file
+** LICENSE.QPL included in the packaging of this file.
+** This file may be distributed and/or modified under the terms of the
+** GNU General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software
+** Foundation and appearing in the file LICENSE.GPL included in the
+** packaging of this file.
+** Licensees holding valid Qt Enterprise Edition or Qt Professional Edition
+** licenses may use this file in accordance with the Qt Commercial License
+** Agreement provided with the Software.
+** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
+** See http://www.trolltech.com/pricing.html or email sales@trolltech.com for
+** information about Qt Commercial License Agreements.
+** See http://www.trolltech.com/qpl/ for QPL licensing information.
+** See http://www.trolltech.com/gpl/ for GPL licensing information.
+** Contact info@trolltech.com if any conditions of this licensing are
+** not clear to you.
+#define gettimeofday __hide_gettimeofday
+#include "qdatetime.h"
+#include "qdatastream.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <time.h>
+#if defined(_OS_WIN32_)
+#if defined(_CC_BOOL_DEF_)
+#undef bool
+#include <windows.h>
+#define bool int
+#include <windows.h>
+#elif defined(_OS_MSDOS_)
+#include <dos.h>
+#elif defined(_OS_OS2_)
+#include <os2.h>
+#elif defined(_OS_UNIX_)
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#undef gettimeofday
+extern "C" int gettimeofday( struct timeval *, struct timezone * );
+static const uint FIRST_DAY = 2361222; // Julian day for 1752/09/14
+static const int FIRST_YEAR = 1752; // ### wrong for many countries
+static const uint SECS_PER_DAY = 86400;
+static const uint MSECS_PER_DAY = 86400000;
+static const uint SECS_PER_HOUR = 3600;
+static const uint MSECS_PER_HOUR= 3600000;
+static const uint SECS_PER_MIN = 60;
+static const uint MSECS_PER_MIN = 60000;
+static const short monthDays[] ={0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31};
+// ##### Localize.
+const char * const QDate::monthNames[] = {
+ "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun",
+ "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" };
+const char * const QDate::weekdayNames[] ={
+ "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat", "Sun" };
+ QDate member functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// REVISED: aavit
+ \class QDate qdatetime.h
+ \brief The QDate class provides date functions.
+ \ingroup time
+ A QDate object contains a calendar date, i.e. year, month, and day
+ numbers in the modern western (Gregorian) calendar. It can read the
+ current date from the system clock. It provides functions for
+ comparing dates and for manipulating a date by adding a number of
+ days.
+ A QDate object is typically created either by giving the year, month
+ and day numbers explicitly, or by using the static function
+ currentDate(), which makes a QDate object which contains the
+ system's clock date. An explicit date can also be set using
+ setYMD().
+ The year(), month(), and day() functions provide access to the year,
+ month, and day numbers. Also, dayOfWeek() and dayOfYear() functions
+ are provided. The same information is provided in textual format by
+ the toString(), dayName(), and monthName() functions.
+ QDate provides a full set of operators to compare two QDate
+ objects. A date is considered smaller than another if it is earlier
+ than the other.
+ The date a given number of days later than a given date can be found
+ using the addDays() function. Correspondingly, the number of days
+ between two dates can be found using the daysTo() function.
+ The daysInMonth() and daysInYear() functions tell how many days
+ there are in this date's month and year, respectively. The
+ isLeapYear() function tells whether this date is in a leap year.
+ Note that QDate may not be used for date calculations for dates in
+ the remote past, i.e. prior to the introduction of the Gregorian
+ calendar. This calendar was adopted by England Sep. 14. 1752 (hence
+ this is the earliest valid QDate), and subsequently by most other
+ western countries, until 1923.
+ The end of time is reached around 8000AD, by which time we expect Qt
+ to be obsolete.
+ \sa QTime, QDateTime
+ \fn QDate::QDate()
+ Constructs a null date. Null dates are invalid.
+ \sa isNull(), isValid()
+ Constructs a date with the year \a y, month \a m and day \a d.
+ \a y must be in the range 1752-ca. 8000, \a m must be in the range
+ 1-12, and \a d must be in the range 1-31. Exception: if \a y is in
+ the range 0-99, it is interpreted as 1900-1999.
