changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/fortrancode.l	Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1066 @@
+ *
+ * Parser for syntax hightlighting and references for Fortran90 F subset
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) by Anke Visser
+ * based on the work of Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+ @todo - continutation lines not always recognized
+       - merging of use-statements with same module name and different only-names
+       - rename part of use-statement
+       - links to interface functions 
+       - references to variables
+ *	includes
+ */
+#include "qtbc.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+#include "entry.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "outputlist.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "membername.h"
+#include "searchindex.h"
+#include "defargs.h"
+#define YY_NO_TOP_STATE 1
+  data of an use-statement
+class UseEntry 
+ public: 
+   QCString module; // just for debug
+   QStringList onlyNames;   /* entries of the ONLY-part */
+  module name -> list of ONLY/remote entries
+  (module name = name of the module, which can be accessed via use-directive)
+class UseSDict : public SDict<UseEntry> 
+  public:
+    UseSDict() : SDict<UseEntry>(17) {}
+  Contains names of used modules and names of local variables.
+class Scope 
+  public:
+    QStringList useNames; //!< contains names of used modules
+    QDict<void> localVars; //!< contains names of local variables
+    Scope() : localVars(7, FALSE /*caseSensitive*/) {}
+ *	statics
+ */
+static QCString  docBlock;                   //!< contents of all lines of a documentation block
+static QCString  currentModule=0;            //!< name of the current enclosing module
+static UseSDict  *useMembers= new UseSDict;  //!< info about used modules
+static UseEntry  *useEntry = 0;              //!< current use statement info
+static QList<Scope> scopeStack;
+// static QStringList *currentUseNames= new QStringList; //! contains names of used modules of current program unit
+static QCString str="";         //!> contents of fortran string
+static CodeOutputInterface * g_code;
+// TODO: is this still needed? if so, make it work
+static QCString      g_parmType;
+static QCString      g_parmName;
+static const char *  g_inputString;     //!< the code fragment as text
+static int	     g_inputPosition;   //!< read offset during parsing 
+static int           g_inputLines;      //!< number of line in the code fragment
+static int	     g_yyLineNr;        //!< current line number
+static bool          g_needsTermination;
+static bool          g_isFixedForm;
+static bool          g_insideBody;      //!< inside subprog/program body? => create links
+static const char *  g_currentFontClass;
+static bool          g_exampleBlock;
+static QCString      g_exampleName;
+static QCString      g_exampleFile;
+static FileDef *     g_sourceFileDef;
+static Definition *  g_currentDefinition;
+static MemberDef *   g_currentMemberDef;
+static bool          g_includeCodeFragment;
+static char          stringStartSymbol; // single or double quote
+// count in variable declaration to filter out
+//  declared from referenced names
+static int 	     bracketCount = 0; 
+// simplified way to know if this is fixed form
+// duplicate in fortranscanner.l
+static bool recognizeFixedForm(const char* contents)
+  int column=0;
+  bool skipLine=FALSE;
+  for (int i=0;;i++) 
+  {
+    column++;
+    switch(contents[i]) 
+    {
+      case '\n':
+        column=0;
+        skipLine=FALSE;
+        break;
+      case ' ':
+        break;
+      case '\000':
+        return FALSE;
+      case 'C':
+      case 'c':
+      case '*':
+        if(column==1) return TRUE;
+        if(skipLine) break;
+        return FALSE;
+      case '!':
+        if(column>1 && column<7) return FALSE;
+        skipLine=TRUE;
+        break;
+      default:
+        if(skipLine) break;
+        if(column==7) return TRUE;
+        return FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+static void endFontClass()
+  if (g_currentFontClass)
+  {
+    g_code->endFontClass();
+    g_currentFontClass=0;
+  }
+static void startFontClass(const char *s)
+  endFontClass();
+  g_code->startFontClass(s);
+  g_currentFontClass=s;
+static void setCurrentDoc(const QCString &name,const QCString &base,const QCString &anchor="")
+  if (Doxygen::searchIndex)
+  {
+    Doxygen::searchIndex->setCurrentDoc(name,base,anchor);
+  }
+static void addToSearchIndex(const char *text)
+  if (Doxygen::searchIndex)
+  {
+    Doxygen::searchIndex->addWord(text,FALSE);
+  }
+/*! start a new line of code, inserting a line number if g_sourceFileDef
+ * is TRUE. If a definition starts at the current line, then the line
+ * number is linked to the documentation of that definition.
