changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/filedef.cpp	Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1552 @@
+ *
+ * 
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+#include "qtbc.h"
+#include "memberlist.h"
+#include "classlist.h"
+#include "filedef.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "memberdef.h"
+#include "classdef.h"
+#include "namespacedef.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "outputlist.h"
+#include "dot.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "docparser.h"
+#include "searchindex.h"
+#include "htags.h"
+#include "parserintf.h"
+#include "portable.h"
+#include "vhdldocgen.h"
+#include "debug.h"
+#include "layout.h"
+class DevNullCodeDocInterface : public CodeOutputInterface
+  public:
+    virtual void codify(const char *) {}
+    virtual void writeCodeLink(const char *,const char *,
+                               const char *,const char *,
+                               const char *) {}
+    virtual void writeLineNumber(const char *,const char *,
+                                 const char *,int) {}
+    virtual void startCodeLine() {}
+    virtual void endCodeLine() {}
+    virtual void startCodeAnchor(const char *) {}
+    virtual void endCodeAnchor() {}
+    virtual void startFontClass(const char *) {}
+    virtual void endFontClass() {}
+    virtual void writeCodeAnchor(const char *) {}
+    virtual void linkableSymbol(int, const char *,Definition *,Definition *) {}
+/*! create a new file definition, where \a p is the file path, 
+    \a nm the file name, and \a ref is an HTML anchor name if the
+    file was read from a tag file or 0 otherwise
+FileDef::FileDef(const char *p,const char *nm,
+                 const char *lref,const char *dn)
+   : Definition((QCString)p+nm,1,nm)
+  path=p;
+  filepath=path+nm;
+  filename=nm;
+  diskname=dn;
+  if (diskname.isEmpty()) diskname=nm;
+  setReference(lref);
+  classSDict        = 0;
+  includeList       = 0;
+  includeDict       = 0; 
+  includedByList    = 0;
+  includedByDict    = 0; 
+  namespaceSDict    = 0; 
+  srcDefDict        = 0;
+  srcMemberDict     = 0;
+  usingDirList      = 0;
+  usingDeclList     = 0;
+  package           = 0;
+  isSource          = FALSE; 
+  docname           = nm;
+  dir               = 0;
+  if (Config_getBool("FULL_PATH_NAMES"))
+  {
+    docname.prepend(stripFromPath(path.copy()));
+  }
+  m_isJava          = name().right(5)==".java";
+  memberGroupSDict = 0;
+  acquireFileVersion();
+  m_subGrouping=Config_getBool("SUBGROUPING");
+/*! destroy the file definition */
+  delete classSDict;
+  delete includeDict;
+  delete includeList;
+  delete includedByDict;
+  delete includedByList;
+  delete namespaceSDict;
+  delete srcDefDict;
+  delete srcMemberDict;
+  delete usingDirList;
+  delete usingDeclList;
+  delete memberGroupSDict;
+/*! Compute the HTML anchor names for all members in the class */ 
+void FileDef::computeAnchors()
+  MemberList *ml = getMemberList(MemberList::allMembersList);
+  if (ml) setAnchors(0,'a',ml);
+void FileDef::distributeMemberGroupDocumentation()
+  //printf("FileDef::distributeMemberGroupDocumentation()\n");
+  if (memberGroupSDict)
+  {
+    MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*memberGroupSDict);
+    MemberGroup *mg;
+    for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
+    {
+      mg->distributeMemberGroupDocumentation();
+    }
+  }
+void FileDef::findSectionsInDocumentation()
+  docFindSections(documentation(),this,0,docFile());
+  if (memberGroupSDict)
+  {
+    MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*memberGroupSDict);
+    MemberGroup *mg;
+    for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
+    {
+      mg->findSectionsInDocumentation();
+    }
+  }
+  QListIterator<MemberList> mli(m_memberLists);
+  MemberList *ml;
+  for (mli.toFirst();(ml=mli.current());++mli)
+  {
+    if (ml->listType()&MemberList::declarationLists)
+    {
+      ml->findSectionsInDocumentation();
+    }
+  }
+void FileDef::writeDetailedDescription(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title)
+  if ((!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF")) || 
+      !documentation().isEmpty() ||
+      (Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER") && getStartBodyLine()!=-1 && getBodyDef())
+     )
+  {
+    ol.writeRuler();
+    ol.pushGeneratorState();
+    ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+      ol.writeAnchor(0,"_details"); 
+    ol.popGeneratorState();
+    ol.startGroupHeader();
+    ol.parseText(title);
+    ol.endGroupHeader();
+    ol.startTextBlock();
+    if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF"))
+    {
+      ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),this,0,briefDescription(),FALSE,FALSE);
+    }
+    if (!briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") && 
+        !documentation().isEmpty())
+    {
+      ol.pushGeneratorState();
+        ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+        ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+        // ol.newParagraph(); // FIXME:PARA
+        ol.enableAll();
+        ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Man);
+        ol.writeString("\n\n");
+      ol.popGeneratorState();
+    }
+    if (!documentation().isEmpty())
+    {
+      ol.parseDoc(docFile(),docLine(),this,0,documentation()+"\n",TRUE,FALSE);
+    }
+    //printf("Writing source ref for file %s\n",name().data());
+    if (Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER")) 
+    {
+      ol.startParagraph();
+      QCString refText = theTranslator->trDefinedInSourceFile();
+      int fileMarkerPos = refText.find("@0");
+      if (fileMarkerPos!=-1) // should always pass this.
