changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/dot.cpp	Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3608 @@
+ *
+ * 
+ *
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include "dot.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "defargs.h"
+#include "docparser.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "pagedef.h"
+#include "portable.h"
+#include "dirdef.h"
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <md5.h>
+#define MAP_CMD "cmapx"
+//#define FONTNAME "FreeSans"
+#define FONTNAME getDotFontName()
+#define FONTSIZE getDotFontSize()
+static const int maxCmdLine = 40960;
+/*! mapping from protection levels to color names */
+static const char *edgeColorMap[] =
+  "midnightblue",  // Public
+  "darkgreen",     // Protected
+  "firebrick4",    // Private
+  "darkorchid3",   // "use" relation
+  "grey75",        // Undocumented
+  "orange"         // template relation
+static const char *arrowStyle[] =
+  "empty",         // Public
+  "empty",         // Protected
+  "empty",         // Private
+  "open",          // "use" relation
+  0,               // Undocumented
+  0                // template relation
+static const char *edgeStyleMap[] =
+  "solid",         // inheritance
+  "dashed"         // usage
+static QCString getDotFontName()
+  static QCString dotFontName = Config_getString("DOT_FONTNAME");
+  if (dotFontName.isEmpty()) dotFontName="FreeSans";
+  return dotFontName;
+static int getDotFontSize()
+  static int dotFontSize = Config_getInt("DOT_FONTSIZE");
+  if (dotFontSize<4) dotFontSize=4;
+  return dotFontSize;
+static void writeGraphHeader(QTextStream &t)
+  t << "digraph G" << endl;
+  t << "{" << endl;
+  if (Config_getBool("DOT_TRANSPARENT"))
+  {
+    t << "  bgcolor=\"transparent\";" << endl;
+  }
+  t << "  edge [fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\","
+       "fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\","
+       "labelfontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\","
+       "labelfontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\"];\n";
+  t << "  node [fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\","
+       "fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",shape=record];\n";
+static void writeGraphFooter(QTextStream &t)
+  t << "}" << endl;
+/*! converts the rectangles in a client site image map into a stream
+ *  \param t the stream to which the result is written.
+ *  \param mapName the name of the map file.
+ *  \param relPath the relative path to the root of the output directory
+ *                 (used in case CREATE_SUBDIRS is enabled).
+ *  \param urlOnly if FALSE the url field in the map contains an external
+ *                 references followed by a $ and then the URL.
+ *  \param context the context (file, class, or namespace) in which the
+ *                 map file was found
+ *  \returns TRUE if succesful.
+ */
+static bool convertMapFile(QTextStream &t,const char *mapName,
+                           const QCString relPath, bool urlOnly=FALSE,
+                           const QString &context=QString())
+  QFile f(mapName);
+  if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) 
+  {
+    err("Error opening map file %s for inclusion in the docs!\n"
+        "If you installed Graphviz/dot after a previous failing run, \n"
+        "try deleting the output directory and rerun doxygen.\n",mapName);
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  const int maxLineLen=10240;
+  while (!f.atEnd()) // foreach line
+  {
+    QCString buf(maxLineLen);
+    int numBytes = f.readLine(buf.data(),maxLineLen);
+    buf[numBytes-1]='\0';
+    if (buf.left(5)=="<area")
+    {
+      // search for href="...", store ... part in link
+      int indexS = buf.find("href=\""), indexE;
+      if (indexS!=-1 && (indexE=buf.find('"',indexS+6))!=-1)
+      {
+        QCString link = buf.mid(indexS+6,indexE-indexS-6);
+        QCString result;
+        QCString *dest;
+        if (urlOnly) // for user defined dot graphs
+        {
+          if (link.left(5)=="\\ref ") // \ref url
+          {
+            result="href=\"";
+            // fake ref node to resolve the url
+            DocRef *df = new DocRef( (DocNode*) 0, link.mid(5), context );
+            if (!df->ref().isEmpty())
+            {
+              if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[df->ref()])) 
+                result += *dest + "/";
+            }
+            else if (!relPath.isEmpty())
+            {
+              result += relPath;
+            }
+            if (!df->file().isEmpty())  
+              result += df->file().data() + Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+            if (!df->anchor().isEmpty()) 
+              result += "#" + df->anchor();
+            delete df;
+            result += "\"";
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            result = "href=\"" + link + "\"";
+          }
+        }
+        else // ref$url (external ref via tag file), or $url (local ref)
+        {
+          int marker = link.find('$');
+          if (marker!=-1)
+          {
+            QCString ref = link.left(marker);
+            QCString url = link.mid(marker+1);
+            if (!ref.isEmpty())
+            {
+              result = "doxygen=\"" + ref + ":";
+              if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[ref])) result += *dest + "/";
+              result += "\" ";
+            }
+            result+= "href=\"";
+            if (!ref.isEmpty())
+            {
+              if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[ref])) result += *dest + "/";
+            }
+            else if (!relPath.isEmpty())
+            {
+              result += relPath;
+            }
+            result+= url + "\"";
+          }
+          else // should not happen, but handle properly anyway
+          {
+            result = "href=\"" + link + "\"";
+          }
+        }
+        QCString leftPart = buf.left(indexS);
+        QCString rightPart = buf.mid(indexE+1);
+        buf = leftPart + result + rightPart;
+      }
+      t << buf;
+    }
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+static QArray<int> s_newNumber;
+static int s_max_newNumber=0;
+inline int reNumberNode(int number, bool doReNumbering)
+  if (!doReNumbering) 
+  {
+    return number;
+  } 
+  else 
+  {
+    int s = s_newNumber.size();
+    if (number>=s) 
+    {
+      int ns=0;
+      ns = s * 3 / 2 + 5; // new size
+      if (number>=ns) // number still doesn't fit
+      {
+        ns = number * 3 / 2 + 5;
+      }
+      s_newNumber.resize(ns);
+      for (int i=s;i<ns;i++) // clear new part of the array
+      {
+        s_newNumber.at(i)=0;
+      }
+    }
+    int i = s_newNumber.at(number);
+    if (i == 0) // not yet mapped
+    {
+      i = ++s_max_newNumber; // start from 1
+      s_newNumber.at(number) = i;
+    }
+    return i;
+  }
+static void resetReNumbering() 
+  s_max_newNumber=0;
+  s_newNumber.resize(s_max_newNumber);
+static QCString g_dotFontPath;
+static void setDotFontPath(const char *path)
+  ASSERT(g_dotFontPath.isEmpty());
+  g_dotFontPath = portable_getenv("DOTFONTPATH");
+  QCString newFontPath = Config_getString("DOT_FONTPATH");
+  if (!newFontPath.isEmpty() && path)
+  {
+    newFontPath.prepend(path+portable_pathListSeparator());
+  }
+  else if (newFontPath.isEmpty() && path)
+  {
+    newFontPath=path;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    portable_unsetenv("DOTFONTPATH");
+    return;
+  }
+  portable_setenv("DOTFONTPATH",newFontPath);
+static void unsetDotFontPath()
+  portable_setenv("DOTFONTPATH",g_dotFontPath);
+  g_dotFontPath="";
+static bool readBoundingBoxEPS(const char *fileName,int *width,int *height)
+  QCString bb("%%PageBoundingBox:");
+  QFile f(fileName);
+  if (!f.open(IO_ReadOnly)) return FALSE;
+  const int maxLineLen=1024;
+  char buf[maxLineLen];
+  while (!f.atEnd())
+  {
+    int numBytes = f.readLine(buf,maxLineLen-1); // read line
+    buf[numBytes]='\0';
+    if (strncmp(buf,bb.data(),bb.length()-1)==0) // found PageBoundingBox string
+    {
+      int x,y;
+      if (sscanf(buf+bb.length(),"%d %d %d %d",&x,&y,width,height)!=4)
+      {
+        return FALSE;
+      }
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+// since dot silently reproduces the input file when it does not
+// support the PNG format, we need to check the result.
+static void checkDotResult(const QCString &imgName)
+  if (Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT")=="png")
+  {
+    QFile f(imgName);
+    if (f.open(IO_ReadOnly))
+    {
+      char data[4];
+      if (f.readBlock(data,4)==4)
+      {
+        if (!(data[1]=='P' && data[2]=='N' && data[3]=='G'))
+        {
+          err("Error! Image `%s' produced by dot is not a valid PNG!\n"
+              "You should either select a different format "
+              "(DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT in the config file) or install a more "
+              "recent version of graphviz (1.7+)\n",imgName.data()
+             );
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        err("Error: Could not read image `%s' generated by dot!\n",imgName.data());
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      err("Error: Could not open image `%s' generated by dot!\n",imgName.data());
+    }
+  }
+/*! Checks if a file "baseName".md5 exists. If so the contents
+ *  are compared with \a md5. If equal FALSE is returned. If the .md5
+ *  file does not exist or its contents are not equal to \a md5, 
+ *  a new .md5 is generated with the \a md5 string as contents.
+ */
+static bool checkAndUpdateMd5Signature(const QCString &baseName,const QCString &md5)
+  QFile f(baseName+".md5");
+  if (f.open(IO_ReadOnly))
+  {
+    // read checksum
+    QCString md5stored(33);
+    int bytesRead=f.readBlock(md5stored.data(),32);
+    md5stored[32]='\0';
+    // compare checksum
+    if (bytesRead==32 && md5==md5stored)
+    {
+      // bail out if equal
+      return FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  f.close();
+  // create checksum file
+  if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+  {
+    f.writeBlock(md5.data(),32); 
+    f.close();
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+class DotNodeList : public QList<DotNode>
+  public:
+    DotNodeList() : QList<DotNode>() {}
+   ~DotNodeList() {}
+   int compareItems(GCI item1,GCI item2)
+   {
+     return stricmp(((DotNode *)item1)->m_label,((DotNode *)item2)->m_label);
+   }
+DotRunner::DotRunner(const char *file) : m_file(file)
+  m_jobs.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+void DotRunner::addJob(const char *format,const char *output)
+  QCString args = QCString("-T")+format+" -o \""+output+"\"";
+  m_jobs.append(new QCString(args));
+void DotRunner::addPostProcessing(const char *cmd,const char *args)
+  m_postCmd = cmd;
+  m_postArgs = args;
+bool DotRunner::run()
+  int exitCode=0;
+  static QCString dotExe = Config_getString("DOT_PATH")+"dot";
+  QCString dotArgs;
+  QListIterator<QCString> li(m_jobs);
+  QCString *s;
+  if (Config_getBool("DOT_MULTI_TARGETS"))
+  {
+    dotArgs="\""+m_file+"\"";
+    for (li.toFirst();(s=li.current());++li)
+    {
+      dotArgs+=' ';
+      dotArgs+=*s;
+    }
+    if ((exitCode=portable_system(dotExe,dotArgs,FALSE))!=0)
+    {
+      goto error;
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    for (li.toFirst();(s=li.current());++li)
+    {
+      dotArgs="\""+m_file+"\" "+*s;
+      if ((exitCode=portable_system(dotExe,dotArgs,FALSE))!=0)
+      {
+        goto error;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!m_postCmd.isEmpty() && portable_system(m_postCmd,m_postArgs)!=0)
+  {
+    err("Error: Problems running '%s' as a post-processing step for dot output\n",m_postCmd.data());
+    return FALSE;
+  }
+  return TRUE;
+  err("Problems running dot: exit code=%d, command='%s', arguments='%s'\n",
+      exitCode,dotExe.data(),dotArgs.data());
+  return FALSE;
+/*! helper function that deletes all nodes in a connected graph, given
+ *  one of the graph's nodes
+ */
+static void deleteNodes(DotNode *node,SDict<DotNode> *skipNodes=0)
+  //printf("deleteNodes skipNodes=%p\n",skipNodes);
+  static DotNodeList deletedNodes;
+  deletedNodes.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+  node->deleteNode(deletedNodes,skipNodes); // collect nodes to be deleted.
+  deletedNodes.clear(); // actually remove the nodes.
+DotNode::DotNode(int n,const char *lab,const char *tip, const char *url,
+                 bool isRoot,ClassDef *cd)
+  : m_subgraphId(-1)
+  , m_number(n)
+  , m_label(lab)
+  , m_tooltip(tip)
+  , m_url(url)
+  , m_parents(0)
+  , m_children(0)
+  , m_edgeInfo(0)
+  , m_deleted(FALSE)
+  , m_written(FALSE)
+  , m_hasDoc(FALSE)
+  , m_isRoot(isRoot)
+  , m_classDef(cd)
+  , m_visible(FALSE)
+  , m_truncated(Unknown)
+  , m_distance(1000)
+  delete m_children;
+  delete m_parents;
+  delete m_edgeInfo;
+void DotNode::addChild(DotNode *n,
+                       int edgeColor,
+                       int edgeStyle,
+                       const char *edgeLab,
+                       const char *edgeURL,
+                       int edgeLabCol
+                      )
+  if (m_children==0)
+  {
+    m_children = new QList<DotNode>;
+    m_edgeInfo = new QList<EdgeInfo>;
+    m_edgeInfo->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+  }
+  m_children->append(n);
+  EdgeInfo *ei = new EdgeInfo;
+  ei->m_color = edgeColor;
+  ei->m_style = edgeStyle; 
+  ei->m_label = edgeLab;
+  ei->m_url   = edgeURL;
+  if (edgeLabCol==-1)
+    ei->m_labColor=edgeColor;
+  else
+    ei->m_labColor=edgeLabCol;
+  m_edgeInfo->append(ei);
+void DotNode::addParent(DotNode *n)
+  if (m_parents==0)
+  {
+    m_parents = new QList<DotNode>;
+  }
+  m_parents->append(n);
+void DotNode::removeChild(DotNode *n)
+  if (m_children) m_children->remove(n);
+void DotNode::removeParent(DotNode *n)
+  if (m_parents) m_parents->remove(n);
+void DotNode::deleteNode(DotNodeList &deletedList,SDict<DotNode> *skipNodes)
+  if (m_deleted) return; // avoid recursive loops in case the graph has cycles
+  m_deleted=TRUE;
+  if (m_parents!=0) // delete all parent nodes of this node
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnlip(*m_parents);
+    DotNode *pn;
+    for (dnlip.toFirst();(pn=dnlip.current());++dnlip)
+    {
+      //pn->removeChild(this);
+      pn->deleteNode(deletedList,skipNodes);
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_children!=0) // delete all child nodes of this node
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnlic(*m_children);
+    DotNode *cn;
+    for (dnlic.toFirst();(cn=dnlic.current());++dnlic)
+    {
+      //cn->removeParent(this);
+      cn->deleteNode(deletedList,skipNodes);
+    }
+  }
+  // add this node to the list of deleted nodes.
