author cawthron
Fri, 04 Dec 2009 10:01:33 -0600
changeset 5 684bf18fdedf
permissions -rw-r--r--
add files for RCL_2_2

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cheatsheet title="Use Task-Focused UI">
         This cheat sheet shows you how to handle a task lifecycle and how to use task-focused UI.
You need an existing project for this sheet.
   <item title="Open the Task List view" dialog="true" skip="false">
         If the Task List view is not opened, select in the main menu  <b>Window &gt; Show View &gt; Other... &gt; Mylyn &gt; Task List</b> or click on the &quot;Click to Perform&quot; link below.
      <command serialization="org.eclipse.ui.views.showView(org.eclipse.ui.views.showView.viewId=org.eclipse.mylyn.tasks.ui.views.tasks)" confirm="true">
   <item title="Create and activate a task" dialog="true" skip="false">
         In the Task List view, click on the right mouse button, then select <b>New &gt; Category</b>. Enter <b>Tutorials</b> for the category&apos;s name.
Then right click on the <b>Tutorials</b> category and select <b>New &gt; Task</b>. In the <b>New Task</b> dialog select <b>Local</b> then click on the <b>Finish</b> button.
 Enter <b>Learn task-focus</b>  for the task&apos;s title and change the priority to <b>High</b>. You can add some notes,  too.
Right click on the new task and select <b>Activate</b> to activate the task.
   <item title="Focus on the task" dialog="true" skip="false">
         In the <b>Package Explorer</b> the task-focus turns on automatically if you activate a task.<br/> 
You can turn on or off this function if you click on the  <b>Focus on  Active Task</b> toogle button in the view&apos;s toolbar.<br/>
You can use this function in the <b>Outline</b> view too. Turn it on in this view as well.
   <item title="Open the file" dialog="true" skip="false">
         Press down the <b>Alt</b> button and click on the <b>left</b> mouse button on the <b>Package Explorer</b> view. Now you can see all of your projects in the view.
Next <b>Alt+click</b> on an arbitrary project and you can see the files wich are in the project.
With this method, select a class from the project.<br/>
After the file is opened you can see the class both  in the <b>Package Explorer</b> and in the <b>Outline</b> view.
   <item title="Add method to focus" dialog="true" skip="false">
         Select in the Editor a method then you can see this  method in the <b>Outline</b> view and in the <b>Package Explorer</b> under the class file.
Next press the Alt button and click on the class in the <b>Outline</b> view.<br/> 
Now you can see all methods. Methods which aren&apos;t in the focus are in <b>grey</b> color. Select another method from the list. After that all methods will disappear which aren&apos;t in the focus.
   <item title="Landmark" dialog="true" skip="false">
         If an element&apos;s interest rank is high enough, it becomes a landmark, which is an implicitly created bookmark. Landmarks are showed in bold font.
Select the a method in the <b>Outline</b> view or in the <b>Package Explorer</b>. Right click on the method and select <b>Mark as Landmark</b>. After then  this method becomes a landmark.
Also you can use key bindings. <b>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+UpArrow</b> to mark the element as landmark or <b>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+DownArrow</b> to mark less interesting for the element.
   <item title="Remove method from focus" dialog="true" skip="false">
         Right click on a method which is in the focus and select <b>Remove from Focus</b>. After then this method will disappear from the list.
   <item title="Open another file" dialog="true" skip="false">
         Press down the <b>Alt</b> button and <b>click</b> on the <b>project</b>. Select an arbitrary file from the list with <b>Alt+click</b>. After you open the new file you can see it in the focus and all files will disappear which aren&apos;t in the focus.
You can use <b>Alt+RightArrow</b> instead of <b>Alt+click</b>.
   <item title="Quick Context View" dialog="true" skip="false">
         Press down <b>Ctrl+Shift+Alt+RightArrow</b> buttons, then you can see all elements which are in the focus.
   <item title="Complete task" dialog="true" skip="false">
         In the Task List view, click on the right mouse button on the <b>Learn task-focus</b> task and select deactivate.
Click again on the task with the right mouse button and select <b>Mark &gt; Complete</b>. <br/>
After then the task&apos;s name will be struck through.