changeset 1 0a7b44b10206
child 2 806186ab5e14
equal deleted inserted replaced
0:c55016431358 1:0a7b44b10206
     1 // Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 // f32\sfsrv\cl_file.cpp
    15 // 
    16 //
    18 #include <f32file.h>
    19 #include <e32math.h>
    21 #include <cstdio>
    22 #include <errno.h>
    23 #include <sys/stat.h>
    24 #include <unistd.h>
    26 class TFileInfo
    27 	{
    28 public:
    29 	FILE* iHandle;
    30 	TFileName iName;
    31 	TUint iMode;
    32 	};
    34 #define GETFILEHANDLE(A,B) TFileInfo* A; memcpy(&A, B, 4);
    35 #define FILEHANDLE(A) GETFILEHANDLE(A,this);
    37 extern TInt mapErr(TInt);
    38 extern const char* PosixFilename(const TDesC &aIn);
    39 extern const char* PosixFilename(const TDesC &aIn, TDes8& aOut);
    41 /**
    42 Make a duplicate of the passed file handle in the same thread.
    44 By default, any thread in the process can use the duplicated handle to access the 
    45 file. However, specifying EOwnerThread as the second parameter to this function, 
    46 means that only the creating thread can use the handle.
    48 @param	aFile	The file handle to duplicate
    49 @param	aType	An enumeration whose enumerators define the ownership of this 
    50 				handle. If not explicitly specified, EOwnerProcess is taken
    51 				as default.
    53 @return	one of the other system-wide error codes.
    54 */
    55 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Duplicate(const RFile& aFile, TOwnerType aType)
    56 	{
    57 	GETFILEHANDLE(h,&aFile);
    58 	TFileName name(h->iName);
    59 	RFs fs;  // This doesn't actually get used in the Open function
    60 	TUint mode = h->iMode;
    62 	// Get the file position
    63 	TInt pos = ftell(h->iHandle);
    64 	if (pos < 0)
    65 		return mapErr(errno);
    67 	// Open the file
    68 	TInt err = Open(fs, name, mode);
    69 	if (err != KErrNone)
    70 		return err;
    72 	// Set the file position
    73 	return Seek(ESeekStart, pos); 
    74 	}
    76 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Name(TDes &aName) const
    77 /**
    78 Gets the final part of a filename
    80 This is used to retrieve the name and extension of a file that has been 
    81 passed from one process to another using the RFile::AdoptXXX() methods.
    83 @param	aName	On return, contains the name of the file, including the name and 
    84 				extension but excluding the drive letter and path.
    86 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
    87         system-wide error codes.
    89 */
    90 	{
    91     FILEHANDLE(h);
    92     TParsePtrC ptr(h->iName);
    93     aName = ptr.NameAndExt();
    94     return KErrNone;
    95 	}
    98 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::FullName(TDes& aName) const
    99 /**
   100 Gets the full filename
   102 This is used to retrieve the full filename, including drive and path,
   103 of a file that has been passed from one process to another using the 
   104 RFile::AdoptXXX() methods.
   106 @param	aName	On return, contains the full name of the file, including drive and path.
   108 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other
   109         system-wide error codes.
   111 */
   112 	{
   113     FILEHANDLE(h);
   114     aName = h->iName;
   115     return KErrNone;
   116 	}
   120 /*
   121 "r" 	Open a text file for reading
   122 "r+" 	Open a text file for read/write
   124 "rb" 	Open a binary file for reading
   125 "rb+" 	Open a binary file for read/write
   127 "w" 	Create a text file for writing
   128 "w+" 	Create a text file for read/write
   130 "wb" 	Create a binary file for writing
   131 "wb+" 	Create a binary file for read/write
   133 "a" 	Append to a text file
   134 "ab" 	Append to a binary file
   135 */
   136 void GetFileMode(TDes8& aBuf, TUint aFileMode, TBool aOpen)
   137 	{
   138 	if (aOpen)
   139 		{
   140 		if (aFileMode & EFileWrite)
   141 			// Open a binary file for read/write
   142 			aBuf = _L8("rb+");
   143 		else
   144 			// Open a binary file for reading
   145 			aBuf = _L8("rb");
   146 		}
   147 	else
   148 		// Create a binary file for read/write 
   149 		aBuf = _L8("wb+");
   150 	}
   152 TInt DoOpen(RFile* aFile, const TDesC &aName, TUint aFileMode, TBool aOpen)
   153     {
   154 	const char* name = PosixFilename(aName);
   156 	TFileInfo* info = new TFileInfo;
   157 	if (!info)
   158 		return KErrNoMemory;
   160 	TBuf8<4> mode;
   161 	GetFileMode(mode, aFileMode, aOpen);
   162 	info->iHandle = fopen(name, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(mode.PtrZ()));
   164 #ifdef _DEBUG_LOGGING
   165     RDebug::Print(_L("DEBUG: DoOpen> file=%S id=%x\n"), &aName, info->iHandle);
   166 #endif
   168     if (!info->iHandle)
   169     	{
   170     	delete info;
   171     	return mapErr(errno);
   172     	}
   174 	// Symbian expects file pos at the begining
   175 	if (aOpen && aFileMode|EFileWrite)
   176 		{
   177 		if (fseek(info->iHandle, 0, SEEK_SET) != 0)
   178 			{
   179 			fclose(info->iHandle);
   180 			delete info;
   181 	    	return mapErr(errno);
   182 			}
   183 		}
   185     info->iName = aName;
   186     info->iMode = aFileMode;
   187     memcpy(aFile, &info, 4);
   188     return KErrNone;
   189     }
   191 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Open(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aName, TUint aFileMode)
