--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/marshal.cpp Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "sortdict.h"
+#include "marshal.h"
+#include "entry.h"
+#include "section.h"
+#include "memberlist.h"
+#include "definition.h"
+#include "groupdef.h"
+#include "example.h"
+#define HEADER ('D'<<24)+('O'<<16)+('X'<<8)+'!'
+void marshalInt(StorageIntf *s,int v)
+ uchar b[4];
+ b[0]=((uint)v)>>24;
+ b[1]=(((uint)v)>>16)&0xff;
+ b[2]=(((uint)v)>>8)&0xff;
+ b[3]=v&0xff;
+ s->write((const char *)b,4);
+void marshalUInt(StorageIntf *s,uint v)
+ uchar b[4];
+ b[0]=v>>24;
+ b[1]=(v>>16)&0xff;
+ b[2]=(v>>8)&0xff;
+ b[3]=v&0xff;
+ s->write((const char *)b,4);
+void marshalBool(StorageIntf *s,bool b)
+ char c = b;
+ s->write(&c,sizeof(char));
+void marshalQCString(StorageIntf *s,const QCString &str)
+ uint l=str.length();
+ marshalUInt(s,l);
+ if (l>0) s->write(str.data(),l);
+void marshalQGString(StorageIntf *s,const QGString &str)
+ uint l=str.length();
+ marshalUInt(s,l);
+ if (l>0) s->write(str.data(),l);
+void marshalArgumentList(StorageIntf *s,ArgumentList *argList)
+ if (argList==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,argList->count());
+ if (argList->count()>0)
+ {
+ ArgumentListIterator ali(*argList);
+ Argument *a;
+ for (ali.toFirst();(a=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ marshalQCString(s,a->attrib);
+ marshalQCString(s,a->type);
+ marshalQCString(s,a->canType);
+ marshalQCString(s,a->name);
+ marshalQCString(s,a->array);
+ marshalQCString(s,a->defval);
+ marshalQCString(s,a->docs);
+ }
+ }
+ marshalBool(s,argList->constSpecifier);
+ marshalBool(s,argList->volatileSpecifier);
+ marshalBool(s,argList->pureSpecifier);
+ }
+void marshalArgumentLists(StorageIntf *s,QList<ArgumentList> *argLists)
+ if (argLists==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,argLists->count());
+ QListIterator<ArgumentList> ali(*argLists);
+ ArgumentList *al;
+ for (ali.toFirst();(al=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ marshalArgumentList(s,al);
+ }
+ }
+void marshalBaseInfoList(StorageIntf *s, QList<BaseInfo> *baseList)
+ if (baseList==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,baseList->count());
+ QListIterator<BaseInfo> bli(*baseList);
+ BaseInfo *bi;
+ for (bli.toFirst();(bi=bli.current());++bli)
+ {
+ marshalQCString(s,bi->name);
+ marshalInt(s,(int)bi->prot);
+ marshalInt(s,(int)bi->virt);
+ }
+ }
+void marshalGroupingList(StorageIntf *s, QList<Grouping> *groups)
+ if (groups==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,groups->count());
+ QListIterator<Grouping> gli(*groups);
+ Grouping *g;
+ for (gli.toFirst();(g=gli.current());++gli)
+ {
+ marshalQCString(s,g->groupname);
+ marshalInt(s,(int)g->pri);
+ }
+ }
+void marshalSectionInfoList(StorageIntf *s, QList<SectionInfo> *anchors)
+ if (anchors==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,anchors->count());
+ QListIterator<SectionInfo> sli(*anchors);
+ SectionInfo *si;
+ for (sli.toFirst();(si=sli.current());++sli)
+ {
+ marshalQCString(s,si->label);
+ marshalQCString(s,si->title);
+ marshalQCString(s,si->ref);
+ marshalInt(s,(int)si->type);
+ marshalQCString(s,si->fileName);
+ }
+ }
+void marshalItemInfoList(StorageIntf *s, QList<ListItemInfo> *sli)
+ if (sli==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,sli->count());
+ QListIterator<ListItemInfo> liii(*sli);
+ ListItemInfo *lii;
+ for (liii.toFirst();(lii=liii.current());++liii)
+ {
+ marshalQCString(s,lii->type);
+ marshalInt(s,lii->itemId);
+ }
+ }
+void marshalObjPointer(StorageIntf *s,void *obj)
+ char *b = (char *)&obj;
+ s->write(b,sizeof(void *));
+void marshalSectionDict(StorageIntf *s,SectionDict *sections)
+ if (sections==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,sections->count());
+ QDictIterator<SectionInfo> sli(*sections);
+ SectionInfo *si;
+ for (sli.toFirst();(si=sli.current());++sli)
+ {
+ marshalQCString(s,sli.currentKey());
+ marshalObjPointer(s,si);
+ }
+ }
+void marshalMemberSDict(StorageIntf *s,MemberSDict *memberSDict)
