Initial contribution of ORB delivering Feature bug 1460
License=======Copyright (c) 2007-2010 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies) All rights reserved.This component and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0" which accompanies this distribution, and is available at the URL "".Release notes for Orb================================================version 0.1.5System Requirements===================For information on installing all listed below see "install_orb.txt"* Symbian Build System v2 version 2.10.0* RVCT 2.2 onwards* epoc32 tree (Symbian Platform SDK/PDK)Known issues============Doxygen produces a dialog box that appears under certain error conditions. The dialog indicates that an error has occured with doxygen and this suspends theexecution of doxygen until the ok button is pressed on the dialog.If doxygen is being run by a continuous integration system this dialog may be hidden.Invalid C++ is one known cause of this problem.Doxygen has been known to take many days to run the full Symbian OS source.It is suspected that this is due to a large amount of page faults when ram runs low.Each doxygen process can use 500mb of ram and Raptor runs one doxygen process for each cpu.The space required for the working directory used by doxygen is greater than 80Gb.Please take this into consideration when choosing a build environment for Orb.