--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/Orb/Doxygen/src/vhdldocgen.cpp Fri Apr 23 20:47:58 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,2464 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
+ *
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
+ * documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
+ * granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
+ * for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
+ * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
+ * input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
+ *
+ */
+ * Parser for VHDL subset
+ * written by M. Kreis
+ * supports VHDL-87
+ * does not support VHDL-AMS
+ ******************************************************************************/
+// global includes
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <qcstring.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
+#include <qstringlist.h>
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+// local includes
+#include "vhdldocgen.h"
+#include "message.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "doxygen.h"
+#include "util.h"
+#include "language.h"
+#include "commentscan.h"
+#include "index.h"
+#include "definition.h"
+#include "searchindex.h"
+#include "outputlist.h"
+/* --------------------------------------------------------------- */
+//#define theTranslator_vhdlType theTranslator->trVhdlType
+#define theTranslator_vhdlType VhdlDocGen::trVhdlType
+static QDict<QCString> g_vhdlKeyDict0(17,FALSE);
+static QDict<QCString> g_vhdlKeyDict1(17,FALSE);
+static QDict<QCString> g_vhdlKeyDict2(17,FALSE);
+static QCString g_vhdlkeyword("vhdlkeyword");
+static QCString g_vhdltype("comment");
+static QCString g_vhdllogic("vhdllogic");
+// keywords
+static const char* g_vhdlKeyWordMap0[] =
+ "std","ieee","work","standard","textio","std_logic_1164",
+ "std_logic_arith","std_logic_misc","std_logic_signed","std_logic_textio",
+ "std_logic_unsigned","numeric_bit","numeric_std","math_complex","math_real",
+ "vital_primitives","vital_timing","severity_level","time","delay_length",
+ "natural", "positive", "bit_vector","file_open_kind","file_open_status",
+ "line","text","side", "width","event","rising_edge", "falling_edge",
+ "access","after","alias", "all","architecture","array", "assert","attribute",
+ "begin","block","body", "buffer", "bus", "case", "component", "configuration",
+ "constant", "disconnect", "downto", "else", "elsif", "end", "entity", "exit",
+ "file", "for", "function", "generate", "generic", "group", "guarded", "if",
+ "impure", "in", "inertial", "inout", "is","label", "library", "linkage",
+ "literal", "loop","map", "new", "next", "null", "of", "on", "open", "others",
+ "out", "package", "port", "postponed", "procedure", "process", "pure",
+ "range", "record", "register", "reject", "report", "return","select",
+ "severity", "shared", "signal", "subtype", "then", "to", "transport",
+ "type","unaffected", "units", "until", "use","variable", "wait", "when",
+ "while", "with","true","false","protected",0
+// type
+static const char* g_vhdlKeyWordMap1[] =
+ "natural","unsigned","signed","string","boolean", "bit","character",
+ "std_ulogic","std_ulogic_vector","sTd_logic","std_logic_vector","integer",
+ "real","zzz",0
+// logic
+static const char* g_vhdlKeyWordMap2[] =
+ "abs","and","or","not","mod", "xor","rem","xnor","ror","rol","sla",
+ "sll",0
+void VhdlDocGen::init()
+ int j=0;
+ g_vhdlKeyDict0.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ g_vhdlKeyDict1.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ g_vhdlKeyDict2.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ j=0;
+ while (g_vhdlKeyWordMap0[j])
+ {
+ g_vhdlKeyDict0.insert(g_vhdlKeyWordMap0[j],
+ new QCString(g_vhdlKeyWordMap0[j]));
+ j++;
+ }
+ j=0;
+ while (g_vhdlKeyWordMap1[j])
+ {
+ g_vhdlKeyDict1.insert(g_vhdlKeyWordMap1[j],
+ new QCString(g_vhdlKeyWordMap1[j]));
+ j++;
+ }
+ j=0;
+ while (g_vhdlKeyWordMap2[j])
+ {
+ g_vhdlKeyDict2.insert(g_vhdlKeyWordMap2[j],
+ new QCString(g_vhdlKeyWordMap2[j]));
+ j++;
+ }
+}// buildKeyMap
+ * returns the color of a keyword
+ */
+QCString* VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(const QCString& word)
+ if (word.isEmpty() || word.at(0)=='\0') return 0;
+ //printf("VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(%s)\n",word.data());
+ if (g_vhdlKeyDict0.find(word.lower()))
+ return &g_vhdlkeyword;
+ if (g_vhdlKeyDict1.find(word.lower()))
+ return &g_vhdltype;
+ if (g_vhdlKeyDict2.find(word.lower()))
+ return &g_vhdllogic;
+ return 0;
+ * returns the parsed entry at line xxx
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::debugClassName(ClassSDict* mDict)
+ // for each class
+ ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*mDict);
+ ClassDef *cd;
+ for ( ; (cd=cli.current()) ; ++cli )
+ {
+ printf("\n -------------------------class----------------------------------------\n");
+ QCString nnn=cd->className();
+ QCString qref=cd->getReference();
+ QCString outBase=cd->getOutputFileBase();
+ QCString fileBase=cd->getFileBase();
+ QCString compType=cd->compoundTypeString();
+ QCString inDoc=cd->documentation();//->inbodyDocumentation();
+ printf("\n refernz [%p]",cd);
+ printf("\n compType [%s]",compType.data());
+ printf("\n Name [%s]",nnn.data());
+ printf("\n TYPE[%d ",cd->definitionType());
+ printf("\n Ref [%s] ",qref.data());
+ printf("\n OutBase [%s] fileBase [%s]",outBase.data(),fileBase.data());
+ printf("\n -------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
+ }// for
+}// Debug Class Name
+bool found =FALSE;
+static Entry eMerge;
+ClassDef *VhdlDocGen::getClass(const char *name)
+ if (name==0 || name[0]=='\0') return 0;
+ ClassDef *cd=0;
+ QCString temp(name);
+ //temp=temp.lower();
+ temp=temp.stripWhiteSpace();
+ cd= Doxygen::classSDict->find(temp.data());
+ return cd;
+ * adds architectures to their entity
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::computeVhdlComponentRelations()
+ ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+ for (cli.toFirst();cli.current();++cli)
+ {
+ cli.current()->visited=FALSE;
+ ClassDef * cd = cli.current();
+ if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURECLASS)
+ {
+ QCString bName=cd->name();
+ int i=bName.find("::");
+ if (i>0)
+ {
+ QCString entityName=bName.left(i);
+ ClassDef *classEntity=Doxygen::classSDict->find(entityName);
+ // entity for architecutre ?