+ if (memberSDict==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,memberSDict->count());
+ //printf(" marshalMemberSDict: items=%d\n",memberSDict->count());
+ SDict<MemberDef>::IteratorDict mdi(*memberSDict);
+ MemberDef *md;
+ int count=0;
+ for (mdi.toFirst();(md=mdi.current());++mdi)
+ {
+ //printf(" marshalMemberSDict: %d: key=%s value=%p\n",count,mdi.currentKey().data(),md);
+ marshalQCString(s,mdi.currentKey());
+ marshalObjPointer(s,md);
+ count++;
+ }
+ assert(count==memberSDict->count());
+ }
+void marshalDocInfo(StorageIntf *s,DocInfo *docInfo)
+ if (docInfo==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,1);
+ marshalQCString(s,docInfo->doc);
+ marshalInt(s,docInfo->line);
+ marshalQCString(s,docInfo->file);
+ }
+void marshalBriefInfo(StorageIntf *s,BriefInfo *briefInfo)
+ if (briefInfo==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,1);
+ marshalQCString(s,briefInfo->doc);
+ marshalQCString(s,briefInfo->tooltip);
+ marshalInt(s,briefInfo->line);
+ marshalQCString(s,briefInfo->file);
+ }
+void marshalBodyInfo(StorageIntf *s,BodyInfo *bodyInfo)
+ if (bodyInfo==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,1);
+ marshalInt(s,bodyInfo->startLine);
+ marshalInt(s,bodyInfo->endLine);
+ marshalObjPointer(s,bodyInfo->fileDef);
+ }
+void marshalGroupList(StorageIntf *s,GroupList *groupList)
+ if (groupList==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,groupList->count());
+ QListIterator<GroupDef> gli(*groupList);
+ GroupDef *gd=0;
+ for (gli.toFirst();(gd=gli.current());++gli)
+ {
+ marshalObjPointer(s,gd);
+ }
+ }
+void marshalMemberList(StorageIntf *s,MemberList *ml)
+ if (ml==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,ml->count());
+ MemberListIterator mli(*ml);
+ MemberDef *md;
+ uint count=0;
+ for (mli.toFirst();(md=mli.current());++mli)
+ {
+ marshalObjPointer(s,md);
+ count++;
+ }
+ assert(count==ml->count());
+ ml->marshal(s);
+ }
+void marshalExampleSDict(StorageIntf *s,ExampleSDict *ed)
+ if (ed==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,ed->count());
+ //printf(" marshalMemberSDict: items=%d\n",memberSDict->count());
+ SDict<Example>::IteratorDict edi(*ed);
+ Example *e;
+ for (edi.toFirst();(e=edi.current());++edi)
+ {
+ //printf(" marshalMemberSDict: %d: key=%s value=%p\n",count,mdi.currentKey().data(),md);
+ marshalQCString(s,edi.currentKey());
+ marshalQCString(s,e->anchor);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->name);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->file);
+ }
+ }
+void marshalMemberLists(StorageIntf *s,SDict<MemberList> *mls)
+ if (mls==0)
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,NULL_LIST); // null pointer representation
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ marshalUInt(s,mls->count());
+ //printf(" marshalMemberSDict: items=%d\n",memberSDict->count());
+ SDict<MemberList>::IteratorDict mli(*mls);
+ MemberList *ml;
+ for (mli.toFirst();(ml=mli.current());++mli)
+ {
+ //printf(" marshalMemberSDict: %d: key=%s value=%p\n",count,mdi.currentKey().data(),md);
+ marshalQCString(s,mli.currentKey());
+ marshalObjPointer(s,ml); // assume we are not owner of the list
+ }
+ }
+void marshalEntry(StorageIntf *s,Entry *e)
+ marshalUInt(s,HEADER);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->name);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->type);
+ marshalInt(s,e->section);
+ marshalInt(s,(int)e->protection);
+ marshalInt(s,(int)e->mtype);
+ marshalInt(s,e->spec);
+ marshalInt(s,e->initLines);
+ marshalBool(s,e->stat);
+ marshalBool(s,e->explicitExternal);
+ marshalBool(s,e->proto);
+ marshalBool(s,e->subGrouping);
+ marshalBool(s,e->callGraph);
+ marshalBool(s,e->callerGraph);
+ marshalInt(s,(int)e->virt);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->args);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->bitfields);
+ marshalArgumentList(s,e->argList);
+ marshalArgumentLists(s,e->tArgLists);
+ marshalQGString(s,e->program);