+      {
+        ol.parseText(refText.left(fileMarkerPos)); //text left from marker 1
+        ol.writeObjectLink(0,getSourceFileBase(),
+            0,name());
+        ol.parseText(refText.right(
+              refText.length()-fileMarkerPos-2)); // text right from marker 2
+      }
+      ol.endParagraph();
+    }
+    ol.endTextBlock();
+  }
+void FileDef::writeBriefDescription(OutputList &ol)
+  if (!briefDescription().isEmpty()) 
+  {
+    ol.startParagraph();
+    ol.parseDoc(briefFile(),briefLine(),this,0,
+                briefDescription(),TRUE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE);
+    ol.pushGeneratorState();
+    ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+    ol.writeString(" \n");
+    ol.enable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+    if (Config_getBool("REPEAT_BRIEF") ||
+        !documentation().isEmpty()
+       )
+    {
+      ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+      ol.startTextLink(0,"_details");
+      ol.parseText(theTranslator->trMore());
+      ol.endTextLink();
+    }
+    ol.popGeneratorState();
+    ol.endParagraph();
+    //ol.pushGeneratorState();
+    //ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+    //ol.newParagraph();
+    //ol.popGeneratorState();
+  }
+  ol.writeSynopsis();
+void FileDef::writeIncludeFiles(OutputList &ol)
+  if (/*Config_getBool("SHOW_INCLUDE_FILES") &&*/ includeList && 
+      includeList->count()>0)
+  {
+    ol.startTextBlock(TRUE);
+    QListIterator<IncludeInfo> ili(*includeList);
+    IncludeInfo *ii;
+    for (;(ii=ili.current());++ili)
+    {
+      FileDef *fd=ii->fileDef;
+      bool isIDLorJava = FALSE;
+      if (fd)
+      {
+        isIDLorJava = fd->name().right(4)==".idl" ||   // M$ or Corba IDL
+                      fd->name().right(5)==".pidl" ||
+                      fd->name().right(5)==".java" ||  // Sun's Java
+                      fd->name().right(4)==".jsl";     // M$ J#
+      }
+      ol.startTypewriter();
+      if (isIDLorJava) // IDL/Java include
+      {
+        ol.docify("import ");
+      }
+      else if (ii->imported) // Objective-C include
+      {
+        ol.docify("#import ");
+      }
+      else // C/C++ include
+      {
+        ol.docify("#include ");
+      }
+      if (ii->local || isIDLorJava)
+        ol.docify("\"");
+      else
+        ol.docify("<");
+      ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+      ol.docify(ii->includeName);
+      ol.enableAll();
+      ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+      // Here we use the include file name as it appears in the file.
+      // we could also we the name as it is used within doxygen,
+      // then we should have used fd->docName() instead of ii->includeName
+      if (fd && fd->isLinkable())
+      {
+        ol.writeObjectLink(fd->getReference(),
+            fd->generateSourceFile() ? fd->includeName() : fd->getOutputFileBase(),
+            0,ii->includeName);
+        if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty() && !fd->isReference()) 
+        {
+          const char *locStr = (ii->local    || isIDLorJava) ? "yes" : "no";
+          const char *impStr = (ii->imported || isIDLorJava) ? "yes" : "no";
+          Doxygen::tagFile << "    <includes id=\"" 
+                           << convertToXML(fd->getOutputFileBase()) << "\" "
+                           << "name=\"" << convertToXML(fd->name()) << "\" "
+                           << "local=\"" << locStr << "\" "
+                           << "imported=\"" << impStr << "\">"
+                           << convertToXML(ii->includeName)
+                           << "</includes>" 
+                           << endl;
+        }
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        ol.docify(ii->includeName);
+      }
+      ol.enableAll();
+      if (ii->local || isIDLorJava)
+        ol.docify("\"");
+      else
+        ol.docify(">");
+      if (isIDLorJava) 
+        ol.docify(";");
+      ol.endTypewriter();
+      ol.lineBreak();
+    }
+    ol.endTextBlock();
+  }
+void FileDef::writeIncludeGraph(OutputList &ol)
+  if (Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT") /*&& Config_getBool("INCLUDE_GRAPH")*/)
+  {
+    //printf("Graph for file %s\n",name().data());
+    DotInclDepGraph incDepGraph(this,FALSE);
+    if (!incDepGraph.isTrivial() && !incDepGraph.isTooBig())
+    {
+      ol.startTextBlock(); 
+      ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+      ol.startInclDepGraph();
+      ol.parseText(theTranslator->trInclDepGraph(name()));
+      ol.endInclDepGraph(incDepGraph);
+      ol.enableAll();
+      ol.endTextBlock(TRUE);
+    }
+    //incDepGraph.writeGraph(Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT"),fd->getOutputFileBase());
+  }
+void FileDef::writeIncludedByGraph(OutputList &ol)
+  if (Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT") /*&& Config_getBool("INCLUDED_BY_GRAPH")*/)
+  {
+    //printf("Graph for file %s\n",name().data());
+    DotInclDepGraph incDepGraph(this,TRUE);
+    if (!incDepGraph.isTrivial() && !incDepGraph.isTooBig())
+    {
+      ol.startTextBlock(); 
+      ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+      ol.startInclDepGraph();
+      ol.parseText(theTranslator->trInclByDepGraph());
+      ol.endInclDepGraph(incDepGraph);
+      ol.enableAll();
+      ol.endTextBlock(TRUE);
+    }
+    //incDepGraph.writeGraph(Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT"),fd->getOutputFileBase());
+  }
+void FileDef::writeSourceLink(OutputList &ol)
+  //printf("%s: generateSourceFile()=%d\n",name().data(),generateSourceFile());
+  if (generateSourceFile())
+  {
+    ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+    ol.startParagraph();
+    ol.startTextLink(includeName(),0);
+    ol.parseText(theTranslator->trGotoSourceCode());
+    ol.endTextLink();
+    ol.endParagraph();
+    ol.enableAll();
+  }
+void FileDef::writeNamespaceDeclarations(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title)
+  // write list of namespaces
+  if (namespaceSDict) namespaceSDict->writeDeclaration(ol,title);
+void FileDef::writeClassDeclarations(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title)
+  // write list of classes
+  if (classSDict) classSDict->writeDeclaration(ol,0,title,FALSE);
+void FileDef::startMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol)
+  ol.startMemberSections();
+void FileDef::endMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol)
+  ol.endMemberSections();
+void FileDef::startMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
+  if (Config_getBool("SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES"))
+  {
+    ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+    Doxygen::suppressDocWarnings = TRUE;
+  }
+void FileDef::endMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
+  if (Config_getBool("SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES"))
+  {
+    ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+    Doxygen::suppressDocWarnings = FALSE;
+  }
+void FileDef::writeMemberGroups(OutputList &ol)
+  /* write user defined member groups */
+  if (memberGroupSDict)
+  {
+    MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*memberGroupSDict);
+    MemberGroup *mg;
+    for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
+    {
+      if ((!mg->allMembersInSameSection() || !m_subGrouping) 
+          && mg->header()!="[NOHEADER]")
+      {
+        mg->writeDeclarations(ol,0,0,this,0);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void FileDef::writeAuthorSection(OutputList &ol)
+  // write Author section (Man only)
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  ol.startGroupHeader();
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trAuthor(TRUE,TRUE));
+  ol.endGroupHeader();
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trGeneratedAutomatically(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")));
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+/*! Write the documentation page for this file to the file of output
+    generators \a ol. 