+  //printf("skipNodes=%p find(%p)=%p\n",skipNodes,this,skipNodes ? skipNodes->find((int)this) : 0);
+  if (skipNodes==0 || skipNodes->find((char*)this)==0)
+  {
+    //printf("deleting\n");
+    deletedList.append(this);
+  }
+void DotNode::setDistance(int distance)
+  if (distance<m_distance) m_distance = distance;
+static QCString convertLabel(const QCString &l)
+  QCString result;
+  const char *p=l.data();
+  if (p==0) return result;
+  char c;
+  while ((c=*p++))
+  {
+    switch(c)
+    {
+      case '\\': result+="\\\\"; break;
+      case '\n': result+="\\n"; break;
+      case '<':  result+="\\<"; break;
+      case '>':  result+="\\>"; break;
+      case '|':  result+="\\|"; break;
+      case '{':  result+="\\{"; break;
+      case '}':  result+="\\}"; break;
+      case '"':  result+="\\\""; break;
+      default:   result+=c; break;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+static QCString escapeTooltip(const QCString &tooltip)
+  QCString result;
+  const char *p=tooltip.data();
+  if (p==0) return result;
+  char c;
+  while ((c=*p++))
+  {
+    switch(c)
+    {
+      case '\\': result+="\\\\"; break;
+      default:   result+=c; break;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+static void writeBoxMemberList(QTextStream &t,char prot,MemberList *ml,ClassDef *scope)
+  if (ml)
+  {
+    MemberListIterator mlia(*ml);
+    MemberDef *mma;
+    for (mlia.toFirst();(mma = mlia.current());++mlia)
+    {
+      if (mma->getClassDef() == scope)
+      {
+        t << prot << " " << convertLabel(mma->name());
+        if (!mma->isObjCMethod() && 
+            (mma->isFunction() || mma->isSlot() || mma->isSignal())) t << "()";
+        t << "\\l";
+      }
+    }
+    // write member groups within the memberlist
+    MemberGroupList *mgl = ml->getMemberGroupList();
+    if (mgl)
+    {
+      MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*mgl);
+      MemberGroup *mg;
+      for (mgli.toFirst();(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
+      {
+        if (mg->members())
+        {
+          writeBoxMemberList(t,prot,mg->members(),scope);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DotNode::writeBox(QTextStream &t,
+                       GraphType gt,
+                       GraphOutputFormat /*format*/,
+                       bool hasNonReachableChildren,
+                       bool reNumber)
+  const char *labCol = 
+          m_url.isEmpty() ? "grey75" :  // non link
+           (
+            (hasNonReachableChildren) ? "red" : "black"
+           );
+  t << "  Node" << reNumberNode(m_number,reNumber) << " [label=\"";
+  if (m_classDef && Config_getBool("UML_LOOK") && 
+      (gt==Inheritance || gt==Collaboration))
+  {
+    t << "{" << convertLabel(m_label);
+    t << "\\n|";
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pubAttribs),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pubStaticAttribs),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::properties),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'~',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pacAttribs),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'~',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pacStaticAttribs),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::proAttribs),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::proStaticAttribs),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::priAttribs),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::priStaticAttribs),m_classDef);
+    t << "|";
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pubMethods),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pubStaticMethods),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'+',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pubSlots),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'~',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pacMethods),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'~',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::pacStaticMethods),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::proMethods),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::proStaticMethods),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'#',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::proSlots),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::priMethods),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::priStaticMethods),m_classDef);
+    writeBoxMemberList(t,'-',m_classDef->getMemberList(MemberList::priSlots),m_classDef);
+    if (m_classDef->getMemberGroupSDict())
+    {
+      MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgdi(*m_classDef->getMemberGroupSDict());
+      MemberGroup *mg;
+      for (mgdi.toFirst();(mg=mgdi.current());++mgdi)
+      {
+        if (mg->members())
+        {
+          writeBoxMemberList(t,'*',mg->members(),m_classDef);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    t << "}";
+  }
+  else // standard look
+  {
+    t << convertLabel(m_label);
+  }
+  t << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4";
+  if (m_isRoot)
+  {
+    t << ",color=\"black\", fillcolor=\"grey75\", style=\"filled\" fontcolor=\"black\"";
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    if (!Config_getBool("DOT_TRANSPARENT"))
+    {
+      t << ",color=\"" << labCol << "\", fillcolor=\"white\", style=\"filled\"";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      t << ",color=\"" << labCol << "\"";
+    }
+    if (!m_url.isEmpty())
+    {
+      int anchorPos = m_url.findRev('#');
+      if (anchorPos==-1)
+      {
+        t << ",URL=\"" << m_url << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"";
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        t << ",URL=\"" << m_url.left(anchorPos) << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension
+          << m_url.right(m_url.length()-anchorPos) << "\"";
+      }
+    }
+    if (!m_tooltip.isEmpty())
+    {
+      t << ",tooltip=\"" << escapeTooltip(m_tooltip) << "\"";
+    }
+  }
+  t << "];" << endl; 
+void DotNode::writeArrow(QTextStream &t,
+                         GraphType gt,
+                         GraphOutputFormat format,
+                         DotNode *cn,
+                         EdgeInfo *ei,
+                         bool topDown, 
+                         bool pointBack,
+                         bool reNumber
+                        )
+  t << "  Node";
+  if (topDown) 
+    t << reNumberNode(cn->number(),reNumber); 
+  else 
+    t << reNumberNode(m_number,reNumber);
+  t << " -> Node";
+  if (topDown) 
+    t << reNumberNode(m_number,reNumber); 
+  else 
+    t << reNumberNode(cn->number(),reNumber);
+  t << " [";
+  if (pointBack) t << "dir=back,";
+  t << "color=\"" << edgeColorMap[ei->m_color] 
+    << "\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"" << edgeStyleMap[ei->m_style] << "\"";
+  if (!ei->m_label.isEmpty())
+  {
+    t << ",label=\"" << convertLabel(ei->m_label) << "\"";
+  }
+  if (Config_getBool("UML_LOOK") &&
+      arrowStyle[ei->m_color] && 
+      (gt==Inheritance || gt==Collaboration)
+     )
+  {
+    if (pointBack) 
+      t << ",arrowtail=\"" << arrowStyle[ei->m_color] << "\""; 
+    else 
+      t << ",arrowhead=\"" << arrowStyle[ei->m_color] << "\"";
+  }
+  if (format==BITMAP) t << ",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"";
+  t << "];" << endl; 
+void DotNode::write(QTextStream &t,
+                    GraphType gt,
+                    GraphOutputFormat format,
+                    bool topDown,
+                    bool toChildren,
+                    bool backArrows,
+                    bool reNumber
+                   )
+  //printf("DotNode::write(%d) name=%s this=%p written=%d\n",distance,m_label.data(),this,m_written);
+  if (m_written) return; // node already written to the output
+  if (!m_visible) return; // node is not visible
+  writeBox(t,gt,format,m_truncated==Truncated,reNumber);
+  m_written=TRUE;
+  QList<DotNode> *nl = toChildren ? m_children : m_parents; 
+  if (nl)
+  {
+    if (toChildren)
+    {
+      QListIterator<DotNode>  dnli1(*nl);
+      QListIterator<EdgeInfo> dnli2(*m_edgeInfo);
+      DotNode *cn;
+      for (dnli1.toFirst();(cn=dnli1.current());++dnli1,++dnli2)
+      {
+        if (cn->isVisible())
+        {
+          //printf("write arrow %s%s%s\n",label().data(),backArrows?"<-":"->",cn->label().data());
+          writeArrow(t,gt,format,cn,dnli2.current(),topDown,backArrows,reNumber);
+        }
+        cn->write(t,gt,format,topDown,toChildren,backArrows,reNumber);
+      }
+    }
+    else // render parents
+    {
+      QListIterator<DotNode> dnli(*nl);
+      DotNode *pn;
+      for (dnli.toFirst();(pn=dnli.current());++dnli)
+      {
+        if (pn->isVisible())
+        {
+          //printf("write arrow %s%s%s\n",label().data(),backArrows?"<-":"->",pn->label().data());
+          writeArrow(t,
+              gt,
+              format,
+              pn,
+              pn->m_edgeInfo->at(pn->m_children->findRef(this)),
+              FALSE,
+              backArrows,
+              reNumber
+              );
+        }
+        pn->write(t,gt,format,TRUE,FALSE,backArrows,reNumber);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //printf("end DotNode::write(%d) name=%s\n",distance,m_label.data());
+void DotNode::writeXML(QTextStream &t,bool isClassGraph)
+  t << "      <node id=\"" << m_number << "\">" << endl;
+  t << "        <label>" << convertToXML(m_label) << "</label>" << endl;
+  if (!m_url.isEmpty())
+  {
+    QCString url(m_url);
+    char *refPtr = url.data();
+    char *urlPtr = strchr(url.data(),'$');
+    if (urlPtr)
+    {
+      *urlPtr++='\0';
+      t << "        <link refid=\"" << convertToXML(urlPtr) << "\"";
+      if (*refPtr!='\0')
+      {
+        t << " external=\"" << convertToXML(refPtr) << "\"";
+      }
+      t << "/>" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_children)
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> nli(*m_children);
+    QListIterator<EdgeInfo> eli(*m_edgeInfo);
+    DotNode *childNode;
+    EdgeInfo *edgeInfo;
+    for (;(childNode=nli.current());++nli,++eli)
+    {
+      edgeInfo=eli.current();
+      t << "        <childnode refid=\"" << childNode->m_number << "\" relation=\"";
+      if (isClassGraph)
+      {
+        switch(edgeInfo->m_color)
+        {
+          case EdgeInfo::Blue:    t << "public-inheritance"; break;
+          case EdgeInfo::Green:   t << "protected-inheritance"; break;
+          case EdgeInfo::Red:     t << "private-inheritance"; break;
+          case EdgeInfo::Purple:  t << "usage"; break;
+          case EdgeInfo::Orange:  t << "template-instance"; break;
+          case EdgeInfo::Grey:    ASSERT(0); break;
+        }
+      }
+      else // include graph
+      {
+        t << "include"; 
+      }
+      t << "\">" << endl;
+      if (!edgeInfo->m_label.isEmpty()) 
+      {
+        int p=0;
+        int ni;
+        while ((ni=edgeInfo->m_label.find('\n',p))!=-1)
+        {
+          t << "          <edgelabel>" 
+            << convertToXML(edgeInfo->m_label.mid(p,ni-p))
+            << "</edgelabel>" << endl;
+          p=ni+1;
+        }
+        t << "          <edgelabel>" 
+          << convertToXML(edgeInfo->m_label.right(edgeInfo->m_label.length()-p))
+          << "</edgelabel>" << endl;
+      }
+      t << "        </childnode>" << endl;
+    } 
+  }
+  t << "      </node>" << endl;
+void DotNode::writeXML(XmlStream &xt, bool isClassGraph)
+	QString idNumber;
+	idNumber.setNum(m_number);
+	XmlElement nodeElem(xt, "node", "id", idNumber);
+	{
+		XmlElement nodeLabel(xt, "label");
+		xt << m_label;
+	}
+	if (!m_url.isEmpty()) {
+		QCString url(m_url);
+		char *refPtr = url.data();
+		char *urlPtr = strchr(url.data(),'$');
+		if (urlPtr) {
+			*urlPtr++='\0';
+			AttributeMap linkAttrs;
+			linkAttrs["refid"] = convertToXML(urlPtr);
+			if (*refPtr!='\0') {
+				linkAttrs["external"] = convertToXML(refPtr);
+			}
+			XmlElement(xt, "link", linkAttrs);
+		}
+	}
+	if (m_children) {
+		QListIterator<DotNode> nli(*m_children);
+		QListIterator<EdgeInfo> eli(*m_edgeInfo);
+		DotNode *childNode;
+		EdgeInfo *edgeInfo;
+		for (;(childNode=nli.current());++nli,++eli) {
+			edgeInfo=eli.current();
+			AttributeMap childAttrs;
+			QString childIdNumber;
+			childIdNumber.setNum(childNode->m_number);
+			childAttrs["refid"] = childIdNumber; 
+			if (isClassGraph) {
+				switch(edgeInfo->m_color) {
+					case EdgeInfo::Blue:    childAttrs["relation"] = "public-inheritance"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Green:   childAttrs["relation"] = "protected-inheritance"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Red:     childAttrs["relation"] = "private-inheritance"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Purple:  childAttrs["relation"] = "usage"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Orange:  childAttrs["relation"] = "template-instance"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Grey:    ASSERT(0); break;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// include graph
+				childAttrs["relation"] = "include"; 
+			}
+			XmlElement childnodeElem(xt, "childnode", childAttrs);
+			if (!edgeInfo->m_label.isEmpty()) {
+				int p=0;
+				int ni;
+				while ((ni=edgeInfo->m_label.find('\n',p))!=-1) {
+					XmlElement edgelabelElem(xt, "edgelabel");
+					xt << edgeInfo->m_label.mid(p,ni-p);
+					p=ni+1;
+				}
+				XmlElement edgelabelElem(xt, "edgelabel");
+				xt << edgeInfo->m_label.right(edgeInfo->m_label.length()-p);
+			}
+		} 
+	}
+void DotNode::writeXMLDITA(XmlStream &xt, bool isClassGraph)
+	QString idNumber;
+	idNumber.setNum(m_number);
+	XmlElement nodeElem(xt, "node", "id", idNumber);
+	{
+		XmlElement nodeLabel(xt, "label");
+		xt << m_label;
+	}
+	if (!m_url.isEmpty()) {
+		QCString url(m_url);
+		char *refPtr = url.data();
+		char *urlPtr = strchr(url.data(),'$');
+		if (urlPtr) {
+			*urlPtr++='\0';
+			AttributeMap linkAttrs;
+			linkAttrs["refid"] = convertToXML(urlPtr);
+			if (*refPtr!='\0') {
