Orb version 0.1.9. Fixes Bug 1965, Bug 2401
** Implementation of QGCache and QGCacheIterator classes
** Created : 950208
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#include "qgcache.h"
#include "qlist.h"
#include "qdict.h"
#include "qstring.h"
\class QGCache qgcache.h
\brief The QGCache class is an internal class for implementing QCache template classes.
QGCache is a strictly internal class that acts as a base class for the
\link collection.html collection classes\endlink QCache and QIntCache.
QGCacheItem class (internal cache item)
struct QCacheItem
QCacheItem( void *k, QCollection::Item d, int c, short p )
: priority(p), skipPriority(p), cost(c), key(k), data(d), node(0) {}
short priority;
short skipPriority;
int cost;
void *key;
QCollection::Item data;
QLNode *node;
QCList class (internal list of cache items)
class QCList : private QList<QCacheItem>
friend class QGCacheIterator;
friend class QCListIt;
QCList() {}
void insert( QCacheItem * ); // insert according to priority
void insert( int, QCacheItem * );
void take( QCacheItem * );
void reference( QCacheItem * );
void setAutoDelete( bool del ) { QCollection::setAutoDelete(del); }
bool removeFirst() { return QList<QCacheItem>::removeFirst(); }
bool removeLast() { return QList<QCacheItem>::removeLast(); }
QCacheItem *first() { return QList<QCacheItem>::first(); }
QCacheItem *last() { return QList<QCacheItem>::last(); }
QCacheItem *prev() { return QList<QCacheItem>::prev(); }
QCacheItem *next() { return QList<QCacheItem>::next(); }
#if defined(DEBUG)
int inserts; // variables for statistics
int insertCosts;
int insertMisses;
int finds;
int hits;
int hitCosts;
int dumps;
int dumpCosts;
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( count() == 0 );
void QCList::insert( QCacheItem *ci )
QCacheItem *item = first();
while( item && item->skipPriority > ci->priority ) {
item = next();
if ( item )
QList<QCacheItem>::insert( at(), ci );
append( ci );
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( ci->node == 0 );
ci->node = currentNode();
inline void QCList::insert( int i, QCacheItem *ci )
QList<QCacheItem>::insert( i, ci );
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( ci->node == 0 );
ci->node = currentNode();
void QCList::take( QCacheItem *ci )
if ( ci ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( ci->node != 0 );
takeNode( ci->node );
ci->node = 0;
inline void QCList::reference( QCacheItem *ci )
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( ci != 0 && ci->node != 0 );
ci->skipPriority = ci->priority;
relinkNode( ci->node ); // relink as first item
class QCListIt: public QListIterator<QCacheItem>
QCListIt( const QCList *p ): QListIterator<QCacheItem>( *p ) {}
QCListIt( const QCListIt *p ): QListIterator<QCacheItem>( *p ) {}
QCDict class (internal dictionary of cache items)
// Since we need to decide if the dictionary should use an int or const
// char * key (the "bool trivial" argument in the constructor below)
// we cannot use the macro/template dict, but inherit directly from QGDict.
class QCDict : public QGDict
QCDict( uint size, uint kt, bool caseSensitive, bool copyKeys )
: QGDict( size, (KeyType)kt, caseSensitive, copyKeys ) {}
QCacheItem *find_string(const QString &key) const
{ return (QCacheItem*)((QCDict*)this)->look_string(key, 0, 0); }
QCacheItem *find_ascii(const char *key) const
{ return (QCacheItem*)((QCDict*)this)->look_ascii(key, 0, 0); }
QCacheItem *find_int(long key) const
{ return (QCacheItem*)((QCDict*)this)->look_int(key, 0, 0); }
QCacheItem *take_string(const QString &key)
{ return (QCacheItem*)QGDict::take_string(key); }
QCacheItem *take_ascii(const char *key)
{ return (QCacheItem*)QGDict::take_ascii(key); }
QCacheItem *take_int(long key)
{ return (QCacheItem*)QGDict::take_int(key); }
bool insert_string( const QString &key, const QCacheItem *ci )
{ return QGDict::look_string(key,(Item)ci,1)!=0;}
bool insert_ascii( const char *key, const QCacheItem *ci )
{ return QGDict::look_ascii(key,(Item)ci,1)!=0;}
bool insert_int( long key, const QCacheItem *ci )
{ return QGDict::look_int(key,(Item)ci,1)!=0;}
bool remove_string( QCacheItem *item )
{ return QGDict::remove_string(*((QString*)(item->key)),item); }
bool remove_ascii( QCacheItem *item )
{ return QGDict::remove_ascii((const char *)item->key,item); }
bool remove_int( QCacheItem *item )
{ return QGDict::remove_int((long)item->key,item);}
void statistics() { QGDict::statistics(); }
QGDict member functions
Constructs a cache.