+void FileDef::writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol)
+  //funcList->countDecMembers();
+  //QCString fn = name();
+  //if (Config_getBool("FULL_PATH_NAMES"))
+  //{
+  //  fn.prepend(stripFromPath(getPath().copy()));
+  //}
+  //printf("WriteDocumentation diskname=%s\n",diskname.data());
+  QCString versionTitle;
+  if (!fileVersion.isEmpty())
+  {
+    versionTitle=("("+fileVersion+")");
+  }
+  QCString title = docname+versionTitle;
+  QCString pageTitle=theTranslator->trFileReference(docname);
+  if (Config_getBool("SHOW_DIRECTORIES") && getDirDef())
+  {
+    startFile(ol,getOutputFileBase(),name(),pageTitle,HLI_FileVisible,TRUE);
+    getDirDef()->writeNavigationPath(ol);
+    ol.endQuickIndices();
+    ol.startContents();
+    QCString pageTitleShort=theTranslator->trFileReference(name());
+    startTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase());
+    ol.pushGeneratorState();
+      ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+      ol.parseText(pageTitleShort); // Html only
+      ol.enableAll();
+      ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+      ol.parseText(pageTitle); // other output formats
+    ol.popGeneratorState();
+    addGroupListToTitle(ol,this);
+    endTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase(),title);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    startFile(ol,getOutputFileBase(),name(),pageTitle,HLI_FileVisible);
+    startTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase());
+    ol.parseText(pageTitle);
+    addGroupListToTitle(ol,this);
+    endTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase(),title);
+  }
+  if (!fileVersion.isEmpty())
+  {
+    ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+    ol.startProjectNumber();
+    ol.docify(versionTitle);
+    ol.endProjectNumber();
+    ol.enableAll();
+  }
+  if (Doxygen::searchIndex)
+  {
+    Doxygen::searchIndex->setCurrentDoc(pageTitle,getOutputFileBase());
+    Doxygen::searchIndex->addWord(localName(),TRUE);
+  }
+  if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty()) 
+  {
+    Doxygen::tagFile << "  <compound kind=\"file\">" << endl;
+    Doxygen::tagFile << "    <name>" << convertToXML(name()) << "</name>" << endl;
+    Doxygen::tagFile << "    <path>" << convertToXML(getPath()) << "</path>" << endl;
+    Doxygen::tagFile << "    <filename>" 
+                     << convertToXML(getOutputFileBase()) 
+                     << "</filename>" << endl;
+  }
+  //---------------------------------------- start flexible part -------------------------------
+  QListIterator<LayoutDocEntry> eli(
+      LayoutDocManager::instance().docEntries(LayoutDocManager::File));
+  LayoutDocEntry *lde;
+  for (eli.toFirst();(lde=eli.current());++eli)
+  {
+    switch (lde->kind())
+    {
+      case LayoutDocEntry::BriefDesc: 
+        writeBriefDescription(ol);
+        break; 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDeclStart: 
+        startMemberDeclarations(ol);
+        break; 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludes:
+        writeIncludeFiles(ol);
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludeGraph:
+        writeIncludeGraph(ol);
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::FileIncludedByGraph:
+        writeIncludedByGraph(ol);
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::FileSourceLink:
+        writeSourceLink(ol);
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::FileClasses: 
+        {
+          LayoutDocEntrySection *ls = (LayoutDocEntrySection*)lde;
+          writeClassDeclarations(ol,ls->title);
+        }
+        break; 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::FileNamespaces: 
+        {
+          LayoutDocEntrySection *ls = (LayoutDocEntrySection*)lde;
+          writeNamespaceDeclarations(ol,ls->title);
+        }
+        break; 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::MemberGroups: 
+        writeMemberGroups(ol);
+        break; 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDecl: 
+        {
+          LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl *lmd = (LayoutDocEntryMemberDecl*)lde;
+          writeMemberDeclarations(ol,lmd->type,lmd->title);
+        }
+        break; 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDeclEnd: 
+        endMemberDeclarations(ol);
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::DetailedDesc: 
+        {
+          LayoutDocEntrySection *ls = (LayoutDocEntrySection*)lde;
+          writeDetailedDescription(ol,ls->title);
+        }
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDefStart: 
+        startMemberDocumentation(ol);
+        break; 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDef: 
+        {
+          LayoutDocEntryMemberDef *lmd = (LayoutDocEntryMemberDef*)lde;
+          writeMemberDocumentation(ol,lmd->type,lmd->title);
+        }
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::MemberDefEnd: 
+        endMemberDocumentation(ol);
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::AuthorSection: 
+        writeAuthorSection(ol);
+        break;
+      case LayoutDocEntry::ClassIncludes:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::ClassInheritanceGraph:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::ClassNestedClasses:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::ClassCollaborationGraph:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::ClassAllMembersLink:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::ClassUsedFiles:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceNestedNamespaces:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::NamespaceClasses:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::GroupClasses: 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::GroupNamespaces:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::GroupDirs: 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::GroupNestedGroups: 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::GroupFiles:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::GroupGraph: 
