changeset 4 4764c8c88759
equal deleted inserted replaced
3:7ee884bf767e 4:4764c8c88759
     1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
     2 <feature
     3       id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.feature"
     4       label="Usage Data Collector"
     5       version="1.1.0.R200906100410"
     6       provider-name="Eclipse Packaging Project">
     8    <description url="">
     9       The Usage Data Collector collects information
    10 about how individuals are using the Eclipse platform. This
    11 information is periodically uploaded to servers hosted by
    12 The Eclipse Foundation (though this is configurable). The intent
    13 is to use this data to help committers and organizations better
    14 understand how developers are using Eclipse.
    15 Target Users of the Data:
    16 * Users of Eclipse
    17 * Committers working on Eclipse projects
    18 * ISVs and organization creating Eclipse based software
    19 * Enterprise IT departments that make extensive use of Eclipse
    20 Foundation
    21 * Academic researchers that want to study how developer work
    22 Data to Be Collected
    23 Captured data is associated with a user through a combination
    24 of workstation and workspace ids that are automatically generated
    25 by the collector. This identification is not tied to any personal
    26 information about the user.
    27 The usage data monitors:
    28 * Start up and shutdown times of a workspace
    29 * What is being used and when (timestamp), including
    30 1. Loaded bundles
    31 2. Commands accessed via keyboard shortcuts
    32 3. Actions invoked via menus or toolbars
    33 4. Perspective changes
    34 5. View usage
    35 6. Editor usage 
    36 Where possible, the usage data collector also capture the symbolic
    37 name and version of the bundle contributing the command/action/perspective/view/editor.
    38    </description>
    40    <copyright url="">
    41       Copyright (c) 2007, 2008 The Eclipse Foundation.
    42 All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
    43 are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License
    44 v1.0 which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
    46    </copyright>
    48    <license url="">
    49       %license
    50    </license>
    52    <url>
    53       <update label="EPP Update Site" url=""/>
    54    </url>
    56    <requires>
    57       <import plugin="org.eclipse.core.runtime" version="3.3.0" match="compatible"/>
    58       <import plugin="org.eclipse.ui" version="3.3.0" match="compatible"/>
    59       <import plugin="org.eclipse.ui.forms" version="3.3.0" match="compatible"/>
    60    </requires>
    62    <plugin
    63          id="org.apache.commons.httpclient"
    64          download-size="0"
    65          install-size="0"
    66          version="3.1.0.v20080605-1935"
    67          unpack="false"/>
    69    <plugin
    70          id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.gathering"
    71          download-size="0"
    72          install-size="0"
    73          version="1.1.0.R200906100410"
    74          unpack="false"/>
    76    <plugin
    77          id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.recording"
    78          download-size="0"
    79          install-size="0"
    80          version="1.1.0.R200906100410"
    81          unpack="false"/>
    83    <plugin
    84          id="org.eclipse.epp.usagedata.ui"
    85          download-size="0"
    86          install-size="0"
    87          version="1.1.0.R200906100410"
    88          unpack="false"/>
    90    <plugin
    91          id="org.apache.commons.codec"
    92          download-size="0"
    93          install-size="0"
    94          version="1.3.0.v20080530-1600"
    95          unpack="false"/>
    97    <plugin
    98          id="org.apache.commons.logging"
    99          download-size="0"
   100          install-size="0"
   101          version="1.0.4.v200904062259"
   102          unpack="false"/>
   104 </feature>