changeset 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 1 82f11024044a
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/scanner.l	Thu Jan 21 17:29:01 2010 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,5778 @@
+ *
+ * 
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+ *	includes
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "qtbc.h"
+#include <qarray.h>
+#include <qstack.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include "scanner.h"
+#include "entry.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "defargs.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "commentscan.h"
+#include "code.h"
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *	statics
+ */
+static ParserInterface *g_thisParser;
+static const char *     inputString;
+static int		inputPosition;
+static QFile            inputFile;
+static int		lastContext;
+static int		lastCContext;
+static int              lastDocContext;
+static int              lastCPPContext;
+static int              lastSkipSharpContext;
+static int              lastSkipRoundContext;
+static int              lastStringContext;
+static int              lastCurlyContext;
+static int              lastRoundContext;
+static int              lastSquareContext;
+static int              lastInitializerContext;
+static int              lastClassTemplSpecContext;
+static int              lastPreLineCtrlContext;
+static int              lastSkipVerbStringContext;
+static int              lastCommentInArgContext;
+static int              lastCSConstraint;
+static Protection	protection;
+static Protection	baseProt;
+static int		sharpCount   = 0 ;
+static int		roundCount   = 0 ;
+static int		curlyCount   = 0 ;
+static int		squareCount  = 0 ;
+static int              padCount     = 0 ;
+static QCString         slString;
+static Entry*		current_root = 0 ;
+static Entry*		global_root  = 0 ;
+static Entry*		current      = 0 ;
+static Entry*		previous     = 0 ;
+static Entry*		tempEntry    = 0 ;
+static Entry*		firstTypedefEntry = 0 ;
+static Entry*		memspecEntry = 0 ;
+static int		yyLineNr     = 1 ;
+static int              anonCount    = 0 ;        
+static int              anonNSCount  = 0 ;        
+static QCString		yyFileName;
+static MethodTypes 	mtype;
+static bool    		gstat;
+static bool             removeSlashes;
+static Specifier 	virt;
+static Specifier 	baseVirt;
+static QCString         msType,msName,msArgs;
+static bool             isTypedef;
+static int              tmpDocType;
+static QCString         sectionLabel;
+static QCString		sectionTitle;
+static QCString         funcPtrType;
+static QCString         templateStr;
+static QCString         aliasName;
+static QCString         baseName;
+static QCString*        specName;
+static QCString         formulaText;
+static QCString         formulaEnd;
+static bool             useOverrideCommands = FALSE;
+static bool             insideIDL   = FALSE;		//!< processing IDL code?
+static bool             insideJava  = FALSE;		//!< processing Java code?
+static bool             insideCS    = FALSE;		//!< processing C# code?
+static bool             insideD     = FALSE;		//!< processing D code?
+static bool             insidePHP   = FALSE;		//!< processing PHP code?
+static bool             insideObjC  = FALSE;            //!< processing Objective C code?
+static bool             insideCli   = FALSE;            //!< processing C++/CLI code?
+static bool             insideJS    = FALSE;            //!< processing JavaScript code?
+static bool             insideCppQuote = FALSE;
+static bool             insideProtocolList = FALSE;
+static int              argRoundCount;
+static int              argSharpCount;
+static int              currentArgumentContext;
+static int              lastCopyArgStringContext;
+static int              lastCopyArgContext;
+static QCString         *copyArgString;
+static QCString         fullArgString;
+static ArgumentList     *currentArgumentList;
+static char             lastCopyArgChar;
+static QCString         *pCopyQuotedString;
+static QCString         *pCopyRoundString;
+static QCString         *pCopyCurlyString;
+static QGString         *pCopyCurlyGString;
+static QGString         *pCopyRoundGString;
+static QGString         *pCopyQuotedGString;
+static QGString         *pSkipVerbString;
+static QStack<Grouping> autoGroupStack;
+static bool             insideFormula;
+static bool  	        insideTryBlock=FALSE;
+static bool             insideCode;
+static bool             needsSemi;
+static int              depthIf;
+static int  	        initBracketCount;
+static QCString         memberGroupRelates;
+static QCString         memberGroupInside;
+static QCString         xrefItemKey;
+static QCString         xrefItemTitle;
+static QCString         xrefListTitle;
+static QCString         g_skipBlockName;
+static QCString         oldStyleArgType;
+static QCString         docBackup;
+static QCString         briefBackup;
+static bool             g_inputFromFile;
+static int              docBlockContext;
+static QCString         docBlock;
+static QCString         docBlockName;
+static bool             docBlockInBody;
+static bool             docBlockAutoBrief;
+static char             docBlockTerm;
+static QCString         idlAttr;
+static QCString         idlProp;
+static bool             g_lexInit = FALSE;
+static bool             externC;
+// forward declarations
+//static void handleGroupStartCommand(const char *header);
+//static void handleGroupEndCommand();
+static void initParser()
+  sectionLabel.resize(0);
+  sectionTitle.resize(0);
+  baseName.resize(0);
+  formulaText.resize(0);
+  protection = Public;
+  baseProt = Public;
+  sharpCount = 0;
+  roundCount = 0;
+  curlyCount = 0;
+  mtype = Method;
+  gstat = FALSE;
+  virt = Normal;
+  baseVirt = Normal;
+  isTypedef = FALSE;
+  autoGroupStack.clear();
+  insideTryBlock = FALSE;
+  autoGroupStack.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+  insideFormula = FALSE;
+  insideCode=FALSE;
+  insideCli=Config_getBool("CPP_CLI_SUPPORT");
+  previous = 0;
+static void initEntry()
+  if (insideJava) 
+  {
+    protection = (current_root->spec & Entry::Interface) ?  Public : Package;
+  }
+  current->protection = protection ;
+  current->mtype      = mtype;
+  current->virt       = virt;
+  current->stat       = gstat;
+  current->objc       = insideObjC;
+  //if (!autoGroupStack.isEmpty())
+  //{
+  //  //printf("Appending group %s\n",autoGroupStack.top()->groupname.data());
+  //  current->groups->append(new Grouping(*autoGroupStack.top()));
+  //}
+  initGroupInfo(current);
+  isTypedef=FALSE;
+///// remove any automatic grouping and add new one (if given)
+//static void setCurrentGroup( QCString *newgroup, Grouping::GroupPri_t pri )
+//   /* remove auto group name from current entry and discard it */
+//   Grouping *g = current->groups->first();
+//   int i=0; 
+//   while (g)
+//   {
+//     if (g->pri <= Grouping::GROUPING_AUTO_DEF)
+//     {
+//       current->groups->remove(i);
+//       i--;
+//     }
+//     g=current->groups->next();
+//     i++;
+//   }
+//   /* use new group name instead? */
+//   if ( newgroup )
+//   {
+//      current->groups->append(new Grouping(*newgroup, pri));
+//   } 
+//static int newMemberGroupId()
+//  static int curGroupId=0;
+//  return curGroupId++;
+// forward declarations
+//static void startGroupInDoc();
+//static void endGroup();
+static void lineCount()
+  for( const char* c = yytext ; *c ; ++c )
+    yyLineNr += (*c == '\n') ;
+static void addType( Entry* current )
+    uint tl=current->type.length();
+    if( tl>0 && !current->name.isEmpty() && current->type.at(tl-1)!='.') 
+    {
+      current->type += ' ' ;
+    }
+    current->type += current->name ;
+    current->name.resize(0) ;
+    tl=current->type.length();
+    if( tl>0 && !current->args.isEmpty() && current->type.at(tl-1)!='.') 
+    {
+      current->type += ' ' ;
+    }
+    current->type += current->args ;
+    current->args.resize(0) ;
+    current->argList->clear();
+static QCString stripQuotes(const char *s)
+  QCString name;
+  if (s==0 || *s==0) return name;
+  name=s;
+  if (name.at(0)=='"' && name.at(name.length()-1)=='"')
+  {
+    name=name.mid(1,name.length()-2);
+  }
+  return name;
+static void startCommentBlock(bool);
+static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief);
+static void handleParametersCommentBlocks(ArgumentList *al);
+static bool nameIsOperator(QCString &name)
+  int i=name.find("operator");
+  if (i==-1) return FALSE;
+  if (i==0 && !isId(name.at(8))) return TRUE; // case operator ::X
+  if (i>0 && !isId(name.at(i-1)) && !isId(name.at(i+8))) return TRUE; // case X::operator
+  return FALSE; // case TEXToperatorTEXT
+static void setContext()
+  QCString fileName = yyFileName;
+  SrcLangExt langExt = getLanguageFromFileName(fileName);
+  insideIDL  = langExt==SrcLangExt_IDL;
+  insideJava = langExt==SrcLangExt_Java;
+  insideCS   = langExt==SrcLangExt_CSharp; 
+  insideD    = langExt==SrcLangExt_D;
+  insidePHP  = langExt==SrcLangExt_PHP;
+  insideObjC = langExt==SrcLangExt_ObjC;
+  insideJS   = langExt==SrcLangExt_JS;
+  if ( insidePHP )
+  {
+    useOverrideCommands = TRUE;
+  }
+  //printf("setContext(%s) insideIDL=%d insideJava=%d insideCS=%d "
+  //       "insideD=%d insidePHP=%d insideObjC=%d\n",
+  //       yyFileName.data(),insideIDL,insideJava,insideCS,insideD,insidePHP,insideObjC
+  //	);
+static void prependScope()
+  if (current_root->section & Entry::SCOPE_MASK)
+  {
+    //printf("--- prependScope %s to %s\n",current_root->name.data(),current->name.data());
+    current->name.prepend(current_root->name+"::");
+    if (current_root->tArgLists)
+    {
+      if (current->tArgLists==0)
+      {
+	current->tArgLists = new QList<ArgumentList>;
+	current->tArgLists->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+      }
+      //printf("prependScope #=%d #current=%d\n",current_root->tArgLists->count(),current->tArgLists->count());
+      QListIterator<ArgumentList> talsi(*current_root->tArgLists);
+      ArgumentList *srcAl=0;
+      for (talsi.toLast();(srcAl=talsi.current());--talsi)
+      {
+        ArgumentList *dstAl = new ArgumentList;
+	QListIterator<Argument> tali(*srcAl);
+        Argument *a;
+        for (;(a=tali.current());++tali)
+        {
+          dstAl->append(new Argument(*a));
+        //printf("appending argument %s %s\n",a->type.data(),a->name.data());
+        }	  
+        current->tArgLists->insert(0,dstAl);	
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/*! Returns TRUE iff the current entry could be a K&R style C function */
+static bool checkForKnRstyleC()
+  if (((QCString)yyFileName).right(2).lower()!=".c") return FALSE; // must be a C file
+  if (!current->argList) return FALSE; // must have arguments
+  ArgumentListIterator ali(*current->argList);
+  Argument *a;
+  for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
+  {
+    // in K&R style argument do not have a type, but doxygen expects a type
+    // so it will think the argument has no name
+    if (a->type.isEmpty() || !a->name.isEmpty()) return FALSE;
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+static void splitKnRArg(QCString &oldStyleArgPtr,QCString &oldStyleArgName)
+  int si = current->args.length();
+  if (oldStyleArgType.isEmpty()) // new argument
+  {
+    static QRegExp re("([^)]*)");
+    int bi1 = current->args.findRev(re);
+    int bi2 = bi1!=-1 ? current->args.findRev(re,bi1-1) : -1; 
+    char c;
+    if (bi1!=-1 && bi2!=-1) // found something like "int (*func)(int arg)"
+    {
+      int s=bi2+1;
+      oldStyleArgType = current->args.left(s);
+      int i=s;
+      while (i<si && ((c=current->args.at(i))=='*' || isspace((uchar)c))) i++;
+      oldStyleArgType += current->args.mid(s,i-s);
+      s=i;
+      while (i<si && isId(current->args.at(i))) i++;
+      oldStyleArgName = current->args.mid(s,i-s);
+      oldStyleArgType+=current->args.mid(i);
+    }
+    else if (bi1!=-1) // redundant braces like in "int (*var)"
+    {
+      int s=bi1;
+      oldStyleArgType = current->args.left(s);
+      s++;
+      int i=s+1;
+      while (i<si && ((c=current->args.at(i))=='*' || isspace((uchar)c))) i++;
+      oldStyleArgType += current->args.mid(s,i-s);
+      s=i;
+      while (i<si && isId(current->args.at(i))) i++;
+      oldStyleArgName = current->args.mid(s,i-s);
+    }
+    else // normal "int *var"
+    {
+      int l=si,i=l-1,j;
+      char c;
+      // look for start of name in "type *name"
+      while (i>=0 && isId(current->args.at(i))) i--;
+      j=i+1;
+      // look for start of *'s
+      while (i>=0 && ((c=current->args.at(i))=='*' || isspace((uchar)c))) i--;
+      i++;
+      if (i!=l)
+      {
+	oldStyleArgType=current->args.left(i);
+	oldStyleArgPtr=current->args.mid(i,j-i);
+	oldStyleArgName=current->args.mid(j).stripWhiteSpace();
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	oldStyleArgName=current->args.copy().stripWhiteSpace();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else // continuation like *arg2 in "int *args,*arg2"
+  {
+    int l=si,j=0;
+    char c;
+    while (j<l && ((c=current->args.at(j))=='*' || isspace((uchar)c))) j++;
+    if (j>0)
+    {
+      oldStyleArgPtr=current->args.left(j);
+      oldStyleArgName=current->args.mid(j).stripWhiteSpace();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      oldStyleArgName=current->args.copy().stripWhiteSpace();
+    }
+  }
+  //fprintf(stderr,"type=%s ptr=%s name=%s\n",oldStyleArgType.data(),oldStyleArgPtr.data(),oldStyleArgName.data());
+/*! Update the argument \a name with additional \a type info. For K&R style
+ *  function the type is found \e after the argument list, so this routine
+ *  in needed to fix up.
+ */
+static void addKnRArgInfo(const QCString &type,const QCString &name,
+                          const QCString &brief,const QCString &docs)
+  if (current->argList==0) return;
+  ArgumentListIterator ali(*current->argList);
+  Argument *a;
+  for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
+  {
+    if (a->type==name)
+    {
+      a->type=type.stripWhiteSpace();
+      if (a->type.left(9)=="register ") // strip keyword
+      {
+	a->type=a->type.mid(9);
+      }
+      a->name=name.stripWhiteSpace();
+      if (!brief.isEmpty() && !docs.isEmpty())
+      {
+        a->docs=brief+"\n\n"+docs;
+      }
+      else if (!brief.isEmpty())
+      {
+        a->docs=brief;
+      }
+      else
+      {
+	a->docs=docs;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void fixArgumentListForJavaScript(ArgumentList *al)
+  if (al==0) return;
+  ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
+  Argument *a;
+  for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
+  {
+    if (!a->type.isEmpty() && a->name.isEmpty())
+    { // a->type is actually the (typeless) parameter name, so move it
+      a->name=a->type;
+      a->type.resize(0);
+    }
+  }
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#undef	YY_INPUT
+#define	YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
+static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size)
+    int c=0;
+    if (g_inputFromFile)
+    {
+       c = inputFile.readBlock(buf,max_size);
+       if (c==-1) yy_fatal_error("input in flex scanner failed");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      while( c < max_size && inputString[inputPosition] )
+      {
+	*buf = inputString[inputPosition++] ;
+	//printf("%d (%c)\n",*buf,*buf);
+	c++; buf++;
+      }
+    }
+    return c;
+       /* start command character */
+CMD	  ("\\"|"@")
+SECTIONCMD {CMD}("image"|"author"|"internal"|"version"|"date"|"deprecated"|"param"|"exception"|"return"[s]?|"retval"|"bug"|"warning"|"par"|"sa"|"see"|"pre"|"post"|"invariant"|"note"|"remark"[s]?|"todo"|"test"|"xrefitem"|"ingroup"|"callgraph"|"callergraph"|"latexonly"|"htmlonly"|"xmlonly"|"manonly"|"{"|"verbatim"|"dotfile"|"dot"|"defgroup"|"addtogroup"|"weakgroup"|"class"|"namespace"|"union"|"struct"|"fn"|"var"|"details"|"typedef"|"def"|"overload")|("<"{PRE}">")
+BN        [ \t\n\r]
+BL        [ \t\r]*"\n" 
+B         [ \t]
+BS        ^(({B}*"//")?)(({B}*"*"+)?){B}*
+FILESCHAR [a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\\:\\\/\-\+]
+FILEECHAR [a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF\-\+]
+FILE      ({FILESCHAR}*{FILEECHAR}+("."{FILESCHAR}*{FILEECHAR}+)*)|("\""[^\n\"]+"\"")
+ID        "$"?[a-z_A-Z\x80-\xFF][a-z_A-Z0-9\x80-\xFF]*
+SCOPEID   {ID}({ID}*{BN}*"::"{BN}*)*({ID}?)
+SCOPENAME "$"?(({ID}?{BN}*"::"{BN}*)*)(((~|!){BN}*)?{ID})
+TSCOPE    {ID}("<"[a-z_A-Z0-9 \t\*\&,]*">")?
+FTSCOPE   {ID}("<"[a-z_A-Z0-9\*\&,]*">")?
+CSSCOPENAME (({ID}?{BN}*"."{BN}*)*)((~{BN}*)?{ID})
+PRE       [pP][rR][eE]
+CODE      [cC][oO][dD][eE]
+CHARLIT   (("'"\\[0-7]{1,3}"'")|("'"\\."'")|("'"[^' \\\n]{1,4}"'"))
+PHPKW	  ("require"|"require_once"|"include"|"include_once"|"echo")[^a-zA-Z0-9_;]
+IDLATTR   ("["[^\]]*"]"){BN}*
+TYPEDEFPREFIX (("typedef"{BN}+)?)((("volatile"|"const"){BN}+)?)
+%option noyywrap
+  /* language parsing states */
+%x	Define
+%x	DefineEnd
+%x	CompoundName
+%x	ClassVar
+%x	CSConstraintName
+%x	CSConstraintType
+%x	ClassCategory
+%x	ClassTemplSpec
+%x      CliPropertyType
+%x      CliPropertyIndex
+%x      CliOverride
+%x	Bases
+%x	BasesProt
+%x	NextSemi
+%x	BitFields
+%x	FindMembers
+%x	FindMembersPHP
+%x	FindMemberName
+%x      FindFields
+%x      FindFieldArg
+%x	Function
+%x	FuncRound
+%x	ExcpRound
+%x	ExcpList
+%x	FuncQual
+%x	Operator
+%x	Array
+%x	ReadBody
+%x	ReadNSBody
+%x	ReadBodyIntf
+%x	Using
+%x	UsingDirective
+%x	SkipCurly
+%x	SkipCurlyCpp
+%x	SkipCurlyEndDoc
+%x      SkipString
+%x      SkipPHPString
+%x	SkipInits
+%x	SkipCPP
+%x	SkipCPPBlock
+%x	SkipComment
+%x	SkipCxxComment
+%x      SkipCurlyBlock
+%x      SkipRoundBlock
+%x	Sharp
+%x      SkipSharp
+%x	SkipRound
+%x	SkipSquare
+%x	SkipRemainder
+%x	TypedefName
+%x	TryFunctionBlock
+%x	TryFunctionBlockEnd
+%x	Comment
+%x	PackageName
+%x	JavaImport
+%x	CSAccessorDecl
+%x	CSGeneric
+%x	PreLineCtrl
+%x	DefinePHP
+%x	DefinePHPEnd
+%x	OldStyleArgs
+%x	SkipVerbString
+%x      ObjCMethod
+%x      ObjCReturnType
+%x      ObjCParams
+%x      ObjCParamType
+%x      ObjCProtocolList
+%x 	ObjCPropAttr
+%x 	ObjCSkipStatement
+%x	QtPropType
+%x	QtPropName
+%x	QtPropAttr
+%x	QtPropRead
+%x	QtPropWrite
+%x	ReadInitializer
+%x	GetCallType
+%x	CppQuote
+%x	EndCppQuote
+%x      MemberSpec
+%x      MemberSpecSkip
+%x	EndTemplate
+%x	FuncPtr
+%x	FuncPtrOperator
+%x	EndFuncPtr
+%x	ReadFuncArgType
+%x	ReadTempArgs
+%x	IDLUnionCase
+%x	NSAliasName
+%x	NSAliasArg
+%x	CopyString
+%x	CopyPHPString
+%x	CopyGString
+%x	CopyPHPGString
+%x	CopyRound
+%x	CopyCurly
+%x	GCopyRound
+%x	GCopyCurly
+%x	SkipUnionSwitch
+%x	Specialization
+%x	FuncPtrInit
+%x	FuncFunc
+%x	FuncFuncEnd
+%x	FuncFuncType
+%x	FuncFuncArray
+%x      CopyArgString
+%x      CopyArgPHPString
+%x	CopyArgRound
+%x	CopyArgSharp
+%x	CopyArgComment
+%x	CopyArgCommentLine
+%x	CopyArgVerbatim
+%x      IDLAttribute
+%x      IDLProp
+%x      IDLPropName
+ /** Prototype scanner states */
+%x      Prototype
+%x      PrototypePtr
+%x      PrototypeQual
+%x      PrototypeExc
+%x      PrototypeSkipLine
+ /** comment parsing states */
+%x	DocLine
+%x	DocBlock
+%x      DocCopyBlock
+<NextSemi>"{"				{
+  					  curlyCount=0;
+					  needsSemi = TRUE;
+  					  BEGIN(SkipCurlyBlock); 
+					}
+<NextSemi>"("				{
+  				 	  roundCount=0;
+  					  BEGIN(SkipRoundBlock);
+  					}
+<SkipRoundBlock>"("			{
+					  ++roundCount;
+  					}
+<SkipRoundBlock>")"			{
+  					  if (roundCount )
+					    --roundCount ;
+					  else
+					    BEGIN( NextSemi ) ;
+  					}
+<SkipCurlyBlock>"{"			{
+  					  ++curlyCount ; 
+					}
+<SkipCurlyBlock>"}"			{ 
+  				          if( curlyCount )
+					  {
+					    --curlyCount ;
+					  }
+					  else if (needsSemi)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( NextSemi );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					  }
+					}
+<NextSemi>\'				{
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    lastStringContext=NextSemi;
+					    BEGIN(SkipPHPString);
+					  }
+  					}
+<NextSemi>{CHARLIT}			{ if (insidePHP) REJECT; }
+<NextSemi>\"				{
+  					  lastStringContext=NextSemi;
+					  BEGIN(SkipString);
+  					}
+<NextSemi>[;,]				{ 
+  					  unput(*yytext);
+  					  BEGIN( FindMembers ); 
+					}
+<BitFields>[;,]				{
+  					  unput(*yytext);
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"<?php"			{ // PHP code with unsupported extension?
