Orb version 0.1.9. Fixes Bug 1965, Bug 2401
** QVector class documentation
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QVector documentation
// BEING REVISED: ettrich
\class QVector qvector.h
\brief The QVector class is a template collection class that
provides a vector (array).
\ingroup tools
QVector is implemented as a template class. Define a template
instance QVector\<X\> to create a vector that contains pointers to
X, or X*.
A vector is the same as an array. The main difference between
QVector and QArray is that QVector stores pointers to the elements,
while QArray stores the elements themselves (i.e. QArray is
Unless where otherwise stated, all functions that remove items from
the vector will also delete the element pointed to if auto-deletion
is enabled - see setAutoDelete(). By default, auto-deletion is
disabled. This behaviour can be changed in a subclass by
reimplementing the virtual method deleteItem().
Functions that compares items, e.g. find() and sort(), will do so
using the virtual function compareItems(). The default
implementation of this function will only compare the absolute
pointer values. Reimplement compareItems() in a subclass to get
searching and sorting based on the item contents.
\sa \link collection.html Collection Classes\endlink, QArray
\fn QVector::QVector()
Constructs a null vector.
\sa isNull()
\fn QVector::QVector( uint size )
Constructs an vector with room for \a size items. Makes a null
vector if \a size == 0.
All \a size positions in the vector are initialized to 0.
\sa size(), resize(), isNull()
\fn QVector::QVector( const QVector<type> &v )
Constructs a copy of \a v. Only the pointers are copied (i.e. shallow copy).
\fn QVector::~QVector()
Removes all items from the vector, and destroys the vector itself.
\sa clear()
\fn QVector<type> &QVector::operator=( const QVector<type> &v )
Assigns \a v to this vector and returns a reference to this vector.
This vector is first cleared, then all the items from \a v is copied
into this vector. Only the pointers are copied (i.e. shallow copy).
\sa clear()
\fn type **QVector::data() const
Returns a pointer to the actual vector data, which is an array of type*.
The vector is a null vector if data() == 0 (null pointer).
\sa isNull()
\fn uint QVector::size() const
Returns the size of the vector, i.e. the number of vector
positions. This is also the maximum number of items the vector can
The vector is a null vector if size() == 0.
\sa isNull(), resize(), count()
\fn uint QVector::count() const
Returns the number of items in the vector. The vector is empty if
count() == 0.
\sa isEmpty(), size()
\fn bool QVector::isEmpty() const
Returns TRUE if the vector is empty, i.e. count() == 0, otherwise FALSE.
\sa count()
\fn bool QVector::isNull() const
Returns TRUE if the vector is null, otherwise FALSE.
A null vector has size() == 0 and data() == 0.
\sa size()
\fn bool QVector::resize( uint size )
Resizes (expands or shrinks) the vector to \a size elements. The array
becomes a null array if \a size == 0.
Any items in position \a size or beyond in the vector are removed.
New positions are initialized 0.
Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the memory cannot be allocated.
\sa size(), isNull()
\fn bool QVector::insert( uint i, const type *d )
Sets position \a i in the vector to contain the item \a d. \a i must
be less than size(). Any previous element in position \a i is removed.
\sa at()
\fn bool QVector::remove( uint i )
Removes the item at position \a i in the vector, if there is one.
\a i must be less than size().
Returns TRUE unless \a i is out of range.
\sa take(), at()
\fn type* QVector::take( uint i )
Returns the item at position \a i in the vector, and removes that
item from the vector. \a i must be less than size(). If there is no
item at position \a i, 0 is returned.
In contrast to remove(), this function does \e not call deleteItem()
for the removed item.
\sa remove(), at()
\fn void QVector::clear()
Removes all items from the vector, and destroys the vector
The vector becomes a null vector.
\sa isNull()
\fn bool QVector::fill( const type *d, int size )
Inserts item \a d in all positions in the vector. Any existing items
are removed. If \a d is 0, the vector becomes empty.
If \a size >= 0, the vector is first resized to \a size. By default,
\a size is -1.
Returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the memory cannot be allocated
(only if a resize has been requested).
\sa resize(), insert(), isEmpty()
\fn void QVector::sort()
Sorts the items in ascending order. Any empty positions will be put
Compares items using the virtual function compareItems().
\sa bsearch()
\fn int QVector::bsearch( const type* d ) const
In a sorted array, finds the first occurrence of \a d using binary
search. For a sorted array, this is generally much faster than
find(), which does a linear search.
Returns the position of \a d, or -1 if \a d could not be found. \a d
may not be 0.
Compares items using the virtual function compareItems().
\sa sort(), find()
\fn int QVector::findRef( const type *d, uint i ) const
Finds the first occurrence of the item pointer \a d in the vector,
using linear search. The search starts at position \a i, which must
be less than size(). \a i is by default 0; i.e. the search starts at
the start of the vector.
Returns the position of \a d, or -1 if \a d could not be found.
This function does \e not use compareItems() to compare items.
\sa find(), bsearch()
\fn int QVector::find( const type *d, uint i ) const
Finds the first occurrence of item \a d in the vector, using linear
search. The search starts at position \a i, which must be less than
size(). \a i is by default 0; i.e. the search starts at the start of
the vector.
Returns the position of \e v, or -1 if \e v could not be found.
Compares items using the virtual function compareItems().
\sa findRef(), bsearch()
\fn uint QVector::containsRef( const type *d ) const
Returns the number of occurrences of the item pointer \a d in the
This function does \e not use compareItems() to compare items.
\sa findRef()
\fn uint QVector::contains( const type *d ) const
Returns the number of occurrences of item \a d in the vector.
Compares items using the virtual function compareItems().
\sa containsRef()
\fn type *QVector::operator[]( int i ) const
Returns the item at position \a i, or 0 if there is no item at
that position. \a i must be less than size().
Equivalent to at( \a i ).
\sa at()
\fn type *QVector::at( uint i ) const
Returns the item at position \a i, or 0 if there is no item at
that position. \a i must be less than size().
\fn void QVector::toList( QGList *list ) const
Copies all items in this vector to the list \a list. First, \a list
is cleared, then all items are appended to \a list.
\sa QList, QStack, QQueue