+				linkAttrs["external"] = convertToXML(refPtr);
+			}
+			XmlElement(xt, "link", linkAttrs);
+		}
+	}
+	if (m_children) {
+		QListIterator<DotNode> nli(*m_children);
+		QListIterator<EdgeInfo> eli(*m_edgeInfo);
+		DotNode *childNode;
+		EdgeInfo *edgeInfo;
+		for (;(childNode=nli.current());++nli,++eli) {
+			edgeInfo=eli.current();
+			AttributeMap childAttrs;
+			QString childIdNumber;
+			childIdNumber.setNum(childNode->m_number);
+			childAttrs["refid"] = childIdNumber; 
+			if (isClassGraph) {
+				switch(edgeInfo->m_color) {
+					case EdgeInfo::Blue:    childAttrs["relation"] = "public-inheritance"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Green:   childAttrs["relation"] = "protected-inheritance"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Red:     childAttrs["relation"] = "private-inheritance"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Purple:  childAttrs["relation"] = "usage"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Orange:  childAttrs["relation"] = "template-instance"; break;
+					case EdgeInfo::Grey:    ASSERT(0); break;
+				}
+			} else {
+				// include graph
+				childAttrs["relation"] = "include"; 
+			}
+			XmlElement childnodeElem(xt, "childnode", childAttrs);
+			if (!edgeInfo->m_label.isEmpty()) {
+				int p=0;
+				int ni;
+				while ((ni=edgeInfo->m_label.find('\n',p))!=-1) {
+					XmlElement edgelabelElem(xt, "edgelabel");
+					xt << edgeInfo->m_label.mid(p,ni-p);
+					p=ni+1;
+				}
+				XmlElement edgelabelElem(xt, "edgelabel");
+				xt << edgeInfo->m_label.right(edgeInfo->m_label.length()-p);
+			}
+		} 
+	}
+void DotNode::writeDEF(QTextStream &t)
+  const char* nodePrefix = "        node-";
+  t << "      node = {" << endl;
+  t << nodePrefix << "id    = " << m_number << ';' << endl;
+  t << nodePrefix << "label = '" << m_label << "';" << endl;
+  if (!m_url.isEmpty())
+  {
+    QCString url(m_url);
+    char *refPtr = url.data();
+    char *urlPtr = strchr(url.data(),'$');
+    if (urlPtr)
+    {
+      *urlPtr++='\0';
+      t << nodePrefix << "link = {" << endl << "  "
+        << nodePrefix << "link-id = '" << urlPtr << "';" << endl;
+      if (*refPtr!='\0')
+      {
+        t << "  " << nodePrefix << "link-external = '"
+          << refPtr << "';" << endl;
+      }
+      t << "        };" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_children)
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> nli(*m_children);
+    QListIterator<EdgeInfo> eli(*m_edgeInfo);
+    DotNode *childNode;
+    EdgeInfo *edgeInfo;
+    for (;(childNode=nli.current());++nli,++eli)
+    {
+      edgeInfo=eli.current();
+      t << "        node-child = {" << endl;
+      t << "          child-id = '" << childNode->m_number << "';" << endl;
+      t << "          relation = ";
+      switch(edgeInfo->m_color)
+      {
+        case EdgeInfo::Blue:    t << "public-inheritance"; break;
+        case EdgeInfo::Green:   t << "protected-inheritance"; break;
+        case EdgeInfo::Red:     t << "private-inheritance"; break;
+        case EdgeInfo::Purple:  t << "usage"; break;
+        case EdgeInfo::Orange:  t << "template-instance"; break;
+        case EdgeInfo::Grey:    ASSERT(0); break;
+      }
+      t << ';' << endl;
+      if (!edgeInfo->m_label.isEmpty()) 
+      {
+        t << "          edgelabel = <<_EnD_oF_dEf_TeXt_" << endl
+          << edgeInfo->m_label << endl
+          << "_EnD_oF_dEf_TeXt_;" << endl;
+      }
+      t << "        }; /* node-child */" << endl;
+    } /* for (;childNode...) */
+  }
+  t << "      }; /* node */" << endl;
+void DotNode::clearWriteFlag()
+  m_written=FALSE;
+  if (m_parents!=0)
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnlip(*m_parents);
+    DotNode *pn;
+    for (dnlip.toFirst();(pn=dnlip.current());++dnlip)
+    {
+      if (pn->m_written)
+      {
+        pn->clearWriteFlag();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_children!=0)
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnlic(*m_children);
+    DotNode *cn;
+    for (dnlic.toFirst();(cn=dnlic.current());++dnlic)
+    {
+      if (cn->m_written)
+      {
+        cn->clearWriteFlag();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DotNode::colorConnectedNodes(int curColor)
+  if (m_children)
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnlic(*m_children);
+    DotNode *cn;
+    for (dnlic.toFirst();(cn=dnlic.current());++dnlic)
+    {
+      if (cn->m_subgraphId==-1) // uncolored child node
+      {
+        cn->m_subgraphId=curColor;
+        cn->markAsVisible();
+        cn->colorConnectedNodes(curColor);
+        //printf("coloring node %s (%p): %d\n",cn->m_label.data(),cn,cn->m_subgraphId);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_parents)
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnlip(*m_parents);
+    DotNode *pn;
+    for (dnlip.toFirst();(pn=dnlip.current());++dnlip)
+    {
+      if (pn->m_subgraphId==-1) // uncolored parent node
+      {
+        pn->m_subgraphId=curColor;
+        pn->markAsVisible();
+        pn->colorConnectedNodes(curColor);
+        //printf("coloring node %s (%p): %d\n",pn->m_label.data(),pn,pn->m_subgraphId);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+const DotNode *DotNode::findDocNode() const
+  if (!m_url.isEmpty()) return this;
+  //printf("findDocNode(): `%s'\n",m_label.data());
+  if (m_parents)
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnli(*m_parents);
+    DotNode *pn;
+    for (dnli.toFirst();(pn=dnli.current());++dnli)
+    {
+      if (!pn->m_hasDoc)
+      {
+        pn->m_hasDoc=TRUE;
+        const DotNode *dn = pn->findDocNode();
+        if (dn) return dn;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_children)
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnli(*m_children);
+    DotNode *cn;
+    for (dnli.toFirst();(cn=dnli.current());++dnli)
+    {
+      if (!cn->m_hasDoc)
+      {
+        cn->m_hasDoc=TRUE;
+        const DotNode *dn = cn->findDocNode();
+        if (dn) return dn;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return 0;
+int DotGfxHierarchyTable::m_curNodeNumber;
+void DotGfxHierarchyTable::writeGraph(QTextStream &out,const char *path) const
+  //printf("DotGfxHierarchyTable::writeGraph(%s)\n",name);
+  //printf("m_rootNodes=%p count=%d\n",m_rootNodes,m_rootNodes->count());
+  if (m_rootSubgraphs->count()==0) return;
+  QDir d(path);
+  // store the original directory
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",path); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(d.absPath());
+  //QCString oldDir = convertToQCString(QDir::currentDirPath());
+  // go to the html output directory (i.e. path)
+  //QDir::setCurrent(d.absPath());
+  //QDir thisDir;
+  // put each connected subgraph of the hierarchy in a row of the HTML output
+  out << "<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"10\" cellpadding=\"0\">" << endl;
+  QListIterator<DotNode> dnli(*m_rootSubgraphs);
+  DotNode *n;
+  int count=0;
+  for (dnli.toFirst();(n=dnli.current());++dnli)
+  {
+    QCString baseName;
+    QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+    baseName.sprintf("inherit_graph_%d",count++);
+    baseName = convertNameToFile(baseName);
+    QCString imgName = baseName+"."+ imgExt;
+    QCString mapName = baseName+".map";
+    QCString absImgName = QCString(d.absPath().data())+"/"+imgName;
+    QCString absMapName = QCString(d.absPath().data())+"/"+mapName;
+    QCString absBaseName = QCString(d.absPath().data())+"/"+baseName;
+    QListIterator<DotNode> dnli2(*m_rootNodes);
+    DotNode *node;
+    // compute md5 checksum of the graph were are about to generate
+    QString theGraph;
+    QTextStream md5stream(&theGraph,IO_WriteOnly);
+    md5stream.setEncoding(md5stream.UnicodeUTF8);
+    writeGraphHeader(md5stream);
+    md5stream << "  rankdir=LR;" << endl;
+    for (dnli2.toFirst();(node=dnli2.current());++dnli2)
+    {
+      if (node->m_subgraphId==n->m_subgraphId) 
+      {
+        node->clearWriteFlag();
+      }
+    }
+    for (dnli2.toFirst();(node=dnli2.current());++dnli2)
+    {
+      if (node->m_subgraphId==n->m_subgraphId) 
+      {
+        node->write(md5stream,DotNode::Hierarchy,BITMAP,FALSE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE);
+      }
+    }
+    writeGraphFooter(md5stream);
+    resetReNumbering();
+    uchar md5_sig[16];
+    QCString sigStr(33);
+    MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *)theGraph.ascii(),theGraph.length(),md5_sig);
+    MD5SigToString(md5_sig,sigStr.data(),33);
+    if (checkAndUpdateMd5Signature(absBaseName,sigStr) || 
+        !QFileInfo(absMapName).exists())
+    {
+      // image was new or has changed
+      QCString dotName=absBaseName+".dot";
+      QFile f(dotName);
+      if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly)) return;
+      QTextStream t(&f);
+      t.setEncoding(t.UnicodeUTF8);
+      t << theGraph;
+      f.close();
+      resetReNumbering();
+      DotRunner dotRun(dotName);
+      dotRun.addJob(imgExt,absImgName);
+      dotRun.addJob(MAP_CMD,absMapName);
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        out << "</table>" << endl;
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return;
+      }
+      checkDotResult(absImgName);
+      if (Config_getBool("DOT_CLEANUP")) d.remove(dotName);
+    }
+    Doxygen::indexList.addImageFile(imgName);
+    // write image and map in a table row
+    QCString mapLabel = escapeCharsInString(n->m_label,FALSE);
+    out << "<tr><td><img src=\"" << imgName << "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#"
+        << mapLabel << "_map\"/>" << endl;
+    out << "<map name=\"" << mapLabel << "_map\" id=\"" << mapLabel << "\">" << endl;
+    convertMapFile(out,absMapName,"");
+    out << "</map></td></tr>" << endl;
+    //thisDir.remove(mapName);
+  }
+  out << "</table>" << endl;
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+void DotGfxHierarchyTable::addHierarchy(DotNode *n,ClassDef *cd,bool hideSuper)
+  //printf("addHierarchy `%s' baseClasses=%d\n",cd->name().data(),cd->baseClasses()->count());
+  if (cd->subClasses())
+  {
+    BaseClassListIterator bcli(*cd->subClasses());
+    BaseClassDef *bcd;
+    for ( ; (bcd=bcli.current()) ; ++bcli )
+    {
+      ClassDef *bClass=bcd->classDef; 
+      //printf("  Trying sub class=`%s' usedNodes=%d\n",bClass->name().data(),m_usedNodes->count());
+      if (bClass->isVisibleInHierarchy() && hasVisibleRoot(bClass->baseClasses()))
+      {
+        DotNode *bn;
+        //printf("  Node `%s' Found visible class=`%s'\n",n->m_label.data(),
+        //                                              bClass->name().data());
+        if ((bn=m_usedNodes->find(bClass->name()))) // node already present 
+        {
+          if (n->m_children==0 || n->m_children->findRef(bn)==-1) // no arrow yet
+          {
+            n->addChild(bn,bcd->prot);
+            bn->addParent(n);
+            //printf("  Adding node %s to existing base node %s (c=%d,p=%d)\n",
+            //       n->m_label.data(),
+            //       bn->m_label.data(),
+            //       bn->m_children ? bn->m_children->count() : 0,
+            //       bn->m_parents  ? bn->m_parents->count()  : 0
+            //     );
+          }
+          //else
+          //{
+          //  printf("  Class already has an arrow!\n");
+          //}
+        }
+        else 
+        {
+          QCString tmp_url="";
+          if (bClass->isLinkable() && !bClass->isHidden())
+          {
+            tmp_url=bClass->getReference()+"$"+bClass->getOutputFileBase();
+          }
+          QCString tooltip = bClass->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+          bn = new DotNode(m_curNodeNumber++,
+              bClass->displayName(),
+              tooltip,
+              tmp_url.data()
+              );
+          n->addChild(bn,bcd->prot);
+          bn->addParent(n);
+          //printf("  Adding node %s to new base node %s (c=%d,p=%d)\n",
+          //   n->m_label.data(),
+          //   bn->m_label.data(),
+          //   bn->m_children ? bn->m_children->count() : 0,
+          //   bn->m_parents  ? bn->m_parents->count()  : 0
+          //  );
+          //printf("  inserting %s (%p)\n",bClass->name().data(),bn);
+          m_usedNodes->insert(bClass->name(),bn); // add node to the used list
+        }
+        if (!bClass->visited && !hideSuper && bClass->subClasses())
+        {
+          bool wasVisited=bClass->visited;
+          bClass->visited=TRUE;
+          addHierarchy(bn,bClass,wasVisited);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //printf("end addHierarchy\n");
+void DotGfxHierarchyTable::addClassList(ClassSDict *cl)
+  ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*cl);
+  ClassDef *cd;
+  for (cli.toLast();(cd=cli.current());--cli)
+  {
+    //printf("Trying %s subClasses=%d\n",cd->name().data(),cd->subClasses()->count());
+    if (!hasVisibleRoot(cd->baseClasses()) &&
+        cd->isVisibleInHierarchy()
+       ) // root node in the forest
+    {
+      QCString tmp_url="";
+      if (cd->isLinkable() && !cd->isHidden()) 
+      {
+        tmp_url=cd->getReference()+"$"+cd->getOutputFileBase();
+      }
+      //printf("Inserting root class %s\n",cd->name().data());
+      QCString tooltip = cd->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+      DotNode *n = new DotNode(m_curNodeNumber++,
+          cd->displayName(),
+          tooltip,
+          tmp_url.data());
+      //m_usedNodes->clear();
+      m_usedNodes->insert(cd->name(),n);
+      m_rootNodes->insert(0,n);   
+      if (!cd->visited && cd->subClasses())
+      {
+        addHierarchy(n,cd,cd->visited);
+        cd->visited=TRUE;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  m_curNodeNumber=0;
+  m_rootNodes = new QList<DotNode>;
+  m_usedNodes = new QDict<DotNode>(1009); 
+  m_usedNodes->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+  m_rootSubgraphs = new DotNodeList;
+  // build a graph with each class as a node and the inheritance relations
+  // as edges
+  initClassHierarchy(Doxygen::classSDict);