+      case LayoutDocEntry::GroupPageDocs:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::DirSubDirs:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::DirFiles:
+      case LayoutDocEntry::DirGraph:
+        err("Internal inconsistency: member %d should not be part of "
+            "LayoutDocManager::File entry list\n",lde->kind());
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  //---------------------------------------- end flexible part -------------------------------
+  if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty()) 
+  {
+    writeDocAnchorsToTagFile();
+    Doxygen::tagFile << "  </compound>" << endl;
+  }
+  endFile(ol);
+  if (Config_getBool("SEPARATE_MEMBER_PAGES"))
+  {
+    MemberList *ml = getMemberList(MemberList::allMembersList);
+    if (ml) ml->sort();
+    writeMemberPages(ol);
+  }
+void FileDef::writeMemberPages(OutputList &ol)
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  QListIterator<MemberList> mli(m_memberLists);
+  MemberList *ml;
+  for (mli.toFirst();(ml=mli.current());++mli)
+  {
+    if (ml->listType()&MemberList::documentationLists)
+    {
+      ml->writeDocumentationPage(ol,name(),this);
+    }
+  }
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void FileDef::writeQuickMemberLinks(OutputList &ol,MemberDef *currentMd) const
+  static bool createSubDirs=Config_getBool("CREATE_SUBDIRS");
+  ol.writeString("      <div class=\"navtab\">\n");
+  ol.writeString("        <table>\n");
+  MemberList *allMemberList = getMemberList(MemberList::allMembersList);
+  if (allMemberList)
+  {
+    MemberListIterator mli(*allMemberList);
+    MemberDef *md;
+    for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli)
+    {
+      if (md->getFileDef()==this && md->getNamespaceDef()==0 && md->isLinkable())
+      {
+        ol.writeString("          <tr><td class=\"navtab\">");
+        if (md->isLinkableInProject())
+        {
+          if (md==currentMd) // selected item => highlight
+          {
+            ol.writeString("<a class=\"qindexHL\" ");
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            ol.writeString("<a class=\"qindex\" ");
+          }
+          ol.writeString("href=\"");
+          if (createSubDirs) ol.writeString("../../");
+          ol.writeString(md->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension+"#"+md->anchor());
+          ol.writeString("\">");
+          ol.writeString(md->localName());
+          ol.writeString("</a>");
+        }
+        ol.writeString("</td></tr>\n");
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ol.writeString("        </table>\n");
+  ol.writeString("      </div>\n");
+/*! Write a source listing of this file to the output */
+void FileDef::writeSource(OutputList &ol)
+  static bool filterSourceFiles = Config_getBool("FILTER_SOURCE_FILES");
+  static bool latexSourceCode   = Config_getBool("LATEX_SOURCE_CODE");
+  QCString title = docname;
+  if (!fileVersion.isEmpty())
+  {
+    title+=(" ("+fileVersion+")");
+  }
+  QCString pageTitle = theTranslator->trSourceFile(title);
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+  if (!latexSourceCode) ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+  if (Config_getBool("SHOW_DIRECTORIES") && getDirDef())
+  {
+    startFile(ol,getSourceFileBase(),0,pageTitle,HLI_FileVisible,TRUE);
+    getDirDef()->writeNavigationPath(ol);
+    ol.endQuickIndices();
+    ol.startContents();
+    startTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase());
+    ol.parseText(name());
+    endTitle(ol,getOutputFileBase(),title);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    startFile(ol,getSourceFileBase(),0,pageTitle,HLI_FileVisible,TRUE);
+    startTitle(ol,getSourceFileBase());
+    ol.parseText(title);
+    endTitle(ol,getSourceFileBase(),0);
+  }
+  if (isLinkable())
+  {
+    if (latexSourceCode) ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+    ol.startTextLink(getOutputFileBase(),0);
+    ol.parseText(theTranslator->trGotoDocumentation());
+    ol.endTextLink();
+    if (latexSourceCode) ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+  }
+  ParserInterface *pIntf = Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(getDefFileExtension());
+  pIntf->resetCodeParserState();
+  ol.startCodeFragment();
+  pIntf->parseCode(ol,0,
+            fileToString(absFilePath(),filterSourceFiles),
+            FALSE,0,this
+           );
+  ol.endCodeFragment();
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.enableAll();
+void FileDef::parseSource()
+  static bool filterSourceFiles = Config_getBool("FILTER_SOURCE_FILES");
+  DevNullCodeDocInterface devNullIntf;
+  ParserInterface *pIntf = Doxygen::parserManager->getParser(getDefFileExtension());
+  pIntf->resetCodeParserState();
+  pIntf->parseCode(
+            devNullIntf,0,
+            fileToString(absFilePath(),filterSourceFiles),
+            FALSE,0,this
+           );
+void FileDef::addMembersToMemberGroup()
+  QListIterator<MemberList> mli(m_memberLists);
+  MemberList *ml;
+  for (mli.toFirst();(ml=mli.current());++mli)
+  {
+    if (ml->listType()&MemberList::declarationLists)
+    {
+      ::addMembersToMemberGroup(ml,&memberGroupSDict,this);
+    }
+  }
+  // add members inside sections to their groups
+  if (memberGroupSDict)
+  {
+    MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*memberGroupSDict);
+    MemberGroup *mg;
+    for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
+    {
+      if (mg->allMembersInSameSection() && m_subGrouping)
+      {
+        //printf("----> addToDeclarationSection(%s)\n",mg->header().data());
+        mg->addToDeclarationSection();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+/*! Adds member definition \a md to the list of all members of this file */
+void FileDef::insertMember(MemberDef *md)
+  if (md->isHidden()) return;
+  //printf("%s:FileDef::insertMember(%s (=%p) list has %d elements)\n",
+  //    name().data(),md->name().data(),md,allMemberList.count());
+  MemberList *allMemberList = getMemberList(MemberList::allMembersList);
+  if (allMemberList && allMemberList->findRef(md)!=-1)  // TODO optimize the findRef!