   192 /**
   193 Opens an existing file for reading or writing.
   195 If the file does not already exist, an error is returned.
   197 Notes:
   199 1. To close the file, use Close()
   201 2. Attempting to open a file with the read-only attribute using the EFileWrite
   202    access mode results in an error.
   204 3. Attempting to open a file which is greater than or equal to 2GByte (2,147,483,648 bytes)
   205    will fail with KErrTooBig
   207 4. After a file has been opened, the current write position is set to the start
   208    of the file.
   209    If necessary, use RFile::Seek() to move to a different position within
   210    the file.
   212 @param aFs   The file server session.
   213 @param aName The name of the file. Any path components (i.e. drive letter
   214              or directory), which are not specified, are taken from
   215              the session path.
   216 @param aMode The mode in which the file is opened. See TFileMode.
   218 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
   219         error codes.
   221 @see TFileMode
   223 @capability Dependent If the path for aName is /Sys and aMode is neither
   224 					  EFileShareReadersOnly nor EFileRead then Tcb capability is required.
   225 @capability Dependent If the path for aName is /Sys and aMode is either
   226 					  EFileShareReadersOnly or EFileRead then Allfiles capability is required.
   227 @capability Dependent If the path for aName begins with /Private and does not match this process'
   228 					  SID then AllFiles capability is required.
   229 @capability Dependent If the path for aName begins with /Resource and aMode is neither
   230  					  EFileShareReadersOrWriters|EFileRead nor EFileShareReadersOnly 
   231  					  nor EFileRead then Tcb capability is required.
   233 */
   234     {
   235 #ifdef _DEBUG_LOGGING
   236 	RDebug::Print(_L("DEBUG: RFile::Open> name=%S mode=%x\n"), &aName, aFileMode);
   237 #endif
   239     return DoOpen(this, aName, aFileMode, ETrue);
   240     }
   242 EXPORT_C void RFile::Close()
   243 /**
   244 Closes the file.
   246 Any open files are closed when the file server session is closed.
   248 Close() is guaranteed to return, and provides no indication whether
   249 it completed successfully or not. When closing a file you have written to,
   250 you should ensure that data is committed to the file by invoking RFile::Flush()
   251 before closing. If Flush() completes successfully, Close() is essentially a
   252 no-operation.
   253 */
   254     {
   255     FILEHANDLE(h);
   256     if (h)
   257     	{
   258     	fflush(h->iHandle);
   259     	fclose(h->iHandle);
   260     	delete h;
   262 		// Make sure the handle is null
   263         memset(this, 0, 4);
   264     	}
   265     }
   267 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Create(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aName, TUint aFileMode)
   268 /**
   269 Creates and opens a new file for writing.
   271 If the file already exists, an error is returned.
   273 If the resulting path does not exist, then the operation cannot proceed and
   274 the function returns an error code.
   276 Notes:
   278 1. To close the file, use Close()
   280 2. It automatically sets the file's archive attribute.
   282 @param aFs   The file server session.
   283 @param aName The name of the file. Any path components (i.e. drive letter
   284              or directory), which are not specified, are taken from
   285              the session path.
   286 @param aMode The mode in which the file is opened. The access mode is
   287              automatically set to EFileWrite. See TFileMode.
   289 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
   290         error codes.
