changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
child 4 468f4c8d3d5b
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/pyscanner.l	Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,1660 @@
+ *
+ * 
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby 
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software 
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+/*  This code is based on the work done by the MoxyPyDoxy team
+ *  (Linda Leong, Mike Rivera, Kim Truong, and Gabriel Estrada)
+ *  in Spring 2005 as part of CS 179E: Compiler Design Project
+ *  at the University of California, Riverside; the course was
+ *  taught by Peter H. Froehlich <phf@acm.org>.
+ */
+ *	includes
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "qtbc.h"
+#include <qarray.h>
+#include <qstack.h>
+#include <qregexp.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include "pyscanner.h"
+#include "entry.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "defargs.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "commentscan.h"
+#include "pycode.h"
+/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
+ *
+ *	statics
+ */
+static ParserInterface *g_thisParser;
+static const char *     inputString;
+static int		inputPosition;
+static QFile            inputFile;
+static Protection	protection;
+static Entry*		current_root = 0 ;
+static Entry*		current      = 0 ;
+static Entry*		previous     = 0 ;
+static Entry*		bodyEntry    = 0 ;
+static int		yyLineNr     = 1 ;
+static QCString		yyFileName;
+static MethodTypes 	mtype;
+static bool    		gstat;
+static Specifier 	virt;
+static int              docBlockContext;
+static QCString         docBlock;
+static QCString         docBlockName;
+static bool             docBlockInBody;
+static bool             docBlockJavaStyle;
+static bool             docBrief;
+static bool             docBlockSpecial;
+static bool             g_doubleQuote;
+static bool             g_specialBlock;
+static int              g_stringContext;
+static QGString *       g_copyString;
+static int              g_indent = 0;
+static int              g_curIndent = 0;
+static QDict<QCString>  g_packageNameCache(257);
+static QCString         g_packageScope;
+static char             g_atomStart;
+static char             g_atomEnd;
+static int              g_atomCount;
+//static bool             g_insideConstructor;
+static QCString         g_moduleScope;
+static QCString         g_packageName;
+static bool             g_hideClassDocs;
+static QCString         g_defVal;
+static int              g_braceCount;
+static bool             g_lexInit = FALSE;
+static bool             g_packageCommentAllowed;
+static void initParser()
+  protection = Public;
+  mtype = Method;
+  gstat = FALSE;
+  virt = Normal;
+  previous = 0;
+  g_packageCommentAllowed = TRUE;
+  g_packageNameCache.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+static void initEntry()
+  //current->python = TRUE;
+  current->protection = protection ;
+  current->mtype      = mtype;
+  current->virt       = virt;
+  current->stat       = gstat;
+  current->objc       = FALSE; //insideObjC;
+  current->setParent(current_root);
+  initGroupInfo(current);
+static void newEntry()
+  previous = current;
+  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+  current = new Entry ;
+  initEntry();
+static void newVariable()
+  if (!current->name.isEmpty() && current->name.at(0)=='_') // mark as private
+  {
+    current->protection=Private;
+  }
+  if (current_root->section&Entry::COMPOUND_MASK) // mark as class variable
+  {
+    current->stat = TRUE;
+  }
+  newEntry();
+static void newFunction()
+  if (current->name.left(2)=="__" && current->name.right(2)=="__")
+  {
+    // special method name, see
+    // http://docs.python.org/ref/specialnames.html
+    current->protection=Public;
+  }
+  else if (current->name.at(0)=='_')
+  {
+    current->protection=Private;
+  }
+static inline int computeIndent(const char *s)
+  int col=0;
+  static int tabSize=Config_getInt("TAB_SIZE");
+  const char *p=s;
+  char c;
+  while ((c=*p++))
+  {
+    if (c==' ') col++;
+    else if (c=='\t') col+=tabSize-(col%tabSize);
+    else break;
+  }
+  return col;
+static QCString findPackageScopeFromPath(const QCString &path)
+  QCString *pScope = g_packageNameCache.find(path);
+  if (pScope)
+  {
+    return *pScope;
+  }
+  QFileInfo pf(path+"/__init__.py"); // found package initialization file
+  if (pf.exists())
+  {
+    int i=path.findRev('/');
+    if (i!=-1)
+    {
+      QCString scope = findPackageScopeFromPath(path.left(i));
+      if (!scope.isEmpty())
+      {
+	scope+="::";
+      }
+      scope+=path.mid(i+1);
+      g_packageNameCache.insert(path,new QCString(scope));
+      return scope;
+    }
+  }
+  return "";
+static QCString findPackageScope(const char *fileName)
+  if (fileName==0) return "";
+  QFileInfo fi(fileName);
+  return findPackageScopeFromPath(fi.dirPath(TRUE).data());
+static void lineCount()
+  for( const char* c = yytext ; *c ; ++c )
+    yyLineNr += (*c == '\n') ;
+#if 0
+// Appends the current-name to current-type;
+// Destroys current-name.
+// Destroys current->args and current->argList
+static void addType( Entry* current )
+    uint tl=current->type.length();
+    if ( tl>0 && !current->name.isEmpty() && current->type.at(tl-1)!='.') 
+    {
+      current->type += ' ' ;
+    }
+    current->type += current->name ;
+    current->name.resize(0) ;
+    tl=current->type.length();
+    if ( tl>0 && !current->args.isEmpty() && current->type.at(tl-1)!='.') 
