changeset 5 684bf18fdedf
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/carbidecpp22devenv/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/188/1/.cp/cheatsheets/helloworld/helloworld-extension.xml	Fri Dec 04 10:01:33 2009 -0600
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!--
+     Copyright (c) 2005, 2008 IBM Corporation and others.
+     All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
+     are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
+     which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
+     Contributors:
+         IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation
+ -->
+<cheatsheet title="Create a plug-in extension">
+   <intro href="/org.eclipse.platform.doc.user/reference/ref-cheatsheets.htm">
+      <description>
+         This cheat sheet will demonstrate how to create and test a plug-in extension
+         using PDE. 
+         <br/>
+         <br/>
+         To learn more about using cheat sheets, click the help button
+         in the top right corner (?).
+      </description>
+   </intro>
+   <item title="Open the plug-in development perspective" dialog="true" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/views/views.htm">
+      <description>
+         To open the plug-in development perspective,
+         select <b>Window-&gt;Open Perspective-&gt;Other...</b> 
+         and choose <b>Plug-in Development</b>.
+         <br/>
+         <br/>
+         Alternatively, click the following button to perform the task.
+      </description>
+      <command
+            confirm="false"
+            required="false"
+            translate=""
+            serialization="org.eclipse.ui.perspectives.showPerspective(org.eclipse.ui.perspectives.showPerspective.perspectiveId=org.eclipse.pde.ui.PDEPerspective)">
+      </command>
+   </item>
+   <item title="Open the plug-in editor" dialog="true" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/editors/manifest_editor/editor.htm">
+      <description>
+         To open the plug-in editor (if it is not already open),
+         expand the <b>com.example.helloworld</b> tree dialog
+         in the <b>Package Explorer</b> view and double-click
+         on the <b>plugin.xml</b> file.
+         <br/>
+         <br/>
+         Alternatively, click the following button to perform the task.
+      </description>
+      <command
+            confirm="false"
+            required="false"
+            translate=""
+            serialization="org.eclipse.ui.navigate.openResource(filePath=/com.example.helloworld/plugin.xml)">
+      </command>
+   </item>
+   <item title="Define a view extension" dialog="true" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/editors/manifest_editor/extensions.htm">
+      <description>
+         To define a view extension, perform the following steps:
+      </description>
+      <subitem label="Select the &quot;Extensions&quot; tab within the plug-in editor to display the &quot;Extensions&quot; page" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Click the &quot;Add&quot; button to open the &quot;New Extension&quot; wizard" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Select &quot;org.eclipse.ui.views&quot; from the &quot;Extension Points&quot; list box and click &quot;Finish&quot;" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+   </item>
+   <item title="Add a view category" dialog="true" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/editors/manifest_editor/extensions.htm">
+      <description>
+         To define a view category, perform the following steps:
+      </description>
+      <subitem label="Select &quot;org.eclipse.ui.views&quot; in the list box under &quot;All Extensions&quot; heading in the &quot;Extensions&quot; page" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Right-click and select &quot;New-&gt;category&quot; from the context menu" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Replace the content of the &quot;id&quot; text box under &quot;Extension Element Details&quot; with &quot;com.example.helloworld.view.helloworldcategory&quot;" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Replace the content of the &quot;name&quot; text box with &quot;Hello World!&quot;" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Select &quot;File-&gt;Save&quot; from the main menu" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+   </item>
+   <item title="Add a view" dialog="true" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/editors/manifest_editor/extensions.htm">
+      <description>
+         To define a view, perform the following steps:
+      </description>
+      <subitem label="Select &quot;org.eclipse.ui.views&quot; in the list box under &quot;All Extensions&quot; heading in the &quot;Extensions&quot; page" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Right-click and select &quot;New-&gt;view&quot; from the context menu" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Replace the content of the &quot;id&quot; text box under &quot;Extension Element Details&quot; with &quot;com.example.helloworld.view.helloworldview&quot;" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Replace the content of the &quot;name&quot; text box with &quot;Hello World!&quot;" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Replace the content of the &quot;class&quot; text box with &quot;com.example.helloworld.view.SampleView&quot;" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Replace the content of the &quot;category&quot; text box with &quot;com.example.helloworld.view.helloworldcategory&quot;" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Select &quot;File-&gt;Save&quot; from the main menu" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+   </item>
+   <item title="Create a view class" dialog="true" skip="false">
+      <description>
+         To create a view class, perform the following steps:
+      </description>
+      <subitem label="Click the &quot;class&quot; hyperlink under &quot;Extension Element Details&quot; to start the &quot;New Java Class&quot; wizard" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Accept the default values and click the &quot;Finish&quot; button to exit the wizard" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+   </item>
+   <item title="Add view class code" dialog="true" skip="false">
+      <description>
+         We are now going to add code to our view class to simply
+         display a &quot;Hello, Eclipse world!&quot; message in the view when
+         it is opened.
+         <br/>
+         <br/>
+         The previous step should have opened the <b>SampleView</b> class
+         in a Java editor.
+         <br/>
+         <br/>
+         Add the following lines of code under the pre-generated 
+         <b>createPartControl</b> method:
+         <br/>
+         <br/>
+		 Label label = new Label( parent, SWT.LEFT );
+         <br/>
+		 label.setText( &quot;Hello, Eclipse world!&quot; );
+         <br/>
+         <br/>
+         Note:  There will be two import errors to correct.
+         <br/>
+         Either add the following import statements manually or
+         click on the lightbulb icons in the margin of the Java
+         editor to add them:
+         <br/>
+         <br/>
+		 import org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Label;
+         <br/>
+		 import org.eclipse.swt.SWT;
+		 <br/>
+		 <br/>
+		 Select &quot;File-&gt;Save&quot; from the main menu
+      </description>
+   </item>
+   <item title="Test the plug-in" dialog="true" skip="false" href="/org.eclipse.pde.doc.user/guide/tools/launchers/eclipse_application_launcher.htm">
+      <description>
+         To test your Eclipse plug-in inside a target Eclipse platform,
+         perform the following steps:
+      </description>
+      <subitem label="Open the plug-in editor" skip="false">
+         <command
+               confirm="false"
+               required="false"
+	           translate=""
+               serialization="org.eclipse.ui.navigate.openResource(filePath=/com.example.helloworld/plugin.xml)">
+         </command>
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Select the &quot;Overview&quot; tab to display the &quot;Overview&quot; page" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Click the &quot;Launch an Eclipse application&quot; hyperlink under the &quot;Testing&quot; heading" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Select &quot;Window-&gt;Show View-&gt;Other...&quot; from the main menu in the newly launched Eclipse platform" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Note the &quot;Hello World!&quot; category and expand its tree dialog" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Select the &quot;Hello World!&quot; view and click the &quot;OK&quot; button" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+      <subitem label="Select &quot;File-&gt;Exit&quot; from the main menu to exit the target Eclipse platform" skip="false">
+      </subitem>
+   </item>