+  { 
+    return;
+  }
+  if (allMemberList==0)
+  {
+    allMemberList = new MemberList(MemberList::allMembersList);;
+    m_memberLists.append(allMemberList);
+  }
+  allMemberList->append(md); 
+  //::addFileMemberNameToIndex(md);
+  switch (md->memberType())
+  {
+    case MemberDef::Variable:     
+    case MemberDef::Property:     
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::decVarMembers,md);
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::docVarMembers,md);
+      break;
+    case MemberDef::Function: 
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::decFuncMembers,md);
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::docFuncMembers,md);
+      break;
+    case MemberDef::Typedef:      
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::decTypedefMembers,md);
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::docTypedefMembers,md);
+      break;
+    case MemberDef::Enumeration:  
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::decEnumMembers,md);
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::docEnumMembers,md);
+      break;
+    case MemberDef::EnumValue:    // enum values are shown inside their enums
+      break;
+    case MemberDef::Define:       
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::decDefineMembers,md);
+      addMemberToList(MemberList::docDefineMembers,md);
+      break;
+    default:
+       err("FileDef::insertMembers(): "
+           "member `%s' with class scope `%s' inserted in file scope `%s'!\n",
+           md->name().data(),
+           md->getClassDef() ? md->getClassDef()->name().data() : "<global>",
+           name().data());
+  }
+  //addMemberToGroup(md,groupId);
+/*! Adds compound definition \a cd to the list of all compounds of this file */
+void FileDef::insertClass(ClassDef *cd)
+  if (cd->isHidden()) return;
+  if (classSDict==0)
+  {
+    classSDict = new ClassSDict(17);
+  }
+  if (Config_getBool("SORT_BRIEF_DOCS"))
+    classSDict->inSort(cd->name(),cd);
+  else
+    classSDict->append(cd->name(),cd);
+/*! Adds namespace definition \a nd to the list of all compounds of this file */
+void FileDef::insertNamespace(NamespaceDef *nd)
+  if (nd->isHidden()) return;
+  if (!nd->name().isEmpty() && 
+      (namespaceSDict==0 || namespaceSDict->find(nd->name())==0))
+  {
+    if (namespaceSDict==0)
+    {
+      namespaceSDict = new NamespaceSDict;
+    }
+    if (Config_getBool("SORT_BRIEF_DOCS"))
+      namespaceSDict->inSort(nd->name(),nd);
+    else
+      namespaceSDict->append(nd->name(),nd);
+  }
+void FileDef::addSourceRef(int line,Definition *d,MemberDef *md)
+  //printf("FileDef::addSourceDef(%d,%p,%p)\n",line,d,md);
+  if (d)
+  {
+    if (srcDefDict==0)    srcDefDict    = new QIntDict<Definition>(257);
+    if (srcMemberDict==0) srcMemberDict = new QIntDict<MemberDef>(257);
+    srcDefDict->insert(line,d);
+    if (md) srcMemberDict->insert(line,md);
+    //printf("Adding member %s with anchor %s at line %d to file %s\n",
+    //    md->name().data(),md->anchor().data(),line,name().data());
+  }
+Definition *FileDef::getSourceDefinition(int lineNr)
+  Definition *result=0;
+  if (srcDefDict)
+  {
+    result = srcDefDict->find(lineNr);
+  }
+  return result;
+MemberDef *FileDef::getSourceMember(int lineNr)
+  MemberDef *result=0;
+  if (srcMemberDict)
+  {
+    result = srcMemberDict->find(lineNr);
+  }
+  return result;
+void FileDef::addUsingDirective(NamespaceDef *nd)
+  if (usingDirList==0)
+  {
+    usingDirList = new NamespaceSDict;
+  }
+  if (usingDirList->find(nd->qualifiedName())==0)
+  {
+    usingDirList->append(nd->qualifiedName(),nd);
+  }
+  //printf("%p: FileDef::addUsingDirective: %s:%d\n",this,name().data(),usingDirList->count());
+NamespaceSDict *FileDef::getUsedNamespaces() const 
+  //printf("%p: FileDef::getUsedNamespace: %s:%d\n",this,name().data(),usingDirList?usingDirList->count():0);
+  return usingDirList; 
+void FileDef::addUsingDeclaration(Definition *d)
+  if (usingDeclList==0)
+  {
+    usingDeclList = new SDict<Definition>(17);
+  }
+  if (usingDeclList->find(d->qualifiedName())==0)
+  {
+    usingDeclList->append(d->qualifiedName(),d);
+  }
+void FileDef::addIncludeDependency(FileDef *fd,const char *incName,bool local,
+                                   bool imported)
+  //printf("FileDef::addIncludeDependency(%p,%s,%d)\n",fd,incName,local);
+  QCString iName = fd ? fd->absFilePath().data() : incName;
+  if (!iName.isEmpty() && (!includeDict || includeDict->find(iName)==0))
+  {
+    if (includeDict==0)
+    {
+      includeDict   = new QDict<IncludeInfo>(61);
+      includeList   = new QList<IncludeInfo>;
+      includeList->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+    }
+    IncludeInfo *ii = new IncludeInfo;
+    ii->fileDef     = fd;
+    ii->includeName = incName;
+    ii->local       = local;
+    ii->imported    = imported;
+    includeList->append(ii);
+    includeDict->insert(iName,ii);
+  }
+void FileDef::addIncludedUsingDirectives()
+  if (visited) return;
+  visited=TRUE;
+  //printf("( FileDef::addIncludedUsingDirectives for file %s\n",name().data());
+  NamespaceList nl;
+  if (includeList) // file contains #includes
+  {
+    {
+      QListIterator<IncludeInfo> iii(*includeList);
+      IncludeInfo *ii;
+      for (iii.toFirst();(ii=iii.current());++iii) // foreach #include...