+    {
+      current->type += ' ' ;
+    }
+    current->type += current->args ;
+    current->args.resize(0) ;
+    current->argList->clear();
+static QCString stripQuotes(const char *s)
+  QCString name;
+  if (s==0 || *s==0) return name;
+  name=s;
+  if (name.at(0)=='"' && name.at(name.length()-1)=='"')
+  {
+    name=name.mid(1,name.length()-2);
+  }
+  return name;
+static void startCommentBlock(bool brief)
+  if (brief)
+  {
+    current->briefFile = yyFileName;
+    current->briefLine = yyLineNr;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    current->docFile = yyFileName;
+    current->docLine = yyLineNr;
+  }
+static void appendDocBlock() {
+  previous = current;
+  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+  current = new Entry;
+  initEntry();
+static void handleCommentBlock(const QCString &doc,bool brief)
+  //printf("handleCommentBlock(doc=[%s] brief=%d docBlockInBody=%d docBlockJavaStyle=%d\n",
+  //    doc.data(),brief,docBlockInBody,docBlockJavaStyle);
+  // TODO: Fix me
+  docBlockInBody=FALSE;
+  if (docBlockInBody && previous && !previous->doc.isEmpty())
+  {
+    previous->doc=previous->doc.stripWhiteSpace()+"\n\n";
+  }
+  int position = 0;
+  bool needsEntry;
+  int lineNr = brief ? current->briefLine : current->docLine;
+  while (parseCommentBlock(
+	g_thisParser,
+	(docBlockInBody && previous) ? previous : current,
+	doc,     // text
+	yyFileName, // file
+	lineNr,
+	docBlockInBody ? FALSE : brief, 
+    docBlockJavaStyle, // javadoc style // or FALSE,
+	docBlockInBody,
+	protection,
+        position,
+        needsEntry)
+     ) // need to start a new entry
+  {
+    if (needsEntry)
+    {
+      newEntry();
+    }
+  }
+  if (needsEntry)
+  {
+    newEntry();
+  }
+static void endOfDef()
+  if (bodyEntry)
+  {
+    bodyEntry->endBodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+    bodyEntry = 0;
+  }
+  newEntry();
+  //g_insideConstructor = FALSE;
+static inline void addToString(const char *s)
+  if (g_copyString) (*g_copyString)+=s;
+static void initTriDoubleQuoteBlock()
+  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+  docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+  docBlockJavaStyle = TRUE;
+  docBlockSpecial   = yytext[3]=='!';
+  docBlock.resize(0);
+  g_doubleQuote = TRUE;
+  startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+static void initTriSingleQuoteBlock()
+  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+  docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+  docBlockJavaStyle = TRUE;
+  docBlockSpecial   = yytext[3]=='!';
+  docBlock.resize(0);
+  g_doubleQuote = FALSE;
+  startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+static void initSpecialBlock()
+  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+  docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+  docBlockJavaStyle = TRUE;
+  docBrief = TRUE;
+  docBlock.resize(0);
+  startCommentBlock(TRUE);
+/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
+#undef	YY_INPUT
+#define	YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) result=yyread(buf,max_size);
+static int yyread(char *buf,int max_size)
+  int c=0;
+  while ( c < max_size && inputString[inputPosition] )
+  {
+    *buf = inputString[inputPosition++] ;
+    //printf("%d (%c)\n",*buf,*buf);
+    c++; buf++;
+  }
+  return c;
+       /* start command character */
+BB                [ \t]+
+B                 [ \t]*
+NEWLINE           \n
+BN                [ \t\n]
+DIGIT             [0-9]
+HEXNUMBER         "0"[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+[lL]?
+OCTNUMBER         "0"[0-7]+[lL]?
+NUMBER            {DIGIT}+[lLjJ]?
+FLOATNUMBER       {DIGIT}+"."{DIGIT}+([eE][+\-]?{DIGIT}+)?[jJ]?
+LETTER            [A-Za-z]
+NONEMPTY          [A-Za-z0-9_]
+EXPCHAR           [#(){}\[\],:.%/\\=`*~|&<>!;+-]
+NONEMPTYEXP       [^ \t\n:]
+PARAMNONEMPTY     [^ \t\n():]
+IDENTIFIER        ({LETTER}|"_")({LETTER}|{DIGIT}|"_")*  
+BORDER            ([^A-Za-z0-9])
+TRISINGLEQUOTE    "'''"(!)?
+TRIDOUBLEQUOTE    "\"\"\""(!)?
+ESCAPESEQ         ("\\")(.)
