author Michel Szarindar <Michel.Szarindar@Nokia.com>
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 20:47:58 +0100
changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Orb version 0.1.9. Fixes Bug 1965, Bug 2401

** QList and QListIterator class documentation
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  QList documentation

  \class QList qlist.h
  \brief The QList class is a template class that provides doubly linked lists.

  \ingroup collection
  \ingroup tools

  In Qt 2.0 QList is only implemented as a template class. Define a
  template instance QList\<X\> to create a list that operates on pointers
  to X, or X*.

    #include <qlist.h>
    #include <qstring.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    class Employee
        Employee( const QString& name, int salary ) { n=name; s=salary; }
        QString     name()   const		 { return n; }
        int	    salary() const		 { return s; }
        QString     n;
        int         s;

    void main()
	QList<Employee> list;		// list of pointers to Employee
	list.setAutoDelete( TRUE );	// delete items when they are removed

	list.append( new Employee("Bill", 50000) );
	list.append( new Employee("Steve",80000) );
	list.append( new Employee("Ron",  60000) );

	Employee *emp;
	for ( emp=list.first(); emp != 0; emp=list.next() )
	    printf( "%s earns %d\n", emp->name().latin1(), emp->salary() );

  Program output:
	Bill earns 50000
	Steve earns 80000
	Ron earns 60000

  The list class is indexable and has a \link at() current index\endlink
  and a \link current() current item\endlink.  The first item corresponds
  to index 0.  The current index is -1 if the current item is null.

  QList has several member functions for traversing the list, but using
  a QListIterator can be more practical. Multiple list iterators may
  traverse the same list, independent of each other and independent of
  the current list item.

  In the example above, we make the call setAutoDelete(TRUE).
  Enabling auto-deletion tells the list to delete items that are removed
  from the list.  The default is to not delete items when they are
  removed, but that would cause a memory leak in our example since we have
  no other references to the list items.

  List items are stored as \c void* in an internal QLNode, which also
  holds pointers to the next and previous list items.  The functions
  currentNode(), removeNode() and takeNode() operate directly on the
  QLNode, but they should be used with care.

  When inserting an item into a list, only the pointer is copied, not the
  item itself. This is called a shallow copy. It is possible to make the
  list copy all of the item's data (known as a deep copy) when an item is
  inserted.  insert(), inSort() and append() call the virtual function
  QCollection::newItem() for the item to be inserted.
  Inherit a list and reimplement it if you want deep copies.

  When removing an item from a list, the virtual function
  QCollection::deleteItem() is called.  QList's default implementation
  is to delete the item if auto-deletion is enabled.

  The virtual function QGList::compareItems() can be reimplemented to
  compare two list items. This function is called from all list functions
  that need to compare list items, for instance remove(const type*).
  If you only want to deal with pointers, there are functions that
  compare pointers instead, for instance removeRef(const type*).
  These functions are somewhat faster than those that call compareItems().

  The QStrList class in qstrlist.h is a list of \c char*.  QStrList is
  a good example of a list that reimplements newItem(), deleteItem() and

  \sa QListIterator, \link collection.html Collection Classes\endlink

  \fn QList::QList()
  Constructs an empty list.

  \fn QList::QList( const QList<type> &list )
  Constructs a copy of \e list.

  Each item in \e list is \link append() appended\endlink to this list.
  Only the pointers are copied (shallow copy).

  \fn QList::~QList()
  Removes all items from the list and destroys the list.

  All list iterators that access this list will be reset.

  \sa setAutoDelete()

  \fn QList<type> &QList::operator=(const QList<type> &list)
  Assigns \e list to this list and returns a reference to this list.

  This list is first cleared, then each item in \e list is
  \link append() appended\endlink to this list.  Only the pointers are copied
  (shallow copy), unless newItem() has been reimplemented().

  \fn bool QList::operator==(const QList<type> &list ) const

  Compares this list with \a list. Retruns TRUE if the lists
  contain the same data, else FALSE.

  \fn uint QList::count() const
  Returns the number of items in the list.
  \sa isEmpty()

  \fn void QList::sort()

  Sorts the list by the result of the virtual compareItems() function.