+                                          insidePHP = TRUE;
+  					}
+<FindMembersPHP>"<?"("php"?)            { // PHP code start
+                                           BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					}
+<FindMembersPHP>"<script"{BN}+"language"{BN}*"="{BN}*['"]?"php"['"]?{BN}*">" { // PHP code start
+					  lineCount() ;
+                                          BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					}
+<FindMembersPHP>[^\n<]+                 { // Non-PHP code text, ignore
+  					}
+<FindMembersPHP>\n                      { // Non-PHP code text, ignore
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<FindMembersPHP>.                       { // Non-PHP code text, ignore
+				        }
+<FindMembers>"?>"|"</script>"           { // PHP code end
+					  if (insidePHP)
+					    BEGIN( FindMembersPHP );
+					  else
+					    REJECT;
+                                        }
+<FindMembers>{PHPKW}			{ if (insidePHP)
+					    BEGIN( NextSemi );
+					  else
+					    REJECT;
+					}
+<FindMembers>"%{"[^\n]*			{ // Mozilla XPIDL lang-specific block
+					  if (!insideIDL)
+					    REJECT;
+					}
+<FindMembers>"%}"			{ // Mozilla XPIDL lang-specific block end
+					  if (!insideIDL)
+					    REJECT;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*("properties"){BN}*":"{BN}*  { // IDL or Borland C++ builder property 
+  					  current->mtype = mtype = Property;
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"k_dcop"{BN}*":"{BN}*  { current->mtype = mtype = DCOP;
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*("signals"|"Q_SIGNALS"){BN}*":"{BN}* { current->mtype = mtype = Signal;
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"public"{BN}*("slots"|"Q_SLOTS"){BN}*":"{BN}* {
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Slot;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount();
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"protected"{BN}*("slots"|"Q_SLOTS"){BN}*":"{BN}* {
+					  current->protection = protection = Protected ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Slot;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount();
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"private"{BN}*("slots"|"Q_SLOTS"){BN}*":"{BN}* {
+					  current->protection = protection = Private ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Slot;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount();
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*("public"|"methods"|"__published"){BN}*":"{BN}* { 
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"internal"{BN}*":"{BN}* {  // for now treat C++/CLI's internal as package...
+  					  if (insideCli)
+					  {
+					    current->protection = protection = Package ;
+					    current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+					    current->type.resize(0); 
+					    current->name.resize(0); 
+					    current->args.resize(0);
+					    current->argList->clear();
+					    lineCount() ;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"protected"{BN}*":"{BN}* {  
+  					  current->protection = protection = Protected ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"private"{BN}*":"{BN}*	{ 
+  					  current->protection = protection = Private ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"event"{BN}+           { 
+  					  if (insideCli)
+					  {
+					    // C++/CLI event
+					    lineCount() ;
+  					    current->mtype = mtype = Event;
+					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    curlyCount=0;
+					    BEGIN( CliPropertyType );
+					  }
+					  else if (insideCS)
+					  {
+					    lineCount() ;
+  					    current->mtype = Event;
+					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+                                        }
+<FindMembers>{B}*"property"{BN}+	{
+  					   if (insideCli)
+					   {
+					     // C++/CLI property
+					     lineCount() ;
+  					     current->mtype = mtype = Property;
+					     current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					     curlyCount=0;
+					     BEGIN( CliPropertyType );
+					   }
+					   else
+					   {
+					     REJECT;
+					   }
+					}
+<CliPropertyType>{ID}			{
+  					  addType( current );
+  					  current->name = yytext;
+  					}
+<CliPropertyType>"["		        { // C++/CLI indexed property
+  					  current->name += yytext;
+					  BEGIN( CliPropertyIndex );
+  					}
+<CliPropertyType>"{"			{
+					  curlyCount=0;
+					  //printf("event: '%s' '%s'\n",current->type.data(),current->name.data());
+  					  BEGIN( CSAccessorDecl );
+  					}
+<CliPropertyType>";"			{
+  					  unput(*yytext);
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+  					}
+<CliPropertyType>\n			{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<CliPropertyType>{B}*			{
+  					}
+<CliPropertyType>.			{
+  					  addType( current );
+  					  current->type += yytext;
+  					}
+<CliPropertyIndex>"]"			{
+                                          BEGIN( CliPropertyType );
+  					  current->name+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CliPropertyIndex>.			{
+  					  current->name+=yytext;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"property"{BN}+        { 
+                                          if (!current->type.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+                                          }
+					  else
+					  { 
+                                            current->mtype = mtype = Property;
+                                            lineCount();
+					  }
+                                        }
+<FindMembers>{B}*"@private"{BN}+	{
+  					  current->protection = protection = Private ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"@protected"{BN}+	{
+  					  current->protection = protection = Protected ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"@public"{BN}+	{
+  					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+					  current->type.resize(0); 
+					  current->name.resize(0); 
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  lineCount() ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>[\-+]{BN}*			{
+  					  if (!insideObjC) 
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    lineCount();
+					    current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					    current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
+					    current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					    current->objc = TRUE;
+					    current->virt = Virtual;
+					    current->stat=yytext[0]=='+';
+					    current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+					    current->type.resize(0); 
+					    current->name.resize(0); 
+					    current->args.resize(0);
+					    current->argList->clear();
+					    BEGIN( ObjCMethod );
+					  }
+  					}
+<ObjCMethod>"("				{ // start of method's return type
+  					  BEGIN( ObjCReturnType );
+  					}
+<ObjCMethod>{ID}			{ // found method name
+  					  if (current->type.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    current->type = "id";
+					  }
+					  current->name = yytext;
+  					}
+<ObjCMethod>":"{B}*			{ // start of parameter list
+  					  current->name += ':';
+  					  Argument *a = new Argument;
+					  current->argList->append(a);
+  					  BEGIN( ObjCParams );
+  					}
+<ObjCReturnType>[^)]*			{ // TODO: check if nested braches are possible.
+  					  current->type = yytext;
+  					}
+<ObjCReturnType>")"			{
+  					  BEGIN( ObjCMethod );
+  					}
+<ObjCParams>({ID})?":"			{ // Keyword of parameter
+					  QCString keyw = yytext;
+					  keyw=keyw.left(keyw.length()-1); // strip :
+					  if (keyw.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    current->name += " :";
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    current->name += keyw+":";
+					  }
+					  if (current->argList->getLast()->type.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    current->argList->getLast()->type="id";
+					  }
+  					  Argument *a = new Argument;
+  					  a->attrib=(QCString)"["+keyw+"]";
+					  current->argList->append(a);
+  					}
+<ObjCParams>{ID}{BN}*			{ // name of parameter
+  					  lineCount();
+  					  current->argList->getLast()->name=QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+  					}
+<ObjCParams>","{BN}*"..."		{ // name of parameter
+  					  lineCount();
+					  // do we want the comma as part of the name?
+  					  //current->name += ",";
+  					  Argument *a = new Argument;
+  					  a->attrib="[,]";
+  					  a->type="...";
+					  current->argList->append(a);
+  					}
+   /*
+<ObjCParams>":"				{ 
+					  current->name += ':';
+					}
+   */
+<ObjCParams>"("				{
+  					  BEGIN( ObjCParamType );
+  					}
+<ObjCParamType>[^)]*			{
+  					  current->argList->getLast()->type=QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+  					}
+<ObjCParamType>")"/{B}*			{
+  					  BEGIN( ObjCParams );
+  					}
+<ObjCMethod,ObjCParams>";"		{ // end of method declaration
+					  if (current->argList->getLast() && current->argList->getLast()->type.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    current->argList->getLast()->type="id";
+					  }
+  					  current->args = argListToString(current->argList);
+					  //printf("argList=%s\n",current->args.data());
+  					  unput(';');
+  					  BEGIN( Function );
+  					}
+<ObjCMethod,ObjCParams>(";"{BN}+)?"{"	{ // start of a method body
+  					  lineCount();
+                                          //printf("Type=%s Name=%s args=%s\n",
+					  //    current->type.data(),current->name.data(),argListToString(current->argList).data()
+					  //    );
+					  if (current->argList->getLast() && current->argList->getLast()->type.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    current->argList->getLast()->type="id";
+					  }
+  					  current->args = argListToString(current->argList);
+                                          unput('{');
+  					  BEGIN( Function );
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{BN}{1,80}			{
+  					  lineCount();
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"@"({ID}".")*{ID}{BN}*"("	{
+  					  if (insideJava) // Java annotation
+					  {
+  					    lineCount();
+					    lastSkipRoundContext = YY_START;
+					    roundCount=1;
+					    BEGIN( SkipRound );
+					  }
+					  else if (strncmp(yytext,"@property",9)==0) // ObjC 2.0 property
+					  {
+  					    current->mtype = mtype = Property;
+					    current->spec|=Entry::Readable | Entry::Writable | Entry::Assign;
+					    current->protection = Public ;
+					    unput('(');
+					    BEGIN( ObjCPropAttr );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+                                        }
+<ObjCPropAttr>"getter="{ID}		{ 
+                                          current->read = yytext+7;
+					}
+<ObjCPropAttr>"setter="{ID}		{ 
+                                          current->write = yytext+7;
+					}
+<ObjCPropAttr>"readonly"		{
+					  current->spec&=~Entry::Writable;
+  					}
+<ObjCPropAttr>"readwrite"		{ // default
+  					}
+<ObjCPropAttr>"assign"			{ // default
+  					}
+<ObjCPropAttr>"retain"			{
+					  current->spec&=~Entry::Assign;
+					  current->spec|=Entry::Retain;
+  					}
+<ObjCPropAttr>"copy"			{
+					  current->spec&=~Entry::Assign;
+					  current->spec|=Entry::Copy;
+  					}
+<ObjCPropAttr>"nonatmic"		{
+					  current->spec|=Entry::NonAtomic;
+  					}
+<ObjCPropAttr>")"			{
+  					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"@"{ID}			{
+  					  if (insideJava) // Java annotation
+					  {
+					    // skip annotation
+					  }
+					  else if (strcmp(yytext,"@property")==0) // ObjC 2.0 property
+					  {
+  					    current->mtype = mtype = Property;
+					    current->spec|=Entry::Writable | Entry::Readable | Entry::Assign;
+					    current->protection = Public ;
+					  }
+					  else if (strcmp(yytext,"@synthesize")==0)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( ObjCSkipStatement );
+					  }
+					  else if (strcmp(yytext,"@dynamic")==0)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( ObjCSkipStatement );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+  					}
+<ObjCSkipStatement>";"			{
+  					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<PackageName>{ID}("."{ID})*		{
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+					  current->name = yytext;
+					  current->name = substitute(current->name,".","::");
+					  current->section = Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC;
+					  current->type = "namespace" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount();
+					  curlyCount=0;
+					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+                                          current_root = current ;
+					  current             = new Entry ;
+					  initEntry();
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+  					}
+<PackageName>";"			{
+  					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"initonly"{BN}+	{
+  					  current->type += " initonly ";
+					  if (insideCli) current->spec |= Entry::Initonly;
+					  lineCount();
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"static"{BN}+     	{ current->type += " static ";
+  					  current->stat = TRUE;
+					  lineCount();
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"extern"{BN}+		{
+  					  current->stat = FALSE;
+					  current->explicitExternal = TRUE;
+					  lineCount();
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"virtual"{BN}+    	{ current->type += " virtual ";
+					  current->virt = Virtual;
+					  lineCount();
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"abstract"{BN}+    	{ 
+                                          if (!insidePHP) 
+					  {
+					    current->type += " abstract ";
+					    current->virt = Pure;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    current->spec|=Entry::Abstract;
+					  }
+					  lineCount();
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"inline"{BN}+		{ current->spec|=Entry::Inline;
+                                          lineCount(); 
+                                        }
+<FindMembers>{B}*"mutable"{BN}+		{ current->spec|=Entry::Mutable;
+                                          lineCount(); 
+                                        }
+<FindMembers>{B}*"explicit"{BN}+	{ current->spec|=Entry::Explicit;
+                                          lineCount(); 
+                                        }
+<FindMembers>{B}*"@required"{BN}+	{ // Objective C 2.0 protocol required section
+                                          current->spec=(current->spec & ~Entry::Optional) | Entry::Required;
+                                          lineCount(); 
+                                        }
+<FindMembers>{B}*"@optional"{BN}+	{  // Objective C 2.0 protocol optional section
+                                          current->spec=(current->spec & ~Entry::Required) | Entry::Optional;
+                                          lineCount(); 
+                                        }
+  /*
+<FindMembers>{B}*"import"{BN}+		{ // IDL import keyword
+  					  BEGIN( NextSemi );
+  					}
+  */
+<FindMembers>{B}*"typename"{BN}+	{ lineCount(); }
+<FindMembers>{B}*"namespace"{BN}*/[^a-z_A-Z0-9]	{ 
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+					  current->section = Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC;
+					  current->type = "namespace" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount();
+  					  BEGIN( CompoundName ); 
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"module"{BN}+		{ 
+					  lineCount();
+                                          if (insideIDL)
+					  {
+  					    isTypedef=FALSE;
+					    current->section = Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC;
+					    current->type = "module" ;
+					    current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+  					    BEGIN( CompoundName ); 
+					  }
+					  else if (insideD)
+					  {
+					    lineCount();
+					    BEGIN(PackageName);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    addType( current ) ;
+					    current->name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+					  }
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"library"{BN}+		{ 
+					  lineCount();
+                                          if (insideIDL)
+					  {
+  					    isTypedef=FALSE;
+					    current->section = Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC;
+					    current->type = "library" ;
+					    current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+  					    BEGIN( CompoundName ); 
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    addType( current ) ;
+					    current->name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+					  }
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*((("disp")?"interface")|"valuetype"){BN}+ 	{ // M$/Corba IDL/Java interface
+					  lineCount();
+                                          if (insideIDL || insideJava || insideCS || insideD || insidePHP)
+					  {
+  					    isTypedef=FALSE;
+					    current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                            current->spec = Entry::Interface;
+					    addType( current ) ;
+					    current->type += " interface" ;
+					    current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					    BEGIN( CompoundName );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    addType( current ) ;
+					    current->name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+					  }
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"@implementation"{BN}+	{ // Objective-C class implementation
+					  lineCount();
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+					  current->section = Entry::OBJCIMPL_SEC;
+					  current->objc = insideObjC = TRUE;
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " implementation" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName );
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"@interface"{BN}+	{ // Objective-C class interface, or Java attribute
+					  lineCount();
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec = Entry::Interface;
+					  current->objc = insideObjC = !insideJava;
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " interface" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName );
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"@protocol"{BN}+	{ // Objective-C protocol definition
+					  lineCount();
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec = Entry::Protocol;
+					  current->objc = insideObjC = TRUE;
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " protocol" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName );
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"exception"{BN}+ 	{ // Corba IDL exception
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec = Entry::Exception;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " exception" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount();
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName );
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"@class" | // for Objective C class declarations
+<FindMembers>{B}*{TYPEDEFPREFIX}"class{" |
+<FindMembers>{B}*{TYPEDEFPREFIX}"class"{BN}+ { 
+					  isTypedef=((QCString)yytext).find("typedef")!=-1;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " class" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  current->objc = insideObjC = yytext[0]=='@';
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  if (insidePHP && current->spec&Entry::Abstract)
+					  {
+					    // convert Abstract to AbstractClass
+					    current->spec=(current->spec&~Entry::Abstract)|Entry::AbstractClass;
+					  }
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"value class{" |         // C++/CLI extension
+<FindMembers>{B}*"value class"{BN}+     {
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec = Entry::Value;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " value class" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"ref class{" |          // C++/CLI extension
+<FindMembers>{B}*"ref class"{BN}+       {
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec = Entry::Ref;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " ref class" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"interface class{" |     // C++/CLI extension
+<FindMembers>{B}*"interface class"{BN}+ {
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec = Entry::Interface;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " interface class" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"coclass"{BN}+		{
+  					  if (insideIDL)
+					  {
+					    isTypedef=FALSE;
+					    current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+					    addType( current ) ;
+					    current->type += " coclass" ;
+					    current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					    lineCount() ;
+					    BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    addType(current);
+					    current->name = yytext;
+					    current->name = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					    lineCount();
+					  }
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*{TYPEDEFPREFIX}"struct{" | 
+<FindMembers>{B}*{TYPEDEFPREFIX}"struct"/{BN}+ { 
+					  isTypedef=((QCString)yytext).find("typedef")!=-1;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC ;
+                                          current->spec    = Entry::Struct;
+					  // bug 582676: can be a struct nested in an interface so keep insideObjC state
+					  //current->objc    = insideObjC = FALSE;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " struct" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"value struct{" |      // C++/CLI extension
+<FindMembers>{B}*"value struct"{BN}+     {
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec    = Entry::Struct | Entry::Value;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " value struct" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"ref struct{" |       // C++/CLI extension
+<FindMembers>{B}*"ref struct"{BN}+     {
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec    = Entry::Struct | Entry::Ref;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " ref struct" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*"interface struct{" |     // C++/CLI extension
+<FindMembers>{B}*"interface struct"{BN}+ {
+  					  isTypedef=FALSE;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec    = Entry::Struct | Entry::Interface;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " interface struct";
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*{TYPEDEFPREFIX}"union{" |
+<FindMembers>{B}*{TYPEDEFPREFIX}"union"{BN}+ { 
+					  isTypedef=((QCString)yytext).find("typedef")!=-1;
+  					  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+                                          current->spec    = Entry::Union;
+					  // bug 582676: can be a struct nested in an interface so keep insideObjC state
+					  //current->objc    = insideObjC = FALSE;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " union" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>{B}*{TYPEDEFPREFIX}{IDLATTR}?"enum"({BN}+("class"|"struct"))?"{" |
+<FindMembers>{B}*{TYPEDEFPREFIX}{IDLATTR}?"enum"({BN}+("class"|"struct"))?{BN}+ { // for IDL: typedef [something] enum
+					  isTypedef=((QCString)yytext).find("typedef")!=-1;
+  					  current->section = Entry::ENUM_SEC ;
+					  addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += " enum" ;
+					  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='{') unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( CompoundName ) ;
+					}
+<Operator>"("{BN}*")"({BN}*"<"[^>]*">"){BN}*/"("  {  // A::operator()<int>(int arg)
+  					  lineCount();
+					  current->name += "()";
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					}
+<Operator>"("{BN}*")"{BN}*/"("		{
+  					  lineCount();
+    					  current->name += yytext ;
+					  current->name = current->name.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+  					}
+<Operator>";"				{ // can occur when importing members
+  					  unput(';');
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+  					}
+<Operator>[^(]				{ 
+    					  lineCount();
+    					  current->name += *yytext ;
+					}
+<Operator>"<>"				{ /* skip guided templ specifiers */ }
+<Operator>"("				{
+					  current->name = current->name.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					  unput(*yytext);
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>("template"|"generic")({BN}*)"<"/[>]?	{  // generic is a C++/CLI extension
+  					  lineCount();
+					  if (current->tArgLists==0)
+					  {
+					    current->tArgLists = new QList<ArgumentList>;
+					    current->tArgLists->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+					  }
+					  ArgumentList *al = new ArgumentList;
+					  current->spec |= (yytext[0]=='g') ? Entry::Generic : Entry::Template;
+					  current->tArgLists->append(al);
+					  currentArgumentList = al;
+					  templateStr="<";
+					  fullArgString = templateStr;
+					  copyArgString = &templateStr;
+					  currentArgumentContext = FindMembers;
+					  BEGIN( ReadTempArgs );
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"namespace"{BN}+/{ID}{BN}*"=" { // namespace alias
+                                          lineCount(); 
+  					  BEGIN( NSAliasName );
+					}
+<NSAliasName>{ID}			{
+  					  aliasName = yytext;
+					  BEGIN( NSAliasArg );
+  					}
+<NSAliasArg>({ID}"::")*{ID}		{
+  					  //printf("Inserting namespace alias %s::%s->%s\n",current_root->name.data(),aliasName.data(),yytext);
+					  //if (current_root->name.isEmpty())
+					  //{
+                                          // TODO: namespace aliases are now treated as global entities
+                                          // while they should be aware of the scope they are in
+                                            Doxygen::namespaceAliasDict.insert(aliasName,new QCString(yytext));
+					  //}
+					  //else
+					  //{
+                                          //  Doxygen::namespaceAliasDict.insert(current_root->name+"::"+aliasName,
+					  //	new QCString(current_root->name+"::"+yytext));
+					  //}
+  					}
+<NSAliasArg>";"				{
+  					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+  					}
+<JavaImport>({ID}{BN}*"."{BN}*)+"*"	{ // package import => add as a using directive
+  					  lineCount();
+  					  QCString scope=yytext;
+					  current->name=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(substitute(scope.left(scope.length()-2),".","::"));
+                                          current->fileName = yyFileName; 
+  					  current->section=Entry::USINGDIR_SEC;
+					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					  current = new Entry ;
+					  initEntry();
+					  BEGIN(Using);
+  					}
+<JavaImport>({ID}{BN}*"."{BN}*)+{ID}	{ // class import => add as a using declaration
+                                          lineCount();
+  					  QCString scope=yytext;
+					  current->name=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(substitute(scope,".","::"));
+					  current->fileName = yyFileName; 
+					  if (insideD) 
+					  {
+					    current->section=Entry::USINGDIR_SEC;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    //printf("import name = %s -> %s\n",yytext,current->name.data());
+					    current->section=Entry::USINGDECL_SEC;
+					  }
+					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					  current = new Entry ;
+					  initEntry();
+					  BEGIN(Using);
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"using"{BN}+		{ 
+					  current->startLine=yyLineNr; 
+                                          lineCount(); 
+                                          BEGIN(Using); 
+                                        }
+<Using>"namespace"{BN}+			{ lineCount(); BEGIN(UsingDirective); }
+<Using>{ID}{BN}*({BN}*("::"|"."){BN}*{ID})*	{
+                                          lineCount();
+  					  current->name=yytext;
+                                          current->fileName = yyFileName; 
+  					  current->section=Entry::USINGDECL_SEC;
+					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					  current             = new Entry ;
+					  if (insideCS) /* Hack: in C# a using declaration and 
+							   directive have the same syntax, so we
+							   also add it as a using directive here
+							 */
+					  {
+					    current->name=yytext;
+					    current->fileName = yyFileName; 
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->section=Entry::USINGDIR_SEC;
+					    current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					    current             = new Entry ;
+					  }
+					  initEntry();
+					  BEGIN(Using);
+  					}
+<UsingDirective>{SCOPENAME}		{ current->name=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(yytext);
+                                          current->fileName = yyFileName; 
+  					  current->section=Entry::USINGDIR_SEC;
+					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					  current             = new Entry ;
+					  initEntry();
+					  BEGIN(Using);
+  					}
+<Using>";"				{ BEGIN(FindMembers); }
+<FindMembers>{SCOPENAME}{BN}*"<>"	{ // guided template decl
+					  QCString n=yytext;
+					  addType( current );
+					  current->name=n.left(n.length()-2);
+					}
+<FindMembers>{SCOPENAME}{BN}*/"<"	{ // Note: this could be a return type!