+ */
+static void startCodeLine()
+  if (g_sourceFileDef)
+  {
+    //QCString lineNumber,lineAnchor;
+    //lineNumber.sprintf("%05d",g_yyLineNr);
+    //lineAnchor.sprintf("l%05d",g_yyLineNr);
+    Definition *d   = g_sourceFileDef->getSourceDefinition(g_yyLineNr);
+    //printf("startCodeLine %d d=%s\n", g_yyLineNr,d ? d->name().data() : "<null>");
+    if (!g_includeCodeFragment && d)
+    {
+      g_currentDefinition = d;
+      g_currentMemberDef = g_sourceFileDef->getSourceMember(g_yyLineNr);
+      g_insideBody = FALSE;
+      g_parmType.resize(0);
+      g_parmName.resize(0);
+      QCString lineAnchor;
+      lineAnchor.sprintf("l%05d",g_yyLineNr);
+      if (g_currentMemberDef)
+      {
+        g_code->writeLineNumber(g_currentMemberDef->getReference(),
+	                        g_currentMemberDef->getOutputFileBase(),
+	                        g_currentMemberDef->anchor(),g_yyLineNr);
+        setCurrentDoc(
+                                g_currentMemberDef->qualifiedName(),
+	                        g_sourceFileDef->getSourceFileBase(),
+	                        lineAnchor);
+      }
+      else if (d->isLinkableInProject())
+      {
+        g_code->writeLineNumber(d->getReference(),
+	                        d->getOutputFileBase(),
+	                        0,g_yyLineNr);
+        setCurrentDoc(
+                                d->qualifiedName(),
+	                        g_sourceFileDef->getSourceFileBase(),
+	                        lineAnchor);
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      g_code->writeLineNumber(0,0,0,g_yyLineNr);
+    }
+  }
+  g_code->startCodeLine(); 
+  if (g_currentFontClass)
+  {
+    g_code->startFontClass(g_currentFontClass);
+  }
+static void endFontClass();
+static void endCodeLine()
+  endFontClass();
+  g_code->endCodeLine();
+/*! write a code fragment `text' that may span multiple lines, inserting
+ * line numbers for each line.
+ */
+static void codifyLines(char *text)
+  //printf("codifyLines(%d,\"%s\")\n",g_yyLineNr,text);
+  char *p=text,*sp=p;
+  char c;
+  bool done=FALSE;
+  while (!done)
+  {
+    sp=p;
+    while ((c=*p++) && c!='\n') { }
+    if (c=='\n')
+    {
+      g_yyLineNr++;
+      *(p-1)='\0';
+      g_code->codify(sp);
+      endCodeLine();
+      if (g_yyLineNr<g_inputLines) 
+      {
+	startCodeLine();
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      g_code->codify(sp);
+      done=TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+static void codifyLines(QCString str)
+  char *tmp= (char *) malloc(str.length()+1);
+  strcpy(tmp, str);
+  codifyLines(tmp);
+  free(tmp);
+/*! writes a link to a fragment \a text that may span multiple lines, inserting
+ * line numbers for each line. If \a text contains newlines, the link will be 
+ * split into multiple links with the same destination, one for each line.
