Orb version 0.1.9. Fixes Bug 1965, Bug 2401
* Copyright (C) 1997-2008 by Dimitri van Heesch.
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation under the terms of the GNU General Public License is hereby
* granted. No representations are made about the suitability of this software
* for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty.
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* Documents produced by Doxygen are derivative works derived from the
* input used in their production; they are not affected by this license.
#ifndef CONFIG_H
#define CONFIG_H
#include "qtbc.h"
#include <qstrlist.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#include <qlist.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
/*! \brief Abstract base class for any configuration option.
class ConfigOption
friend class Config;
/*! The type of option */
enum OptionType
O_Info, //<! A section header
O_List, //<! A list of items
O_Enum, //<! A fixed set of items
O_String, //<! A single item
O_Int, //<! An integer value
O_Bool, //<! A boolean value
O_Obsolete //<! An obsolete option
/*! Maximum length of an option in the config file. Used for
* alignment purposes.
ConfigOption(OptionType t) : m_kind(t)
m_spaces.fill(' ',40);
virtual ~ConfigOption()
/*! returns the kind of option this is. */
OptionType kind() const { return m_kind; }
QCString name() const { return m_name; }
QCString docs() const { return m_doc; }
QCString dependsOn() const { return m_dependency; }
void addDependency(const char *dep) { m_dependency = dep; }
void setEncoding(const QCString &e) { m_encoding = e; }
virtual void writeTemplate(QTextStream &t,bool sl,bool upd) = 0;
virtual void convertStrToVal() {}
virtual void substEnvVars() = 0;
virtual void writeXML(QTextStream&) {}
virtual void init() {}
QCString convertToComment(const QCString &s);
void writeBoolValue(QTextStream &t,bool v);
void writeIntValue(QTextStream &t,int i);
void writeStringValue(QTextStream &t,QCString &s);
void writeStringList(QTextStream &t,QStrList &l);
QCString m_spaces;
QCString m_name;
QCString m_doc;
QCString m_dependency;
QCString m_encoding;
OptionType m_kind;
/*! \brief Section marker for grouping the configuration options
class ConfigInfo : public ConfigOption
ConfigInfo(const char *name,const char *doc)
: ConfigOption(O_Info)
m_name = name;
m_doc = doc;
void writeTemplate(QTextStream &t, bool sl,bool)
if (!sl)
t << "\n";
t << "#---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
t << "# " << m_doc << endl;
t << "#---------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
void substEnvVars() {}
/*! \brief Option of the list type.
class ConfigList : public ConfigOption
enum WidgetType { String, File, Dir, FileAndDir };
ConfigList(const char *name,const char *doc)
: ConfigOption(O_List)
m_name = name;
m_doc = doc;
m_widgetType = String;
void addValue(const char *v) { m_value.append(v); }
void setWidgetType(WidgetType w) { m_widgetType = w; }
WidgetType widgetType() const { return m_widgetType; }
QStrList *valueRef() { return &m_value; }
void writeTemplate(QTextStream &t,bool sl,bool)
if (!sl)
t << endl;
t << convertToComment(m_doc);
t << endl;
t << m_name << m_spaces.left(MAX_OPTION_LENGTH-m_name.length()) << "=";
t << "\n";
void substEnvVars();
void writeXML(QTextStream&);
void init() { m_value.clear(); }
QStrList m_value;
WidgetType m_widgetType;
/*! \brief Option of the enum type.
class ConfigEnum : public ConfigOption
ConfigEnum(const char *name,const char *doc,const char *defVal)
: ConfigOption(O_Enum)
m_name = name;
m_doc = doc;
m_value = defVal;
m_defValue = defVal;
void addValue(const char *v) { m_valueRange.append(v); }
QStrListIterator iterator()
return QStrListIterator(m_valueRange);
QCString *valueRef() { return &m_value; }
void substEnvVars();
void writeTemplate(QTextStream &t,bool sl,bool)
if (!sl)
t << endl;
t << convertToComment(m_doc);
t << endl;
t << m_name << m_spaces.left(MAX_OPTION_LENGTH-m_name.length()) << "=";
t << "\n";
void writeXML(QTextStream&);
void init() { m_value = m_defValue.copy(); }
QStrList m_valueRange;
QCString m_value;
QCString m_defValue;
/*! \brief Option of the string type.
