changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/filedef.h	Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+ *
+ * 
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef FILEDEF_H
+#define FILEDEF_H
+#include "index.h"
+#include <qlist.h>
+#include <qintdict.h>
+#include <qdict.h>
+#include "config.h"
+#include "definition.h"
+#include "memberlist.h"
+#include "util.h"
+class FileDef;
+class FileList;
+class ClassSDict;
+class ClassDef;
+class ClassList;
+class MemberDef;
+class OutputList;
+class NamespaceDef;
+class NamespaceSDict;
+class MemberGroupSDict;
+class PackageDef;
+class DirDef;
+struct IncludeInfo
+  IncludeInfo() { fileDef=0; local=FALSE; }
+  ~IncludeInfo() {}
+  FileDef *fileDef;
+  QCString includeName;
+  bool local;
+  bool imported;
+/*! \class FileDef filedef.h
+    \brief A File definition.
+    An object of this class contains all file information that is gathered.
+    This includes the members and compounds defined in the file.
+    The member writeDocumentation() can be used to generate the page of
+    documentation to HTML and LaTeX.
+class FileDef : public Definition
+  friend class FileName;
+  public:
+    //enum FileType { Source, Header, Unknown };
+    FileDef(const char *p,const char *n,const char *ref=0,const char *dn=0);
+   ~FileDef();
+    DefType definitionType() const { return TypeFile; }
+    /*! Returns the unique file name (this may include part of the path). */
+    QCString name() const 
+    { 
+      if (Config_getBool("FULL_PATH_NAMES")) 
+        return filename; 
+      else 
+        return Definition::name(); 
+    } 
+    QCString fileName() const
+    {
+      return filename;
+    }
+    QCString getOutputFileBase() const 
+    { return convertNameToFile(diskname); }
+    QCString getFileBase() const
+    { return diskname; }
+    QCString getSourceFileBase() const;
+    /*! Returns the name of the verbatim copy of this file (if any). */
+    QCString includeName() const;
+    /*! Returns the absolute path including the file name. */
+    QCString absFilePath() const { return filepath; }
+    /*! Returns the name as it is used in the documentation */
+    QCString docName() const { return docname; }
+    void addSourceRef(int line,Definition *d,MemberDef *md);
+    Definition *getSourceDefinition(int lineNr);
+    MemberDef *getSourceMember(int lineNr);
+    /* Sets the name of the include file to \a n. */
+    //void setIncludeName(const char *n_) { incName=n_; }
+    /*! Returns the absolute path of this file. */ 
+    QCString getPath() const { return path; }
+    /*! Returns version of this file. */
+    QCString getVersion() const { return fileVersion; }
+    bool isLinkableInProject() const;
+    bool isLinkable() const
+    {
+      return isLinkableInProject() || isReference();
+    }
+    bool isIncluded(const QCString &name) const;
+    bool isJava() const { return m_isJava; }
+    void writeDocumentation(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeMemberPages(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeQuickMemberLinks(OutputList &ol,MemberDef *currentMd) const;
+    void writeSource(OutputList &ol);
+    void parseSource();
+    friend void generatedFileNames();
+    void insertMember(MemberDef *md);
+    void insertClass(ClassDef *cd);
+    void insertNamespace(NamespaceDef *nd);
+    void computeAnchors();
+    void setPackageDef(PackageDef *pd) { package=pd; }
+    PackageDef *packageDef() const { return package; }
+    void setDirDef(DirDef *dd) { dir=dd; }
+    DirDef *getDirDef() const { return dir; }
+    void addUsingDirective(NamespaceDef *nd);
+    NamespaceSDict *getUsedNamespaces() const;
+    void addUsingDeclaration(Definition *def);
+    SDict<Definition> *getUsedClasses() const { return usingDeclList; }
+    void combineUsingRelations();
+    bool generateSourceFile() const;
+    void addIncludeDependency(FileDef *fd,const char *incName,bool local,bool imported);
+    void addIncludedByDependency(FileDef *fd,const char *incName,bool local,bool imported);
+    QList<IncludeInfo> *includeFileList() const { return includeList; }
+    QList<IncludeInfo> *includedByFileList() const { return includedByList; }
+    void addMembersToMemberGroup();
+    void distributeMemberGroupDocumentation();
+    void findSectionsInDocumentation();
+    void addIncludedUsingDirectives();
+    void addListReferences();
+    bool isDocumentationFile() const;
+    MemberList *getMemberList(MemberList::ListType lt) const;
+    const QList<MemberList> &getMemberLists() const { return m_memberLists; }
+    /* user defined member groups */
+    MemberGroupSDict *getMemberGroupSDict() const { return memberGroupSDict; }
+    NamespaceSDict *getNamespaceSDict() const     { return namespaceSDict; }
+    ClassSDict *getClassSDict() const             { return classSDict; }
+    bool visited;
+  protected:
+    /**
+     * Retrieves the file version from version control system.