+ */
+static void writeMultiLineCodeLink(CodeOutputInterface &ol,
+                  const char *ref,const char *file,
+                  const char *anchor,const char *text)
+  bool done=FALSE;
+  char *p=(char *)text;
+  while (!done)
+  {
+    char *sp=p;
+    char c;
+    while ((c=*p++) && c!='\n') { }
+    if (c=='\n')
+    {
+      g_yyLineNr++;
+      *(p-1)='\0';
+      //printf("writeCodeLink(%s,%s,%s,%s)\n",ref,file,anchor,sp);
+      ol.writeCodeLink(ref,file,anchor,sp,0);
+      endCodeLine();
+      if (g_yyLineNr<g_inputLines) 
+      {
+	startCodeLine();
+      }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      //printf("writeCodeLink(%s,%s,%s,%s)\n",ref,file,anchor,sp);
+      ol.writeCodeLink(ref,file,anchor,sp,0);
+      done=TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  generates dictionay entries that are used if REFERENCED_BY_RELATION ... options are set
+  (e.g. the "referenced by ..." list after the function documentation) 
+static void addDocCrossReference(MemberDef *src, MemberDef *dst)
+  if (dst->isTypedef() || dst->isEnumerate()) return; // don't add types
+ //printf("======= addDocCrossReference src=%s,dst=%s\n",src->name().data(),dst->name().data());
+  if ((Config_getBool("REFERENCED_BY_RELATION") || Config_getBool("CALLER_GRAPH")) && 
+      (src->isFunction()))
+  {
+    dst->addSourceReferencedBy(src);
+  }
+  if ((Config_getBool("REFERENCES_RELATION") || Config_getBool("CALL_GRAPH")) && (src->isFunction()))
+  {
+    src->addSourceReferences(dst);
+  }
+  searches for definition of a type
+  @param tname the name of the type
+  @param moduleName name of enclosing module or null, if global entry
+  @param cd the entry, if found or null
+  @param useDict dictionary of data of USE-statement
+  @returns true, if type is found 
+static bool getFortranTypeDefs(const QCString &tname, const QCString &moduleName, 
+                               ClassDef *&cd, UseSDict *usedict=0)
+  if (tname.isEmpty()) return FALSE; /* empty name => nothing to link */
+  //cout << "=== search for type: " << tname << endl;
+  // search for type  
+  if ((cd=Doxygen::classSDict->find(tname))) 
+  {
+    //cout << "=== type found in global module" << endl;
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  else if (moduleName && (cd= Doxygen::classSDict->find(moduleName+"::"+tname))) 
+  {
+    //cout << "=== type found in local module" << endl;
+    return TRUE;
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    UseEntry *use;
+    for (UseSDict::Iterator di(*usedict); (use=di.current()); ++di)
+      if ((cd= Doxygen::classSDict->find(use->module+"::"+tname))) 
+      {
+ 	//cout << "===  type found in used module" << endl;
+        return TRUE;
+      }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+  searches for definition of function memberName
+  @param memberName the name of the function/variable
+  @param moduleName name of enclosing module or null, if global entry
+  @param md the entry, if found or null
+  @param usedict array of data of USE-statement
+  @returns true, if found 
+static bool getFortranDefs(const QCString &memberName, const QCString &moduleName, 
+                           MemberDef *&md, UseSDict *usedict=0)
+  if (memberName.isEmpty()) return FALSE; /* empty name => nothing to link */
+  // look in local variables
+  for (Scope *scope=scopeStack.last(); scope!=NULL; scope=scopeStack.prev())
+  {
+    if(scope->localVars.find(memberName))
+      return FALSE;
+  }
+  // search for function
+  MemberName *mn = Doxygen::functionNameSDict->find(memberName);
+  if (mn) // name is known
+  {
+      MemberListIterator mli(*mn);
+      for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli) // all found functions with given name
+      {
+        FileDef  *fd=md->getFileDef();
+        GroupDef *gd=md->getGroupDef();
+ //cout << "found link with same name: " << fd->fileName() << "  " <<  memberName;
+ //if (md->getNamespaceDef() != 0) cout << " in namespace " << md->getNamespaceDef()->name();cout << endl;
+        if ((gd && gd->isLinkable()) || (fd && fd->isLinkable()))
+        {
+           NamespaceDef *nspace= md->getNamespaceDef();
+           if (nspace == 0) 
+	   { // found function in global scope
+             return TRUE;
+           }
+           else if (moduleName == nspace->name()) 
+	   { // found in local scope
+             return TRUE;
+           }
+           else 
+	   { // else search in used modules
+	     QCString moduleName= nspace->name();
+	     UseEntry *ue= usedict->find(moduleName);
+	     if (ue) 
+	     {
+               // check if only-list exists and if current entry exists is this list
+	       QStringList &only= ue->onlyNames;
+	       if (only.isEmpty()) 
+	       {
+               //cout << " found in module " << moduleName << " entry " << memberName <<  endl;
+                 return TRUE; // whole module used
+               }
+               else
+	       {
+	         for ( QStringList::Iterator it = only.begin(); it != only.end(); ++it)
+                 {
+                   //cout << " search in only: " << moduleName << ":: " << memberName << "==" << (*it)<<  endl;
+		   if (memberName == (QCString)(*it))
+                     return TRUE; // found in ONLY-part of use list
+	         }
+	       }
+             }
+           }
+        } // if linkable
+      } // for
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+ gets the link to a generic procedure which depends not on the name, but on the parameter list
+ @todo implementation
+static bool getGenericProcedureLink(const ClassDef *cd, 
+                                    const char *memberText, 
+				    CodeOutputInterface &ol) 
+  (void)cd;
+  (void)memberText;
+  (void)ol;
+  return FALSE;
+static bool getLink(UseSDict *usedict, // dictonary with used modules
+                    const char *memberText,  // exact member text
+		    CodeOutputInterface &ol,
+		    const char *text)
+  MemberDef *md;
+  QCString memberName= removeRedundantWhiteSpace(memberText);
+  if (getFortranDefs(memberName, currentModule, md, usedict) && md->isLinkable())
+  { 
+    //if (md->isVariable()) return FALSE; // variables aren't handled yet	
+    Definition *d = md->getOuterScope()==Doxygen::globalScope ?