+  					  sharpCount=0;
+					  lineCount();
+					  addType( current );
+  					  current->name=yytext;
+					  current->name=current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					  //current->scopeSpec.resize(0);
+					  // currentTemplateSpec = &current->scopeSpec;
+					  if (nameIsOperator(current->name))
+					    BEGIN( Operator );
+					  else
+					    BEGIN( EndTemplate );
+					}
+<FindMemberName>{SCOPENAME}{BN}*/"<"	{
+  					  sharpCount=0;
+					  roundCount=0;
+					  lineCount();
+  					  current->name+=((QCString)yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+					  //current->memberSpec.resize(0);
+					  // currentTemplateSpec = &current->memberSpec;
+					  if (nameIsOperator(current->name))
+					    BEGIN( Operator );
+					  else
+					    BEGIN( EndTemplate );
+  					}
+<ClassTemplSpec,EndTemplate>"<<"	{
+  					  current->name+=yytext;
+  					  // *currentTemplateSpec+=yytext; 
+  					}
+<EndTemplate>"<"			{ 
+  					  current->name+='<';
+  					  // *currentTemplateSpec+='<'; 
+					  sharpCount++; 
+					}
+<ClassTemplSpec,EndTemplate>">>"	{
+  					  if (insideJava || insideCS || insideCli || roundCount==0)
+					  {
+					    unput('>');
+					    unput(' ');
+					    unput('>');
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    current->name+=yytext;
+					  }
+  					  // *currentTemplateSpec+=yytext; 
+  					}
+<EndTemplate>">"			{
+  					  current->name+='>';
+					  // *currentTemplateSpec+='>';
+					  if (--sharpCount<=0)
+					  {  
+					    //printf("Found %s\n",current->name.data());
+					    BEGIN(FindMembers);
+					  }
+					}
+<EndTemplate>">"{BN}*"("		{ 
+  					  lineCount();
+  					  current->name+='>';
+					  // *currentTemplateSpec+='>';
+					  if (--sharpCount<=0)
+					  {
+					    current->args = "(";
+					    currentArgumentContext = FuncQual;
+					    fullArgString = current->args.copy();
+					    copyArgString = &current->args;
+					    //printf("Found %s\n",current->name.data());
+					    BEGIN( ReadFuncArgType ) ;
+					  }
+					}
+<EndTemplate>">"{BN}*/"("({BN}*{ID}{BN}*"::")*({BN}*"*"{BN}*)+ { // function pointer returning a template instance
+  					  lineCount();
+  					  current->name+='>';
+					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<EndTemplate>">"{BN}*/"::"		{
+  					  lineCount();
+  					  current->name+='>';
+  					  // *currentTemplateSpec+='>';
+					  if (--sharpCount<=0)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN(FindMemberName);
+					  }
+  					}
+<ClassTemplSpec,EndTemplate>"("         { current->name+=*yytext;
+                                          roundCount++; 
+                                        }
+<ClassTemplSpec,EndTemplate>")"         { current->name+=*yytext;
+                                          if (roundCount>0) roundCount--; 
+                                        }
+<EndTemplate>.				{ 
+  					  current->name+=*yytext;
+  					  // *currentTemplateSpec+=*yytext; 
+					}
+<FindMembers>"define"{BN}*"("{BN}*["']	{
+					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    BEGIN( DefinePHP );
+					  }
+					  else
+					    REJECT;
+					}
+<FindMembers>"Q_OBJECT"			{ // Qt object macro
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"Q_PROPERTY"		{ // Qt property declaration
+					  current->protection = protection = Public ;
+  					  current->mtype = mtype = Property;
+					  current->type.resize(0);
+  					  BEGIN(QtPropType);
+  					}
+<QtPropType>"("				{ // start of property arguments
+  					}
+<QtPropAttr>")"				{ // end of property arguments
+  					  unput(';');
+					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<QtPropType>"const"|"volatile"		{
+  				          current->type+=yytext;
+  					}
+<QtPropType>{B}+			{
+  				          current->type+=yytext;
+  					}
+<QtPropType>({FTSCOPE}"::")*{FTSCOPE}	{
+  					  current->type+=yytext;
+                                          BEGIN(QtPropName);
+  					}
+<QtPropName>{ID}			{
+  					  current->name=yytext;
+  					  BEGIN(QtPropAttr);
+  					}
+<QtPropAttr>"READ"			{
+  					  current->spec |= Entry::Readable;
+					  BEGIN(QtPropRead);
+  					}
+<QtPropAttr>"WRITE"			{
+  					  current->spec |= Entry::Writable;
+					  BEGIN(QtPropWrite);
+  					}
+<QtPropAttr>"RESET"{B}+{ID}		{ // reset method => not supported yet
+  					}
+<QtPropAttr>"SCRIPTABLE"{B}+{ID}	{ // scriptable property => not supported yet
+  					}
+<QtPropAttr>"DESIGNABLE"{B}+{ID}	{ // designable property => not supported yet
+  					}
+<QtPropRead>{ID}			{
+  					  current->read = yytext;
+  					  BEGIN(QtPropAttr);
+  					}
+<QtPropWrite>{ID}			{
+  					  current->write = yytext;
+					  BEGIN(QtPropAttr);
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"friend"{BN}+("class"|"union"|"struct"){BN}+ {
+  					  current->name=yytext;
+				          BEGIN(FindMembers);
+			 	        }
+<FindMembers,FindMemberName>{SCOPENAME}	{
+					  lineCount();
+                                          if (insideIDL && yyleng==9 && strcmp(yytext,"cpp_quote")==0)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN(CppQuote);
+					  }
+					  else if ((insideIDL || insideJava || insideD) && yyleng==6 && strcmp(yytext,"import")==0)
+					  {
+					    if (insideIDL)
+					      BEGIN(NextSemi);
+					    else // insideJava or insideD
+					      BEGIN(JavaImport);
+					  }
+					  else if (insideJava && strcmp(yytext,"package")==0)
+					  {
+  					    lineCount();
+					    BEGIN(PackageName);
+					  }
+					  else if (insideIDL && strcmp(yytext,"case")==0)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN(IDLUnionCase);
+					  }
+					  else if (insideTryBlock && strcmp(yytext,"catch")==0)
+					  {
+					    insideTryBlock=FALSE;
+					    BEGIN(TryFunctionBlock);
+					  }
+					  else if (insideJS && strcmp(yytext,"var")==0)
+					  { // javascript variable
+					    current->type="var";
+					  }
+					  else if (insideJS && strcmp(yytext,"function")==0)
+					  { // javascript function
+					    current->type="function";
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    if (YY_START==FindMembers)
+					    {
+					      addType( current ) ;
+					    }
+					    bool javaLike = insideJava || insideCS || insideD || insidePHP || insideJS;
+					    if (javaLike && strcmp(yytext,"public")==0)
+					    {
+					      current->protection = Public;
+					    }
+					    else if (javaLike && strcmp(yytext,"protected")==0)
+					    {
+					      current->protection = Protected;
+					    }
+					    else if (javaLike && strcmp(yytext,"private")==0)
+					    {
+					      current->protection = Private;
+					    }
+					    else if (javaLike && strcmp(yytext,"static")==0)
+					    {
+					      if (YY_START==FindMembers)
+					        current->name  = yytext;
+					      else
+						current->name += yytext;
+			 		      current->stat = TRUE;
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      if (YY_START==FindMembers)
+					        current->name  = yytext;
+					      else
+						current->name += yytext;
+					      if (current->name.left(7)=="static ")
+					      {
+						current->stat = TRUE;
+						current->name= current->name.mid(7);
+					      }
+					      else if (current->name.left(7)=="inline ")
+					      {
+						if (current->type.isEmpty())
+						{
+						  current->type="inline";
+						}
+						else
+						{
+						  current->type+="inline ";
+						}
+						current->name= current->name.mid(7);
+					      }
+					      else if (current->name.left(6)=="const ")
+					      {
+						if (current->type.isEmpty())
+						{
+						  current->type="const";
+						}
+						else
+						{
+						  current->type+="const ";
+						}
+						current->name=current->name.mid(6);
+					      }
+					    }
+					    QCString tmp=yytext;
+					    if (nameIsOperator(tmp))
+                                            {
+					      BEGIN( Operator );
+                                            }
+					    else
+                                            {
+		 			      BEGIN(FindMembers);
+                                            }
+					  }
+					}
+<FindMembers>[0-9]{ID}			{ // some number where we did not expect one
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"."			{
+  					  if (insideJava || insideCS || insideD)
+					  {
+					    current->name+=".";
+					  }
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"::"			{
+					  current->name+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CppQuote>"("{B}*"\""			{
+  					  insideCppQuote=TRUE;
+  					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<IDLUnionCase>":"			{ BEGIN(FindMembers); }
+<IDLUnionCase>\n			{ yyLineNr++; }
+<TryFunctionBlock>\n			{ yyLineNr++; }
+<TryFunctionBlock>"{"			{ 
+					  curlyCount=0;
+					  lastCurlyContext = TryFunctionBlockEnd ;
+  					  BEGIN( SkipCurly );
+					}
+<TryFunctionBlockEnd>"catch"		{ BEGIN(TryFunctionBlock); }
+<TryFunctionBlockEnd>\n			{ unput(*yytext); // added to fix bug id 601138
+  					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					}
+<TryFunctionBlockEnd>.			{ unput(*yytext);
+  					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					}
+<EndCppQuote>")"			{
+  					  insideCppQuote=FALSE;
+					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<FindMembers,FindFields>{B}*"#"		{ if (insidePHP)
+					    REJECT;
+					  lastCPPContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN( SkipCPP ) ;
+					}
+<FindMembers,FindFields>{B}*"#"{B}*("cmake")?"define"	{
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					    REJECT;
+  					  current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+  					  BEGIN( Define );
+  					}
+<FindMembers,ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf,SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>{B}*"#"{B}+[0-9]+{B}+/"\""	{ /* line control directive */
+                                          yyLineNr = atoi(&yytext[1]);
+					  //printf("setting line number to %d\n",yyLineNr);
+					  lastPreLineCtrlContext = YY_START;
+  					  current->program+=yytext;
+  					  BEGIN( PreLineCtrl );
+  					}
+<PreLineCtrl>"\""[^\n\"]*"\""		{
+				          yyFileName = stripQuotes(yytext);
+  					  current->program+=yytext;
+  					}
+<PreLineCtrl>.				{
+  					  current->program+=yytext;
+                                        }
+<PreLineCtrl>\n				{
+  					  current->program+=yytext;
+                                          yyLineNr++;
+  					  BEGIN( lastPreLineCtrlContext );
+  					}
+<SkipCPP>\\[\r]*"\n"[\r]*		{ yyLineNr++ ; }
+<SkipCPP>[\r]*\n[\r]*			{ yyLineNr++ ;
+					  BEGIN( lastCPPContext) ;
+					}
+<Define>{ID}{B}*"("			{
+  					  current->name = yytext;
+					  current->name = current->name.left(current->name.length()-1).stripWhiteSpace();
+					  current->args = "(";
+  					  current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					  currentArgumentContext = DefineEnd;
+					  fullArgString=current->args.copy();
+					  copyArgString=&current->args;
+					  BEGIN( ReadFuncArgType ) ;
+  					}
+ /*
+<DefineArg>")"				{
+  					  //printf("Define with args\n");
+  					  current->args += ')';
+  					  BEGIN( DefineEnd );
+  					}
+<DefineArg>.				{
+  					  current->args += *yytext;
+  					}
+  */
+<Define>{ID}				{
+  					  //printf("Define `%s' without args\n",yytext);
+  					  current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+  					  current->name = yytext;
+					  BEGIN(DefineEnd);
+  					}
+<DefineEnd>\n				{
+  					  //printf("End define\n");
+					  yyLineNr++;
+					  current->fileName   = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  current->type.resize(0);
+  					  current->args       = current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					  current->name       = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					  current->section    = Entry::DEFINE_SEC;
+					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					  current             = new Entry ;
+					  initEntry();
+					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<DefinePHPEnd>";"			{
+  					  //printf("End define\n");
+					  current->fileName   = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine  = yyLineNr;
+					  current->type.resize(0);
+  					  current->args       = current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					  current->name       = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					  current->section    = Entry::ENUM_SEC;  //HACK!