+  initClassHierarchy(Doxygen::hiddenClasses);
+  addClassList(Doxygen::classSDict);
+  addClassList(Doxygen::hiddenClasses);
+  // m_usedNodes now contains all nodes in the graph
+  // color the graph into a set of independent subgraphs
+  bool done=FALSE; 
+  int curColor=0;
+  QListIterator<DotNode> dnli(*m_rootNodes);
+  while (!done) // there are still nodes to color
+  {
+    DotNode *n;
+    done=TRUE; // we are done unless there are still uncolored nodes
+    for (dnli.toLast();(n=dnli.current());--dnli)
+    {
+      if (n->m_subgraphId==-1) // not yet colored
+      {
+        //printf("Starting at node %s (%p): %d\n",n->m_label.data(),n,curColor);
+        done=FALSE; // still uncolored nodes
+        n->m_subgraphId=curColor;
+        n->markAsVisible();
+        n->colorConnectedNodes(curColor);
+        curColor++;
+        const DotNode *dn=n->findDocNode();
+        if (dn!=0) 
+          m_rootSubgraphs->inSort(dn);
+        else
+          m_rootSubgraphs->inSort(n);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //printf("Number of independent subgraphs: %d\n",curColor);
+  //QListIterator<DotNode> dnli2(*m_rootSubgraphs);
+  //DotNode *n;
+  //for (dnli2.toFirst();(n=dnli2.current());++dnli2)
+  //{
+  //  printf("Node %s color=%d (c=%d,p=%d)\n",
+  //      n->m_label.data(),n->m_subgraphId,
+  //      n->m_children?n->m_children->count():0,
+  //      n->m_parents?n->m_parents->count():0);
+  //}
+  //printf("DotGfxHierarchyTable::~DotGfxHierarchyTable\n");
+  //QDictIterator<DotNode> di(*m_usedNodes);
+  //DotNode *n;
+  //for (;(n=di.current());++di)
+  //{
+  //  printf("Node %p: %s\n",n,n->label().data());
+  //}
+  delete m_rootNodes;
+  delete m_usedNodes;
+  delete m_rootSubgraphs;
+int DotClassGraph::m_curNodeNumber = 0;
+void DotClassGraph::addClass(ClassDef *cd,DotNode *n,int prot,
+    const char *label,const char *usedName,const char *templSpec,bool base,int distance)
+  if (Config_getBool("HIDE_UNDOC_CLASSES") && !cd->isLinkable()) return;
+  int edgeStyle = (label || prot==EdgeInfo::Orange) ? EdgeInfo::Dashed : EdgeInfo::Solid;
+  QCString className;
+  if (usedName) // name is a typedef
+  {
+    className=usedName;
+  }
+  else if (templSpec) // name has a template part
+  {
+    className=insertTemplateSpecifierInScope(cd->name(),templSpec);
+  }
+  else // just a normal name
+  {
+    className=cd->displayName();
+  }
+  //printf("DotClassGraph::addClass(class=`%s',parent=%s,prot=%d,label=%s,dist=%d,usedName=%s,templSpec=%s,base=%d)\n",
+  //                                 className.data(),n->m_label.data(),prot,label,distance,usedName,templSpec,base);
+  DotNode *bn = m_usedNodes->find(className);
+  if (bn) // class already inserted
+  {
+    if (base)
+    {
+      n->addChild(bn,prot,edgeStyle,label);
+      bn->addParent(n);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      bn->addChild(n,prot,edgeStyle,label);
+      n->addParent(bn);
+    }
+    bn->setDistance(distance);
+    //printf(" add exiting node %s of %s\n",bn->m_label.data(),n->m_label.data());
+  }
+  else // new class
+  {
+    QCString displayName=className;
+    if (Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES")) displayName=stripScope(displayName);
+    QCString tmp_url;
+    if (cd->isLinkable() && !cd->isHidden()) 
+    {
+      tmp_url=cd->getReference()+"$"+cd->getOutputFileBase();
+    }
+    QCString tooltip = cd->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+    bn = new DotNode(m_curNodeNumber++,
+        displayName,
+        tooltip,
+        tmp_url.data(),
+        FALSE,        // rootNode
+        cd
+       );
+    if (base)
+    {
+      n->addChild(bn,prot,edgeStyle,label);
+      bn->addParent(n);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      bn->addChild(n,prot,edgeStyle,label);
+      n->addParent(bn);
+    }
+    bn->setDistance(distance);
+    m_usedNodes->insert(className,bn);
+    //printf(" add new child node `%s' to %s hidden=%d url=%s\n",
+    //    className.data(),n->m_label.data(),cd->isHidden(),tmp_url.data());
+    buildGraph(cd,bn,base,distance+1);
+  }
+void DotClassGraph::determineTruncatedNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue,bool includeParents)
+  while (queue.count()>0)
+  {
+    DotNode *n = queue.take(0);
+    if (n->isVisible() && n->isTruncated()==DotNode::Unknown)
+    {
+      bool truncated = FALSE;
+      if (n->m_children)
+      {
+        QListIterator<DotNode> li(*n->m_children);
+        DotNode *dn;
+        for (li.toFirst();(dn=li.current());++li)
+        {
+          if (!dn->isVisible()) 
+            truncated = TRUE;
+          else 
+            queue.append(dn);
+        }
+      }
+      if (n->m_parents && includeParents)
+      {
+        QListIterator<DotNode> li(*n->m_parents);
+        DotNode *dn;
+        for (li.toFirst();(dn=li.current());++li)
+        {
+          if (!dn->isVisible()) 
+            truncated = TRUE;
+          else 
+            queue.append(dn);
+        }
+      }
+      n->markAsTruncated(truncated);
+    }
+  }
+bool DotClassGraph::determineVisibleNodes(DotNode *rootNode,
+                                          int maxNodes,bool includeParents)
+  QList<DotNode> childQueue;
+  QList<DotNode> parentQueue;
+  QArray<int> childTreeWidth;
+  QArray<int> parentTreeWidth;
+  childQueue.append(rootNode);
+  if (includeParents) parentQueue.append(rootNode);
+  bool firstNode=TRUE; // flag to force reprocessing rootNode in the parent loop 
+                       // despite being marked visible in the child loop
+  while ((childQueue.count()>0 || parentQueue.count()>0) && maxNodes>0)
+  {
+    static int maxDistance = Config_getInt("MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH");
+    if (childQueue.count()>0)
+    {
+      DotNode *n = childQueue.take(0);
+      int distance = n->distance();
+      if (!n->isVisible() && distance<maxDistance) // not yet processed
+      {
+        if (distance>0)
+        {
+          int oldSize=(int)childTreeWidth.size();
+          if (distance>oldSize)
+          {
+            childTreeWidth.resize(QMAX(childTreeWidth.size(),(uint)distance));
+            int i; for (i=oldSize;i<distance;i++) childTreeWidth[i]=0;
+          }
+          childTreeWidth[distance-1]+=n->label().length();
+        }
+        n->markAsVisible();
+        maxNodes--;
+        // add direct children
+        if (n->m_children)
+        {
+          QListIterator<DotNode> li(*n->m_children);
+          DotNode *dn;
+          for (li.toFirst();(dn=li.current());++li)
+          {
+            childQueue.append(dn);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (includeParents && parentQueue.count()>0)
+    {
+      DotNode *n = parentQueue.take(0);
+      if ((!n->isVisible() || firstNode) && n->distance()<maxDistance) // not yet processed
+      {
+        firstNode=FALSE;
+        int distance = n->distance();
+        if (distance>0)
+        {
+          int oldSize = (int)parentTreeWidth.size();
+          if (distance>oldSize)
+          {
+            parentTreeWidth.resize(QMAX(parentTreeWidth.size(),(uint)distance));
+            int i; for (i=oldSize;i<distance;i++) parentTreeWidth[i]=0;
+          }
+          parentTreeWidth[distance-1]+=n->label().length();
+        }
+        n->markAsVisible();
+        maxNodes--;
+        // add direct parents
+        if (n->m_parents)
+        {
+          QListIterator<DotNode> li(*n->m_parents);
+          DotNode *dn;
+          for (li.toFirst();(dn=li.current());++li)
+          {
+            parentQueue.append(dn);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (Config_getBool("UML_LOOK")) return FALSE; // UML graph are always top to bottom
+  int maxWidth=0;
+  int maxHeight=(int)QMAX(childTreeWidth.size(),parentTreeWidth.size());
+  uint i;
+  for (i=0;i<childTreeWidth.size();i++)
+  {
+    if (childTreeWidth.at(i)>maxWidth) maxWidth=childTreeWidth.at(i);
+  }
+  for (i=0;i<parentTreeWidth.size();i++)
+  {
+    if (parentTreeWidth.at(i)>maxWidth) maxWidth=parentTreeWidth.at(i);
+  }
+  //printf("max tree width=%d, max tree height=%d\n",maxWidth,maxHeight);
+  return maxWidth>80 && maxHeight<12; // used metric to decide to render the tree
+                                      // from left to right instead of top to bottom,
+                                      // with the idea to render very wide trees in
+                                      // left to right order.
+void DotClassGraph::buildGraph(ClassDef *cd,DotNode *n,bool base,int distance)
+  //printf("DocClassGraph::buildGraph(%s,distance=%d,base=%d)\n",
+  //    cd->name().data(),distance,base);
+  // ---- Add inheritance relations
+  if (m_graphType == DotNode::Inheritance || m_graphType==DotNode::Collaboration)
+  {
+    BaseClassList *bcl = base ? cd->baseClasses() : cd->subClasses();
+    if (bcl)
+    {
+      BaseClassListIterator bcli(*bcl);
+      BaseClassDef *bcd;
+      for ( ; (bcd=bcli.current()) ; ++bcli )
+      {
+        //printf("-------- inheritance relation %s->%s templ=`%s'\n",
+        //            cd->name().data(),bcd->classDef->name().data(),bcd->templSpecifiers.data());
+        addClass(bcd->classDef,n,bcd->prot,0,bcd->usedName,
+            bcd->templSpecifiers,base,distance); 
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (m_graphType == DotNode::Collaboration)
+  {
+    // ---- Add usage relations
+    UsesClassDict *dict = 
+      base ? cd->usedImplementationClasses() : 
+             cd->usedByImplementationClasses()
+      ;
+    if (dict)
+    {
+      UsesClassDictIterator ucdi(*dict);
+      UsesClassDef *ucd;
+      for (;(ucd=ucdi.current());++ucdi)
+      {
+        QCString label;
+        QDictIterator<void> dvi(*ucd->accessors);
+        const char *s;
+        bool first=TRUE;
+        int count=0;
+        int maxLabels=10;
+        for (;(s=dvi.currentKey()) && count<maxLabels;++dvi,++count)
+        {
+          if (first) 
+          {
+            label=s;
+            first=FALSE;
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            label+=QCString("\n")+s;
+          }
+        }
+        if (count==maxLabels) label+="\n...";
+        //printf("addClass: %s templSpec=%s\n",ucd->classDef->name().data(),ucd->templSpecifiers.data());
+        addClass(ucd->classDef,n,EdgeInfo::Purple,label,0,
+            ucd->templSpecifiers,base,distance);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  // ---- Add template instantiation relations
+  static bool templateRelations = Config_getBool("TEMPLATE_RELATIONS");
+  if (templateRelations)
+  {
+    if (base) // template relations for base classes
+    {
+      ClassDef *templMaster=cd->templateMaster();
+      if (templMaster)
+      {
+        QDictIterator<ClassDef> cli(*templMaster->getTemplateInstances());
+        ClassDef *templInstance;
+        for (;(templInstance=cli.current());++cli)
+        {
+          if (templInstance==cd)
+          {
+            addClass(templMaster,n,EdgeInfo::Orange,cli.currentKey(),0,
+                0,TRUE,distance);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else // template relations for super classes
+    {
+      QDict<ClassDef> *templInstances = cd->getTemplateInstances();
+      if (templInstances)
+      {
+        QDictIterator<ClassDef> cli(*templInstances);
+        ClassDef *templInstance;
+        for (;(templInstance=cli.current());++cli)
+        {
+          addClass(templInstance,n,EdgeInfo::Orange,cli.currentKey(),0,
+              0,FALSE,distance);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+DotClassGraph::DotClassGraph(ClassDef *cd,DotNode::GraphType t)
+  //printf("--------------- DotClassGraph::DotClassGraph `%s'\n",cd->displayName().data());
+  m_graphType = t;
+  QCString tmp_url="";
+  if (cd->isLinkable() && !cd->isHidden()) 
+  {
+    tmp_url=cd->getReference()+"$"+cd->getOutputFileBase();
+  }
+  QCString className = cd->displayName();
+  QCString tooltip = cd->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+  m_startNode = new DotNode(m_curNodeNumber++,
+                            className,
+                            tooltip,
+                            tmp_url.data(),
+                            TRUE,                      // is a root node
+                            cd
+                           );
+  m_startNode->setDistance(0);
+  m_usedNodes = new QDict<DotNode>(1009);
+  m_usedNodes->insert(className,m_startNode);
+  //printf("Root node %s\n",cd->name().data());
+  //if (m_recDepth>0) 
+  //{
+    buildGraph(cd,m_startNode,TRUE,1);
+    if (t==DotNode::Inheritance) buildGraph(cd,m_startNode,FALSE,1);
+  //}
+  static int maxNodes = Config_getInt("DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES");
+  //int directChildNodes = 1;
+  //if (m_startNode->m_children!=0) 
+  //  directChildNodes+=m_startNode->m_children->count();
+  //if (t==DotNode::Inheritance && m_startNode->m_parents!=0)
+  //  directChildNodes+=m_startNode->m_parents->count();
+  //if (directChildNodes>maxNodes) maxNodes=directChildNodes;
+  //openNodeQueue.append(m_startNode);
+  m_lrRank = determineVisibleNodes(m_startNode,maxNodes,t==DotNode::Inheritance);
+  QList<DotNode> openNodeQueue;
+  openNodeQueue.append(m_startNode);
+  determineTruncatedNodes(openNodeQueue,t==DotNode::Inheritance);
+  m_diskName = cd->getFileBase().copy();
+bool DotClassGraph::isTrivial() const
+  if (m_graphType==DotNode::Inheritance)
+    return m_startNode->m_children==0 && m_startNode->m_parents==0;
+  else
+    return m_startNode->m_children==0;
+bool DotClassGraph::isTooBig() const
+  static int maxNodes = Config_getInt("DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES");
+  int numNodes = 0;
+  numNodes+= m_startNode->m_children ? m_startNode->m_children->count() : 0;
+  if (m_graphType==DotNode::Inheritance)
+  {
+    numNodes+= m_startNode->m_parents ? m_startNode->m_parents->count() : 0;
+  }
+  return numNodes>=maxNodes;
+  deleteNodes(m_startNode);
+  delete m_usedNodes;
+/*! Computes a 16 byte md5 checksum for a given dot graph.