+ if (classEntity)
+ {
+ classEntity->insertBaseClass(cd,bName,Public,Normal,0);
+ cd->insertSubClass(classEntity,Public,Normal,0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+} // computeVhdlComponentRelations
+ * returns a reference, if one class [package(body),entity or an architecture is found]
+ */
+ClassDef* VhdlDocGen::findComponent(int type)
+ ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+ ClassDef *cd=0;
+ for ( ; (cd=cli.current()) ; ++cli )
+ {
+ if (cd->protection()==type)
+ return cd;
+ }
+ return cd;
+ClassDef* VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(const QCString & name)
+ ClassDef* cd=0;
+ QStringList ql=QStringList::split(".",name,FALSE);
+ cd=getClass(name);
+ return cd;
+MemberDef* VhdlDocGen::findMember(const QCString& className, const QCString& memName)
+ QDict<QCString> packages(17,FALSE);
+ packages.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ ClassDef* cd;
+ MemberDef *mdef=0;
+ cd=getClass(className);
+ //printf("VhdlDocGen::findMember(%s,%s)=%p\n",className.data(),memName.data(),cd);
+ if (cd==0) return 0;
+ mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberList::variableMembers);
+ if (mdef) return mdef;
+ mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberList::pubMethods);
+ if (mdef) return mdef;
+ // nothing found so far
+ // if we are an architecture or package body search in entitiy
+ if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURECLASS ||
+ (VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::PACKBODYCLASS)
+ {
+ Definition *d = cd->getOuterScope();
+ // searching upper/lower case names
+ QCString tt=d->name();
+ ClassDef *ecd =getClass(tt);
+ if (!ecd)
+ {
+ tt=tt.upper();
+ ecd =getClass(tt);
+ }
+ else if (!ecd)
+ {
+ tt=tt.lower();
+ ecd =getClass(tt);
+ }
+ if (ecd) //d && d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass)
+ {
+ //ClassDef *ecd = (ClassDef*)d;
+ mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(ecd,memName,MemberList::variableMembers);
+ if (mdef) return mdef;
+ mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberList::pubMethods);
+ if (mdef) return mdef;
+ }
+ //cd=getClass(getClassName(cd));
+ //if (!cd) return 0;
+ }
+ // nothing found , so we are now searching all included packages
+ VhdlDocGen::findAllPackages(className,packages);
+ //cd=getClass(className.data());
+ if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURECLASS ||
+ (VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::PACKBODYCLASS)
+ {
+ Definition *d = cd->getOuterScope();
+ QCString tt=d->name();
+ ClassDef *ecd =getClass(tt);
+ if (!ecd)
+ {
+ tt=tt.upper();
+ ecd =getClass(tt);
+ }
+ if (!ecd)
+ {
+ tt=tt.lower();
+ ecd =getClass(tt);
+ }
+ if (ecd) //d && d->definitionType()==Definition::TypeClass)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::findAllPackages(ecd->className(),packages);
+ }
+ }
+ QDictIterator<QCString> packli(packages);
+ QCString *curString;
+ for (packli.toFirst();(curString=packli.current());++packli)
+ {
+ if (curString)
+ {
+ cd=VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(*curString);
+ if (!cd)
+ {
+ *curString=curString->upper();
+ cd=VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(*curString);
+ }
+ if (!cd)
+ {
+ *curString=curString->lower();
+ cd=VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(*curString);
+ }
+ }
+ if (cd)
+ {
+ mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberList::variableMembers);
+ if (mdef) return mdef;
+ mdef=VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(cd,memName,MemberList::pubMethods);
+ if (mdef) return mdef;
+ }
+ } // for
+ return 0;
+ * This function returns the entity|package
+ * in which the key (type) is found
+ */
+MemberDef* VhdlDocGen::findMemberDef(ClassDef* cd,const QCString& key,MemberList::ListType type)
+ // return cd->getMemberByName(key);//does not work
+ MemberDef *md=0;
+ MemberList *ml= cd->getMemberList(type);
+ if (ml==0) return 0;
+ MemberListIterator fmni(*ml);
+ for (fmni.toFirst();(md=fmni.current());++fmni)
+ {
+ if (stricmp(key.data(),md->name().data())==0)
+ return md;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ * finds all included packages of an Entity or Package
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::findAllPackages(const QCString& className,QDict<QCString>& qdict)
+ ClassDef *cdef=getClass(className);
+ if (cdef)
+ {
+ MemberList *mem=cdef->getMemberList(MemberList::variableMembers);
+ MemberDef *md;
+ if (mem)
+ {
+ MemberListIterator fmni(*mem);
+ for (fmni.toFirst();(md=fmni.current());++fmni)
+ {
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isPackage(md))
+ {
+ QCString *temp1=new QCString(md->name().data());
+ //*temp1=temp1->lower();
+ QCString p(md->name().data());
+ //p=p.lower();
+ ClassDef* cd=VhdlDocGen::getPackageName(*temp1);
+ if (cd)
+ {
+ QCString *ss=qdict.find(*temp1);
+ if (ss==0)
+ {
+ qdict.insert(p,temp1);
+ QCString tmp=cd->className();
+ VhdlDocGen::findAllPackages(tmp,qdict);
+ }
+ else delete temp1;
+ }
+ else delete temp1;
+ }
+ }//for
+ }//if
+ }//cdef
+}// findAllPackages
+ * returns the function with the matching argument list
+ * is called in vhdlcode.l
+ */
+MemberDef* VhdlDocGen::findFunction(const QList<Argument> &ql,
+ const QCString& funcname,
+ const QCString& package, bool type)
+ MemberDef* mdef=0;
+ int funcType;
+ ClassDef *cdef=getClass(package.data());
+ if (cdef==0) return 0;
+ if (type)
+ funcType=VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE;
+ else
+ funcType=VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION;
+ MemberList *mem=cdef->getMemberList(MemberList::pubMethods);
+ if (mem)
+ {
+ MemberListIterator fmni(*mem);
+ for (fmni.toFirst();(mdef=fmni.current());++fmni)
+ {
+ QCString mname=mdef->name();
+ if ((VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(mdef)) && (VhdlDocGen::compareString(funcname,mname)==0))
+ {
+ LockingPtr<ArgumentList> alp = mdef->argumentList();
+ // ArgumentList* arg2=mdef->getArgumentList();
+ if (alp==0) break;
+ ArgumentListIterator ali(*alp.pointer());
+ ArgumentListIterator ali1(ql);
+ if (ali.count() != ali1.count()) break;
+ Argument *arg,*arg1;
+ int equ=0;
+ for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ arg1=ali1.current(); ++ali1;
+ equ+=abs(VhdlDocGen::compareString(arg->type,arg1->type));
+ QCString s1=arg->type;
+ QCString s2=arg1->type;
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s1,' ');
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s2,' ');
+ equ+=abs(VhdlDocGen::compareString(s1,s2));
+ s1=arg->attrib;
+ s2=arg1->attrib;
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s1,' ');
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s2,' ');
+ equ+=abs(VhdlDocGen::compareString(s1,s2));
+ // printf("\n 1. type [%s] name [%s] attrib [%s]",arg->type,arg->name,arg->attrib);
+ // printf("\n 2. type [%s] name [%s] attrib [%s]",arg1->type,arg1->name,arg1->attrib);
+ } // for
+ if (equ==0) return mdef;
+ }//if
+ }//for
+ }//if
+ return mdef;
+} //findFunction
+ * returns the function with the matching argument list
+ * is called in vhdscan.l
+ */
+Entry* VhdlDocGen::findFunction( Entry* root, Entry* func)
+ //bool found=FALSE;
+ Entry *found=0;
+ int functype=func->spec;
+ EntryListIterator eli(*root->children());
+ Entry *rt;
+ for (;(rt=eli.current());++eli)
+ {
+ if (rt->spec==functype && VhdlDocGen::compareString(rt->name,func->name)==0 && rt!=func )
+ {
+ if (VhdlDocGen::compareArgList(func->argList,rt->argList))
+ {
+ found=rt;
+ return found;
+ }
+ }//if1
+ if (!found)
+ {
+ found = VhdlDocGen::findFunction(rt,func);
+ }
+ } // for
+ return found;
+}// findFunction
+ * compares two argument list of a fuction|procedure
+ */
+bool VhdlDocGen::compareArgList(ArgumentList* l1,ArgumentList* l2)
+ if (l1== 0 || l2== 0) return FALSE;
+ ArgumentListIterator ali(*l1);
+ ArgumentListIterator ali1(*l2);
+ if (ali.count() != ali1.count()) return FALSE;
+ Argument *arg,*arg1;
+ int equ=0;
+ for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ bool found = FALSE;
+ for (ali1.toFirst();(arg1=ali1.current());++ali1)
+ {
+ equ=0;
+ QCString s1=arg->type;
+ QCString s2=arg1->type;
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s1,' '); // remove whitespaces
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s2,' ');
+ equ+=abs(VhdlDocGen::compareString(s1,s2));
+ s1=arg->attrib;
+ s2=arg1->attrib;
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s1,' ');
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(s2,' ');
+ equ+=abs(VhdlDocGen::compareString(s1,s2));
+ if (equ==0) found=TRUE;
+ }
+ if (!found) return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+}// compareArgList
+ * finds a matching prototype for a function description
+ */
+Entry* VhdlDocGen::findFunction(Entry* func)
+ ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+ ClassDef *cd;
+ for (;(cd=cli.current());++cli)
+ {
+ MemberList *mf = cd->getMemberList (MemberList::pubMethods);
+ if (mf)
+ {
+ MemberListIterator fmni(*mf);
+ MemberDef *mdd;
+ for (fmni.toFirst();(mdd=fmni.current());++fmni)
+ {
+ int type=mdd->getMemberSpecifiers();
+ if (type==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE || type==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION)
+ {
+ QCString nnk=mdd->name();
+ QCString ff=func->name;
+ if (stricmp(mdd->name(),ff.data())==0)
+ {
+ LockingPtr< ArgumentList > lp=mdd->argumentList();
+ ArgumentList *l=lp.pointer();
+ if (VhdlDocGen::compareArgList(l,func->argList))
+ {
+ mdd->setDocumentation(func->doc.data(),func->docFile.data(),func->docLine,TRUE);
+ mdd->setBriefDescription(func->brief,func->briefFile,func->briefLine);
+ addMemberToGroups(func,mdd);// do not forget grouping!