+					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					  current             = new Entry ;
+					  initEntry();
+					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<DefineEnd>\\[\r]?\n			{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<DefineEnd>\"				{
+					  if (insideIDL && insideCppQuote)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN(EndCppQuote);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    lastStringContext=DefineEnd;
+					    BEGIN(SkipString);
+					  }
+  					}
+<DefinePHP>{ID}["']{BN}*","{BN}*	{
+  					  current->name = yytext;
+					  current->name = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					  current->name = current->name.left(current->name.length()-1).stripWhiteSpace();
+					  current->name = current->name.left(current->name.length()-1);
+					  current->args = "(";
+  					  current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+  					  lastRoundContext = DefinePHPEnd;
+  					  pCopyRoundString = &current->args;
+					  roundCount = 0;
+  					  BEGIN( CopyRound );
+					}
+<FindMembers>[\^%]			{  // ^ and % are C++/CLI extensions
+  					  if (insideCli)
+					  {
+  					    addType( current );
+                                            current->name = yytext ; 
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+  					}
+<FindMembers>[*&]+			{ 
+                                          current->name += yytext ;  
+  					  addType( current );
+					}
+<FindMembers,MemberSpec,Function,NextSemi,BitFields,ReadInitializer,OldStyleArgs>";"{BN}*("/**"|"//!"|"/*!"|"///")"<" {
+  					  lineCount();
+					  if (current->bodyLine==-1)
+					  {
+					    current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
+					  }
+					  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+					  docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+					  docBlockAutoBrief = ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='*' && Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF") ) ||
+					                      ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='!' && Config_getBool("QT_AUTOBRIEF") );
+					  docBlock.resize(0);
+					  docBlockTerm = ';';
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-3]=='/')
+					  {
+					    startCommentBlock(TRUE);
+					    BEGIN( DocLine );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+					    BEGIN( DocBlock );
+					  }
+  					}
+<MemberSpec,FindFields,FindMembers,NextSemi,BitFields,ReadInitializer,OldStyleArgs>","{BN}*("/**"|"//!"|"/*!"|"///")"<" {
+  					  lineCount();
+					  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+					  docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+					  docBlockAutoBrief = ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='*' && Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF") ) ||
+					                      ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='!' && Config_getBool("QT_AUTOBRIEF") );
+					  docBlock.resize(0);
+					  docBlockTerm = ',';
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-3]=='/')
+					  {
+					    startCommentBlock(TRUE);
+					    BEGIN( DocLine );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+					    BEGIN( DocBlock );
+					  }
+  					}
+<DefineEnd,FindFields,FindFieldArg,ReadInitializer,OldStyleArgs>{BN}*("/**"|"//!"|"/*!"|"///")"<" {
+  					  lineCount();
+					  if (current->bodyLine==-1)
+					  {
+					    current->bodyLine=yyLineNr;
+					  }
+					  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+					  docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+					  docBlockAutoBrief = ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='*' && Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF") ) ||
+					                      ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='!' && Config_getBool("QT_AUTOBRIEF") );
+					  docBlock.resize(0);
+					  docBlockTerm = 0;
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-3]=='/')
+					  {
+					    startCommentBlock(TRUE);
+					    BEGIN( DocLine );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+					    BEGIN( DocBlock );
+					  }
+  					}
+<FindMembers,FindFields>("//"([!/]?){B}*{CMD}"{")|("/*"([!*]?){B}*{CMD}"{")	{
+  					  //handleGroupStartCommand(current->name);
+                                          if (previous && previous->section==Entry::GROUPDOC_SEC)
+					  {
+					    // link open command to the group defined in the previous entry
+					    openGroup(previous,yyFileName,yyLineNr);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    // link open command to the current entry
+					    openGroup(current,yyFileName,yyLineNr);
+					  }
+					  //current = tmp;
+					  initEntry();
+					  if (yytext[1]=='/')
+					  {
+					    if (yytext[2]=='!' || yytext[2]=='/')
+					    {
+					      docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+					      docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+					      docBlockAutoBrief = FALSE;
+					      docBlock.resize(0);
+					      docBlockTerm = 0;
+					      startCommentBlock(TRUE);
+					      BEGIN(DocLine);
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      lastCContext=YY_START;
+					      BEGIN(SkipCxxComment);
+					    }
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    if (yytext[2]=='!' || yytext[2]=='*')
+					    {
+					      docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+					      docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+					      docBlock.resize(0);
+					      docBlockAutoBrief = ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='*' && Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF") ) ||
+					                          ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='!' && Config_getBool("QT_AUTOBRIEF") );
+					      docBlockTerm = 0;
+					      startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+					      BEGIN(DocBlock);
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      lastCContext=YY_START;
+					      BEGIN(SkipComment);
+					    }
+					  }
+  					}
+<FindMembers,FindFields,ReadInitializer>"//"([!/]?){B}*{CMD}"}".*|"/*"([!*]?){B}*{CMD}"}".*"*/"	{
+  					  closeGroup(current,yyFileName,yyLineNr);
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"="			{ // in PHP code this could also be due to "<?="
+  					  current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					  lastInitializerContext = YY_START;
+					  initBracketCount=0;
+					  BEGIN(ReadInitializer);
+  					}
+  /* Read initializer rules */
+<ReadInitializer>"("			{
+  					  lastRoundContext=YY_START;
+  					  pCopyRoundGString=&current->initializer;
+					  roundCount=0;
+  					  current->initializer+=*yytext; 
+  					  BEGIN(GCopyRound);
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>"{"			{
+  					  lastCurlyContext=YY_START;
+  					  pCopyCurlyGString=&current->initializer;
+					  curlyCount=0;
+  					  current->initializer+=*yytext; 
+  					  BEGIN(GCopyCurly);
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>[;,]			{
+  					  //printf(">> initializer `%s' <<\n",current->initializer.data());
+  					  if (*yytext==';' || lastInitializerContext==FindFields)
+					  {
+  					    unput(*yytext);
+  					    BEGIN(lastInitializerContext);
+					  }
+					  else if (*yytext==',' && initBracketCount==0) // for "int a=0,b=0"
+					  {
+  					    unput(*yytext);
+  					    BEGIN(lastInitializerContext);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    current->initializer+=*yytext; 
+					  }
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>\"			{
+					  if (insideIDL && insideCppQuote)
+  					  {
+					    BEGIN(EndCppQuote);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+                                            lastStringContext=YY_START;
+  					    current->initializer+=*yytext; 
+  					    pCopyQuotedGString=&current->initializer;
+					    BEGIN(CopyGString);
+					  }
+					}
+<ReadInitializer>"->"			{
+  					  current->initializer+=yytext; 
+					}
+<ReadInitializer>"<<"			{
+  					  current->initializer+=yytext; 
+					}
+<ReadInitializer>">>"			{
+  					  current->initializer+=yytext; 
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>[<\[{(]		{
+  					  initBracketCount++;
+  					  current->initializer+=*yytext; 
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>[>\]})]		{
+  					  initBracketCount--;
+  					  current->initializer+=*yytext; 
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>\'			{	
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    current->initializer+=yytext; 
+                                            pCopyQuotedGString = &current->initializer;
+                                            lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(CopyPHPGString);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    current->initializer+=yytext; 
+					  }
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>{CHARLIT}              { 
+                                          if (insidePHP) 
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {  
+					    current->initializer+=yytext; 
+					  }
+                                        } 
+<ReadInitializer>\n			{
+  					  current->initializer+=*yytext;
+					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>"@\""			{ 
+  					  //printf("insideCS=%d\n",insideCS);
+  					  current->initializer+=yytext;
+                                          if (!insideCS && !insideObjC) 
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    // C#/ObjC verbatim string
+					    lastSkipVerbStringContext=YY_START;
+					    pSkipVerbString=&current->initializer;
+					    BEGIN(SkipVerbString);
+					  }
+					}
+<SkipVerbString>[^\n"]+			{
+					  *pSkipVerbString+=yytext;
+					}
+<SkipVerbString>"\"\""			{ // quote escape
+					  *pSkipVerbString+=yytext;
+					}
+<SkipVerbString>"\""			{
+					  *pSkipVerbString+=*yytext;
+					  BEGIN(lastSkipVerbStringContext);
+					}
+<SkipVerbString>\n			{
+					  *pSkipVerbString+=*yytext;
+					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<SkipVerbString>.			{
+					  *pSkipVerbString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>"?>"			{
+					  if (insidePHP)
+					    BEGIN( FindMembersPHP );
+					  else
+					    current->initializer+=yytext;
+  					}
+<ReadInitializer>.			{ 
+  					  current->initializer+=*yytext; 
+					}
+  /* generic quoted string copy rules */
+<CopyString,CopyPHPString>\\.		{
+  					  *pCopyQuotedString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyString>\"				{ 
+  					  *pCopyQuotedString+=*yytext;
+  					  BEGIN( lastStringContext ); 
+					}
+<CopyPHPString>\'			{ 
+  					  *pCopyQuotedString+=*yytext;
+  					  BEGIN( lastStringContext ); 
+					}
+<CopyString,CopyPHPString>"/*"|"*/"|"//" {
+  					  *pCopyQuotedString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyString,CopyPHPString>\n		{
+  					  *pCopyQuotedString+=*yytext;
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<CopyString,CopyPHPString>.		{
+  					  *pCopyQuotedString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+  /* generic quoted growable string copy rules */
+<CopyGString,CopyPHPGString>\\.		{
+  					  *pCopyQuotedGString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyGString>\"				{ 
+  					  *pCopyQuotedGString+=*yytext;
+  					  BEGIN( lastStringContext ); 
+					}
+<CopyPHPGString>\'			{ 
+  					  *pCopyQuotedGString+=*yytext;
+  					  BEGIN( lastStringContext ); 
+					}
+<CopyGString,CopyPHPGString>"/*"|"*/"|"//" {
+  					  *pCopyQuotedGString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyGString,CopyPHPGString>\n		{
+  					  *pCopyQuotedGString+=*yytext;
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<CopyGString,CopyPHPGString>.		{
+  					  *pCopyQuotedGString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+  /* generic round bracket list copy rules */
+<CopyRound>\"				{
+					  *pCopyRoundString+=*yytext;
+  					  pCopyQuotedString=pCopyRoundString;
+					  lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					  BEGIN(CopyString);
+					}
+<CopyRound>"("				{
+  					  *pCopyRoundString+=*yytext;
+  					  roundCount++;
+  					}
+<CopyRound>")"				{
+  					  *pCopyRoundString+=*yytext;
+					  if (--roundCount<0)
+					    BEGIN(lastRoundContext);
+  					}
+<CopyRound>\n				{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					  *pCopyRoundString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyRound>\'				{
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    current->initializer+=yytext; 
+                                            pCopyQuotedString = pCopyRoundString;
+                                            lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(CopyPHPString);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    *pCopyRoundString+=yytext;
+					  }
+  					}
+<CopyRound>{CHARLIT}		        { 
+                                          if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+                                            *pCopyRoundString+=yytext; 
+					  }
+                                        }
+<CopyRound>[^"'()\n]+			{
+  					  *pCopyRoundString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyRound>.				{
+  					  *pCopyRoundString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+  /* generic round bracket list copy rules for growable strings */
+<GCopyRound>\"				{
+					  *pCopyRoundGString+=*yytext;
+  					  pCopyQuotedGString=pCopyRoundGString;
+					  lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					  BEGIN(CopyGString);
+					}
+<GCopyRound>"("				{
+  					  *pCopyRoundGString+=*yytext;
+  					  roundCount++;
+  					}
+<GCopyRound>")"				{
+  					  *pCopyRoundGString+=*yytext;
+					  if (--roundCount<0)
+					    BEGIN(lastRoundContext);
+  					}
+<GCopyRound>\n				{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					  *pCopyRoundGString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<GCopyRound>\'				{
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    current->initializer+=yytext; 
+                                            pCopyQuotedGString = pCopyRoundGString;
+                                            lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(CopyPHPGString);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    *pCopyRoundGString+=yytext;
+					  }
+  					}
+<GCopyRound>{CHARLIT}		        { 
+                                          if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+                                            *pCopyRoundGString+=yytext; 
+					  }
+                                        }
+<GCopyRound>[^"'()\n/]+			{
+  					  *pCopyRoundGString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<GCopyRound>.				{
+  					  *pCopyRoundGString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+  /* generic curly bracket list copy rules */
+<CopyCurly>\"				{
+					  *pCopyCurlyString+=*yytext;
+  					  pCopyQuotedString=pCopyCurlyString;
+					  lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					  BEGIN(CopyString);
+					}
+<CopyCurly>\'				{
+					  *pCopyCurlyString+=*yytext;
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    pCopyQuotedString=pCopyCurlyString;
+					    lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(CopyPHPString);
+					  }
+					}
+<CopyCurly>"{"				{
+  					  *pCopyCurlyString+=*yytext;
+					  curlyCount++;
+  					}
+<CopyCurly>"}"				{
+					  *pCopyCurlyString+=*yytext;
+					  if (--curlyCount<0)
+					    BEGIN(lastCurlyContext); 
+  					}
+<CopyCurly>{CHARLIT}                    { if (insidePHP) 
+                                          { 
+					    REJECT; 
+					  } 
+					  else 
+					  {
+					    *pCopyCurlyString+=yytext; 
+					  }
+                                        }
+<CopyCurly>[^"'{}\/\n]+			{
+  					  *pCopyCurlyString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyCurly>"/"				{ *pCopyCurlyString+=yytext; }
+<CopyCurly>\n				{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+					  *pCopyCurlyString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyCurly>.				{
+					  *pCopyCurlyString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+  /* generic curly bracket list copy rules for growable strings */
+<GCopyCurly>^"#"{B}+[0-9]+{B}+"\""[^\"\n]+"\""{B}+"1"{B}*\n? { // start of included file marker
+                                        }
+<GCopyCurly>^"#"{B}+[0-9]+{B}+"\""[^\"\n]+"\""{B}+"2"{B}*\n? { // end of included file marker
+					  QCString line = QCString(yytext);
+					  int s = line.find(' ');
+					  int e = line.find('"',s);
+					  yyLineNr = line.mid(s,e-s).toInt();
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-1]=='\n')
+					  {
+					    yyLineNr++;
+					  }
+  					}
+<GCopyCurly>\"				{
+					  *pCopyCurlyGString+=*yytext;
+  					  pCopyQuotedGString=pCopyCurlyGString;
+					  lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					  BEGIN(CopyGString);
+					}
+<GCopyCurly>\'				{
+					  *pCopyCurlyGString+=*yytext;
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    pCopyQuotedGString=pCopyCurlyGString;
+					    lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(CopyPHPGString);
+					  }
+					}
+<GCopyCurly>"{"				{
+  					  *pCopyCurlyGString+=*yytext;
+					  curlyCount++;
+  					}
+<GCopyCurly>"}"				{
+					  *pCopyCurlyGString+=*yytext;
+					  if (--curlyCount<0)
+					    BEGIN(lastCurlyContext); 
+  					}
+<GCopyCurly>{CHARLIT}                    { if (insidePHP) 
+                                          { 
+					    REJECT; 
+					  } 
+					  else 
+					  {
+					    *pCopyCurlyGString+=yytext; 
+					  }
+                                        }
+<GCopyCurly>[^"'{}\/\n]+		{
+  					  *pCopyCurlyGString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<GCopyCurly>"/"				{ *pCopyCurlyGString+=yytext; }
+<GCopyCurly>\n				{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+					  *pCopyCurlyGString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<GCopyCurly>.				{
+					  *pCopyCurlyGString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+  /* ---------------------- */
+<FindMembers>":"			{
+  					  if (current->type.isEmpty()) // anonymous padding field, e.g. "int :7;"
+					  {
+					    addType(current);
+					    current->name.sprintf("__pad%d__",padCount++);
+					  }
+  					  BEGIN(BitFields);
+					  current->bitfields+=":";
+  					}
+<BitFields>.				{
+  					  current->bitfields+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>[;,]			{ 
+  					  QCString oldType = current->type.copy();
+					  if (current->bodyLine==-1)
+					  {
+					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					  }
+                                          if ( insidePHP && current->type.left(3) == "var" )
+                                          {
+                                            current->type = current->type.mid(3);
+                                          }
+					  if (isTypedef && current->type.left(8)!="typedef ")
+					  {
+					    current->type.prepend("typedef ");
+					  }
+					  bool needNewCurrent=FALSE;
+					  if (!current->name.isEmpty() && current->section!=Entry::ENUM_SEC)
+					  {
+					    current->type=current->type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					    current->args=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->args);
+					    current->name=current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					    if (current->section==Entry::CLASS_SEC) // remove spec for "struct Bla bla;"
+					    {
+					    	current->spec = 0;
+					    }
+					    current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC ;
+					    current->fileName = yyFileName;
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current_root->addSubEntry( current ) ;
+					    needNewCurrent=TRUE;
+					  }
+					  if ( *yytext == ',')
+					  {
+					    if (needNewCurrent)
+					    {
+					      current = new Entry(*current);
+					    }
+					    current->name.resize(0);
+					    current->args.resize(0);
+					    current->brief.resize(0);
+					    current->doc.resize(0);
+					    current->initializer.resize(0);
+					    current->bitfields.resize(0);
+					    int i=oldType.length(); 
+					    while (i>0 && (oldType[i-1]=='*' || oldType[i-1]=='&' || oldType[i-1]==' ')) i--;
+					    current->type = oldType.left(i);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    if (needNewCurrent)
+					    {
+					      current = new Entry ;
+					    }
+					    else if (current->groups)
+					    {
+					      current->groups->clear();
+					    }
+					    initEntry();
+					  }
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+					}
+<FindMembers>"["			{ 
+  					  if (!insideCS &&  
+					      (current->name.isEmpty() || 
+					       current->name=="typedef"
+					      )
+					     ) // IDL function property
+ 					  {
+          				    squareCount=1;
+					    lastSquareContext = YY_START;
+					    idlAttr.resize(0);
+					    idlProp.resize(0);
+					    current->mtype = mtype;
+					    BEGIN( IDLAttribute );
+					  }
+                                          else if (insideCS &&
+                                                  current->name.isEmpty())
+                                          {
+                                            squareCount=1;
+                                            lastSquareContext = YY_START;
+                                            // Skip the C# attribute
+                                            // for this member
+                                            current->args.resize(0);
+                                            BEGIN( SkipSquare );
+                                          }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    current->args += yytext ;
+					    squareCount=1;
+					    BEGIN( Array ) ;
+					  }
+					}
+<IDLAttribute>"]"			{
+  					  // end of IDL function attribute
+					  if (--squareCount<=0)
+					  {
+					    lineCount();
+					    if (current->mtype == Property)
+					      BEGIN( IDLPropName );
+					    else
+					      BEGIN( lastSquareContext );
+					  }
+					}
+<IDLAttribute>"propput"	                {
+                                          if (Config_getBool("IDL_PROPERTY_SUPPORT"))
+					  {
+					    current->mtype = Property;
+					  }
+					  current->spec |= Entry::Settable;
+					}
+<IDLAttribute>"propget" 		{
+                                          if (Config_getBool("IDL_PROPERTY_SUPPORT"))
+					  {
+					    current->mtype = Property;
+					  }
+					  current->spec |= Entry::Gettable;
+					}
+<IDLAttribute>.				{
+					}
+<IDLPropName>{BN}*{ID}{BN}*		{
+					  // return type (probably HRESULT) - skip it
+					}
+<IDLPropName>{ID}{BN}*"("		{
+  					  current->name = yytext;
+					  current->name = current->name.left(current->name.length()-1).stripWhiteSpace();
+  					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  BEGIN( IDLProp );
+					}
+<IDLProp>{BN}*"["[^\]]*"]"{BN}*		{  // attribute of a parameter
+					   idlAttr = yytext;
+					   idlAttr=idlAttr.stripWhiteSpace();
+					}
+<IDLProp>{ID}				{  // property type
+					   idlProp = yytext;
+					}
+<IDLProp>{BN}*{ID}{BN}*"," 		{  // Rare: Another parameter ([propput] HRESULT Item(int index, [in] Type theRealProperty);)
+					  if (!current->args)
+					    current->args = "(";
+					  else
+					    current->args += ", ";
+					  current->args += idlAttr;
+					  current->args += " ";
+					  current->args += idlProp;	// prop was actually type of extra parameter
+					  current->args += " ";
+					  current->args += yytext;
+					  current->args = current->args.left(current->args.length() - 1);	// strip comma
+					  idlProp.resize(0);
+					  idlAttr.resize(0);
+					  BEGIN( IDLProp );
+					}
+<IDLProp>{BN}*{ID}{BN}*")"{BN}*		{
+					  // the parameter name for the property - just skip.
+					}
+<IDLProp>";"				{
+					  current->fileName   = yyFileName;
+					  current->type		= idlProp;
+  					  current->args       = current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					  if (current->args)
+  					    current->args += ")";
+  					  current->name       = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					  current->section    = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+					  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					  current             = new Entry;
+					  initEntry();
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					}
+<IDLProp>.				{ // spaces, *, or other stuff
+  					  //idlProp+=yytext;
+ 					}
+<Array>"]"		                { current->args += *yytext ;
+					  if (--squareCount<=0)
+	                                     BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+					}
+<FuncFuncArray>"]"		        { current->args += *yytext ;
+					  if (--squareCount<=0)
+	                                     BEGIN( Function ) ;
+					}
+<Array,FuncFuncArray>"["		{ current->args += *yytext ;
+					  squareCount++;	
+					}
+<Array,FuncFuncArray>.			{ current->args += *yytext ; }
+<SkipSquare>"["				{ squareCount++; }
+<SkipSquare>"]"				{
+  					  if (--squareCount<=0)
+					    BEGIN( lastSquareContext );
+  					}
+<SkipSquare>\"				{
+  					  lastStringContext=YY_START;
+  				          BEGIN( SkipString ); 
+					}
+<FindMembers>"<"			{ addType( current ) ;
+					  current->type += yytext ;
+					  BEGIN( Sharp ) ;
+					}
+<Sharp>">"				{ current->type += *yytext ;
+					  if (--sharpCount<=0)
+	                                     BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+					}
+<Sharp>"<"				{ current->type += *yytext ;
+					  sharpCount++;	
+					}
+<Sharp>{BN}+				{
+  					  lineCount();
+					}
+<Sharp>.				{ current->type += *yytext ; }
+<FindFields>{ID}			{
+  					  current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+  					  current->name     = yytext;
+					}
+<FindFields>"("				{
+  					  // Java enum initializer
+  					  unput('(');
+  					  lastInitializerContext = YY_START;
+					  initBracketCount=0;
+  					  BEGIN(ReadInitializer);
+  					}
+<FindFields>"="				{
+  					  lastInitializerContext = YY_START;
+					  initBracketCount=0;
+  					  BEGIN(ReadInitializer);
+  					}
+<FindFields>";"                         {
+  					  if (insideJava)  // last enum field in Java class
+					  {
+					    if (!current->name.isEmpty())
+					    {
+					      current->fileName   = yyFileName;
+					      current->startLine  = yyLineNr;
+					      current->type       = "@"; // enum marker
+					      current->args       = current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					      current->name       = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					      current->section    = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+					      current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					      current             = new Entry ;
+					      initEntry();
+					    }
+					    // TODO: skip until the end of the scope
+					    BEGIN( SkipRemainder );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+  					}
+<SkipRemainder>\n			{ 
+                                          yyLineNr++;
+                                        }
+<FindFields>","				{
+					  //printf("adding `%s' `%s' `%s' to enum `%s' (mGrpId=%d)\n",
+					  //     current->type.data(), current->name.data(),
+					  //     current->args.data(), current_root->name.data(),current->mGrpId);
+  					  if (!current->name.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    current->fileName   = yyFileName;
+					    current->startLine  = yyLineNr;
+					    current->type       = "@"; // enum marker
+  					    current->args       = current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					    current->name       = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					    current->section    = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+					    // add to the scope of the enum
+					    current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					    if (!insideCS && !insideJava) // for C# and Java 1.5+ enum values always have to be explicitly qualified
+					    {
+					      current             = new Entry(*current);
+					      // add to the scope surrounding the enum (copy!)
+					      current_root->parent()->addSubEntry(current);
+					    }
+					    current             = new Entry ;
+					    initEntry();
+					  }
+					  else // probably a redundant , 
+					  {
+				     	    current->reset();
+					  }
+  					}
+<FindFields>"["				{ // attribute list in IDL
+					  squareCount=1;
+					  lastSquareContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN(SkipSquare);
+  					}
+  /*
+<FindFieldArg>","			{ unput(*yytext); BEGIN(FindFields); }
+  */
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>[^\r\n\#{}"@'/]*	{ current->program += yytext ; }
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>"//".*		{ current->program += yytext ; }
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>"#".*	{ if (!insidePHP) 
+					    REJECT;
+					  // append PHP comment.