+ *  The md5 checksum is returned as a 32 character ASCII string.
+ */
+QCString computeMd5Signature(DotNode *root,
+                   DotNode::GraphType gt,
+                   GraphOutputFormat format,
+                   bool lrRank,
+                   bool renderParents,
+                   bool backArrows,
+                   QCString &graphStr
+                  )
+  bool reNumber=TRUE;
+  //printf("computeMd5Signature\n");
+  QString buf;
+  QTextStream md5stream(&buf,IO_WriteOnly);
+  md5stream.setEncoding(md5stream.UnicodeUTF8);
+  writeGraphHeader(md5stream);
+  if (lrRank)
+  {
+    md5stream << "  rankdir=LR;" << endl;
+  }
+  root->clearWriteFlag();
+  root->write(md5stream, 
+      gt,
+      format,
+      gt!=DotNode::CallGraph && gt!=DotNode::Dependency,
+      TRUE,
+      backArrows,
+      reNumber);
+  if (renderParents && root->m_parents) 
+  {
+    QListIterator<DotNode>  dnli(*root->m_parents);
+    DotNode *pn;
+    for (dnli.toFirst();(pn=dnli.current());++dnli)
+    {
+      if (pn->isVisible()) 
+      {
+        root->writeArrow(md5stream,                              // stream
+            gt,                                                  // graph type
+            format,                                              // output format
+            pn,                                                  // child node
+            pn->m_edgeInfo->at(pn->m_children->findRef(root)),   // edge info
+            FALSE,                                               // topDown?
+            backArrows,                                          // point back?
+            reNumber                                             // renumber nodes
+            );
+      }
+      pn->write(md5stream,      // stream
+                gt,             // graph type
+                format,         // output format
+                TRUE,           // topDown?
+                FALSE,          // toChildren?
+                backArrows,     // backward pointing arrows?
+                reNumber        // renumber nodes?
+               );
+    }
+  }
+  writeGraphFooter(md5stream);
+  uchar md5_sig[16];
+  QCString sigStr(33);
+  MD5Buffer((const unsigned char *)buf.ascii(),buf.length(),md5_sig);
+  MD5SigToString(md5_sig,sigStr.data(),33);
+  if (reNumber)
+  {
+    resetReNumbering();
+  }
+  graphStr=buf.ascii();
+  //printf("md5: %s | file: %s\n",sigStr,baseName.data());
+  return sigStr;
+static bool updateDotGraph(DotNode *root,
+                           DotNode::GraphType gt,
+                           const QCString &baseName,
+                           GraphOutputFormat format,
+                           bool lrRank,
+                           bool renderParents,
+                           bool backArrows
+                          )
+  QCString theGraph;
+  // TODO: write graph to theGraph, then compute md5 checksum
+  QCString md5 = computeMd5Signature(
+                   root,gt,format,lrRank,renderParents,backArrows,theGraph);
+  if (checkAndUpdateMd5Signature(baseName,md5)) // graph needs to be regenerated
+  {
+    QFile f;
+    f.setName(baseName+".dot");
+    if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+    {
+      QTextStream t(&f);
+      t.setEncoding(t.UnicodeUTF8);
+      t << theGraph;
+    }
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+QCString DotClassGraph::diskName() const
+  QCString result=m_diskName.copy();
+  switch (m_graphType)
+  {
+    case DotNode::Collaboration:
+      result+="_coll_graph";
+      break;
+    //case Interface:
+    //  result+="_intf_graph";
+    //  break;
+    case DotNode::Inheritance:
+      result+="_inherit_graph";
+      break;
+    default:
+      ASSERT(0);
+      break;
+  }
+  return result;
+QCString DotClassGraph::writeGraph(QTextStream &out,
+                               GraphOutputFormat format,
+                               const char *path,
+                               const char *relPath,
+                               bool /*isTBRank*/,
+                               bool generateImageMap) const
+  QDir d(path);
+  // store the original directory
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",path); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(d.absPath());
+  QCString baseName;
+  QCString mapName;
+  switch (m_graphType)
+  {
+    case DotNode::Collaboration:
+      mapName="coll_map";
+      break;
+    //case Interface:
+    //  mapName="intf_map";
+    //  break;
+    case DotNode::Inheritance:
+      mapName="inherit_map";
+      break;
+    default:
+      ASSERT(0);
+      break;
+  }
+  baseName = convertNameToFile(diskName());
+  QCString absBaseName = QCString(d.absPath().data())+"/"+baseName;
+  QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+  if (updateDotGraph(m_startNode,
+                 m_graphType,
+                 absBaseName,
+                 format,
+                 m_lrRank,
+                 m_graphType==DotNode::Inheritance,
+                 TRUE
+                )
+      )
+  {
+    if (format==BITMAP) // run dot to create a bitmap image
+    {
+      QCString dotArgs(maxCmdLine);
+      QCString absImgName = absBaseName+"."+imgExt;
+      DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+      dotRun.addJob(imgExt,absImgName);
+      if (generateImageMap) dotRun.addJob(MAP_CMD,absBaseName+".map");
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+      checkDotResult(absImgName);
+    }
+    else if (format==EPS) // run dot to create a .eps image
+    {
+      DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+      dotRun.addJob("ps",absBaseName+".eps");
+      if (Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX"))
+      {
+        QCString epstopdfArgs(maxCmdLine);
+        epstopdfArgs.sprintf("\"%s.eps\" --outfile=\"%s.pdf\"",
+            absBaseName.data(),absBaseName.data());
+        dotRun.addPostProcessing("epstopdf",epstopdfArgs);
+      }
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+    }
+    if (Config_getBool("DOT_CLEANUP")) d.remove(baseName+".dot");
+  }
+  Doxygen::indexList.addImageFile(baseName+"."+imgExt);
+  if (format==BITMAP && generateImageMap) // produce HTML to include the image
+  {
+    QCString mapLabel = escapeCharsInString(m_startNode->m_label,FALSE)+"_"+
+                        escapeCharsInString(mapName,FALSE);
+    out << "<div class=\"center\"><img src=\"" << relPath << baseName << "." 
+      << imgExt << "\" border=\"0\" usemap=\"#"
+      << mapLabel << "\" alt=\"";
+    switch (m_graphType)
+    {
+      case DotNode::Collaboration:
+        out << "Collaboration graph";
+        break;
+      case DotNode::Inheritance:
+        out << "Inheritance graph";
+        break;
+      default:
+        ASSERT(0);
+        break;
+    }
+    out << "\"/></div>" << endl;
+    QString tmpstr;
+    QTextOStream tmpout(&tmpstr);
+    tmpout.setEncoding(tmpout.UnicodeUTF8);
+    convertMapFile(tmpout,absBaseName+".map",relPath);
+    if (!tmpstr.isEmpty())
+    {
+      out << "<map name=\"" << mapLabel << "\" id=\"" << mapLabel << "\">" << endl;
+      out << tmpstr;
+      out << "</map>" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (format==EPS) // produce tex to include the .eps image
+  {
+      int width=420,height=600;
+      if (!readBoundingBoxEPS(absBaseName+".eps",&width,&height))
+      {
+        err("Error: Could not extract bounding box from .eps!\n");
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+      //printf("Got EPS size %d,%d\n",width,height);
+      int maxWidth  = 400;  /* approx. page width in points, excl. margins */
+      int maxHeight = 400;  /* approx. page height in points, excl. margins */ 
+      out << "\\nopagebreak\n"
+        "\\begin{figure}[H]\n"
+        "\\begin{center}\n"
+        "\\leavevmode\n";
+      if (width>maxWidth)
+      {
+        out << "\\includegraphics[width=" << maxWidth << "pt]";
+      }
+      else if (height>maxHeight)
+      {
+        out << "\\includegraphics[height=" << maxHeight << "pt]";
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        out << "\\includegraphics[width=" << width << "pt]";
+      }
+      out << "{" << baseName << "}\n"
+        "\\end{center}\n"
+        "\\end{figure}\n";
+  }
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+  return baseName;
+void DotClassGraph::writeXML(QTextStream &t)
+  QDictIterator<DotNode> dni(*m_usedNodes);
+  DotNode *node;
+  for (;(node=dni.current());++dni)
+  {
+    node->writeXML(t,TRUE);
+  }
+void DotClassGraph::writeXML(XmlStream &t)
+  QDictIterator<DotNode> dni(*m_usedNodes);
+  DotNode *node;
+  for (;(node=dni.current());++dni)
+  {
+    node->writeXML(t,TRUE);
+  }
+void DotClassGraph::writeXMLDITA(XmlStream &t)
+  QDictIterator<DotNode> dni(*m_usedNodes);
+  DotNode *node;
+  for (;(node=dni.current());++dni)
+  {
+    node->writeXMLDITA(t,TRUE);
+  }
+void DotClassGraph::writeDEF(QTextStream &t)
+  QDictIterator<DotNode> dni(*m_usedNodes);
+  DotNode *node;
+  for (;(node=dni.current());++dni)
+  {
+    node->writeDEF(t);
+  }
+int DotInclDepGraph::m_curNodeNumber = 0;
+void DotInclDepGraph::buildGraph(DotNode *n,FileDef *fd,int distance)
+  QList<IncludeInfo> *includeFiles = 
+     m_inverse ? fd->includedByFileList() : fd->includeFileList();
+  if (includeFiles)
+  {
+    QListIterator<IncludeInfo> ili(*includeFiles);
+    IncludeInfo *ii;
+    for (;(ii=ili.current());++ili)
+    {
+      FileDef *bfd = ii->fileDef;
+      QCString in  = ii->includeName;
+      //printf(">>>> in=`%s' bfd=%p\n",ii->includeName.data(),bfd);
+      bool doc=TRUE,src=FALSE;
+      if (bfd)
+      {
+        in  = bfd->absFilePath();  
+        doc = bfd->isLinkable() && !bfd->isHidden();
+        src = bfd->generateSourceFile();
+      }
+      if (doc || src || !Config_getBool("HIDE_UNDOC_RELATIONS"))
+      {
+        QCString url="";
+        if (bfd) url=bfd->getOutputFileBase().copy();
+        if (!doc && src)
+        {
+          url=bfd->getSourceFileBase();
+        }
+        DotNode *bn  = m_usedNodes->find(in);
+        if (bn) // file is already a node in the graph
+        {
+          n->addChild(bn,0,0,0);
+          bn->addParent(n);
+          bn->setDistance(distance);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          QCString tmp_url;
+          QCString tooltip;
+          if (bfd) 
+          {
+            tmp_url=doc || src ? bfd->getReference()+"$"+url : QCString();
+            tooltip = bfd->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+          }
+          bn = new DotNode(
+              m_curNodeNumber++, // n
+              ii->includeName,   // label
+              tooltip,           // tip
+              tmp_url,           // url
+              FALSE,             // rootNode
+              0                  // cd
+              );
+          n->addChild(bn,0,0,0);
+          bn->addParent(n);
+          m_usedNodes->insert(in,bn);
+          bn->setDistance(distance);
+          if (bfd) buildGraph(bn,bfd,distance+1);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DotInclDepGraph::determineVisibleNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue, int &maxNodes)
+  while (queue.count()>0 && maxNodes>0)
+  {
+    static int maxDistance = Config_getInt("MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH");
+    DotNode *n = queue.take(0);
+    if (!n->isVisible() && n->distance()<maxDistance) // not yet processed
+    {
+      n->markAsVisible();
+      maxNodes--;
+      // add direct children
+      if (n->m_children)
+      {
+        QListIterator<DotNode> li(*n->m_children);
+        DotNode *dn;
+        for (li.toFirst();(dn=li.current());++li)
+        {
+          queue.append(dn);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DotInclDepGraph::determineTruncatedNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue)
+  while (queue.count()>0)
+  {
+    DotNode *n = queue.take(0);
+    if (n->isVisible() && n->isTruncated()==DotNode::Unknown)
+    {
+      bool truncated = FALSE;
+      if (n->m_children)
+      {
+        QListIterator<DotNode> li(*n->m_children);
+        DotNode *dn;
+        for (li.toFirst();(dn=li.current());++li)
+        {
+          if (!dn->isVisible()) 
+            truncated = TRUE;
+          else 
+            queue.append(dn);
+        }
+      }
+      n->markAsTruncated(truncated);
+    }
+  }
+DotInclDepGraph::DotInclDepGraph(FileDef *fd,bool inverse)
+  m_maxDistance = 0;
+  m_inverse = inverse;
+  ASSERT(fd!=0);
+  m_diskName  = fd->getFileBase().copy();
+  QCString tmp_url=fd->getReference()+"$"+fd->getFileBase();
+  m_startNode = new DotNode(m_curNodeNumber++,
+                            fd->docName(),
+                            "",
+                            tmp_url.data(),
+                            TRUE     // root node
+                           );
+  m_startNode->setDistance(0);
+  m_usedNodes = new QDict<DotNode>(1009);
+  m_usedNodes->insert(fd->absFilePath(),m_startNode);
+  buildGraph(m_startNode,fd,1);
+  static int nodes = Config_getInt("DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES");
+  int maxNodes = nodes;
+  //int directChildNodes = 1;
+  //if (m_startNode->m_children!=0) 
+  //  directChildNodes+=m_startNode->m_children->count();
+  //if (directChildNodes>maxNodes) maxNodes=directChildNodes;
+  QList<DotNode> openNodeQueue;
+  openNodeQueue.append(m_startNode);
+  determineVisibleNodes(openNodeQueue,maxNodes);
+  openNodeQueue.clear();
+  openNodeQueue.append(m_startNode);
+  determineTruncatedNodes(openNodeQueue);
+  deleteNodes(m_startNode);
+  delete m_usedNodes;
+QCString DotInclDepGraph::diskName() const
+  QCString result=m_diskName.copy();
+  if (m_inverse) result+="_dep";
+  result+="_incl";
+  return convertNameToFile(result); 
+QCString DotInclDepGraph::writeGraph(QTextStream &out,
+                                 GraphOutputFormat format,
+                                 const char *path,
+                                 const char *relPath,
+                                 bool generateImageMap
+                                ) const
+  QDir d(path);
+  // store the original directory
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",path); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(d.absPath());
+  QCString baseName=m_diskName;
+  if (m_inverse) baseName+="_dep";
+  baseName+="_incl";
+  baseName=convertNameToFile(baseName);
+  QCString mapName=escapeCharsInString(m_startNode->m_label,FALSE);
+  if (m_inverse) mapName+="dep";
+  QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+  QCString absBaseName = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+baseName;
+  QCString absMapName  = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+mapName;
+  if (updateDotGraph(m_startNode,
+                 DotNode::Dependency,
+                 absBaseName,
+                 format,
+                 FALSE,        // lrRank
+                 FALSE,        // renderParents
+                 m_inverse     // backArrows
+                )
+      )
+  {
+    if (format==BITMAP)
+    {
+      // run dot to create a bitmap image
+      QCString dotArgs(maxCmdLine);
+      QCString absImgName=absBaseName+"."+imgExt;
+      DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+      dotRun.addJob(imgExt,absImgName);
+      if (generateImageMap) dotRun.addJob(MAP_CMD,absBaseName+".map");
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+      checkDotResult(absImgName);
+    }
+    else if (format==EPS)
+    {
+      // run dot to create a .eps image
+      DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+      dotRun.addJob("ps",absBaseName+".eps");
+      if (Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX"))
+      {
+        QCString epstopdfArgs(maxCmdLine);
+        epstopdfArgs.sprintf("\"%s.eps\" --outfile=\"%s.pdf\"",
+            absBaseName.data(),absBaseName.data());
+        dotRun.addPostProcessing("epstopdf",epstopdfArgs);
+      }
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Doxygen::indexList.addImageFile(baseName+"."+imgExt);
+  if (format==BITMAP && generateImageMap)
+  {
+    out << "<div class=\"center\"><img src=\"" << relPath << baseName << "." 