+ return func;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }// if
+ }//for
+ return 0;
+}// findFunction
+ * adds the documentation for a function|procedure
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::addFuncDoc(EntryNav* rootNav)
+ Entry *root = rootNav->entry();
+ if (root && root->spec==VhdlDocGen::DOCUMENT)
+ {
+ Entry *func=VhdlDocGen::findFunction(root);
+ if (!func && Config_getBool("WARNINGS"))
+ {
+ warn(root->fileName,root->docLine,
+ "Warning: documentation for unknown function %s found.\n",
+ root->name.data()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+}// AddFuncDoc
+ * returns the class title+ref
+ */
+QCString VhdlDocGen::getClassTitle(const ClassDef *cd)
+ QCString pageTitle;
+ if (cd==0) return "";
+ pageTitle+=cd->displayName();
+ pageTitle=VhdlDocGen::getClassName(cd);
+ int ii=cd->protection();
+ pageTitle+=" ";
+ pageTitle+=theTranslator_vhdlType(ii+2,TRUE);
+ pageTitle+=" ";
+ return pageTitle;
+} // getClassTitle
+/* returns the class name without their prefixes */
+QCString VhdlDocGen::getClassName(const ClassDef* cd)
+ QCString temp;
+ if (cd==0) return "";
+ if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::PACKBODYCLASS)
+ {
+ temp=cd->name();
+ temp.stripPrefix("_");
+ return temp;
+ }
+ //if ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)cd->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURECLASS)
+ //{
+ // QStringList qlist=QStringList::split("-",cd->className(),FALSE);
+ // if (qlist.count()>1)
+ // return (QCString)qlist[1];
+ // return "";
+ //}
+ return substitute(cd->className(),"::",".");
+ * writes an inline link form entity|package to architecture|package body and vice verca
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeInlineClassLink(const ClassDef* cd ,OutputList& ol)
+ QList<QCString> ql;
+ ql.setAutoDelete(TRUE);
+ QCString nn=cd->className();
+ int ii=(int)cd->protection()+2;
+ QCString type;
+ if (ii==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY)
+ type+=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE,TRUE);
+ else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE)
+ type+=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ENTITY,TRUE);
+ else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY)
+ type+=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE,TRUE);
+ else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE)
+ type+=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY,TRUE);
+ else
+ type+="";
+ //type=type.lower();
+ type+=" >> ";
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ ol.lineBreak();
+ ol.lineBreak();
+ if (ii==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY)
+ {
+ nn.stripPrefix("_");
+ cd=getClass(nn.data());
+ }
+ else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE)
+ {
+ nn.prepend("_");
+ cd=getClass(nn.data());
+ }
+ else if (ii==VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE)
+ {
+ QStringList qlist=QStringList::split("-",nn,FALSE);
+ nn=qlist[1];
+ cd=VhdlDocGen::getClass(nn.data());
+ }
+ QCString opp;
+ if (ii==VhdlDocGen::ENTITY)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::findAllArchitectures(ql,cd);
+ int j=ql.count();
+ for (int i=0;i<j;i++)
+ {
+ QCString *temp=ql.at(i);
+ QStringList qlist=QStringList::split("-",*temp,FALSE);
+ QCString s1=(QCString)qlist[0];
+ QCString s2=(QCString)qlist[1];
+ s1.stripPrefix("_");
+ if (j==1) s1.resize(0);
+ ClassDef*cc = getClass(temp->data());
+ if (cc)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlLink(cc,ol,type,s2,s1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlLink(cd,ol,type,nn,opp);
+ }
+ ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ ol.enable(OutputGenerator::RTF);
+}// write
+ * finds all architectures which belongs to an entiy
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::findAllArchitectures(QList<QCString>& qll,const ClassDef *cd)
+ ClassDef *citer;
+ ClassSDict::Iterator cli(*Doxygen::classSDict);
+ for ( ; (citer=cli.current()) ; ++cli )
+ {
+ QCString jj=citer->className();
+ if (cd != citer && jj.contains('-')!=-1)
+ {
+ QStringList ql=QStringList::split("-",jj,FALSE);
+ QCString temp=(QCString)ql[1];
+ if (stricmp(cd->className().data(),temp.data())==0)
+ {
+ QCString *cl=new QCString(jj.data());
+ qll.insert(0,cl);
+ }
+ }
+ }// for
+ * writes the link entity >> .... or architecture >> ...
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlLink(const ClassDef* ccd ,OutputList& ol,QCString& type,QCString& nn,QCString& behav)
+ if (ccd==0) return;
+ QCString temp=ccd->getOutputFileBase();
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(type.data());
+ ol.endBold();
+ nn.stripPrefix("_");
+ ol.writeObjectLink(ccd->getReference(),ccd->getOutputFileBase(),0,nn.data());
+ if (!behav.isEmpty())
+ {
+ behav.prepend(" ");
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(behav.data());
+ ol.endBold();
+ }
+ /*
+ if (Config_getBool("SOURCE_BROWSER")) { // writes a source link for latex docu
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+ ol.docify(" | ");
+ ol.startEmphasis();
+ FileDef* fd=ccd->getFileDef();
+ if (fd)
+ ol.writeObjectLink(0,fd->getSourceFileBase(),0,theTranslator->trGotoSourceCode().data());
+ ol.endEmphasis();
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ }
+ */
+ ol.lineBreak();
+bool VhdlDocGen::compareString(const QCString& s1,const QCString& s2)
+ QCString str1=s1.stripWhiteSpace();
+ QCString str2=s2.stripWhiteSpace();
+ return stricmp(str1.data(),str2.data());
+bool VhdlDocGen::getSigTypeName(QList<QCString>& ql, const char* str,QCString& buffer)
+ //QCString temp(str);
+ //QStringList qlist=QStringList::split(" is ",temp,FALSE);
+ //if (qlist.count()!=2) return FALSE;
+ //temp.resize(0);
+ //temp+=(QCString)qlist[0]+":"+(QCString)qlist[1];
+ //return VhdlDocGen::getSigName(ql,temp.data(),buffer);
+ return VhdlDocGen::getSigName(ql,str,buffer);
+ * divides a port input in its name,direction and type
+ * @param ql stores the input name(s)
+ * @param str input string
+ * @param buffer stores the input direction
+ * @returns FALSE if it is a port
+ */
+bool VhdlDocGen::getSigName(QList<QCString>& ql,
+ const char* str,QCString& buffer)
+ int j,ll,index;
+ const char *signal = "signal ";
+ QCString qmem;
+ QCString temp(str);
+ QCString st(str);
+ //QRegExp semi(",");
+ //QRegExp r(":");
+ // colon position
+ j = temp.find(':');
+ if (j < 0) return FALSE; // no input definition
+ st=st.left(j); // name only
+ index=st.find(signal,0,FALSE);
+ if (index > -1) // found "signal "
+ {
+ qmem=st.remove(index,strlen(signal)); // strip it
+ temp=qmem;
+ st=qmem;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ qmem=temp;
+ }
+ ll=st.find(',');
+ if (ll>0) // multiple names
+ {
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ st=st.left(ll).stripWhiteSpace(); // one name
+ QCString *sig =new QCString(st);
+ ql.insert(0,sig);
+ qmem=qmem.right(qmem.length()-ll-1); // strip from list
+ st=qmem; // remainder
+ ll=st.find(',');
+ if (ll<0) // last name
+ {
+ ll = st.find(':');
+ st=st.left(ll).stripWhiteSpace();
+ ql.insert(0,new QCString(st));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // single name
+ {
+ st=st.stripWhiteSpace();
+ ql.insert(0,new QCString(st));
+ }
+ QCString *qdir=new QCString(str);
+ st=qdir->mid(j+1); // part after :
+ st=st.lower().stripWhiteSpace();
+ *qdir=st;
+ ql.insert(0,qdir);
+ if (st.stripPrefix("inout"))
+ {
+ buffer+="inout";
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (st.stripPrefix("INOUT"))
+ {
+ buffer+="inout";
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (st.stripPrefix("out"))
+ {
+ buffer+="out";
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (st.stripPrefix("OUT"))
+ {
+ buffer+="out";
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (st.stripPrefix("in"))
+ {
+ buffer+="in";
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ if (st.stripPrefix("IN"))
+ {
+ buffer+="in";
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+ * divides a process string in its name and types
+ * @param text process text
+ * @param name points to the process name
+ * @param ql stores the process types
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::parseProcessProto(const char* text,
+ QCString& name,QStringList& ql)
+ int index,end;
+ const char *s=":";
+ QCString temp;
+ QCString s1(text);
+ index=s1.find(s,0,FALSE);
+ if (index >=0)
+ {
+ name=s1.left(index);
+ // strcpy(name,tt.data());
+ }
+ index=s1.find("(",0,FALSE);
+ end=s1.findRev(")",s1.length(),FALSE);
+ // end=s1.find(")",0,FALSE);
+ if ((end-index)>1)
+ {
+ temp=s1.mid(index+1,(end-index-1));
+ ql=QStringList::split(",",temp,FALSE);
+ }
+ * strips the "--" prefixes of vhdl comments
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::prepareComment(QCString& qcs)
+ QCString temp;
+ const char* s="--!";
+ //const char *start="--!{";
+ //const char *end="--!}";
+ int index=0;
+#if 0
+ index=qcs.find(start,0,TRUE);
+ if (index>0)
+ temp=qcs.remove(index,strlen(start));
+ qcs=temp;
+ index=qcs.find(end,0,TRUE);
+ if (index>0)
+ temp=qcs.remove(index,strlen(end));
+ qcs=temp;
+ while (TRUE)
+ {
+ index=qcs.find(s,0,TRUE);
+ if (index<0) break;
+ temp=qcs.remove(index,strlen(s));
+ qcs=temp;
+ }
+ qcs=qcs.stripWhiteSpace();
+ * parses a function proto
+ * @param text function string
+ * @param qlist stores the function types
+ * @param name points to the function name
+ * @param ret Stores the return type
+ * @param doc ???