+					  current->program += yytext ;
+					}
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>@\"	{ current->program += yytext ; 
+                                          pSkipVerbString = &current->program;
+                                          lastSkipVerbStringContext=YY_START;
+                                          BEGIN( SkipVerbString );
+					}
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>\"	{ current->program += yytext ; 
+                                          pCopyQuotedGString = &current->program;
+                                          lastStringContext=YY_START;
+                                          BEGIN( CopyGString );
+					}
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>"/*"{B}*		{ current->program += yytext ;
+					  lastContext = YY_START ;
+					  BEGIN( Comment ) ;
+					}
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>"/*"{BL}		{ current->program += yytext ;
+					  ++yyLineNr ;
+					  lastContext = YY_START ;
+					  BEGIN( Comment ) ;
+					}
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>"'"	{
+  					  if (!insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    current->program += yytext;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  { // begin of single quoted string
+					    current->program += yytext;
+                                            pCopyQuotedGString = &current->program;
+                                            lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(CopyPHPGString);
+					  }
+  					}
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>{CHARLIT} { 
+                                              if (insidePHP) 
+					      {
+						REJECT; // for PHP code single quotes 
+					                // are used for strings of arbitrary length
+					      }
+					      else
+					      {
+                                                current->program += yytext; 
+					      }
+                                            }
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>"{"       { current->program += yytext ;
+					  ++curlyCount ;
+					}
+<ReadBodyIntf>"}"			{
+					  current->program += yytext ;
+					  --curlyCount ;
+  					}
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody>"}"		{ //err("ReadBody count=%d\n",curlyCount);
+  					  if ( curlyCount>0 )
+					  {
+					    current->program += yytext ;
+					    --curlyCount ;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    current->endBodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    QCString &cn = current->name;
+					    QCString rn = current_root->name.copy();
+					    //printf("cn=`%s' rn=`%s'\n",cn.data(),rn.data());
+					    if (!cn.isEmpty() && !rn.isEmpty())
+					    {
+					      prependScope();
+					    }
+					    if (isTypedef && cn.isEmpty())
+					    {
+					      //printf("Typedef Name\n");
+					      BEGIN( TypedefName );
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      if (current->section == Entry::ENUM_SEC)
+					      {
+					        current->program+=','; // add field terminator
+					      }
+					      // add compound definition to the tree
+					      current->args=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->args);
+					                // was: current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					      current->type = current->type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					      current->name = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					      //printf("adding `%s' `%s' `%s' brief=%s insideObjC=%d %x\n",current->type.data(),current->name.data(),current->args.data(),current->brief.data(),insideObjC,current->section);
+					      if (insideObjC && 
+						  ((current->spec&Entry::Interface) || (current->spec==Entry::Category))
+						 ) // method definition follows
+					      {
+				                BEGIN( ReadBodyIntf ) ;
+					      }
+					      else
+					      {
+					        current_root->addSubEntry( current ) ;
+					        memspecEntry = current;
+						current = new Entry(*current);
+						if (current->section==Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC || 
+						    (current->spec==Entry::Interface) ||
+						    insideJava || insidePHP || insideCS || insideD || insideJS
+						   )
+						{ // namespaces and interfaces and java classes ends with a closing bracket without semicolon
+						  current->reset();
+						  initEntry();
+						  memspecEntry = 0;
+						  BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+						}
+						else
+						{
+						  //current->doc.resize(0);
+						  //current->brief.resize(0);
+						  BEGIN( MemberSpec ) ;
+						}
+					      }
+					    }
+					  }
+					}
+<ReadBody>"}"{BN}+"typedef"{BN}+	{ //err("ReadBody count=%d\n",curlyCount);
+					  lineCount();
+  					  if ( curlyCount>0 )
+					  {
+					    current->program += yytext ;
+					    --curlyCount ;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    isTypedef = TRUE;
+					    current->endBodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    QCString &cn = current->name;
+					    QCString rn = current_root->name.copy();
+					    if (!cn.isEmpty() && !rn.isEmpty())
+					    {
+					      prependScope();
+					    }
+					    BEGIN( TypedefName );
+					  }
+					}
+<TypedefName>("const"|"volatile"){BN}	{ // late "const" or "volatile" keyword
+					  lineCount();
+  					  current->type.prepend(yytext);
+  					}
+<TypedefName>{ID}			{
+  					  if (current->section == Entry::ENUM_SEC)
+					  {
+					    current->program+=","; // add field terminator
+					  }
+  				          current->name=yytext;
+					  prependScope();
+  					  current->args = current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					  current->type = current->type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					  //printf("Adding compound %s %s %s\n",current->type.data(),current->name.data(),current->args.data());
+					  current_root->addSubEntry( current ) ;
+					  if (!firstTypedefEntry)
+					  {
+					    firstTypedefEntry = current;
+					  }
+					  current = new Entry;
+					  initEntry();
+					  isTypedef=TRUE; // to undo reset by initEntry()
+  					  BEGIN(MemberSpecSkip); 
+  					}
+<TypedefName>";"			{ /* typedef of anonymous type */
+					  current->name.sprintf("@%d",anonCount++);
+					  if (current->section == Entry::ENUM_SEC)
+					  {
+					    current->program+=','; // add field terminator
+					  }
+					  // add compound definition to the tree
+  					  current->args = current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					  current->type = current->type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					  current_root->addSubEntry( current ) ;
+					  memspecEntry = current;
+					  current = new Entry(*current);
+					  unput(';');
+					  BEGIN( MemberSpec ) ;
+  					}
+<MemberSpec>([*&]*{BN}*)*{ID}{BN}*("["[^\]\n]*"]")* { // the [] part could be improved.
+  					  lineCount();
+  					  int i=0,l=yyleng,j;
+					  while (i<l && (!isId(yytext[i]))) i++;
+					  msName = QCString(yytext).right(l-i).stripWhiteSpace();
+					  j=msName.find("[");
+					  if (j!=-1) 
+					  {
+					    msArgs=msName.right(msName.length()-j);
+					    msName=msName.left(j);
+					  }
+					  msType=QCString(yytext).left(i);
+					  // handle *pName in: typedef { ... } name, *pName;
+					  if (firstTypedefEntry) 
+					  {
+					    if (firstTypedefEntry->spec&Entry::Struct)
+					    {
+					      msType.prepend("struct "+firstTypedefEntry->name);
+					    }
+					    else if (firstTypedefEntry->spec&Entry::Union)
+					    {
+					      msType.prepend("union "+firstTypedefEntry->name);
+					    }
+					    else if (firstTypedefEntry->section==Entry::ENUM_SEC)
+					    {
+					      msType.prepend("enum "+firstTypedefEntry->name);
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      msType.prepend(firstTypedefEntry->name);
+					    }
+					  }
+					}
+<MemberSpec>[,;]			{
+                                          //printf("current->name=`%s' msName=`%s'\n",current->name.data(),msName.data());
+  					  if (msName.isEmpty() && !current->name.isEmpty())
+					  { 
+					    // see if the compound does not have a name or is inside another
+					    // annonymous compound. If so we insert a 
+					    // special `annonymous' variable.
+					    //Entry *p=current_root;
+					    Entry *p=current;
+					    while (p)
+					    {
+					      // only look for class scopes, not namespace scopes
+					      if ((p->section & Entry::COMPOUND_MASK) && !p->name.isEmpty())
+					      {
+						//printf("Trying scope `%s'\n",p->name.data());
+						int i=p->name.findRev("::");
+						int pi = (i==-1) ? 0 : i+2;
+						if (p->name.at(pi)=='@')
+						{
+						  // annonymous compound inside -> insert dummy variable name
+						  //printf("Adding annonymous variable for scope %s\n",p->name.data());
+						  msName.sprintf("@%d",anonCount++); 
+						  break;
+						}
+					      }
+					      //p=p->parent;
+					      if (p==current) p=current_root; else p=p->parent();
+					    }
+					  }
+					  //printf("msName=%s current->name=%s\n",msName.data(),current->name.data());
+					  if (!msName.isEmpty() && msName!=current->name) // skip typedef T {} T;
+					  {
+					    static bool typedefHidesStruct = Config_getBool("TYPEDEF_HIDES_STRUCT");
+					    // case 1: typedef struct _S { ... } S_t; 
+					    // -> omit typedef and use S_t as the struct name
+					    if (typedefHidesStruct && 
+						isTypedef && 
+						((current->spec&(Entry::Struct|Entry::Union)) ||
+						 current->section==Entry::ENUM_SEC )&&
+						msType.stripWhiteSpace().isEmpty() && 
+						memspecEntry)
+					    {
+					      memspecEntry->name=msName;
+					    }
+					    else // case 2: create a typedef field
+					    {
+					      Entry *varEntry=new Entry;
+					      varEntry->protection = current->protection ;
+					      varEntry->mtype = current->mtype;
+					      varEntry->virt = current->virt;
+					      varEntry->stat = current->stat;
+					      varEntry->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+					      varEntry->name = msName.stripWhiteSpace();
+					      varEntry->type = current->type.simplifyWhiteSpace()+" ";
+					      varEntry->args = msArgs; 
+					      if (isTypedef)
+					      {
+						varEntry->type.prepend("typedef ");
+						//  //printf("current->name = %s %s\n",current->name.data(),msName.data());
+					      }
+					      if (typedefHidesStruct &&
+						  isTypedef &&
+						  (current->spec&(Entry::Struct|Entry::Union)) &&
+						  memspecEntry
+						 ) // case 1: use S_t as type for pS_t in "typedef struct _S {} S_t, *pS_t;"
+					      {
+						varEntry->type+=memspecEntry->name+msType;
+					      }
+					      else // case 2: use _S as type for for pS_t
+					      {
+						varEntry->type+=current->name+msType;
+					      }
+					      varEntry->fileName = yyFileName;
+					      varEntry->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					      varEntry->doc = current->doc.copy();
+					      varEntry->brief = current->brief.copy();
+					      varEntry->mGrpId = current->mGrpId;
+					      // deep copy group list
+					      QListIterator<Grouping> gli(*current->groups);
+					      Grouping *g;
+					      for (;(g=gli.current());++gli)
+					      {
+						varEntry->groups->append(new Grouping(*g));
+					      }
+					      if (current->sli) // copy special list items
+					      {
+						QListIterator<ListItemInfo> li(*current->sli);
+						ListItemInfo *lii;
+						for (li.toFirst();(lii=li.current());++li)
+						{
+						  varEntry->addSpecialListItem(lii->type,lii->itemId);
+						}
+					      }
+					      //printf("Add: type=`%s',name=`%s',args=`%s' brief=%s doc=%s\n",
+					      //      varEntry->type.data(),varEntry->name.data(),
+					      //      varEntry->args.data(),varEntry->brief.data(),varEntry->doc.data());
+					      current_root->addSubEntry(varEntry);
+					    }
+					  }
+					  if (*yytext==';')
+					  {
+					    msType.resize(0);
+					    msName.resize(0);
+					    msArgs.resize(0);
+					    isTypedef=FALSE;
+					    firstTypedefEntry=0;
+					    memspecEntry=0;
+					    current->reset();
+					    initEntry();
+					    BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    current->doc.resize(0);
+					    current->brief.resize(0);
+					  }
+  					}
+<MemberSpec>"="				{ 
+  					  lastInitializerContext=YY_START;
+					  initBracketCount=0;
+  					  BEGIN(ReadInitializer);
+  					  /* BEGIN(MemberSpecSkip); */
+					}
+  /*
+<MemberSpecSkip>"{"			{
+  					  curlyCount=0;
+					  lastCurlyContext = MemberSpecSkip;
+					  previous = current;
+  					  BEGIN(SkipCurly);
+  					}
+  */
+<MemberSpecSkip>","			{ BEGIN(MemberSpec); }
+<MemberSpecSkip>";"		        { unput(';'); BEGIN(MemberSpec); }
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>{BN}+	{ current->program += yytext ;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					}
+<ReadBodyIntf>"@end"/[^a-z_A-Z0-9]	{ // end of Objective C block
+					  current_root->addSubEntry( current ) ;
+  					  current=new Entry;
+					  initEntry();
+					  insideObjC=FALSE;
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers ); 
+  					}
+<ReadBody,ReadNSBody,ReadBodyIntf>.	{ current->program += yytext ; }
+<FindMembers>"("/{BN}*"::"*{BN}*({TSCOPE}{BN}*"::")*{TSCOPE}{BN}*")"{BN}*"(" | /* typedef void (A<int>::func_t)(args...) */
+<FindMembers>("("({BN}*"::"*{BN}*{TSCOPE}{BN}*"::")*({BN}*[*&]{BN}*)+)+ {   /* typedef void (A::*ptr_t)(args...) or int (*func(int))[] */
+  					  if (insidePHP) // reference parameter
+					  {
+					    REJECT
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    lineCount();
+					    addType(current);
+					    funcPtrType=yytext;
+					    roundCount=0;
+					    //current->type += yytext;
+					    BEGIN( FuncPtr );
+					  }
+  					}
+<FuncPtr>{SCOPENAME}			{
+  					  current->name = yytext;
+					  if (nameIsOperator(current->name))
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( FuncPtrOperator );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    if (current->name=="const" || current->name=="volatile")
+					    {
+					      funcPtrType += current->name;
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      BEGIN( EndFuncPtr );
+					    }
+					  }
+  					}
+<FuncPtr>.				{
+  					  //printf("Error: FuncPtr `%c' unexpected at line %d of %s\n",*yytext,yyLineNr,yyFileName);
+  					}
+<FuncPtrOperator>"("{BN}*")"{BN}*/"("	{
+  					  current->name += yytext;
+					  current->name = current->name.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					  lineCount();
+  					}
+<FuncPtrOperator>\n			{
+                                          yyLineNr++;
+  					  current->name += *yytext;
+  					}
+<FuncPtrOperator>"("			{
+  					  unput(*yytext);
+					  BEGIN( EndFuncPtr );
+                                        }
+<FuncPtrOperator>.			{
+  					  current->name += *yytext;
+  					}
+<EndFuncPtr>")"{BN}*/";"		{ // a variable with extra braces
+ 					  lineCount();
+					  current->type+=funcPtrType.data()+1;
+  					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<EndFuncPtr>")"{BN}*/"("		{ // a function pointer
+  					  lineCount();
+					  current->type+=funcPtrType+")";
+					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<EndFuncPtr>")"{BN}*/"["		{ // an array of variables
+  					  lineCount();
+					  current->type+=funcPtrType.data();
+					  current->args += ")";
+					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<EndFuncPtr>"("				{ // a function returning a function or 
+                                          // a function returning a pointer to an array
+  					  current->args += *yytext ;
+					  //roundCount=0;
+					  //BEGIN( FuncFunc );
+					  current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					  currentArgumentContext = FuncFuncEnd;
+					  fullArgString=current->args.copy();
+					  copyArgString=&current->args;
+					  BEGIN( ReadFuncArgType ) ;
+  					}
+<EndFuncPtr>"["[^\n\]]*"]"		{
+  					  funcPtrType+=yytext;
+  					}
+<EndFuncPtr>")"				{
+  					  BEGIN(FindMembers);
+  					}
+<FuncFunc>"("				{
+  					  current->args += *yytext ;
+  					  ++roundCount;
+					}
+<FuncFunc>")"				{
+  					  current->args += *yytext ;
+  					  if ( roundCount )
+					    --roundCount;
+					  else
+					  {
+					    BEGIN(FuncFuncEnd);
+					  }
+  					}
+<FuncFuncEnd>")"{BN}*"("		{
+  					  lineCount();
+					  current->type+=funcPtrType+")(";
+					  BEGIN(FuncFuncType);
+  					}
+<FuncFuncEnd>")"{BN}*/[;{]		{
+  					  lineCount();
+					  current->type+=funcPtrType.data()+1;
+  					  BEGIN(Function);
+  					}
+<FuncFuncEnd>")"{BN}*/"["		{ // function returning a pointer to an array
+                                          lineCount();
+					  current->type+=funcPtrType;
+					  current->args+=")";
+					  BEGIN(FuncFuncArray);
+  					}
+<FuncFuncEnd>.				{
+  					  current->args += *yytext;
+  					}
+<FuncFuncType>"("			{
+  					  current->type += *yytext;
+					  roundCount++;
+  					}
+<FuncFuncType>")"			{
+  					  current->type += *yytext;
+  					  if (roundCount)
+					    --roundCount;
+					  else
+					    BEGIN(Function);
+					}
+<FuncFuncType>{BN}*","{BN}*		{ lineCount() ; current->type += ", " ; }
+<FuncFuncType>{BN}+			{ lineCount() ; current->type += ' ' ; }
+<FuncFuncType>.				{
+  					  current->type += *yytext;
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"("/{BN}*{ID}{BN}*"*"{BN}*{ID}*")(" { // for catching typedef void (__stdcall *f)() like definitions
+                                          if (current->type.left(7)=="typedef" && current->bodyLine==-1) 
+					    // the bodyLine check is to prevent this guard to be true more than once
+					  {
+  					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    BEGIN( GetCallType );
+					  }
+					  else if (!current->name.isEmpty()) // normal function
+					  {
+					    current->args = yytext;
+					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    currentArgumentContext = FuncQual;
+					    fullArgString=current->args.copy();
+					    copyArgString=&current->args;
+					    BEGIN( ReadFuncArgType ) ;
+					    //printf(">>> Read function arguments!\n");
+					  }
+					}
+<GetCallType>{BN}*{ID}{BN}*"*"		{
+  					  lineCount();
+  					  addType(current);
+					  funcPtrType="(";
+					  funcPtrType+=yytext;
+					  roundCount=0;
+					  BEGIN( FuncPtr );
+  					}
+<FindMembers>"("			{ 
+                                          if (!current->name.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    current->args = yytext;
+					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    currentArgumentContext = FuncQual;
+					    fullArgString=current->args.copy();
+					    copyArgString=&current->args;
+					    BEGIN( ReadFuncArgType ) ;
+					    //printf(">>> Read function arguments current->argList->count()=%d\n",current->argList->count());
+					  }
+					}
+  /*
+<FindMembers>"("{BN}*("void"{BN}*)?")"	{
+  					  lineCount();
+  					  current->args = "()"; 
+  					  BEGIN( FuncQual );
+  					}
+  */
+  /*- Function argument reading rules ---------------------------------------*/
+<ReadFuncArgType>[^ \/\r\t\n\)\(\"\'#]+ { *copyArgString+=yytext; 
+  					  fullArgString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyArgString,CopyArgPHPString>[^\n\\\"\']+		{ *copyArgString+=yytext; 
+					  fullArgString+=yytext;
+					}
+<CopyArgRound>[^\/\n\)\(\"\']+		{ 
+  					  *copyArgString+=yytext; 
+  					  fullArgString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs>{BN}*	{
+  					  *copyArgString+=" ";
+  					  fullArgString+=" ";
+  					  lineCount();
+  					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,CopyArgRound,CopyArgSharp,ReadTempArgs>\"	{
+  					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+  					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					  lastCopyArgStringContext = YY_START;
+  					  BEGIN( CopyArgString );
+  					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs>"("	{
+  					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+  					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+  					  argRoundCount=0; 
+					  lastCopyArgContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN( CopyArgRound ); 
+  					}
+<ReadFuncArgType>")"			{ 
+  					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+  					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					  stringToArgumentList(fullArgString,current->argList);
+					  if (insideJS)
+					  {
+					    fixArgumentListForJavaScript(current->argList);
+					  }
+                                          handleParametersCommentBlocks(current->argList);
+					  /* remember the current documentation block, since
+					     we could overwrite it with the documentation of
+					     a function argument, which we then have to correct later
+					     on
+					   */
+					  docBackup = current->doc;
+					  briefBackup = current->brief;
+					  BEGIN( currentArgumentContext );
+					}
+	/* a special comment */
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs>("/*"[*!]|"//"[/!])("<"?)	{ 
+                                          if (currentArgumentContext==DefineEnd)
+					  {
+					    // for defines we interpret a comment
+					    // as documentation for the define 
+					    int i;for (i=yyleng-1;i>=0;i--)
+					    {
+					      unput(yytext[i]);
+					    }
+					    stringToArgumentList(fullArgString,current->argList);
+                                            handleParametersCommentBlocks(current->argList);
+					    BEGIN( currentArgumentContext );
+					  }
+					  else // not a define
+					  {
+					    // for functions we interpret a comment
+					    // as documentation for the argument
+					    fullArgString+=yytext;
+					    lastCopyArgChar=0;
+					    lastCommentInArgContext=YY_START;
+					    if (yytext[1]=='/')
+					      BEGIN( CopyArgCommentLine );
+					    else
+					      BEGIN( CopyArgComment );
+					  }
+  					}
+	/* a non-special comment */
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs>"/**/"	{ /* empty comment */ }
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs>"/*"	{
+  					  lastCContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN( SkipComment );
+  					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs>"//"	{
+  					  lastCContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN( SkipCxxComment );
+  					}
+  /*
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs>"'#"	{ if (insidePHP)
+                                            REJECT;
+  					  *copyArgString+=yytext; 
+  					  fullArgString+=yytext; 
+					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs>"#"	{
+  					  if (!insidePHP)
+  					    REJECT;
+  					  lastCContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN( SkipCxxComment );
+  					}
+  */
+	/* `)' followed by a special comment */
+<ReadFuncArgType>")"{BN}*("/*"[*!]|"//"[/!])"<"	{
+  					  lineCount();
+                                          if (currentArgumentContext==DefineEnd)
+					  {
+					    // for defines we interpret a comment
+					    // as documentation for the define 
+					    int i;for (i=yyleng-1;i>0;i--)
+					    {
+					      unput(yytext[i]);
+					    }
+					    *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+					    fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					    stringToArgumentList(fullArgString,current->argList);
+                                            handleParametersCommentBlocks(current->argList);
+					    BEGIN( currentArgumentContext );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    // for functions we interpret a comment
+					    // as documentation for the last argument
+					    lastCopyArgChar=*yytext;
+					    QCString text=&yytext[1];
+					    text=text.stripWhiteSpace();
+					    lastCommentInArgContext=YY_START;
+					    fullArgString+=text;
+					    if (text.find("//")!=-1)
+					      BEGIN( CopyArgCommentLine );
+					    else
+					      BEGIN( CopyArgComment );
+					  }
+  					}
+<CopyArgComment>[^\n\\\@\*]+		{ fullArgString+=yytext; }
+<CopyArgComment>"*/"			{ fullArgString+=yytext; 
+  					  if (lastCopyArgChar!=0)
+					    unput(lastCopyArgChar); 
+                                          BEGIN( lastCommentInArgContext ); 
+					}
+<CopyArgCommentLine>\n			{ fullArgString+=yytext;
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					  if (lastCopyArgChar!=0)
+					    unput(lastCopyArgChar);
+					  BEGIN( lastCommentInArgContext );
+  					}
+<CopyArgCommentLine>{CMD}("verbatim"|"latexonly"|"htmlonly"|"xmlonly"|"manonly"|"dot"|"code")/[^a-z_A-Z0-9]	{ // verbatim command (which could contain nested comments!)