+SMALLQUOTE        ("\"\""|"\""|"'"|"''")
+STRINGPREFIX      ("r"|"u"|"ur"|"R"|"U"|"UR"|"Ur"|"uR")
+KEYWORD           ("lambda"|"import"|"class"|"assert"|"as"|"from"|"global"|"def"|"True"|"False")
+FLOWKW            ("or"|"and"|"is"|"not"|"print"|"for"|"in"|"if"|"try"|"except"|"yield"|"raise"|"break"|"continue"|"pass"|"if"|"return"|"while"|"elif"|"else"|"finally")
+POUNDCOMMENT      {B}"#"[^#\n][^\n]* 
+STARTDOCSYMS      ^{B}"##"/[^#]
+%option noyywrap
+  /* Main start state */
+%x Search
+%x SearchMemVars
+  /* Mid-comment states */
+  /* %x FuncDoubleComment */
+  /* %x ClassDoubleComment */
+%x TryClassDocString
+%x TripleComment
+%x SpecialComment
+  /* Function states */
+%x FunctionDec
+%x FunctionParams
+%x FunctionBody
+%x FunctionParamDefVal
+  /* Class states */
+%x ClassDec
+%x ClassInheritance
+%x ClassCaptureIndent
+%x ClassBody
+  /* Variable states */
+%x VariableDec
+%x VariableEnd
+%x VariableAtom
+  /* String states */
+%x SingleQuoteString
+%x DoubleQuoteString
+%x TripleString
+  /* import */
+%x FromMod
+%x FromModItem
+%x Import
+  /* ------------ Function recognition rules -------------- */
+    ^{B}"def"{BB}       |
+    "def"{BB}           { // start of a function/method definition
+      			  g_indent=computeIndent(yytext);
+			  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+			  current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+			  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+			  current->section = Entry::FUNCTION_SEC;
+			  current->protection = protection = Public;
+			  current->objc = FALSE;
+			  current->virt = Normal;
+			  current->stat = FALSE;
+			  current->mtype = mtype = Method;
+			  current->type.resize(0);
+			  current->name.resize(0);
+			  current->args.resize(0);
+			  current->argList->clear();
+			  g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+			  BEGIN( FunctionDec );
+                       }
+     ^{B}"class"{BB}	|
+     "class"{BB}        {  // start of a class definition
+      			  g_indent=computeIndent(yytext);
+			  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+			  current->argList->clear();
+			  current->type += "class" ;
+			  current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+			  current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+			  g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+			  BEGIN( ClassDec ) ;
+                       }
+     ^{B}"from"{BB}    |
+     "from"{BB}	       { // start of an from import
+			  g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+                          BEGIN( FromMod );
+                       }
+     ^{B}"import"{BB}  |
+     "import"{BB}      { // start of an import statement
+			  g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+                          BEGIN( Import );
+                       }
+     ^{B}{IDENTIFIER}/{B}"="{B}"property" { // property
+      			current->section   = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+  			current->mtype     = Property;
+			current->name      = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+			current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+			current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+			current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+			g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+			BEGIN(VariableDec);
+       	              }
+     ^{B}{IDENTIFIER}/{B}"="[^=] { // variable
+      			g_indent=computeIndent(yytext);
+      			current->section   = Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+			current->name      = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+			current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+			current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+			current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+			g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+			BEGIN(VariableDec);
+      		      }
+     "'"	      { // start of a single quoted string
+       		        g_stringContext=YY_START;
+		        g_copyString=0;
+			g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+                        BEGIN( SingleQuoteString );
+                      }
+     "\""	      { // start of a double quoted string
+       	                g_stringContext=YY_START;
+			g_copyString=0;
+			g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+                        BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString );
+                      }
+    {POUNDCOMMENT}    { // normal comment 
+			g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+      		      }
+    {IDENTIFIER}      { // some other identifier
+			g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+		      }
+    ^{BB}	      {
+      			g_curIndent=computeIndent(yytext);
+                      }
+    [^\n]             { // any other character...
+                        // This is the major default
+                        // that should catch everything
+                        // else in Body.
+                      }
+    {NEWLINE}+        { // new line
+                        lineCount();
+                      }
+    {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE}  { // start of a comment block
+			initTriDoubleQuoteBlock();
+			BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      }
+    {TRISINGLEQUOTE}  { // start of a comment block
+			initTriSingleQuoteBlock();
+			BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      }
+    {STARTDOCSYMS}    {  // start of a special comment
+			g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+			initSpecialBlock();
+			BEGIN(SpecialComment);
+                      }
+  {IDENTIFIER}({B}"."{B}{IDENTIFIER})* { // from package import 
+                        g_packageName=yytext;
+		      }
+  "import"{B}	      {
+    			BEGIN(FromModItem);
+    		      }
+  \n		      {
+                        yyLineNr++;
+                        BEGIN(Search);
+                      }
+  {B}		      {
+		      }
+  .                   {
+                        unput(*yytext);
+                        BEGIN(Search);
+                      }
+  "*"		{ // import all
+                  QCString item=g_packageName;
+		  current->name=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(substitute(item,".","::"));
+		  current->fileName = yyFileName; 
+		  //printf("Adding using directive: found:%s:%d name=%s\n",yyFileName.data(),yyLineNr,current->name.data());
+		  current->section=Entry::USINGDIR_SEC;
+		  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+		  current = new Entry ;
+		  initEntry();
+                  BEGIN(Search);
+    		}
+                  QCString item=g_packageName+"."+yytext;
+		  current->name=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(substitute(item,".","::"));
+		  current->fileName = yyFileName; 
+		  //printf("Adding using declaration: found:%s:%d name=%s\n",yyFileName.data(),yyLineNr,current->name.data());
+		  current->section=Entry::USINGDECL_SEC;
+		  current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+		  current = new Entry ;