+      {
+        if (ii->fileDef && !ii->fileDef->visited) // ...that is a known file
+        {
+          // recurse into this file
+          ii->fileDef->addIncludedUsingDirectives();
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    {
+      QListIterator<IncludeInfo> iii(*includeList);
+      IncludeInfo *ii;
+      // iterate through list from last to first
+      for (iii.toLast();(ii=iii.current());--iii)
+      {
+        if (ii->fileDef && ii->fileDef!=this)
+        {
+          // add using directives
+          NamespaceSDict *unl = ii->fileDef->usingDirList;
+          if (unl)
+          {
+            NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*unl);
+            NamespaceDef *nd;
+            for (nli.toLast();(nd=nli.current());--nli)
+            {
+              // append each using directive found in a #include file
+              if (usingDirList==0) usingDirList = new NamespaceSDict;
+              //printf("Prepending used namespace %s to the list of file %s\n",
+              //    nd->name().data(),name().data());
+              if (usingDirList->find(nd->qualifiedName())==0) // not yet added
+              {
+                usingDirList->prepend(nd->qualifiedName(),nd);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+          // add using declarations
+          SDict<Definition> *udl = ii->fileDef->usingDeclList;
+          if (udl)
+          {
+            SDict<Definition>::Iterator udi(*udl);
+            Definition *d;
+            for (udi.toLast();(d=udi.current());--udi)
+            {
+              //printf("Adding using declaration %s\n",d->name().data());
+              if (usingDeclList==0)
+              {
+                usingDeclList = new SDict<Definition>(17);
+              }
+              if (usingDeclList->find(d->qualifiedName())==0)
+              {
+                usingDeclList->prepend(d->qualifiedName(),d);
+              }
+            }
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //printf(") end FileDef::addIncludedUsingDirectives for file %s\n",name().data());
+void FileDef::addIncludedByDependency(FileDef *fd,const char *incName,
+                                      bool local,bool imported)
+  //printf("FileDef::addIncludedByDependency(%p,%s,%d)\n",fd,incName,local);
+  QCString iName = fd ? fd->absFilePath().data() : incName;
+  if (!iName.isEmpty() && (includedByDict==0 || includedByDict->find(iName)==0))
+  {
+    if (includedByDict==0)
+    {
+      includedByDict = new QDict<IncludeInfo>(61);
+      includedByList = new QList<IncludeInfo>;
+      includedByList->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+    }
+    IncludeInfo *ii = new IncludeInfo;
+    ii->fileDef     = fd;
+    ii->includeName = incName;
+    ii->local       = local;
+    ii->imported    = imported;
+    includedByList->append(ii);
+    includedByDict->insert(iName,ii);
+  }
+bool FileDef::isIncluded(const QCString &name) const
+  if (name.isEmpty()) return FALSE;
+  return includeDict!=0 && includeDict->find(name)!=0;
+bool FileDef::generateSourceFile() const 
+  QCString extension = name().right(4);
+  return !isReference() && 
+         (Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER") || 
+           (Config_getBool("VERBATIM_HEADERS") && guessSection(name())==Entry::HEADER_SEC) 
+         ) &&
+         extension!=".doc" && extension!=".txt" && extension!=".dox"; 
+void FileDef::addListReferences()
+  {
+    LockingPtr< QList<ListItemInfo> > xrefItems = xrefListItems();
+    addRefItem(xrefItems.pointer(),
+               getOutputFileBase(),
+               theTranslator->trFile(TRUE,TRUE),
+               getOutputFileBase(),name(),
+               0
+              );
+  }
+  if (memberGroupSDict)
+  {
+    MemberGroupSDict::Iterator mgli(*memberGroupSDict);
+    MemberGroup *mg;
+    for (;(mg=mgli.current());++mgli)
+    {
+      mg->addListReferences(this);
+    }
+  }
+  QListIterator<MemberList> mli(m_memberLists);
+  MemberList *ml;
+  for (mli.toFirst();(ml=mli.current());++mli)
+  {
+    if (ml->listType()&MemberList::documentationLists)
+    {
+      ml->addListReferences(this);
+    }
+  }
+static int findMatchingPart(const QCString &path,const QCString dir)
+  int si1;
+  int pos1=0,pos2=0;
+  while ((si1=path.find('/',pos1))!=-1)
+  {
+    int si2=dir.find('/',pos2);
+    //printf("  found slash at pos %d in path %d: %s<->%s\n",si1,si2,
+    //    path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2).data(),dir.mid(pos2).data());
+    if (si2==-1 && path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2)==dir.mid(pos2)) // match at end
+    {
+      return dir.length();
+    }
+    if (si1!=si2 || path.mid(pos1,si1-pos2)!=dir.mid(pos2,si2-pos2)) // no match in middle
+    {
+      return QMAX(pos1-1,0);
+    }
+    pos1=si1+1;
+    pos2=si2+1;
+  }
+  return 0;
+static Directory *findDirNode(Directory *root,const QCString &name)
+  QListIterator<DirEntry> dli(root->children());
+  DirEntry *de;
+  for (dli.toFirst();(de=dli.current());++dli)
+  {
+    if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+    {
+      Directory *dir = (Directory *)de;
+      QCString dirName=dir->name();
+      int sp=findMatchingPart(name,dirName);
+      //printf("findMatchingPart(%s,%s)=%d\n",name.data(),dirName.data(),sp);
+      if (sp>0) // match found
+      {
+        if ((uint)sp==dirName.length()) // whole directory matches
+        {