+				          docBlockName=&yytext[1];
+  					  fullArgString+=yytext;
+					  BEGIN(CopyArgVerbatim);
+  					}
+<CopyArgCommentLine>{CMD}("f$"|"f["|"f{")	        {
+				          docBlockName=&yytext[1];
+					  if (docBlockName.at(1)=='[')
+					  {
+				            docBlockName.at(1)='}';
+					  }
+					  if (docBlockName.at(1)=='{')
+					  {
+				            docBlockName.at(1)='}';
+					  }
+  					  fullArgString+=yytext;
+  					  BEGIN(CopyArgVerbatim);
+                                        }
+<CopyArgVerbatim>[\\@]("endverbatim"|"endlatexonly"|"endhtmlonly"|"endxmlonly"|"endmanonly"|"enddot"|"endcode"|"f$"|"f]"|"f}")/[^a-z_A-Z0-9] { // end of verbatim block
+  					  fullArgString+=yytext;
+				          if (yytext[1]=='f') // end of formula
+				          {
+				            BEGIN(CopyArgCommentLine);
+				          }
+					  if (&yytext[4]==docBlockName)
+					  {
+  					    BEGIN(CopyArgCommentLine);
+					  }
+  					}
+<CopyArgCommentLine>[^\\\@\n]+		{ fullArgString+=yytext; }
+<CopyArgCommentLine>.			{ fullArgString+=*yytext; }
+<CopyArgComment,CopyArgVerbatim>\n	{ fullArgString+=*yytext; yyLineNr++; }
+<CopyArgComment,CopyArgVerbatim>.	{ fullArgString+=*yytext; }
+<CopyArgComment>{CMD}("brief"|"short"){B}+ {
+  					  warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,
+					      "Warning: Ignoring %cbrief command inside argument documentation",*yytext
+					     );
+                                          fullArgString+=' ';
+                                        }
+<ReadTempArgs>"<"			{
+					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					  argSharpCount=1;
+					  BEGIN( CopyArgSharp );
+					}
+<ReadTempArgs>">"			{
+					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					  //printf("end template list %s\n",copyArgString->data());
+					  stringToArgumentList(fullArgString,currentArgumentList);
+					  BEGIN( currentArgumentContext );
+					}
+<CopyArgRound>"("			{
+  					  argRoundCount++;
+					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyArgRound>")"			{
+					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					  if (argRoundCount>0) 
+					    argRoundCount--;
+					  else 
+					    BEGIN( lastCopyArgContext );
+  					}
+<CopyArgSharp>"<"			{
+  					  argSharpCount++;
+					  //printf("argSharpCount++=%d  copy\n",argSharpCount);
+					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyArgSharp>">"			{
+  					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+  					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					  argSharpCount--;
+					  if (argSharpCount>0)
+					  {
+					    //printf("argSharpCount--=%d copy\n",argSharpCount);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( ReadTempArgs );
+					    //printf("end of argSharpCount\n");
+					  }
+  					}
+<CopyArgString,CopyArgPHPString>\\.	{
+  					  *copyArgString+=yytext;
+  					  fullArgString+=yytext;
+  					}
+<CopyArgString>\"			{
+  					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+  					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					  BEGIN( lastCopyArgStringContext );
+  					}
+<CopyArgPHPString>\'			{
+  					  *copyArgString+=*yytext;
+  					  fullArgString+=*yytext;
+					  BEGIN( lastCopyArgStringContext );
+  					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs,CopyArgRound,CopyArgSharp>{CHARLIT}     { 
+                                          if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    *copyArgString+=yytext; 
+  					    fullArgString+=yytext; 
+					  }
+					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs,CopyArgRound,CopyArgSharp>\'     { 
+  					  *copyArgString+=yytext; 
+  					  fullArgString+=yytext; 
+					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    lastCopyArgStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(CopyArgPHPString);
+					  }
+  					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs,CopyArgString,CopyArgPHPString,CopyArgRound,CopyArgSharp>\n  { 
+  					  yyLineNr++; 
+					  *copyArgString+=*yytext; 
+					  fullArgString+=*yytext; 
+					}
+<ReadFuncArgType,ReadTempArgs,CopyArgString,CopyArgPHPString,CopyArgRound,CopyArgSharp>.	  { 
+  					  *copyArgString+=*yytext; 
+  					  fullArgString+=*yytext; 
+					}
+  /*------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+<FuncRound>"("				{ current->args += *yytext ;
+					  ++roundCount ;
+					}
+<FuncRound>")"                          { current->args += *yytext ; 
+					  if ( roundCount )
+					    --roundCount ;
+				          else
+					    BEGIN( FuncQual ) ;
+					}
+  /*
+<FuncQual>"#"				{ if (insidePHP)
+  					    REJECT;
+  					  lastCPPContext = YY_START;
+  					  BEGIN(SkipCPP);
+					}
+  */
+<FuncQual>[{:;,]                        {
+                                          if ( strcmp(yytext,";")==0 && 
+					       insidePHP && 
+					       !containsWord(current->type,"function") )
+                                          {
+                                            current->reset();
+                                            initEntry();
+                                            BEGIN( FindMembers );
+                                          }
+                                          else
+                                          {
+                                            unput(*yytext); BEGIN( Function );
+                                          }
+                                        }
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"abstract"{BN}*          { // pure virtual member function
+                                          lineCount() ; 
+                                          current->virt = Pure;
+                                          current->args += " override "; 
+                                        }
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"override"{BN}*          { // overridden virtual member function
+                                          lineCount() ; 
+                                          current->spec |= Entry::Override;
+                                          current->args += " override "; 
+                                        }
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"sealed"{BN}*            { // sealed member function
+                                          lineCount() ; 
+                                          current->spec |= Entry::Sealed;
+                                          current->args += " sealed "; 
+                                        }
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"new"{BN}*               { // new member function
+                                          lineCount() ; 
+                                          current->spec |= Entry::New;
+                                          current->args += " new "; 
+                                        }
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"const"{BN}*       	{ // const member function
+  					  lineCount() ; 
+  					  current->args += " const "; 
+					  current->argList->constSpecifier=TRUE;
+					}
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"volatile"{BN}*    	{ // volatile member function
+  					  lineCount() ; 
+  					  current->args += " volatile "; 
+					  current->argList->volatileSpecifier=TRUE;
+					}
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"="{BN}*"0"{BN}*  	{ // pure virtual member function
+  					  lineCount() ; 
+					  current->args += " = 0"; 
+					  current->virt = Pure; 
+					  current->argList->pureSpecifier=TRUE;
+					}
+<FuncRound,FuncFunc>{BN}*","{BN}*	{ 
+  					  lineCount() ; 
+					  current->args += ", " ; 
+					}
+<FuncQual,FuncRound,FuncFunc>{BN}+   	{ 
+  					  lineCount() ; 
+					  current->args += ' ' ; 
+					}
+<Function,FuncQual,FuncRound,FuncFunc>"#" { if (insidePHP)
+  					    REJECT;
+  					  lastCPPContext = YY_START;
+  					  BEGIN(SkipCPP);
+					}	
+<FuncQual>"="				{ 
+                                          if (insideCli && 
+					      (current_root->section&Entry::COMPOUND_MASK) 
+					     )
+					  {
+					    BEGIN(CliOverride);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+                                            // typically an initialized function pointer
+  					    lastInitializerContext=YY_START;
+					    initBracketCount=0;
+  					    BEGIN(ReadInitializer);
+					  }
+  					}
+<CliOverride>{ID}			{
+  					}
+<CliOverride>"{"			{ 
+  					  unput(*yytext);
+					  BEGIN(FuncQual);
+  					}
+<CliOverride>\n				{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<CliOverride>.				{
+  					}
+<FuncPtrInit>[{;]			{
+  					  unput(*yytext);
+					  BEGIN(FuncQual);
+  					}
+<FuncPtrInit>\"				{
+                                          current->args += *yytext; 
+  					  pCopyQuotedString=&current->args;
+					  lastStringContext=FuncPtrInit;
+					  BEGIN(CopyString);
+					}
+<FuncPtrInit>\'				{
+                                          current->args += *yytext; 
+					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    pCopyQuotedString=&current->args;
+					    lastStringContext=FuncPtrInit;
+					    BEGIN(CopyPHPString);
+					  }
+					}
+<FuncPtrInit>{CHARLIT}			{
+                                          if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+                                            current->args += yytext; 
+					  }
+  					}
+<FuncPtrInit>{ID}			{
+                                          current->args += yytext; 
+					}
+<FuncPtrInit>.				{
+                                          current->args += *yytext; 
+  					}
+<FuncPtrInit>\n				{
+                                          current->args += *yytext; 
+					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<FuncQual>{ID}				{ // typically a K&R style C function
+                                          if (insideCS && strcmp(yytext,"where")==0)
+					  { 
+					    // type contraint for a method
+                                            delete current->typeConstr;
+                                            current->typeConstr = new ArgumentList;
+					    current->typeConstr->append(new Argument);
+					    lastCSConstraint = YY_START;
+					    BEGIN( CSConstraintName );
+					  }
+					  else if (checkForKnRstyleC())
+					  {
+					    //fprintf(stderr,"===> got a K&R style function\n");
+                                            current->args = yytext; 
+					    oldStyleArgType.resize(0);
+					    BEGIN(OldStyleArgs);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+                                            current->args += yytext; 
+					  }
+  					}
+<OldStyleArgs>[,;]			{
+  					  QCString oldStyleArgPtr;
+  					  QCString oldStyleArgName;
+					  splitKnRArg(oldStyleArgPtr,oldStyleArgName);
+					  QCString doc,brief;
+					  if (current->doc!=docBackup)
+					  {
+                                            doc=current->doc.copy();
+					    current->doc=docBackup;
+					  }
+					  if (current->brief!=briefBackup)
+					  {
+                                            brief=current->brief.copy();
+					    current->brief=briefBackup;
+					  }
+					  addKnRArgInfo(oldStyleArgType+oldStyleArgPtr,
+					                oldStyleArgName,brief,doc);
+					  current->args.resize(0);
+					  if (*yytext==';') oldStyleArgType.resize(0);
+  					}
+<OldStyleArgs>{ID} 			{ current->args += yytext; }
+<OldStyleArgs>"{"			{
+  					  current->args = argListToString(current->argList);
+  					  unput('{');
+					  BEGIN(FuncQual);
+  					}
+<OldStyleArgs>.	 			{ current->args += *yytext; }
+<FuncQual,FuncRound,FuncFunc>.		{ current->args += *yytext; }
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"try"{BN}+		{ /* try-function-block */ 
+					  insideTryBlock=TRUE;
+					  lineCount();
+					}
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"throw"{BN}*"("		{ // C++ style throw clause
+  					  current->exception = " throw (" ;
+					  roundCount=0;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  BEGIN( ExcpRound ) ;
+					}
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"raises"{BN}*"("         {
+  					  current->exception = " raises (" ;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  roundCount=0;
+					  BEGIN( ExcpRound ) ;
+  					}
+<FuncQual>{BN}*"throws"{BN}+		{ // Java style throw clause
+  					  current->exception = " throws " ;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					  BEGIN( ExcpList );
+  					}
+<ExcpRound>"("				{ current->exception += *yytext ;
+					  ++roundCount ;
+					}
+<ExcpRound>")"                          { current->exception += *yytext ; 
+					  if ( roundCount )
+					    --roundCount ;
+				          else
+					    BEGIN( FuncQual ) ;
+					}
+<ExcpRound>.				{
+  					  current->exception += *yytext;
+  					}
+<ExcpList>"{"				{
+  					  unput('{'); BEGIN( FuncQual );
+  					}
+<ExcpList>";"				{
+  					  unput(';'); BEGIN( FuncQual );
+  					}
+<ExcpList>"\n"				{
+  					  current->exception += ' ';
+					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<ExcpList>.				{
+  					  current->exception += *yytext;
+  					}
+<Function>"("				{ current->type += current->name ;
+					  current->name  = current->args ;
+					  current->args  = yytext ;
+					  roundCount=0;
+					  BEGIN( FuncRound ) ;
+					}
+<Function>":"				{
+  					  if (!insidePHP) BEGIN(SkipInits);
+  					}
+<Function>[;{,]				{ 
+					  current->name=current->name.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+  					  current->type=current->type.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					  current->args=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->args);
+					                // was: current->args.simplifyWhiteSpace();
+					  current->fileName = yyFileName;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+					  static QRegExp re("([^)]*\\[*&][^)]*)"); // (...*...)
+					  if (*yytext!=';' || (current_root->section&Entry::COMPOUND_MASK) )
+					  {
+					    int tempArg=current->name.find('<');
+					    QCString tempName;
+					    if (tempArg==-1) tempName=current->name; else tempName=current->name.left(tempArg);
+					    if (!current->type.isEmpty() &&
+						(current->type.find(re,0)!=-1 || current->type.left(8)=="typedef "))
+					    {
+					      //printf("Scanner.l: found in class variable: `%s' `%s' `%s'\n", current->type.data(),current->name.data(),current->args.data());
+					      current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC ;
+					    }
+					    else	      
+					    {
+					      //printf("Scanner.l: found in class function: `%s' `%s' `%s'\n", current->type.data(),current->name.data(),current->args.data());
+					      current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC ;
+			                      current->proto = *yytext==';';
+					    }
+					  }
+					  else // a global function prototype or function variable
+					  {
+					    //printf("Scanner.l: prototype? type=`%s' name=`%s' args=`%s'\n",current->type.data(),current->name.data(),current->args.data());
+					    if (!current->type.isEmpty() && 
+						(current->type.find(re,0)!=-1 || current->type.left(8)=="typedef "))
+					    {
+					      //printf("Scanner.l: found function variable!\n");
+					      current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      //printf("Scanner.l: found prototype\n");
+					      current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
+					      current->proto = TRUE;
+					    }
+					  }
+					  //printf("Adding entry `%s'\n",current->name.data());
+					  if ( insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    if (findAndRemoveWord(current->type,"final"))
+					    {
+					      current->spec |= Entry::Final;
+					    }
+					    if (findAndRemoveWord(current->type,"abstract"))
+					    {
+					      current->spec |= Entry::Abstract;
+					    }
+					  }
+					  if ( insidePHP && !containsWord(current->type,"function"))
+					  {
+					    initEntry();
+					    if ( *yytext == '{' )
+					    {
+					      lastCurlyContext = FindMembers;
+					      curlyCount=0;
+					      BEGIN( SkipCurly );
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					    }
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    if ( insidePHP)
+					    {
+					      findAndRemoveWord(current->type,"function");
+					    }
+					    previous = current;
+					    current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+					    current = new Entry ;
+					    initEntry();
+					    // Objective C 2.0: Required/Optional section
+					    if (previous->spec & (Entry::Optional | Entry::Required))
+					    {
+					      current->spec |= previous->spec & (Entry::Optional|Entry::Required);
+					    }
+					    lastCurlyContext = FindMembers;
+					    if ( *yytext == ',' )
+					    {
+					      current->type = previous->type.data();
+					    }
+					    if ( *yytext == '{' )
+					    {
+					      if ( !insidePHP && (current_root->section & Entry::COMPOUND_MASK) )
+					      {
+						previous->spec |= Entry::Inline;
+					      }
+					      //addToBody(yytext);
+					      curlyCount=0;
+					      BEGIN( SkipCurly ) ;
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      if (previous->section!=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC)
+						previous->bodyLine=-1; // a function/member declaration
+					      BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+					    }
+					  }
+                                        }
+<SkipInits>"{"				{ 
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  				          //lastCurlyContext = FindMembers;
+					  //curlyCount=0;
+  					  //BEGIN( SkipCurly ) ; 
+  					  unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( Function );
+					}
+<SkipCurly>"{"				{ 
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  ++curlyCount ; 
+					}
+<SkipCurly>"}"				{ 
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  if( curlyCount )
+					  {
+					    --curlyCount ;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+#if 0
+					    if (!Config_getBool("HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS") && 
+						!current->doc.isEmpty())
+					    {
+					      // copy documentation found inside the body
+					      // to the previous item
+					      if (previous->inbodyLine==-1)
+					      {
+					        previous->inbodyLine = current->docLine;
+					        previous->inbodyFile = current->docFile;
+					      }
+					      //printf("*** inbodyDocs+=%s\n",current->doc.data());
+					      previous->inbodyDocs += current->doc;
+					      current->doc.resize(0);
+					    }
+					    if (current->sli && previous) // copy special list items
+					    {
+					      QListIterator<ListItemInfo> li(*current->sli);
+					      ListItemInfo *lii;
+					      for (li.toFirst();(lii=li.current());++li)
+					      {
+						previous->addSpecialListItem(lii->type,lii->itemId);
+					      }
+					      delete current->sli;
+					      current->sli = 0;
+					    }
+					    if (previous) previous->endBodyLine=yyLineNr;
+					    BEGIN( lastCurlyContext ) ;
+					  }
+					}
+<SkipCurly>"}"{BN}*("/*!"|"/**"|"//!"|"///")"<" { 
+					  lineCount();
+  					  if ( curlyCount )
+					  {
+					    //addToBody(yytext);
+					    --curlyCount ;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    current->endBodyLine=yyLineNr;
+					    tempEntry = current; // temporarily switch to the previous entry
+					    current = previous;
+					    docBlockContext   = SkipCurlyEndDoc;
+					    docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+					    docBlockAutoBrief = ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='*' && Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF") ) ||
+					                        ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='!' && Config_getBool("QT_AUTOBRIEF") );
+					    docBlock.resize(0);
+					    docBlockTerm = '}';
+					    if (yytext[yyleng-3]=='/')
+					    {
+					      startCommentBlock(TRUE);
+					      BEGIN( DocLine );
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+					      BEGIN( DocBlock );
+					    }
+					  }
+					}
+<SkipCurlyEndDoc>"}"{BN}*("/*!"|"/**"|"//!"|"///")"<" { // desc is followed by another one
+					  docBlockContext   = SkipCurlyEndDoc;
+					  docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+					  docBlockAutoBrief = ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='*' && Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF") ) ||
+					                      ( yytext[yyleng-2]=='!' && Config_getBool("QT_AUTOBRIEF") );
+					  docBlock.resize(0);
+					  docBlockTerm = '}';
+					  if (yytext[yyleng-3]=='/')
+					  {
+					    startCommentBlock(TRUE);
+					    BEGIN( DocLine );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+					    BEGIN( DocBlock );
+					  }
+  					}
+<SkipCurlyEndDoc>"}"			{
+  				          //addToBody("}");
+					  current = tempEntry;
+  					  BEGIN( lastCurlyContext );
+  					}
+<SkipCurly>\"			        { 
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  lastStringContext=SkipCurly;
+  				          BEGIN( SkipString ); 
+					}
+<SkipCurly>^{B}*"#"			{ 
+  				          if (insidePHP)
+  				            REJECT;
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  BEGIN( SkipCurlyCpp );
+					}
+<SkipCurly,SkipInits>\n			{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					}
+<SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>[^\n#"'@\\/{}]+	{
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					}
+<SkipCurlyCpp>\n			{ 
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  yyLineNr++; 
+  					  lastCurlyContext = FindMembers;
+  					  BEGIN( SkipCurly ); 
+					}
+<SkipCurlyCpp>\\[\r]*"\n"[\r]*		{ 
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  yyLineNr++; 
+					}
+<SkipInits,SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>"/*"	{
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  lastCContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN(SkipComment);
+  					}
+<SkipInits,SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>"//"  {
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  lastCContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN(SkipCxxComment);
+  					}
+<SkipInits>\"				{
+  					  lastStringContext=YY_START;
+  				          BEGIN( SkipString ); 
+					}
+<SkipInits>;	                        {
+  					  warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,
+					      "Warning: Found ';' while parsing initializer list! "
+					      "(doxygen could be confused by a macro call without semicolon)"
+					     );
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+  					}
+<SkipInits,SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>"#"   {
+  				          if (!insidePHP)
+  				            REJECT;
+  				          //addToBody(yytext);
+  					  lastCContext = YY_START;
+					  BEGIN(SkipCxxComment);
+  					}
+<SkipInits,SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>@\"   {
+  				          if (!insideCS) REJECT;
+					  // C# verbatim string
+					  lastSkipVerbStringContext=YY_START;
+					  pSkipVerbString=&current->initializer;
+					  BEGIN(SkipVerbString);
+  					}
+<SkipInits,SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>{CHARLIT}	{
+                                          if (insidePHP) REJECT;
+                                        }
+<SkipInits,SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>\'	{
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+					    lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(SkipPHPString);
+					  }
+					}
+<SkipInits,SkipCurly,SkipCurlyCpp>.	{ }
+<SkipString,SkipPHPString>\\.		{ }
+<SkipString>\"				{ 
+  					  BEGIN( lastStringContext ); 
+					}
+<SkipPHPString>\'			{ 
+  					  BEGIN( lastStringContext ); 
+					}
+<SkipString,SkipPHPString>"/*"|"*/"|"//" { }
+<SkipString,SkipPHPString>\n		{
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<SkipString,SkipPHPString>.		{ }
+<Bases,CompoundName>";"			{ 
+					  current->section = Entry::EMPTY_SEC ;
+					  current->type.resize(0) ;
+					  current->name.resize(0) ;
+					  current->args.resize(0) ;
+					  current->argList->clear();
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+					}
+<CompoundName>{SCOPENAME}{BN}*/"<"	{
+  					  sharpCount = 0;
+  					  current->name = yytext ;
+					  if (current->spec & Entry::Protocol)
+					  {
+					    current->name+="-p";
+					  }
+					  lineCount();
+					  lastClassTemplSpecContext = ClassVar;
+					  if (insideObjC) // protocol list
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( ObjCProtocolList );
+					  }
+					  else if (insideCS) // C# generic class
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( CSGeneric );
+					  }
+					  else // C++ template specialization
+					  {
+					    roundCount=0;
+					    BEGIN( ClassTemplSpec );
+					  }
+					}
+<CSGeneric>"<"				{
+					  if (current->tArgLists==0)
+					  {
+					    current->tArgLists = new QList<ArgumentList>;
+					    current->tArgLists->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+					  }
+					  ArgumentList *al = new ArgumentList;
+					  current->spec |= Entry::Template;
+					  current->tArgLists->append(al);
+					  currentArgumentList = al;
+					  templateStr="<";
+					  current->name += "<";
+					  fullArgString = templateStr;
+					  copyArgString = &current->name;
+					  currentArgumentContext = ClassVar;
+					  BEGIN( ReadTempArgs );
+  					}
+<ObjCProtocolList>"<"			{
+  					  insideProtocolList=TRUE;
+  					  BEGIN( Bases );
+  					}
+<ClassTemplSpec>">"({BN}*"::"{BN}*{SCOPENAME})?	{
+					  current->name += yytext;
+					  lineCount();
+  					  if (--sharpCount<=0)
+					  {
+					    current->name = removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->name);
+					    if (current->spec & Entry::Protocol)
+					    { // Objective-C protocol
+					      unput('{'); // fake start of body
+					      BEGIN( ClassVar );
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      BEGIN( lastClassTemplSpecContext );
+					    }
+					  }
+					}
+<ClassTemplSpec>"<"			{
+  					  current->name += yytext;
+  					  sharpCount++;
+  					}
+<ClassTemplSpec>.			{
+  					  current->name += yytext;
+					}
+<CompoundName>{SCOPENAME}{BN}*";"	{ // forward declaration
