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+++ b/carbidecpp22devenv/configuration/org.eclipse.osgi/bundles/309/1/.cp/getting_started/cdt_w_prepare_workbench.htm	Fri Dec 04 10:01:33 2009 -0600
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+<title>Preparing the Workbench</title>
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+<h1>Preparing the Workbench</h1>
+<p>This tutorial will get you started using the C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT) in the Workbench.</p>
+<p>First, you will verify that the workbench is properly configured for C/C++ development. It is assumed that:</p>
+<li>Your Workbench has its default settings.
+To reset the current perspective to its original layout, from the menu bar select
+<b>Window &gt; Reset Perspective</b>.</li>
+<li>You are familiar with the basic Workbench features, such as 
+<a href="../concepts/cdt_c_views.htm">views</a> and 
+<a href="../concepts/cdt_c_perspectives.htm">perspectives</a>.
+<h2>Setting the operation and appearance of the C/C++ Editor</h2>
+<br><li>To open the Workbench preferences, from the menu bar, select <b>Window &gt; Preferences</b>.</li>
+<br><li>Expand <b>C/C++</b> and select <b>Editor</b>. 
+<p><br><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="newWin('../images/editor_general_preferences.png')">Click here to see an illustration (displayed in a separate window).</a></p></li>
+<br><li>Make any changes that you require to be comfortable editing files. 
+For example, you might want to enable <b>Show line numbers</b> or change the <b>Problem indicator color</b> to a different shade of red. For more information about setting preferences in the editor, see <a href="../reference/cdt_u_c_editor_gen.htm">General page Preferences window</a> in the reference section.</li>
+<br><li>On the Preferences C/C++ Editor dialog, click the <b>Colors</b> tab. The <b>Colors</b> tab for the C/C++ Editor preferences dialog displays.</p><p><br><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="newWin('../images/editor_color_preferences.png')">Click here to see an illustration.</a></p>
+<br>Again, make any changes that will be useful for your working habits and click <b>OK</b>. For more information see the <a href="../reference/cdt_u_c_editor_color.htm">Color page Preferences window</a> in the reference section.</li>
+<br><li>On the <b>Preferences C/C++ Editor</b> dialog, click the <b>Content Assist</b> tab. The <b>Preferences C/C++ Editor</b> dialog's <b>Content Assist</b> tab appears.<br>
+<p><br><a href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="newWin('../images/contentAssist_preferences.png')">Click here to see an illustration.</a></p>
+<p><br>If you want to set an auto-activation delay or change the background for completion proposals, do so now. For more information see the <a href="../reference/cdt_u_c_editor_con_assist.htm">Content Assist page Preferences window</a> in the reference section.</p></li>
+<br><li>Leave the preferences by clicking <b>OK</b>.</li>
+<p><img src="../images/ngref.gif" alt="Related reference">
+<br><a href="../reference/cdt_o_ceditor_pref.htm">C/C++ Editor Preferences</a></p>
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