--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/dirdef.cpp Thu Jan 21 17:29:01 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,914 @@
+#include <md5.h>
+#include "dirdef.h"
+#include "filename.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "outputlist.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "dot.h"
+#include "layout.h"
+// method implementation
+static int g_dirCount=0;
+DirDef::DirDef(const char *path) : Definition(path,1,path)
+ // get display name (stipping the paths mentioned in STRIP_FROM_PATH)
+ m_dispName = stripFromPath(path);
+ // get short name (last part of path)
+ m_shortName = path;
+ if (m_shortName.at(m_shortName.length()-1)=='/')
+ { // strip trailing /
+ m_shortName = m_shortName.left(m_shortName.length()-1);
+ }
+ int pi=m_shortName.findRev('/');
+ if (pi!=-1)
+ { // remove everything till the last /
+ m_shortName = m_shortName.mid(pi+1);
+ }
+ setLocalName(m_shortName);
+ m_fileList = new FileList;
+ m_usedDirs = new QDict<UsedDir>(257);
+ m_usedDirs->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ m_dirCount = g_dirCount++;
+ m_level=-1;
+ m_parent=0;
+ delete m_fileList;
+ delete m_usedDirs;
+bool DirDef::isLinkableInProject() const
+ return !isReference() && Config_getBool("SHOW_DIRECTORIES");
+bool DirDef::isLinkable() const
+ return isReference() || isLinkableInProject();
+void DirDef::addSubDir(DirDef *subdir)
+ m_subdirs.inSort(subdir);
+ subdir->setOuterScope(this);
+ subdir->m_parent=this;
+void DirDef::addFile(FileDef *fd)
+ m_fileList->inSort(fd);
+ fd->setDirDef(this);
+static QCString encodeDirName(const QCString &anchor)
+ QCString result;
+ // convert to md5 hash
+ uchar md5_sig[16];
+ QCString sigStr(33);
+ MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *)anchor.data(),anchor.length(),md5_sig);
+ MD5SigToString(md5_sig,sigStr.data(),33);
+ return sigStr;
+ // old algorithm
+// int l = anchor.length(),i;
+// for (i=0;i<l;i++)
+// {
+// char c = anchor.at(i);
+// if ((c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='0' && c<='9'))
+// {
+// result+=c;
+// }
+// else
+// {
+// static char hexStr[]="0123456789ABCDEF";
+// char escChar[]={ '_', 0, 0, 0 };
+// escChar[1]=hexStr[c>>4];
+// escChar[2]=hexStr[c&0xf];
+// result+=escChar;
+// }
+// }
+// return result;
+QCString DirDef::getOutputFileBase() const
+ return "dir_"+encodeDirName(name());
+ //return QCString().sprintf("dir_%06d",m_dirCount);
+void DirDef::writeDetailedDescription(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title)
+ if ((!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF")) ||
+ !documentation().isEmpty())
+ {
+ ol.writeRuler();
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ ol.writeAnchor(0,"_details");
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ ol.startGroupHeader();
+ ol.parseText(title);
+ ol.endGroupHeader();
+ // repeat brief description
+ if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF"))
+ {
+ ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),this,0,briefDescription(),FALSE,FALSE);
+ }
+ // separator between brief and details
+ if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") &&
+ !documentation().isEmpty())
+ {
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+ // ol.newParagraph(); // FIXME:PARA
+ ol.enableAll();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ ol.writeString("\n\n");
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ }
+ // write documentation
+ if (!documentation().isEmpty())
+ {
+ ol.parseDoc(docFile(),docLine(),this,0,documentation()+"\n",TRUE,FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+void DirDef::writeBriefDescription(OutputList &ol)
+ if (!briefDescription().isEmpty())
+ {
+ ol.startParagraph();
+ ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),this,0,briefDescription(),TRUE,FALSE);
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+ ol.writeString(" \n");
+ ol.enable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+ if (Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") ||
+ !documentation().isEmpty()
+ )
+ {
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ ol.startTextLink(0,"_details");
+ ol.parseText(theTranslator->trMore());
+ ol.endTextLink();
+ }
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ //ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ //ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+ //ol.newParagraph();