+		  initEntry();
+                  BEGIN(Search);
+		}
+  \n		{
+                  yyLineNr++;
+                  BEGIN(Search);
+                }
+  {B}		{
+		}
+  .             {
+                  unput(*yytext);
+                  BEGIN(Search);
+                }
+			current->name=removeRedundantWhiteSpace(substitute(yytext,".","::"));
+			current->fileName = yyFileName; 
+			//printf("Adding using declaration: found:%s:%d name=%s\n",yyFileName.data(),yyLineNr,current->name.data());
+			current->section=Entry::USINGDECL_SEC;
+			current_root->addSubEntry(current);
+			current = new Entry ;
+			initEntry();
+			BEGIN(Search);
+                      }
+  \n		{
+                  yyLineNr++;
+                  BEGIN(Search);
+                }
+  {B}		{
+		}
+  .             {
+                  unput(*yytext);
+                  BEGIN(Search);
+                }
+    "self."{IDENTIFIER}/{B}"=" {
+                        //printf("Found member variable %s in %s\n",&yytext[5],current_root->name.data());
+			current->name=&yytext[5];
+			current->section=Entry::VARIABLE_SEC;
+			current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+			current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+			current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+			current->type.resize(0);
+			if (current->name.at(0)=='_') // mark as private
+			{
+			  current->protection=Private;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			  current->protection=Public;
+			}
+			newEntry();
+                      }
+    {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE}  { // start of a comment block
+			initTriDoubleQuoteBlock();
+			BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      }
+    {TRISINGLEQUOTE}  { // start of a comment block
+			initTriSingleQuoteBlock();
+			BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      }
+    {STARTDOCSYMS}    {  // start of a special comment
+			initSpecialBlock();
+			BEGIN(SpecialComment);
+                      }
+    {POUNDCOMMENT}    { // #
+	              }
+    "'"	              { // start of a single quoted string
+       			g_stringContext=YY_START;
+			g_copyString=0;
+                        BEGIN( SingleQuoteString );
+                      }
+    "\""              { // start of a double quoted string
+       			g_stringContext=YY_START;
+			g_copyString=0;
+                        BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString );
+                      }
+    \n		      { yyLineNr++; }
+    .                 // anything else
+    \n{B}/{IDENTIFIER}{BB}  {
+                        //fprintf(stderr,"indent %d<=%d\n",computeIndent(&yytext[1]),g_indent);
+                        if (computeIndent(&yytext[1])<=g_indent) 
+			{
+			  int i;
+			  for (i=yyleng-1;i>=0;i--)
+			  {
+			    unput(yytext[i]);
+			  }
+			  endOfDef();
+			  YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE;
+                          BEGIN(Search);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+                          yyLineNr++;
+      		          current->program+=yytext;
+			}
+                      }
+    \n{B}/"##"	      {
+                        if (computeIndent(&yytext[1])<=g_indent)
+			{
+			  int i;
+			  for (i=yyleng-1;i>=0;i--)
+			  {
+			    unput(yytext[i]);
+			  }
+			  endOfDef();
+			  YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE;
+                          BEGIN(Search);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+			  yyLineNr++;
+      		          current->program+=yytext;
+			}
+      		      }
+    <<EOF>>	      {
+			endOfDef();
+			yyterminate();
+      		      }
+    ^{BB}/\n	      { // skip empty line
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+      	              }
+    ^{BB}	      { // something at indent >0
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+			g_curIndent = computeIndent(yytext);
+                        if (g_curIndent<=g_indent) 
+			  // jumped out of the function
+			{
+			  endOfDef();
+                          BEGIN(Search);
+			}
+      		      }
+    "'"	              { // start of a single quoted string
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+       			g_stringContext=YY_START;
+		        g_specialBlock = FALSE; 
+			g_copyString=&current->program;
+                        BEGIN( SingleQuoteString );
+                      }
+    "\""              { // start of a double quoted string
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+       			g_stringContext=YY_START;
+		        g_specialBlock = FALSE; 
+			g_copyString=&current->program;
+                        BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString );
+                      }
+    [^ \t\n#'".]+     { // non-special stuff
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+		        g_specialBlock = FALSE; 
+                      }
+    ^{POUNDCOMMENT}   { // normal comment 
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+      		      }
+    "#".*             { // comment half way
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+                      }
+    {NEWLINE}	      { yyLineNr++; 
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+		      }
+    .                 { // any character
+      		        current->program+=*yytext;
+		        g_specialBlock = FALSE; 
+                      }
+    {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE}  { // start of a comment block
+			current->program+=yytext;
+			initTriDoubleQuoteBlock();
+			BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      }
+    {TRISINGLEQUOTE}  { // start of a comment block
+			current->program+=yytext;
+			initTriSingleQuoteBlock();
+			BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      }
+    {STARTDOCSYMS}    {  // start of a special comment
+			initSpecialBlock();
+			BEGIN(SpecialComment);
+                      }
+    {IDENTIFIER}            {
+			      //found function name
+			      if (current->type.isEmpty()) 
+			      {
+				  current->type = "def";
+			      }
+			      current->name = yytext;
+			      current->name = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+			      newFunction();
+                            }
+    {B}":"		    { // function without arguments
+			      g_specialBlock = TRUE; // expecting a docstring
+			      bodyEntry = current;
+                              BEGIN( FunctionBody );
+			    }
+    {B}"("                  {
+			       BEGIN( FunctionParams );
+		            }
+    ({BB}|",")          {
+                        }
+    {IDENTIFIER}        { // Name of parameter
+			  lineCount();
+			  Argument *a = new Argument;
+			  current->argList->append(a);
+			  current->argList->getLast()->name = QCString(yytext).stripWhiteSpace();
+			  current->argList->getLast()->type = "";
+                        }
+    "="		        { // default value
+                          // TODO: this rule is too simple, need to be able to
+                          // match things like =")" as well!