+ \sa isValid()
+QDate::QDate( int y, int m, int d )
+ jd = 0;
+ setYMD( y, m, d );
+ \fn bool QDate::isNull() const
+ Returns TRUE if the date is null. A null date is invalid.
+ \sa isValid()
+ Returns TRUE if this date is valid.
+ \sa isNull()
+bool QDate::isValid() const
+ return jd >= FIRST_DAY;
+ Returns the year (>= 1752) of this date.
+ \sa month(), day()
+int QDate::year() const
+ int y, m, d;
+ jul2greg( jd, y, m, d );
+ return y;
+ Returns the month (January=1 .. December=12) of this date.
+ \sa year(), day()
+int QDate::month() const
+ int y, m, d;
+ jul2greg( jd, y, m, d );
+ return m;
+ Returns the day of the month (1..31) of this date.
+ \sa year(), month(), dayOfWeek()
+int QDate::day() const
+ int y, m, d;
+ jul2greg( jd, y, m, d );
+ return d;
+ Returns the weekday (Monday=1 .. Sunday=7) for this date.
+ \sa day(), dayOfYear()
+int QDate::dayOfWeek() const
+ return (((jd+1) % 7) + 6)%7 + 1;
+ Returns the day of the year (1..365) for this date.
+ \sa day(), dayOfWeek()
+int QDate::dayOfYear() const
+ return jd - greg2jul(year(), 1, 1) + 1;
+ Returns the number of days in the month (28..31) for this date.
+ \sa day(), daysInYear()
+int QDate::daysInMonth() const
+ int y, m, d;
+ jul2greg( jd, y, m, d );
+ if ( m == 2 && leapYear(y) )
+ return 29;
+ else
+ return monthDays[m];
+ Returns the number of days in the year (365 or 366) for this date.
+ \sa day(), daysInMonth()
+int QDate::daysInYear() const
+ int y, m, d;
+ jul2greg( jd, y, m, d );
+ return leapYear(y) ? 366 : 365;
+ Returns the name of the \a month.
+ Month 1 == "Jan", month 2 == "Feb" etc.
+ \sa toString(), dayName()
+QString QDate::monthName( int month ) const
+#if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
+ if ( month < 1 || month > 12 ) {
+ qWarning( "QDate::monthName: Parameter out ouf range." );
+ month = 1;
+ }
+ // ### Remove the fromLatin1 during localization
+ return QString::fromLatin1(monthNames[month-1]);
+ Returns the name of the \a weekday.
+ Weekday 1 == "Mon", day 2 == "Tue" etc.
+ \sa toString(), monthName()
+QString QDate::dayName( int weekday ) const
+#if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
+ if ( weekday < 1 || weekday > 7 ) {
+ qWarning( "QDate::dayName: Parameter out of range." );
+ weekday = 1;
+ }
+ // ### Remove the fromLatin1 during localization
+ return QString::fromLatin1(weekdayNames[weekday-1]);
+ Returns the date as a string.
+ The string format is "Sat May 20 1995". This function uses the
+ dayName() and monthName() functions to generate the string.
+ \sa dayName(), monthName()
+QString QDate::toString() const
+ int y, m, d;
+ jul2greg( jd, y, m, d );
+ QString buf = dayName(dayOfWeek());
+ buf += ' ';
+ buf += monthName(m);
+ QString t;
+ t.sprintf( " %d %d", d, y);
+ buf += t;
+ return buf;
+ Sets the year \a y, month \a m and day \a d.
+ \a y must be in the range 1752-ca. 8000, \a m must be in the range
+ 1-12, and \a d must be in the range 1-31. Exception: if \a y is in
+ the range 0-99, it is interpreted as 1900-1999.
+ Returns TRUE if the date is valid, otherwise FALSE.
+bool QDate::setYMD( int y, int m, int d )
+ if ( !isValid(y,m,d) ) {
+#if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
+ qWarning( "QDate::setYMD: Invalid date %04d/%02d/%02d", y, m, d );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ jd = greg2jul( y, m, d );
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ ASSERT( year() == (y > 99 ? y : 1900+y) && month() == m && day() == d );
+ return TRUE;
+ Returns a QDate object containing a date \a ndays later than the
+ date of this object (or earlier if \a ndays is negative).
+ \sa daysTo()
+QDate QDate::addDays( int ndays ) const
+ QDate d;
+ d.jd = jd + ndays;
+ return d;
+ Returns the number of days from this date to \a d (which is negative
+ if \a d is earlier than this date).