+ //ol.popGeneratorState();
+ ol.endParagraph();
+ }
+ ol.writeSynopsis();
+void DirDef::writeDirectoryGraph(OutputList &ol)
+ // write graph dependency graph
+ if (/*Config_getBool("DIRECTORY_GRAPH") &&*/ Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT"))
+ {
+ DotDirDeps dirDep(this);
+ if (!dirDep.isTrivial())
+ {
+ msg("Generating dependency graph for directory %s\n",displayName().data());
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ ol.startParagraph();
+ ol.startDirDepGraph();
+ //TODO: ol.parseText(theTranslator->trDirDepGraph());
+ ol.endDirDepGraph(dirDep);
+ ol.endParagraph();
+ ol.enableAll();
+ }
+ }
+void DirDef::writeSubDirList(OutputList &ol)
+ // write subdir list
+ if (m_subdirs.count()>0)
+ {
+ ol.startMemberHeader();
+ ol.parseText(theTranslator->trDir(TRUE,FALSE));
+ ol.endMemberHeader();
+ ol.startMemberList();
+ DirDef *dd=m_subdirs.first();
+ while (dd)
+ {
+ ol.startMemberItem(0);
+ ol.parseText(theTranslator->trDir(FALSE,TRUE)+" ");
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ ol.writeObjectLink(dd->getReference(),dd->getOutputFileBase(),0,dd->shortName());
+ ol.endMemberItem();
+ if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty())
+ {
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <dir>" << convertToXML(dd->displayName()) << "</dir>" << endl;
+ }
+ if (!dd->briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC"))
+ {
+ ol.startParagraph();
+ ol.startMemberDescription();
+ ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),dd,0,dd->briefDescription(),
+ FALSE, // indexWords
+ FALSE, // isExample
+ 0, // exampleName
+ FALSE, // single line
+ TRUE // link from index
+ );
+ ol.endMemberDescription();
+ ol.endParagraph();
+ }
+ dd=m_subdirs.next();
+ }
+ ol.endMemberList();
+ }
+void DirDef::writeFileList(OutputList &ol)
+ // write file list
+ if (m_fileList->count()>0)
+ {
+ ol.startMemberHeader();
+ ol.parseText(theTranslator->trFile(TRUE,FALSE));
+ ol.endMemberHeader();
+ ol.startMemberList();
+ FileDef *fd=m_fileList->first();
+ while (fd)
+ {
+ ol.startMemberItem(0);
+ ol.docify(theTranslator->trFile(FALSE,TRUE)+" ");
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ if (fd->isLinkable())
+ {
+ ol.writeObjectLink(fd->getReference(),fd->getOutputFileBase(),0,fd->name());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(fd->name());
+ ol.endBold();
+ }
+ if (fd->generateSourceFile())
+ {
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ ol.startTextLink(fd->includeName(),0);
+ ol.docify("[");
+ ol.parseText(theTranslator->trCode());
+ ol.docify("]");
+ ol.endTextLink();
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ }
+ if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty())
+ {
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <file>" << convertToXML(fd->name()) << "</file>" << endl;
+ }
+ ol.endMemberItem();
+ if (!fd->briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC"))
+ {
+ ol.startParagraph();
+ ol.startMemberDescription();
+ ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),fd,0,fd->briefDescription(),
+ FALSE, // indexWords
+ FALSE, // isExample
+ 0, // exampleName
+ FALSE, // single line
+ TRUE // link from index
+ );
+ ol.endMemberDescription();
+ ol.endParagraph();
+ }
+ fd=m_fileList->next();
+ }
+ ol.endMemberList();
+ }
+void DirDef::startMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol)
+ ol.startMemberSections();
+void DirDef::endMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol)
+ ol.endMemberSections();
+void DirDef::writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ QCString shortTitle=theTranslator->trDirReference(m_shortName);
+ QCString title=theTranslator->trDirReference(m_dispName);
+ startFile(ol,getOutputFileBase(),name(),title,HLI_None,TRUE);
+ // write navigation path
+ writeNavigationPath(ol);
+ ol.endQuickIndices();
+ ol.startContents();
+ startTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase());
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ ol.parseText(shortTitle);
+ ol.enableAll();
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ ol.parseText(title);
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ endTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase(),title);
+ if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty())
+ {
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <compound kind=\"dir\">" << endl;