class ConfigString : public ConfigOption
enum WidgetType { String, File, Dir };
ConfigString(const char *name,const char *doc)
: ConfigOption(O_String)
m_name = name;
m_doc = doc;
m_widgetType = String;
void setWidgetType(WidgetType w) { m_widgetType = w; }
WidgetType widgetType() const { return m_widgetType; }
void setDefaultValue(const char *v) { m_defValue = v; }
QCString *valueRef() { return &m_value; }
void writeTemplate(QTextStream &t,bool sl,bool)
if (!sl)
t << endl;
t << convertToComment(m_doc);
t << endl;
t << m_name << m_spaces.left(MAX_OPTION_LENGTH-m_name.length()) << "=";
t << "\n";
void substEnvVars();
void writeXML(QTextStream&);
void init() { m_value = m_defValue.copy(); }
QCString m_value;
QCString m_defValue;
WidgetType m_widgetType;
/*! \brief Option of the integer type.
class ConfigInt : public ConfigOption
ConfigInt(const char *name,const char *doc,int minVal,int maxVal,int defVal)
: ConfigOption(O_Int)
m_name = name;
m_doc = doc;
m_value = defVal;
m_defValue = defVal;
m_minVal = minVal;
m_maxVal = maxVal;
QCString *valueStringRef() { return &m_valueString; }
int *valueRef() { return &m_value; }
int minVal() const { return m_minVal; }
int maxVal() const { return m_maxVal; }
void convertStrToVal();
void substEnvVars();
void writeTemplate(QTextStream &t,bool sl,bool upd)
if (!sl)
t << endl;
t << convertToComment(m_doc);
t << endl;
t << m_name << m_spaces.left(MAX_OPTION_LENGTH-m_name.length()) << "=";
if (upd && !m_valueString.isEmpty())
t << "\n";
void writeXML(QTextStream&);
void init() { m_value = m_defValue; }
int m_value;
int m_defValue;
int m_minVal;
int m_maxVal;
QCString m_valueString;
/*! \brief Option of the boolean type.
class ConfigBool : public ConfigOption
ConfigBool(const char *name,const char *doc,bool defVal)
: ConfigOption(O_Bool)
m_name = name;
m_doc = doc;
m_value = defVal;
m_defValue = defVal;
QCString *valueStringRef() { return &m_valueString; }
bool *valueRef() { return &m_value; }
void convertStrToVal();
void substEnvVars();
void setValueString(const QCString &v) { m_valueString = v; }
void writeTemplate(QTextStream &t,bool sl,bool upd)
if (!sl)
t << endl;
t << convertToComment(m_doc);
t << endl;
t << m_name << m_spaces.left(MAX_OPTION_LENGTH-m_name.length()) << "=";
if (upd && !m_valueString.isEmpty())
t << "\n";
void writeXML(QTextStream&);
void init() { m_value = m_defValue; }
bool m_value;
bool m_defValue;
QCString m_valueString;
/*! \brief Section marker for obsolete options
class ConfigObsolete : public ConfigOption
ConfigObsolete(const char *name,OptionType t) : ConfigOption(t)
{ m_name = name; }
void writeTemplate(QTextStream &,bool,bool) {}
void substEnvVars() {}
void writeXML(QTextStream&);
// some convenience macros
#define Config_getString(val) Config::instance()->getString(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
#define Config_getInt(val) Config::instance()->getInt(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
#define Config_getList(val) Config::instance()->getList(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
#define Config_getEnum(val) Config::instance()->getEnum(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
#define Config_getBool(val) Config::instance()->getBool(__FILE__,__LINE__,val)
/*! \brief Singleton for configuration variables.
* This object holds the global static variables
* read from a user-supplied configuration file.
* The static member instance() can be used to get
* a pointer to the one and only instance.
* Set all variables to their default values by
* calling Config::instance()->init()
class Config
// public API
/*! Returns the one and only instance of this class */
static Config *instance()
if (m_instance==0) m_instance = new Config;
return m_instance;
/*! Delete the instance */
static void deleteInstance()
delete m_instance;
/*! Returns an iterator that can by used to iterate over the
* configuration options.
QListIterator<ConfigOption> iterator()
return QListIterator<ConfigOption>(*m_options);
* @name Getting configuration values.
* @{
/*! Returns the value of the string option with name \a fileName.
* The arguments \a num and \a name are for debugging purposes only.
* There is a convenience function Config_getString() for this.
