changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/index.cpp	Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,3829 @@
+ *
+ * 
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+/** @file
+ *  @brief This file contains functions for the various index pages.
+ */
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qdatetime.h>
+#include <qdir.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include "message.h"
+#include "index.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "filedef.h"
+#include "outputlist.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "groupdef.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "htmlgen.h"
+#include "htmlhelp.h"
+#include "ftvhelp.h"
+#include "dot.h"
+#include "pagedef.h"
+#include "dirdef.h"
+#include "vhdldocgen.h"
+static const char search_styleSheet[] =
+#include "search_css.h"
+static const char search_script[]=
+#include "search_js.h"
+int annotatedClasses;
+int hierarchyClasses;
+int documentedFiles;
+int documentedGroups;
+int documentedNamespaces;
+int indexedPages;
+int documentedClassMembers[CMHL_Total];
+int documentedFileMembers[FMHL_Total];
+int documentedNamespaceMembers[NMHL_Total];
+int documentedHtmlFiles;
+int documentedPages;
+int documentedDirs;
+int countClassHierarchy();
+int countClassMembers(int filter=CMHL_All);
+int countFileMembers(int filter=FMHL_All);
+void countFiles(int &htmlFiles,int &files);
+int countGroups();
+int countDirs();
+int countNamespaces();
+int countAnnotatedClasses();
+int countNamespaceMembers(int filter=NMHL_All);
+int countIncludeFiles();
+void countRelatedPages(int &docPages,int &indexPages);
+void countDataStructures()
+  annotatedClasses           = countAnnotatedClasses(); // "classes" + "annotated"
+  hierarchyClasses           = countClassHierarchy();   // "hierarchy"
+  countFiles(documentedHtmlFiles,documentedFiles);      // "files"
+  countRelatedPages(documentedPages,indexedPages);      // "pages"
+  documentedGroups           = countGroups();           // "modules"
+  documentedNamespaces       = countNamespaces();       // "namespaces"
+  documentedDirs             = countDirs();             // "dirs"
+  // "globals"
+  // "namespacemembers"
+  // "functions"
+static void startIndexHierarchy(OutputList &ol,int level)
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  if (level<6) ol.startIndexList();
+  ol.enableAll();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+  ol.startItemList();
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+static void endIndexHierarchy(OutputList &ol,int level)
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  if (level<6) ol.endIndexList();
+  ol.enableAll();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+  ol.endItemList();
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+class MemberIndexList : public QList<MemberDef>
+  public:
+    MemberIndexList() : QList<MemberDef>() {}
+    ~MemberIndexList() {}
+    int compareItems(GCI item1, GCI item2)
+    {
+      MemberDef *md1=(MemberDef *)item1;
+      MemberDef *md2=(MemberDef *)item2;
+      return stricmp(md1->name(),md2->name());
+    }
+static MemberIndexList g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Total][MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES];
+static MemberIndexList g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_Total][MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES];
+static MemberIndexList g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[NMHL_Total][MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES];
+static bool g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Total][256];
+const int maxItemsBeforeQuickIndex = MAX_ITEMS_BEFORE_QUICK_INDEX;
+// strips w from s iff s starts with w
+bool stripWord(QCString &s,QCString w)
+  bool success=FALSE;
+  if (s.left(w.length())==w) 
+  {
+    success=TRUE;
+    s=s.right(s.length()-w.length());
+  }
+  return success;
+// some quasi intelligent brief description abbreviator :^)
+QCString abbreviate(const char *s,const char *name)
+  QCString scopelessName=name;
+  int i=scopelessName.findRev("::");
+  if (i!=-1) scopelessName=scopelessName.mid(i+2);
+  QCString result=s;
+  result=result.stripWhiteSpace();
+  // strip trailing .
+  if (!result.isEmpty() && result.at(result.length()-1)=='.') 
+    result=result.left(result.length()-1);
+  // strip any predefined prefix
+  QStrList &briefDescAbbrev = Config_getList("ABBREVIATE_BRIEF");
+  const char *p = briefDescAbbrev.first();
+  while (p)
+  {
+    QCString s = p;
+    s.replace(QRegExp("\\$name"), scopelessName);  // replace $name with entity name
+    s += " ";
+    stripWord(result,s);
+    p = briefDescAbbrev.next();
+  }
+  // capitalize first word
+  if (!result.isEmpty())
+  {
+    int c=result[0];
+    if (c>='a' && c<='z') c+='A'-'a';
+    result[0]=c;
+  }
+  return result;
+static void startQuickIndexList(OutputList &ol)
+  bool fancyTabs = TRUE;
+  if (fancyTabs)
+  {
+    ol.writeString("  <div class=\"tabs\">\n"); 
+    ol.writeString("    <ul>\n"); 
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    ol.writeString("  <div class=\"qindex\">"); 
+  }
+static void endQuickIndexList(OutputList &ol)
+  bool fancyTabs = TRUE;
+  if (fancyTabs)
+  {
+    ol.writeString("    </ul>\n");
+  }
+  ol.writeString("  </div>\n");
+static void startQuickIndexItem(OutputList &ol,const char *l,
+                                bool hl,bool compact,bool &first)
+  bool fancyTabs = TRUE;
+  if (!first && compact && !fancyTabs) ol.writeString(" | ");
+  first=FALSE;
+  if (fancyTabs)
+  {
+    ol.writeString("      <li"); 
+    if (hl) ol.writeString(" class=\"current\"");
+    ol.writeString("><a ");
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (!compact) ol.writeString("<li>");
+    if (hl && compact)
+    {
+      ol.writeString("<a class=\"qindexHL\" ");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      ol.writeString("<a class=\"qindex\" ");
+    }
+  }
+  ol.writeString("href=\""); 
+  ol.writeString(l);
+  ol.writeString("\">");
+  if (fancyTabs)
+  {
+    ol.writeString("<span>");
+  }
+static void endQuickIndexItem(OutputList &ol)
+  bool fancyTabs=TRUE;
+  if (fancyTabs) ol.writeString("</span>");
+  ol.writeString("</a>");
+  if (fancyTabs) ol.writeString("</li>\n");
+static QCString fixSpaces(const QCString &s)
+  return substitute(s," ","&nbsp;");
+void startTitle(OutputList &ol,const char *fileName)
+  ol.startTitleHead(fileName);
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+void endTitle(OutputList &ol,const char *fileName,const char *name)
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+  ol.endTitleHead(fileName,name);
+void startFile(OutputList &ol,const char *name,const char *manName,
+               const char *title,HighlightedItem hli,bool additionalIndices)
+  ol.startFile(name,manName,title);
+  if (!Config_getBool("DISABLE_INDEX")) 
+  {
+    ol.startQuickIndices();
+    ol.writeQuickLinks(TRUE,hli);
+    if (!additionalIndices)
+    {
+      ol.endQuickIndices();
+      ol.startContents();
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (!additionalIndices)
+    {
+      ol.startContents();
+    }
+  }
+void endFile(OutputList &ol,bool)
+  ol.endContents();
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  ol.writeFooter(); // write the footer
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+  ol.endFile();
+static bool classHasVisibleChildren(ClassDef *cd)
+  if (cd->subClasses()==0) return FALSE;
+  BaseClassList *bcl=cd->subClasses();
+  BaseClassListIterator bcli(*bcl);
+  for ( ; bcli.current() ; ++bcli)
+  {
+    if (bcli.current()->classDef->isVisibleInHierarchy())
+    {
+      return TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  return FALSE;
+void writeClassTree(OutputList &ol,BaseClassList *bcl,bool hideSuper,int level,FTVHelp* ftv)
+  if (bcl==0) return;
+  BaseClassListIterator bcli(*bcl);
+  bool started=FALSE;
+  for ( ; bcli.current() ; ++bcli)
+  {
+    ClassDef *cd=bcli.current()->classDef;
+    if (cd->isVisibleInHierarchy() && hasVisibleRoot(cd->baseClasses()))
+    {
+      if (!started)
+      {
+        startIndexHierarchy(ol,level);
+        Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+        if (ftv)
+          ftv->incContentsDepth();
+        started=TRUE;
+      }
+      ol.startIndexListItem();
+      //printf("Passed...\n");
+      bool hasChildren = !cd->visited && !hideSuper && classHasVisibleChildren(cd);
+      //printf("tree4: Has children %s: %d\n",cd->name().data(),hasChildren);
+      if (cd->isLinkable())
+      {
+        //printf("Writing class %s\n",cd->displayName().data());
+        ol.startIndexItem(cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase());
+        ol.parseText(cd->displayName());
+        ol.endIndexItem(cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase());
+        if (cd->isReference()) 
+        { 
+          ol.startTypewriter(); 
+          ol.docify(" [external]");
+          ol.endTypewriter();
+        }
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+        if (ftv)
+          ftv->addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        ol.startIndexItem(0,0);
+        ol.parseText(cd->name());
+        ol.endIndexItem(0,0);
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),0,0,0);
+        if (ftv)
+          ftv->addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),0,0,0);
+      }
+      if (hasChildren)
+      {
+        //printf("Class %s at %p visited=%d\n",cd->name().data(),cd,cd->visited);
+        bool wasVisited=cd->visited;
+        cd->visited=TRUE;
+        writeClassTree(ol,cd->subClasses(),wasVisited,level+1,ftv);
+      }
+      ol.endIndexListItem();
+    }
+  }
+  if (started) 
+  {
+    endIndexHierarchy(ol,level);
+    Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+    if (ftv)
+      ftv->decContentsDepth();
+  }
+/*! Generates HTML Help tree of classes */
+void writeClassTree(BaseClassList *cl,int level)
+  if (cl==0) return;
+  BaseClassListIterator cli(*cl);
+  bool started=FALSE;
+  for ( ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
+  {
+    ClassDef *cd=cli.current()->classDef;
+    if (cd->isVisibleInHierarchy() && hasVisibleRoot(cd->baseClasses()))
+    //if (cd->isVisibleInHierarchy() && !cd->visited)
+    {
+      if (!started)
+      {
+        Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+        started=TRUE;
+      }
+      bool hasChildren = !cd->visited && classHasVisibleChildren(cd);
+      //printf("tree2: Has children %s: %d\n",cd->name().data(),hasChildren);
+      if (cd->isLinkable())
+      {
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+      }
+      if (hasChildren)
+      {
+        writeClassTree(cd->subClasses(),level+1);
+      }
+      cd->visited=TRUE;
+    }
+  }
+  if (started) 
+  {
+    Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  }
+/*! Generates HTML Help tree of classes */
+void writeClassTreeNode(ClassDef *cd,bool &started,int level)
+  //printf("writeClassTreeNode(%s) visited=%d\n",cd->name().data(),cd->visited);
+  if (cd->isVisibleInHierarchy() && !cd->visited)
+  {
+    if (!started)
+    {
+      started=TRUE;
+    }
+    bool hasChildren = classHasVisibleChildren(cd);
+    //printf("node: Has children %s: %d\n",cd->name().data(),hasChildren);
+    if (cd->isLinkable())
+    {
+      Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+    }
+    if (hasChildren)
+    {
+      writeClassTree(cd->subClasses(),level+1);
+    }
+    cd->visited=TRUE;
+  }
+void writeClassTree(ClassList *cl,int level)
+  if (cl==0) return;
+  ClassListIterator cli(*cl);
+  bool started=FALSE;
+  for ( cli.toFirst() ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
+  {
+    cli.current()->visited=FALSE;
+  }
+  for ( cli.toFirst() ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
+  {
+    writeClassTreeNode(cli.current(),started,level);
+  }
+void writeClassTree(ClassSDict *d,int level)
+  if (d==0) return;
+  ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*d);
+  bool started=FALSE;
+  for ( cli.toFirst() ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
+  {
+    cli.current()->visited=FALSE;
+  }
+  for ( cli.toFirst() ; cli.current() ; ++cli)
+  {
+    writeClassTreeNode(cli.current(),started,level);
+  }
+static void writeClassTreeForList(OutputList &ol,ClassSDict *cl,bool &started,FTVHelp* ftv)
+  ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*cl);
+  for (;cli.current(); ++cli)
+  {
+    ClassDef *cd=cli.current();
+    //printf("class %s hasVisibleRoot=%d isVisibleInHierarchy=%d\n",
+    //             cd->name().data(),
+    //              hasVisibleRoot(cd->baseClasses()),
+    //              cd->isVisibleInHierarchy()
+    //      );
+    if (!hasVisibleRoot(cd->baseClasses())) // filter on root classes
+    {
+      if (cd->isVisibleInHierarchy()) // should it be visible
+      {
+        if (!started)
+        {
+          startIndexHierarchy(ol,0);
+          Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+          started=TRUE;
+        }
+        ol.startIndexListItem();
+        bool hasChildren = !cd->visited && classHasVisibleChildren(cd); 
+        //printf("list: Has children %s: %d\n",cd->name().data(),hasChildren);
+        if (cd->isLinkable())
+        {
+          //printf("Writing class %s isLinkable()=%d isLinkableInProject()=%d cd->templateMaster()=%p\n",
+          //    cd->displayName().data(),cd->isLinkable(),cd->isLinkableInProject(),cd->templateMaster());
+          ol.startIndexItem(cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase());
+          ol.parseText(cd->displayName());
+          ol.endIndexItem(cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase());
+          if (cd->isReference()) 
+          {
+            ol.startTypewriter(); 
+            ol.docify(" [external]");
+            ol.endTypewriter();
+          }
+          Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+          if (ftv)
+            ftv->addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0); 