+    					  unput(';');
+					  current->reset();
+					  if (isTypedef) // typedef of a class, put typedef keyword back
+					  {
+					    current->type.prepend("typedef");
+					  }
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					}
+<CompoundName>{SCOPENAME}/"("		{ 
+					  current->name = yytext ;
+					  lineCount();
+					  if (current->spec & Entry::Protocol)
+					  {
+					    current->name += "-p";
+					  }
+					  BEGIN( ClassVar );
+					}
+<CompoundName>{SCOPENAME}/{BN}*","	{  // multiple forward declarations on one line
+                                           // e.g. @protocol A,B;
+					  current->reset();
+  					}
+<CompoundName>{SCOPENAME}		{ 
+					  current->name = yytext ;
+					  lineCount();
+					  if (current->spec & Entry::Protocol)
+					  {
+					    current->name += "-p";
+					  }
+					  if ((current->spec & Entry::Protocol) ||
+					      current->section == Entry::OBJCIMPL_SEC)
+					  {
+					    unput('{'); // fake start of body
+					  }
+					  BEGIN( ClassVar );
+					}
+<CompoundName>{CSSCOPENAME}	        { // C# style scope
+					  current->name = substitute(yytext,".","::");
+					  lineCount();
+					  BEGIN( ClassVar );
+                                        }
+<ClassVar>{SCOPENAME}{BN}*/"("		{
+  					  if (insideIDL && strncmp(yytext,"switch",6)==0 && !isId(yytext[6]))
+					  {
+					    // Corba IDL style union
+					    roundCount=0;
+					    BEGIN(SkipUnionSwitch);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    addType(current);
+					    current->name = yytext;
+					    current->name = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+					    lineCount();
+  					    BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					  }
+  					}
+<ClassVar>","				{
+ 					  if (isTypedef)
+					  {
+					    // multiple types in one typedef
+					    unput(',');
+					    current->type.prepend("typedef ");
+					    BEGIN(FindMembers);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  { 
+  					    // Multiple class forward declaration
+					  }
+  					}
+<ClassVar>("sealed"|"abstract")/{BN}*(":"|"{") {
+  					  if (insideCli)
+					  {
+					    if (yytext[0]=='s') // sealed
+					      current->spec |= Entry::SealedClass;
+					    else // abstract
+					      current->spec |= Entry::AbstractClass;
+					    BEGIN( ClassVar ); 
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					}
+<ClassVar>{ID}				{
+  					  if (insideIDL && strcmp(yytext,"switch")==0)
+					  {
+					    // Corba IDL style union
+					    roundCount=0;
+					    BEGIN(SkipUnionSwitch);
+					  }
+					  else if ((insideJava || insidePHP || insideJS) && (strcmp(yytext,"implements")==0 || strcmp(yytext,"extends")==0))
+					  {
+  					    current->type.resize(0);
+					    baseProt=Public;
+                                            baseVirt=Normal;
+					    baseName.resize(0);
+					    BEGIN( BasesProt ) ;
+					  }
+					  else if (insideCS && strcmp(yytext,"where")==0) // C# type contraint
+					  {
+                                            delete current->typeConstr;
+                                            current->typeConstr = new ArgumentList;
+					    current->typeConstr->append(new Argument);
+					    lastCSConstraint = YY_START;
+					    BEGIN( CSConstraintName );
+					  }
+					  else if (insideCli &&  strcmp(yytext,"abstract"))
+					  {
+					    current->spec|=Entry::Abstract;
+					  }
+					  else if (insideCli &&  strcmp(yytext,"sealed"))
+					  {
+					    current->spec|=Entry::Sealed;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    if (current->section == Entry::ENUM_SEC)
+					    { // found "enum a b" -> variable
+					      current->section = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC ;
+					    }
+					    current->type += ' ' ;
+					    current->type += current->name ;
+					    current->name = yytext ;
+					    if (nameIsOperator(current->name))
+					    {
+				              BEGIN( Operator );
+					    }
+					  }
+  					}
+<ClassVar>[(\[]				{
+    					  if (insideObjC && *yytext=='(') // class category
+					  {
+					    current->name+='(';
+                                            if (current->section!=Entry::OBJCIMPL_SEC)
+                                            {
+					      current->spec|=Entry::Category;
+                                            }
+					    BEGIN( ClassCategory );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+                                            // probably a function anyway
+                                            unput(*yytext);
+					    BEGIN( FindMembers );
+					  }
+					}
+<CSConstraintType,CSConstraintName>"/**/" { /* empty comment */ }
+<CSConstraintType,CSConstraintName>("/*"[*!]|"//"[/!])("<"?)	{ // special comment
+                                          fullArgString.resize(0);
+					  lastCopyArgChar='#'; // end marker
+					  lastCommentInArgContext=YY_START;
+					  if (yytext[1]=='/')
+					    BEGIN( CopyArgCommentLine );
+					  else
+					    BEGIN( CopyArgComment );
+					}
+<CSConstraintType,CSConstraintName>"#"	{ // artifically inserted token to signal end of comment block
+                                          current->typeConstr->last()->docs = fullArgString;
+  					}
+<CSConstraintType>"{"			{ // end of type constraint reached
+                                          // parse documentation of the constraints
+                                          handleParametersCommentBlocks(current->typeConstr);
+					  unput('{');
+					  BEGIN( lastCSConstraint );
+					}
+<CSConstraintType,CSConstraintName>";"  {
+                                          handleParametersCommentBlocks(current->typeConstr);
+					  unput(';');
+					  BEGIN( lastCSConstraint );
+  					}
+<CSConstraintName>":"                   {
+                                          BEGIN( CSConstraintType );
+                                        }
+<CSConstraintName>{ID}                  {
+                                          // parameter name
+                                          current->typeConstr->last()->name=yytext;
+                                        }
+<CSConstraintType>"where"		{ // another constraint for a different param
+					  current->typeConstr->append(new Argument);
+                                          BEGIN( CSConstraintName );
+  					}
+<CSConstraintType>({ID}".")*{ID}("<"{ID}">")?("()")?  {
+                                          if (current->typeConstr->last()->type.isEmpty())
+                                              // first type constraint for this parameter
+                                          {
+                                            current->typeConstr->last()->type=yytext;
+                                          }
+                                          else // new type constraint for same parameter
+                                          {
+                                            QCString name = current->typeConstr->last()->name;
+                                            current->typeConstr->append(new Argument);
+                                            current->typeConstr->last()->name=name;
+                                            current->typeConstr->last()->type=yytext;
+                                          }
+                                        }
+<CSConstraintName,CSConstraintType>\n	{
+					  yyLineNr++;
+					}
+<CSConstraintName,CSConstraintType>.	{
+					}
+<ClassCategory>{ID}			{
+					  current->name+=yytext;
+					}
+<ClassCategory>")"			{
+					  current->name+=')';
+					  if ((current->section & Entry::Protocol) ||
+					      current->section == Entry::OBJCIMPL_SEC)
+					  {
+					    unput('{'); // fake start of body
+					  }
+					  else // category has no variables so push back an empty body
+					  {
+					    unput('}');
+					    unput('{');
+					  }
+					  BEGIN( ClassVar );
+					}
+<ClassVar>":"				{ 
+  					  current->type.resize(0);
+					  if ((current->spec & Entry::Interface) || 
+					      (current->spec & Entry::Struct)    || 
+					      (current->spec & Entry::Ref)       || 
+					      (current->spec & Entry::Value)     || 
+					      insidePHP || insideCS || insideD || insideObjC
+					     )
+					    baseProt=Public;
+					  else
+					    baseProt=Private;
+                                          baseVirt=Normal;
+					  baseName.resize(0);
+					  BEGIN( BasesProt ) ;
+					}
+<ClassVar>[;=*&]			{
+    					  unput(*yytext);
+					  if (isTypedef) // typedef of a class, put typedef keyword back
+					  {
+					    current->type.prepend("typedef");
+					  }
+					  BEGIN( FindMembers );
+    					}
+<Bases,ClassVar>"///"/[^/]              {
+  					  if (!insideObjC)
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    lineCount();
+					    current->program+=yytext;
+                                            current->fileName = yyFileName ;
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr ;
+					    curlyCount=0;
+					    BEGIN( ReadBodyIntf );
+					  }
+  					}
+<Bases,ClassVar>("//"{B}*)?"/**"/[^/*]  |
+<Bases,ClassVar>("//"{B}*)?"/*!"        |
+<Bases,ClassVar>"//!"                   |
+<Bases,ClassVar>[\-+]{BN}*		{
+  					  if (!insideObjC)
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    lineCount();
+					    current->program+=yytext;
+                                            current->fileName = yyFileName ;
+					    current->startLine = yyLineNr ;
+					    curlyCount=0;
+					    BEGIN( ReadBodyIntf );
+					  }
+  					}
+<CompoundName,ClassVar>{B}*"{"{B}*	{ 
+                                          current->fileName = yyFileName ;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr ;
+					  current->name = removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->name);
+					  if (current->name.isEmpty() && !isTypedef) // anonymous compound
+					  {
+					    if (current->section==Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC) // allow reopening of anonymous namespaces
+					    {
+					      if (Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ANON_NSPACES")) // use visible name
+					      {
+					        current->name="anonymous_namespace{"+stripPath(current->fileName)+"}";
+					      }
+					      else // use invisible name
+					      {
+					        current->name.sprintf("@%d",anonNSCount);
+					      }
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      current->name.sprintf("@%d",anonCount++);
+					    }
+					  }
+					  curlyCount=0;
+					  if (current_root && // not a nested struct inside an @interface section
+					      !(current_root->spec & Entry::Interface) &&
+					      ((current->spec & (Entry::Interface | Entry::Protocol | Entry::Category) ||
+					        current->section==Entry::OBJCIMPL_SEC)
+					      ) &&
+					      insideObjC
+					     )
+					  { // ObjC body that ends with @end
+					    BEGIN( ReadBodyIntf );
+					  }
+					  else if (current->section==Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC)
+					  { // namespace body
+					    BEGIN( ReadNSBody );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  { // class body
+					    BEGIN( ReadBody ) ;
+					  }
+					}
+<BasesProt>"virtual"{BN}+               { lineCount(); baseVirt = Virtual; }
+<BasesProt>"public"{BN}+                { lineCount(); baseProt = Public; }
+<BasesProt>"protected"{BN}+             { lineCount(); baseProt = Protected; }
+<BasesProt>"private"{BN}+               { lineCount(); baseProt = Private; }
+<BasesProt>{BN}				{ lineCount(); }
+<BasesProt>.				{ unput(*yytext); BEGIN(Bases); }
+<Bases>("::")?{BN}*({ID}{BN}*"::"{BN}*)*{ID}	{ 
+                                          QCString baseScope = yytext;
+                                          if (insideCS && baseScope.stripWhiteSpace()=="where")
+					  { 
+					    // type contraint for a class
+                                            delete current->typeConstr;
+                                            current->typeConstr = new ArgumentList;
+					    current->typeConstr->append(new Argument);
+					    lastCSConstraint = YY_START;
+					    BEGIN( CSConstraintName );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    baseName+=yytext;
+					    current->args += ' ';
+					    current->args += yytext;
+					  }
+					}
+<Bases>{BN}*{ID}("."{ID})*		{ // Java style class
+    					  QCString name = substitute(yytext,".","::");
+					  baseName += name;
+					  current->args += ' ';
+					  current->args += name;
+    					}
+<ClassVar,Bases>\n/{BN}*[^{, \t\n]	{
+                                          if (!insideObjC) 
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    yyLineNr++;
+					    unput('{');
+					  }
+					}
+<ClassVar,Bases>"@end"			{ // empty ObjC interface
+  					  unput('d'); // insert fake body: {}@end
+  					  unput('n'); 
+  					  unput('e'); 
+  					  unput('@'); 
+  					  unput('}'); 
+  					  unput('{');
+					}
+<ClassVar>"<"   	                { current->name += *yytext;
+  					  sharpCount=1; 
+					  roundCount=0;
+					  lastSkipSharpContext = YY_START;
+					  specName = &current->name;
+					  BEGIN ( Specialization );
+					}
+<Bases>"<"   	       	                { 
+  					  sharpCount=1; 
+					  roundCount=0;
+					  lastSkipSharpContext = YY_START;
+					  if (insideObjC) // start of protocol list
+					  {
+					    unput(',');
+					  }
+					  else // template specialization
+					  {
+                                            baseName += *yytext;
+					    specName = &baseName;
+					    BEGIN ( Specialization );
+					  }
+					}
+<Specialization>"<"			{ *specName += *yytext;
+  					  if (roundCount==0) sharpCount++;
+  					}
+<Specialization>">"			{
+  					  *specName += *yytext;
+  					  if (roundCount==0 && --sharpCount<=0)
+					    BEGIN(lastSkipSharpContext);
+  					}
+<Specialization>{BN}+			{ lineCount(); *specName +=' '; }
+<Specialization>"<<"			{ *specName += yytext; }
+<Specialization>">>"/{B}*"::"		{ // M$ C++ extension to allow >> to close a template...
+  					  unput('>');
+  					  unput(' ');
+  					  unput('>');
+                                        }
+<Specialization>">>"			{
+                                          if (insideCS) // for C# >> ends a nested template
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+					  else // for C++ >> is a bitshift 
+					       // operator and > > would end 
+					       // a nested template.
+					       // We require the bitshift to be enclosed in braces.
+					       // See http://www.open-std.org/jtc1/sc22/wg21/docs/papers/2005/n1757.html
+					  {
+					    if (roundCount>0)
+					    {
+                                              *specName += yytext; 
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+  					      unput('>');
+  					      unput(' ');
+  					      unput('>');
+					    }
+					  }
+                                        }
+<Specialization>"typename"{BN}+		{ lineCount(); }
+<Specialization>"("			{ *specName += *yytext; roundCount++; }
+<Specialization>")"			{ *specName += *yytext; roundCount--; }
+<Specialization>.			{
+  					  *specName += *yytext;
+  					}
+<SkipSharp>"<"				{ ++sharpCount; }
+<SkipSharp>">"				{ if (--sharpCount<=0)
+					    BEGIN ( lastSkipSharpContext );
+					}
+<SkipRound>"("				{ ++roundCount; }
+<SkipRound>")"				{ if (--roundCount<=0)
+					    BEGIN ( lastSkipRoundContext );
+					}
+<Bases>","|(">"({BN}*"{")?)|({BN}+"implements"{BN}*)	{ lineCount();
+                                          if (insideProtocolList)
+					  {
+					    baseName+="-p";
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+                                            current->args += ',' ; 
+					  }
+					  current->name = removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->name);
+  					  if (!baseName.isEmpty())
+					  {
+  					    current->extends->append(
+					      new BaseInfo(baseName,baseProt,baseVirt)
+					    );
+					  }
+					  if ((current->spec & Entry::Interface) || 
+					      insideJava || insidePHP || insideCS || 
+					      insideD || insideObjC)
+					  {
+					    baseProt=Public;
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    baseProt=Private;
+					  }
+					  baseVirt=Normal;
+					  baseName.resize(0);
+                                          if (*yytext=='>')
+					  { // end of a ObjC protocol list
+  					    insideProtocolList=FALSE;
+					    if (yyleng==1)
+					    {
+					      unput('{'); // dummy start body
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      yyless(1);
+					    }
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    if (*yytext==',' && insideObjC) // Begin of protocol list
+					    {
+  					      insideProtocolList=TRUE;
+					    }
+					    BEGIN(BasesProt);
+					  }
+					}
+<Bases>{B}*"{"{B}*			{ current->fileName = yyFileName ;
+					  current->startLine = yyLineNr ;
+					  current->name = removeRedundantWhiteSpace(current->name);
+  					  if (!baseName.isEmpty())
+  					    current->extends->append(
+					      new BaseInfo(baseName,baseProt,baseVirt)
+					    );
+					  curlyCount=0;
+					  if (insideObjC)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( ReadBodyIntf );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    BEGIN( ReadBody ) ;
+					  }
+					}
+<SkipUnionSwitch>{B}*"("		{
+  					  roundCount++;
+  					}
+<SkipUnionSwitch>")"			{
+  					  if (--roundCount==0)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN(ClassVar);
+					  }
+  					}
+<SkipUnionSwitch>\n			{ yyLineNr++; }
+<Comment>{BN}+				{ current->program += yytext ;
+					  lineCount() ;
+					}
+<Comment>"/*"				{ current->program += yytext ; } 
+<Comment>"//"				{ current->program += yytext ; }
+<Comment>{CMD}("code"|"verbatim")	{
+                                          insideCode=TRUE;
+  					  current->program += yytext ;
+  					}
+<Comment>{CMD}("endcode"|"endverbatim")	{
+                                          insideCode=FALSE;
+  					  current->program += yytext ;
+  					}
+<Comment>[^ \.\t\r\n\/\*]+		{ current->program += yytext ; }
+<Comment>"*/"				{ current->program += yytext ;
+					  if (!insideCode) BEGIN( lastContext ) ;
+					}
+<Comment>.				{ current->program += *yytext ; }
+<FindMembers,FindFields,MemberSpec,FuncQual,SkipCurly,Operator,ClassVar,SkipInits,Bases,OldStyleArgs>("//"{B}*)?"/*!" { 
+  					  //printf("Start doc block at %d\n",yyLineNr);
+					  removeSlashes=(yytext[1]=='/');
+					  tmpDocType=-1;
+					  if (!current->doc.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    current->doc+="\n\n";
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    current->docLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->docFile = yyFileName;
+					  }
+					  lastDocContext = YY_START;
+					  if (current_root->section & Entry::SCOPE_MASK)
+                                          {
+					    current->inside = current_root->name+"::";
+                                          }
+					  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+					  docBlockInBody    = YY_START==SkipCurly;
+					  docBlockAutoBrief = Config_getBool("QT_AUTOBRIEF");
+					  docBlock.resize(0);
+					  if (docBlockAutoBrief)
+					  {
+					    current->briefLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->briefFile = yyFileName;
+					  }
+					  startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+					  BEGIN( DocBlock );
+					}
+<FindMembers,FindFields,MemberSpec,FuncQual,SkipCurly,Operator,ClassVar,SkipInits,Bases,OldStyleArgs>("//"{B}*)?"/**"/[^/*] {
+  					  removeSlashes=(yytext[1]=='/');
+					  lastDocContext = YY_START;
+					  //printf("Found comment block at %s:%d\n",yyFileName,yyLineNr);
+					  if (current_root->section & Entry::SCOPE_MASK)
+                                          {
+					    current->inside = current_root->name+"::";
+                                          }
+					  current->docLine = yyLineNr;
+					  current->docFile = yyFileName;
+					  docBlockContext = YY_START;
+					  docBlockInBody  = YY_START==SkipCurly;
+					  docBlockAutoBrief = Config_getBool("JAVADOC_AUTOBRIEF");
+					  docBlock.resize(0);
+					  if (docBlockAutoBrief)
+					  {
+					    current->briefLine = yyLineNr;
+					    current->briefFile = yyFileName;
+					  }
+					  startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+					  BEGIN( DocBlock );
+  					}
+<FindMembers,FindFields,MemberSpec,SkipCurly,FuncQual,Operator,ClassVar,Bases,OldStyleArgs>"//!" { 
+					  tmpDocType=-1;
+					  lastDocContext = YY_START;
+					  if (current_root->section & Entry::SCOPE_MASK)
+                                          {
+					    current->inside = current_root->name+"::";
+                                          }
+					  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+					  docBlockInBody    = YY_START==SkipCurly;
+					  docBlockAutoBrief = FALSE;
+					  docBlock.resize(0);
+					  startCommentBlock(current->brief.isEmpty());
+					  BEGIN( DocLine );
+					}
+<FindMembers,FindFields,MemberSpec,SkipCurly,FuncQual,Operator,ClassVar,Bases,OldStyleArgs>"///"/[^/] { 
+					  tmpDocType=-1;
+					  lastDocContext = YY_START;
+					  if (current_root->section & Entry::SCOPE_MASK)
+                                          {
+					    current->inside = current_root->name+"::";
+                                          }
+					  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+					  docBlockInBody    = YY_START==SkipCurly;
+					  docBlockAutoBrief = FALSE;
+					  docBlock.resize(0);
+					  startCommentBlock(current->brief.isEmpty());
+					  BEGIN( DocLine );
+					}
+<FindMembers>"extern"{BN}*"\"C"("++")?"\""{BN}*("{")?  {
+					  lineCount();
+					  externC=TRUE;
+					}
+<FindMembers>"{"			{
+                                          if (externC) 
+					  {
+					    externC=FALSE;
+					  }
+                                          else if (insideCS &&    
+					      !current->name.isEmpty() && 
+					      !current->type.isEmpty())
+					  {
+					    if (containsWord(current->type,"event")) // event
+					    {
+  					      current->mtype = mtype = Event;
+					    }
+					    else // property
+					    {				
+  					      current->mtype = mtype = Property;
+					    }
+					    current->bodyLine = yyLineNr;
+					    curlyCount=0;
+					    BEGIN( CSAccessorDecl );
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    if ((insideJava || insideCS || insideD) &&
+						current->name.isEmpty()
+					       )
+					    {
+					      // static Java initializer
+					      needsSemi = FALSE;
+					      if (current->stat)
+					      {
+						current->name="[static initializer]";
+						current->type.resize(0);
+					      }
+					      else
+					      {
+						current->name="[instance initializer]";
+					      }
+                                              unput(*yytext); 
+					      BEGIN( Function );
+					    }
+					    else
+					    {
+					      needsSemi = TRUE;
+					      current->type.resize(0);
+					      current->name.resize(0);
+					      current->args.resize(0);
+					      current->argList->clear();
+					      curlyCount=0;
+					      BEGIN( SkipCurlyBlock );
+					    }
+					  }
+  					}
+<CSAccessorDecl>"{"			{ curlyCount++; }
+<CSAccessorDecl>"}"			{ 
+                                          if (curlyCount) 
+                                          {
+                                            curlyCount--; 
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+  					    mtype = Method;
+                                            unput(';');
+					    BEGIN(FindMembers);
+					  }
+                                        }
+<CSAccessorDecl>"set"			{ if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::Settable;  }
+<CSAccessorDecl>"get"			{ if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::Gettable;  }
+<CSAccessorDecl>"add"			{ if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::Addable;   }
+<CSAccessorDecl>"remove"		{ if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::Removable; }
+<CSAccessorDecl>"raise"			{ if (curlyCount==0) current->spec |= Entry::Raisable;  }
+<CSAccessorDecl>.			{}
+<CSAccessorDecl>\n			{ yyLineNr++; }
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ /******************** Documentation block related rules ***************************/
+ /**********************************************************************************/
+ /* ---- Single line comments ------ */
+<DocLine>[^\n]*"\n"[ \t]*"//"[/!]       { // continuation of multiline C++-style comment
+				           docBlock+=yytext;
+          		                   docBlock.resize(docBlock.size() - 3);
+					   yyLineNr++;
+                                        }
+<DocLine>[^\n]*/"\n"			{ // whole line
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+					  handleCommentBlock(docBlock,current->brief.isEmpty());
+					  BEGIN( docBlockContext );
+  					}
+ /* ---- Comments blocks ------ */
+<DocBlock>"*"*"*/"			{ // end of comment block
+  				          handleCommentBlock(docBlock,FALSE);
+					  BEGIN(docBlockContext);
+  					}
+<DocBlock>^{B}*("//")?{B}*"*"+/[^//]	{ // start of a comment line
+  					}
+<DocBlock>^{B}*("//"){B}*		{ // strip embedded C++ comments if at the start of a line
+  					}
+<DocBlock>"//"				{ // slashes in the middle of a comment block
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+  					}
+<DocBlock>"/*"				{ // start of a new comment in the 
+                                          // middle of a comment block
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+  					}
+<DocBlock>("@@"|"\\\\"){ID}/[^a-z_A-Z0-9] { // escaped command
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+  					}
+<DocBlock>{CMD}("f$"|"f["|"f{")	        {
+                                          docBlock+=yytext;
+				          docBlockName=&yytext[1];
+					  if (docBlockName.at(1)=='{')
+					  {
+				            docBlockName.at(1)='}';
+					  }
+  					  BEGIN(DocCopyBlock);
+                                        }
+<DocBlock>"<"{PRE}">"			{
+                                          docBlock+=yytext;
+				          docBlockName="<pre>";
+  					  BEGIN(DocCopyBlock);
+  					}
+<DocBlock>{CMD}("verbatim"|"latexonly"|"htmlonly"|"xmlonly"|"manonly"|"dot"|"code")/[^a-z_A-Z0-9]	{ // verbatim command (which could contain nested comments!)