QCString &getString(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const;
/*! Returns the value of the list option with name \a fileName.
* The arguments \a num and \a name are for debugging purposes only.
* There is a convenience function Config_getList() for this.
QStrList &getList(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const;
/*! Returns the value of the enum option with name \a fileName.
* The arguments \a num and \a name are for debugging purposes only.
* There is a convenience function Config_getEnum() for this.
QCString &getEnum(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const;
/*! Returns the value of the integer option with name \a fileName.
* The arguments \a num and \a name are for debugging purposes only.
* There is a convenience function Config_getInt() for this.
int &getInt(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const;
/*! Returns the value of the boolean option with name \a fileName.
* The arguments \a num and \a name are for debugging purposes only.
* There is a convenience function Config_getBool() for this.
bool &getBool(const char *fileName,int num,const char *name) const;
/*! Returns the ConfigOption corresponding with \a name or 0 if
* the option is not supported.
ConfigOption *get(const char *name) const
return m_dict->find(name);
/* @} */
* @name Adding configuration options.
* @{
/*! Starts a new configuration section with \a name and description \a doc.
* \returns An object representing the option.
ConfigInfo *addInfo(const char *name,const char *doc)
ConfigInfo *result = new ConfigInfo(name,doc);
return result;
/*! Adds a new string option with \a name and documentation \a doc.
* \returns An object representing the option.
ConfigString *addString(const char *name,
const char *doc)
ConfigString *result = new ConfigString(name,doc);
return result;
/*! Adds a new enumeration option with \a name and documentation \a doc
* and initial value \a defVal.
* \returns An object representing the option.
ConfigEnum *addEnum(const char *name,
const char *doc,
const char *defVal)
ConfigEnum *result = new ConfigEnum(name,doc,defVal);
return result;
/*! Adds a new string option with \a name and documentation \a doc.
* \returns An object representing the option.
ConfigList *addList(const char *name,
const char *doc)
ConfigList *result = new ConfigList(name,doc);
return result;
/*! Adds a new integer option with \a name and documentation \a doc.
* The integer has a range between \a minVal and \a maxVal and a
* default value of \a defVal.
* \returns An object representing the option.
ConfigInt *addInt(const char *name,
const char *doc,
int minVal,int maxVal,int defVal)
ConfigInt *result = new ConfigInt(name,doc,minVal,maxVal,defVal);
return result;
/*! Adds a new boolean option with \a name and documentation \a doc.
* The boolean has a default value of \a defVal.
* \returns An object representing the option.
ConfigBool *addBool(const char *name,
const char *doc,
bool defVal)
ConfigBool *result = new ConfigBool(name,doc,defVal);
return result;
/*! Adds an option that has become obsolete. */
ConfigOption *addObsolete(const char *name)
ConfigObsolete *option = new ConfigObsolete(name,ConfigOption::O_Obsolete);
return option;
/*! @} */
/*! Writes a template configuration to stream \a t. If \a shortIndex
* is \c TRUE the description of each configuration option will
* be omitted.
void writeTemplate(QTextStream &t,bool shortIndex,bool updateOnly);
/** Write XML representation of the config file */
void writeXML(QTextStream &t);
// internal API
/*! Converts the string values read from the configuration file
* to real values for non-string type options (like int, and bools)
void convertStrToVal();
/*! Replaces references to environment variable by the actual value
* of the environment variable.
void substituteEnvironmentVars();
/*! Checks if the values of the variable are correct, adjusts them
* if needed, and report any errors.
void check();
/*! Initialize config variables to their default value */
void init();
/*! Parse a configuration data in string \a str.
* \returns TRUE if successful, or FALSE if the string could not be
* parsed.
bool parseString(const char *fn,const char *str);
/*! Parse a configuration file with name \a fn.
* \returns TRUE if successful, FALSE if the file could not be
* opened or read.
bool parse(const char *fn);
/*! Called from the constructor, will add doxygen's default options
* to the configuration object
void create();
m_options = new QList<ConfigOption>;
m_obsolete = new QList<ConfigOption>;
m_dict = new QDict<ConfigOption>(257);
m_initialized = FALSE;
delete m_options;
delete m_obsolete;
delete m_dict;
QList<ConfigOption> *m_options;
QList<ConfigOption> *m_obsolete;
QDict<ConfigOption> *m_dict;
static Config *m_instance;
bool m_initialized;