+        << imgExt << "\" border=\"0\" usemap=\"#"
+        << mapName << "_map\" alt=\"\"/>";
+    out << "</div>" << endl;
+    QString tmpstr;
+    QTextOStream tmpout(&tmpstr);
+    tmpout.setEncoding(tmpout.UnicodeUTF8);
+    convertMapFile(tmpout,absBaseName+".map",relPath);
+    if (!tmpstr.isEmpty())
+    {
+      out << "<map name=\"" << mapName << "_map\" id=\"" << mapName << "\">" << endl;
+      out << tmpstr;
+      out << "</map>" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (format==EPS)
+  {
+    int width,height;
+    if (!readBoundingBoxEPS(absBaseName+".eps",&width,&height))
+    {
+      err("Error: Could not extract bounding box from .eps!\n");
+      unsetDotFontPath();
+      return baseName;
+    }
+    int maxWidth = 420; /* approx. page width in points */
+    out << "\\nopagebreak\n"
+           "\\begin{figure}[H]\n"
+           "\\begin{center}\n"
+           "\\leavevmode\n"
+           "\\includegraphics[width=" << QMIN(width/2,maxWidth) 
+                                      << "pt]{" << baseName << "}\n"
+           "\\end{center}\n"
+           "\\end{figure}\n";
+  }
+  if (Config_getBool("DOT_CLEANUP")) d.remove(baseName+".dot");
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+  return baseName;
+bool DotInclDepGraph::isTrivial() const
+  return m_startNode->m_children==0;
+bool DotInclDepGraph::isTooBig() const
+  static int maxNodes = Config_getInt("DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES");
+  int numNodes = m_startNode->m_children ? m_startNode->m_children->count() : 0;
+  return numNodes>=maxNodes;
+void DotInclDepGraph::writeXML(QTextStream &t)
+  QDictIterator<DotNode> dni(*m_usedNodes);
+  DotNode *node;
+  for (;(node=dni.current());++dni)
+  {
+    node->writeXML(t,FALSE);
+  }
+void DotInclDepGraph::writeXML(XmlStream &xt)
+  QDictIterator<DotNode> dni(*m_usedNodes);
+  DotNode *node;
+  for (;(node=dni.current());++dni)
+  {
+    node->writeXML(xt,FALSE);
+  }
+int DotCallGraph::m_curNodeNumber = 0;
+void DotCallGraph::buildGraph(DotNode *n,MemberDef *md,int distance)
+  LockingPtr<MemberSDict> refs = m_inverse ? md->getReferencedByMembers() : md->getReferencesMembers();
+  if (!refs.isNull())
+  {
+    MemberSDict::Iterator mri(*refs);
+    MemberDef *rmd;
+    for (;(rmd=mri.current());++mri)
+    {
+      if (rmd->isFunction() || rmd->isSlot() || rmd->isSignal())
+      {
+        QCString uniqueId;
+        uniqueId=rmd->getReference()+"$"+
+                 rmd->getOutputFileBase()+"#"+rmd->anchor();
+        DotNode *bn  = m_usedNodes->find(uniqueId);
+        if (bn) // file is already a node in the graph
+        {
+          n->addChild(bn,0,0,0);
+          bn->addParent(n);
+          bn->setDistance(distance);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          QCString name;
+          if (Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES"))
+          {
+            name  = rmd->getOuterScope()==m_scope ? 
+                    rmd->name() : rmd->qualifiedName();
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            name = rmd->qualifiedName();
+          }
+          QCString tooltip = rmd->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+          bn = new DotNode(
+              m_curNodeNumber++,
+              linkToText(name,FALSE),
+              tooltip,
+              uniqueId,
+              0 //distance
+              );
+          n->addChild(bn,0,0,0);
+          bn->addParent(n);
+          bn->setDistance(distance);
+          m_usedNodes->insert(uniqueId,bn);
+          buildGraph(bn,rmd,distance+1);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DotCallGraph::determineVisibleNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue, int &maxNodes)
+  while (queue.count()>0 && maxNodes>0)
+  {
+    static int maxDistance = Config_getInt("MAX_DOT_GRAPH_DEPTH");
+    DotNode *n = queue.take(0);
+    if (!n->isVisible() && n->distance()<maxDistance) // not yet processed
+    {
+      n->markAsVisible();
+      maxNodes--;
+      // add direct children
+      if (n->m_children)
+      {
+        QListIterator<DotNode> li(*n->m_children);
+        DotNode *dn;
+        for (li.toFirst();(dn=li.current());++li)
+        {
+          queue.append(dn);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DotCallGraph::determineTruncatedNodes(QList<DotNode> &queue)
+  while (queue.count()>0)
+  {
+    DotNode *n = queue.take(0);
+    if (n->isVisible() && n->isTruncated()==DotNode::Unknown)
+    {
+      bool truncated = FALSE;
+      if (n->m_children)
+      {
+        QListIterator<DotNode> li(*n->m_children);
+        DotNode *dn;
+        for (li.toFirst();(dn=li.current());++li)
+        {
+          if (!dn->isVisible()) 
+            truncated = TRUE;
+          else 
+            queue.append(dn);
+        }
+      }
+      n->markAsTruncated(truncated);
+    }
+  }
+DotCallGraph::DotCallGraph(MemberDef *md,bool inverse)
+  m_maxDistance = 0;
+  m_inverse = inverse;
+  m_diskName = md->getOutputFileBase()+"_"+md->anchor();
+  m_scope    = md->getOuterScope();
+  QCString uniqueId;
+  uniqueId = md->getReference()+"$"+
+             md->getOutputFileBase()+"#"+md->anchor();
+  QCString name;
+  if (Config_getBool("HIDE_SCOPE_NAMES"))
+  {
+    name = md->name();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    name = md->qualifiedName();
+  }
+  m_startNode = new DotNode(m_curNodeNumber++,
+                            linkToText(name,FALSE),
+                            "",
+                            uniqueId.data(),
+                            TRUE     // root node
+                           );
+  m_startNode->setDistance(0);
+  m_usedNodes = new QDict<DotNode>(1009);
+  m_usedNodes->insert(uniqueId,m_startNode);
+  buildGraph(m_startNode,md,1);
+  static int nodes = Config_getInt("DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES");
+  int maxNodes = nodes;
+  //int directChildNodes = 1;
+  //if (m_startNode->m_children!=0) 
+  //  directChildNodes+=m_startNode->m_children->count();
+  //if (directChildNodes>maxNodes) maxNodes=directChildNodes;
+  QList<DotNode> openNodeQueue;
+  openNodeQueue.append(m_startNode);
+  determineVisibleNodes(openNodeQueue,maxNodes);
+  openNodeQueue.clear();
+  openNodeQueue.append(m_startNode);
+  determineTruncatedNodes(openNodeQueue);
+  deleteNodes(m_startNode);
+  delete m_usedNodes;
+QCString DotCallGraph::writeGraph(QTextStream &out, GraphOutputFormat format,
+                        const char *path,const char *relPath,bool generateImageMap) const
+  QDir d(path);
+  // store the original directory
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",path); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(d.absPath());
+  QCString baseName = m_diskName + (m_inverse ? "_icgraph" : "_cgraph");
+  QCString mapName=baseName;
+  QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+  QCString absBaseName = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+baseName;
+  if (updateDotGraph(m_startNode,
+                 DotNode::CallGraph,
+                 absBaseName,
+                 format,
+                 TRUE,         // lrRank
+                 FALSE,        // renderParents
+                 m_inverse     // backArrows
+                )
+      )
+  {
+    if (format==BITMAP)
+    {
+      // run dot to create a bitmap image
+      QCString dotArgs(maxCmdLine);
+      QCString absImgName=absBaseName+"."+imgExt;
+      DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+      dotRun.addJob(imgExt,absImgName);
+      if (generateImageMap) dotRun.addJob(MAP_CMD,absBaseName+".map");
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+      checkDotResult(absImgName);
+    }
+    else if (format==EPS)
+    {
+      // run dot to create a .eps image
+      DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+      dotRun.addJob("ps",absBaseName+".eps");
+      if (Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX"))
+      {
+        QCString epstopdfArgs(maxCmdLine);
+        epstopdfArgs.sprintf("\"%s.eps\" --outfile=\"%s.pdf\"",
+            absBaseName.data(),absBaseName.data());
+        dotRun.addPostProcessing("epstopdf",epstopdfArgs);
+      }
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Doxygen::indexList.addImageFile(baseName+"."+imgExt);
+  if (format==BITMAP && generateImageMap)
+  {
+    out << "<div class=\"center\"><img src=\"" << relPath << baseName << "." 