  The Heap-Sort algorithm is used for sorting.  It sorts n items with
  O(n*log n) compares.  This is the asymptotic optimal solution of the
  sorting problem.

  If the items in your list support operator< and operator== then you
  might be better off with QSortedList since it implements the
  compareItems() function for you using these two operators.

  \sa inSort()

  \fn bool QList::isEmpty() const
  Returns TRUE if the list is empty, i.e. count() == 0. Returns FALSE
  \sa count()

  \fn bool QList::insert( uint index, const type *item )
  Inserts the \e item at the position \e index in the list.

  Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if \e index is out of range.
  The valid range is <code>0 .. count()</code> inclusive.
  The item is appended if \e index == count().

  The inserted item becomes the current list item.

  The \e item must not be a null pointer.

  \sa append(), current()

  \fn void QList::inSort( const type *item )
  Inserts the \e item at its sorted position in the list.

  The sort order depends on the virtual QGList::compareItems() function.
  All items must be inserted with inSort() to maintain the sorting order.

  The inserted item becomes the current list item.

  The \e item must not be a null pointer.

  Please note that inSort is slow. If you want to insert lots of items
  in a list and sort after inserting then you should use sort().
  inSort() takes up to O(n) compares. That means inserting n items in
  your list will need O(n^2) compares while sort() only needs O(n*logn)
  for the same task. So you inSort() only if you already have a pre-sorted
  list and want to insert only few additional items.

  \sa insert(), QGList::compareItems(), current(), sort()

  \fn void QList::append( const type *item )
  Inserts the \e item at the end of the list.

  The inserted item becomes the current list item.
  This is equivalent to \c insert(count(),item).

  The \e item must not be a null pointer.

  \sa insert(), current(), prepend()

  \fn void QList::prepend( const type *item )

  Inserts the \e item at the start of the list.

  The inserted item becomes the current list item.
  This is equivalent to \c insert(0,item).

  The \e item must not be a null pointer.

  \sa append(), insert(), current()

  \fn bool QList::remove( uint index )
  Removes the item at position \e index in the list.

  Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if \e index is out of range.
  The valid range is <code>0 .. (count() - 1)</code> inclusive.

  The removed item is deleted if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled.

  The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item if
  the removed item is not the last item in the list.  If the last item
  is removed, the new last item becomes the current item in Qt 2.x.
  In 3.0, the current item will be set to null.  The current item is
  set to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to point
  to the new current item.

  \sa take(), clear(), setAutoDelete(), current() removeRef()

  \fn bool QList::remove()
  Removes the current list item.

  Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the current item is null.

  The removed item is deleted if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled.

  The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item if
  the removed item is not the last item in the list.  If the last item
  is removed, the new last item becomes the current item in Qt 2.x.
  In 3.0, the current item will be set to null.  The current item is
  set to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to point
  to the new current item.

  \sa take(), clear(), setAutoDelete(), current() removeRef()

  \fn bool QList::remove( const type *item )
  Removes the first occurrence of \e item from the list.

  Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the item could not be found in the

  The removed item is deleted if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled.

  The compareItems() function is called when searching for the item
  in the list. If compareItems() is not reimplemented, it is more
  efficient to call removeRef().

  The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item if
  the removed item is not the last item in the list.  If the last item
  is removed, the new last item becomes the current item in Qt 2.x.
  In 3.0, the current item will be set to null.  The current item is
  set to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to point
  to the new current item.

  \sa removeRef(), take(), clear(), setAutoDelete(), compareItems(), current()

  \fn bool QList::removeRef( const type *item )
  Removes the first occurrence of \e item from the list.

  Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the item cannot be found in the

  The removed item is deleted if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled.

  The list is scanned until the pointer \e item is found.  It is removed
  if it is found.

  Equivalent to:
    if ( list.findRef(item) != -1 )

  The item after the removed item becomes the new current list item if
  the removed item is not the last item in the list.  If the last item
  is removed, the new last item becomes the current item in Qt 2.x.
  In 3.0, the current item will be set to null.  The current item is
  set to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to point
  to the new current item.