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <name>" << convertToXML(displayName()) << "</name>" << endl;
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <path>" << convertToXML(name()) << "</path>" << endl;
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <filename>" << convertToXML(getOutputFileBase()) << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "</filename>" << endl;
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------- start flexible part -------------------------------
+ QListIterator<LayoutDocEntry> eli(
+ LayoutDocManager::instance().docEntries(LayoutDocManager::Directory));
+ LayoutDocEntry *lde;
+ for (eli.toFirst();(lde=eli.current());++eli)
+ {
+ switch (lde->kind())
+ {
+ case LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc:
+ writeBriefDescription(ol);
+ break;
+ case LayoutDocEntry::DirGraph:
+ writeDirectoryGraph(ol);
+ break;
+ case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDeclStart:
+ startMemberDeclarations(ol);
+ break;
+ case LayoutDocEntry::DirSubDirs:
+ writeSubDirList(ol);
+ break;
+ case LayoutDocEntry::DirFiles:
+ writeFileList(ol);
+ break;
+ case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDeclEnd:
+ endMemberDeclarations(ol);
+ break;
+ case LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc:
+ {
+ LayoutDocEntrySection *ls = (LayoutDocEntrySection*)lde;
+ writeDetailedDescription(ol,ls->title);
+ }
+ break;
+ case LayoutDocEntry::ClassIncludes:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::ClassInheritanceGraph:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::ClassNestedClasses:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::ClassCollaborationGraph:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::ClassAllMembersLink:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::ClassUsedFiles:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceNestedNamespaces:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceClasses:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::FileClasses:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::FileNamespaces:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludes:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludeGraph:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludedByGraph:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::FileSourceLink:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::GroupClasses:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::GroupNamespaces:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::GroupDirs:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::GroupNestedGroups:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::GroupFiles:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::GroupGraph:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::GroupPageDocs:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDecl:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDef:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDefStart:
+ case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDefEnd:
+ err("Internal inconsistency: member %d should not be part of "
+ "LayoutDocManager::Directory entry list\n",lde->kind());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ //---------------------------------------- end flexible part -------------------------------
+ if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty())
+ {
+ writeDocAnchorsToTagFile();
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " </compound>" << endl;
+ }
+ endFile(ol);
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+#if 0
+void DirDef::writePathFragment(OutputList &ol) const
+ if (m_parent)
+ {
+ m_parent->writePathFragment(ol);
+ ol.writeString(" / ");
+ }
+ ol.writeObjectLink(getReference(),getOutputFileBase(),0,shortName());
+void DirDef::writeNavigationPath(OutputList &ol)
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ ol.writeString("<div class=\"nav\">\n");
+ writePathFragment(ol);
+ ol.writeString("</div>\n");
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+void DirDef::setLevel()
+ if (m_level==-1) // level not set before
+ {
+ DirDef *p = parent();
+ if (p)
+ {
+ p->setLevel();
+ m_level = p->level()+1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_level = 0;
+ }
+ }
+/** Add as "uses" dependency between \a this dir and \a dir,
+ * that was caused by a dependency on file \a fd.