+ marshalQGString(s,e->initializer);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->includeFile);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->includeName);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->doc);
+ marshalInt(s,e->docLine);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->docFile);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->brief);
+ marshalInt(s,e->briefLine);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->briefFile);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->inbodyDocs);
+ marshalInt(s,e->inbodyLine);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->inbodyFile);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->relates);
+ marshalInt(s,e->relatesType);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->read);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->write);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->inside);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->exception);
+ marshalArgumentList(s,e->typeConstr);
+ marshalInt(s,e->bodyLine);
+ marshalInt(s,e->endBodyLine);
+ marshalInt(s,e->mGrpId);
+ marshalBaseInfoList(s,e->extends);
+ marshalGroupingList(s,e->groups);
+ marshalSectionInfoList(s,e->anchors);
+ marshalQCString(s,e->fileName);
+ marshalInt(s,e->startLine);
+ marshalItemInfoList(s,e->sli);
+ marshalBool(s,e->objc);
+ marshalBool(s,e->hidden);
+ marshalBool(s,e->artificial);
+ marshalInt(s,(int)e->groupDocType);
+void marshalEntryTree(StorageIntf *s,Entry *e)
+ marshalEntry(s,e);
+ marshalUInt(s,e->children()->count());
+ QListIterator<Entry> eli(*e->children());
+ Entry *child;
+ for (eli.toFirst();(child=eli.current());++eli)
+ {
+ marshalEntryTree(s,child);
+ }
+int unmarshalInt(StorageIntf *s)
+ uchar b[4];
+ s->read((char *)b,4);
+ int result=(int)((((uint)b[0])<<24)+((uint)b[1]<<16)+((uint)b[2]<<8)+(uint)b[3]);
+ //printf("unmarshalInt: %x %x %x %x: %x offset=%llx\n",b[0],b[1],b[2],b[3],result,f.pos());
+ return result;
+uint unmarshalUInt(StorageIntf *s)
+ uchar b[4];
+ s->read((char *)b,4);
+ uint result=(((uint)b[0])<<24)+((uint)b[1]<<16)+((uint)b[2]<<8)+(uint)b[3];
+ //printf("unmarshalUInt: %x %x %x %x: %x offset=%llx\n",b[0],b[1],b[2],b[3],result,f.pos());
+ return result;
+bool unmarshalBool(StorageIntf *s)
+ char result;
+ s->read(&result,sizeof(result));
+ //printf("unmarshalBool: %x offset=%llx\n",result,f.pos());
+ return result;
+QCString unmarshalQCString(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint len = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ //printf("unmarshalQCString: len=%d offset=%llx\n",len,f.pos());
+ QCString result(len+1);
+ result.at(len)='\0';
+ if (len>0)
+ {
+ s->read(result.data(),len);
+ }
+ //printf("unmarshalQCString: result=%s\n",result.data());
+ return result;
+QGString unmarshalQGString(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint len = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ //printf("unmarshalQCString: len=%d offset=%llx\n",len,f.pos());
+ QGString result(len+1);
+ result.at(len)='\0';
+ if (len>0)
+ {
+ s->read(result.data(),len);
+ }
+ //printf("unmarshalQCString: result=%s\n",result.data());
+ return result;
+ArgumentList *unmarshalArgumentList(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0; // null list
+ ArgumentList *result = new ArgumentList;
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ //printf("unmarshalArgumentList: %d\n",count);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ Argument *a = new Argument;
+ a->attrib = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ a->type = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ a->canType = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ a->name = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ a->array = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ a->defval = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ a->docs = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ result->append(a);
+ }
+ result->constSpecifier = unmarshalBool(s);