  \sa remove(), clear(), setAutoDelete(), current()

  \fn void QList::removeNode( QLNode *node )
  Removes the \e node from the list.

  This node must exist in the list, otherwise the program may crash.

  The removed item is deleted if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled.

  The first item in the list will become the new current list item.
  The current item is set to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to point to
  the item succeeding this item, or the preceding item if the removed item
  was the last item.

  \warning Do not call this function unless you are an expert.

  \sa takeNode(), currentNode() remove() removeRef()

  \fn bool QList::removeFirst()
  Removes the first item from the list.
  Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the list is empty.

  The removed item is deleted if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled.

  The first item in the list becomes the new current list item.
  The current item is set to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to point
  to the new current item.

  \sa removeLast(), setAutoDelete(), current() remove()

  \fn bool QList::removeLast()
  Removes the last item from the list.
  Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the list is empty.

  The removed item is deleted if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled.

  The last item in the list becomes the new current list item.
  The current item is set to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the removed item will be set to point
  to the new current item.

  \sa removeFirst(), setAutoDelete(), current()

  \fn type *QList::take( uint index )
  Takes the item at position \e index out of the list without
  deleting it (even if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled).

  Returns a pointer to the item taken out of the list, or null if
  the index is out of range.
  The valid range is <code>0 .. (count() - 1)</code> inclusive.

  The item after the taken item becomes the new current list item if
  the taken item is not the last item in the list.  If the last item
  is taken, the new last item becomes the current item in Qt 2.x.  In
  3.0, the current item will be set to null.  The current item is set
  to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the taken item will be set to point to
  the new current item.

  \sa remove(), clear(), current()

  \fn type *QList::take()
  Takes the current item out of the list without deleting it (even if
  \link QCollection::setAutoDelete() auto-deletion\endlink is enabled).
  Returns a pointer to the item taken out of the list, or null if
  the current item is null.

  The item after the taken item becomes the new current list item if
  the taken item is not the last item in the list.  If the last item
  is taken, the new last item becomes the current item in Qt 2.x.  In
  3.0, the current item will be set to null.  The current item is set
  to null if the list becomes empty.

  All list iterators that refer to the taken item will be set to point to
  the new current item.

  \sa remove(), clear(), current()

  \fn type *QList::takeNode( QLNode *node )
  Takes the \e node out of the list without deleting its item (even if
  \link QCollection::setAutoDelete() auto-deletion\endlink is enabled).
  Returns a pointer to the item taken out of the list.

  This node must exist in the list, otherwise the program may crash.

  The first item in the list becomes the new current list item.

  All list iterators that refer to the taken item will be set to point to
  the item succeeding this item, or the preceding item if the taken item
  was the last item.

  \warning Do not call this function unless you are an expert.

  \sa removeNode(), currentNode()

  \fn void QList::clear()
  Removes all items from the list.

  The removed items are deleted if \link QCollection::setAutoDelete()
  auto-deletion\endlink is enabled.

  All list iterators that access this list will be reset.

  \sa remove(), take(), setAutoDelete()

  \fn int QList::find( const type *item )
  Finds the first occurrence of \e item in the list.

  If the item is found, the list sets the current item to point to
  the found item and returns the index of this item.
  If the item is not found, the list sets the current item to null,
  the current index to -1 and returns -1.

  The compareItems() function is called when searching for the item
  in the list. If compareItems() is not reimplemented, it is more
  efficient to call findRef().

  \sa findNext(), findRef(), compareItems(), current()

  \fn int QList::findNext( const type *item )
  Finds the next occurrence of \e item in the list, starting from
  the current list item.

  If the item is found, the list sets the current item to point to
  the found item and returns the index of this item.
  If the item is not found, the list sets the current item to null,
  the current index to -1 and returns -1.

  The compareItems() function is called when searching for the item
  in the list. If compareItems() is not reimplemented, it is more
  efficient to call findNextRef().

  \sa find(), findNextRef(), compareItems(), current()

  \fn int QList::findRef( const type *item )
  Finds the first occurrence of \e item in the list.