+ */
+void DirDef::addUsesDependency(DirDef *dir,FileDef *srcFd,
+ FileDef *dstFd,bool inherited)
+ if (this==dir) return; // do not add self-dependencies
+ //static int count=0;
+ //printf(" %d add dependency %s->%s due to %s->%s\n",
+ // count++,shortName().data(),
+ // dir->shortName().data(),
+ // srcFd->name().data(),
+ // dstFd->name().data());
+ // levels match => add direct dependency
+ bool added=FALSE;
+ UsedDir *usedDir = m_usedDirs->find(dir->getOutputFileBase());
+ if (usedDir) // dir dependency already present
+ {
+ FilePair *usedPair = usedDir->findFilePair(
+ srcFd->getOutputFileBase()+dstFd->getOutputFileBase());
+ if (usedPair==0) // new file dependency
+ {
+ //printf(" => new file\n");
+ usedDir->addFileDep(srcFd,dstFd);
+ added=TRUE;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // dir & file dependency already added
+ }
+ }
+ else // new directory dependency
+ {
+ //printf(" => new file\n");
+ usedDir = new UsedDir(dir,inherited);
+ usedDir->addFileDep(srcFd,dstFd);
+ m_usedDirs->insert(dir->getOutputFileBase(),usedDir);
+ added=TRUE;
+ }
+ if (added)
+ {
+ if (dir->parent())
+ {
+ // add relation to parent of used dir
+ addUsesDependency(dir->parent(),srcFd,dstFd,inherited);
+ }
+ if (parent())
+ {
+ // add relation for the parent of this dir as well
+ parent()->addUsesDependency(dir,srcFd,dstFd,TRUE);
+ }
+ }
+/** Computes the dependencies between directories
+ */
+void DirDef::computeDependencies()
+ FileList *fl = m_fileList;
+ if (fl)
+ {
+ QListIterator<FileDef> fli(*fl);
+ FileDef *fd;
+ for (fli.toFirst();(fd=fli.current());++fli) // foreach file in dir dd
+ {
+ //printf(" File %s\n",fd->name().data());
+ //printf("** dir=%s file=%s\n",shortName().data(),fd->name().data());
+ QList<IncludeInfo> *ifl = fd->includeFileList();
+ if (ifl)
+ {
+ QListIterator<IncludeInfo> ifli(*ifl);
+ IncludeInfo *ii;
+ for (ifli.toFirst();(ii=ifli.current());++ifli) // foreach include file
+ {
+ //printf(" > %s\n",ii->includeName.data());
+ //printf(" #include %s\n",ii->includeName.data());
+ if (ii->fileDef && ii->fileDef->isLinkable()) // linkable file
+ {
+ DirDef *usedDir = ii->fileDef->getDirDef();
+ if (usedDir)
+ {
+ // add dependency: thisDir->usedDir
+ //static int count=0;
+ //printf(" %d: add dependency %s->%s\n",count++,name().data(),usedDir->name().data());
+ addUsesDependency(usedDir,fd,ii->fileDef,FALSE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+bool DirDef::isParentOf(DirDef *dir) const
+ if (dir->parent()==this) // this is a parent of dir
+ return TRUE;
+ else if (dir->parent()) // repeat for the parent of dir
+ return isParentOf(dir->parent());
+ else
+ return FALSE;
+bool DirDef::depGraphIsTrivial() const
+ return FALSE;
+int FilePairDict::compareItems(GCI item1,GCI item2)
+ FilePair *left = (FilePair*)item1;
+ FilePair *right = (FilePair*)item2;
+ int orderHi = stricmp(left->source()->name(),right->source()->name());
+ int orderLo = stricmp(left->destination()->name(),right->destination()->name());
+ return orderHi==0 ? orderLo : orderHi;
+UsedDir::UsedDir(DirDef *dir,bool inherited) :
+ m_dir(dir), m_filePairs(7), m_inherited(inherited)
+ m_filePairs.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+void UsedDir::addFileDep(FileDef *srcFd,FileDef *dstFd)
+ m_filePairs.inSort(srcFd->getOutputFileBase()+dstFd->getOutputFileBase(),
+ new FilePair(srcFd,dstFd));
+FilePair *UsedDir::findFilePair(const char *name)
+ QCString n=name;
+ return n.isEmpty() ? 0 : m_filePairs.find(n);
+DirDef *DirDef::createNewDir(const char *path)
+ ASSERT(path!=0);
+ DirDef *dir = Doxygen::directories->find(path);
+ if (dir==0) // new dir
+ {
+ //printf("Adding new dir %s\n",path);
+ dir = new DirDef(path);
+ //printf("createNewDir %s short=%s\n",path,dir->shortName().data());
+ Doxygen::directories->inSort(path,dir);
+ }
+ return dir;
+bool DirDef::matchPath(const QCString &path,QStrList &l)
+ const char *s=l.first();
+ while (s)
+ {
+ QCString prefix = s;