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          ol.startIndexItem(0,0);
+          ol.parseText(cd->displayName());
+          ol.endIndexItem(0,0);
+          Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),0,0,0);
+          if (ftv)
+            ftv->addContentsItem(hasChildren,cd->displayName(),0,0,0); 
+        }
+        if (hasChildren) 
+        {
+          writeClassTree(ol,cd->subClasses(),cd->visited,1,ftv);
+          cd->visited=TRUE;
+        }
+        ol.endIndexListItem();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void writeClassHierarchy(OutputList &ol, FTVHelp* ftv)
+  initClassHierarchy(Doxygen::classSDict);
+  initClassHierarchy(Doxygen::hiddenClasses);
+  if (ftv)
+  {
+    ol.pushGeneratorState(); 
+    ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  }
+  bool started=FALSE;
+  writeClassTreeForList(ol,Doxygen::classSDict,started,ftv);
+  writeClassTreeForList(ol,Doxygen::hiddenClasses,started,ftv);
+  if (started) 
+  {
+    endIndexHierarchy(ol,0);
+    Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  }
+  if (ftv)
+    ol.popGeneratorState(); 
+static int countClassesInTreeList(const ClassSDict &cl)
+  int count=0;
+  ClassSDict::Iterator cli(cl);
+  for (;cli.current(); ++cli)
+  {
+    ClassDef *cd=cli.current();
+    if (!hasVisibleRoot(cd->baseClasses())) // filter on root classes
+    {
+      if (cd->isVisibleInHierarchy()) // should it be visible
+      {
+        if (cd->subClasses()) // should have sub classes
+        {
+          count++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return count;
+int countClassHierarchy()
+  int count=0;
+  initClassHierarchy(Doxygen::classSDict);
+  initClassHierarchy(Doxygen::hiddenClasses);
+  count+=countClassesInTreeList(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+  count+=countClassesInTreeList(*Doxygen::hiddenClasses);
+  return count;
+void writeHierarchicalIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  bool vhdlOpt=Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
+  if (hierarchyClasses==0) return;
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  startFile(ol,"hierarchy",0, theTranslator->trHierarchicalIndex().data(), 
+            HLI_Hierarchy);
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  QCString title = theTranslator->trClassHierarchy();
+  if (vhdlOpt) title = VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitHierarchy();
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  title.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(title);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,title,0,"hierarchy",0); 
+  if (Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT") && Config_getBool("GRAPHICAL_HIERARCHY"))
+  {
+    ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+    ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+    ol.startParagraph();
+    ol.startTextLink("inherits",0);
+    ol.parseText(theTranslator->trGotoGraphicalHierarchy());
+    ol.endTextLink();
+    ol.endParagraph();
+    ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+    ol.enable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+  }
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trClassHierarchyDescription());
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  FTVHelp* ftv = 0;
+  bool treeView=Config_getBool("USE_INLINE_TREES");
+  if (treeView)
+    ftv = new FTVHelp(false);
+  writeClassHierarchy(ol,ftv);
+  if (ftv)
+  {
+    QString OutStr;
+    ftv->generateTreeView(&OutStr);
+    ol.pushGeneratorState(); 
+    ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+    ol.writeString(OutStr);
+    ol.popGeneratorState();
+    delete ftv;
+  }
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void writeGraphicalClassHierarchy(OutputList &ol)
+  if (hierarchyClasses==0) return;
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  QCString title = theTranslator->trGraphicalHierarchy();
+  startFile(ol,"inherits",0,title.data(),HLI_Hierarchy);
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  title.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(title);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,theTranslator->trGraphicalHierarchy(),0,"inherits",0); 
+  ol.startParagraph();
+  ol.startTextLink("hierarchy",0);
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trGotoTextualHierarchy());
+  ol.endTextLink();
+  ol.endParagraph();
+  //parseText(ol,theTranslator->trClassHierarchyDescription());
+  //ol.newParagraph();
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  DotGfxHierarchyTable g;
+  ol.writeGraphicalHierarchy(g);
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.enableAll();
+void countFiles(int &htmlFiles,int &files)
+  htmlFiles=0;
+  files=0;
+  FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList);
+  FileName *fn;
+  for (;(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
+  {
+    FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
+    FileDef *fd;
+    for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
+    {
+      bool doc = fd->isLinkableInProject();
+      bool src = fd->generateSourceFile();
+      bool nameOk = !fd->isDocumentationFile();
+      if (nameOk)
+      {
+        if (doc || src)
+        {
+          htmlFiles++;
+        }
+        if (doc)
+        {
+          files++;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void writeFileIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  if (documentedHtmlFiles==0) return;
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  if (documentedFiles==0) ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  startFile(ol,"files",0,theTranslator->trFileIndex().data(),HLI_Files);
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  QCString title = theTranslator->trFileList();
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  title.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(title);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,theTranslator->trFileList(),0,"files",0); 
+  Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trFileListDescription(Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")));
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  OutputNameDict outputNameDict(1009);
+  OutputNameList outputNameList;
+  outputNameList.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+  if (Config_getBool("FULL_PATH_NAMES"))
+  {
+    // re-sort input files in (dir,file) output order instead of (file,dir) input order 
+    FileName *fn=Doxygen::inputNameList->first();
+    while (fn)
+    {
+      FileDef *fd=fn->first();
+      while (fd)
+      {
+        QCString path=fd->getPath();
+        if (path.isEmpty()) path="[external]";
+        FileList *fl = outputNameDict.find(path);
+        if (fl)
+        {
+          fl->inSort(fd);
+          //printf("+ inserting %s---%s\n",fd->getPath().data(),fd->name().data());
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          //printf("o inserting %s---%s\n",fd->getPath().data(),fd->name().data());
+          fl = new FileList(path);
+          fl->inSort(fd);
+          outputNameList.inSort(fl);
+          outputNameDict.insert(path,fl);
+        }
+        fd=fn->next();
+      }
+      fn=Doxygen::inputNameList->next();
+    }
+  }
+  ol.startIndexList();
+  FileList *fl=0;
+  if (Config_getBool("FULL_PATH_NAMES"))
+  {
+    fl = outputNameList.first();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    fl = Doxygen::inputNameList->first();
+  }
+  while (fl)
+  {
+    FileDef *fd=fl->first();
+    while (fd)
+    {
+      //printf("Found filedef %s\n",fd->name().data());
+      bool doc = fd->isLinkableInProject();
+      bool src = fd->generateSourceFile();
+      bool nameOk = !fd->isDocumentationFile();
+      if (nameOk && (doc || src) && 
+              !fd->isReference())
+      {
+        QCString path;
+        if (Config_getBool("FULL_PATH_NAMES")) 
+        {
+          path=stripFromPath(fd->getPath().copy());
+        }
+        QCString fullName=fd->name();
+        if (!path.isEmpty()) 
+        {
+          if (path.at(path.length()-1)!='/') fullName.prepend("/");
+          fullName.prepend(path);
+        }
+        ol.startIndexKey();
+        ol.docify(path);
+        if (doc)
+        {
+          ol.writeObjectLink(0,fd->getOutputFileBase(),0,fd->name());
+          Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,fullName,fd->getReference(),fd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          ol.startBold();
+          ol.docify(fd->name());
+          ol.endBold();
+          Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,fullName,0,0,0);
+        }
+        if (src)
+        {
+          ol.pushGeneratorState();
+          ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+          ol.docify(" ");
+          ol.startTextLink(fd->includeName(),0);
+          ol.docify("[");
+          ol.parseText(theTranslator->trCode());
+          ol.docify("]");
+          ol.endTextLink();
+          ol.popGeneratorState();
+        }
+        ol.endIndexKey();
+        bool hasBrief = !fd->briefDescription().isEmpty();
+        ol.startIndexValue(hasBrief);
+        if (hasBrief)
+        {
+          //ol.docify(" (");
+          ol.parseDoc(
+              fd->briefFile(),fd->briefLine(),
+              fd,0,
+              abbreviate(fd->briefDescription(),fd->name()),
+              FALSE, // index words
+              FALSE, // isExample
+              0,     // example name
+              TRUE,  // single line
+              TRUE   // link from index
+             );
+          //ol.docify(")");
+        }
+        ol.endIndexValue(fd->getOutputFileBase(),hasBrief);
+        //ol.popGeneratorState();
+        // --------------------------------------------------------
+      }
+      fd=fl->next();
+    }
+    if (Config_getBool("FULL_PATH_NAMES"))
+    {
+      fl=outputNameList.next();
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      fl=Doxygen::inputNameList->next();
+    }
+  }
+  ol.endIndexList();
+  Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+int countNamespaces()
+  int count=0;
+  NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*Doxygen::namespaceSDict);
+  NamespaceDef *nd;
+  for (;(nd=nli.current());++nli)
+  {
+    if (nd->isLinkableInProject()) count++;
+  }
+  return count;
+void writeNamespaceIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  if (documentedNamespaces==0) return;
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  QCString title;
+  if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA"))
+  {
+    startFile(ol,"namespaces",0,theTranslator->trPackageList().data(),HLI_Namespaces);
+    title = theTranslator->trPackageList();
+  }
+  else if (fortranOpt)
+  {
+    startFile(ol,"namespaces",0,theTranslator->trModulesIndex().data(),HLI_Namespaces);
+    title = theTranslator->trModulesList();
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    startFile(ol,"namespaces",0,theTranslator->trNamespaceIndex().data(),HLI_Namespaces);
+    title = theTranslator->trNamespaceList();
+  }
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  QCString longTitle = title;
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  longTitle.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(longTitle);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,title,0,"namespaces",0); 
+  Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  //ol.newParagraph();
+  if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA"))
+  {
+    ol.parseText(theTranslator->trPackageListDescription());
+  }
+  else if (fortranOpt)
+  {
+    ol.parseText(theTranslator->trModulesListDescription(Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")));
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    ol.parseText(theTranslator->trNamespaceListDescription(Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")));
+  }
+  //ol.newParagraph();
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  bool first=TRUE;
+  NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*Doxygen::namespaceSDict);
+  NamespaceDef *nd;
+  for (nli.toFirst();(nd=nli.current());++nli)
+  {
+    if (nd->isLinkableInProject())
+    {
+      if (first)
+      {
+        ol.startIndexList();
+        first=FALSE;
+      }
+      //ol.writeStartAnnoItem("namespace",nd->getOutputFileBase(),0,nd->name());
+      ol.startIndexKey();
+      ol.writeObjectLink(0,nd->getOutputFileBase(),0,nd->displayName());
+      ol.endIndexKey();
+      bool hasBrief = !nd->briefDescription().isEmpty();
+      ol.startIndexValue(hasBrief);
+      if (hasBrief)
+      {
+        //ol.docify(" (");
+        ol.parseDoc(
+                 nd->briefFile(),nd->briefLine(),
+                 nd,0,
+                 abbreviate(nd->briefDescription(),nd->displayName()),
+                 FALSE, // index words
+                 FALSE, // isExample
+                 0,     // example name
+                 TRUE,  // single line
+                 TRUE   // link from index
+                );
+        //ol.docify(")");
+      }
+      ol.endIndexValue(nd->getOutputFileBase(),hasBrief);
+      //ol.writeEndAnnoItem(nd->getOutputFileBase());
+      Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,nd->displayName(),nd->getReference(),nd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!first) ol.endIndexList();
+  Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+int countAnnotatedClasses()
+  int count=0;
+  //ClassDef *cd=Doxygen::classList.first();
+  ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+  ClassDef *cd;
+  for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli)
+  {
+    if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && cd->templateMaster()==0) 
+    { 
+      //printf("Annotated class %s\n",cd->name().data()); 
+      count++; 
+    }
+  }
+  return count;
+void writeAnnotatedClassList(OutputList &ol)
+  ol.startIndexList(); 
+  ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+  ClassDef *cd;
+  // clear index
+  int x,y;