+ Example:
+ \code
+ QDate d1( 1995, 5, 17 ); // May 17th 1995
+ QDate d2( 1995, 5, 20 ); // May 20th 1995
+ d1.daysTo( d2 ); // returns 3
+ d2.daysTo( d1 ); // returns -3
+ \endcode
+ \sa addDays()
+int QDate::daysTo( const QDate &d ) const
+ return d.jd - jd;
+ \fn bool QDate::operator==( const QDate &d ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this date is equal to \a d, or FALSE if
+ they are different.
+ \fn bool QDate::operator!=( const QDate &d ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this date is different from \a d, or FALSE if
+ they are equal.
+ \fn bool QDate::operator<( const QDate &d ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this date is earlier than \a d, otherwise FALSE.
+ \fn bool QDate::operator<=( const QDate &d ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this date is earlier than or equal to \a d, otherwise FALSE.
+ \fn bool QDate::operator>( const QDate &d ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this date is later than \a d, otherwise FALSE.
+ \fn bool QDate::operator>=( const QDate &d ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this date is later than or equal to \a d, otherwise FALSE.
+ Returns the current date, as reported by the system clock.
+ \sa QTime::currentTime(), QDateTime::currentDateTime()
+QDate QDate::currentDate()
+#if defined(_OS_WIN32_)
+ GetLocalTime( &t );
+ QDate d;
+ d.jd = greg2jul( t.wYear, t.wMonth, t.wDay );
+ return d;
+ time_t ltime;
+ time( <ime );
+ tm *t = localtime( <ime );
+ QDate d;
+ d.jd = greg2jul( t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday );
+ return d;
+ Returns TRUE if the specified date (year \a y, month \a m and day \a
+ d) is valid.
+ Example:
+ \code
+ QDate::isValid( 2002, 5, 17 ); // TRUE; May 17th 2002 is OK.
+ QDate::isValid( 2002, 2, 30 ); // FALSE; Feb 30th does not exist
+ QDate::isValid( 2004, 2, 29 ); // TRUE; 2004 is a leap year
+ QDate::isValid( 1202, 6, 6 ); // FALSE; 1202 is pre-Gregorian
+ \endcode
+ Note that a \a y value in the range 00-99 is interpreted as
+ 1900-1999.
+ \sa isNull(), setYMD()
+bool QDate::isValid( int y, int m, int d )
+ if ( y >= 0 && y <= 99 )
+ y += 1900;
+ else if ( y < FIRST_YEAR || (y == FIRST_YEAR && (m < 9 ||
+ (m == 9 && d < 14))) )
+ return FALSE;
+ return (d > 0 && m > 0 && m <= 12) &&
+ (d <= monthDays[m] || (d == 29 && m == 2 && leapYear(y)));
+ Returns TRUE if the specified year \a y is a leap year.
+bool QDate::leapYear( int y )
+ return y % 4 == 0 && y % 100 != 0 || y % 400 == 0;
+ \internal
+ Converts a Gregorian date to a Julian day.
+ This algorithm is taken from Communications of the ACM, Vol 6, No 8.
+ \sa jul2greg()
+uint QDate::greg2jul( int y, int m, int d )
+ uint c, ya;
+ if ( y <= 99 )
+ y += 1900;
+ if ( m > 2 ) {
+ m -= 3;
+ } else {
+ m += 9;
+ y--;
+ }
+ c = y; // NOTE: Sym C++ 6.0 bug
+ c /= 100;
+ ya = y - 100*c;
+ return 1721119 + d + (146097*c)/4 + (1461*ya)/4 + (153*m+2)/5;
+ \internal
+ Converts a Julian day to a Gregorian date.
+ This algorithm is taken from Communications of the ACM, Vol 6, No 8.
+ \sa greg2jul()
+void QDate::jul2greg( uint jd, int &y, int &m, int &d )
+ uint x;
+ uint j = jd - 1721119;
+ y = (j*4 - 1)/146097;
+ j = j*4 - 146097*y - 1;
+ x = j/4;
+ j = (x*4 + 3) / 1461;
+ y = 100*y + j;
+ x = (x*4) + 3 - 1461*j;
+ x = (x + 4)/4;
+ m = (5*x - 3)/153;
+ x = 5*x - 3 - 153*m;
+ d = (x + 5)/5;
+ if ( m < 10 ) {
+ m += 3;
+ } else {
+ m -= 9;
+ y++;
+ }
+ QTime member functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ \class QTime qdatetime.h
+ \brief The QTime class provides clock time functions.