+      			  QCString defVal=&yytext[1];
+			  g_defVal.resize(0);
+			  g_braceCount=0;
+			  BEGIN(FunctionParamDefVal);
+      			}
+     ")"                { // end of parameter list
+                        }
+     ":"{B}             {
+			  g_specialBlock = TRUE; // expecting a docstring
+			  bodyEntry = current;
+                          BEGIN( FunctionBody );
+                        }
+    {POUNDCOMMENT}	{ // a comment
+			}
+    {PARAMNONEMPTY}     { // Default rule inside arguments.
+                        }
+     "("		{ // internal opening brace
+       			  g_braceCount++;
+			  g_defVal+=*yytext;
+       			}
+     ","		| 
+     ")"		{
+       			  if (g_braceCount==0)  // end of default argument
+			  {
+			    if (current->argList->getLast())
+			    {
+			      current->argList->getLast()->defval=g_defVal.stripWhiteSpace();
+			    }
+       			    BEGIN(FunctionParams);
+			  }
+			  else // continue
+			  {
+			    g_braceCount--;
+			    g_defVal+=*yytext;
+			  }
+       			}
+     .			{
+			    g_defVal+=*yytext;
+       			}
+     \n                 {
+       			    g_defVal+=*yytext;
+			    yyLineNr++;
+       			}
+    \n/{IDENTIFIER}{BB}  { // new def at indent 0
+                        yyLineNr++;
+			endOfDef();
+			g_hideClassDocs = FALSE;
+			YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE;
+                        BEGIN(Search);
+                      }
+    \n/"##"           {  // start of a special comment at indent 0
+                        yyLineNr++;
+			endOfDef();
+			g_hideClassDocs = FALSE;
+			YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE;
+                        BEGIN(Search);
+                      }
+    ^{BB}/\n	      { // skip empty line
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+      	              }
+    <<EOF>>	      {
+			endOfDef();
+			yyterminate();
+      		      }
+    ^{BB}	      { // something at indent >0
+                        g_curIndent=computeIndent(yytext);
+			//fprintf(stderr,"g_curIndent=%d g_indent=%d\n",g_curIndent,g_indent);
+                        if (g_curIndent<=g_indent) 
+			  // jumped out of the class
+			{
+			  endOfDef();
+			  g_indent=g_curIndent;
+			  // make sure the next rule matches ^...
+			  YY_CURRENT_BUFFER->yy_at_bol=TRUE;
+			  g_hideClassDocs = FALSE;
+                          BEGIN(Search);
+			}
+			else
+			{
+      		          current->program+=yytext;
+			}
+      		      }
+    "'"	              { // start of a single quoted string
+      		        current->program+=*yytext;
+       			g_stringContext=YY_START;
+		        g_specialBlock = FALSE; 
+			g_copyString=&current->program;
+                        BEGIN( SingleQuoteString );
+                      }
+    "\""              { // start of a double quoted string
+      		        current->program+=*yytext;
+       			g_stringContext=YY_START;
+		        g_specialBlock = FALSE; 
+			g_copyString=&current->program;
+                        BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString );
+                      }
+    [^ \t\n#'"]+      { // non-special stuff
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+		        g_specialBlock = FALSE; 
+			g_hideClassDocs = FALSE;
+                      }
+    {NEWLINE}	      { 
+      		        current->program+=*yytext;
+			yyLineNr++; 
+		      }
+    {POUNDCOMMENT}    { // normal comment
+      		        current->program+=yytext;
+                      }
+    .                 { // any character
+		        g_specialBlock = FALSE; 
+      		        current->program+=*yytext;
+                      }
+    {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE}  { // start of a comment block
+      		        if (!g_hideClassDocs) current->program+=yytext;
+			initTriDoubleQuoteBlock();
+			BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      }
+    {TRISINGLEQUOTE}  { // start of a comment block
+      		        if (!g_hideClassDocs) current->program+=yytext;
+			initTriSingleQuoteBlock();
+			BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      }
+<ClassDec>{IDENTIFIER} {
+			  if (current->type.isEmpty()) 
+			  {
+			      current->type = "class";
+			  }
+			  current->section = Entry::CLASS_SEC;
+			  current->name = yytext;
+			  // prepend scope in case of nested classes
+			  if (current_root->section&Entry::SCOPE_MASK)
+			  {
+			    //printf("*** Prepending scope %s to class %s\n",current_root->name.data(),current->name.data());
+			    current->name.prepend(current_root->name+"::");
+			  }
+			  current->name = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+			  current->fileName = yyFileName;        
+			  docBlockContext   = YY_START;
+			  docBlockInBody    = FALSE;
+			  docBlockJavaStyle = FALSE;
+			  docBlock.resize(0);
+			  BEGIN(ClassInheritance);                 
+                        }
+   ({BB}|[\(,\)])      { // syntactic sugar for the list
+                       }
+    ":"                { // begin of the class definition
+			 g_specialBlock = TRUE; // expecting a docstring
+      			 BEGIN(ClassCaptureIndent);
+                       }
+    {SCOPE}            {
+                         current->extends->append(
+					      new BaseInfo(substitute(yytext,".","::"),Public,Normal)
+					    );
+                         //Has base class-do stuff
+                       }
+    "\n"|({BB}"\n")            {
+                                 // Blankline - ignore, keep looking for indentation.