   292 @see TFileMode
   294 @capability Dependent If the path in aName starts with /Sys then capability Tcb is required
   295 @capability Dependent If the path in aName starts with /Resource then capability Tcb is required
   296 @capability Dependent If the path in aName starts with /Private and does not match this process'
   297 					  SID then AllFiles capability is required.
   299 */
   300     {
   301 #ifdef _DEBUG_LOGGING
   302     RDebug::Print(_L("DEBUG: RFile::Create> name=%S mode=%x\n"), &aName, aFileMode);
   303 #endif
   305     TUint att;
   306     if (aFs.Att(aName, att) == KErrNone)
   307     	return KErrAlreadyExists;
   308     return DoOpen(this, aName, aFileMode|EFileWrite, EFalse);
   309     }
   311 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Replace(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aName, TUint aFileMode)
   312 /**
   313 Opens a file for writing, replacing the content of any existing file of the
   314 same name if it exists, or creating a new file if it does not exist.
   316 If the resulting path exists, then:
   318 - the length of an existing file with the same filename is re-set to zero 
   320 - a new file is created, if no existing file with the same filename can be found.
   322 If the resulting path does not exist, then the operation cannot proceed and
   323 the function returns an error code.
   325 Notes:
   327 - To close the file, use Close(), defined in the base class RFsBase.
   329 - It automatically sets the file's archive attribute.
   331 @param aFs   The file server session.
   332 @param aName The name of the file. Any path components (i.e. drive letter
   333              or directory), which are not specified, are taken from
   334              the session path.
   335 @param aMode The mode in which the file is opened. The access mode is
   336              automatically set to EFileWrite. See TFileMode.
   338 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
   339         error codes.
   341 @see TFileMode
   343 @capability Dependent If the path in aName starts with /Sys then capability Tcb is required
   344 @capability Dependent If the path in aName starts with /Resource then capability Tcb is required
   345 @capability Dependent If the path in aName starts with /Private and does not match this process'
   346 					  SID then AllFiles capability is required.
   348 */
   349     {
   350 #ifdef _DEBUG_LOGGING
   351     RDebug::Print(_L("DEBUG: RFile::Replace> name=%S mode=%x\n"), &aName, aFileMode);
   352 #endif
   354     return DoOpen(this, aName, aFileMode|EFileWrite, EFalse);
   355     }
   357 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Temp(RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aPath, TFileName& aName, TUint aFileMode)
   358 /**
   359 Creates and opens a temporary file with a unique name for writing and reading.
   361 Notes:
   363 1. To close the file, use Close()
   365 @param aFs   The file server session.
   366 @param aPath The directory in which the file is created.
   367 @param aName On return, contains the full path and file name of the file.
   368              The filename is guaranteed to be unique within the directory
   369              specified by aPath.
   370 @param aMode The mode in which the file is opened. The access mode is
   371              automatically set to EFileWrite. See TFileMode.
   373 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
   374         error codes.
   376 @see TFileMode
   378 @capability Dependent If aPath starts with /Sys then capability Tcb is required
   379 @capability Dependent If aPath starts with /Resource then capability Tcb is required
   380 @capability Dependent If aPath starts with /Private and does not match this process'
   381 					  SID then AllFiles capability is required.
   382 */
   383 	{
   384 	// Check for a valid path
   385 	if (aPath.Length() > 0 && aPath[aPath.Length() - 1] != '\\')
   386 		return KErrBadName;
   388 	// Create a temporary file name
   389 	TFileName name;
   390 	while(1)
   391 		{
   392 		name.Format(_L("%Ssymport%d.tmp"), &aPath, Math::Random());	
   394 		TUint att;
   395 		TInt err = aFs.Att(name, att);
   396 		if (err == KErrNotFound)
   397 			break;
   398 		else if (err != KErrNone)
   399 			return err;
   400 		}
   402 	TInt err = Create(aFs, name, aFileMode);
   403 	if (err == KErrNone)
   404 		{
   405 		aName = name;
   406 		return KErrNone;
   407 		}
   408 	// The path couldn't be found
   409 	else if (err == KErrNotFound)
   410 		return KErrBadName;
   412 	return err;
   413 	}
   415 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Read(TDes8& aDes) const
   416 /**
   417 Reads from the file at the current position.
   419 This is a synchronous function.
   421 Note that when an attempt is made to read beyond the end of the file,
   422 no error is returned. 
   423 The descriptor's length is set to the number of bytes read into 
   424 it. Therefore, when reading through a file,the end of file has been reached 
   425 when the descriptor length, as returned by TDesC8::Length(), is zero.
   427 @param aDes Descriptor into which binary data is read. Any existing contents 
   428             are overwritten. On return, its length is set to the number of
   429             bytes read.
   430 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   431         codes.