+ result->volatileSpecifier = unmarshalBool(s);
+ result->pureSpecifier = unmarshalBool(s);
+ return result;
+QList<ArgumentList> *unmarshalArgumentLists(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0; // null list
+ QList<ArgumentList> *result = new QList<ArgumentList>;
+ result->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ //printf("unmarshalArgumentLists: %d\n",count);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ result->append(unmarshalArgumentList(s));
+ }
+ return result;
+QList<BaseInfo> *unmarshalBaseInfoList(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0; // null list
+ QList<BaseInfo> *result = new QList<BaseInfo>;
+ result->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ QCString name = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ Protection prot = (Protection)unmarshalInt(s);
+ Specifier virt = (Specifier)unmarshalInt(s);
+ result->append(new BaseInfo(name,prot,virt));
+ }
+ return result;
+QList<Grouping> *unmarshalGroupingList(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0; // null list
+ QList<Grouping> *result = new QList<Grouping>;
+ result->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ QCString name = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ Grouping::GroupPri_t prio = (Grouping::GroupPri_t)unmarshalInt(s);
+ result->append(new Grouping(name,prio));
+ }
+ return result;
+QList<SectionInfo> *unmarshalSectionInfoList(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0; // null list
+ QList<SectionInfo> *result = new QList<SectionInfo>;
+ result->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ QCString label = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ QCString title = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ QCString ref = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ SectionInfo::SectionType type = (SectionInfo::SectionType)unmarshalInt(s);
+ QCString fileName = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ result->append(new SectionInfo(fileName,label,title,type,ref));
+ }
+ return result;
+QList<ListItemInfo> *unmarshalItemInfoList(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0; // null list
+ QList<ListItemInfo> *result = new QList<ListItemInfo>;
+ result->setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ ListItemInfo *lii = new ListItemInfo;
+ lii->type = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ lii->itemId = unmarshalInt(s);
+ result->append(lii);
+ }
+ return result;
+void *unmarshalObjPointer(StorageIntf *s)
+ void *result;
+ s->read((char *)&result,sizeof(void*));
+ return result;
+SectionDict *unmarshalSectionDict(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ //printf("unmarshalSectionDict count=%d\n",count);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0; // null list
+ SectionDict *result = new SectionDict(17);
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ QCString key = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ SectionInfo *si = (SectionInfo *)unmarshalObjPointer(s);
+ //printf(" unmarshalSectionDict i=%d key=%s si=%s\n",count,key.data(),si->label.data());
+ result->insert(key,si);
+ }
+ return result;
+MemberSDict *unmarshalMemberSDict(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ //printf("--- unmarshalMemberSDict count=%d\n",count);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST)
+ {
+ //printf("--- end unmarshalMemberSDict\n");
+ return 0; // null list
+ }
+ MemberSDict *result = new MemberSDict;
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ //printf("Reading %d key-value pairs\n",count);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ //printf(" unmarshaling pair %d\n",i);
+ QCString key = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ //printf(" unmarshaling key %s\n",key.data());
+ MemberDef *md = (MemberDef *)unmarshalObjPointer(s);
+ //printf(" unmarshalMemberSDict i=%d key=%s md=%p\n",i,key.data(),md);
+ result->inSort(key,md); // note: this can lead to unmarshalling another object!
