author Michel Szarindar <Michel.Szarindar@Nokia.com>
Fri, 23 Apr 2010 20:47:58 +0100
changeset 3 d8fccb2cd802
parent 0 42188c7ea2d9
permissions -rw-r--r--
Orb version 0.1.9. Fixes Bug 1965, Bug 2401

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Reference Manual - tmake
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<p><h1 align=center>Reference Manual - tmake</h1>

<h2>Project Variable Reference</h2>

<h4><a name="ALL_DEPS"></a>ALL_DEPS</h4>
Specifies additional dependencies for the makefile target "all:".<p>

<h4><a name="CLEAN_FILES"></a>CLEAN_FILES</h4>
Specifies additional files to be removed for "make clean".<p>
  CLEAN_FILES = core *~

<h4><a name="CONFIG"></a>CONFIG</h4>
Sets the make configuration.  It tells the tmake templates what compiler
options to use and which extra libraries to link in.<p>
These options control the compilation flags:
<table border="0">
    <td>Compile with optimization enabled, ignored if
    "debug" is specified.</td>
    <td>Compile with debug options enabled.</td>
    <td>The compiler should emit more warnings than normally, ignored if
     "warn_off" is specified.</td>
    <td>The compiler should emit no warnings or as few as possible.</td>

These options defines the application/library type:
<table border="0">
    <td>The target is a Qt application/library and requires Qt header
    <td>The target requires the OpenGL (or Mesa) headers/libraries.</td>
    <td>The target is a X11 application (app.t only).</td>
    <td>The target is a Win32 window application (app.t only).</td>
    <td>The target is a Win32 console application (app.t only).</td>
    <td>The target is a shared object/DLL (app.t only).</td>
    <td>The target is a static library (lib.t only).</td>

<h4><a name="DEFINES"></a>DEFINES</h4>
Specifies C/C++ macros (-D compiler option). On Windows you need
to let DEFINES contain "QT_DLL" if you are building a Qt program
which should link with the Qt DLL.

<h4><a name="DEF_FILE"></a>DEF_FILE</h4>
Win32/app.t only: Specifies a .def file.

<h4><a name="DESTDIR"></a>DESTDIR</h4>
Specifies where to put the target file.
  DESTDIR = ../../lib
You must create this directory before running make.

<h4><a name="HEADERS"></a>HEADERS</h4>
Defines the header files of the project.

<h4><a name="INCPATH"></a>INCPATH</h4>
This variable is generated from <code>INCLUDEPATH</code>. The ';' or ':'
separators have been replaced by ' ' (single space). This makes it
easier to split. qtapp.t and other templates expand
<code>INCPATH</code> to set -I options for the C++ compiler.

<h4><a name="INCLUDEPATH"></a>INCLUDEPATH</h4>
This variable specifies the #include directories. It can be set in the
project file, or by the <a href="#AddIncludePath">AddIncludePath()</a>
  INCLUDEPATH = c:\msdev\include d:\stl\include
Use ';' or space as the directory separator.

<h4><a name="LIBS"></a>LIBS</h4>
Defines additional libraries to be linked in when creating an application
or a shared library.  You probably want to use a platform qualifier since
libraries are specified differently on Unix and Win32.<p>
  unix:LIBS  = -lXext -lm
  win32:LIBS = ole32.lib

<h4><a name="MOC_DIR"></a>MOC_DIR</h4>
Specifies where to put the temporary moc output files.  By default they
are stored in the directory where the moc input files are.
  MOC_DIR = tmp
You must create this directory before running make.
See also: <a href="#OBJECTS_DIR">OBJECTS_DIR</a>.

<h4><a name="OBJECTS"></a>OBJECTS</h4>
This varialble is generated from <code>SOURCES</code> by the StdInit() function.
The extension of each source file has been replaced by .o (Unix) or .obj
  SOURCES = a.x b.y
Then <code>OBJECTS</code> become "a.o b.o" on Unix and "a.obj b.obj" on

<h4><a name="OBJECTS_DIR"></a>OBJECTS_DIR</h4>
Specifies where to put object files.  By default they are stored in
the directory where the source files are.<p>
You must create this directory before running make.
See also: <a href="#MOC_DIR">MOC_DIR</a>.