+  for (y=0;y<CHL_Total;y++)
+  {
+    for (x=0;x<256;x++)
+    {
+      g_classIndexLetterUsed[y][x]=FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  // see which elements are in use
+  for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
+  {
+    if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && cd->templateMaster()==0)
+    {
+      QCString dispName = cd->displayName();
+      int c = dispName.at(getPrefixIndex(dispName));
+      g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_All][c]=TRUE;
+      switch(cd->compoundType())
+      {
+        case ClassDef::Class:
+          g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Classes][c]=TRUE;
+          break;
+        case ClassDef::Struct:
+          g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Structs][c]=TRUE;
+          break;
+        case ClassDef::Union:
+          g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Unions][c]=TRUE;
+          break;
+        case ClassDef::Interface:
+          g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Interfaces][c]=TRUE;
+          break;
+        case ClassDef::Protocol:
+          g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Protocols][c]=TRUE;
+          break;
+        case ClassDef::Category:
+          g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Categories][c]=TRUE;
+          break;
+        case ClassDef::Exception:
+          g_classIndexLetterUsed[CHL_Exceptions][c]=TRUE;
+          break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
+  {
+    if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && cd->templateMaster()==0)
+    {
+      QCString type=cd->compoundTypeString();
+      ol.startIndexKey();
+      ol.writeObjectLink(0,cd->getOutputFileBase(),0,cd->displayName());
+      ol.endIndexKey();
+      bool hasBrief = !cd->briefDescription().isEmpty();
+      ol.startIndexValue(hasBrief);
+      if (hasBrief)
+      {
+        ol.parseDoc(
+                 cd->briefFile(),cd->briefLine(),
+                 cd,0,
+                 abbreviate(cd->briefDescription(),cd->displayName()),
+                 FALSE,  // indexWords
+                 FALSE,  // isExample
+                 0,     // example name
+                 TRUE,  // single line
+                 TRUE   // link from index
+                );
+      }
+      ol.endIndexValue(cd->getOutputFileBase(),hasBrief);
+      //ol.writeEndAnnoItem(cd->getOutputFileBase());
+      Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+    }
+  }
+  ol.endIndexList();
+static QCString letterToLabel(char startLetter)
+  QCString s(5); 
+  if (isId(startLetter))
+  {
+    s[0]=startLetter; s[1]=0;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    const char hex[]="0123456789abcdef";
+    s[0]='0';
+    s[1]='x';
+    s[2]=hex[startLetter>>4];
+    s[3]=hex[startLetter&0xF];
+    s[4]=0;
+  }
+  return s;
+class PrefixIgnoreClassList : public ClassList
+  virtual int compareItems(GCI item1, GCI item2)
+  {
+    ClassDef *c1=(ClassDef *)item1;
+    ClassDef *c2=(ClassDef *)item2;
+    QCString n1 = c1->className();
+    n1.remove (0, getPrefixIndex(n1));
+    QCString n2 = c2->className();
+    n2.remove (0, getPrefixIndex(n2));
+    return stricmp (n1, n2);
+  }
+// write an alphabetical index of all class with a header for each letter
+void writeAlphabeticalClassList(OutputList &ol)
+  //ol.startAlphabeticalIndexList(); 
+  // What starting letters are used
+  bool indexLetterUsed[256];
+  memset (indexLetterUsed, 0, sizeof (indexLetterUsed));
+  // first count the number of headers
+  ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+  ClassDef *cd;
+  uint startLetter=0;
+  int headerItems=0;
+  for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli)
+  {
+    if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && cd->templateMaster()==0)
+    {
+      int index = getPrefixIndex(cd->className());
+      //printf("name=%s index=%d\n",cd->className().data(),index);
+      startLetter=toupper(cd->className().at(index));
+      indexLetterUsed[startLetter] = true;
+    }
+  }
+  QCString alphaLinks = "<div class=\"qindex\">";
+  int l;
+  for (l = 0; l < 256; l++)
+  {
+    if (indexLetterUsed[l])
+    {
+      if (headerItems) alphaLinks += "&nbsp;|&nbsp;";
+      headerItems++;
+      alphaLinks += (QCString)"<a class=\"qindex\" href=\"#letter_" + 
+                    (char)l + "\">" + 
+                    (char)l + "</a>";
+    }
+  }
+  alphaLinks += "</div>\n";
+  ol.writeString(alphaLinks);
+  ol.writeString("<table align=\"center\" width=\"95%\" border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n");
+  // the number of columns in the table
+  const int columns = Config_getInt("COLS_IN_ALPHA_INDEX");
+  int i,j;
+  int totalItems = headerItems + annotatedClasses;            // number of items in the table
+  int rows = (totalItems + columns - 1)/columns;              // number of rows in the table
+  int itemsInLastRow = (totalItems + columns -1)%columns + 1; // number of items in the last row
+  //printf("headerItems=%d totalItems=%d columns=%d rows=%d itemsInLastRow=%d\n",
+  //    headerItems,totalItems,columns,rows,itemsInLastRow);
+  // Keep a list of classes for each starting letter
+  PrefixIgnoreClassList classesByLetter[256];
+  // fill the columns with the class list (row elements in each column,
+  // expect for the columns with number >= itemsInLastRow, which get on
+  // item less.
+  //int icount=0;
+  startLetter=0;
+  for (cli.toFirst();(cd=cli.current());++cli)
+  {
+    if (cd->isLinkableInProject() && cd->templateMaster()==0)
+    {
+      int index = getPrefixIndex(cd->className());
+      startLetter=toupper(cd->className().at(index));
+      // Do some sorting again, since the classes are sorted by name with 
+      // prefix, which should be ignored really.
+      classesByLetter[startLetter].inSort (cd);
+    }
+  }
+  // create one class list for each column 
+  ClassList *colList = new ClassList[columns];
+  // fill the columns with the class list (row elements in each column,
+  // expect for the columns with number >= itemsInLastRow, which get on
+  // item less.
+  int col=0,row=0;
+  //int icount=0;
+  startLetter=0;
+  for (l = 0; l < 256; l++)
+  {
+    if (!indexLetterUsed[l]) continue;
+    // insert a new header using a dummy class pointer.
+    colList[col].append((ClassDef *)8); // insert dummy for the header
+    row++;
+    if ( row >= rows + ((col<itemsInLastRow) ? 0 : -1)) 
+    { 
+      // if the header is the last item in the row, we add an extra
+      // row to make it easier to find the text of the header (this
+      // is then contained in the next cell)
+      colList[col].append(classesByLetter[l].at (0)); 
+      col++; 
+      row=0; 
+    }
+    uint i;
+    for (i = 0; i < classesByLetter[l].count(); i++)
+    {
+      // add the class definition to the correct column list
+      colList[col].append (classesByLetter[l].at (i));
+      row++;
+      if ( row >= rows + ((col<itemsInLastRow) ? 0 : -1)) { col++; row=0; }
+    }
+  }
+  // create iterators for each column
+  ClassListIterator **colIterators = new ClassListIterator*[columns];
+  for (i=0;i<columns;i++)
+  {
+    colIterators[i] = new ClassListIterator(colList[i]);
+  }
+  // generate table
+  for (i=0;i<rows;i++) // foreach table row
+  {
+    //ol.nextTableRow();
+    ol.writeString("<tr>");
+    // the last column may contain less items then the others
+    int colsInRow = (i<rows-1) ? columns : itemsInLastRow; 
+    //printf("row [%d]\n",i);
+    for (j=0;j<colsInRow;j++) // foreach table column
+    {
+      ol.writeString("<td>");
+      ClassDef *cd = colIterators[j]->current();
+      //printf("columns [%d] cd=%p\n",j,cd);
+      if (cd==(ClassDef *)8) // the class pointer is really a header
+      {
+        cd=++(*colIterators[j]); // get the next item
+        if (cd)
+        {
+          //printf("head ClassDef=%p %s\n",cd,cd ? cd->name().data() : "<none>");
+          int index = getPrefixIndex(cd->className());
+          startLetter=toupper(cd->className().at(index));
+          QCString s = letterToLabel(startLetter);
+          //ol.writeIndexHeading(s);
+          ol.writeString("<a name=\"letter_");
+          ol.writeString(s);
+          ol.writeString("\"></a>");
+          ol.writeString("<table border=\"0\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">"
+                           "<tr>"
+                             "<td><div class=\"ah\">&nbsp;&nbsp;"); 
+          ol.writeString(s);
+          ol.writeString(         "&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>"
+                             "</td>"
+                           "</tr>"
+                         "</table>\n");
+        }
+      }
+      else if (cd) // a real class, insert a link
+      {
+        QCString namesp,cname;
+        //if (cd->getNamespaceDef()) namesp=cd->getNamespaceDef()->displayName();
+        //QCString cname=cd->className();
+        extractNamespaceName(cd->name(),cname,namesp);
+        QCString nsDispName;
+        if (Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA"))
+        {
+          nsDispName=substitute(namesp,"::",".");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          nsDispName=namesp.copy();
+        }
+        ol.writeObjectLink(cd->getReference(),
+                           cd->getOutputFileBase(),0,cname);
+        if (!namesp.isEmpty())
+        {
+          ol.docify(" (");
+          NamespaceDef *nd = getResolvedNamespace(namesp);
+          if (nd && nd->isLinkable())
+          {
+            ol.writeObjectLink(nd->getReference(),
+                           nd->getOutputFileBase(),0,nsDispName);
+          }
+          else
+          {
+            ol.docify(nsDispName);
+          }
+          ol.docify(")");
+        }
+        ol.writeNonBreakableSpace(3);
+        //printf("item ClassDef=%p %s\n",cd,cd ? cd->name().data() : "<none>");
+        ++(*colIterators[j]);
+      }
+      //ol.endTableColumn();
+      ol.writeString("</td>");
+      //if (j<colsInRow-1) ol.nextTableColumn();
+    }
+    //ol.endTableRow();
+    ol.writeString("</tr>");
+  }
+  //ol.endAlphabeticalIndexList();
+  ol.writeString("</table>");
+  ol.writeString(alphaLinks);
+  // release the temporary memory
+  for (i=0;i<columns;i++)
+  {
+    delete colIterators[i];
+  }
+  delete[] colIterators;
+  delete[] colList;
+void writeAlphabeticalIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  bool vhdlOpt    = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
+  if (annotatedClasses==0) return;
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  startFile(ol,"classes"+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension,0,theTranslator->trAlphabeticalList().data(),HLI_Classes); 
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  ol.parseText(/*Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" "+*/
+               (fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trCompoundIndexFortran() :
+                vhdlOpt    ? VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitIndex()             :
+                             theTranslator->trCompoundIndex()
+               ));
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  writeAlphabeticalClassList(ol);
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void writeAnnotatedIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  bool vhdlOpt    = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
+  if (annotatedClasses==0) return;
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  QCString title = fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trCompoundListFortran() :
+                   vhdlOpt    ? VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitList()             :
+                                theTranslator->trCompoundList()        ;
+  startFile(ol,"annotated",0,title.data(),HLI_Annotated);
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  QCString longTitle = title;
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  longTitle.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(longTitle);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,title,0,"annotated",0); 
+  Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  QCString desc = fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trCompoundListDescriptionFortran() :
+                  vhdlOpt    ? VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitListDescription()             :
+                               theTranslator->trCompoundListDescription()        ;
+  ol.parseText(desc);
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  writeAnnotatedClassList(ol);
+  Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+static void writeClassLinkForMember(OutputList &ol,MemberDef *md,const char *separator,
+                             QCString &prevClassName)
+  ClassDef *cd=md->getClassDef();
+  if ( cd && prevClassName!=cd->displayName())
+  {
+    ol.docify(separator);
+    ol.writeObjectLink(md->getReference(),md->getOutputFileBase(),md->anchor(),
+        cd->displayName());
+    ol.writeString("\n");
+    prevClassName = cd->displayName();
+  }
+static void writeFileLinkForMember(OutputList &ol,MemberDef *md,const char *separator,
+                             QCString &prevFileName)
+  FileDef *fd=md->getFileDef();
+  if (fd && prevFileName!=fd->name())
+  {
+    ol.docify(separator);
+    ol.writeObjectLink(md->getReference(),md->getOutputFileBase(),md->anchor(),
+        fd->name());
+    ol.writeString("\n");
+    prevFileName = fd->name();
+  }
+static void writeNamespaceLinkForMember(OutputList &ol,MemberDef *md,const char *separator,
+                             QCString &prevNamespaceName)
+  NamespaceDef *nd=md->getNamespaceDef();
+  if (nd && prevNamespaceName!=nd->name())
+  {
+    ol.docify(separator);
+    ol.writeObjectLink(md->getReference(),md->getOutputFileBase(),md->anchor(),
+        nd->name());
+    ol.writeString("\n");
+    prevNamespaceName = nd->name();
+  }
+static void writeMemberList(OutputList &ol,bool useSections,int page,