+        << imgExt << "\" border=\"0\" usemap=\"#"
+        << mapName << "_map\" alt=\"";
+    out << "\">";
+    out << "</div>" << endl;
+    QString tmpstr;
+    QTextOStream tmpout(&tmpstr);
+    tmpout.setEncoding(tmpout.UnicodeUTF8);
+    convertMapFile(tmpout,absBaseName+".map",relPath);
+    if (!tmpstr.isEmpty())
+    {
+      out << "<map name=\"" << mapName << "_map\" id=\"" << mapName << "\">" << endl;
+      out << tmpstr;
+      out << "</map>" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (format==EPS)
+  {
+    int width,height;
+    if (!readBoundingBoxEPS(absBaseName+".eps",&width,&height))
+    {
+      err("Error: Could not extract bounding box from .eps!\n");
+      unsetDotFontPath();
+      return baseName;
+    }
+    int maxWidth = 420; /* approx. page width in points */
+    out << "\\nopagebreak\n"
+           "\\begin{figure}[H]\n"
+           "\\begin{center}\n"
+           "\\leavevmode\n"
+           "\\includegraphics[width=" << QMIN(width/2,maxWidth) 
+                                      << "pt]{" << baseName << "}\n"
+           "\\end{center}\n"
+           "\\end{figure}\n";
+  }
+  if (Config_getBool("DOT_CLEANUP")) d.remove(baseName+".dot");
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+  return baseName;
+bool DotCallGraph::isTrivial() const
+  return m_startNode->m_children==0;
+bool DotCallGraph::isTooBig() const
+  static int maxNodes = Config_getInt("DOT_GRAPH_MAX_NODES");
+  int numNodes = m_startNode->m_children ? m_startNode->m_children->count() : 0;
+  return numNodes>=maxNodes;
+DotDirDeps::DotDirDeps(DirDef *dir) : m_dir(dir)
+QCString DotDirDeps::writeGraph(QTextStream &out,
+                            GraphOutputFormat format,
+                            const char *path,
+                            const char *relPath,
+                            bool generateImageMap) const
+  QDir d(path);
+  // store the original directory
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",path); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(d.absPath());
+  QCString baseName=m_dir->getOutputFileBase()+"_dep";
+  QCString mapName=escapeCharsInString(baseName,FALSE);
+  QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+  QCString absBaseName = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+baseName;
+  // TODO: create check, update md5 checksum
+  {
+    QFile f(absBaseName+".dot");
+    if (!f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+    {
+      err("Cannot create file %s.dot for writing!\n",baseName.data());
+    }
+    QTextStream t(&f);
+    t.setEncoding(t.UnicodeUTF8);
+    m_dir->writeDepGraph(t);
+    f.close();
+    if (format==BITMAP)
+    {
+      // run dot to create a bitmap image
+      QCString dotArgs(maxCmdLine);
+      QCString absImgName=absBaseName+"."+imgExt;
+      DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+      dotRun.addJob(imgExt,absImgName);
+      if (generateImageMap) dotRun.addJob(MAP_CMD,absBaseName+".map");
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+      checkDotResult(absImgName);
+    }
+    else if (format==EPS)
+    {
+      // run dot to create a .eps image
+      DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+      dotRun.addJob("ps",absBaseName+".eps");
+      if (Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX"))
+      {
+        QCString epstopdfArgs(maxCmdLine);
+        epstopdfArgs.sprintf("\"%s.eps\" --outfile=\"%s.pdf\"",
+            absBaseName.data(),absBaseName.data());
+        dotRun.addPostProcessing("epstopdf",epstopdfArgs);
+      }
+      if (!dotRun.run())
+      {
+        unsetDotFontPath();
+        return baseName;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  Doxygen::indexList.addImageFile(baseName+"."+imgExt);
+  if (format==BITMAP && generateImageMap)
+  {
+    out << "<div class=\"center\"><img src=\"" << relPath << baseName << "." 
+        << imgExt << "\" border=\"0\" usemap=\"#"
+        << mapName << "_map\" alt=\"";
+    out << convertToXML(m_dir->displayName());
+    out << "\"/>";
+    out << "</div>" << endl;
+    QString tmpstr;
+    QTextOStream tmpout(&tmpstr);
+    tmpout.setEncoding(tmpout.UnicodeUTF8);
+    convertMapFile(tmpout,absBaseName+".map",relPath,TRUE);
+    if (!tmpstr.isEmpty())
+    {
+      out << "<map name=\"" << mapName << "_map\" id=\"" << mapName << "\">" << endl;
+      out << tmpstr;
+      out << "</map>" << endl;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      //printf("Map is empty!\n");
+    }
+    //thisDir.remove(baseName+".map");
+  }
+  else if (format==EPS)
+  {
+    int width,height;
+    if (!readBoundingBoxEPS(absBaseName+".eps",&width,&height))
+    {
+      err("Error: Could not extract bounding box from .eps!\n");
+      unsetDotFontPath();
+      return baseName;
+    }
+    int maxWidth = 420; /* approx. page width in points */
+    out << "\\nopagebreak\n"
+           "\\begin{figure}[H]\n"
+           "\\begin{center}\n"
+           "\\leavevmode\n"
+           "\\includegraphics[width=" << QMIN(width/2,maxWidth) 
+                                      << "pt]{" << baseName << "}\n"
+           "\\end{center}\n"
+           "\\end{figure}\n";
+  }
+  if (Config_getBool("DOT_CLEANUP")) d.remove(baseName+".dot");
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+  return baseName;
+bool DotDirDeps::isTrivial() const
+  return m_dir->depGraphIsTrivial();
+void generateGraphLegend(const char *path)
+  QFile dotFile((QCString)path+"/graph_legend.dot");
+  if (!dotFile.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+  {
+    err("Could not open file %s for writing\n",
+        convertToQCString(dotFile.name()).data());
+    return;
+  }
+  QTextStream dotText(&dotFile); 
+  writeGraphHeader(dotText);
+  dotText << "  Node9 [shape=\"box\",label=\"Inherited\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",fillcolor=\"grey75\",style=\"filled\" fontcolor=\"black\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node10 -> Node9 [dir=back,color=\"midnightblue\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"solid\",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node10 [shape=\"box\",label=\"PublicBase\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",color=\"black\",URL=\"$classPublicBase" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node11 -> Node10 [dir=back,color=\"midnightblue\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"solid\",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node11 [shape=\"box\",label=\"Truncated\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",color=\"red\",URL=\"$classTruncated" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node13 -> Node9 [dir=back,color=\"darkgreen\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"solid\",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node13 [shape=\"box\",label=\"ProtectedBase\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",color=\"black\",URL=\"$classProtectedBase" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node14 -> Node9 [dir=back,color=\"firebrick4\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"solid\",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node14 [shape=\"box\",label=\"PrivateBase\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",color=\"black\",URL=\"$classPrivateBase" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node15 -> Node9 [dir=back,color=\"midnightblue\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"solid\",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node15 [shape=\"box\",label=\"Undocumented\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",color=\"grey75\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node16 -> Node9 [dir=back,color=\"midnightblue\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"solid\",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node16 [shape=\"box\",label=\"Templ< int >\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",color=\"black\",URL=\"$classTempl" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node17 -> Node16 [dir=back,color=\"orange\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"dashed\",label=\"< int >\",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node17 [shape=\"box\",label=\"Templ< T >\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",color=\"black\",URL=\"$classTempl" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node18 -> Node9 [dir=back,color=\"darkorchid3\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",style=\"dashed\",label=\"m_usedClass\",fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+  dotText << "  Node18 [shape=\"box\",label=\"Used\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",height=0.2,width=0.4,fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",color=\"black\",URL=\"$classUsed" << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+  writeGraphFooter(dotText);
+  dotFile.close();
+  QDir d(path);
+  // store the original directory
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",path); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(d.absPath());
+  // run dot to generate the a bitmap image from the graph
+  QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+  QCString imgName = "graph_legend."+imgExt;
+  QCString absImgName = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+ imgName;
+  DotRunner dotRun(d.absPath()+"/graph_legend.dot");
+  dotRun.addJob(imgExt,absImgName);
+  if (!dotRun.run())
+  {
+    unsetDotFontPath();
+    return;
+  }
+  checkDotResult(absImgName);
+  Doxygen::indexList.addImageFile(imgName);
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+void writeDotGraphFromFile(const char *inFile,const char *outDir,
+                           const char *outFile,GraphOutputFormat format)
+  QDir d(outDir);
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",outDir); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(0);
+  QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+  QCString imgName = (QCString)outFile+"."+imgExt;
+  QCString absImgName = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+imgName;
+  QCString absOutFile = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+outFile;
+  DotRunner dotRun(inFile);
+  if (format==BITMAP)
+    dotRun.addJob(imgExt,absImgName);
+  else // format==EPS
+    dotRun.addJob("ps",absOutFile+".eps");
+  if ( (format==EPS) && (Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX")) )
+  {
+    QCString epstopdfArgs(maxCmdLine);
+    epstopdfArgs.sprintf("\"%s.eps\" --outfile=\"%s.pdf\"",
+                         absOutFile.data(),absOutFile.data());
+    dotRun.addPostProcessing("epstopdf",epstopdfArgs);
+  }
+  if (!dotRun.run())
+  {
+     unsetDotFontPath();
+     return;
+  }
+  if (format==BITMAP) checkDotResult(absImgName);
+  Doxygen::indexList.addImageFile(imgName);
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+/*! Marco Dalla Gasperina [marcodg@attbi.com] added this to allow
+ *  dotfiles to generate image maps.
+ *  \param inFile just the basename part of the filename
+ *  \param outDir output directory
+ *  \param relPath relative path the to root of the output dir
+ *  \param context the scope in which this graph is found (for resolving links)
+ *  \returns a string which is the HTML image map (without the \<map\>\</map\>)
+ */
+QString getDotImageMapFromFile(const QString& inFile, const QString& outDir,
+    const QCString &relPath,const QString &context)
+  QString outFile = inFile + ".map";
+  QDir d(outDir);
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",outDir.data()); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(d.absPath());
+  QCString absOutFile = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+outFile.data();
+  DotRunner dotRun(inFile);
+  dotRun.addJob(MAP_CMD,absOutFile);
+  if (!dotRun.run())
+  {
+    unsetDotFontPath();
+    return "";
+  }
+  QString result;
+  QTextOStream tmpout(&result);
+  tmpout.setEncoding(tmpout.UnicodeUTF8);
+  convertMapFile(tmpout, absOutFile, relPath ,TRUE, context);
+  d.remove(outFile);
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+  return result;
+// end MDG mods
+DotGroupCollaboration::DotGroupCollaboration(GroupDef* gd)
+    m_curNodeId = 0;
+    QCString tmp_url = gd->getReference()+"$"+gd->getOutputFileBase();
+    m_usedNodes = new QDict<DotNode>(1009);
+    m_rootNode = new DotNode(m_curNodeId++, gd->groupTitle(), "", tmp_url, TRUE );
+    m_rootNode->markAsVisible();
+    m_usedNodes->insert(gd->name(), m_rootNode );
+    m_edges.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+    m_diskName = gd->getOutputFileBase();
+    buildGraph( gd );
+  delete m_usedNodes;
+void DotGroupCollaboration::buildGraph(GroupDef* gd)
+  QCString tmp_url;
+  //===========================
+  // hierarchy.
+  // Write parents
+  LockingPtr<GroupList> groups = gd->partOfGroups();
+  if ( groups!=0 )
+  {
+    GroupListIterator gli(*groups);
+    GroupDef *d;
+    for (gli.toFirst();(d=gli.current());++gli)
+    {
+      DotNode* nnode = m_usedNodes->find(d->name());
+      if ( !nnode )
+      { // add node
+        tmp_url = d->getReference()+"$"+d->getOutputFileBase();
+        QCString tooltip = d->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+        nnode = new DotNode(m_curNodeId++, d->groupTitle(), tooltip, tmp_url );
+        nnode->markAsVisible();
+        m_usedNodes->insert(d->name(), nnode );
+      }
+      tmp_url = "";
+      addEdge( nnode, m_rootNode, DotGroupCollaboration::thierarchy, tmp_url, tmp_url );
+    }
+  }
+  // Add subgroups
+  if ( gd->getSubGroups() && gd->getSubGroups()->count() )
+  {
+    QListIterator<GroupDef> defli(*gd->getSubGroups());
+    GroupDef *def;
+    for (;(def=defli.current());++defli)
+    {
+      DotNode* nnode = m_usedNodes->find(def->name());
+      if ( !nnode )
+      { // add node
+        tmp_url = def->getReference()+"$"+def->getOutputFileBase();
+        QCString tooltip = def->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+        nnode = new DotNode(m_curNodeId++, def->groupTitle(), tooltip, tmp_url );
+        nnode->markAsVisible();
+        m_usedNodes->insert(def->name(), nnode );
+      }
+      tmp_url = "";
+      addEdge( m_rootNode, nnode, DotGroupCollaboration::thierarchy, tmp_url, tmp_url );
+    }
+  }
+  //=======================
+  // Write collaboration
+  // Add members
+  addMemberList( gd->getMemberList(MemberList::allMembersList) );
+  // Add classes
+  if ( gd->getClasses() && gd->getClasses()->count() )
+  {
+    ClassSDict::Iterator defli(*gd->getClasses());
+    ClassDef *def;
+    for (;(def=defli.current());++defli)
+    {
+      tmp_url = def->getReference()+"$"+def->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+      addCollaborationMember( def, tmp_url, DotGroupCollaboration::tclass );          
+    }
+  }
+  // Add namespaces
+  if ( gd->getNamespaces() && gd->getNamespaces()->count() )
+  {
+    NamespaceSDict::Iterator defli(*gd->getNamespaces());
+    NamespaceDef *def;
+    for (;(def=defli.current());++defli)
+    {
+      tmp_url = def->getReference()+"$"+def->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+      addCollaborationMember( def, tmp_url, DotGroupCollaboration::tnamespace );          
+    }
+  }
+  // Add files
+  if ( gd->getFiles() && gd->getFiles()->count() )
+  {
+    QListIterator<FileDef> defli(*gd->getFiles());
+    FileDef *def;
+    for (;(def=defli.current());++defli)
+    {
+      tmp_url = def->getReference()+"$"+def->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+      addCollaborationMember( def, tmp_url, DotGroupCollaboration::tfile );          
+    }
+  }
+  // Add pages
+  if ( gd->getPages() && gd->getPages()->count() )
+  {
+    PageSDict::Iterator defli(*gd->getPages());
+    PageDef *def;
+    for (;(def=defli.current());++defli)
+    {
+      tmp_url = def->getReference()+"$"+def->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+      addCollaborationMember( def, tmp_url, DotGroupCollaboration::tpages );          
+    }
+  }
+  // Add directories
+  if ( gd->getDirs() && gd->getDirs()->count() )
+  {
+    QListIterator<DirDef> defli(*gd->getDirs());
+    DirDef *def;
+    for (;(def=defli.current());++defli)
+    {
+      tmp_url = def->getReference()+"$"+def->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+      addCollaborationMember( def, tmp_url, DotGroupCollaboration::tdir );          
+    }
+  }
+void DotGroupCollaboration::addMemberList( MemberList* ml )
+  if ( !( ml && ml->count()) ) return;
+  MemberListIterator defli(*ml);
+  MemberDef *def;
+  for (;(def=defli.current());++defli)
+  {
+    QCString tmp_url = def->getReference()+"$"+def->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension
+      +"#"+def->anchor();
+    addCollaborationMember( def, tmp_url, DotGroupCollaboration::tmember );
+  }
+DotGroupCollaboration::Edge* DotGroupCollaboration::addEdge( 
+    DotNode* _pNStart, DotNode* _pNEnd, EdgeType _eType,
+    const QCString& _label, const QCString& _url )
+  // search a existing link.
