Orb version 0.1.9. Fixes Bug 1965, Bug 2401
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<title>API Reference Specialization</title>
<body><div><h1>API Reference Specialization</h1>
The API Reference specialization provides a general-purpose basis for
documenting callable programming libraries.
The design of API Reference is based loosely on the principle objects from the
<a href="http://download.eclipse.org/tools/emf/2.2.0/javadoc/org/eclipse/emf/ecore/package-summary.html">eCore metamodel</a>
of the <a href="http://www.eclipse.org/emf/">Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF)</a>.
The API Reference can used to create basic API documentation or can be
specialized for a programming language or library type to make it
easier to write complete and accurate documentation for such libraries.
The Java API Reference provides an example of how to extend
the API Reference specialization for the libraries of a specific
programming language. </p>
<p>You can view the <a href="doc/frameset.html">reference
documentation</a> for the API Reference specialization.</p>
<p>The API Reference specialization provides the conductor.xml file
to extend the base Ant targets with the following build targets:</p>
<dd>Build the API map for a package to XHTML.</dd>
<p>The run-ant.xml file executes this build targets on the sample
<p>You should run the sample Ant build from the base directory for the DITA
Open Toolkit, using a relative path to the API Reference specialization:</p>
<pre>ant -f demo\apiref\install_plugin.xml
ant -f demo\apiref\run_ant.xml <i>optionalTarget</i></pre>
<p>You need only execute the install_plugin.xml file after initial
installation or update of any plugin.</p>
<div><h2>Contents</h2><p>The specialization includes subdirectories
with the following contents:</p><dl>
<dd>The source files and output for the documentation.</dd>
<dd>DTDs for the document type for the API Reference specialization.</dd>
<dd>Formatted sample output files from the Ant build.</dd>
<dd>Source files for an example of package content.</dd>
<dd>XML Schemas for the document type for the API Reference specialization.</dd>
<dd>Transforms for producing the output of the Ant build.</dd>
<div><h2>Contributors</h2><p>Erik Hennum, Dennis Grace, Mariana Alupului,
Michael Priestley, Michelle C Carey, Nigel Hopper, Rob Pierce, and
Robert D Anderson</p>