+                            MemberIndexList memberLists[MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES],
+                            DefinitionIntf::DefType type)
+  int pi;
+  // page==-1 => write all member indices to one page (used when total members is small)
+  // page!=-1 => write all member for this page only (used when total member is large)
+  int startIndex = page==-1 ? 0                      : page;
+  int endIndex   = page==-1 ? MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES-1 : page;
+  ASSERT((int)type<3);
+  typedef void (*writeLinkForMember_t)(OutputList &ol,MemberDef *md,const char *separator,
+                                   QCString &prevNamespaceName);
+  // each index tab has its own write function
+  static writeLinkForMember_t writeLinkForMemberMap[3] = 
+  { 
+    &writeClassLinkForMember, 
+    &writeFileLinkForMember,
+    &writeNamespaceLinkForMember
+  };
+  QCString prevName;
+  QCString prevDefName;
+  bool first=TRUE;
+  bool firstSection=TRUE;
+  bool firstItem=TRUE;
+  for (pi=startIndex; pi<=endIndex; pi++) // page==-1 => pi=[0..127], page!=-1 => pi=page 
+  {
+    MemberIndexList *ml = &memberLists[pi];
+    if (ml->count()==0) continue;
+    ml->sort();
+    QListIterator<MemberDef> mli(*ml);
+    MemberDef *md;
+    for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli)
+    {
+      const char *sep;
+      bool isFunc=!md->isObjCMethod() && 
+        (md->isFunction() || md->isSlot() || md->isSignal()); 
+      QCString name=md->name();
+      int startIndex = getPrefixIndex(name);
+      if (QCString(name.data()+startIndex)!=prevName) // new entry
+      {
+        if ((prevName.isEmpty() || 
+            tolower(name.at(startIndex))!=tolower(prevName.at(0))) && 
+            useSections) // new section
+        {
+          if (!firstItem)    ol.endItemListItem();
+          if (!firstSection) ol.endItemList();
+          char cl[2];
+          cl[0] = tolower(name.at(startIndex));
+          cl[1] = 0;
+          QCString cs = letterToLabel(cl[0]);
+          QCString anchor=(QCString)"index_"+cs;
+          QCString title=(QCString)"- "+cl+" -";
+          ol.startSection(anchor,title,SectionInfo::Subsection);
+          ol.docify(title);
+          ol.endSection(anchor,SectionInfo::Subsection);
+          ol.startItemList();
+          firstSection=FALSE;
+          firstItem=TRUE;
+        }
+        else if (!useSections && first)
+        {
+          ol.startItemList();
+          first=FALSE;
+        }
+        // member name
+        if (!firstItem) ol.endItemListItem();
+        ol.startItemListItem();
+        firstItem=FALSE;
+        ol.docify(name);
+        if (isFunc) ol.docify("()");
+        ol.writeString("\n");
+        // link to class
+        prevDefName="";
+        sep = ": ";
+        prevName = name.data()+startIndex;
+      }
+      else // same entry
+      {
+        sep = ", ";
+        // link to class for other members with the same name
+      }
+      // write the link for the specific list type
+      writeLinkForMemberMap[(int)type](ol,md,sep,prevDefName);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!firstItem) ol.endItemListItem();
+  ol.endItemList();
+void initClassMemberIndices()
+  int i=0;
+  int j=0;
+  for (j=0;j<CMHL_Total;j++)
+  {
+    documentedClassMembers[j]=0;
+    for (i=0;i<MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES;i++) 
+    {
+      g_memberIndexLetterUsed[j][i].clear();
+    }
+  }
+void addClassMemberNameToIndex(MemberDef *md)
+  static bool hideFriendCompounds = Config_getBool("HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS");
+  static bool vhdlOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
+  ClassDef *cd=0;
+  if (vhdlOpt && (VhdlDocGen::isRecord(md) || VhdlDocGen::isUnit(md)))
+  {
+    VhdlDocGen::adjustRecordMember(md);
+  }
+  if (md->isLinkableInProject() && 
+      (cd=md->getClassDef())    && 
+      cd->isLinkableInProject() &&
+      cd->templateMaster()==0)
+  {
+    QCString n = md->name();
+    int index = getPrefixIndex(n);
+    uchar charCode = (uchar)n.at(index);
+    uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
+    if (!n.isEmpty()) 
+    {
+      bool isFriendToHide = hideFriendCompounds &&
+        (QCString(md->typeString())=="friend class" || 
+         QCString(md->typeString())=="friend struct" ||
+         QCString(md->typeString())=="friend union");
+      if (!(md->isFriend() && isFriendToHide))
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_All][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_All]++;
+      }
+      if (md->isFunction()  || md->isSlot() || md->isSignal())
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Functions][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_Functions]++;
+      } 
+      else if (md->isVariable())
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Variables][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_Variables]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isTypedef())
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Typedefs][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_Typedefs]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumerate())
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Enums][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_Enums]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumValue())
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_EnumValues][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_EnumValues]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isProperty())
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Properties][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_Properties]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEvent())
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Events][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_Events]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isRelated() || md->isForeign() ||
+               (md->isFriend() && !isFriendToHide))
+      {
+        g_memberIndexLetterUsed[CMHL_Related][letter].append(md);
+        documentedClassMembers[CMHL_Related]++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void initNamespaceMemberIndices()
+  int i=0;
+  int j=0;
+  for (j=0;j<NMHL_Total;j++)
+  {
+    documentedNamespaceMembers[j]=0;
+    for (i=0;i<MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES;i++) 
+    {
+      g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[j][i].clear();
+    }
+  }
+void addNamespaceMemberNameToIndex(MemberDef *md)
+  NamespaceDef *nd=md->getNamespaceDef();
+  if (nd && nd->isLinkableInProject() && md->isLinkableInProject())
+  {
+    QCString n = md->name();
+    int index = getPrefixIndex(n);
+    uchar charCode = (uchar)n.at(index);
+    uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
+    if (!n.isEmpty()) 
+    {
+      g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[NMHL_All][letter].append(md);
+      documentedNamespaceMembers[NMHL_All]++;
+      if (md->isFunction()) 
+      {
+        g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[NMHL_Functions][letter].append(md);
+        documentedNamespaceMembers[NMHL_Functions]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isVariable()) 
+      {
+        g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[NMHL_Variables][letter].append(md);
+        documentedNamespaceMembers[NMHL_Variables]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isTypedef())
+      {
+        g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[NMHL_Typedefs][letter].append(md);
+        documentedNamespaceMembers[NMHL_Typedefs]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumerate())
+      {
+        g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[NMHL_Enums][letter].append(md);
+        documentedNamespaceMembers[NMHL_Enums]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumValue())
+      {
+        g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[NMHL_EnumValues][letter].append(md);
+        documentedNamespaceMembers[NMHL_EnumValues]++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void initFileMemberIndices()
+  int i=0;
+  int j=0;
+  for (j=0;j<NMHL_Total;j++)
+  {
+    documentedFileMembers[j]=0;
+    for (i=0;i<MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES;i++) 
+    {
+      g_fileIndexLetterUsed[j][i].clear();
+    }
+  }
+void addFileMemberNameToIndex(MemberDef *md)
+  FileDef *fd=md->getFileDef();
+  if (fd && fd->isLinkableInProject() && md->isLinkableInProject())
+  {
+    QCString n = md->name();
+    int index = getPrefixIndex(n);
+    uchar charCode = (uchar)n.at(index);
+    uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
+    if (!n.isEmpty()) 
+    {
+      g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_All][letter].append(md);
+      documentedFileMembers[FMHL_All]++;
+      if (md->isFunction()) 
+      {
+        g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_Functions][letter].append(md);
+        documentedFileMembers[FMHL_Functions]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isVariable()) 
+      {
+        g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_Variables][letter].append(md);
+        documentedFileMembers[FMHL_Variables]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isTypedef())
+      {
+        g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_Typedefs][letter].append(md);
+        documentedFileMembers[FMHL_Typedefs]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumerate())
+      {
+        g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_Enums][letter].append(md);
+        documentedFileMembers[FMHL_Enums]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumValue())
+      {
+        g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_EnumValues][letter].append(md);
+        documentedFileMembers[FMHL_EnumValues]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isDefine())
+      {
+        g_fileIndexLetterUsed[FMHL_Defines][letter].append(md);
+        documentedFileMembers[FMHL_Defines]++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void writeQuickMemberIndex(OutputList &ol,
+    MemberIndexList charUsed[MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES],int page,
+    QCString fullName,bool multiPage)
+  bool first=TRUE;
+  int i;
+  startQuickIndexList(ol);
+  for (i=33;i<127;i++)
+  {
+    char is[2];is[0]=(char)i;is[1]='\0';
+    if (charUsed[i].count()>0)
+    {
+      QCString anchor;
+      QCString extension=Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+      if (!multiPage)
+        anchor="#index_";
+      else if (first) 
+        anchor=fullName+extension+"#index_";
+      else 
+        anchor=fullName+QCString().sprintf("_0x%02x",i)+extension+"#index_";
+      startQuickIndexItem(ol,anchor+is,i==page,TRUE,first);
+      ol.writeString(is);
+      endQuickIndexItem(ol);
+      first=FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  endQuickIndexList(ol);
+static void writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(OutputList &ol, ClassMemberHighlight hl)
+  if (documentedClassMembers[hl]==0) return;
+  static bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  static bool vhdlOpt    = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
+  bool multiPageIndex=FALSE;
+  int numPages=1;
+  if (documentedClassMembers[hl]>MAX_ITEMS_BEFORE_MULTIPAGE_INDEX)
+  {
+    multiPageIndex=TRUE;
+    numPages=127;
+  }
+  struct CmhlInfo
+  {
+    CmhlInfo(const char *fn,const char *t) : fname(fn), title(t) {}
+    const char *fname;
+    QCString title;
+  } cmhlInfo[] = 
+  {
+    CmhlInfo("functions",     theTranslator->trAll()),
+    CmhlInfo("functions_func",
+        fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trSubprograms() : 
+        vhdlOpt    ? VhdlDocGen::trFunctionAndProc() :
+                     theTranslator->trFunctions()),
+    CmhlInfo("functions_vars",theTranslator->trVariables()),
+    CmhlInfo("functions_type",theTranslator->trTypedefs()),
+    CmhlInfo("functions_enum",theTranslator->trEnumerations()),
+    CmhlInfo("functions_eval",theTranslator->trEnumerationValues()),
+    CmhlInfo("functions_prop",theTranslator->trProperties()),
+    CmhlInfo("functions_evnt",theTranslator->trEvents()),
+    CmhlInfo("functions_rela",theTranslator->trRelatedFunctions())
+  };
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  QCString extension=Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+  QCString title = fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trCompoundMembersFortran() : 
+                   vhdlOpt    ? VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitMembers()             : 
+                                theTranslator->trCompoundMembers()        ;
+  if (hl!=CMHL_All) title+=(QCString)" - "+cmhlInfo[hl].title;
+  int page;
+  bool first=TRUE;
+  for (page=0;page<numPages;page++)
+  {
+    if (!multiPageIndex || g_memberIndexLetterUsed[hl][page].count()>0)
+    {
+      QCString fileName = cmhlInfo[hl].fname;
+      if (multiPageIndex && !first)
+      { 
+        fileName+=QCString().sprintf("_0x%02x",page);
+      }
+      startFile(ol,fileName+extension,0,title,HLI_Functions,TRUE);
+      startQuickIndexList(ol);
+      // index item for global member list
+      startQuickIndexItem(ol,
+          cmhlInfo[0].fname+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension,hl==CMHL_All,TRUE,first);
+      ol.writeString(fixSpaces(cmhlInfo[0].title));
+      endQuickIndexItem(ol);
+      // index items per category member lists
+      int i;
+      for (i=1;i<CMHL_Total;i++)
+      {
+        if (documentedClassMembers[i]>0)
+        {
+          startQuickIndexItem(ol,cmhlInfo[i].fname+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension,hl==i,TRUE,first);
+          ol.writeString(fixSpaces(cmhlInfo[i].title));
+          //printf("multiPageIndex=%d first=%d fileName=%s file=%s title=%s\n",