+				 lineCount();
+                               }
+    {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE}           { // start of a comment block
+				 initTriDoubleQuoteBlock();
+			 	 BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                      	       }
+    {TRISINGLEQUOTE}           { // start of a comment block
+			         initTriSingleQuoteBlock();
+			         BEGIN(TripleComment);
+                               }
+    ^{BB} 		       {
+      				 current->program=yytext;
+			         current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+				 g_curIndent=computeIndent(yytext);
+				 bodyEntry = current;
+				 //fprintf(stderr,"setting indent %d\n",g_curIndent);
+				 //printf("current->program=[%s]\n",current->program.data());
+				 g_hideClassDocs = TRUE;
+			         BEGIN(ClassBody);
+                               }
+    ""/({NONEMPTY}|{EXPCHAR})  {
+				 // Just pushback an empty class, and
+				 // resume parsing the body.
+                                 newEntry();
+				 // printf("Failed to find indent - skipping!");
+				 BEGIN( Search );
+                               }
+   "="                { // the assignment operator
+                        //printf("====== VariableDec at line %d\n",yyLineNr);
+                      }
+   {B}                { // spaces
+	              }
+   {INTNUMBER}	      { // integer value
+			current->type = "int";
+			current->initializer = yytext;
+			BEGIN(VariableEnd);
+		      }
+   {FLOATNUMBER}      { // floating point value
+			current->type = "float";
+			current->initializer = yytext;
+			BEGIN(VariableEnd);
+		      }
+   {STRINGPREFIX}?"'" { // string
+			current->type = "string";
+			current->initializer = yytext;
+			g_copyString=&current->initializer;
+       			g_stringContext=VariableEnd;
+                        BEGIN( SingleQuoteString );
+     		      }
+   {STRINGPREFIX}?"\"" { // string
+			current->type = "string";
+			current->initializer = yytext;
+			g_copyString=&current->initializer;
+       			g_stringContext=VariableEnd;
+                        BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString );
+     		      }
+   {TRIDOUBLEQUOTE}   { // start of a comment block
+			current->type = "string";
+			current->initializer = yytext;
+			g_doubleQuote=TRUE;
+			g_copyString=&current->initializer;
+       			g_stringContext=VariableEnd;
+			BEGIN(TripleString);
+                      }
+   {TRISINGLEQUOTE}   { // start of a comment block
+			current->type = "string";
+			current->initializer = yytext;
+			g_doubleQuote=FALSE;
+			g_copyString=&current->initializer;
+       			g_stringContext=VariableEnd;
+			BEGIN(TripleString);
+                      }
+   "("		      { // tuple
+                        if (current->mtype!=Property)
+			{
+			  current->type = "tuple";
+			}
+      		        current->initializer+=*yytext;
+                        g_atomStart='(';
+			g_atomEnd=')';
+			g_atomCount=1;
+			BEGIN( VariableAtom );
+                      }
+   "["                { // list
+			current->type = "list";
+      		        current->initializer+=*yytext;
+                        g_atomStart='[';
+			g_atomEnd=']';
+			g_atomCount=1;
+			BEGIN( VariableAtom );
+                      }
+   "{"		      { // dictionary
+			current->type = "dictionary";
+      		        current->initializer+=*yytext;
+                        g_atomStart='{';
+			g_atomEnd='}';
+			g_atomCount=1;
+			BEGIN( VariableAtom );
+                      }
+   "#".*              { // comment
+                        BEGIN( VariableEnd ); 
+                      }
+   {IDENTIFIER}	      {
+      		        current->initializer+=yytext;
+	              }
+   .		      {
+      		        current->initializer+=*yytext;
+                      }
+   \n		      {
+     		        unput('\n');
+     			BEGIN( VariableEnd );
+     		      }
+    [\(\[\{]	      {
+      		        current->initializer+=*yytext;
+                        if (g_atomStart==*yytext)
+			{
+			  g_atomCount++;
+			}
+                      }
+    [\)\]\}]	      {
+      		        current->initializer+=*yytext;
+                        if (g_atomEnd==*yytext)
+			{
+			  g_atomCount--;
+			}
+			if (g_atomCount==0)
+			{
+			  BEGIN(VariableEnd);
+			}
+                      }
+   "\""	              {
+       			g_stringContext=YY_START;
+			current->initializer+="\"";
+			g_copyString=&current->initializer;
+                        BEGIN( DoubleQuoteString );
+                      }
+   {IDENTIFIER}       {
+      		        current->initializer+=yytext;
+	              }
+   .		      {
+      		        current->initializer+=*yytext;
+                      }
+   \n		      {
+      		        current->initializer+=*yytext;
+     			yyLineNr++;
+     		      }
+    \n                {
+                        yyLineNr++;
+			newVariable();
+                        BEGIN(Search);
+                      }
+    .		      { 
+                        unput(*yytext);
+			newVariable();
+                        BEGIN(Search);
+      		      }
+    <<EOF>>           { yyterminate();