+ \ingroup time
+ A QTime object contains a clock time, i.e. a number of hours,
+ minutes, seconds and milliseconds since midnight. It can read the
+ current time from the system clock, and measure a span of elapsed
+ time. It provides functions for comparing times and for manipulating
+ a time by adding a number of (milli)seconds.
+ QTime operates with 24-hour clock format; it has no concept of
+ AM/PM. It operates with local time; it does not know anything about
+ time zones or daylight savings time.
+ A QTime object is typically created either by giving the number of
+ hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds explicitly, or by using
+ the static function currentTime(), which makes a QTime object which
+ contains the system's clock time. Note that the accuracy depends on
+ the accuracy of the underlying operating system; not all systems
+ provide 1-millisecond accuracy.
+ The hour(), minute(), second(), and msec() functions provide access
+ to the number of hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds of the
+ time. The same information is provided in textual format by the
+ toString() function.
+ QTime provides a full set of operators to compare two QTime
+ objects. A time is considered smaller than another if it is earlier
+ than the other.
+ The time a given number of seconds or milliseconds later than a
+ given time can be found using the addSecs() or addMSecs()
+ functions. Correspondingly, the number of (milli)seconds between two
+ times can be found using the secsTo() or msecsTo() functions.
+ QTime can be used to measure a span of elapsed time using the
+ start(), restart(), and elapsed() functions.
+ \sa QDate, QDateTime
+ \fn QTime::QTime()
+ Constructs the time 0 hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds,
+ i.e. 00:00:00.000 (midnight). This is a valid time.
+ \sa isValid()
+ Constructs a time with hour \a h, minute \a m, seconds \a s and
+ milliseconds \a ms.
+ \a h must be in the range 0-23, \a m and \a s must be in the range
+ 0-59, and \a ms must be in the range 0-999.
+ \sa isValid()
+QTime::QTime( int h, int m, int s, int ms )
+ setHMS( h, m, s, ms );
+ \fn bool QTime::isNull() const
+ Returns TRUE if the time is equal to 00:00:00.000. A null time is valid.
+ \sa isValid()
+ Returns TRUE if the time is valid, or FALSE if the time is invalid.
+ The time 23:30:55.746 is valid, while 24:12:30 is invalid.
+ \sa isNull()
+bool QTime::isValid() const
+ return ds < MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ Returns the hour part (0..23) of the time.
+int QTime::hour() const
+ return ds / MSECS_PER_HOUR;
+ Returns the minute part (0..59) of the time.
+int QTime::minute() const
+ Returns the second part (0..59) of the time.
+int QTime::second() const
+ return (ds / 1000)%SECS_PER_MIN;
+ Returns the millisecond part (0..999) of the time.
+int QTime::msec() const
+ return ds % 1000;
+ Returns the time of this object in a textual format. Milliseconds
+ are not included. The string format is HH:MM:SS, e.g. 1 second
+ before midnight would be "23:59:59".
+QString QTime::toString() const
+ QString buf;
+ buf.sprintf( "%.2d:%.2d:%.2d", hour(), minute(), second() );
+ return buf;
+ Sets the time to hour \a h, minute \a m, seconds \a s and
+ milliseconds \a ms.
+ \a h must be in the range 0-23, \a m and \a s must be in the range
+ 0-59, and \a ms must be in the range 0-999. Returns TRUE if the set
+ time is valid, otherwise FALSE.
+ \sa isValid()
+bool QTime::setHMS( int h, int m, int s, int ms )
+ if ( !isValid(h,m,s,ms) ) {
+#if defined(CHECK_RANGE)
+ qWarning( "QTime::setHMS Invalid time %02d:%02d:%02d.%03d", h, m, s,
+ ms );
+ ds = MSECS_PER_DAY; // make this invalid
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ ds = (h*SECS_PER_HOUR + m*SECS_PER_MIN + s)*1000 + ms;
+ return TRUE;
+ Returns a QTime object containing a time \a nsecs seconds later than
+ the time of this object (or earlier if \a ms is negative).