QGCache::QGCache( int maxCost, uint size, KeyType kt, bool caseSensitive,
bool copyKeys )
keytype = kt;
lruList = new QCList;
CHECK_PTR( lruList );
lruList->setAutoDelete( TRUE );
copyk = ((keytype == AsciiKey) && copyKeys);
dict = new QCDict( size, kt, caseSensitive, FALSE );
CHECK_PTR( dict );
mCost = maxCost;
tCost = 0;
#if defined(DEBUG)
lruList->inserts = 0;
lruList->insertCosts = 0;
lruList->insertMisses = 0;
lruList->finds = 0;
lruList->hits = 0;
lruList->hitCosts = 0;
lruList->dumps = 0;
lruList->dumpCosts = 0;
Cannot copy a cache.
QGCache::QGCache( const QGCache & )
: QCollection()
#if defined(CHECK_NULL)
qFatal( "QGCache::QGCache(QGCache &): Cannot copy a cache" );
Removes all items from the cache and destroys it.
clear(); // delete everything first
delete dict;
delete lruList;
Cannot assign a cache.
QGCache &QGCache::operator=( const QGCache & )
#if defined(CHECK_NULL)
qFatal( "QGCache::operator=: Cannot copy a cache" );
return *this; // satisfy the compiler
\fn uint QGCache::count() const
Returns the number of items in the cache.
\fn uint QGCache::size() const
Returns the size of the hash array.
\fn int QGCache::maxCost() const
Returns the maximum cache cost.
\fn int QGCache::totalCost() const
Returns the total cache cost.
Sets the maximum cache cost.
void QGCache::setMaxCost( int maxCost )
if ( maxCost < tCost ) {
if ( !makeRoomFor(tCost - maxCost) ) // remove excess cost
mCost = maxCost;
Inserts an item into the cache.
\warning If this function returns FALSE, you must delete \a data
yourself. Additionally, be very careful about using \a data after
calling this function, as any other insertions into the cache, from
anywhere in the application, or within Qt itself, could cause the
data to be discarded from the cache, and the pointer to become
bool QGCache::insert_string( const QString &key, QCollection::Item data,
int cost, int priority)
if ( tCost + cost > mCost ) {
if ( !makeRoomFor(tCost + cost - mCost, priority) ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
return FALSE;
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( keytype == StringKey );
lruList->insertCosts += cost;
if ( priority < -32768 )
priority = -32768;
else if ( priority > 32767 )
priority = 32677;
QCacheItem *ci = new QCacheItem( new QString(key), newItem(data),
cost, (short)priority );
CHECK_PTR( ci );
lruList->insert( 0, ci );
dict->insert_string( key, ci );
tCost += cost;
return TRUE;
/*! \internal */
bool QGCache::insert_other( const char *key, QCollection::Item data,
int cost, int priority)
if ( tCost + cost > mCost ) {
if ( !makeRoomFor(tCost + cost - mCost, priority) ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
return FALSE;
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( keytype != StringKey );
lruList->insertCosts += cost;
if ( keytype == AsciiKey && copyk )
key = qstrdup( key );
if ( priority < -32768 )
priority = -32768;
else if ( priority > 32767 )
priority = 32677;
QCacheItem *ci = new QCacheItem( (void*)key, newItem(data), cost,
(short)priority );
CHECK_PTR( ci );
lruList->insert( 0, ci );
if ( keytype == AsciiKey )
dict->insert_ascii( key, ci );
dict->insert_int( (long)key, ci );
tCost += cost;
return TRUE;
Removes an item from the cache.
bool QGCache::remove_string( const QString &key )
Item d = take_string( key );
if ( d )
deleteItem( d );
return d != 0;
/*! \internal */
bool QGCache::remove_other( const char *key )
Item d = take_other( key );
if ( d )
deleteItem( d );
return d != 0;
Takes an item out of the cache (no delete).