+     */
+    void acquireFileVersion();
+  private: 
+    MemberList *createMemberList(MemberList::ListType lt);
+    void addMemberToList(MemberList::ListType lt,MemberDef *md);
+    void writeMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol,MemberList::ListType lt,const QCString &title);
+    void writeMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol,MemberList::ListType lt,const QCString &title);
+    void writeIncludeFiles(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeIncludeGraph(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeIncludedByGraph(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeMemberGroups(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeAuthorSection(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeSourceLink(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeNamespaceDeclarations(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title);
+    void writeClassDeclarations(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title);
+    void startMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol);
+    void endMemberDeclarations(OutputList &ol);
+    void startMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol);
+    void endMemberDocumentation(OutputList &ol);
+    void writeDetailedDescription(OutputList &ol,const QCString &title);
+    void writeBriefDescription(OutputList &ol);
+    QDict<IncludeInfo>   *includeDict;
+    QList<IncludeInfo>   *includeList;
+    QDict<IncludeInfo>   *includedByDict;
+    QList<IncludeInfo>   *includedByList;
+    NamespaceSDict       *usingDirList;
+    SDict<Definition>    *usingDeclList;
+    QCString              path;
+    QCString              filepath;
+    QCString              diskname;
+    QCString              filename;
+    QCString              docname;
+    QIntDict<Definition> *srcDefDict;
+    QIntDict<MemberDef>  *srcMemberDict;
+    bool                  isSource;
+    bool                  m_isJava;
+    QCString              fileVersion;
+    PackageDef           *package;
+    DirDef               *dir;
+    QList<MemberList>     m_memberLists;
+    MemberGroupSDict     *memberGroupSDict;
+    NamespaceSDict       *namespaceSDict;
+    ClassSDict           *classSDict;
+    bool                  m_subGrouping;
+class FileList : public QList<FileDef>
+  public:
+    FileList() : m_pathName("tmp") {}
+    FileList(const char *path) : QList<FileDef>(), m_pathName(path) {}
+   ~FileList() {}
+    QCString path() const { return m_pathName; }
+    int compareItems(GCI item1,GCI item2)
+    {
+      FileDef *md1 = (FileDef *)item1;
+      FileDef *md2 = (FileDef *)item2;
+      return stricmp(md1->name(),md2->name());
+    }
+  private:
+    QCString m_pathName;
+class OutputNameList : public QList<FileList>
+  public:
+    OutputNameList() : QList<FileList>() {}
+   ~OutputNameList() {}
+    int compareItems(GCI item1,GCI item2)
+    {
+      FileList *fl1 = (FileList *)item1;
+      FileList *fl2 = (FileList *)item2;
+      return stricmp(fl1->path(),fl2->path());
+    }
+class OutputNameDict : public QDict<FileList>
+  public:
+    OutputNameDict(int size) : QDict<FileList>(size) {}
+   ~OutputNameDict() {}
+class Directory;
+class DirEntry
+  public:
+    enum EntryKind { Dir, File };
+    DirEntry(DirEntry *parent,FileDef *fd)  
+       : m_parent(parent), m_name(fd->name()), m_kind(File), m_fd(fd), 
+         m_isLast(FALSE) { }
+    DirEntry(DirEntry *parent,QCString name)              
+       : m_parent(parent), m_name(name), m_kind(Dir), 
+         m_fd(0), m_isLast(FALSE) { }
+    virtual ~DirEntry() { }
+    EntryKind kind() const { return m_kind; }
+    FileDef *file()  const { return m_fd; }
+    bool isLast() const    { return m_isLast; }
+    void setLast(bool b)   { m_isLast=b; }
+    DirEntry *parent() const { return m_parent; }
+    QCString name() const  { return m_name; }
+    QCString path() const  { return parent() ? parent()->path()+"/"+name() : name(); }
+  protected:
+    DirEntry *m_parent;
+    QCString m_name;
+  private:
+    EntryKind m_kind;
+    FileDef   *m_fd;
+    int num;
+    bool m_isLast;
+class Directory : public DirEntry
+  public:
+    Directory(Directory *parent,const QCString &name) 
+       : DirEntry(parent,name)
+    { m_children.setAutoDelete(TRUE); }
+    virtual ~Directory()              {}
+    void addChild(DirEntry *d)        { m_children.append(d); d->setLast(TRUE); }
+    QList<DirEntry> &children()       { return m_children; }
+    void rename(const QCString &name) { m_name=name; }
+    void reParent(Directory *parent)  { m_parent=parent; }
+  private:
+    QList<DirEntry> m_children;
+//void generateFileTree(QTextStream &t);
+void generateFileTree();