+ Note that the time will wrap if it passes midnight.
+ Example:
+ \code
+ QTime n( 14, 0, 0 ); // n == 14:00:00
+ QTime t;
+ t = n.addSecs( 70 ); // t == 14:01:10
+ t = n.addSecs( -70 ); // t == 13:58:50
+ t = n.addSecs( 10*60*60 + 5 ); // t == 00:00:05
+ t = n.addSecs( -15*60*60 ); // t == 23:00:00
+ \endcode
+ \sa addMSecs(), secsTo(), QDateTime::addSecs()
+QTime QTime::addSecs( int nsecs ) const
+ return addMSecs(nsecs*1000);
+ Returns the number of seconds from this time to \a t (which is
+ negative if \a t is earlier than this time).
+ Since QTime measures time within a day and there are 86400 seconds
+ in a day, the result is between -86400 and 86400.
+ \sa addSecs() QDateTime::secsTo()
+int QTime::secsTo( const QTime &t ) const
+ return ((int)t.ds - (int)ds)/1000;
+ Returns a QTime object containing a time \a ms milliseconds later than
+ the time of this object (or earlier if \a ms is negative).
+ Note that the time will wrap if it passes midnight. See addSecs()
+ for an example.
+ \sa addSecs(), msecsTo()
+QTime QTime::addMSecs( int ms ) const
+ QTime t;
+ if ( ms < 0 ) {
+ // % not well-defined for -ve, but / is.
+ int negdays = (MSECS_PER_DAY-ms) / MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ t.ds = ((int)ds + ms + negdays*MSECS_PER_DAY)
+ } else {
+ t.ds = ((int)ds + ms) % MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ }
+ return t;
+ Returns the number of milliseconds from this time to \a t (which is
+ negative if \a t is earlier than this time).
+ Since QTime measures time within a day and there are 86400000
+ milliseconds in a day, the result is between -86400000 and 86400000.
+ \sa secsTo()
+int QTime::msecsTo( const QTime &t ) const
+ return (int)t.ds - (int)ds;
+ \fn bool QTime::operator==( const QTime &t ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this time is equal to \a t, or FALSE if they are
+ different.
+ \fn bool QTime::operator!=( const QTime &t ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this time is different from \a t, or FALSE if they
+ are equal.
+ \fn bool QTime::operator<( const QTime &t ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this time is earlier than \a t, otherwise FALSE.
+ \fn bool QTime::operator<=( const QTime &t ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this time is earlier than or equal to \a t,
+ otherwise FALSE.
+ \fn bool QTime::operator>( const QTime &t ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this time is later than \a t, otherwise FALSE.
+ \fn bool QTime::operator>=( const QTime &t ) const
+ Returns TRUE if this time is later than or equal to \a t, otherwise
+ Returns the current time, as reported by the system clock.
+ Note that the accuracy depends on the accuracy of the underlying
+ operating system; not all systems provide 1-millisecond accuracy.
+QTime QTime::currentTime()
+ QTime ct;
+ currentTime( &ct );
+ return ct;
+ \internal
+ Fetches the current time and returns TRUE if the time is within one
+ minute after midnight, otherwise FALSE. The return value is used by
+ QDateTime::currentDateTime() to ensure that the date there is correct.
+bool QTime::currentTime( QTime *ct )
+ if ( !ct ) {
+#if defined(CHECK_NULL)
+ qWarning( "QTime::currentTime(QTime *): Null pointer not allowed" );
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+#if defined(_OS_WIN32_)
+ GetLocalTime( &t );
+ ct->ds = MSECS_PER_HOUR*t.wHour + MSECS_PER_MIN*t.wMinute +
+ 1000*t.wSecond + t.wMilliseconds;
+ return (t.wHour == 0 && t.wMinute == 0);
+#elif defined(_OS_OS2_)
+ DosGetDateTime( &t );
+ ct->ds = MSECS_PER_HOUR*t.hours + MSECS_PER_MIN*t.minutes +
+ 1000*t.seconds + 10*t.hundredths;
+ return (t.hours == 0 && t.minutes == 0);
+#elif defined(_OS_MSDOS_)
+ _dostime_t t;
+ _dos_gettime( &t );
+ ct->ds = MSECS_PER_HOUR*t.hour + MSECS_PER_MIN*t.minute +
+ t.second*1000 + t.hsecond*10;
+ return (t.hour== 0 && t.minute == 0);
+#elif defined(_OS_UNIX_)
+ struct timeval tv;
+ gettimeofday( &tv, 0 );
+ time_t ltime = tv.tv_sec;
+ tm *t = localtime( <ime );
+ ct->ds = (uint)( MSECS_PER_HOUR*t->tm_hour + MSECS_PER_MIN*t->tm_min +
+ 1000*t->tm_sec + tv.tv_usec/1000 );
+ return (t->tm_hour== 0 && t->tm_min == 0);
+ time_t ltime; // no millisecond resolution!!