+          //    multiPageIndex,first,fileName.data(),cmhlInfo[i].fname,cmhlInfo[i].title.data());
+          endQuickIndexItem(ol);
+        }
+      }
+      endQuickIndexList(ol);
+      // quick alphabetical index
+      bool quickIndex = documentedClassMembers[hl]>maxItemsBeforeQuickIndex;
+      if (quickIndex)
+      {
+        writeQuickMemberIndex(ol,g_memberIndexLetterUsed[hl],page,
+                              cmhlInfo[hl].fname,multiPageIndex);
+      }
+      ol.endQuickIndices();
+      ol.startContents();
+      if (hl==CMHL_All)
+      {
+        static bool extractAll = Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL");
+        ol.parseText(fortranOpt ?  theTranslator->trCompoundMembersDescriptionFortran(extractAll) : 
+                                   theTranslator->trCompoundMembersDescription(extractAll));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // hack to work around a mozilla bug, which refuses to switch to
+        // normal lists otherwise
+        ol.writeString("&nbsp;");
+      }
+      //ol.newParagraph();  // FIXME:PARA
+      writeMemberList(ol,quickIndex,
+                      multiPageIndex?page:-1,
+                      g_memberIndexLetterUsed[hl],
+                      Definition::TypeClass);
+      endFile(ol);
+      first=FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void writeClassMemberIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_All);
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_Functions);
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_Variables);
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_Typedefs);
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_Enums);
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_EnumValues);
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_Properties);
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_Events);
+  writeClassMemberIndexFiltered(ol,CMHL_Related);
+  if (documentedClassMembers[CMHL_All]>0)
+  {
+    QCString title = fortranOpt?theTranslator->trCompoundMembersFortran():theTranslator->trCompoundMembers();
+    Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,title,0,"functions",0); 
+  }
+static void writeFileMemberIndexFiltered(OutputList &ol, FileMemberHighlight hl)
+  if (documentedFileMembers[hl]==0) return;
+  bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  bool vhdlOpt    = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");  
+  bool multiPageIndex=FALSE;
+  int numPages=1;
+  if (documentedFileMembers[hl]>MAX_ITEMS_BEFORE_MULTIPAGE_INDEX)
+  {
+    multiPageIndex=TRUE;
+    numPages=127;
+  }
+  struct FmhlInfo 
+  {
+    FmhlInfo(const char *fn,const char *t) : fname(fn), title(t) {}
+    const char *fname;
+    QCString title;
+  } fmhlInfo[] = 
+  {
+    FmhlInfo("globals",     theTranslator->trAll()),
+    FmhlInfo("globals_func",
+         fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trSubprograms()  : 
+         vhdlOpt    ? VhdlDocGen::trFunctionAndProc() : 
+                      theTranslator->trFunctions()),
+    FmhlInfo("globals_vars",theTranslator->trVariables()),
+    FmhlInfo("globals_type",theTranslator->trTypedefs()),
+    FmhlInfo("globals_enum",theTranslator->trEnumerations()),
+    FmhlInfo("globals_eval",theTranslator->trEnumerationValues()),
+    FmhlInfo("globals_defs",theTranslator->trDefines())
+  };
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  QCString extension=Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+  QCString title = fortranOpt?theTranslator->trCompoundMembersFortran():theTranslator->trCompoundMembers();
+  int page;
+  bool first=TRUE;
+  for (page=0;page<numPages;page++)
+  {
+    if (!multiPageIndex || g_fileIndexLetterUsed[hl][page].count()>0)
+    {
+      QCString fileName = fmhlInfo[hl].fname;
+      if (multiPageIndex && !first)
+      {
+        fileName+=QCString().sprintf("_0x%02x",page);
+      }
+      startFile(ol,fileName+extension,0,title.data(),HLI_Globals,TRUE);
+      startQuickIndexList(ol);
+      // index item for all member lists
+      startQuickIndexItem(ol,
+          fmhlInfo[0].fname+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension,hl==FMHL_All,TRUE,first);
+      ol.writeString(fixSpaces(fmhlInfo[0].title));
+      endQuickIndexItem(ol);
+      int i;
+      // index items for per category member lists
+      for (i=1;i<FMHL_Total;i++)
+      {
+        if (documentedFileMembers[i]>0)
+        {
+          startQuickIndexItem(ol,
+              fmhlInfo[i].fname+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension,hl==i,TRUE,first);
+          ol.writeString(fixSpaces(fmhlInfo[i].title));
+          endQuickIndexItem(ol);
+        }
+      }
+      endQuickIndexList(ol);
+      bool quickIndex = documentedFileMembers[hl]>maxItemsBeforeQuickIndex;
+      if (quickIndex)
+      {
+        writeQuickMemberIndex(ol,g_fileIndexLetterUsed[hl],page,
+                  fmhlInfo[hl].fname,multiPageIndex);
+      }
+      ol.endQuickIndices();
+      ol.startContents();
+      if (hl==FMHL_All)
+      {
+        ol.parseText(theTranslator->trFileMembersDescription(Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // hack to work around a mozilla bug, which refuses to switch to
+        // normal lists otherwise
+        ol.writeString("&nbsp;");
+      }
+      //ol.newParagraph();  // FIXME:PARA
+      //writeFileMemberList(ol,quickIndex,hl,page);
+      writeMemberList(ol,quickIndex,
+                      multiPageIndex?page:-1,
+                      g_fileIndexLetterUsed[hl],
+                      Definition::TypeFile);
+      endFile(ol);
+      first=FALSE;
+    }
+  }
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void writeFileMemberIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  writeFileMemberIndexFiltered(ol,FMHL_All);
+  writeFileMemberIndexFiltered(ol,FMHL_Functions);
+  writeFileMemberIndexFiltered(ol,FMHL_Variables);
+  writeFileMemberIndexFiltered(ol,FMHL_Typedefs);
+  writeFileMemberIndexFiltered(ol,FMHL_Enums);
+  writeFileMemberIndexFiltered(ol,FMHL_EnumValues);
+  writeFileMemberIndexFiltered(ol,FMHL_Defines);
+  if (documentedFileMembers[FMHL_All]>0)
+  {
+    QCString title = theTranslator->trFileMembers();
+    Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,title,0,"globals",0); 
+  }
+static void writeNamespaceMemberIndexFiltered(OutputList &ol,
+                                        NamespaceMemberHighlight hl)
+  if (documentedNamespaceMembers[hl]==0) return;
+  bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  bool vhdlOpt    = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");  
+  bool multiPageIndex=FALSE;
+  int numPages=1;
+  if (documentedNamespaceMembers[hl]>MAX_ITEMS_BEFORE_MULTIPAGE_INDEX)
+  {
+    multiPageIndex=TRUE;
+    numPages=127;
+  }
+  struct NmhlInfo
+  {
+    NmhlInfo(const char *fn,const char *t) : fname(fn), title(t) {}
+    const char *fname;
+    QCString title;
+  } nmhlInfo[] = 
+  {
+    NmhlInfo("namespacemembers",     theTranslator->trAll()),
+    NmhlInfo("namespacemembers_func",
+        fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trSubprograms()  :
+        vhdlOpt    ? VhdlDocGen::trFunctionAndProc() :
+                     theTranslator->trFunctions()),
+    NmhlInfo("namespacemembers_vars",theTranslator->trVariables()),
+    NmhlInfo("namespacemembers_type",theTranslator->trTypedefs()),
+    NmhlInfo("namespacemembers_enum",theTranslator->trEnumerations()),
+    NmhlInfo("namespacemembers_eval",theTranslator->trEnumerationValues())
+  };
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  QCString extension=Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+  QCString title = fortranOpt?theTranslator->trCompoundMembersFortran():theTranslator->trCompoundMembers();
+  int page;
+  bool first=TRUE;
+  for (page=0;page<numPages;page++)
+  {
+    if (!multiPageIndex || g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[hl][page].count()>0)
+    {
+      QCString fileName = nmhlInfo[hl].fname;
+      if (multiPageIndex && !first)
+      {
+        fileName+=QCString().sprintf("_0x%02x",page);
+      }
+      startFile(ol,fileName+extension,0,title,HLI_NamespaceMembers,TRUE);
+      startQuickIndexList(ol);
+      startQuickIndexItem(ol,
+          nmhlInfo[0].fname+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension,hl==NMHL_All,TRUE,first);
+      ol.writeString(fixSpaces(nmhlInfo[0].title));
+      endQuickIndexItem(ol);
+      int i;
+      for (i=1;i<NMHL_Total;i++)
+      {
+        if (documentedNamespaceMembers[i]>0)
+        {
+          startQuickIndexItem(ol,
+              nmhlInfo[i].fname+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension,hl==i,TRUE,first);
+          ol.writeString(fixSpaces(nmhlInfo[i].title));
+          endQuickIndexItem(ol);
+        }
+      }
+      endQuickIndexList(ol);
+      bool quickIndex = documentedNamespaceMembers[hl]>maxItemsBeforeQuickIndex;
+      if (quickIndex)
+      {
+        writeQuickMemberIndex(ol,g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[hl],page,
+              nmhlInfo[hl].fname,multiPageIndex);
+      }
+      ol.endQuickIndices();
+      ol.startContents();
+      if (hl==NMHL_All)
+      {
+        ol.parseText(fortranOpt?theTranslator->trModulesMemberDescription(Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")):theTranslator->trNamespaceMemberDescription(Config_getBool("EXTRACT_ALL")));
+      }
+      else
+      {
+        // hack to work around a mozilla bug, which refuses to switch to
+        // normal lists otherwise
+        ol.writeString("&nbsp;");
+      }
+      //ol.newParagraph(); // FIXME:PARA
+      //writeNamespaceMemberList(ol,quickIndex,hl,page);
+      writeMemberList(ol,quickIndex,
+                      multiPageIndex?page:-1,
+                      g_namespaceIndexLetterUsed[hl],
+                      Definition::TypeNamespace);
+      endFile(ol);
+    }
+  }
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void writeNamespaceMemberIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  writeNamespaceMemberIndexFiltered(ol,NMHL_All);
+  writeNamespaceMemberIndexFiltered(ol,NMHL_Functions);
+  writeNamespaceMemberIndexFiltered(ol,NMHL_Variables);
+  writeNamespaceMemberIndexFiltered(ol,NMHL_Typedefs);
+  writeNamespaceMemberIndexFiltered(ol,NMHL_Enums);
+  writeNamespaceMemberIndexFiltered(ol,NMHL_EnumValues);
+  if (documentedNamespaceMembers[NMHL_All]>0)
+  {
+    QCString title = fortranOpt?theTranslator->trModulesMembers():theTranslator->trNamespaceMembers();
+    Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,title,0,"namespacemembers",0); 
+  }
+#define NUM_SEARCH_INDICES      13
+#define SEARCH_INDEX_ALL         0
+#define SEARCH_INDEX_FILES       3
+#define SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS       7
+#define SEARCH_INDEX_EVENTS     10
+class SearchIndexList : public SDict< QList<Definition> >
+  public:
+    SearchIndexList(int size=17) : SDict< QList<Definition> >(size,FALSE) 
+    {
+      setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+    }
+   ~SearchIndexList() {}
+    void append(Definition *d)
+    {
+      QList<Definition> *l = find(d->name());
+      if (l==0)
+      {
+        l=new QList<Definition>;
+        SDict< QList<Definition> >::append(d->name(),l);
+      }
+      l->append(d);
+    }
+    int compareItems(GCI item1, GCI item2)
+    {
+      QList<Definition> *md1=(QList<Definition> *)item1;
+      QList<Definition> *md2=(QList<Definition> *)item2;
+      QCString n1 = md1->first()->localName();
+      QCString n2 = md2->first()->localName();
+      return stricmp(n1.data(),n2.data());
+    }
+static void addMemberToSearchIndex(
+         SearchIndexList symbols[NUM_SEARCH_INDICES][MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES],
+         int symbolCount[NUM_SEARCH_INDICES],
+         MemberDef *md)
+  static bool hideFriendCompounds = Config_getBool("HIDE_FRIEND_COMPOUNDS");
+  bool isLinkable = md->isLinkable();
+  ClassDef *cd=0;
+  NamespaceDef *nd=0;
+  FileDef *fd=0;
+  if (isLinkable             && 
+      (cd=md->getClassDef()) && 
+      cd->isLinkable()       &&
+      cd->templateMaster()==0)
+  {
+    QCString n = md->name();
+    uchar charCode = (uchar)n.at(0);
+    uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
+    if (!n.isEmpty()) 
+    {
+      bool isFriendToHide = hideFriendCompounds &&
+        (QCString(md->typeString())=="friend class" || 
+         QCString(md->typeString())=="friend struct" ||
+         QCString(md->typeString())=="friend union");
+      if (!(md->isFriend() && isFriendToHide))
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL]++;
+      }
+      if (md->isFunction() || md->isSlot() || md->isSignal())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS]++;
+      } 
+      else if (md->isVariable())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isTypedef())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumerate())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumValue())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isProperty())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_PROPERTIES][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_PROPERTIES]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEvent())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_EVENTS][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_EVENTS]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isRelated() || md->isForeign() ||
+               (md->isFriend() && !isFriendToHide))
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_RELATED][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_RELATED]++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  else if (isLinkable && 
+      (((nd=md->getNamespaceDef()) && nd->isLinkable()) || 
+       ((fd=md->getFileDef())      && fd->isLinkable())
+      )
+     )
+  {
+    QCString n = md->name();
+    uchar charCode = (uchar)n.at(0);
+    uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
+    if (!n.isEmpty()) 
+    {