+          // recurse into the directory
+          return findDirNode(dir,name.mid(dirName.length()+1));
+        } 
+        else // partial match => we need to split the path into three parts
+        {
+          QCString baseName     =dirName.left(sp);
+          QCString oldBranchName=dirName.mid(sp+1);
+          QCString newBranchName=name.mid(sp+1);
+          // strip file name from path
+          int newIndex=newBranchName.findRev('/');
+          if (newIndex>0) newBranchName=newBranchName.left(newIndex);
+          //printf("Splitting off part in new branch \n"
+          //    "base=%s old=%s new=%s\n",
+          //    baseName.data(),
+          //    oldBranchName.data(),
+          //    newBranchName.data()
+          //      );
+          Directory *base = new Directory(root,baseName);
+          Directory *newBranch = new Directory(base,newBranchName);
+          dir->reParent(base);
+          dir->rename(oldBranchName);
+          base->addChild(dir);
+          base->addChild(newBranch);
+          dir->setLast(FALSE);
+          // remove DirEntry container from list (without deleting it)
+          root->children().setAutoDelete(FALSE);
+          root->children().removeRef(dir);
+          root->children().setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+          // add new branch to the root
+          if (!root->children().isEmpty())
+          {
+            root->children().last()->setLast(FALSE); 
+          }
+          root->addChild(base);
+          return newBranch;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  int si=name.findRev('/');
+  if (si==-1) // no subdir
+  {
+    return root; // put the file under the root node.
+  }
+  else // need to create a subdir 
+  {
+    QCString baseName = name.left(si);
+    //printf("new subdir %s\n",baseName.data());
+    Directory *newBranch = new Directory(root,baseName);
+    if (!root->children().isEmpty())
+    {
+      root->children().last()->setLast(FALSE); 
+    }
+    root->addChild(newBranch);
+    return newBranch;
+  }
+static void mergeFileDef(Directory *root,FileDef *fd)
+  QCString rootPath = root->name();
+  QCString filePath = fd->absFilePath();
+  //printf("merging %s\n",filePath.data());
+  Directory *dirNode = findDirNode(root,filePath);
+  if (!dirNode->children().isEmpty())
+  {
+    dirNode->children().last()->setLast(FALSE); 
+  }
+  DirEntry *e=new DirEntry(dirNode,fd);
+  dirNode->addChild(e);
+#if 0
+static void generateIndent(QTextStream &t,DirEntry *de,int level)
+  if (de->parent())
+  {
+    generateIndent(t,de->parent(),level+1);
+  }
+  // from the root up to node n do...
+  if (level==0) // item before a dir or document
+  {
+    if (de->isLast())
+    {
+      if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+      {
+        t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(plastnode) << "/>";
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(lastnode) << "/>";
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+      {
+        t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(pnode) << "/>";
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(node) << "/>";
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else // item at another level
+  {
+    if (de->isLast())
+    {
+      t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(blank) << "/>";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(vertline) << "/>";
+    }
+  }
+static void writeDirTreeNode(QTextStream &t,Directory *root,int level)
+  QCString indent;
+  indent.fill(' ',level*2);
+  QListIterator<DirEntry> dli(root->children());
+  DirEntry *de;
+  for (dli.toFirst();(de=dli.current());++dli)
+  {
+    t << indent << "<p>";
+    generateIndent(t,de,0);
+    if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+    {
+      Directory *dir=(Directory *)de;
+      //printf("%s [dir]: %s (last=%d,dir=%d)\n",indent.data(),dir->name().data(),dir->isLast(),dir->kind()==DirEntry::Dir);
+      t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(folderclosed) << "/>";
+      t << dir->name();
+      t << "</p>\n";
+      t << indent << "<div>\n";
+      writeDirTreeNode(t,dir,level+1);
+      t << indent << "</div>\n";
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      //printf("%s [file]: %s (last=%d,dir=%d)\n",indent.data(),de->file()->name().data(),de->isLast(),de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir);
+      t << "<img " << FTV_IMGATTRIBS(doc) << "/>";
+      t << de->file()->name();
+      t << "</p>\n";
+    }
+  }
+static void addDirsAsGroups(Directory *root,GroupDef *parent,int level)
+  GroupDef *gd=0;
+  if (root->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+  {
+    gd = new GroupDef("[generated]",
+                      1,
+                      root->path(), // name
+                      root->name()  // title
+                     );
+    if (parent) 
+    {
+      parent->addGroup(gd);
+      gd->makePartOfGroup(parent);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      Doxygen::groupSDict->append(root->path(),gd);
+    }
+  }
+  QListIterator<DirEntry> dli(root->children());
+  DirEntry *de;
+  for (dli.toFirst();(de=dli.current());++dli)
+  {
+    if (de->kind()==DirEntry::Dir)
+    {
+      addDirsAsGroups((Directory *)de,gd,level+1);
+    }
+  }
+void generateFileTree()
+  Directory *root=new Directory(0,"root");
+  root->setLast(TRUE);