QCollection::Item QGCache::take_string( const QString &key )
QCacheItem *ci = dict->take_string( key ); // take from dict
Item d;
if ( ci ) {
d = ci->data;
tCost -= ci->cost;
lruList->take( ci ); // take from list
delete (QString*)ci->key;
delete ci;
} else {
d = 0;
return d;
Takes an item out of the cache (no delete).
QCollection::Item QGCache::take_other( const char *key )
QCacheItem *ci;
if ( keytype == AsciiKey )
ci = dict->take_ascii( key );
ci = dict->take_int( (long)key );
Item d;
if ( ci ) {
d = ci->data;
tCost -= ci->cost;
lruList->take( ci ); // take from list
if ( copyk )
delete [] (char *)ci->key;
delete ci;
} else {
d = 0;
return d;
Clears the cache.
void QGCache::clear()
QCacheItem *ci;
while ( (ci = lruList->first()) ) {
switch ( keytype ) {
case StringKey:
dict->remove_string( ci );
delete (QString*)ci->key;
case AsciiKey:
dict->remove_ascii( ci );
if ( copyk )
delete [] (char*)ci->key;
case IntKey:
dict->remove_int( ci );
case PtrKey: // unused
deleteItem( ci->data ); // delete data
lruList->removeFirst(); // remove from list
tCost = 0;
Finds an item in the cache.
QCollection::Item QGCache::find_string( const QString &key, bool ref ) const
QCacheItem *ci = dict->find_string( key );
#if defined(DEBUG)
if ( ci ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
lruList->hitCosts += ci->cost;
if ( ref )
lruList->reference( ci );
return ci->data;
return 0;
Finds an item in the cache.
QCollection::Item QGCache::find_other( const char *key, bool ref ) const
QCacheItem *ci = keytype == AsciiKey ? dict->find_ascii(key)
: dict->find_int((long)key);
#if defined(DEBUG)
if ( ci ) {
#if defined(DEBUG)
lruList->hitCosts += ci->cost;
if ( ref )
lruList->reference( ci );
return ci->data;
return 0;
Allocates cache space for one or more items.
bool QGCache::makeRoomFor( int cost, int priority )
if ( cost > mCost ) // cannot make room for more
return FALSE; // than maximum cost
if ( priority == -1 )
priority = 32767;
register QCacheItem *ci = lruList->last();
int cntCost = 0;
int dumps = 0; // number of items to dump
while ( cntCost < cost && ci && ci->skipPriority <= priority ) {
cntCost += ci->cost;
ci = lruList->prev();
if ( cntCost < cost ) // can enough cost be dumped?
return FALSE; // no
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( dumps > 0 );
while ( dumps-- ) {
ci = lruList->last();
#if defined(DEBUG)
lruList->dumpCosts += ci->cost;
switch ( keytype ) {
case StringKey:
dict->remove_string( ci );
delete (QString*)ci->key;
case AsciiKey:
dict->remove_ascii( ci );
if ( copyk )
delete [] (char *)ci->key;
case IntKey:
dict->remove_int( ci );
case PtrKey: // unused
deleteItem( ci->data ); // delete data
lruList->removeLast(); // remove from list
tCost -= cntCost;
return TRUE;
Outputs debug statistics.