+ if (stricmp(prefix.left(path.length()),path)==0) // case insensitive compare
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ s = l.next();
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+/*! strip part of \a path if it matches
+ * one of the paths in the Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_PATH") list
+ */
+DirDef *DirDef::mergeDirectoryInTree(const QCString &path)
+ //printf("DirDef::mergeDirectoryInTree(%s)\n",path.data());
+ int p=0,i=0;
+ DirDef *dir=0;
+ while ((i=path.find('/',p))!=-1)
+ {
+ QCString part=path.left(i+1);
+ if (!matchPath(part,Config_getList("STRIP_FROM_PATH")) && part!="/")
+ {
+ dir=createNewDir(part);
+ }
+ p=i+1;
+ }
+ return dir;
+void DirDef::writeDepGraph(QTextStream &t)
+ writeDotDirDepGraph(t,this);
+static void writePartialDirPath(OutputList &ol,const DirDef *root,const DirDef *target)
+ if (target->parent()!=root)
+ {
+ writePartialDirPath(ol,root,target->parent());
+ ol.writeString(" / ");
+ }
+ ol.writeObjectLink(target->getReference(),target->getOutputFileBase(),0,target->shortName());
+static void writePartialFilePath(OutputList &ol,const DirDef *root,const FileDef *fd)
+ if (fd->getDirDef() && fd->getDirDef()!=root)
+ {
+ writePartialDirPath(ol,root,fd->getDirDef());
+ ol.writeString(" / ");
+ }
+ if (fd->isLinkable())
+ {
+ ol.writeObjectLink(fd->getReference(),fd->getOutputFileBase(),0,fd->name());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(fd->name());
+ ol.endBold();
+ }
+void DirRelation::writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ QCString shortTitle=theTranslator->trDirRelation(
+ m_src->shortName()+" → "+
+ m_dst->dir()->shortName());
+ QCString title=theTranslator->trDirRelation(
+ m_src->displayName()+" -> "+
+ m_dst->dir()->shortName());
+ startFile(ol,getOutputFileBase(),getOutputFileBase(),title);
+ // write navigation path
+ m_src->writeNavigationPath(ol);
+ //startTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase());
+ // ol.parseText(shortTitle);
+ //endTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase(),title);
+ ol.writeString("<h3>"+shortTitle+"</h3>");
+ ol.writeString("<table class=\"dirtab\">");
+ ol.writeString("<tr class=\"dirtab\">");
+ // TODO: translate me! "File in %s"
+ ol.writeString("<th class=\"dirtab\">File in ");
+ m_src->writePathFragment(ol);
+ ol.writeString("</th>");
+ // TODO: translate me! "Includes file in %s"
+ ol.writeString("<th class=\"dirtab\">Includes file in ");
+ m_dst->dir()->writePathFragment(ol);
+ ol.writeString("</th>");
+ ol.writeString("</tr>");
+ SDict<FilePair>::Iterator fpi(m_dst->filePairs());
+ FilePair *fp;
+ for (fpi.toFirst();(fp=fpi.current());++fpi)
+ {
+ ol.writeString("<tr class=\"dirtab\">");
+ ol.writeString("<td class=\"dirtab\">");
+ writePartialFilePath(ol,m_src,fp->source());
+ ol.writeString("</td>");
+ ol.writeString("<td class=\"dirtab\">");
+ writePartialFilePath(ol,m_dst->dir(),fp->destination());
+ ol.writeString("</td>");
+ ol.writeString("</tr>");
+ }
+ ol.writeString("</table>");
+ endFile(ol);
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+// external functions
+void buildDirectories()
+ // for each input file
+ FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList);
+ FileName *fn;
+ for (fnli.toFirst();(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
+ {
+ FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
+ FileDef *fd;
+ for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
+ {
+ //printf("buildDirectories %s\n",fd->name().data());
+ if (fd->getReference().isEmpty() && !fd->isDocumentationFile())
+ {
+ DirDef *dir;
+ if ((dir=Doxygen::directories->find(fd->getPath()))==0) // new directory
+ {
+ dir = DirDef::mergeDirectoryInTree(fd->getPath());
+ }
+ if (dir) dir->addFile(fd);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // do something for file imported via tag files.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //DirDef *root = new DirDef("root:");
+ // compute relations between directories => introduce container dirs.