+	            md->getBodyDef() : md->getOuterScope();
+    if (md->getGroupDef()) d = md->getGroupDef();
+    if (d && d->isLinkable())
+    {
+      if (g_currentDefinition && g_currentMemberDef && md!=g_currentMemberDef && g_insideBody)
+      { 
+	addDocCrossReference(g_currentMemberDef,md); 
+      }     
+      ol.linkableSymbol(g_yyLineNr,md->name(),md,
+	                g_currentMemberDef ? g_currentMemberDef : g_currentDefinition);
+      writeMultiLineCodeLink(ol,md->getReference(),
+	                        md->getOutputFileBase(),
+	                        md->anchor(),
+				text ? text : memberText);
+      addToSearchIndex(text ? text : memberText);
+      return TRUE;
+    } 
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+static void generateLink(CodeOutputInterface &ol, char *lname)
+  ClassDef *cd=0;
+  // check if lname is a linkable type or interface
+  if ( (getFortranTypeDefs(lname, currentModule, cd, useMembers)) && cd->isLinkable() )
+  {
+    if ( (cd->compoundType() == ClassDef::Class) && // was  Entry::INTERFACE_SEC) &&
+         (getGenericProcedureLink(cd, lname, ol)) ) 
+    {
+      //cout << "=== generic procedure resolved" << endl; 
+    } 
+    else 
+    { // write type or interface link
+      ol.linkableSymbol(g_yyLineNr, lname, cd, g_currentMemberDef?g_currentMemberDef:g_currentDefinition);
+      writeMultiLineCodeLink(ol,cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0,lname);
+      addToSearchIndex(lname);
+    }
+  }
+  // check for function/variable
+  else if (getLink(useMembers, lname, ol, lname)) 
+  {
+    //cout << "=== found link for " << lname << endl;
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    // nothing found, just write out the word
+    ol.linkableSymbol(g_yyLineNr, lname, 0, g_currentMemberDef?g_currentMemberDef:g_currentDefinition);
+    //startFontClass("charliteral"); //test
+    codifyLines(lname);
+    //endFontClass(); //test
+    addToSearchIndex(lname);
+  }
+/*! counts the number of lines in the input */
+static int countLines()
+  const char *p=g_inputString;
+  char c;
+  int count=1;
+  while ((c=*p)) 
+  { 
+    p++ ; 
+    if (c=='\n') count++;  
+  }
+  if (p>g_inputString && *(p-1)!='\n') 
+  { // last line does not end with a \n, so we add an extra
+    // line and explicitly terminate the line after parsing.