   433 @see TDesC8::Length
   434 */
   435 	{
   436 	return Read(aDes, aDes.MaxLength());
   437 	}
   439 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Read(TDes8& aDes, TInt aLength) const
   440 /**
   441 Reads the specified number of bytes of binary data from the file at the current position.
   443 This is a synchronous function.
   445 Note that when an attempt is made to read beyond the end of the file,
   446 no error is returned. 
   447 The descriptor's length is set to the number of bytes read into 
   448 it. Therefore, when reading through a file,the end of file has been reached 
   449 when the descriptor length, as returned by TDesC8::Length(), is zero.
   450 Assuming aLength is less than the maximum length of the descriptor, the only circumstances 
   451 in which Read() can return fewer bytes than requested, is when the end of 
   452 file is reached or if an error occurs.
   454 @param aDes    Descriptor into which binary data is read. Any existing
   455                contents are overwritten. On return, its length is set to
   456                the number of bytes read.
   458 @param aLength The number of bytes to be read from the file into the descriptor. 
   459                If an attempt is made to read more bytes than the descriptor's 
   460                maximum length, the function returns KErrOverflow.
   461                This value must not be negative, otherwise the function
   462                returns KErrArgument.
   464 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error
   465         codes.
   466 */
   467 	{
   469 #ifdef _DEBUG_LOGGING
   471     RDebug::Print(_L("DEBUG: Read1> length=%d\n"), aLength);
   473 #endif
   476     FILEHANDLE(h);
   477     if (aLength > aDes.MaxLength())
   478     	return KErrOverflow;
   480 	// If the file has been written then you have set the position for a read to succeed
   481 	fseek(h->iHandle, 0, SEEK_CUR);
   483     size_t len = fread(const_cast<TUint8*>(aDes.Ptr()), 1, aLength, h->iHandle);
   484 	TInt err = ferror(h->iHandle);
   485 	if (err != 0)
   486 		return mapErr(err);
   487 	aDes.SetLength(len);
   489     return KErrNone;
   490 	}
   492 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Read(TInt aPos, TDes8& aDes) const
   493 /**
   494 Reads from the file at the specified offset within the file
   496 This is a synchronous function.
   498 Note that when an attempt is made to read beyond the end of the file,
   499 no error is returned. 
   500 The descriptor's length is set to the number of bytes read into it.
   501 Therefore, when reading through a file, the end of file has been reached 
   502 when the descriptor length, as returned by TDesC8::Length(), is zero.
   504 @param aPos Position of first byte to be read.  This is an offset from
   505             the start of the file. If no position is specified, reading
   506             begins at the current file position. 
   507             If aPos is beyond the end of the file, the function returns
   508             a zero length descriptor.
   510 @param aDes The descriptor into which binary data is read. Any existing content
   511             is overwritten. On return, its length is set to the number of
   512             bytes read.
   514 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   515         codes.
   517 @panic FSCLIENT 19 if aPos is negative.        
   518 */
   519 	{
   520     return Read(aPos, aDes, aDes.MaxLength());
   521 	}
   523 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Read(TInt aPos, TDes8& aDes, TInt aLength) const
   524 /**
   525 Reads the specified number of bytes of binary data from the file at a specified 
   526 offset within the file.
   528 This is a synchronous function.
   530 Note that when an attempt is made to read beyond the end of the file,
   531 no error is returned. 
   532 The descriptor's length is set to the number of bytes read into it.
   533 Therefore, when reading through a file, the end of file has been reached 
   534 when the descriptor length, as returned by TDesC8::Length(), is zero.
   535 Assuming aLength is less than the maximum length of the descriptor, the only
   536 circumstances in which Read() can return fewer bytes than requested is when
   537 the end of file is reached or if an error has occurred.
   539 @param aPos    Position of first byte to be read. This is an offset from
   540                the start of the file. If no position is specified, 
   541                reading begins at the current file position.
   542                If aPos is beyond the end of the file, the function returns
   543                a zero length descriptor.
   545 @param aDes    The descriptor into which binary data is read. Any existing
   546                contents are overwritten. On return, its length is set to
   547                the number of bytes read.
   548 @param aLength The number of bytes to read from the file into the descriptor. 
   549                If an attempt is made to read more bytes than the descriptor's
   550                maximum length, then the function updates aStatus parameter with KErrOverflow.
   551                It must not be negative otherwise the function updates aStatus with KErrArgument.
   553 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide
   554         error codes.
   556 @panic FSCLIENT 19 if aPos is negative.        