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::parseFuncProto(const char* text,QList<Argument>& qlist,
+ QCString& name,QCString& ret,bool doc)
+ int index,end;
+ QCString s1(text);
+ QCString temp;
+ index=s1.find("(");
+ end=s1.findRev(")");
+ if ((end-index)>0)
+ {
+ QCString tt=s1.mid(index,(end-index+1));
+ temp=s1.mid(index+1,(end-index-1));
+ getFuncParams(qlist,temp);
+ }
+ if (doc)
+ {
+ name=s1.left(index);
+ name=name.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if ((end-index)>0)
+ {
+ ret="function";
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QCString s1(text);
+ s1=s1.stripWhiteSpace();
+ int i=s1.find("(",0,FALSE);
+ int s=s1.find(QRegExp("[ \\t]"));
+ if (i==-1 || i<s)
+ s1=VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(s1.data(),1);
+ else // s<i, s=start of name, i=end of name
+ s1=s1.mid(s,(i-s));
+ name=s1.stripWhiteSpace();
+ }
+ index=s1.findRev("return",-1,FALSE);
+ if (index !=-1)
+ {
+ ret=s1.mid(index+6,s1.length());
+ ret=ret.stripWhiteSpace();
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(ret,';');
+ }
+ * returns the n'th word of a string
+ */
+QCString VhdlDocGen::getIndexWord(const char* c,int index)
+ QStringList ql;
+ QCString temp(c);
+ QRegExp reg("[\\s]");
+ ql=QStringList::split(reg,temp,FALSE);
+ if (ql.count() > (unsigned int)index)
+ {
+ return (QCString)ql[index];
+ }
+ return "";
+ * \brief returns the arguments of a function or procedure prototype
+ * @param ql list ql stores the arguments
+ * @param str prototype
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::getFuncParams(QList<Argument>& ql, const char* str)
+ int len;
+ QCString qmem,s1,s2,ttype;
+ QCString temp(str);
+ temp=temp.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (temp.isEmpty()) return;
+ QCString st(str);
+ QStringList strList;
+ strList=QStringList::split(";",temp,FALSE);
+ int kk=strList.count();
+ int j=kk;
+ while (kk>=1)
+ {
+ temp=strList[j-kk];
+ QStringList tempList,tt;
+ tempList=QStringList::split(":",temp,FALSE);
+ if (tempList.count()>2)
+ ttype=tempList[1];
+ else
+ ttype=tempList.last();
+ ttype=ttype.stripWhiteSpace();
+ uint zui=ttype.contains('(',FALSE);
+ if (zui == 0)
+ {
+ tt=QStringList::split(QRegExp("[\\s]"),ttype,FALSE);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (ttype.stripPrefix("in"))
+ tt.append("in");
+ else if (ttype.stripPrefix("out"))
+ tt.append("out");
+ else if (ttype.stripPrefix("inout"))
+ tt.append("inout");
+ if (ttype.stripPrefix("IN"))
+ tt.append("in");
+ else if (ttype.stripPrefix("OUT"))
+ tt.append("out");
+ else if (ttype.stripPrefix("INOUT"))
+ tt.append("inout");
+ ttype=ttype.stripWhiteSpace();
+ tt.append(ttype);
+ }
+ s1=tt.first();
+ //s1=s1.lower();
+ if (tempList.count()>2)
+ s2=tt.last()+":"+tempList[2];
+ else
+ s2=tt.last();
+ QCString first=(QCString)tempList.first();
+ tempList.clear();
+ tt.clear();
+ tempList=QStringList::split(",",first,FALSE);
+ len=tempList.count();
+ ttype.resize(0);
+ for (int j=0;j<len;j++)
+ {
+ Argument *arg=new Argument;
+ QCString name=(QCString)tempList[j];
+ name=name.stripWhiteSpace();
+ tt=QStringList::split(QRegExp("[\\s]"),name,FALSE);
+ if (tt.count() > 1)
+ ttype=(tt.first()).stripWhiteSpace();
+ arg->defval=ttype.copy();
+ arg->type=s2.stripWhiteSpace();
+ arg->attrib=s1.stripWhiteSpace();
+ arg->name=(tt.last()).stripWhiteSpace();
+ // printf("--proto \n [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s] [%s]",ttype.data(),arg->type.data(),arg->attrib.data(),arg->name.data(),s1.data());
+ ql.append(arg);
+ }
+ kk--;
+ }//while
+} // getFuncName
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trTypeString(int type)
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY: return "Library";
+ case VhdlDocGen::ENTITY: return "Entity";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY: return "Package Body";
+ case VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE: return "Attribute";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE: return "Package";
+ case VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL: return "Signal";
+ case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT: return "Component";
+ case VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT: return "Constant";
+ case VhdlDocGen::TYPE: return "Type";
+ case VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE: return "Subtype";
+ case VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION: return "Function";
+ case VhdlDocGen::RECORD: return "Record";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE: return "Procedure";
+ case VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE: return "Architecture";
+ case VhdlDocGen::USE: return "Package";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PROCESS: return "Process";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PORT: return "Port";
+ case VhdlDocGen::GENERIC: return "Generic";
+ case VhdlDocGen::DOCUMENT: return "Doc";
+ case VhdlDocGen::UNITS: return "Units";
+ //case VhdlDocGen::PORTMAP: return "Port Map";
+ case VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE: return "Shared Variable";
+ case VhdlDocGen::GROUP: return "Group";
+ case VhdlDocGen::VFILE: return "File";
+ case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT_INST: return "Component Instantiation";
+ case VhdlDocGen::ALIAS: return "Alias";
+ case VhdlDocGen::CONFIG: return "Configuration";
+ default: return "";
+ }
+} // convertType
+ * deletes a char backwards in a string
+ */
+bool VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(QCString &s,char c)
+ int index=s.findRev(c,-1,FALSE);
+ if (index > -1)
+ {
+ QString qcs=s.remove(index,1);
+ s=qcs;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void VhdlDocGen::deleteAllChars(QCString &s,char c)
+ int index=s.findRev(c,-1,FALSE);
+ while (index > -1)
+ {
+ QString qcs=s.remove(index,1);
+ s=qcs;
+ index=s.findRev(c,-1,FALSE);
+ }
+static int recordCounter=0;
+ * returns the next number of a record|unit member
+ */
+QCString VhdlDocGen::getRecordNumber()
+ char buf[12];
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",recordCounter++);
+ QCString qcs(&buf[0]);
+ return qcs;
+ * returns the next number of an anonymous process
+ */
+QCString VhdlDocGen::getProcessNumber()
+ static int stringCounter;
+ char buf[8];
+ QCString qcs("PROCESS_");
+ sprintf(buf,"%d",stringCounter++);
+ qcs.append(&buf[0]);
+ return qcs;
+ * writes a colored and formatted string
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(QCString& qcs,OutputList&ol,const MemberDef* mdef)
+ QRegExp reg("[\\/\\:\\<\\>\\:\\s\\,\\;\\'\\+\\-\\*\\|\\&\\=\\(\\)\"]");
+ qcs+=QCString(" ");// parsing the last sign
+ QCString *ss;
+ QCString find=qcs;
+ QCString temp=qcs;
+ char buf[2];
+ buf[1]='\0';
+ int j;
+ int len;
+ j = reg.match(temp.data(),0,&len);
+ ol.startBold();
+ if (j>=0)
+ {
+ while (j>=0)
+ {
+ find=find.left(j);
+ buf[0]=temp[j];
+ ss=VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(find);
+ bool k=VhdlDocGen::isNumber(find); // is this a number
+ if (k)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(find,"vhdldigit",ol);
+ }
+ else if (j != 0 && ss)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(find,ss->data(),ol);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (j>0)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::writeStringLink(mdef,find,ol);
+ }
+ }
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(&buf[0],"vhdlchar",ol);
+ QCString st=temp.remove(0,j+1);
+ find=st;
+ temp=st;
+ j = reg.match(temp.data(),0,&len);
+ }//while
+ }//if
+ else
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(find,"vhdlchar",ol);
+ }
+ ol.endBold();
+}// writeFormatString
+ * returns TRUE if this string is a number
+ */
+bool VhdlDocGen::isNumber(const QCString& s)
+ // static bool veriOpt=Config_getBool("OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VERILOG");
+ static QRegExp regg("[0-9][0-9eEfFbBcCdDaA_.#-]*");
+ if (s.isEmpty()) return false;
+ int j,len;
+ j = regg.match(s.data(),0,&len);
+ if ((j==0) && (len==(int)s.length())) return true;
+ return false;
+ #if 0
+ int len=s.length();
+ if (len==0) return FALSE;
+ for (int j=0;j<len;j++)
+ {
+ if (isdigit((int)(s.at(j) & 0xff))==0)
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+ #endif
+}// isNumber
+void VhdlDocGen::startFonts(const QCString& q, const char *keyword,OutputList& ol)
+ ol.startFontClass(keyword);
+ ol.docify(q.data());
+ ol.endFontClass();
+ * inserts white spaces for better readings
+ * and writes a colored string to the output
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::formatString(QCString & qcs, OutputList& ol,const MemberDef* mdef)