+    count++, 
+    g_needsTermination=TRUE; 
+  } 
+  return count;
+/** start scope */
+void startScope() 
+  // fprintf(stderr, "===> startScope %s",yytext);
+  Scope *scope = new Scope;
+  scopeStack.append(scope);
+/** end scope */
+void endScope() 
+  // fprintf(stderr,"===> endScope %s",yytext);
+  if (scopeStack.isEmpty()) 
+  {
+    fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: fortrancode.l: stack empty!"); 
+    return;
+    //exit(-1);
+  }
+  Scope *scope = scopeStack.getLast();
+  scopeStack.removeLast();
+  for ( QStringList::Iterator it = scope->useNames.begin(); it != scope->useNames.end(); ++it) 
+  {
+    useMembers->remove(*it);
+  }
+  delete scope;
+void addUse(QString moduleName) 
+  if (!scopeStack.isEmpty())
+    scopeStack.last()->useNames.append(moduleName);
+void addLocalVar(QString varName) 
+  if (!scopeStack.isEmpty())
+    scopeStack.last()->localVars.insert(varName, (void*)1);
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------*/
+#undef	YY_INPUT
+#define	YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
+static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size)
+    int c=0;
+    while( c < max_size && g_inputString[g_inputPosition] )
+    {
+	*buf = g_inputString[g_inputPosition++] ;
+	c++; buf++;
+    }
+    return c;
+IDSYM	  [a-z_A-Z0-9]
+ID        [a-z_A-Z]+{IDSYM}*
+SUBPROG   (subroutine|function)
+B         [ \t]
+BS        [ \t]*
+BS_       [ \t]+
+COMMA     {BS},{BS}
+ARGS      {BS}("("[^)]*")"){BS}
+NUM_TYPE  (complex|integer|logical|real)
+KIND      {ARGS}
+INTENT_SPEC intent{BS}"("{BS}(in|out|in{BS}out){BS}")"
+/* Assume that attribute statements are almost the same as attributes. */
+/* |  */
+%option noyywrap
+%option stack
+%option caseless
+/*%option debug*/
+%x Start
+%x SubCall
+%x FuncDef
+%x ClassName
+%x ClassVar
+%x Subprog
+%x DocBlock
+%x Use
+%x UseOnly
+%x TypeDecl
+%x Declaration
+%x DeclContLine
+%x Parameterlist
+%x String
+ /*==================================================================*/
+ /*-------- ignore ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+<Start>{IGNORE}/{BS}"("?                { // do not search keywords, intrinsics... TODO: complete list
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+                                        }
+ /*-------- inner construct ---------------------------------------------------*/
+<Start>{COMMANDS}/[,( \t\n].*           { // hightlight rest of fortran statements
+   					  /* font class is defined e.g. in doxygen.css */
+  					  startFontClass("keyword");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+					}
+<Start>"end"({BS_}{COMMANDS})?/[ \t\n]  { 
+  					  startFontClass("keyword");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+					}
+ /*-------- use statement -------------------------------------------*/
+<Start>"use"{BS_}                       { 
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+					  BEGIN(Use);     
+                                        }
+<Use>{ID}                               {
+  					  startFontClass("keywordflow");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+					  /* append module name to use dict */
+                                          useEntry = new UseEntry();
+					  useEntry->module = yytext;
+                                          useMembers->append(yytext, useEntry);
+					  addUse(yytext);
+                                        }           
+<Use>,{BS}"ONLY"                        { // TODO: rename
+ 					  codifyLines(yytext);
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+					  BEGIN(UseOnly);     
+                                        }           
+<UseOnly>{BS},{BS}                      { codifyLines(yytext); }
+<UseOnly>{ID}                           {
+ 					  codifyLines(yytext);
+                                          useEntry->onlyNames.append(yytext);
+                                        }   
+<Use,UseOnly>"\n"                       {
+                                          unput(*yytext);
+                                          yy_pop_state();
+                                        }
+ /*-------- fortran module  -----------------------------------------*/
+<Start>("program"|"module"|"type"|"interface")/{BS_}|({COMMA}{ACCESS_SPEC})|\n {  //
+					  startScope();
+  					  startFontClass("keyword"); 
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+					  BEGIN(ClassName); 
+	                                  if (!stricmp(yytext,"module")) currentModule="module";
+					}
+<ClassName>{ID}               	        {
+	                                  if (currentModule == "module") currentModule=yytext;
+					  generateLink(*g_code,yytext);
+                                          yy_pop_state();
+ 					}
+<ClassName>\n				{ // interface may be without name
+                                          yy_pop_state();
+					  REJECT;
+					}
+<Start>"end"({BS_}"module").*          { // just reset currentModule, rest is done in following rule
+                                          currentModule=0;
+					  REJECT;
+                                        }
+<Start>^{BS}"end"({BS}("program"|"module"|"type"|"interface")({BS_}{ID})?)?{BS}/(\n|!) {  //
+                                          endScope();
+ 					  startFontClass("keyword"); 