+                                          docBlock+=yytext;
+				          docBlockName=&yytext[1];
+  					  BEGIN(DocCopyBlock);
+  					}
+<DocBlock>{B}*"<code>"                  {
+  					  if (insideCS)
+					  {
+					    docBlock+=yytext;
+					    docBlockName="<code>";
+					    BEGIN(DocCopyBlock);
+					  }
+					  else
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+  					}
+<DocBlock>[^@*\/\\\n]+			{ // any character that isn't special
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+  					}
+<DocBlock>\n				{ // newline
+  					  yyLineNr++;
+					  docBlock+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<DocBlock>.				{ // command block
+					  docBlock+=*yytext;
+  					}
+ /* ---- Copy verbatim sections ------ */
+<DocCopyBlock>"</"{PRE}">"		{ // end of a <pre> block
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+					  if (docBlockName=="<pre>")
+					  {
+  					    BEGIN(DocBlock);
+					  }
+  					}
+<DocCopyBlock>"</"{CODE}">"		{ // end of a <code> block
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+					  if (docBlockName=="<code>")
+					  {
+  					    BEGIN(DocBlock);
+					  }
+  					}
+<DocCopyBlock>[\\@]("f$"|"f]"|"f}")     {
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+					  BEGIN(DocBlock);
+  					}
+<DocCopyBlock>[\\@]("endverbatim"|"endlatexonly"|"endhtmlonly"|"endxmlonly"|"endmanonly"|"enddot"|"endcode")/[^a-z_A-Z0-9] { // end of verbatim block
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+					  if (&yytext[4]==docBlockName)
+					  {
+  					    BEGIN(DocBlock);
+					  }
+  					}
+<DocCopyBlock>^{B}*"*"+/{BN}+		{ // start of a comment line
+  					  if (docBlockName=="verbatim")
+					  {
+					    REJECT;
+					  }
+  					}
+<DocCopyBlock>[^\<@/*\]\$\\\n]+		{ // any character that is not special
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+  					}
+<DocCopyBlock>"/*"|"*/"|"//"		{
+  					  docBlock+=yytext;
+					}
+<DocCopyBlock>\n			{ // newline
+  					  docBlock+=*yytext;
+					  yyLineNr++;
+  					}
+<DocCopyBlock>.				{ // any other character
+  					  docBlock+=*yytext;
+  					}
+<DocCopyBlock><<EOF>>			{
+  					  warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,
+					      "Warning: reached end of file while inside a %s block!\n"
+					      "The command that should end the block seems to be missing!\n",
+					      docBlockName.data());
+  					  yyterminate();
+  					}
+    /* ------------- Prototype parser -------------- */
+<Prototype>"operator"{B}*"("{B}*")"	{
+  					  current->name+=yytext;
+  					}
+<Prototype>"("			       {
+  					  current->args+=*yytext;
+					  currentArgumentContext = PrototypeQual;
+					  fullArgString = current->args.copy();
+					  copyArgString = &current->args;
+					  BEGIN( ReadFuncArgType ) ;
+  					}
+<Prototype>"("({ID}"::")*({B}*[&*])+	{
+  					  current->type+=current->name+yytext;
+					  current->name.resize(0);
+  					  BEGIN( PrototypePtr );
+  					}
+<PrototypePtr>{SCOPENAME}		{
+  					  current->name+=yytext;
+  					}
+<PrototypePtr>"("			{
+  					  current->args+=*yytext;
+					  currentArgumentContext = PrototypeQual;
+					  fullArgString = current->args.copy();
+					  copyArgString = &current->args;
+					  BEGIN( ReadFuncArgType ) ;
+  					}
+<PrototypePtr>")"			{
+  					  current->type+=')';
+  					  BEGIN( Prototype );
+  					}
+<PrototypePtr>.				{
+  					  current->name+=yytext;
+  					}
+<PrototypeQual>"{"			{
+  					  BEGIN( PrototypeSkipLine);
+  					}
+<PrototypeQual>{B}*"const"{B}*    	{ 
+  					  current->args += " const "; 
+					  current->argList->constSpecifier=TRUE;
+					}
+<PrototypeQual>{B}*"volatile"{B}* 	{ 
+  					  current->args += " volatile "; 
+					  current->argList->volatileSpecifier=TRUE;
+					}
+<PrototypeQual>{B}*"="{B}*"0"{B}*	{ 
+					  current->args += " = 0"; 
+					  current->virt = Pure; 
+					  current->argList->pureSpecifier=TRUE;
+					}
+<PrototypeQual>"throw"{B}*"("	        {
+  					  current->exception = "throw(";
+					  BEGIN(PrototypeExc);
+  					}
+<PrototypeExc>")"			{
+  					  current->exception += ')';
+					  BEGIN(PrototypeQual);
+  					}
+<PrototypeExc>.			        {
+  					  current->exception += *yytext;
+  					}
+<PrototypeQual>.			{
+  					  current->args += *yytext;
+  					}
+<Prototype>.	                        {
+  					  current->name += *yytext;
+  					}
+<PrototypeSkipLine>.			{
+  					}
+  /* ------------ Generic rules -------------- */
+<SkipCxxComment>.*"\\\n"		{  // line continuation
+  					  yyLineNr++; 
+  					}
+<SkipCxxComment>.*/\n			{ 
+					  BEGIN( lastCContext ) ;
+					}
+<*>\n					{ yyLineNr++ ; }
+<*>\"					{
+					  if (insideIDL && insideCppQuote)
+					  {
+					    BEGIN(EndCppQuote);
+					  }
+					}
+<*>"#"				        {	
+  					  if (!insidePHP)
+  					    REJECT;
+  					  lastCContext = YY_START ;
+					  BEGIN( SkipCxxComment ) ;
+					}
+<*>\'					{
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+  					    lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(SkipPHPString);
+					  }
+  					}
+<*>\"					{
+  					  if (insidePHP)
+					  {
+  					    lastStringContext=YY_START;
+					    BEGIN(SkipString);
+					  }
+  					}
+<*>"/*"					{ lastCContext = YY_START ;
+					  BEGIN( SkipComment ) ;
+					}
+<SkipComment>{B}*"*/"			{ BEGIN( lastCContext ) ; }
+<*>"//"				        {	
+  					  lastCContext = YY_START ;
+					  BEGIN( SkipCxxComment ) ;
+					}
+static void startCommentBlock(bool brief)
+  if (brief)
+  {
+    current->briefFile = yyFileName;
+    current->briefLine = yyLineNr;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    current->docFile = yyFileName;
+    current->docLine = yyLineNr;
+  }
+static void newEntry()
+  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+  previous = current;
+  current = new Entry ;
+  initEntry();
+static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief)
+  static bool hideInBodyDocs = Config_getBool("HIDE_IN_BODY_DOCS");
+  int position=0;
+  bool needsEntry=FALSE;
+  if (docBlockInBody && hideInBodyDocs) return;
+  //printf("parseCommentBlock [%s]\n",doc.data());
+  int lineNr = brief ? current->briefLine : current->docLine;   // line of block start
+  while (parseCommentBlock(
+	g_thisParser,
+	docBlockInBody && previous ? previous : current,
+	doc,        // text
+	yyFileName, // file
+	lineNr,     // line of block start
+	docBlockInBody ? FALSE : brief, 
+	docBlockInBody ? FALSE : docBlockAutoBrief,
+	docBlockInBody,
+	protection,
+        position,
+        needsEntry
+        )
+     ) 
+  {
+    //printf("parseCommentBlock position=%d [%s]\n",position,doc.data()+position);
+    if (needsEntry) newEntry();
+  }
+  if (needsEntry)
+  {
+    newEntry();
+  }
+  if (docBlockTerm)
+  {
+    unput(docBlockTerm);
+    docBlockTerm=0;
+  }
+static void handleParametersCommentBlocks(ArgumentList *al)
+  //printf(">>>>>>> handleParametersCommentBlocks()\n");
+  ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
+  Argument *a;
+  for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
+  {
+    //printf("    Param %s docs=%s\n",a->name.data(),a->docs.data());
+    if (!a->docs.isEmpty())
+    {
+      int position=0;
+      bool needsEntry;
+      // save context
+      QCString orgDoc   = current->doc;
+      QCString orgBrief = current->brief;
+      int orgDocLine    = current->docLine;
+      int orgBriefLine  = current->briefLine;
+      current->doc.resize(0);
+      current->brief.resize(0);
+      //printf("handleParametersCommentBlock [%s]\n",doc.data());
+      while (parseCommentBlock(
+	     g_thisParser,
+	     current,
+	     a->docs,            // text
+	     yyFileName,         // file
+	     current->docLine,   // line of block start
+	     FALSE, 
+	     FALSE,
+	     FALSE,
+	     protection,
+	     position,
+	     needsEntry
+	    )
+	  ) 
+      {
+	//printf("handleParametersCommentBlock position=%d [%s]\n",position,doc.data()+position);
+	if (needsEntry) newEntry();
+      }
+      if (needsEntry)
+      {
+	newEntry();
+      }
+      a->docs = current->doc;
+      // restore context
+      current->doc       = orgDoc;
+      current->brief     = orgBrief;
+      current->docLine   = orgDocLine;
+      current->briefLine = orgBriefLine;
+    }
+  }
+static void parseCompounds(Entry *rt)
+  //printf("parseCompounds(%s)\n",rt->name.data());
+  g_inputFromFile = FALSE;
+  EntryListIterator eli(*rt->children());
+  Entry *ce;
+  for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
+  {
+    if (!ce->program.isEmpty())
+    {
+      //printf("-- %s ---------\n%s\n---------------\n",
+      //  ce->name.data(),ce->program.data());
+      // init scanner state
+      padCount=0;
+      depthIf = 0;
+      inputString = ce->program;
+      inputPosition = 0;
+      scanYYrestart( scanYYin ) ;
+      if (ce->section==Entry::ENUM_SEC)
+	BEGIN( FindFields ) ;
+      else
+	BEGIN( FindMembers ) ;
+      current_root = ce ;
+      yyFileName = ce->fileName;
+      //setContext();
+      yyLineNr = ce->startLine ;
+      insideObjC = ce->objc;
+      //printf("---> Inner block starts at line %d objC=%d\n",yyLineNr,insideObjC);
+      //current->reset();
+      if (current) delete current;
+      current = new Entry;
+      gstat = FALSE;
+      int ni=ce->name.findRev("::"); if (ni==-1) ni=0; else ni+=2;
+      // set default protection based on the compound type
+      if( ce->section==Entry::CLASS_SEC ) // class
+      {
+        if (insidePHP || insideD || insideJS)
+	{
+          current->protection = protection = Public ; 
+	}
+	else if (insideJava)
+	{
+          current->protection = protection = Package ; 
+	}
+	else if (ce->spec&(Entry::Interface | Entry::Ref | Entry::Value | Entry::Struct | Entry::Union))
+	{
+	  if (ce->objc)
+	  {
+	    current->protection = protection = Protected ;
+	  }
+	  else
+	  {
+	    current->protection = protection = Public ;
+	  }
+	}
+	else 
+	{
+          current->protection = protection = Private ;
+	}
+      }
+      else if (ce->section == Entry::ENUM_SEC ) // enum
+      {
+	current->protection = protection = ce->protection;
+      }
+      else if (!ce->name.isEmpty() && ce->name.at(ni)=='@') // unnamed union or namespace
+      {
+	if (ce->section == Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC ) // unnamed namespace
+	{
+          current->stat = gstat = TRUE;
+	}
+	current->protection = protection = ce->protection;
+      }
+      else // named struct, union, protocol, category
+      {
+	current->protection = protection = Public ;
+      }
+      mtype = Method;
+      virt = Normal;
+      //printf("name=%s current->stat=%d gstat=%d\n",ce->name.data(),current->stat,gstat);
+      //memberGroupId = DOX_NOGROUP;
+      //memberGroupRelates.resize(0);
+      //memberGroupInside.resize(0);
+      groupEnterCompound(yyFileName,yyLineNr,ce->name);
+      scanYYlex() ;
+      g_lexInit=TRUE;
+      //forceEndGroup();
+      groupLeaveCompound(yyFileName,yyLineNr,ce->name);
+      delete current; current=0;
+      ce->program.resize(0);
+      if (depthIf>0)
+      {
+	warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,"Documentation block ended in the middle of a conditional section!");
+      }
+    }
+    parseCompounds(ce);
+  }
+static void parseMain(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *rt)
+  initParser();
+  //g_inputFromFile = TRUE;
+  inputString = fileBuf;
+  inputPosition = 0;
+  g_inputFromFile = FALSE;
+  //anonCount     = 0;  // don't reset per file
+  depthIf       = 0;
+  protection    = Public;
+  mtype         = Method;
+  gstat         = FALSE;
+  virt          = Normal;
+  current_root  = rt;
+  global_root   = rt;
+  inputFile.setName(fileName);
+  if (inputFile.open(IO_ReadOnly))
+  {
+    yyLineNr= 1 ; 
+    yyFileName = fileName;
+    setContext();
+    msg("Parsing file %s...\n",yyFileName.data());
+    current_root  = rt ;
+    initParser();
+    groupEnterFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
+    current       = new Entry;
+    //printf("current=%p current_root=%p\n",current,current_root);
+    int sec=guessSection(yyFileName);
+    if (sec)
+    {
+      current->name    = yyFileName;
+      current->section = sec;
+      current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+      current          = new Entry;
+    }
+    current->reset();
+    scanYYrestart( scanYYin );
+    if ( insidePHP )
+    {
+      BEGIN( FindMembersPHP );
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      BEGIN( FindMembers );
+    }
+    scanYYlex();
+    g_lexInit=TRUE;
+    if (YY_START==Comment)
+    {
+      warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,"File ended in the middle of a comment block! Perhaps a missing \\endcode?");
+    }
+    //forceEndGroup();
+    groupLeaveFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
+    if (depthIf>0)
+    {
+      warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,"Documentation block ended in the middle of a conditional section!");
+    }
+    rt->program.resize(0);
+    delete current; current=0;
+    parseCompounds(rt);
+    inputFile.close();
+    anonNSCount++;
+  }
+static void parsePrototype(const QCString &text)
+  //printf("**** parsePrototype(%s) begin\n",text.data());
+  if (text.isEmpty()) 
+  {
+    warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,"Empty prototype found!");
+    return;
+  }
+  const char *orgInputString;
+  int orgInputPosition;
+  YY_BUFFER_STATE orgState;
+  bool orgInputFromFile;
+  // save scanner state
+  orgState = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
+  yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(scanYYin, YY_BUF_SIZE));
+  orgInputString = inputString; 
+  orgInputPosition = inputPosition;
+  orgInputFromFile = g_inputFromFile;
+  // set new string
+  inputString = text;
+  inputPosition = 0;
+  g_inputFromFile = FALSE;
+  scanYYrestart( scanYYin );
+  BEGIN(Prototype);
+  scanYYlex();
+  g_lexInit=TRUE;
+  current->name = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+  if (current->section == Entry::MEMBERDOC_SEC && current->args.isEmpty())
+    current->section = Entry::VARIABLEDOC_SEC;
+  // restore original scanner state
+  yy_switch_to_buffer(orgState);
+  yy_delete_buffer(tmpState);
+  inputString = orgInputString; 
+  inputPosition = orgInputPosition;
+  g_inputFromFile = orgInputFromFile;
+  //printf("**** parsePrototype end\n");
+void scanFreeScanner()
+  if (g_lexInit)
+  {
+    scanYYlex_destroy();
+  }
+//static void handleGroupStartCommand(const char *header)
+//  memberGroupHeader=header;
+//  startGroupInDoc();
+//static void handleGroupEndCommand()
+//  endGroup();
+//  previous=0;
+void CLanguageScanner::parseInput(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *root)
+  g_thisParser = this;
+  ::parseMain(fileName,fileBuf,root);
+void CLanguageScanner::parseCode(CodeOutputInterface & codeOutIntf,
+                   const char * scopeName,
+                   const QCString & input,
+                   bool isExampleBlock,
+                   const char * exampleName,
+                   FileDef * fileDef,
+                   int startLine,
+                   int endLine,
+                   bool inlineFragment,
+		   MemberDef *memberDef
+                  )
+  ::parseCCode(codeOutIntf,scopeName,input,isExampleBlock,exampleName,
+               fileDef,startLine,endLine,inlineFragment,memberDef);
+bool CLanguageScanner::needsPreprocessing(const QCString &extension)
+  QCString fe=extension.lower();
+  return 
+   !( fe==".java" || fe==".as"  || fe==".d"    || fe==".php" || 
+      fe==".php4" || fe==".inc" || fe==".phtml" 
+    );
+void CLanguageScanner::resetCodeParserState()
+  ::resetCCodeParserState();
+void CLanguageScanner::parsePrototype(const char *text)
+  ::parsePrototype(text);
+extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
+  void scannerYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); } 