+ ::time( <ime );
+ tm *t = localtime( <ime );
+ ct->ds = MSECS_PER_HOUR*t->tm_hour + MSECS_PER_MIN*t->tm_min +
+ 1000*t->tm_sec;
+ return (t->tm_hour== 0 && t->tm_min == 0);
+ Returns TRUE if the specified time is valid, otherwise FALSE.
+ The time is valid if \a h is in the range 0-23, \a m and \a s are in
+ the range 0-59, and \a ms is in the range 0-999.
+ Example:
+ \code
+ QTime::isValid(21, 10, 30); // returns TRUE
+ QTime::isValid(22, 5, 62); // returns FALSE
+ \endcode
+bool QTime::isValid( int h, int m, int s, int ms )
+ return (uint)h < 24 && (uint)m < 60 && (uint)s < 60 && (uint)ms < 1000;
+ Sets this time to the current time. This is practical for timing:
+ \code
+ QTime t;
+ t.start(); // start clock
+ ... // some lengthy task
+ qDebug( "%d\n", t.elapsed() ); // prints # msecs elapsed
+ \endcode
+ \sa restart(), elapsed(), currentTime()
+void QTime::start()
+ *this = currentTime();
+ Sets this time to the current time, and returns the number of
+ milliseconds that have elapsed since the last time start() or
+ restart() was called.
+ This function is guaranteed to be atomic, and is thus very handy for
+ repeated measurements: call start() to start the first measurement,
+ then restart() for each later measurement.
+ Note that the counter wraps to zero 24 hours after the last call to
+ start() or restart().
+ \warning If the system's clock setting has been changed since the
+ last time start() or restart() was called, the result is undefined.
+ This can happen e.g. when daylight saving is turned on or off.
+ \sa start(), elapsed(), currentTime()
+int QTime::restart()
+ QTime t = currentTime();
+ int n = msecsTo( t );
+ if ( n < 0 ) // passed midnight
+ n += 86400*1000;
+ *this = t;
+ return n;
+ Returns the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the last
+ time start() or restart() was called.
+ Note that the counter wraps to zero 24 hours after the last call to
+ start() or restart.
+ Note that the accuracy depends on the accuracy of the underlying
+ operating system; not all systems provide 1-millisecond accuracy.
+ \warning If the system's clock setting has been changed since the
+ last time start() or restart() was called, the result is undefined.
+ This can happen e.g. when daylight saving is turned on or off.
+ \sa start(), restart()
+int QTime::elapsed()
+ int n = msecsTo( currentTime() );
+ if ( n < 0 ) // passed midnight
+ n += 86400*1000;
+ return n;
+ QDateTime member functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ \class QDateTime qdatetime.h
+ \brief The QDateTime class provides date and time functions.
+ \ingroup time
+ A QDateTime object contains a calendar date and a clock time (a
+ "datetime"). It is a combination of the QDate and QTime classes. It
+ can read the current datetime from the system clock. It provides
+ functions for comparing datetimes and for manipulating a datetime by
+ adding a number of seconds or days.
+ A QDateTime object is typically created either by giving a date and
+ time explicitly, or by using the static function currentTime(),
+ which makes a QDateTime object which contains the system's clock
+ time.
+ The date() and time() functions provide access to the date and time
+ parts of the datetime. The same information is provided in textual
+ format by the toString() function.
+ QDateTime provides a full set of operators to compare two QDateTime
+ objects. A datetime is considered smaller than another if it is
+ earlier than the other.
+ The datetime a given number of days or seconds later than a given
+ datetime can be found using the addDays() and addSecs()
+ functions. Correspondingly, the number of days or seconds between
+ two times can be found using the daysTo() or secsTo() functions.