<h4><a name="OBJMOC"></a>OBJMOC</h4>
This variable is generated by the <a href="#StdInit">StdInit()</a> function if
<code>$moc_aware</code> is true. <code>OBJMOC</code> contains the name of
all intermediate moc object files.<p>
  HEADERS = demo.h
  SOURCES = demo.cpp main.cpp
If <tt>demo.h</tt> and <tt>main.cpp</tt> define classes that use signals
and slots (i.e. the <code>Q_OBJECT</code> "keyword" is found in these two
files), <code>OBJMOC</code> becomes:<pre>
  OBJMOC  = moc_demo.obj
See also: <a href="#SRCMOC">SRCMOC</a>.

<h4><a name="PROJECT"></a>PROJECT</h4>
This is the name of the project.  It defaults to the name of the project
file, excluding the .pro extension.

<h4><a name="RC_FILE"></a>RC_FILE</h4>
Win32/app.t only: Specifies a .rc file.  Cannot be used with the RES_FILE

<h4><a name="RES_FILE"></a>RES_FILE</h4>
Win32/app.t only: Specifies a .res file.  You can either specify a
.rc file or one or more .res files.

<h4><a name="SOURCES"></a>SOURCES</h4>
Defines the source files of the project.

<h4><a name="SRCMOC"></a>SRCMOC</h4>
This variable is generated by the <a href="#StdInit">StdInit()</a> function if
<code>CONFIG</code> contains "qt". <code>SRCMOC</code> contains the name of
all intermediate moc files.<p>
  HEADERS = demo.h
  SOURCES = demo.cpp main.cpp
If <tt>demo.h</tt> and <tt>main.cpp</tt> define classes that use signals
and slots (i.e. the <code>Q_OBJECT</code> "keyword" is found in these two
files), <code>SRCMOC</code> becomes:<pre>
  SRCMOC  = moc_demo.cpp main.moc
See also: <a href="#OBJMOC">OBJMOC</a>.

<h4><a name="TARGET"></a>TARGET</h4>
Sets the makefile target, i.e. what program to build.

<h4><a name="TEMPLATE"></a>TEMPLATE</h4>
Sets the default template. This can be overridden by the tmake -t
<a href="tmake.html#usage">option</a>.

<h4><a name="TMAKE_CC"></a>TMAKE_CC</h4>
Contains the name of the compiler.

<h4><a name="TMAKE_CFLAGS"></a>TMAKE_CFLAGS</h4>
Contains the default compiler flags.

<h4><a name="TMAKE_FILEVARS"></a>TMAKE_FILEVARS</h4>
Tells tmake which variables contain file names.  This is because tmake
on Windows replace the directory separator / with \.

<h2>Function Reference</h2>
This section contains a brief description of some important
tmake functions used by the templates.

<h3><a name="AddIncludePath"></a>AddIncludePath(path)</h3>
Adds <em>path</em> to the include path variable,
<a href="#INCLUDEPATH">INCLUDEPATH</a>. The include path is used
for two purposes:<ol>
<li>Searching files when generating include dependencies.
<li>Setting -I options for the C/C++ compiler.
  #$ AddIncludePath('$QTDIR/include;/local/include');

Creates build rules for moc source files. Generates
include dependencies.<p>
  #$ BuildMocObj($project{"OBJMOC"},$project{"SRCMOC"});
  moc_hello.o: moc_hello.cpp \
		hello.h \

Creates moc source files from C++ files containing classes that
define signals and slots. For a header file <tt>x.h</tt>, the
generated moc file is called <tt>moc_x.h</tt>. For a source file
<tt>y.cpp</tt>, the generates moc file is called <tt>y.moc</tt> and
should be #include'd by <tt>y.cpp</tt>.<p>
  #$ BuildMocSrc($project{"HEADERS"});
  #$ BuildMocSrc($project{"SOURCES"});
  moc_hello.cpp: hello.h
	$(MOC) hello.h -o moc_hello.cpp