void QGCache::statistics() const
#if defined(DEBUG)
QString line;
line.fill( '*', 80 );
qDebug( line.ascii() );
qDebug( "cache contains %d item%s, with a total cost of %d",
count(), count() != 1 ? "s" : "", tCost );
qDebug( "maximum cost is %d, cache is %d%% full.",
mCost, (200*tCost + mCost) / (mCost*2) );
qDebug( "find() has been called %d time%s",
lruList->finds, lruList->finds != 1 ? "s" : "" );
qDebug( "%d of these were hits, items found had a total cost of %d.",
lruList->hits,lruList->hitCosts );
qDebug( "%d item%s %s been inserted with a total cost of %d.",
lruList->inserts,lruList->inserts != 1 ? "s" : "",
lruList->inserts != 1 ? "have" : "has", lruList->insertCosts );
qDebug( "%d item%s %s too large or had too low priority to be inserted.",
lruList->insertMisses, lruList->insertMisses != 1 ? "s" : "",
lruList->insertMisses != 1 ? "were" : "was" );
qDebug( "%d item%s %s been thrown away with a total cost of %d.",
lruList->dumps, lruList->dumps != 1 ? "s" : "",
lruList->dumps != 1 ? "have" : "has", lruList->dumpCosts );
qDebug( "Statistics from internal dictionary class:" );
qDebug( line.ascii() );
QGCacheIterator member functions
\class QGCacheIterator qgcache.h
\brief An internal class for implementing QCacheIterator and QIntCacheIterator.
QGCacheIterator is a strictly internal class that does the heavy work for
QCacheIterator and QIntCacheIterator.
Constructs an iterator that operates on the cache \e c.
QGCacheIterator::QGCacheIterator( const QGCache &c )
it = new QCListIt( c.lruList );
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( it != 0 );
Constructs an iterator that operates on the same cache as \e ci.
QGCacheIterator::QGCacheIterator( const QGCacheIterator &ci )
it = new QCListIt( ci.it );
#if defined(DEBUG)
ASSERT( it != 0 );
Destroys the iterator.
delete it;
Assigns the iterator \e ci to this cache iterator.
QGCacheIterator &QGCacheIterator::operator=( const QGCacheIterator &ci )
*it = *ci.it;
return *this;
Returns the number of items in the cache.
uint QGCacheIterator::count() const
return it->count();
Returns TRUE if the iterator points to the first item.
bool QGCacheIterator::atFirst() const
return it->atFirst();
Returns TRUE if the iterator points to the last item.
bool QGCacheIterator::atLast() const
return it->atLast();
Sets the list iterator to point to the first item in the cache.
QCollection::Item QGCacheIterator::toFirst()
QCacheItem *item = it->toFirst();
return item ? item->data : 0;
Sets the list iterator to point to the last item in the cache.
QCollection::Item QGCacheIterator::toLast()
QCacheItem *item = it->toLast();
return item ? item->data : 0;
Returns the current item.
QCollection::Item QGCacheIterator::get() const
QCacheItem *item = it->current();
return item ? item->data : 0;
Returns the key of the current item.
QString QGCacheIterator::getKeyString() const
QCacheItem *item = it->current();
return item ? *((QString*)item->key) : QString::null;
Returns the key of the current item, as a \0-terminated C string.
const char *QGCacheIterator::getKeyAscii() const
QCacheItem *item = it->current();
return item ? (const char *)item->key : 0;
Returns the key of the current item, as a long.
long QGCacheIterator::getKeyInt() const
QCacheItem *item = it->current();
return item ? (long)item->key : 0;
Moves to the next item (postfix).
QCollection::Item QGCacheIterator::operator()()
QCacheItem *item = it->operator()();
return item ? item->data : 0;
Moves to the next item (prefix).
QCollection::Item QGCacheIterator::operator++()
QCacheItem *item = it->operator++();
return item ? item->data : 0;
Moves \e jumps positions forward.
QCollection::Item QGCacheIterator::operator+=( uint jump )
QCacheItem *item = it->operator+=(jump);
return item ? item->data : 0;
Moves to the previous item (prefix).
QCollection::Item QGCacheIterator::operator--()
QCacheItem *item = it->operator--();
return item ? item->data : 0;
Moves \e jumps positions backward.
QCollection::Item QGCacheIterator::operator-=( uint jump )
QCacheItem *item = it->operator-=(jump);
return item ? item->data : 0;