+ A datetime can also be set using the setTime_t() function, which
+ takes a POSIX-standard "number of seconds since 00:00:00 on January
+ 1, 1970" value.
+ The limitations regarding range and resolution mentioned in the
+ QDate and QTime documentation apply for QDateTime also.
+ \sa QDate, QTime
+ \fn QDateTime::QDateTime()
+ Constructs a null datetime (i.e. null date and null time). A null
+ datetime is invalid, since the date is invalid.
+ \sa isValid()
+ Constructs a datetime with date \a date and null time (00:00:00.000).
+QDateTime::QDateTime( const QDate &date )
+ : d(date)
+ Constructs a datetime with date \a date and time \a time.
+QDateTime::QDateTime( const QDate &date, const QTime &time )
+ : d(date), t(time)
+ \fn bool QDateTime::isNull() const
+ Returns TRUE if both the date and the time are null. A null date is invalid.
+ \sa QDate::isNull(), QTime::isNull()
+ \fn bool QDateTime::isValid() const
+ Returns TRUE if both the date and the time are valid.
+ \sa QDate::isValid(), QTime::isValid()
+ \fn QDate QDateTime::date() const
+ Returns the date part of this datetime.
+ \sa setDate(), time()
+ \fn QTime QDateTime::time() const
+ Returns the time part of this datetime.
+ \sa setTime(), date()
+ \fn void QDateTime::setDate( const QDate &date )
+ Sets the date part of this datetime.
+ \sa date(), setTime()
+ \fn void QDateTime::setTime( const QTime &time )
+ Sets the time part of this datetime.
+ \sa time(), setDate()
+ Sets the local date and time given the number of seconds that have passed
+ since 00:00:00 on January 1, 1970, Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
+ On systems that do not support timezones this function will behave as if
+ local time were UTC.
+ Note that Microsoft Windows supports only a limited range of values for
+ \a secsSince1Jan1970UTC.
+void QDateTime::setTime_t( uint secsSince1Jan1970UTC )
+ time_t tmp = (time_t) secsSince1Jan1970UTC;
+ tm *tM = localtime( &tmp );
+ if ( !tM ) {
+ tM = gmtime( &tmp );
+ if ( !tM ) {
+ d.jd = QDate::greg2jul( 1970, 1, 1 );
+ t.ds = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ d.jd = QDate::greg2jul( tM->tm_year + 1900, tM->tm_mon + 1, tM->tm_mday );
+ t.ds = MSECS_PER_HOUR*tM->tm_hour + MSECS_PER_MIN*tM->tm_min +
+ 1000*tM->tm_sec;
+ Returns the datetime as a string.
+ The string format is "Sat May 20 03:40:13 1998".
+ This function uses QDate::dayName(), QDate::monthName(), and
+ QTime::toString() to generate the string.
+QString QDateTime::toString() const
+ QString buf = d.dayName(d.dayOfWeek());
+ buf += ' ';
+ buf += d.monthName(d.month());
+ buf += ' ';
+ buf += QString().setNum(d.day());
+ buf += ' ';
+ buf += t.toString();
+ buf += ' ';
+ buf += QString().setNum(d.year());
+ return buf;
+ Returns a QDateTime object containing a datetime \a ndays days later
+ than the datetime of this object (or earlier if \a ndays is
+ negative).
+ \sa daysTo(), addSecs()
+QDateTime QDateTime::addDays( int ndays ) const
+ return QDateTime( d.addDays(ndays), t );
+ Returns a QDateTime object containing a datetime \a nsecs seconds
+ later than the datetime of this object (or earlier if \a nsecs is
+ negative).
+ \sa secsTo(), addDays()
+QDateTime QDateTime::addSecs( int nsecs ) const
+ uint dd = d.jd;
+ int tt = t.ds;
+ int sign = 1;
+ if ( nsecs < 0 ) {
+ nsecs = -nsecs;
+ sign = -1;
+ }
+ if ( nsecs >= (int)SECS_PER_DAY ) {
+ dd += sign*(nsecs/SECS_PER_DAY);
+ nsecs %= SECS_PER_DAY;
+ }
+ tt += sign*nsecs*1000;
+ if ( tt < 0 ) {
+ tt = MSECS_PER_DAY - tt - 1;
+ dd -= tt / MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ tt = tt % MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ tt = MSECS_PER_DAY - tt - 1;
+ } else if ( tt >= (int)MSECS_PER_DAY ) {
+ dd += ( tt / MSECS_PER_DAY );
+ tt = tt % MSECS_PER_DAY;
+ }
+ QDateTime ret;
+ ret.t.ds = tt;
+ ret.d.jd = dd;
+ return ret;
+ Returns the number of days from this datetime to \a dt (which is
+ negative if \a dt is earlier than this datetime).