+                        newEntry();
+                      }
+			  // printf("Expected module block %d special=%d\n",g_expectModuleDocs,g_specialBlock);
+			  if (g_doubleQuote==(yytext[0]=='"')) 
+			  {
+			    if (g_specialBlock) // expecting a docstring
+			    {
+			      QCString actualDoc=docBlock;
+			      if (!docBlockSpecial) // legacy unformatted docstring
+			      {
+			        actualDoc.prepend("\\verbatim ");
+			        actualDoc.append("\\endverbatim ");
+			      }
+			      //printf("-------> current=%p bodyEntry=%p\n",current,bodyEntry);
+			      handleCommentBlock(actualDoc, FALSE);
+			    }
+			    else if (g_packageCommentAllowed) // expecting module docs
+			    {
+			      QCString actualDoc=docBlock;
+			      if (!docBlockSpecial) // legacy unformatted docstring
+			      {
+			        actualDoc.prepend("\\verbatim ");
+			        actualDoc.append("\\endverbatim ");
+			      }
+			      actualDoc.prepend("\\namespace "+g_moduleScope+"\\_linebr ");
+			      handleCommentBlock(actualDoc, FALSE);
+			    }
+			    if ((docBlockContext==ClassBody && !g_hideClassDocs) ||
+				docBlockContext==FunctionBody)
+			    {
+			      current->program+=docBlock;
+			      current->program+=yytext;
+			    }
+                            if (g_hideClassDocs)
+                              current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+			    g_hideClassDocs=FALSE;
+			    BEGIN(docBlockContext);
+			  }
+                          else 
+			  {
+                            docBlock += yytext;
+                          }
+			  g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+                        }
+    ^{BB}		{ // leading whitespace
+      			  int indent = computeIndent(yytext);
+			  if (indent>=g_curIndent)
+			  { // strip g_curIndent amount of whitespace
+			    int i;
+			    for (i=0;i<indent-g_curIndent;i++) docBlock+=' ';
+			    //fprintf(stderr,"stripping indent %d\n",g_curIndent);
+			  }
+			  else
+			  {
+			    //fprintf(stderr,"not stripping: %d<%d\n",indent,g_curIndent);
+			    docBlock += yytext;
+			  }
+      			}
+    [^"'\n \t]+          {
+			  docBlock += yytext;
+                        }
+    \n			{
+      			  yyLineNr++;
+			  docBlock += yytext;
+      			}
+    .			{
+			  docBlock += yytext;
+      			}
+    ^{B}"#"("#")*	{ // skip leading hashes
+      			}
+    \n/{B}"#"		{ // continuation of the comment on the next line
+      			  docBlock+='\n';
+			  docBrief = FALSE;
+                          startCommentBlock(FALSE);
+			  yyLineNr++;
+      			}
+    [^#\n]+             { // any other stuff
+      			  docBlock+=yytext;
+      			}
+    \n			{ // new line that ends the comment
+			  handleCommentBlock(docBlock, docBrief);
+      			  yyLineNr++;
+			  BEGIN(docBlockContext);
+      			}
+    .			{ // anything we missed
+      			  docBlock+=*yytext;
+      			}
+    \\{B}\n                    { // line continuation
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+      				 yyLineNr++;
+                               }
+    \\.			       { // espaced char
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+                               }
+    "\"\"\""		       { // tripple double quotes
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+      			       }
+    "'"			       { // end of the string
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+      		                 BEGIN(g_stringContext);
+                               }
+    [^"'\n\\]+	               { // normal chars
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+                               }
+    .			       { // normal char
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+                               }
+    \\{B}\n                    { // line continuation
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+      				 yyLineNr++;
+                               }
+    \\.			       { // espaced char
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+                               }
+    "'''"		       { // tripple single quotes
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+      			       }
+    "\""		       { // end of the string
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+      		                 BEGIN(g_stringContext);
+                               }
+    [^"'\n\\]+	               { // normal chars
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+                               }
+    .			       { // normal char
+      			         addToString(yytext);
+                               }
+                          *g_copyString += yytext;
+			  if (g_doubleQuote==(yytext[0]=='"')) 
+			  {
+			    BEGIN(g_stringContext);
+			  }
+                        }
+			  lineCount();
+                          *g_copyString += yytext;
+                        }
+    \n			{
+      			  yyLineNr++;
+                          *g_copyString += yytext;
+      			}
+    .			{
+                          *g_copyString += *yytext;
+      			}
+  /* ------------ End rules -------------- */
+  /*
+<*>({NONEMPTY}|{EXPCHAR}|{BB})           { // This should go one character at a time.