  If the item is found, the list sets the current item to point to
  the found item and returns the index of this item.
  If the item is not found, the list sets the current item to null,
  the current index to -1 and returns -1.

  Calling this function is must faster than find(), because find()
  compares \e item with each list item using compareItems().
  This function only compares the pointers.

  \sa findNextRef(), find(), current()

  \fn int QList::findNextRef( const type *item )
  Finds the next occurrence of \e item in the list, starting from the
  current list item.

  If the item is found, the list sets the current item to point to
  the found item and returns the index of this item.
  If the item is not found, the list sets the current item to null,
  the current index to -1 and returns -1.

  Calling this function is must faster than findNext(), because findNext()
  compares \e item with each list item using compareItems().
  This function only compares the pointers.

  \sa findRef(), findNext(), current()

  \fn uint QList::contains( const type *item ) const
  Counts and returns the number of occurrences of \e item in the list.

  The compareItems() function is called when looking for the \e item
  in the list. If compareItems() is not reimplemented, it is more
  efficient to call containsRef().

  Does not affect the current list item.

  \sa containsRef(), compareItems()

  \fn uint QList::containsRef( const type *item ) const
  Counts and returns the number of occurrences of \e item in the list.

  Calling this function is must faster than contains(), because contains()
  compares \e item with each list item using compareItems().
  This function only compares the pointers.

  Does not affect the current list item.

  \sa contains()

  \fn type *QList::at( uint index )
  Returns a pointer to the item at position \e index in the list, or
  null if the index is out of range.

  Sets the current list item to this item if \e index is valid.
  The valid range is <code>0 .. (count() - 1)</code> inclusive.

  This function is very efficient.  It starts scanning from the first
  item, last item or current item, whichever is closest to \e index.

  \sa current()

  \fn int QList::at() const
  Returns the index of the current list item.  The returned value is -1
  if the current item is null.
  \sa current()

  \fn type *QList::current() const
  Returns a pointer to the current list item.  The current item may be
  null (implies that the current index is -1).
  \sa at()

  \fn QLNode *QList::currentNode() const
  Returns a pointer to the current list node.

  The node can be kept and removed later using removeNode().
  The advantage is that the item can be removed directly without
  searching the list.

  \warning Do not call this function unless you are an expert.

  \sa removeNode(), takeNode(), current()

  \fn type *QList::getFirst() const
  Returns a pointer to the first item in the list, or null if the
  list is empty.

  Does not affect the current list item.

  \sa first(), getLast()

  \fn type *QList::getLast() const
  Returns a pointer to the last item in the list, or null if the
  list is empty.

  Does not affect the current list item.

  \sa last(), getFirst()

  \fn type *QList::first()
  Returns a pointer to the first item in the list and makes this the
  current list item, or null if the list is empty.
  \sa getFirst(), last(), next(), prev(), current()

  \fn type *QList::last()
  Returns a pointer to the last item in the list and makes this the
  current list item, or null if the list is empty.
  \sa getLast(), first(), next(), prev(), current()

  \fn type *QList::next()
  Returns a pointer to the item succeeding the current item.
  Returns null if the current item is null or equal to the last item.

  Makes the succeeding item current. If the current item before this
  function call was the last item, the current item will be set to null.
  If the current item was null, this function does nothing.

  \sa first(), last(), prev(), current()

  \fn type *QList::prev()
  Returns a pointer to the item preceding the current item.
  Returns null if the current item is null or equal to the first item.

  Makes the preceding item current. If the current item before this
  function call was the first item, the current item will be set to null.
  If the current item was null, this function does nothing.

  \sa first(), last(), next(), current()

  \fn void QList::toVector( QGVector *vec ) const
  Stores all list items in the vector \e vec.

  The vector must be have the same item type, otherwise the result
  will be undefined.

  QListIterator documentation

  \class QListIterator qlist.h
  \brief The QListIterator class provides an iterator for QList collections.

  \ingroup collection
  \ingroup tools

  Define a template instance QListIterator\<X\> to create a list iterator
  that operates on QList\<X\> (list of X*).