+ }
+ //printf("--- end unmarshalMemberSDict\n");
+ return result;
+DocInfo *unmarshalDocInfo(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0;
+ DocInfo *result = new DocInfo;
+ result->doc = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ result->line = unmarshalInt(s);
+ result->file = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ return result;
+BriefInfo *unmarshalBriefInfo(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0;
+ BriefInfo *result = new BriefInfo;
+ result->doc = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ result->tooltip = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ result->line = unmarshalInt(s);
+ result->file = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ return result;
+BodyInfo *unmarshalBodyInfo(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0;
+ BodyInfo *result = new BodyInfo;
+ result->startLine = unmarshalInt(s);
+ result->endLine = unmarshalInt(s);
+ result->fileDef = (FileDef*)unmarshalObjPointer(s);
+ return result;
+GroupList *unmarshalGroupList(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0; // null list
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ GroupList *result = new GroupList;
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ GroupDef *gd = (GroupDef *)unmarshalObjPointer(s);
+ result->append(gd);
+ }
+ return result;
+MemberList *unmarshalMemberList(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0;
+ MemberList *result = new MemberList;
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ MemberDef *md = (MemberDef*)unmarshalObjPointer(s);
+ result->append(md);
+ }
+ result->unmarshal(s);
+ return result;
+ExampleSDict *unmarshalExampleSDict(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0;
+ ExampleSDict *result = new ExampleSDict;
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ QCString key = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ Example *e = new Example;
+ e->anchor = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->name = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->file = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ result->inSort(key,e);
+ }
+ return result;
+SDict<MemberList> *unmarshalMemberLists(StorageIntf *s)
+ uint i;
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ if (count==NULL_LIST) return 0;
+ SDict<MemberList> *result = new SDict<MemberList>(7);
+ assert(count<1000000);
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ QCString key = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ MemberList *ml = (MemberList *)unmarshalObjPointer(s);
+ result->append(key,ml);
+ }
+ return result;
+Entry * unmarshalEntry(StorageIntf *s)
+ Entry *e = new Entry;
+ uint header=unmarshalUInt(s);
+ ASSERT(header==HEADER);
+ e->name = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->type = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->section = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->protection = (Protection)unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->mtype = (MethodTypes)unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->spec = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->initLines = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->stat = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->explicitExternal = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->proto = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->subGrouping = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->callGraph = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->callerGraph = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->virt = (Specifier)unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->args = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->bitfields = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ delete e->argList;
+ e->argList = unmarshalArgumentList(s);
+ e->tArgLists = unmarshalArgumentLists(s);
+ e->program = unmarshalQGString(s);
+ e->initializer = unmarshalQGString(s);
+ e->includeFile = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->includeName = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->doc = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->docLine = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->docFile = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->brief = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->briefLine = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->briefFile = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->inbodyDocs = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->inbodyLine = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->inbodyFile = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->relates = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->relatesType = (RelatesType)unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->read = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->write = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->inside = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->exception = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->typeConstr = unmarshalArgumentList(s);
+ e->bodyLine = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->endBodyLine = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->mGrpId = unmarshalInt(s);
+ delete e->extends;
+ e->extends = unmarshalBaseInfoList(s);
+ delete e->groups;
+ e->groups = unmarshalGroupingList(s);
+ delete e->anchors;
+ e->anchors = unmarshalSectionInfoList(s);
+ e->fileName = unmarshalQCString(s);
+ e->startLine = unmarshalInt(s);
+ e->sli = unmarshalItemInfoList(s);
+ e->objc = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->hidden = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->artificial = unmarshalBool(s);
+ e->groupDocType = (Entry::GroupDocType)unmarshalInt(s);
+ return e;
+Entry * unmarshalEntryTree(StorageIntf *s)
+ Entry *e = unmarshalEntry(s);
+ uint count = unmarshalUInt(s);
+ uint i;
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++)
+ {
+ e->addSubEntry(unmarshalEntryTree(s));
+ }
+ return e;