author cawthron
Fri, 04 Dec 2009 10:01:33 -0600
changeset 5 684bf18fdedf
permissions -rw-r--r--
add files for RCL_2_2

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	<title>Multi-Configuration Edit preferences</title>
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<h1>Multi-Configuration Edit preferences</h1>

<p>Since CDT 5.0, user is able to edit properties for 
multiple project configurations simultaneously.</p>
<p>Either all configuations or some of them can be selected.</p>
<p>But, then we deal with string list property values, 
it is not obvious how to concatenate them, if they differ.</p>

<p><img src="../images/cdt_pref-multi-cfg.png" alt="Multi-Configuration Edit preferences tab"></p>
  <dt>String list Display Mode</dt>
  <dd>Specifies how values will be shown.<br>
  There are 2 options: conjunction or disjunction.
  <li><b>Conjunction</b> shows common elements only, so if 1st configuration has 
  value &lt;A, B, C&gt; and 2nd configuration has &lt;B, C, D&gt;, &lt;B, C&gt; will be shown. 
  <li><b>Disjunction</b> shows all existing elements except doubles, so if 1st configuration has 
  value &lt;A, B, C&gt; and 2nd configuration has &lt;B, C, D&gt;, &lt;A, B, C, D&gt; will be shown. 
  Note that Display mode can be changed directly on each tab which deals with string lists.
  Result is immediate: data on the tab refereshed according to selected mode.<br>
  <dt>String list Write Mode</dt>
  <dd>Specifies how values will be saved.<br>
  There are 2 options: modify or replace.
  <li><b>Modify mode</b> adds, changes or removes elements affected by user's actions.
  Elements which were not touched by user are left unchanged.<br>   
  Example: cfg1 has &lt;A, B, C&gt;; cfg2 has &lt;B, C, D&gt;.<br>
  User removed B and added F.<br>
  Result: cfg1 has &lt;A, C, F&gt;; cfg2 has &lt;C, D, F&gt;.
  <li><b>Replace mode</b> puts currently visible elements to all configurations.
  Old contents will be lost.<br>
  Example: cfg1 has &lt;A, B, C&gt;; cfg2 has &lt;B, C, D&gt;.<br>
  Visible list depends of Display mode: &lt;B, C&gt; or &lt;A, B, C, D&gt;.<br>
  User removed B and added F.<br>
  Result: both cfgs will contain either &lt;C, F&gt; or &lt;A, C, D, F&gt; depending of Display mode.
  Note that Write mode can be changed directly on each tab which deals with string lists.<br>
  <dt>Restore Defaults</dt>
  <dd>Sets all parameters to default values</dd>
  <dd>Saves current settings.</dd>