    #include <qlist.h>
    #include <qstring.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    class Employee
        Employee( const char *name, int salary ) { n=name; s=salary; }
        const char *name()   const		 { return n; }
        int	    salary() const		 { return s; }
        QString     n;
        int         s;

    void main()
	QList<Employee> list;		  // list of pointers to Employee
	list.setAutoDelete( TRUE );	  // delete items when they are removed

	list.append( new Employee("Bill", 50000) );
	list.append( new Employee("Steve",80000) );
	list.append( new Employee("Ron",  60000) );

	QListIterator<Employee> it(list); // iterator for employee list
	for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) {
	    Employee *emp = it.current();
	    printf( "%s earns %d\n", emp->name().latin1(), emp->salary() );

  Program output:
	Bill earns 50000
	Steve earns 80000
	Ron earns 60000

  Although QList has member functions to traverse the doubly linked list
  structure, using a list iterator is a much more robust way of traversing
  the list, because multiple list iterators can operate on the same list,
  independent of each other and independent of the QList's current item.
  An iterator has its own current list item and can get the next and
  previous list items.  It can only traverse the list, never modify it.

  A QList knows about all list iterators that are operating on the list.
  When an item is removed from the list, the list update all iterators
  that are pointing the removed item to point to the new current list item.

    #include <qlist.h>
    #include <qstring.h>
    #include <stdio.h>

    class Employee
	...	// same as above

    void main()
	QList<Employee> list;		  // list of pointers to Employee
	list.setAutoDelete( TRUE );	  // delete items when they are removed

	list.append( new Employee("Bill", 50000) );
	list.append( new Employee("Steve",80000) );
	list.append( new Employee("Ron",  60000) );

	QListIterator<Employee> it(list);

	list.at( 1 );			  // current list item: "Steve"
        it.toLast();			  // it: "Ron"
	--it;				  // it: "Steve"

	  // Now, both the list and the iterator are referring the same item

	printf( "%s\n", it.current()->name().latin1() );

  Program output:

  \sa QList, \link collection.html collection classes\endlink

  \fn QListIterator::QListIterator( const QList<type> &list )
  Constructs an iterator for \e list.  The current iterator item is
  set to point on the first item in the \e list.

  \fn QListIterator::~QListIterator()
  Destroys the iterator.

  \fn uint QListIterator::count() const
  Returns the number of items in the list this iterator operates on.
  \sa isEmpty()

  \fn bool QListIterator::isEmpty() const
  Returns TRUE if the list is empty, i.e. count() == 0, otherwise FALSE.
  \sa count()

  \fn bool QListIterator::atFirst() const
  Returns TRUE if the current iterator item is the first list item, otherwise
  \sa toFirst(), atLast()

  \fn bool QListIterator::atLast() const
  Returns TRUE if the current iterator item is the last list item, otherwise
  \sa toLast(), atFirst()

  \fn type *QListIterator::toFirst()
  Sets the current iterator item to point to the first list item and returns
  a pointer to the item.  Sets the current item to null and returns null
  if the list is empty.
  \sa toLast(), atFirst()

  \fn type *QListIterator::toLast()
  Sets the current iterator item to point to the last list item and returns
  a pointer to the item.  Sets the current item to null and returns null
  if the list is empty.
  \sa toFirst(), atLast()

  \fn QListIterator::operator type *() const
  Cast operator. Returns a pointer to the current iterator item.
  Same as current().

  \fn type *QListIterator::operator*()
  Asterix operator. Returns a pointer to the current iterator item.
  Same as current().

  \fn type *QListIterator::current() const
  Returns a pointer to the current iterator item.

  \fn type *QListIterator::operator()()
  Makes the succeeding item current and returns the original current item.

  If the current iterator item was the last item in the list or if it was
  null, null is returned.

  \fn char *QStrListIterator::operator()()
  Makes the succeeding item current and returns the original current item.

  If the current iterator item was the last item in the list or if it was
  null, null is returned.