+ DirDef *dir;
+ DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories);
+ for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
+ {
+ //printf("New dir %s\n",dir->displayName().data());
+ QCString name = dir->name();
+ int i=name.findRev('/',name.length()-2);
+ if (i>0)
+ {
+ DirDef *parent = Doxygen::directories->find(name.left(i+1));
+ //if (parent==0) parent=root;
+ if (parent)
+ {
+ parent->addSubDir(dir);
+ //printf("DirDef::addSubdir(): Adding subdir\n%s to\n%s\n",
+ // dir->displayName().data(), parent->displayName().data());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void computeDirDependencies()
+ DirDef *dir;
+ DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories);
+ // compute nesting level for each directory
+ for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
+ {
+ dir->setLevel();
+ }
+ // compute uses dependencies between directories
+ for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
+ {
+ //printf("computeDependencies for %s: #dirs=%d\n",dir->name().data(),Doxygen::directories.count());
+ dir->computeDependencies();
+ }
+#if 0
+ printf("-------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ // print dependencies (for debugging)
+ for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
+ {
+ if (dir->usedDirs())
+ {
+ QDictIterator<UsedDir> udi(*dir->usedDirs());
+ UsedDir *usedDir;
+ for (udi.toFirst();(usedDir=udi.current());++udi)
+ {
+ printf("%s depends on %s due to ",
+ dir->shortName().data(),usedDir->dir()->shortName().data());
+ QDictIterator<FileDef> fdi(usedDir->files());
+ FileDef *fd;
+ for (fdi.toFirst();(fd=fdi.current());++fdi)
+ {
+ printf("%s ",fd->name().data());
+ }
+ printf("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ printf("^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^-^\n");
+#if 0
+void writeDirDependencyGraph(const char *dirName)
+ QString path;
+ DirDef *dir;
+ DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories);
+ QFile htmlPage(QCString(dirName)+"/dirdeps.html");
+ if (htmlPage.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+ {
+ QTextStream out(&htmlPage);
+ out << "<html><body>";
+ for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
+ {
+ path=dirName;
+ path+="/";
+ path+=dir->getOutputFileBase();
+ path+="_dep.dot";
+ out << "<h4>" << dir->displayName() << "</h4>" << endl;
+ out << "<img src=\"" << dir->getOutputFileBase() << "_dep.gif\">" << endl;
+ QFile f(path);
+ if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+ {
+ QTextStream t(&f);
+ dir->writeDepGraph(t);
+ }
+ f.close();
+ QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+ QCString outFile = QCString(dirName)+"/"+
+ dir->getOutputFileBase()+"_dep."+imgExt;
+ DotRunner dotRun(path);
+ dotRun.addJob(imgExt,outFile);
+ dotRun.run();
+ //QCString dotArgs(4096);
+ //dotArgs.sprintf("%s -Tgif -o %s",path.data(),outFile.data());
+ //if (portable_system(Config_getString("DOT_PATH")+"dot",dotArgs,FALSE)!=0)
+ //{
+ // err("Problems running dot. Check your installation!\n");
+ //}
+ }
+ out << "</body></html>";
+ }
+ htmlPage.close();
+void generateDirDocs(OutputList &ol)
+ DirDef *dir;
+ DirSDict::Iterator sdi(*Doxygen::directories);
+ for (sdi.toFirst();(dir=sdi.current());++sdi)
+ {
+ dir->writeDocumentation(ol);
+ }
+ if (Config_getBool("DIRECTORY_GRAPH"))
+ {
+ SDict<DirRelation>::Iterator rdi(Doxygen::dirRelations);
+ DirRelation *dr;
+ for (rdi.toFirst();(dr=rdi.current());++rdi)
+ {
+ dr->writeDocumentation(ol);
+ }
+ }