+ QCString temp(qcs.length());
+ qcs.stripPrefix(":");
+ qcs.stripPrefix("is");
+ qcs.stripPrefix("IS");
+ qcs.stripPrefix("of");
+ qcs.stripPrefix("OF");
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(qcs,';');
+ //char white='\t';
+ int len = qcs.length();
+ unsigned int index=1;//temp.length();
+ for (int j=0;j<len;j++)
+ {
+ char c=qcs[j];
+ char b=c;
+ if (j>0) b=qcs[j-1];
+ if (c=='"' || c==',' || c==';' || c=='\''|| c=='(' || c==')' || c==':' ) // || (c==':' && b!='=')) // || (c=='=' && b!='>'))
+ {
+ if (temp.at(index-1) != ' ')
+ {
+ temp+=" ";
+ }
+ temp+=c;
+ temp+=" ";
+ }
+ else if (c=='=')
+ {
+ if (b==':') // := operator
+ {
+ temp.replace(index-1,1,"=");
+ temp+=" ";
+ }
+ else // = operator
+ {
+ temp+=" ";
+ temp+=c;
+ temp+=" ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ temp+=c;
+ }
+ index=temp.length();
+ }// for
+ temp=temp.stripWhiteSpace();
+ // printf("\n [%s]",qcs.data());
+ VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(temp,ol,mdef);
+ * writes a procedure prototype to the output
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeProcedureProto(OutputList& ol,const ArgumentList* al,const MemberDef* mdef)
+ ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
+ Argument *arg;
+ bool sem=FALSE;
+ int len=al->count();
+ ol.docify("( ");
+ if (len > 2)
+ {
+ ol.lineBreak();
+ }
+ for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ ol.startBold();
+ if (sem && len <3)
+ ol.writeChar(',');
+ QCString nn=arg->name;
+ nn+=": ";
+ QCString *str=VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(arg->defval);
+ arg->defval+=" ";
+ if (str)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(arg->defval,str->data(),ol);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(arg->defval,"vhdlchar",ol); // write type (variable,constant etc.)
+ }
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(nn,"vhdlchar",ol); // write name
+ if (stricmp(arg->attrib.data(),arg->type.data()) != 0)
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(arg->attrib.lower(),"stringliteral",ol); // write in|out
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(arg->type,ol,mdef);
+ sem=TRUE;
+ ol.endBold();
+ if (len > 2)
+ {
+ ol.lineBreak();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ }
+ }//for
+ ol.docify(" )");
+ * writes a function prototype to the output
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeFunctionProto(OutputList& ol,const ArgumentList* al,const MemberDef* mdef)
+ if (al==0) return;
+ ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
+ Argument *arg;
+ bool sem=FALSE;
+ int len=al->count();
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(" ( ");
+ ol.endBold();
+ if (len>2)
+ {
+ ol.lineBreak();
+ }
+ for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ ol.startBold();
+ if (sem && len < 3)
+ {
+ ol.docify(" , ");
+ }
+ QCString att=arg->defval;
+ if (!att.isEmpty())
+ {
+ QCString *str=VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(att);
+ att+=" ";
+ if (str)
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(att,ol,mdef);
+ else
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(att,"vhdlchar",ol);
+ }
+ QCString nn=arg->name;
+ nn+=": ";
+ QCString ss=arg->type; //.lower();
+ QCString w=ss;//.upper();
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(nn,"vhdlchar",ol);
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts("in ","stringliteral",ol);
+ QCString *str=VhdlDocGen::findKeyWord(ss);
+ if (str)
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(w,ol,mdef);
+ else
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(w,"vhdlchar",ol);
+ sem=TRUE;
+ ol.endBold();
+ if (len > 2)
+ {
+ ol.lineBreak();
+ }
+ }
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(" )");
+ const char *exp=mdef->excpString();
+ if (exp)
+ {
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ ol.docify("[ ");
+ ol.docify(exp);
+ ol.docify(" ]");
+ }
+ ol.endBold();
+ * writes a process prototype to the output
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeProcessProto(OutputList& ol,const ArgumentList* al,const MemberDef* mdef)
+ if (al==0) return;
+ ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
+ Argument *arg;
+ bool sem=FALSE;
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(" ( ");
+ for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ if (sem)
+ ol.docify(" , ");
+ QCString nn=arg->name;
+ // VhdlDocGen::startFonts(nn,"vhdlchar",ol);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(nn,ol,mdef);
+ sem=TRUE;
+ }
+ ol.docify(" )");
+ ol.endBold();
+ * writes a function|procedure documentation to the output
+ */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeFuncProcDocu(
+ const MemberDef *md,
+ OutputList& ol,
+ const ArgumentList* al,
+ bool /*type*/)
+ if (al==0) return;
+ bool sem=FALSE;
+ ol.enableAll();
+ ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
+ int index=ali.count();
+ if (index==0)
+ {
+ ol.docify(" ( ) ");
+ return;
+ }
+ ol.startParameterList(FALSE);
+ Argument *arg;
+ bool first=TRUE;
+ for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ ol.startParameterType(first,"");
+ if (first) ol.writeChar('(');
+ if (!VhdlDocGen::isProcess(md))
+ {
+ if (TRUE) //VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(md))
+ {
+ startFonts(arg->defval,"keywordtype",ol);
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ }
+ // linkifyText(TextGeneratorOLImpl(ol),md->getClassDef(),md->getBodyDef(),md->name(),arg->type);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeFormatString(arg->name,ol,md);
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(md))
+ startFonts(arg->attrib,"stringliteral",ol);
+ else
+ startFonts(QCString("in"),"stringliteral",ol);
+ }
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ ol.startEmphasis();
+ ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ if (!VhdlDocGen::isProcess(md))
+ startFonts(arg->type,"vhdlkeyword",ol);
+ else
+ startFonts(arg->name,"vhdlkeyword",ol);
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ ol.endEmphasis();
+ ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ if (--index)
+ ol.docify(" , ");
+ else
+ ol.docify(" ) ");
+ ol.endParameterName(FALSE,FALSE,FALSE);
+ sem=TRUE;
+ first=FALSE;
+ }
+} // writeDocFunProc
+ * returns TRUE if this string is a function prototype or
+ * FALSE if this is a procedure
+ */
+bool VhdlDocGen::isFunctionProto(QCString& ss)
+ QCString name=ss;
+ QCString proc("procedure");
+ QCString func("function");
+ name=name.stripWhiteSpace();
+ QStringList ql=QStringList::split(QRegExp("[\\s]"),name,FALSE);
+ int j=ql.count();
+ if (j<2) return FALSE;
+ QCString tt=(QCString)ql[0].lower();
+ if (tt=="impure" || tt=="pure") tt=ql[1];
+ if (VhdlDocGen::compareString(tt,proc)!=0 && VhdlDocGen::compareString(tt,func)!=0)
+ return FALSE;
+ QCString temp=(QCString)ql[j-1];
+ temp=temp.stripWhiteSpace();
+ if (stricmp(temp.data(),"is")==0)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(name,'s');
+ VhdlDocGen::deleteCharRev(name,'i');
+ ss=name;
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+QCString VhdlDocGen::convertArgumentListToString(const ArgumentList* al,bool func)
+ QCString argString;
+ bool sem=FALSE;
+ ArgumentListIterator ali(*al);
+ Argument *arg;
+ for (;(arg=ali.current());++ali)
+ {
+ if (sem) argString.append(", ");
+ if (func)
+ {
+ argString+=arg->name;
+ argString+=":";
+ argString+=arg->type;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ argString+=arg->defval+" ";
+ argString+=arg->name+" :";
+ argString+=arg->attrib+" ";
+ argString+=arg->type;
+ }
+ sem=TRUE;
+ }
+ return argString;
+void VhdlDocGen::writeVhdlDeclarations(MemberList* ml,
+ OutputList& ol,GroupDef* gd,ClassDef* cd,FileDef *fd)
+ static ClassDef *cdef;
+ //static GroupDef* gdef;
+ if (cd && cdef!=cd)
+ { // only one inline link
+ VhdlDocGen::writeInlineClassLink(cd,ol);
+ cdef=cd;
+ }
+ /*
+ if (gd && gdef==gd) return;
+ if (gd && gdef!=gd)
+ {
+ gdef=gd;
+ }