  \fn type *QListIterator::operator++()
  Prefix ++ makes the succeeding item current and returns the new current

  If the current iterator item was the last item in the list or if it was
  null, null is returned.

  \fn type *QListIterator::operator+=( uint jump )
  Sets the current item to the item \e jump positions after the current item,
  and returns a pointer to that item.

  If that item is beyond the last item or if the dictionary is  empty,
  it sets the current item to null and  returns null

  \fn type *QListIterator::operator--()
  Prefix -- makes the preceding item current and returns the new current

  If the current iterator item was the first item in the list or if it was
  null, null is returned.

  \fn type *QListIterator::operator-=( uint jump )
  Returns the item \e jump positions before the current item, or null if
  it is beyond the first item.  Makes this the current item.

  \fn QListIterator<type>& QListIterator::operator=( const QListIterator<type> &it )
  Assignment.  Makes a copy of the iterator \a it and returns a reference
  to this iterator.

  QStrList documentation

typedef QList<char> QStrList

  \class QStrList qstrlist.h
  \brief The QStrList class provides a doubly linked list of \c char*.

  \inherit QList

  \ingroup collection
  \ingroup tools

  This class is a QList\<char\> instance (a list of char*).

  QStrList can make deep or shallow copies of the strings that are inserted.

  A deep copy means to allocate space for the string and then copy the string
  data into it.  A shallow copy is just a copy of the pointer value and not
  the string data.

  The disadvantage with shallow copies is that since a pointer can only
  be deleted once, the program must put all strings in a central place and
  know when it is safe to delete them (i.e. when the strings are no longer
  referenced by other parts of the program).  This can make the program
  more complex.  The advantage of shallow copies is that shallow copies
  consume far less memory than deep copies.  It is also much faster
  to copy a pointer (typically 4 or 8 bytes) than to copy string data.

  A QStrList that operates on deep copies will by default turn on
  auto-deletion (see setAutoDelete()). Thus, by default, QStrList will
  deallocate any string copies it allocates.

  The virtual compareItems() function is reimplemented and does a case
  sensitive string comparison. The inSort() function will insert
  strings in a sorted order.

  The QStrListIterator class is an iterator for QStrList.

  \fn QStrList::QStrList( bool deepCopies )
  Constructs an empty list of strings.  Will make deep copies of all inserted
  strings if \e deepCopies is TRUE, or uses shallow copies if \e deepCopies
  is FALSE.

  \fn QStrList::QStrList( const QStrList &list )
  Constructs a copy of \e list.

  If \e list has deep copies, this list will also get deep copies.
  Only the pointers are copied (shallow copy) if the other list does not
  use deep copies.

  \fn QStrList::~QStrList()
  Destroys the list.  All strings are removed.

  \fn QStrList& QStrList::operator=( const QStrList& list )
  Assigns \e list to this list and returns a reference to this list.

  If \e list has deep copies, this list will also get deep copies.
  Only the pointers are copied (shallow copy) if the other list does not
  use deep copies.

  QStrIList documentation

  \class QStrIList qstrlist.h
  \brief The QStrIList class provides a doubly linked list of \c char* with
case insensitive compare.

  \ingroup collection
  \ingroup tools

  This class is a QList\<char\> instance (a list of char*).

  QStrIList is similar to QStrList except that it is case insensitive.
  The virtual compareItems() function is reimplemented and does a
  case insensitive string comparison.
  The inSort() function will insert strings in a sorted order.

  The QStrListIterator class is an iterator for QStrList.

  \fn QStrIList::QStrIList( bool deepCopies )
  Constructs a list of strings.  Will make deep copies of all inserted
  strings if \e deepCopies is TRUE, or uses shallow copies if \e deepCopies
  is FALSE.

  \fn QStrIList::~QStrIList()
  Destroys the list.  All strings are removed.

  QStrListIterator documentation

  \class QStrListIterator qstrlist.h
  \brief The QStrListIterator class is an iterator for the QStrList and QStrIList classes.

  \inherit QListIterator

  \ingroup tools

  This class is a QListIterator\<char\> instance.
  It can traverse the strings in the QStrList and QStrIList classes.