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                        }
+ /*-------- subprog definition -------------------------------------*/
+<Start>{TYPE_SPEC}{BS}/{SUBPROG}{BS_}  {   // TYPE_SPEC is for old function style function result
+   					  startFontClass("keyword");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                       }              
+<Start>{SUBPROG}{BS_}                  {  // Fortran subroutine or function found
+   					  startFontClass("keyword");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+                                          BEGIN(Subprog);
+                                        }
+<Subprog>{ID}                           { // subroutine/function name
+                                          // fprintf(stderr, "===> start subprogram %s\n", yytext);
+					  startScope();
+					  generateLink(*g_code,yytext);
+                                        }
+<Subprog>"(".*                          { // ignore rest of line 
+ 					  codifyLines(yytext);
+                                        }
+<Subprog>"\n"                           { codifyLines(yytext);
+                                          yy_pop_state();
+                                        }
+<Start>^{BS}"end"({BS}{SUBPROG}({BS_}{ID})?)?{BS}/(\n|!) {  // Fortran subroutine or function ends
+                                          //cout << "===> end function " << yytext << endl;
+                                          endScope();
+   					  startFontClass("keyword");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                        }
+ /*-------- variable declaration ----------------------------------*/
+<Start>"TYPE"{BS}"("                    {
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+					  BEGIN(TypeDecl);
+   					  startFontClass("keywordtype");
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                        }
+<TypeDecl>{ID}                          { // link type
+					  g_insideBody=TRUE;
+					  generateLink(*g_code,yytext);
+					  g_insideBody=FALSE;
+                                        }
+<TypeDecl>")"                           { 
+					  BEGIN(Declaration);
+   					  startFontClass("keywordtype");
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                        }
+<Start>{TYPE_SPEC}/[,:( ]               { 
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+					  BEGIN(Declaration);
+   					  startFontClass("keywordtype");
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                       }
+<Start>{ATTR_SPEC}		       { 
+   					  startFontClass("keywordtype");
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                       }
+<Declaration>({TYPE_SPEC}|{ATTR_SPEC})/[,:( ] { //| variable deklaration
+  					  startFontClass("keywordtype");
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+  					}
+<Declaration>{ID}                       { // local var
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					  if (g_currentMemberDef && g_currentMemberDef->isFunction())
+					    addLocalVar(yytext);
+					}
+<Declaration>[(]			{ // start of array specification
+					  bracketCount++;
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					}
+<Declaration>[)]			{ // end array specification
+					  bracketCount--;
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					}
+<Declaration>"&"                        { // continuation line
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+					  BEGIN(DeclContLine);					  
+ 					}
+<DeclContLine>"\n"                      { // declaration not yet finished
+                                          codifyLines(yytext);
+					  bracketCount = 0;
+                                          yy_pop_state();
+ 				 	}
+<Declaration>"\n"                       { // end declaration line
+					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  bracketCount = 0;
+                                          yy_pop_state();
+ 					}
+ /*-------- subprog calls  -----------------------------------------*/
+<Start>"call"{BS_}                      {
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+					  BEGIN(SubCall);
+                                        }
+<SubCall>{ID}                           { // subroutine call
+					  g_insideBody=TRUE;
+                                          generateLink(*g_code, yytext);
+					  g_insideBody=FALSE;
+	                                  yy_pop_state();
+                                        }
+<Start>{ID}{BS}/"("                     { // function call
+					  g_insideBody=TRUE;
+                                          generateLink(*g_code, yytext);
+					  g_insideBody=FALSE;
+                                        }
+ /*-------- comments ---------------------------------------------------*/
+<Start>\n?{BS}"!>"                      { // start comment line or comment block
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+					  BEGIN(DocBlock);
+                                          docBlock=yytext;
+					}
+<DocBlock>.*    			{ // contents of current comment line
+                                          docBlock+=yytext;
+  					}
+<DocBlock>"\n"{BS}("!>"|"!"+)		{ //| comment block (next line is also comment line)
+					  docBlock+=yytext; 
+   					}
+<DocBlock>"\n"        			{ // comment block ends at the end of this line