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::USE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::USE);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::TYPE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::TYPE);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::GENERIC,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::GENERIC);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PORT,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::PORT);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PROCESS,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::PROCESS);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::RECORD,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::RECORD);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::UNITS,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::UNITS);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::VFILE,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::VFILE);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::GROUP,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::GROUP);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT_INST,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT_INST);
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,0,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::ALIAS,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::ALIAS);
+ // configurations must be added to global file definitions.
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,0,fd,gd,theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::CONFIG,FALSE),0,FALSE,VhdlDocGen::CONFIG);
+static void setGlobalType(MemberList *ml)
+ if (ml==0) return;
+ MemberDef *mdd=0;
+ MemberListIterator mmli(*ml);
+ for ( ; (mdd=mmli.current()); ++mmli )
+ {
+ if (strcmp(mdd->argsString(),"configuration")==0)
+ {
+ mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::CONFIG);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(mdd->typeString(),"library")==0)
+ {
+ mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(mdd->typeString(),"package")==0)
+ {
+ mdd->setMemberSpecifiers(VhdlDocGen::USE);
+ }
+ }
+/* writes a vhdl type documentation */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLTypeDocumentation(const MemberDef* mdef, const Definition *d, OutputList &ol)
+ ClassDef *cd=(ClassDef*)d;
+ if (cd==0) return;
+ if ((VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isProcess(mdef)))
+ {
+ QCString nn=mdef->typeString();
+ nn=nn.stripWhiteSpace();
+ QCString na=cd->name();
+ MemberDef* memdef=VhdlDocGen::findMember(na,nn);
+ if (memdef && memdef->isLinkable())
+ {
+ ol.startBold();
+ //ol.writeObjectLink(cd->getReference(),cd->getOutputFileBase(),0,mdef->typeString());
+ writeLink(memdef,ol);
+ ol.endBold();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ QCString ttype=mdef->typeString();
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(ttype,ol,mdef);
+ }
+ ol.docify(mdef->name());
+ VhdlDocGen::writeFuncProcDocu(mdef,ol, mdef->argumentList().pointer());
+ }
+ if (mdef->isVariable())
+ {
+ //ol.docify(mdef->name().data());
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ QCString ttype=mdef->typeString();
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(ttype,ol,mdef);
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isPort(mdef))
+ {
+ QCString largs=mdef->argsString();
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(largs,ol,mdef);
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ }
+ }
+/* writes a vhdl type declaration */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclaration(MemberDef* mdef,OutputList &ol,
+ ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd,
+ bool /*inGroup*/)
+ LockingPtr<MemberDef> lock(mdef,mdef);
+ Definition *d=0;
+ /* some vhdl files contain only a configuration description
+ library work;
+ configuration cfg_tb_jtag_gotoBackup of tb_jtag_gotoBackup is
+ for RTL
+ end for;
+ end cfg_tb_jtag_gotoBackup;
+ in this case library work does not belong to an entity, package ...
+ */
+ ASSERT(cd!=0 || nd!=0 || fd!=0 || gd!=0 ||
+ mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY ||
+ mdef->getMemberSpecifiers()==VhdlDocGen::USE
+ ); // member should belong to something
+ if (cd) d=cd;
+ else if (nd) d=nd;
+ else if (fd) d=fd;
+ else if (gd) d=gd;
+ else d=(Definition*)mdef;
+ // write tag file information of this member
+ if (!Config_getString("GENERATE_TAGFILE").isEmpty())
+ {
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <member kind=\"";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isGeneric(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "generic";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isPort(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "port";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isEntity(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "entity";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isComponent(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "component";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isVType(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "type";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isConstant(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "constant";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isSubType(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "subtype";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "function";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "procedure";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isProcess(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "process";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isSignals(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "signal";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isAttribute(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "attribute";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isRecord(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "record";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isLibrary(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "library";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isPackage(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "package";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isVariable(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "shared variable";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isFile(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "file";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isGroup(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "group";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "component instantiation";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isAlias(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "alias";
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef)) Doxygen::tagFile << "configuration";
+ Doxygen::tagFile << "\">" << endl;
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <type>" << convertToXML(mdef->typeString()) << "</type>" << endl;
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <name>" << convertToXML(mdef->name()) << "</name>" << endl;
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <anchorfile>" << convertToXML(mdef->getOutputFileBase()+Doxygen::htmlFileExtension) << "</anchorfile>" << endl;
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <anchor>" << convertToXML(mdef->anchor()) << "</anchor>" << endl;
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isVhdlFunction(mdef))
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <arglist>" << convertToXML(VhdlDocGen::convertArgumentListToString(mdef->argumentList().pointer(),TRUE)) << "</arglist>" << endl;
+ else if (VhdlDocGen::isProcedure(mdef))
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <arglist>" << convertToXML(VhdlDocGen::convertArgumentListToString(mdef->argumentList().pointer(),FALSE)) << "</arglist>" << endl;
+ else
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " <arglist>" << convertToXML(mdef->argsString()) << "</arglist>" << endl;
+ mdef->writeDocAnchorsToTagFile();
+ Doxygen::tagFile << " </member>" << endl;
+ }
+ // write search index info
+ if (Doxygen::searchIndex)
+ {
+ Doxygen::searchIndex->setCurrentDoc(mdef->qualifiedName(),mdef->getOutputFileBase(),mdef->anchor());
+ Doxygen::searchIndex->addWord(mdef->localName(),TRUE);
+ Doxygen::searchIndex->addWord(mdef->qualifiedName(),FALSE);
+ }
+ QCString cname = d->name();
+ QCString cfname = mdef->getOutputFileBase();
+ //HtmlHelp *htmlHelp=0;
+ // bool hasHtmlHelp = Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTML") && Config_getBool("GENERATE_HTMLHELP");
+ // if (hasHtmlHelp) htmlHelp = HtmlHelp::getInstance();
+ // search for the last anonymous scope in the member type
+ ClassDef *annoClassDef=mdef->getClassDefOfAnonymousType();
+ // start a new member declaration
+ bool isAnonymous = annoClassDef; // || m_impl->annMemb || m_impl->annEnumType;
+ ///printf("startMemberItem for %s\n",name().data());
+ ol.startMemberItem( isAnonymous ); //? 1 : m_impl->tArgList ? 3 : 0);
+ // If there is no detailed description we need to write the anchor here.