+      symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL][letter].append(md);
+      symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL]++;
+      if (md->isFunction()) 
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isVariable()) 
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isTypedef())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumerate())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isEnumValue())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES]++;
+      }
+      else if (md->isDefine())
+      {
+        symbols[SEARCH_INDEX_DEFINES][letter].append(md);
+        symbolCount[SEARCH_INDEX_DEFINES]++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+static QCString searchId(const QCString &s)
+  int c;
+  uint i;
+  QCString result;
+  for (i=0;i<s.length();i++)
+  {
+    c=s.at(i);
+    if ((c>='0' && c<='9') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='a' && c<='z'))
+    {
+      result+=(char)tolower(c);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      char val[4];
+      sprintf(val,"_%02x",c);
+      result+=val;
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+static  int g_searchIndexCount[NUM_SEARCH_INDICES];
+static  SearchIndexList g_searchIndexSymbols[NUM_SEARCH_INDICES][MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES];
+static const char *g_searchIndexName[NUM_SEARCH_INDICES] = 
+    "all",
+    "classes",
+    "namespaces",
+    "files",
+    "functions",
+    "variables",
+    "typedefs", 
+    "enums", 
+    "enumvalues",
+    "properties", 
+    "events", 
+    "related",
+    "defines"
+class SearchIndexCategoryMapping
+  public:
+    SearchIndexCategoryMapping()
+    {
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL]        = theTranslator->trAll();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_CLASSES]    = theTranslator->trClasses();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_NAMESPACES] = theTranslator->trNamespace(TRUE,FALSE);
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_FILES]      = theTranslator->trFile(TRUE,FALSE);
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_FUNCTIONS]  = theTranslator->trFunctions();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_VARIABLES]  = theTranslator->trVariables();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_TYPEDEFS]   = theTranslator->trTypedefs();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMS]      = theTranslator->trEnumerations();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_ENUMVALUES] = theTranslator->trEnumerationValues();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_PROPERTIES] = theTranslator->trProperties();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_EVENTS]     = theTranslator->trEvents();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_RELATED]    = theTranslator->trFriends();
+      categoryLabel[SEARCH_INDEX_DEFINES]    = theTranslator->trDefines();
+    }
+    QString categoryLabel[NUM_SEARCH_INDICES];
+void writeJavascriptSearchIndex()
+  if (!Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML")) return;
+  static bool treeView = Config_getBool("GENERATE_TREEVIEW");
+  ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+  ClassDef *cd;
+  for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli)
+  {
+    uchar charCode = (uchar)cd->localName().at(0);
+    uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
+    if (cd->isLinkable() && isId(letter))
+    {
+      g_searchIndexSymbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL][letter].append(cd);
+      g_searchIndexSymbols[SEARCH_INDEX_CLASSES][letter].append(cd);
+      g_searchIndexCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL]++;
+      g_searchIndexCount[SEARCH_INDEX_CLASSES]++;
+    }
+  }
+  NamespaceSDict::Iterator nli(*Doxygen::namespaceSDict);
+  NamespaceDef *nd;
+  for (;(nd=nli.current());++nli)
+  {
+    uchar charCode = (uchar)nd->name().at(0);
+    uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
+    if (nd->isLinkable() && isId(letter))
+    {
+      g_searchIndexSymbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL][letter].append(nd);
+      g_searchIndexSymbols[SEARCH_INDEX_NAMESPACES][letter].append(nd);
+      g_searchIndexCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL]++;
+      g_searchIndexCount[SEARCH_INDEX_NAMESPACES]++;
+    }
+  }
+  FileNameListIterator fnli(*Doxygen::inputNameList);
+  FileName *fn;
+  for (;(fn=fnli.current());++fnli)
+  {
+    FileNameIterator fni(*fn);
+    FileDef *fd;
+    for (;(fd=fni.current());++fni)
+    {
+      uchar charCode = (uchar)fd->name().at(0);
+      uint letter = charCode<128 ? tolower(charCode) : charCode;
+      if (fd->isLinkable() && isId(letter))
+      {
+        g_searchIndexSymbols[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL][letter].append(fd);
+        g_searchIndexSymbols[SEARCH_INDEX_FILES][letter].append(fd);
+        g_searchIndexCount[SEARCH_INDEX_ALL]++;
+        g_searchIndexCount[SEARCH_INDEX_FILES]++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    MemberNameSDict::Iterator mnli(*Doxygen::memberNameSDict);
+    MemberName *mn;
+    // for each member name
+    for (mnli.toFirst();(mn=mnli.current());++mnli)
+    {
+      MemberDef *md;
+      MemberNameIterator mni(*mn);
+      // for each member definition
+      for (mni.toFirst();(md=mni.current());++mni)
+      {
+        addMemberToSearchIndex(g_searchIndexSymbols,g_searchIndexCount,md);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    MemberNameSDict::Iterator fnli(*Doxygen::functionNameSDict);
+    MemberName *mn;
+    // for each member name
+    for (fnli.toFirst();(mn=fnli.current());++fnli)
+    {
+      MemberDef *md;
+      MemberNameIterator mni(*mn);
+      // for each member definition
+      for (mni.toFirst();(md=mni.current());++mni)
+      {
+        addMemberToSearchIndex(g_searchIndexSymbols,g_searchIndexCount,md);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  int i,p;
+  for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
+  {
+    for (p=0;p<MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES;p++)
+    {
+      if (g_searchIndexSymbols[i][p].count()>0)
+      {
+        g_searchIndexSymbols[i][p].sort();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  QCString searchDirName = Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT")+"/search";
+  for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
+  {
+    for (p=0;p<MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES;p++)
+    {
+      if (g_searchIndexSymbols[i][p].count()>0)
+      {
+        QCString fileName;
+        fileName.sprintf("/%s_%02x.html",g_searchIndexName[i],p);
+        fileName.prepend(searchDirName);
+        QFile outFile(fileName);
+        if (outFile.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+        {
+          QTextStream t(&outFile);
+          t << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\""
+               " \"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">" << endl;
+          t << "<html><head><title></title>" << endl;
+          t << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/xhtml;charset=UTF-8\"/>" << endl;
+          t << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"search.css\"/>" << endl;
+          t << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"search.js\"></script>" << endl;
+          t << "</head>" << endl;
+          t << "<body class=\"SRPage\">" << endl;
+          t << "<div id=\"SRIndex\">" << endl;
+          t << "<div class=\"SRStatus\" id=\"Loading\">" << theTranslator->trLoading() << "</div>" << endl;
+          SDict<QList<Definition> >::Iterator li(g_searchIndexSymbols[i][p]);
+          QList<Definition> *dl;
+          int itemCount=0;
+          for (li.toFirst();(dl=li.current());++li)
+          {
+            Definition *d = dl->first();
+            QCString id = d->localName();
+            t << "<div class=\"SRResult\" id=\"SR_"
+              << searchId(d->localName()) << "\">" << endl;
+            t << " <div class=\"SREntry\">\n";
+            if (dl->count()==1) // item with a unique name
+            {
+              MemberDef  *md   = 0;
+              bool isMemberDef = d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember;
+              if (isMemberDef) md = (MemberDef*)d;
+              t << "  <a id=\"Item" << itemCount << "\" "
+                << "onkeydown=\""
+                << "return searchResults.Nav(event," << itemCount << ")\" "
+                << "onkeypress=\""
+                << "return searchResults.Nav(event," << itemCount << ")\" "
+                << "onkeyup=\""
+                << "return searchResults.Nav(event," << itemCount << ")\" "
+                << "class=\"SRSymbol\" ";
+              if (!d->getReference().isEmpty())
+              {
+                QCString *dest;
+                t << "doxygen=\"" << d->getReference() << ":../";
+                if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[d->getReference()])) t << *dest << "/";
+                t << "\" ";
+                t << "href=\"../";
+                if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[d->getReference()])) t << *dest << "/";
+              }
+              else
+              {
+                t << "href=\"../";
+              }
+              t << d->getOutputFileBase() << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+              if (isMemberDef)
+              {
+                t << "#" << ((MemberDef *)d)->anchor();
+              }
+              t << "\" target=\""; 
+              if (treeView) t << "basefrm"; else t << "_parent"; 
+              t << "\">";
+              t << convertToXML(d->localName());
+              t << "</a>" << endl;
+              if (d->getOuterScope()!=Doxygen::globalScope)
+              {
+                t << "  <span class=\"SRScope\">" 
+                  << convertToXML(d->getOuterScope()->name()) 
+                  << "</span>" << endl;
+              }
+              else if (isMemberDef)
+              {
+                FileDef *fd = ((MemberDef *)d)->getBodyDef();
+                if (fd==0) fd = ((MemberDef *)d)->getFileDef();
+                if (fd)
+                {
+                  t << "  <span class=\"SRScope\">" 
+                    << convertToXML(fd->localName())
+                    << "</span>" << endl;
+                }
+              }
+            }
+            else // multiple items with the same name
+            {
+              t << "  <a id=\"Item" << itemCount << "\" "
+                << "onkeydown=\""
+                << "return searchResults.Nav(event," << itemCount << ")\" "
+                << "onkeypress=\""
+                << "return searchResults.Nav(event," << itemCount << ")\" "
+                << "onkeyup=\""
+                << "return searchResults.Nav(event," << itemCount << ")\" "
+                << "class=\"SRSymbol\" "
+                << "href=\"javascript:searchResults.Toggle('SR_"
+                << searchId(d->localName()) << "')\">" 
+                << convertToXML(d->localName()) << "</a>" << endl;
+              t << "  <div class=\"SRChildren\">" << endl;
+              QListIterator<Definition> di(*dl);
+              bool overloadedFunction = FALSE;
+              Definition *prevScope = 0;
+              int childCount=0;
+              for (di.toFirst();(d=di.current());)
+              {
+                ++di;
+                Definition *scope     = d->getOuterScope();
+                Definition *next      = di.current();
+                Definition *nextScope = 0;
+                MemberDef  *md        = 0;
+                bool isMemberDef = d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeMember;
+                if (isMemberDef) md = (MemberDef*)d;
+                if (next) nextScope = next->getOuterScope();
+                t << "    <a id=\"Item" << itemCount << "_c" 
+                  << childCount << "\" "
+                  << "onkeydown=\""
+                  << "return searchResults.NavChild(event," 
+                  << itemCount << "," << childCount << ")\" "
+                  << "onkeypress=\""
+                  << "return searchResults.NavChild(event," 
+                  << itemCount << "," << childCount << ")\" "
+                  << "onkeyup=\""
+                  << "return searchResults.NavChild(event," 
+                  << itemCount << "," << childCount << ")\" "
+                  << "class=\"SRScope\" ";
+                if (!d->getReference().isEmpty())
+                {
+                  QCString *dest;
+                  t << "doxygen=\"" << d->getReference() << ":../";
+                  if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[d->getReference()])) t << *dest << "/";
+                  t << "\" ";
+                  t << "href=\"../";
+                  if ((dest=Doxygen::tagDestinationDict[d->getReference()])) t << *dest << "/";
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                  t << "href=\"../";
+                }
+                t << d->getOutputFileBase() << Doxygen::htmlFileExtension;
+                if (isMemberDef)
+                {
+                  t << "#" << ((MemberDef *)d)->anchor();
+                }
+                t << "\" target=\"";
+                if (treeView) t << "basefrm"; else t << "_parent"; 
+                t << "\">";
+                bool found=FALSE;
+                overloadedFunction = ((prevScope!=0 && scope==prevScope) ||
+                                      (scope && scope==nextScope)
+                                     ) && md && 
+                                     (md->isFunction() || md->isSlot());
+                QCString prefix;
+                if (md) prefix=convertToXML(md->localName());
+                if (overloadedFunction) // overloaded member function
+                {
+                  prefix+=convertToXML(md->argsString()); 
+                          // show argument list to disambiguate overloaded functions
+                }