+  FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList); 
+  FileName *fn;
+  for (fnli.toFirst();(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
+  {
+    FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
+    FileDef *fd;
+    for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
+    {
+      mergeFileDef(root,fd);
+    }
+  }
+  //t << "<div class=\"directory\">\n";
+  //writeDirTreeNode(t,root,0);
+  //t << "</div>\n";
+  addDirsAsGroups(root,0,0);
+  delete root;
+void FileDef::combineUsingRelations()
+  if (visited) return; // already done
+  visited=TRUE;
+  if (usingDirList)
+  {
+    NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*usingDirList);
+    NamespaceDef *nd;
+    for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli)
+    {
+      nd->combineUsingRelations();
+    }
+    for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli)
+    {
+      // add used namespaces of namespace nd to this namespace
+      if (nd->getUsedNamespaces())
+      {
+        NamespaceSDict::Iterator unli(*nd->getUsedNamespaces());
+        NamespaceDef *und;
+        for (unli.toFirst();(und=unli.current());++unli)
+        {
+          //printf("Adding namespace %s to the using list of %s\n",und->qualifiedName().data(),qualifiedName().data());
+          addUsingDirective(und);
+        }
+      }
+      // add used classes of namespace nd to this namespace
+      if (nd->getUsedClasses())
+      {
+        SDict<Definition>::Iterator cli(*nd->getUsedClasses());
+        Definition *ucd;
+        for (cli.toFirst();(ucd=cli.current());++cli)
+        {
+          //printf("Adding class %s to the using list of %s\n",cd->qualifiedName().data(),qualifiedName().data());
+          addUsingDeclaration(ucd);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+bool FileDef::isDocumentationFile() const
+  return name().right(4)==".doc" ||
+         name().right(4)==".txt" ||
+         name().right(4)==".dox";
+void FileDef::acquireFileVersion()
+  QCString vercmd = Config_getString("FILE_VERSION_FILTER");
+  if (!vercmd.isEmpty()) 
+  {
+    msg("Version of %s : ",filepath.data());
+    QCString cmd = vercmd+" \""+filepath+"\"";
+    Debug::print(Debug::ExtCmd,0,"Executing popen(`%s`)\n",cmd.data());
+    FILE *f=portable_popen(cmd,"r");
+    if (!f)
+    {
+      err("Error: could not execute %s\n",vercmd.data());
+      return;
+    }
+    const int bufSize=1024;
+    char buf[bufSize];
+    int numRead = fread(buf,1,bufSize,f);
+    portable_pclose(f);
+    if (numRead > 0) 
+    {
+      fileVersion = QCString(buf,numRead).stripWhiteSpace();
+      msg("%s\n",fileVersion.data());
+    }
+    else 
+    {
+      msg("no version available\n");
+    }
+  }
+QCString FileDef::getSourceFileBase() const
+  if (Htags::useHtags)
+  {
+    return Htags::path2URL(filepath);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return convertNameToFile(diskname)+"_source"; 
+  }
+/*! Returns the name of the verbatim copy of this file (if any). */
+QCString FileDef::includeName() const 
+  if (Htags::useHtags)
+  {
+    return Htags::path2URL(filepath);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    return convertNameToFile(diskname)+"_source"; 
+  }
+MemberList *FileDef::createMemberList(MemberList::ListType lt)
+  m_memberLists.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+  QListIterator<MemberList> mli(m_memberLists);
+  MemberList *ml;
+  for (mli.toFirst();(ml=mli.current());++mli)
+  {
+    if (ml->listType()==lt)
+    {
+      return ml;
+    }
+  }
+  // not found, create a new member list
+  ml = new MemberList(lt);
+  m_memberLists.append(ml);
+  return ml;
+void FileDef::addMemberToList(MemberList::ListType lt,MemberDef *md)
+  static bool sortBriefDocs = Config_getBool("SORT_BRIEF_DOCS");
+  static bool sortMemberDocs = Config_getBool("SORT_MEMBER_DOCS");
+  MemberList *ml = createMemberList(lt);
+  if (((ml->listType()&MemberList::declarationLists) && sortBriefDocs) ||
+      ((ml->listType()&MemberList::documentationLists) && sortMemberDocs)
+     )
+    ml->inSort(md);
+  else
+    ml->append(md);
+  if (lt&MemberList::documentationLists)
+  {
+    ml->setInFile(TRUE);
+  }
+  if (ml->listType()&MemberList::declarationLists) md->setSectionList(this,ml);
+MemberList *FileDef::getMemberList(MemberList::ListType lt) const
+  FileDef *that = (FileDef*)this;
+  MemberList *ml = that->m_memberLists.first();
+  while (ml)
+  {
+    if (ml->listType()==lt)
+    {
+      return ml;
+    }
+    ml = that->m_memberLists.next();
+  }
+  return 0;
+void FileDef::writeMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol,MemberList::ListType lt,const QCString &title)
+  static bool optVhdl = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
+  MemberList * ml = getMemberList(lt);
+  if (ml) 
+  {
+    if (optVhdl) // use specific declarations function
+    {
+      VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlDeclarations(ml,ol,0,0,this);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      ml->writeDeclarations(ol,0,0,this,0,title,0);
+    }
+  }
+void FileDef::writeMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol,MemberList::ListType lt,const QCString &title)
+  MemberList * ml = getMemberList(lt);
+  if (ml) ml->writeDocumentation(ol,name(),this,title);
+bool FileDef::isLinkableInProject() const
+  static bool showFiles = Config_getBool("SHOW_FILES");
+  return hasDocumentation() && !isReference() && showFiles;