+  QListIterator<Edge> lli(m_edges);
+  Edge* newEdge = 0;
+  for ( lli.toFirst(); (newEdge=lli.current()); ++lli)
+  {
+    if ( newEdge->pNStart==_pNStart && 
+         newEdge->pNEnd==_pNEnd &&
+         newEdge->eType==_eType 
+       )
+    { // edge already found
+      break;
+    }
+  }
+  if ( newEdge==0 ) // new link
+  {
+    newEdge = new Edge(_pNStart,_pNEnd,_eType);
+    m_edges.append( newEdge );
+  } 
+  if (!_label.isEmpty())
+  {
+    newEdge->links.append(new Link(_label,_url));
+  }
+  return newEdge;
+void DotGroupCollaboration::addCollaborationMember( 
+    Definition* def, QCString& url, EdgeType eType )
+  // Create group nodes
+  if ( !def->partOfGroups() )
+    return;
+  GroupListIterator gli(*def->partOfGroups());
+  GroupDef *d;
+  QCString tmp_str;
+  for (;(d=gli.current());++gli)
+  {
+    DotNode* nnode = m_usedNodes->find(d->name());
+    if ( nnode != m_rootNode )
+    {
+      if ( nnode==0 )
+      { // add node
+        tmp_str = d->getReference()+"$"+d->getOutputFileBase();
+        QCString tooltip = d->briefDescriptionAsTooltip();
+        nnode = new DotNode(m_curNodeId++, d->groupTitle(), tooltip, tmp_str );
+        nnode->markAsVisible();
+        m_usedNodes->insert(d->name(), nnode );
+      }
+      tmp_str = def->qualifiedName();
+      addEdge( m_rootNode, nnode, eType, tmp_str, url );
+    }
+  }
+QCString DotGroupCollaboration::writeGraph( QTextStream &t, GraphOutputFormat format,
+    const char *path, const char *relPath,
+    bool writeImageMap) const
+  QDir d(path);
+  // store the original directory
+  if (!d.exists())
+  {
+    err("Error: Output dir %s does not exist!\n",path); exit(1);
+  }
+  setDotFontPath(d.absPath());
+  QCString baseName = m_diskName;
+  QCString absBaseName = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+baseName;
+  QFile dotfile(absBaseName+".dot");
+  if (dotfile.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+  {
+    QTextStream tdot(&dotfile);
+    tdot.setEncoding(tdot.UnicodeUTF8);
+    writeGraphHeader(tdot);
+    // clean write flags
+    QDictIterator<DotNode> dni(*m_usedNodes);
+    DotNode *pn;
+    for (dni.toFirst();(pn=dni.current());++dni)
+      pn->clearWriteFlag();
+    // write other nodes.
+    for (dni.toFirst();(pn=dni.current());++dni)
+    {
+      pn->write(tdot,DotNode::Inheritance,format,TRUE,FALSE,FALSE,FALSE);
+    }
+    // write edges
+    QListIterator<Edge> eli(m_edges);
+    Edge* edge;
+    for (eli.toFirst();(edge=eli.current());++eli)
+    {
+      edge->write( tdot );
+    }
+    writeGraphFooter(tdot);
+    dotfile.close();
+  }
+  QCString imgExt = Config_getEnum("DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT");
+  if (format==BITMAP) // run dot to create a bitmap image
+  {
+    QCString dotArgs(maxCmdLine);
+    QCString imgName = baseName+"."+imgExt;
+    QCString mapName=baseName+".map";
+    QCString absImgName = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+imgName;
+    QCString absMapName = QCString(d.absPath())+"/"+mapName;
+    DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+    dotRun.addJob(imgExt,absImgName);
+    if (writeImageMap) dotRun.addJob(MAP_CMD,absMapName);
+    if (!dotRun.run())
+    {
+      unsetDotFontPath();
+      return baseName;
+    }
+    if (writeImageMap)
+    {
+      QCString mapLabel = escapeCharsInString(baseName,FALSE);
+      t << "<center><table><tr><td><img src=\"" << relPath << imgName
+        << "\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\" usemap=\"#" 
+        << mapLabel << "_map\"/>" << endl;
+      t << "<map name=\"" << mapLabel << "_map\" id=\"" << mapLabel << "\">" << endl;
+      convertMapFile(t,absMapName,relPath);
+      t << "</map></td></tr></table></center>" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  else if (format==EPS)
+  {
+    DotRunner dotRun(absBaseName+".dot");
+    dotRun.addJob("ps",absBaseName+".eps");
+    if (Config_getBool("USE_PDFLATEX"))
+    {
+      QCString epstopdfArgs(maxCmdLine);
+      epstopdfArgs.sprintf("\"%s.eps\" --outfile=\"%s.pdf\"",
+          absBaseName.data(),absBaseName.data());
+      dotRun.addPostProcessing("epstopdf",epstopdfArgs);
+    }
+    if (!dotRun.run())
+    {
+      unsetDotFontPath();
+      return baseName;
+    }
+    int width,height;
+    if (!readBoundingBoxEPS(absBaseName+".eps",&width,&height))
+    {
+      err("Error: Could not extract bounding box from .eps!\n");
+      unsetDotFontPath();
+      return baseName;
+    }
+    int maxWidth = 420; /* approx. page width in points */
+    t << "\\nopagebreak\n"
+         "\\begin{figure}[H]\n"
+         "\\begin{center}\n"
+         "\\leavevmode\n"
+         "\\includegraphics[width=" << QMIN(width/2,maxWidth) 
+          << "pt]{" << baseName << "}\n"
+         "\\end{center}\n"
+         "\\end{figure}\n";
+  }
+  if (Config_getBool("DOT_CLEANUP"))
+  {
+    d.remove(baseName+".dot");
+  }
+  unsetDotFontPath();
+  return baseName;
+void DotGroupCollaboration::Edge::write( QTextStream &t ) const
+  const char* linkTypeColor[] = {
+    "darkorchid3"
+      ,"orange"
+      ,"blueviolet"
+      ,"darkgreen"   
+      ,"firebrick4"  
+      ,"grey75"
+      ,"midnightblue"
+  };
+  QCString arrowStyle = "dir=\"none\", style=\"dashed\"";
+  t << "  Node" << pNStart->number();
+  t << "->";
+  t << "Node" << pNEnd->number();
+  t << " [shape=plaintext";
+  if (links.count()>0) // there are links
+  {
+    t << ", ";
+    // HTML-like edge labels crash on my Mac with Graphviz 2.0! and
+    // are not supported by older version of dot.
+    //
+    //t << label=<<TABLE BORDER=\"0\" CELLBORDER=\"0\">";
+    //QListIterator<Link> lli(links);
+    //Link *link;
+    //for( lli.toFirst(); (link=lli.current()); ++lli)
+    //{
+    //  t << "<TR><TD";
+    //  if ( !link->url.isEmpty() )
+    //    t << " HREF=\"" << link->url << "\"";
+    //  t << ">" << link->label << "</TD></TR>";
+    //}
+    //t << "</TABLE>>";
+    t << "label=\"";
+    QListIterator<Link> lli(links);
+    Link *link;
+    bool first=TRUE;
+    int count=0;
+    const int maxLabels = 10;
+    for( lli.toFirst(); (link=lli.current()) && count<maxLabels; ++lli,++count)
+    {
+      if (first) first=FALSE; else t << "\\n"; 
+      t << convertLabel(link->label);
+    }
+    if (count==maxLabels) t << "\\n...";
+    t << "\"";
+  }
+  switch( eType )
+  {
+    case thierarchy :
+      arrowStyle = "dir=\"back\", style=\"solid\"";
+    default :
+      t << ", color=\"" << linkTypeColor[(int)eType] << "\"";
+      break;
+  }
+  t << ", " << arrowStyle;
+  t << "];" << endl;
+bool DotGroupCollaboration::isTrivial() const
+  return m_usedNodes->count() <= 1;
+void DotGroupCollaboration::writeGraphHeader(QTextStream &t) const
+  t << "digraph structs" << endl;
+  t << "{" << endl;
+  if (Config_getBool("DOT_TRANSPARENT"))
+  {
+    t << "  bgcolor=\"transparent\";" << endl;
+  }
+  t << "  edge [fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\","
+    "labelfontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",labelfontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\"];\n";
+  t << "  node [fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\",fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\",shape=record];\n";
+  t << "  rankdir=LR;\n";
+void writeDotDirDepGraph(QTextStream &t,DirDef *dd)
+    t << "digraph G {\n";
+    if (Config_getBool("DOT_TRANSPARENT"))
+    {
+      t << "  bgcolor=transparent;\n";
+    }
+    t << "  compound=true\n";
+    t << "  node [ fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\", fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+    t << "  edge [ labelfontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\", labelfontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\"];\n";
+    QDict<DirDef> dirsInGraph(257);
+    dirsInGraph.insert(dd->getOutputFileBase(),dd);
+    if (dd->parent())
+    {
+      t << "  subgraph cluster" << dd->parent()->getOutputFileBase() << " {\n";
+      t << "    graph [ bgcolor=\"#ddddee\", pencolor=\"black\", label=\"" 
+        << dd->parent()->shortName() 
+        << "\" fontname=\"" << FONTNAME << "\", fontsize=\"" << FONTSIZE << "\", URL=\"";
+      t << dd->parent()->getOutputFileBase() << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+      t << "\"]\n";
+    }
+    if (dd->isCluster())
+    {
+      t << "  subgraph cluster" << dd->getOutputFileBase() << " {\n";
+      t << "    graph [ bgcolor=\"#eeeeff\", pencolor=\"black\", label=\"\""
+        << " URL=\"" << dd->getOutputFileBase() << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension 
+        << "\"];\n";
+      t << "    " << dd->getOutputFileBase() << " [shape=plaintext label=\"" 
+        << dd->shortName() << "\"];\n";
+      // add nodes for sub directories
+      QListIterator<DirDef> sdi(dd->subDirs());
+      DirDef *sdir;
+      for (sdi.toFirst();(sdir=sdi.current());++sdi)
+      {
+        t << "    " << sdir->getOutputFileBase() << " [shape=box label=\"" 
+          << sdir->shortName() << "\"";
+        if (sdir->isCluster())
+        {
+          t << " color=\"red\"";
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          t << " color=\"black\"";
+        }
+        t << " fillcolor=\"white\" style=\"filled\"";
+        t << " URL=\"" << sdir->getOutputFileBase() 
+          << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"";
+        t << "];\n";
+        dirsInGraph.insert(sdir->getOutputFileBase(),sdir);
+      }
+      t << "  }\n";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      t << "  " << dd->getOutputFileBase() << " [shape=box, label=\"" 
+        << dd->shortName() << "\", style=\"filled\", fillcolor=\"#eeeeff\","
+        << " pencolor=\"black\", URL=\"" << dd->getOutputFileBase() 
+        << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+    }
+    if (dd->parent())
+    {
+      t << "  }\n";
+    }
+    // add nodes for other used directories
+    QDictIterator<UsedDir> udi(*dd->usedDirs());
+    UsedDir *udir;
+    //printf("*** For dir %s\n",shortName().data());
+    for (udi.toFirst();(udir=udi.current());++udi) 
+      // for each used dir (=directly used or a parent of a directly used dir)
+    {
+      const DirDef *usedDir=udir->dir();
+      DirDef *dir=dd;
+      while (dir)
+      {
+        //printf("*** check relation %s->%s same_parent=%d !%s->isParentOf(%s)=%d\n",
+        //    dir->shortName().data(),usedDir->shortName().data(),
+        //    dir->parent()==usedDir->parent(),
+        //    usedDir->shortName().data(),
+        //    shortName().data(),
+        //    !usedDir->isParentOf(this)
+        //    );
+        if (dir!=usedDir && dir->parent()==usedDir->parent() && 
+            !usedDir->isParentOf(dd))
+          // include if both have the same parent (or no parent)
+        {
+          t << "  " << usedDir->getOutputFileBase() << " [shape=box label=\"" 
+            << usedDir->shortName() << "\"";
+          if (usedDir->isCluster())
+          {
+            if (!Config_getBool("DOT_TRANSPARENT"))
+            {
+              t << " fillcolor=\"white\" style=\"filled\"";
+            }
+            t << " color=\"red\"";
+          }
+          t << " URL=\"" << usedDir->getOutputFileBase() 
+            << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension << "\"];\n";
+          dirsInGraph.insert(usedDir->getOutputFileBase(),usedDir);
+          break;
+        }
+        dir=dir->parent();
+      }
+    }
+    // add relations between all selected directories
+    DirDef *dir;
+    QDictIterator<DirDef> di(dirsInGraph);
+    for (di.toFirst();(dir=di.current());++di) // foreach dir in the graph
+    {
+      QDictIterator<UsedDir> udi(*dir->usedDirs());
+      UsedDir *udir;
+      for (udi.toFirst();(udir=udi.current());++udi) // foreach used dir
+      {
+        const DirDef *usedDir=udir->dir();
+        if ((dir!=dd || !udir->inherited()) &&     // only show direct dependendies for this dir
+            (usedDir!=dd || !udir->inherited()) && // only show direct dependendies for this dir
+            !usedDir->isParentOf(dir) &&             // don't point to own parent
+            dirsInGraph.find(usedDir->getOutputFileBase())) // only point to nodes that are in the graph
+        {
+          QCString relationName;
+          relationName.sprintf("dir_%06d_%06d",dir->dirCount(),usedDir->dirCount());
+          if (Doxygen::dirRelations.find(relationName)==0)
+          {
+            // new relation
+            Doxygen::dirRelations.append(relationName,
+                new DirRelation(relationName,dir,udir));
+          }
+          int nrefs = udir->filePairs().count();
+          t << "  " << dir->getOutputFileBase() << "->" 
+                    << usedDir->getOutputFileBase();
+          t << " [headlabel=\"" << nrefs << "\", labeldistance=1.5";
+          t << " headhref=\"" << relationName << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension 
+            << "\"];\n";
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    t << "}\n";