+                else if (md) // unique member function
+                {
+                  prefix+="()"; // only to show it is a function
+                }
+                if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass)
+                {
+                  t << convertToXML(((ClassDef*)d)->displayName());
+                  found = TRUE;
+                }
+                else if (d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeNamespace)
+                {
+                  t << convertToXML(((NamespaceDef*)d)->displayName());
+                  found = TRUE;
+                }
+                else if (scope==0 || scope==Doxygen::globalScope) // in global scope
+                {
+                  if (md)
+                  {
+                    FileDef *fd = md->getBodyDef();
+                    if (fd==0) fd = md->getFileDef();
+                    if (fd)
+                    {
+                      if (!prefix.isEmpty()) prefix+=":&nbsp;";
+                      t << prefix << convertToXML(fd->localName());
+                      found = TRUE;
+                    }
+                  }
+                }
+                else if (md && (md->getClassDef() || md->getNamespaceDef())) 
+                  // member in class or namespace scope
+                {
+                  static bool optimizeOutputJava = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA");
+                  t << convertToXML(d->getOuterScope()->qualifiedName()) << (optimizeOutputJava ? "." : "::");
+                  t << prefix;
+                  found = TRUE;
+                }
+                else if (scope) // some thing else? -> show scope
+                {
+                  t << prefix << convertToXML(scope->name());
+                  found = TRUE;
+                }
+                if (!found) // fallback
+                {
+                  t << prefix << "("+theTranslator->trGlobalNamespace()+")";
+                }
+                t << "</a>" << endl;
+                prevScope = scope;
+                childCount++;
+              }
+              t << "  </div>" << endl; // SRChildren
+            }
+            t << " </div>" << endl; // SREntry
+            t << "</div>" << endl; // SRResult
+            itemCount++;
+          }
+          t << "<div class=\"SRStatus\" id=\"Searching\">" 
+            << theTranslator->trSearching() << "</div>" << endl;
+          t << "<div class=\"SRStatus\" id=\"NoMatches\">"
+            << theTranslator->trNoMatches() << "</div>" << endl;
+          t << "<script type=\"text/javascript\"><!--" << endl;
+          t << "document.getElementById(\"Loading\").style.display=\"none\";" << endl;
+          t << "document.getElementById(\"NoMatches\").style.display=\"none\";" << endl;
+          t << "var searchResults = new SearchResults(\"searchResults\");" << endl;
+          t << "searchResults.Search();" << endl;
+          t << "--></script>" << endl;
+          t << "</div>" << endl; // SRIndex
+          t << "</body>" << endl;
+          t << "</html>" << endl;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+          err("Failed to open file '%s' for writing...\n",fileName.data());
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  //ol.popGeneratorState();
+  {
+    QFile f(searchDirName+"/search.js");
+    if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+    {
+      QTextStream t(&f);
+      t << "// Search script generated by doxygen" << endl;
+      t << "// Copyright (C) 2009 by Dimitri van Heesch." << endl << endl;
+      t << "// The code in this file is loosly based on main.js, part of Natural Docs," << endl;
+      t << "// which is Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Greg Valure" << endl;
+      t << "// Natural Docs is licensed under the GPL." << endl << endl;
+      t << "var indexSectionsWithContent =" << endl;
+      t << "{" << endl;
+      bool first=TRUE;
+      int j=0;
+      for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
+      {
+        if (g_searchIndexCount[i]>0)
+        {
+          if (!first) t << "," << endl;
+          t << "  " << j << ": \"";
+          for (p=0;p<MEMBER_INDEX_ENTRIES;p++)
+          {
+            t << (g_searchIndexSymbols[i][p].count()>0 ? "1" : "0");
+          }
+          t << "\"";
+          first=FALSE;
+          j++;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!first) t << "\n";
+      t << "};" << endl << endl;
+      t << "var indexSectionNames =" << endl;
+      t << "{" << endl;
+      first=TRUE;
+      j=0;
+      for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
+      {
+        if (g_searchIndexCount[i]>0)
+        {
+          if (!first) t << "," << endl;
+          t << "  " << j << ": \"" << g_searchIndexName[i] << "\"";
+          first=FALSE;
+          j++;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!first) t << "\n";
+      t << "};" << endl << endl;
+      t << search_script;
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    QFile f(searchDirName+"/nomatches.html");
+    if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+    {
+      QTextStream t(&f);
+      t << "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" "
+           "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">" << endl;
+      t << "<html><head><title></title>" << endl;
+      t << "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/xhtml;charset=UTF-8\"/>" << endl;
+      t << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"search.css\"/>" << endl;
+      t << "<script type=\"text/javascript\" src=\"search.js\"></script>" << endl;
+      t << "</head>" << endl;
+      t << "<body class=\"SRPage\">" << endl;
+      t << "<div id=\"SRIndex\">" << endl;
+      t << "<div class=\"SRStatus\" id=\"NoMatches\">"
+        << theTranslator->trNoMatches() << "</div>" << endl;
+      t << "</div>" << endl;
+      t << "</body>" << endl;
+      t << "</html>" << endl;
+    }
+  }
+  Doxygen::indexList.addStyleSheetFile("search/search.js");
+void writeSearchStyleSheet()
+  QCString searchDirName = Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT")+"/search";
+  QFile f(searchDirName+"/search.css");
+  if (f.open(IO_WriteOnly))
+  {
+    QTextStream t(&f);
+    t << search_styleSheet;
+  }
+  Doxygen::indexList.addStyleSheetFile("search/search.css");
+void writeSearchCategories(QTextStream &t)
+  static SearchIndexCategoryMapping map;
+  int i,j=0;
+  for (i=0;i<NUM_SEARCH_INDICES;i++)
+  {
+    if (g_searchIndexCount[i]>0)
+    {
+      t << "<a class=\"SelectItem\" href=\"javascript:void(0)\" "
+        << "onclick=\"searchBox.OnSelectItem(" << j << ")\">"
+        << "<span class=\"SelectionMark\">&nbsp;</span>"
+        << convertToXML(map.categoryLabel[i])
+        << "</a>";
+      j++;
+    }
+  }
+void writeExampleIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  if (Doxygen::exampleSDict->count()==0) return;
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  QCString title = theTranslator->trExamples();
+  startFile(ol,"examples",0,title.data(),HLI_Examples);
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  title.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(title);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,theTranslator->trExamples(),0,"examples",0); 
+  Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trExamplesDescription());
+  //ol.newParagraph();
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  ol.startItemList();
+  PageSDict::Iterator pdi(*Doxygen::exampleSDict);
+  PageDef *pd=0;
+  for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi)
+  {
+    ol.startItemListItem();
+    QCString n=pd->getOutputFileBase();
+    if (!pd->title().isEmpty())
+    {
+      ol.writeObjectLink(0,n,0,pd->title());
+      Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,filterTitle(pd->title()),pd->getReference(),n,0);
+    }
+    else
+    {
+      ol.writeObjectLink(0,n,0,pd->name());
+      Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,pd->name(),pd->getReference(),n,0);
+    }
+    ol.endItemListItem();
+    ol.writeString("\n");
+  }
+  ol.endItemList();
+  Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void countRelatedPages(int &docPages,int &indexPages)
+  docPages=indexPages=0;
+  PageSDict::Iterator pdi(*Doxygen::pageSDict);
+  PageDef *pd=0;
+  for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi)
+  {
+    if ( pd->visibleInIndex())
+    {
+      indexPages++; 
+    }
+    if ( pd->documentedPage())
+    {
+      docPages++;
+    }
+  }
+static void writeSubPages(PageDef *pd)
+  //printf("Write subpages(%s #=%d)\n",pd->name().data(),pd->getSubPages() ? pd->getSubPages()->count() : 0 );
+  Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  PageSDict *subPages = pd->getSubPages();
+  if (subPages)
+  {
+    PageSDict::Iterator pi(*subPages);
+    PageDef *subPage;
+    for (pi.toFirst();(subPage=pi.current());++pi)
+    {
+      QCString pageTitle;
+      if (subPage->title().isEmpty())
+        pageTitle=subPage->name();
+      else
+        pageTitle=subPage->title();
+      bool hasSubPages = subPage->hasSubPages();
+      Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasSubPages,pageTitle,subPage->getReference(),subPage->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+      writeSubPages(subPage);
+    }
+  }
+  Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+void writePageIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  if (indexedPages==0) return;
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  startFile(ol,"pages",0,theTranslator->trPageIndex().data(),HLI_Pages);
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  QCString title = theTranslator->trRelatedPages();
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  title.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(title);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  //Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,theTranslator->trRelatedPages(),0,"pages",0); 
+  //Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trRelatedPagesDescription());
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  startIndexHierarchy(ol,0);
+  PageSDict::Iterator pdi(*Doxygen::pageSDict);
+  PageDef *pd=0;
+  for (pdi.toFirst();(pd=pdi.current());++pdi)
+  {
+    if ( pd->visibleInIndex())
+    {
+      QCString pageTitle;
+      if (pd->title().isEmpty())
+        pageTitle=pd->name();
+      else
+        pageTitle=pd->title();
+      bool hasSubPages = pd->hasSubPages();
+      ol.startIndexListItem();
+      ol.startIndexItem(pd->getReference(),pd->getOutputFileBase());
+      ol.parseText(pageTitle);
+      ol.endIndexItem(pd->getReference(),pd->getOutputFileBase());
+      if (pd->isReference()) 
+      { 
+        ol.startTypewriter(); 
+        ol.docify(" [external]");
+        ol.endTypewriter();
+      }
+      ol.writeString("\n");
+      Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(hasSubPages,filterTitle(pageTitle),pd->getReference(),pd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+      writeSubPages(pd);
+      ol.endIndexListItem();
+    }
+  }
+  endIndexHierarchy(ol,0);
+  //Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+int countGroups()
+  int count=0;
+  GroupSDict::Iterator gli(*Doxygen::groupSDict);
+  GroupDef *gd;
+  for (gli.toFirst();(gd=gli.current());++gli)
+  {
+    if (!gd->isReference())
+    {
+      gd->visited=FALSE;
+      count++;
+    }
+  }
+  return count;
+int countDirs()
+  int count=0;
+  SDict<DirDef>::Iterator dli(*Doxygen::directories);
+  DirDef *dd;
+  for (dli.toFirst();(dd=dli.current());++dli)
+  {
+    if (dd->isLinkableInProject())
+    {
+      dd->visited=FALSE;
+      count++;
+    }
+  }
+  return count;
+void writeGraphInfo(OutputList &ol)
+  if (!Config_getBool("HAVE_DOT") || !Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML")) return;
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  generateGraphLegend(Config_getString("HTML_OUTPUT"));
+  startFile(ol,"graph_legend",0,theTranslator->trLegendTitle().data());
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trLegendTitle());
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  bool oldStripCommentsState = Config_getBool("STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS");
+  // temporarily disable the stripping of comments for our own code example!
+  Config_getBool("STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS") = FALSE;
+  ol.parseDoc("graph_legend",1,0,0,theTranslator->trLegendDocs(),FALSE,FALSE);
+  Config_getBool("STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS") = oldStripCommentsState;
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void writeGroupIndexItem(GroupDef *gd,MemberList *ml,const QCString &title)
+  if (ml && ml->count()>0)
+  {
+    bool first=TRUE;
+    MemberDef *md=ml->first();
+    while (md)
+    {
+      if (md->isDetailedSectionVisible(TRUE,FALSE))
+      {
+        if (first)
+        {
+          first=FALSE;
+          Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE, convertToHtml(title,TRUE), gd->getReference(), gd->getOutputFileBase(), 0);
+          Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+        }
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,md->name(),md->getReference(),md->getOutputFileBase(),md->anchor()); 
+      }
+      md=ml->next();
+    }
+    if (!first)
+    {
+      Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+    }
+  }
+ * write groups as hierarchical trees
+ */
+void writeGroupTreeNode(OutputList &ol, GroupDef *gd, int level, FTVHelp* ftv)
+  bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  bool vhdlOpt    = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");  
+  if (level>20)
+  {
+    warn(gd->getDefFileName(),gd->getDefLine(),
+        "Warning: maximum nesting level exceeded for group %s: check for possible recursive group relation!\n",gd->name().data()
+        );
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Some groups should appear twice under different parent-groups.