+ bool detailsVisible = mdef->isDetailedSectionLinkable();
+ if (!detailsVisible) // && !m_impl->annMemb)
+ {
+ QCString doxyName=mdef->name().copy();
+ if (!cname.isEmpty()) doxyName.prepend(cname+"::");
+ QCString doxyArgs=mdef->argsString();
+ ol.startDoxyAnchor(cfname,cname,mdef->anchor(),doxyName,doxyArgs);
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Man);
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Latex);
+ ol.docify("\n");
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ }
+ // *** write type
+ QCString ltype(mdef->typeString());
+ QCString largs(mdef->argsString());
+ int mm=mdef->getMemberSpecifiers();
+ //printf(":: ltype=%s largs=%s name=%s mm=%d\n",
+ // ltype.data(),largs.data(),mdef->name().data(),mm);
+ ClassDef *kl=0;
+ //FileDef *fdd=0;
+ LockingPtr<ArgumentList> alp = mdef->argumentList();
+ QCString nn;
+ if (gd) gd=0;
+ switch(mm)
+ {
+ case VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE:
+ case VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION:
+ ol.startBold();
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef);
+ ol.endBold();
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ if (alp!=0 && mm==VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION)
+ VhdlDocGen::writeFunctionProto(ol,alp.pointer(),mdef);
+ if (alp!=0 && mm==VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE)
+ VhdlDocGen::writeProcedureProto(ol,alp.pointer(),mdef);
+ break;
+ case VhdlDocGen::USE:
+ kl=VhdlDocGen::getClass(mdef->name());
+ if (kl && ((VhdlDocGen::VhdlClasses)kl->protection()==VhdlDocGen::ENTITYCLASS)) break;
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ if (kl)
+ {
+ nn=kl->getOutputFileBase();
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ QCString name=theTranslator_vhdlType(VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE,TRUE);
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(name.data());
+ name.resize(0);
+ ol.endBold();
+ name+=" <"+mdef->name()+">";
+ ol.startEmphasis();
+ ol.writeObjectLink(kl->getReference(),kl->getOutputFileBase(),0,name.data());
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ }
+ break;
+ case VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY:
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ break;
+ case VhdlDocGen::GENERIC:
+ case VhdlDocGen::PORT:
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ if (mm==VhdlDocGen::GENERIC)
+ {
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef);
+ ol.endBold();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(mdef->typeString());
+ ol.endBold();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(largs,ol,mdef);
+ }
+ break;
+ case VhdlDocGen::PROCESS:
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ VhdlDocGen::writeProcessProto(ol,alp.pointer(),mdef);
+ break;
+ case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE:
+ case VhdlDocGen::ENTITY:
+ case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT:
+ case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT_INST:
+ case VhdlDocGen::CONFIG:
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.docify(ltype);
+ ol.endBold();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isComponent(mdef) ||
+ VhdlDocGen::isConfig(mdef) ||
+ VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef))
+ {
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isConfig(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef))
+ {
+ nn=ltype;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ nn=mdef->name();
+ }
+ kl=getClass(nn.data());
+ if (kl)
+ {
+ nn=kl->getOutputFileBase();
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ ol.startEmphasis();
+ QCString name("<Entity ");
+ if (VhdlDocGen::isConfig(mdef) || VhdlDocGen::isCompInst(mdef))
+ {
+ name+=ltype+">";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ name+=mdef->name()+"> ";
+ }
+ ol.writeObjectLink(kl->getReference(),kl->getOutputFileBase(),0,name.data());
+ ol.endEmphasis();
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL:
+ case VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE:
+ case VhdlDocGen::TYPE:
+ case VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE:
+ case VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT:
+ case VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE:
+ case VhdlDocGen::VFILE:
+ case VhdlDocGen::GROUP:
+ case VhdlDocGen::ALIAS:
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef);
+ break;
+ case VhdlDocGen::RECORD:
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ ol.startBold();
+ if (ltype.isEmpty()) ol.docify(" : record");
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ if (!ltype.isEmpty())
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef);
+ ol.endBold();
+ break;
+ case VhdlDocGen::UNITS:
+ ol.startBold();
+ writeLink(mdef,ol);
+ if (ltype.isEmpty()) ol.docify(" : unit");
+ ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ if (!ltype.isEmpty())
+ VhdlDocGen::formatString(ltype,ol,mdef);
+ ol.endBold();
+ break;
+ default: break;
+ }
+ bool htmlOn = ol.isEnabled(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ if (htmlOn && Config_getBool("HTML_ALIGN_MEMBERS") && !ltype.isEmpty())
+ {
+ ol.disable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ }
+ if (!ltype.isEmpty()) ol.docify(" ");
+ if (htmlOn)
+ {
+ ol.enable(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ }
+ if (!detailsVisible)// && !m_impl->annMemb)
+ {
+ ol.endDoxyAnchor(cfname,mdef->anchor());
+ }
+ //printf("endMember %s annoClassDef=%p annEnumType=%p\n",
+ // name().data(),annoClassDef,annEnumType);
+ ol.endMemberItem();
+ if (!mdef->briefDescription().isEmpty() && Config_getBool("BRIEF_MEMBER_DESC") /* && !annMemb */)
+ {
+ ol.startMemberDescription();
+ ol.parseDoc(mdef->briefFile(),mdef->briefLine(),
+ mdef->getOuterScope()?mdef->getOuterScope():d,
+ mdef,mdef->briefDescription(),TRUE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE);
+ if (detailsVisible)
+ {
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ ol.disableAllBut(OutputGenerator::Html);
+ //ol.endEmphasis();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ if (mdef->getGroupDef()!=0 && gd==0) // forward link to the group
+ {
+ ol.startTextLink(mdef->getOutputFileBase(),mdef->anchor());
+ }
+ else // local link
+ {
+ ol.startTextLink(0,mdef->anchor());
+ }
+ ol.endTextLink();
+ //ol.startEmphasis();
+ ol.popGeneratorState();
+ }
+ //ol.newParagraph();
+ ol.endMemberDescription();
+ }
+ mdef->warnIfUndocumented();
+}// end writeVhdlDeclaration
+void VhdlDocGen::writeLink(const MemberDef* mdef,OutputList &ol)
+ ol.writeObjectLink(mdef->getReference(),
+ mdef->getOutputFileBase(),
+ mdef->anchor(),
+ mdef->name());
+void VhdlDocGen::writePlainVHDLDeclarations(
+ MemberList* mlist,OutputList &ol,
+ ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd,int specifier)
+ SDict<QCString> pack(1009);
+ ol.pushGeneratorState();
+ bool first=TRUE;
+ MemberDef *md;
+ MemberListIterator mli(*mlist);
+ for ( ; (md=mli.current()); ++mli )
+ {
+ int mems=md->getMemberSpecifiers();
+ if (md->isBriefSectionVisible() && (mems==specifier) && (mems!=VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY) )
+ {
+ if (first) {ol.startMemberList();first=FALSE;}
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclaration(md,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,FALSE);
+ } //if
+ else if (md->isBriefSectionVisible() && (mems==specifier))
+ {
+ if (!pack.find(md->name().data()))
+ {
+ if (first) ol.startMemberList(),first=FALSE;
+ VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclaration(md,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,FALSE);