+				 // printf("[pyscanner] '%s' [ state %d ]  [line %d] no match\n",
+				 //       yytext, YY_START, yyLineNr);
+                               }
+  */
+<*>{NEWLINE}                   {
+				 //printf("[pyscanner] %d NEWLINE [line %d] no match\n",
+				 //       YY_START, yyLineNr);
+                                 lineCount();
+                               }
+<*>.                           {
+				 //printf("[pyscanner] '%s' [ state %d ]  [line %d] no match\n",
+				 //       yytext, YY_START, yyLineNr);
+                               }
+static void parseCompounds(Entry *rt)
+  //printf("parseCompounds(%s)\n",rt->name.data());
+  EntryListIterator eli(*rt->children());
+  Entry *ce;
+  for (;(ce=eli.current());++eli)
+  {
+    if (!ce->program.isEmpty())
+    {
+      //printf("-- %s ---------\n%s\n---------------\n",
+      //  ce->name.data(),ce->program.data());
+      // init scanner state
+      inputString = ce->program;
+      inputPosition = 0;
+      pyscanYYrestart( pyscanYYin ) ;
+      if (ce->section&Entry::COMPOUND_MASK)
+      {
+        current_root = ce ;
+        BEGIN( Search );
+      }
+      else if (ce->parent())
+      {
+        current_root = ce->parent();
+	//printf("Searching for member variables in %s parent=%s\n",
+	//    ce->name.data(),ce->parent->name.data());
+	BEGIN( SearchMemVars );
+      }
+      yyFileName = ce->fileName;
+      yyLineNr = ce->startLine ;
+      if (current) delete current;
+      current = new Entry;
+      groupEnterCompound(yyFileName,yyLineNr,ce->name);
+      pyscanYYlex() ;
+      g_lexInit=TRUE;
+      delete current; current=0;
+      ce->program.resize(0);
+      groupLeaveCompound(yyFileName,yyLineNr,ce->name);
+    }
+    parseCompounds(ce);
+  }
+static void parseMain(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *rt)
+  initParser();
+  inputString = fileBuf;
+  inputPosition = 0;
+  protection    = Public;
+  mtype         = Method;
+  gstat         = FALSE;
+  virt          = Normal;
+  current_root  = rt;
+  g_specialBlock = FALSE;
+  inputFile.setName(fileName);
+  if (inputFile.open(IO_ReadOnly))
+  {
+    yyLineNr= 1 ; 
+    yyFileName = fileName;
+    //setContext();
+    msg("Parsing file %s...\n",yyFileName.data());
+    QFileInfo fi(fileName);
+    g_moduleScope = findPackageScope(fileName);
+    QString baseName=fi.baseName();
+    if (baseName!="__init__") // package initializer file is not a package itself
+    {
+      if (!g_moduleScope.isEmpty())
+      {
+	g_moduleScope+="::";
+      }
+      g_moduleScope+=baseName;
+    }
+    current            = new Entry;
+    current->name      = g_moduleScope;
+    current->section   = Entry::NAMESPACE_SEC;
+    current->type      = "namespace";
+    current->fileName  = yyFileName;
+    current->startLine = yyLineNr;
+    current->bodyLine  = yyLineNr;
+    rt->addSubEntry(current);
+    current_root  = current ;
+    initParser();
+    current       = new Entry;
+    groupEnterFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
+    current->reset();
+    pyscanYYrestart( pyscanYYin );
+    BEGIN( Search );
+    pyscanYYlex();
+    g_lexInit=TRUE;
+    groupLeaveFile(yyFileName,yyLineNr);
+    current_root->program.resize(0);
+    delete current; current=0;
+    parseCompounds(current_root);
+    inputFile.close();
+  }
+static void parsePrototype(const QCString &text)
+  //printf("**** parsePrototype(%s) begin\n",text.data());
+  if (text.isEmpty()) 
+  {
+    warn(yyFileName,yyLineNr,"Empty prototype found!");
+    return;
+  }
+  g_specialBlock = FALSE;
+  g_packageCommentAllowed = FALSE;
+  const char *orgInputString;
+  int orgInputPosition;
+  YY_BUFFER_STATE orgState;
+  // save scanner state
+  orgState = YY_CURRENT_BUFFER;
+  yy_switch_to_buffer(yy_create_buffer(pyscanYYin, YY_BUF_SIZE));
+  orgInputString = inputString; 
+  orgInputPosition = inputPosition;
+  // set new string
+  inputString = text;
+  inputPosition = 0;
+  pyscanYYrestart( pyscanYYin );
+  BEGIN( FunctionDec );
+  pyscanYYlex();
+  g_lexInit=TRUE;
+  current->name = current->name.stripWhiteSpace();
+  if (current->section == Entry::MEMBERDOC_SEC && current->args.isEmpty())
+    current->section = Entry::VARIABLEDOC_SEC;
+  // restore original scanner state
+  yy_switch_to_buffer(orgState);
+  yy_delete_buffer(tmpBuf);
+  inputString = orgInputString; 
+  inputPosition = orgInputPosition;
+  //printf("**** parsePrototype end\n");
+void pyscanFreeScanner()
+  if (g_lexInit)
+  {
+    pyscanYYlex_destroy();
+  }
+void PythonLanguageScanner::parseInput(const char *fileName,const char *fileBuf,Entry *root)
+  g_thisParser = this;
+  ::parseMain(fileName,fileBuf,root);
+  // May print the AST for debugging purposes
+  // printAST(global_root);
+bool PythonLanguageScanner::needsPreprocessing(const QCString &)
+  return FALSE;
+void PythonLanguageScanner::parseCode(CodeOutputInterface &codeOutIntf,
+    const char *scopeName,
+    const QCString &input,
+    bool isExampleBlock,
+    const char *exampleName,
+    FileDef *fileDef,
+    int startLine,
+    int endLine,
+    bool inlineFragment,
+    MemberDef *memberDef
+    )
+  ::parsePythonCode(codeOutIntf,scopeName,input,isExampleBlock,exampleName,
+                    fileDef,startLine,endLine,inlineFragment,memberDef);
+void PythonLanguageScanner::parsePrototype(const char *text)
+  ::parsePrototype(text);
+void PythonLanguageScanner::resetCodeParserState()
+  ::resetPythonCodeParserState();
+extern "C" { // some bogus code to keep the compiler happy
+  void pyscannerYYdummy() { yy_flex_realloc(0,0); } 