+   * That is why we should not check if it was visited 
+   */
+  if (/*!gd->visited &&*/ (!gd->isASubGroup() || level>0) &&
+      (!gd->isReference() || Config_getBool("EXTERNAL_GROUPS")) // hide external groups by default
+     )
+  {
+    //printf("gd->name()=%s #members=%d\n",gd->name().data(),gd->countMembers());
+    // write group info
+    bool hasSubGroups = gd->groupList->count()>0;
+    bool hasSubPages = gd->pageDict->count()>0;
+    int numSubItems = 0;
+    if ( Config_getBool("TOC_EXPAND"))
+    {
+      QListIterator<MemberList> mli(gd->getMemberLists());
+      MemberList *ml;
+      for (mli.toFirst();(ml=mli.current());++mli)
+      {
+        if (ml->listType()&MemberList::documentationLists)
+        {
+          numSubItems += ml->count();
+        }
+      }
+      numSubItems += gd->namespaceSDict->count();
+      numSubItems += gd->classSDict->count();
+      numSubItems += gd->fileList->count();
+      numSubItems += gd->exampleDict->count();
+    }
+    bool isDir = hasSubGroups || hasSubPages || numSubItems>0;
+    //printf("gd=`%s': pageDict=%d\n",gd->name().data(),gd->pageDict->count());
+    Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(isDir,gd->groupTitle(),gd->getReference(),gd->getOutputFileBase(),0); 
+    Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+    if (ftv)
+    {
+      ftv->addContentsItem(isDir,gd->groupTitle(),gd->getReference(),gd->getOutputFileBase(),0); 
+      ftv->incContentsDepth();
+    }
+    //ol.writeListItem();
+    //ol.startTextLink(gd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+    //parseText(ol,gd->groupTitle());
+    //ol.endTextLink();
+    ol.startIndexListItem();
+    ol.startIndexItem(gd->getReference(),gd->getOutputFileBase());
+    ol.parseText(gd->groupTitle());
+    ol.endIndexItem(gd->getReference(),gd->getOutputFileBase());
+    if (gd->isReference()) 
+    { 
+      ol.startTypewriter(); 
+      ol.docify(" [external]");
+      ol.endTypewriter();
+    }
+    //ol.writeStartAnnoItem(0,gd->getOutputFileBase(),0,gd-);
+    //parseText(ol,gd->groupTitle());
+    //ol.writeEndAnnoItem(gd->getOutputFileBase());
+    // write pages
+    PageSDict::Iterator pli(*gd->pageDict);
+    PageDef *pd = 0;
+    for (pli.toFirst();(pd=pli.current());++pli)
+    {
+      SectionInfo *si=0;
+      if (!pd->name().isEmpty()) si=Doxygen::sectionDict[pd->name()];
+      Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,
+                                         convertToHtml(pd->title(),TRUE),
+                                         gd->getReference(),
+                                         gd->getOutputFileBase(),
+                                         si ? si->label.data() : 0);
+    }
+    // write subgroups
+    if (hasSubGroups)
+    {
+      startIndexHierarchy(ol,level+1);
+      if (Config_getBool("SORT_GROUP_NAMES"))
+        gd->groupList->sort();
+      QListIterator<GroupDef> gli(*gd->groupList);
+      GroupDef *subgd = 0;
+      for (gli.toFirst();(subgd=gli.current());++gli)
+      {
+        writeGroupTreeNode(ol,subgd,level+1,ftv);
+      }
+      endIndexHierarchy(ol,level+1); 
+    }
+    if (Config_getBool("TOC_EXPAND"))
+    {
+       writeGroupIndexItem(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::docDefineMembers),
+                         theTranslator->trDefines());
+       writeGroupIndexItem(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::docTypedefMembers),
+                         theTranslator->trTypedefs());
+       writeGroupIndexItem(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::docEnumMembers),
+                         theTranslator->trEnumerations());
+       writeGroupIndexItem(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::docFuncMembers),
+                           fortranOpt ? theTranslator->trSubprograms() :
+                           vhdlOpt    ? VhdlDocGen::trFunctionAndProc() :
+                                        theTranslator->trFunctions()
+                          );
+       writeGroupIndexItem(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::docVarMembers),
+                         theTranslator->trVariables());
+       writeGroupIndexItem(gd,gd->getMemberList(MemberList::docProtoMembers),
+                         theTranslator->trFuncProtos());
+      // write namespaces
+      NamespaceSDict *namespaceSDict=gd->namespaceSDict;
+      if (namespaceSDict->count()>0)
+      {
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,convertToHtml(fortranOpt?theTranslator->trModules():theTranslator->trNamespaces(),TRUE),gd->getReference(), gd->getOutputFileBase(), 0);
+        Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+        NamespaceSDict::Iterator ni(*namespaceSDict);
+        NamespaceDef *nsd;
+        for (ni.toFirst();(nsd=ni.current());++ni)
+        {
+          Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE, convertToHtml(nsd->name(),TRUE), nsd->getReference(), nsd->getOutputFileBase(), 0);
+        }
+        Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+      }
+      // write classes
+      if (gd->classSDict->count()>0)
+      {
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,convertToHtml(fortranOpt?theTranslator->trDataTypes():theTranslator->trClasses(),TRUE), gd->getReference(), gd->getOutputFileBase(), 0);
+        Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+        ClassDef *cd;
+        ClassSDict::Iterator cdi(*gd->classSDict);
+        for (cdi.toFirst();(cd=cdi.current());++cdi)
+        {
+          if (cd->isLinkable())
+          {
+            //printf("node: Has children %s\n",cd->name().data());
+            Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,cd->displayName(),cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0);
+          }
+        }
+        //writeClassTree(gd->classSDict,1);
+        Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+      }
+      // write file list
+      FileList *fileList=gd->fileList;
+      if (fileList->count()>0)
+      {
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE, 
+              theTranslator->trFile(TRUE,FALSE),
+              gd->getReference(), 
+              gd->getOutputFileBase(), 0);
+        Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+        FileDef *fd=fileList->first();
+        while (fd)
+        {
+          Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE, convertToHtml(fd->name(),TRUE),fd->getReference(), fd->getOutputFileBase(), 0);
+          fd=fileList->next();
+        }
+        Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+      }
+      // write examples
+      if (gd->exampleDict->count()>0)
+      {
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE, convertToHtml(theTranslator->trExamples(),TRUE),gd->getReference(), gd->getOutputFileBase(), 0);
+        Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+        PageSDict::Iterator eli(*(gd->exampleDict));
+        PageDef *pd=eli.toFirst();
+        while (pd)
+        {
+          Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE,pd->name(),pd->getReference(),pd->getOutputFileBase(),0); 
+          pd=++eli;
+        }
+        Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+      }
+    }
+    ol.endIndexListItem();
+    Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+    if (ftv)
+      ftv->decContentsDepth();
+    //gd->visited=TRUE;
+  }
+void writeGroupHierarchy(OutputList &ol, FTVHelp* ftv)
+  if (ftv)
+  {
+    ol.pushGeneratorState(); 
+    ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  }
+  startIndexHierarchy(ol,0);
+  if (Config_getBool("SORT_GROUP_NAMES"))
+    Doxygen::groupSDict->sort();
+  GroupSDict::Iterator gli(*Doxygen::groupSDict);
+  GroupDef *gd;
+  for (gli.toFirst();(gd=gli.current());++gli)
+  {
+    writeGroupTreeNode(ol,gd,0,ftv);
+  }
+  endIndexHierarchy(ol,0); 
+  if (ftv)
+    ol.popGeneratorState(); 
+void writeDirTreeNode(OutputList &ol, DirDef *dd, int level, FTVHelp* ftv)
+  if (level>20)
+  {
+    warn(dd->getDefFileName(),dd->getDefLine(),
+        "Warning: maximum nesting level exceeded for directory %s: "
+        "check for possible recursive directory relation!\n",dd->name().data()
+        );
+    return;
+  }
+  static bool tocExpand = Config_getBool("TOC_EXPAND");
+  bool isDir = dd->subDirs().count()>0 || // there are subdirs
+               (tocExpand &&              // or toc expand and
+                dd->getFiles() && dd->getFiles()->count()>0 // there are files
+               );
+  //printf("gd=`%s': pageDict=%d\n",gd->name().data(),gd->pageDict->count());
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(isDir,dd->shortName(),dd->getReference(),dd->getOutputFileBase(),0); 
+  Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  if (ftv)
+  {
+    ftv->addContentsItem(isDir,dd->shortName(),dd->getReference(),dd->getOutputFileBase(),0); 
+    ftv->incContentsDepth();
+  }
+  ol.startIndexListItem();
+  ol.startIndexItem(dd->getReference(),dd->getOutputFileBase());
+  ol.parseText(dd->shortName());
+  ol.endIndexItem(dd->getReference(),dd->getOutputFileBase());
+  if (dd->isReference()) 
+  { 
+    ol.startTypewriter(); 
+    ol.docify(" [external]");
+    ol.endTypewriter();
+  }
+  // write sub directories
+  if (dd->subDirs().count()>0)
+  {
+    startIndexHierarchy(ol,level+1);
+    QListIterator<DirDef> dli(dd->subDirs());
+    DirDef *subdd = 0;
+    for (dli.toFirst();(subdd=dli.current());++dli)
+    {
+      writeDirTreeNode(ol,subdd,level+1,ftv);
+    }
+    endIndexHierarchy(ol,level+1); 
+  }
+  if (tocExpand)
+  {
+    // write files of this directory
+    FileList *fileList=dd->getFiles();
+    if (fileList && fileList->count()>0)
+    {
+      FileDef *fd=fileList->first();
+      while (fd)
+      {
+        Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(FALSE, convertToHtml(fd->name(),TRUE),fd->getReference(), fd->getOutputFileBase(), 0);
+        fd=fileList->next();
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  ol.endIndexListItem();
+  Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  if (ftv)
+    ftv->decContentsDepth();
+void writeDirHierarchy(OutputList &ol, FTVHelp* ftv)
+  if (ftv)
+  {
+    ol.pushGeneratorState(); 
+    ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  }
+  startIndexHierarchy(ol,0);
+  SDict<DirDef>::Iterator dli(*Doxygen::directories);
+  DirDef *dd;
+  for (dli.toFirst();(dd=dli.current());++dli)
+  {
+    if (dd->getOuterScope()==Doxygen::globalScope) writeDirTreeNode(ol,dd,0,ftv);
+  }
+  endIndexHierarchy(ol,0); 
+  if (ftv)
+    ol.popGeneratorState(); 
+void writeGroupIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  if (documentedGroups==0) return; 
+  ol.pushGeneratorState(); 
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  startFile(ol,"modules",0,theTranslator->trModuleIndex().data(),HLI_Modules);
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  QCString title = theTranslator->trModules();
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  title.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(title);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,theTranslator->trModules(),0,"modules",0); 
+  Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trModulesDescription());
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  FTVHelp* ftv = 0;
+  bool treeView=Config_getBool("USE_INLINE_TREES");
+  if (treeView)
+    ftv = new FTVHelp(false);
+  writeGroupHierarchy(ol,ftv);
+  Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  if (ftv)
+  {
+    QString OutStr;
+    ftv->generateTreeView(&OutStr);
+    ol.pushGeneratorState(); 
+    ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+    ol.writeString(OutStr);
+    ol.popGeneratorState();
+    delete ftv;
+  }
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+void writeDirIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  if (documentedDirs==0) return; 
+  ol.pushGeneratorState(); 
+  ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+  startFile(ol,"dirs",0,theTranslator->trDirIndex().data(),HLI_Directories);
+  startTitle(ol,0);
+  QCString title = theTranslator->trDirectories();
+  //if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty()) 
+  //{
+  //  title.prepend(Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ");
+  //}
+  ol.parseText(title);
+  endTitle(ol,0,0);
+  ol.startTextBlock();
+  Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(TRUE,theTranslator->trDirIndex(),0,"dirs",0); 
+  Doxygen::indexList.incContentsDepth();
+  ol.parseText(theTranslator->trDirDescription());
+  ol.endTextBlock();
+  FTVHelp* ftv = 0;
+  bool treeView=Config_getBool("USE_INLINE_TREES");
+  if (treeView)
+    ftv = new FTVHelp(false);
+  writeDirHierarchy(ol,ftv);
+  if (ftv)
+  {
+    QString OutStr;
+    ftv->generateTreeView(&OutStr);
+    ol.pushGeneratorState(); 
+    ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+    ol.writeString(OutStr);
+    ol.popGeneratorState();
+    delete ftv;
+  }
+  Doxygen::indexList.decContentsDepth();
+  endFile(ol);
+  ol.popGeneratorState();
+static bool mainPageHasTitle()
+  if (Doxygen::mainPage==0) return FALSE;
+  if (Doxygen::mainPage->title().isEmpty()) return FALSE;
+  if (Doxygen::mainPage->title().lower()=="notitle") return FALSE;
+  return TRUE;
+void writeIndex(OutputList &ol)
+  static bool fortranOpt = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_FOR_FORTRAN");
+  static bool vhdlOpt    = Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL");
+  // save old generator state
+  ol.pushGeneratorState();
+  QCString projPrefix;
+  if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty())
+  {
+    projPrefix=Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME")+" ";
+  }
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  // write HTML index
+  //--------------------------------------------------------------------
+  ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+  QCString defFileName = 
+    Doxygen::mainPage ? Doxygen::mainPage->getDefFileName().data() : "[generated]";
+  int defLine =
+    Doxygen::mainPage ? Doxygen::mainPage->getDefLine() : -1;
+  QCString title;
+  if (!mainPageHasTitle())
+  {
+    title = theTranslator->trMainPage();
+  }
+  else 
+  {
+    title = filterTitle(Doxygen::mainPage->title());
+  }
+  QCString indexName=Config_getBool("GENERATE_TREEVIEW")?"main":"index";
+  ol.startFile(indexName,0,title);
+  if (Doxygen::mainPage)
+  {
+    Doxygen::indexList.addContentsItem(Doxygen::mainPage->hasSubPages(),title,0,indexName,0); 
+    if (Doxygen::mainPage->hasSubPages())
+    {
+      writeSubPages(Doxygen::mainPage);
+    }
+  }
+  if (!Config_getBool("DISABLE_INDEX")) 
+  {
+    ol.startQuickIndices();
+    ol.writeQuickLinks(TRUE,HLI_Main);
+    ol.endQuickIndices();
+  }
+  ol.startContents();
+  ol.startTitleHead(0);
+  if (Doxygen::mainPage && !Doxygen::mainPage->title().isEmpty())
+  {
+    if (Doxygen::mainPage->title().lower()!="notitle")
+    {
+      ol.parseDoc(Doxygen::mainPage->docFile(),Doxygen::mainPage->docLine(),
+                  Doxygen::mainPage,0,Doxygen::mainPage->title(),
+                  TRUE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE);
+    }
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NAME").isEmpty())
+    {
+      ol.parseText(projPrefix+theTranslator->trDocumentation());
+    }
+  }
+  ol.endTitleHead(0,0);
+  // ol.newParagraph(); // FIXME:PARA
+  if (!Config_getString("PROJECT_NUMBER").isEmpty())
+  {
+    ol.startProjectNumber();
+    ol.parseDoc(defFileName,defLine,
+                Doxygen::mainPage,0,
+                Config_getString("PROJECT_NUMBER"),
+                TRUE,FALSE,0,
+                TRUE,FALSE);
+    ol.endProjectNumber();
+  }
+  if (Config_getBool("DISABLE_INDEX") && Doxygen::mainPage==0) 
+  {
+    ol.writeQuickLinks(FALSE,HLI_Main);
+  }
+  if (Doxygen::mainPage)
+  {
+    Doxygen::insideMainPage=TRUE;
+    ol.parseDoc(defFileName,defLine,Doxygen::mainPage,0,
+                Doxygen::mainPage->documentation(),TRUE,FALSE
+                /*,Doxygen::mainPage->sectionDict*/);
+    if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty())
+    {
+       Doxygen::tagFile << "  <compound kind=\"page\">" << endl
+                        << "    <name>"
+                        << convertToXML(Doxygen::mainPage->name())
+                        << "</name>" << endl
+                        << "    <title>"
+                        << convertToXML(Doxygen::mainPage->title())
+                        << "</title>" << endl
+                        << "    <filename>"
+                        << convertToXML(Doxygen::mainPage->getOutputFileBase())
+                        << "</filename>" << endl;
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