Creates build rules for source files. Generates
include dependencies.<p>
  #$ BuildObj($project{"OBJECTS"},$project{"SOURCES"});
  hello.o: hello.cpp \
		hello.h \

  main.o: main.cpp \
		hello.h \

Returns true if the <code>CONFIG</code> variable contains the given string.
  #$ if ( Config("release") { }

Call this function to force tmake to generate no output until
EnableOutput() is called.
  #$ Config("debug") && DisableOutput();
      Anything here is skipped if CONFIG contains "debug".
  #$ Config("debug") && EnableOutput();

Enables tmake output after DisableOutput() was called.

Expands a project variable. Equivalent to <code>$text = $project{$var}</code>.
  VERSION = #$ Expand("VERSION");
  VERSION = 1.1

Expands a $project{} variable, splits on whitespace
and joins with $glue. $prepend is put at the start
of the string and $append is put at the end of the
string. The resulting string ($text) becomes "" if
the project variable is empty or not defined.<p>
          #$ ExpandGlue("OBJECTS","-del","\n\t-del ","");
</pre>Output (Windows NT):<pre>
          -del hello.obj
          -del main.obj

This function is suitable for expanding lists of files.
Equivalent with <code>ExpandGlue($var,""," \\\n\t\t","")</code>.<p>
  OBJECTS = #$ ExpandList("OBJECTS");
  OBJECTS = hello.o \

Similar to ExpandGlue, except that it splits the items on a semicolon
instead of space (if the variable contains at least one semicolon).

Includes a template file. The ".t" extension is optional.<p>
  #$ IncludeTemplate("mytemplate");

Sets $text to the current date and time.<p>
  # Generated at #$ Now()
  # Generated at 12:58, 1996/11/19

This is a powerful function for setting and reading project
variables.  Returns the resulting project variables (joined with space
# Get a project variable:
    $s = Project("TEMPLATE");	    -> $s = "TEMPLATE"

# Set a project variable:
    Project("TEMPLATE = lib");	    -> TEMPLATE = lib
    Project("CONFIG =";)	    -> CONFIG empty

# Append to a project variable:
    Project("CONFIG = qt");	    -> CONFIG = qt
    Project("CONFIG += debug");	    -> CONFIG = qt debug

# Append to a project variable if it does not contain the value already:
    Project("CONFIG = qt release"); -> CONFIG = qt release
    Project("CONFIG *= qt");	    -> CONFIG = qt release
    Project("CONFIG *= opengl");    -> CONFIG = qt release opengl

# Subtract from a project variable:
    Project("THINGS = abc xyz");    -> THINGS = abc xyz
    Project("THINGS -= abc");	    -> THINGS = xyz

# Search/replace on a project variable:
    Project("CONFIG = tq opengl");  -> CONFIG = tq opengl
    Project("CONFIG /= s/tq/qt/");  -> CONFIG = qt opengl

# The operations can be performed on several project variables at a time.

    Project("TEMPLATE = app", "CONFIG *= opengl", "THINGS += klm");

<h3><a name="ScanProject"></a>ScanProject(file)</h3>
Scans a project file and stores the project variables and values in the
global associative <code>%project</code> array.

<h3><a name="StdInit"></a>StdInit()</h3>
Standard initialization of tmake. StdInit() should be
called from one of the first lines in the template.<p>

This function creates some new project variables:<ul>
<li><code><a href="#OBJECTS">OBJECTS</a></code>
    - Object files corresponding to
   <code><a href="#SOURCES">SOURCES</a></code>.
<li><code><a href="#SRCMOC">SRCMOC</a></code> - moc source files.
<li><code><a href="#OBJMOC">OBJMOC</a></code> - moc object files.

The moc-related variables are created only if <code>CONFIG</code> contains "qt"

This function takes a string and substitutes any occurrence of $$var
with the actual content of the variable.  Returns the substituted string.
Also sets $text.
Important: Use single quotes around the string, otherwise perl will expand
any $vars it finds.
    Substitute('Project name: $$PROJECT, uses template $$TEMPLATE');