+ pack.append(md->name().data(),new QCString(md->name().data()));
+ }
+ } //if
+ } //for
+ if (!first) ol.endMemberList();
+ pack.clear();
+bool VhdlDocGen::membersHaveSpecificType(MemberList *ml,int type)
+ if (ml==0) return FALSE;
+ MemberDef *mdd=0;
+ MemberListIterator mmli(*ml);
+ for ( ; (mdd=mmli.current()); ++mmli )
+ {
+ if (mdd->getMemberSpecifiers()==type) //is type in class
+ {
+ return TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ml->getMemberGroupList())
+ {
+ MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*ml->getMemberGroupList());
+ MemberGroup *mg;
+ while ((mg=mgli.current()))
+ {
+ if (mg->members())
+ {
+ if (membersHaveSpecificType(mg->members(),type)) return TRUE;
+ }
+ ++mgli;
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+void VhdlDocGen::writeVHDLDeclarations(MemberList* ml,OutputList &ol,
+ ClassDef *cd,NamespaceDef *nd,FileDef *fd,GroupDef *gd,
+ const char *title,const char *subtitle,bool /*showEnumValues*/,int type)
+ setGlobalType(ml);
+ if (!membersHaveSpecificType(ml,type)) return;
+ if (title)
+ {
+ ol.startMemberHeader();
+ ol.parseText(title);
+ ol.endMemberHeader();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ }
+ if (subtitle && subtitle[0]!=0)
+ {
+ ol.startMemberSubtitle();
+ ol.parseDoc("[generated]",-1,0,0,subtitle,FALSE,FALSE,0,TRUE,FALSE);
+ ol.endMemberSubtitle();
+ } //printf("memberGroupList=%p\n",memberGroupList);
+ VhdlDocGen::writePlainVHDLDeclarations(ml,ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,type);
+ if (ml->getMemberGroupList())
+ {
+ MemberGroupListIterator mgli(*ml->getMemberGroupList());
+ MemberGroup *mg;
+ while ((mg=mgli.current()))
+ {
+ if (membersHaveSpecificType(mg->members(),type))
+ {
+ //printf("mg->header=%s\n",mg->header().data());
+ bool hasHeader=mg->header()!="[NOHEADER]";
+ ol.startMemberGroupHeader(hasHeader);
+ if (hasHeader)
+ {
+ ol.parseText(mg->header());
+ }
+ ol.endMemberGroupHeader();
+ if (!mg->documentation().isEmpty())
+ {
+ //printf("Member group has docs!\n");
+ ol.startMemberGroupDocs();
+ ol.parseDoc("[generated]",-1,0,0,mg->documentation()+"\n",FALSE,FALSE);
+ ol.endMemberGroupDocs();
+ }
+ ol.startMemberGroup();
+ //printf("--- mg->writePlainDeclarations ---\n");
+ VhdlDocGen::writePlainVHDLDeclarations(mg->members(),ol,cd,nd,fd,gd,type);
+ ol.endMemberGroup(hasHeader);
+ }
+ ++mgli;
+ }
+ }
+}// writeVHDLDeclarations
+/* strips the prefix for record and unit members*/
+void VhdlDocGen::adjustRecordMember(MemberDef *mdef)
+{ //,OutputList & ol) {
+ QRegExp regg("[_a-zA-Z]");
+ QCString nn=mdef->name();
+ int j=nn.find(regg,0);
+ if (j>0)
+ {
+ nn=nn.mid(j,nn.length());
+ mdef->setName(nn.data());
+ }
+/* strips the prefix for package and package body */
+bool VhdlDocGen::writeClassType( ClassDef *& cd,
+ OutputList &ol ,QCString & cname)
+ //static ClassDef *prev = 0;
+ //if (prev == cd) return TRUE;
+ //if (cd != prev) prev=cd;
+ int id=cd->protection();
+ QCString qcs = VhdlDocGen::trTypeString(id+2);
+ cname=VhdlDocGen::getClassName(cd);
+ ol.startBold();
+ ol.writeString(qcs.data());
+ ol.writeString(" ");
+ ol.endBold();
+ //ol.insertMemberAlign();
+ return FALSE;
+}// writeClassLink
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trVhdlType(int type,bool sing)
+ switch(type)
+ {
+ case VhdlDocGen::LIBRARY:
+ if (sing) return "Library";
+ else return "Libraries";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE:
+ if (sing) return "Package";
+ else return "Packages";
+ case VhdlDocGen::SIGNAL:
+ if (sing) return "Signal";
+ else return "Signals";
+ case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT:
+ if (sing) return "Component";
+ else return "Components";
+ case VhdlDocGen::CONSTANT:
+ if (sing) return "Constant";
+ else return "Constants";
+ case VhdlDocGen::ENTITY:
+ if (sing) return "Entity";
+ else return "Entities";
+ case VhdlDocGen::TYPE:
+ if (sing) return "Type";
+ else return "Types";
+ case VhdlDocGen::SUBTYPE:
+ if (sing) return "Subtype";
+ else return "Subtypes";
+ case VhdlDocGen::FUNCTION:
+ if (sing) return "Function";
+ else return "Functions";
+ case VhdlDocGen::RECORD:
+ if (sing) return "Record";
+ else return "Records";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PROCEDURE:
+ if (sing) return "Procedure";
+ else return "Procedures";
+ case VhdlDocGen::ARCHITECTURE:
+ if (sing) return "Architecture";
+ else return "Architectures";
+ case VhdlDocGen::ATTRIBUTE:
+ if (sing) return "Attribute";
+ else return "Attributes";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PROCESS:
+ if (sing) return "Process";
+ else return "Processes";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PORT:
+ if (sing) return "Port";
+ else return "Ports";
+ case VhdlDocGen::USE:
+ if (sing) return "Package";
+ else return "Packages";
+ case VhdlDocGen::GENERIC:
+ if (sing) return "Generic";
+ else return "Generics";
+ case VhdlDocGen::PACKAGE_BODY:
+ return "Package Body";
+ case VhdlDocGen::DOCUMENT:
+ return "Doc";
+ case VhdlDocGen::UNITS:
+ return "Units";
+ case VhdlDocGen::SHAREDVARIABLE:
+ if (sing) return "Shared Variable";
+ return "Shared Variables";
+ case VhdlDocGen::VFILE:
+ if (sing) return "File";
+ return "Files";
+ case VhdlDocGen::GROUP:
+ if (sing) return "Group";
+ return "Groups";
+ case VhdlDocGen::COMPONENT_INST:
+ if (sing) return "Component Instantiation";
+ else return "Component Instantiations";
+ case VhdlDocGen::ALIAS:
+ if (sing) return "Alias";
+ return "Aliases";
+ case VhdlDocGen::CONFIG:
+ if (sing) return "Configuration";
+ return "Configurations";
+ default:
+ return "Class";
+ }
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitHierarchy()
+ return "Design Unit Hierarchy";
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitList()
+ return "Design Unit List";
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitMembers()
+ return "Design Unit Members";
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitListDescription()
+ return "Here is a list of all design unit members with links to "
+ "the Entities and Packages they belong to:";
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnitIndex()
+ return "Design Unit Index";
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trDesignUnits()
+ return "Design Units";
+QCString VhdlDocGen::trFunctionAndProc()
+ return "Functions/Procedures/Processes";
+/*! adds documentation to a function/procedure */
+bool VhdlDocGen::writeDoc(EntryNav* rootNav)
+ Entry *e=rootNav->entry();
+ //if (e->section==Entry::Entry::OVERLOADDOC_SEC)
+ if (stricmp(e->type.data(),"function")==0)
+ {
+ VhdlDocGen::addFuncDoc(rootNav);
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+}// writeDoc
+/* do not insert the same component twice */
+bool VhdlDocGen::foundInsertedComponent(const QCString & name,Entry* root)
+ QListIterator<BaseInfo> bii(*root->extends);
+ BaseInfo *bi=0;
+ for (bii.toFirst();(bi=bii.current());++bii)
+ {
+ if (bi->name==name)
+ {
+ return TRUE; //
+ }
+ }
+ return FALSE;
+}// found component
+/*! writes a link if the string is linkable else a formatted string */
+void VhdlDocGen::writeStringLink(const MemberDef *mdef,QCString mem, OutputList& ol)
+ if (mdef)
+ {
+ ClassDef *cd=mdef->getClassDef();
+ if (cd)
+ {
+ QCString n=cd->name();
+ MemberDef* memdef=VhdlDocGen::findMember(n,mem);
+ if (memdef && memdef->isLinkable())
+ {
+ ol.startBold();
+ writeLink(memdef,ol);
+ ol.endBold();
+ ol.docify(" ");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ VhdlDocGen::startFonts(mem,"vhdlchar",ol);
+}// found component