+ 					  docBlock+=yytext; 
+                                          // remove special comment (default config)
+  					  if (Config_getBool("STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS"))
+					  {
+					    g_yyLineNr+=((QCString)docBlock).contains('\n');
+					    endCodeLine();
+					    if (g_yyLineNr<g_inputLines) 
+					    {
+					      startCodeLine();
+					    }
+					  }
+					  else // do not remove comment
+					  {
+					    startFontClass("comment");
+					    codifyLines(docBlock);
+					    endFontClass();
+					  }
+                                         yy_pop_state();
+					}
+<*>"!"[^>\n].*|"!"$ 			{ // normal comment
+					  if(YY_START == String) REJECT; // ignore in strings
+  					  startFontClass("comment");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+					}
+<*>^[Cc*].*              		{ // normal comment
+                                          if(! g_isFixedForm) REJECT;
+  					  startFontClass("comment");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+					}
+ /*------ preprocessor  --------------------------------------------*/ 
+<Start>"#".*\n                          { startFontClass("preprocessor");
+  					  codifyLines(yytext);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                        }
+ /*------ variable references?  -------------------------------------*/ 
+<Start>"%"{BS}{ID}	 		{ // ignore references to elements 
+					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					}
+<Start>{ID}                             {   
+  					    g_insideBody=TRUE;
+                                            generateLink(*g_code, yytext);
+					    g_insideBody=FALSE;
+                                        }
+ /*------ strings --------------------------------------------------*/ 
+<*>"\\\\"                               { str+=yytext; /* ignore \\  */}
+<*>"\\\""|\\\'                          { str+=yytext; /* ignore \"  */}
+<String>\"|\'                           { // string ends with next quote without previous backspace 
+                                          if(yytext[0]!=stringStartSymbol) REJECT; // single vs double quote
+                                          str+=yytext;
+  					  startFontClass("stringliteral");
+  					  codifyLines(str);
+					  endFontClass();
+                                          yy_pop_state();
+                                        }           
+<String>.                               {str+=yytext;}
+<*>\"|\'                                { /* string starts */
+					  /* if(YY_START == StrIgnore) REJECT; // ignore in simple comments */
+                                          yy_push_state(YY_START);
+                                          stringStartSymbol=yytext[0]; // single or double quote
+                                          BEGIN(String);
+					  str=yytext;
+                                        }
+ /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+<*>\n					{
+  					  codifyLines(yytext); 
+  					}
+<*>.					{ 
+  					  g_code->codify(yytext);
+					}
+/*@ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ */
+void resetFortranCodeParserState() {}
+void parseFortranCode(CodeOutputInterface &od,const char *className,const QCString &s, 
+                  bool exBlock, const char *exName,FileDef *fd,
+		  int startLine,int endLine,bool inlineFragment,
+		  MemberDef *memberDef)
+  //printf("***parseCode() exBlock=%d exName=%s fd=%p\n",exBlock,exName,fd);
+  // used parameters
+  (void)memberDef;
+  (void)className;
+  if (s.isEmpty()) return;
+  g_code = &od;
+  g_inputString   = s;
+  g_inputPosition = 0;
+  g_isFixedForm = recognizeFixedForm((const char*)s);
+  g_currentFontClass = 0;
+  g_needsTermination = FALSE;
+  if (endLine!=-1)
+    g_inputLines  = endLine+1;
+  else
+    g_inputLines  = countLines();
+  if (startLine!=-1)
+    g_yyLineNr    = startLine;
+  else
+    g_yyLineNr    = 1;
+  g_exampleBlock  = exBlock; 
+  g_exampleName   = exName;
+  g_sourceFileDef = fd;
+  if (exBlock && fd==0)
+  {
+    // create a dummy filedef for the example
+    g_sourceFileDef = new FileDef("",exName);
+  }
+  if (g_sourceFileDef) 
+  {
+    setCurrentDoc(g_sourceFileDef->name(),g_sourceFileDef->getSourceFileBase());
+  }
+  g_currentDefinition = 0;
+  g_currentMemberDef = 0;
+  if (!g_exampleName.isEmpty())
+  {
+    g_exampleFile = convertNameToFile(g_exampleName+"-example");
+  }
+  g_includeCodeFragment = inlineFragment;
+  startCodeLine();
+  g_parmName.resize(0);
+  g_parmType.resize(0);
+  fcodeYYrestart( fcodeYYin );
+  BEGIN( Start );
+  fcodeYYlex();
+  if (g_needsTermination)
+  {
+    endFontClass();
+    g_code->endCodeLine();
+  }
+  if (exBlock && g_sourceFileDef)
+  {
+    // delete the temporary file definition used for this example
+    delete g_sourceFileDef;
+    g_sourceFileDef=0;
+  }
+  return;
+extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
+  void fcodeYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); } 
+#error "You seem to be using a version of flex newer than 2.5.4 but older than 2.5.33. These versions do NOT work with doxygen! Please use version <=2.5.4 or >=2.5.33 or expect things to be parsed wrongly!"
+extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
+  void fcodeYYdummy() { yy_top_state(); } 