+ \sa addDays(), secsTo()
+int QDateTime::daysTo( const QDateTime &dt ) const
+ return d.daysTo( dt.d );
+ Returns the number of seconds from this datetime to \a dt (which is
+ negative if \a dt is earlier than this datetime).
+ Example:
+ \code
+ QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
+ QDateTime x( QDate(dt.year(),12,24), QTime(17,00) );
+ qDebug( "There are %d seconds to Christmas", dt.secsTo(x) );
+ \endcode
+ \sa addSecs(), daysTo(), QTime::secsTo()
+int QDateTime::secsTo( const QDateTime &dt ) const
+ return t.secsTo(dt.t) + d.daysTo(dt.d)*SECS_PER_DAY;
+ Returns TRUE if this datetime is equal to \a dt, or FALSE if
+ they are different.
+ \sa operator!=()
+bool QDateTime::operator==( const QDateTime &dt ) const
+ return t == dt.t && d == dt.d;
+ Returns TRUE if this datetime is different from \a dt, or FALSE if
+ they are equal.
+ \sa operator==()
+bool QDateTime::operator!=( const QDateTime &dt ) const
+ return t != dt.t || d != dt.d;
+ Returns TRUE if this datetime is earlier than \a dt, otherwise FALSE.
+bool QDateTime::operator<( const QDateTime &dt ) const
+ if ( d < dt.d )
+ return TRUE;
+ return d == dt.d ? t < dt.t : FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if this datetime is earlier than or equal to \a dt,
+ otherwise FALSE.
+bool QDateTime::operator<=( const QDateTime &dt ) const
+ if ( d < dt.d )
+ return TRUE;
+ return d == dt.d ? t <= dt.t : FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if this datetime is later than \a dt, otherwise FALSE.
+bool QDateTime::operator>( const QDateTime &dt ) const
+ if ( d > dt.d )
+ return TRUE;
+ return d == dt.d ? t > dt.t : FALSE;
+ Returns TRUE if this datetime is later than or equal to \a dt,
+ otherwise FALSE.
+bool QDateTime::operator>=( const QDateTime &dt ) const
+ if ( d > dt.d )
+ return TRUE;
+ return d == dt.d ? t >= dt.t : FALSE;
+ Returns the current datetime, as reported by the system clock.
+ \sa QDate::currentDate(), QTime::currentTime()
+QDateTime QDateTime::currentDateTime()
+ QDate cd = QDate::currentDate();
+ QTime ct;
+ if ( QTime::currentTime(&ct) ) // too close to midnight?
+ cd = QDate::currentDate(); // YES! time for some midnight
+ // voodoo, fetch date again
+ return QDateTime( cd, ct );
+ Date/time stream functions
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ \relates QDate
+ Writes the date to the stream.
+ \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
+QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QDate &d )
+ return s << (Q_UINT32)(d.jd);
+ \relates QDate
+ Reads a date from the stream.
+ \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
+QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QDate &d )
+ Q_UINT32 jd;
+ s >> jd;
+ d.jd = jd;
+ return s;
+ \relates QTime
+ Writes a time to the stream.
+ \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
+QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QTime &t )
+ return s << (Q_UINT32)(t.ds);
+ \relates QTime
+ Reads a time from the stream.
+ \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
+QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QTime &t )
+ Q_UINT32 ds;
+ s >> ds;
+ t.ds = ds;
+ return s;
+ \relates QDateTime
+ Writes a datetime to the stream.
+ \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
+QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &s, const QDateTime &dt )
+ return s << dt.d << dt.t;
+ \relates QDateTime
+ Reads a datetime from the stream.
+ \sa \link datastreamformat.html Format of the QDataStream operators \endlink
+QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &s, QDateTime &dt )
+ s >> dt.d >> dt.t;
+ return s;