   557 */
   558 	{
   559 #ifdef _DEBUG_LOGGING
   561     RDebug::Print(_L("DEBUG: Read2> length=%d\n"), aLength);
   563 #endif
   567 	FILEHANDLE(h);
   568     if (aLength > aDes.MaxLength())
   569     	return KErrOverflow;
   571 	// Check pos doesn't go past the end of the file
   572 	TInt size;
   573 	TInt err = Size(size);
   574 	if (err != KErrNone)
   575 		return err;
   576 	aPos = Min(size, aPos);
   578     if (fseek(h->iHandle, aPos, SEEK_SET) == 0)
   579     	{
   580     	size_t len = fread(const_cast<TUint8*>(aDes.Ptr()), 1, aLength, h->iHandle);
   581     	if (len == 0 && ferror(h->iHandle) != 0)
   582     		return mapErr(ferror(h->iHandle));
   583         aDes.SetLength(len);
   584         return KErrNone;
   585     	}
   586     return mapErr(errno);
   587 	}
   589 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Write(const TDesC8& aDes)
   590 /**
   591 Writes to the file at the current offset within the file.
   593 This is a synchronous function.
   595 NB Attempting to extend the file to 2 GByte or greater will fail with KErrTooBig
   597 @param aDes The descriptor from which binary data is written.
   598             The function writes the entire contents of aDes to the file.
   600 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   601         codes.
   602 */
   603 	{
   604     return Write(aDes, aDes.Length());
   605 	}
   607 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Write(const TDesC8& aDes, TInt aLength)
   608 /**
   609 Writes a portion of a descriptor to the file at the current offset within
   610 the file.
   612 This is a synchronous function.
   614 NB Attempting to extend the file to 2 GByte or greater will fail with KErrTooBig
   616 @param aDes    The descriptor from which binary data is written.
   617 @param aLength The number of bytes to be written from the descriptor.
   618                This must not be greater than the length of the descriptor.
   619                It must not be negative.
   621 @return KErrNone if successful; KErrArgument if aLength is negative;
   622 		otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   624 @panic FSCLIENT 27 in debug mode, if aLength is greater than the length
   625        of the descriptor aDes.  
   626 */
   627     {
   628 #ifdef _DEBUG_LOGGING
   630     RDebug::Print(_L("DEBUG: Write1> length=%d\n"), aLength);
   632 #endif
   636     FILEHANDLE(h);
   637     if (aLength < 0)
   638     	return KErrArgument;
   641 	// Trying to write to a file that hasn't been opened for write?
   643 	if (!(h->iMode&EFileWrite))
   645 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   648 	// If the file has been read then you have set the position for a write to succeed
   649 	fseek(h->iHandle, 0, SEEK_CUR);
   651     size_t sz = fwrite(aDes.Ptr(), 1, aLength, h->iHandle);
   652 	if (sz != (TUint)aLength)
   653 		return mapErr(ferror(h->iHandle));
   654     return KErrNone;
   655     }
   657 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Write(TInt aPos, const TDesC8& aDes)
   658 /**
   659 Writes to the file at the specified offset within the file
   661 This is a synchronous function.
   663 NB Attempting to extend the file to 2 GByte or greater will fail with KErrTooBig
   665 @param aPos The offset from the start of the file at which the first
   666             byte is written. 
   667             If a position beyond the end of the file is specified, then
   668             the write operation begins at the end of the file.
   669             If the position has been locked, then the write fails.
   671 @param aDes The descriptor from which binary data is written. The function writes 
   672             the entire contents of aDes to the file.
   674 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error
   675         codes.
   677 @panic FSCLIENT 19 if aPos is negative.                       
   678 */
   679 	{
   680     return Write(aPos, aDes, aDes.Length());
   681 	}
   683 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Write(TInt aPos, const TDesC8& aDes, TInt aLength)
   684 /**
   685 Writes the specified number of bytes to the file at the specified offset within the file.
   687 This is a synchronous function.
   689 NB Attempting to extend the file to 2 GByte or greater will fail with KErrTooBig
   691 @param aPos    The offset from the start of the file at which the first
   692                byte is written. 
   693                If a position beyond the end of the file is specified, then
   694                the write operation begins at the end of the file.
   695                If the position has been locked, then the write fails.
   697 @param aDes    The descriptor from which binary data is written.
   698 @param aLength The number of bytes to be written from aDes .
   699 			   It must not be negative.
   701 @return KErrNone if successful; KErrArgument if aLength is negative;
   702 		otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
   704 @panic FSCLIENT 19 if aPos is negative.                       
   705 */
   706     {
   707 #ifdef _DEBUG_LOGGING
   709     RDebug::Print(_L("DEBUG: Write2> length=%d\n"), aLength);
   711 #endif
   715     FILEHANDLE(h);
   716     if (aLength < 0)
   717     	return KErrArgument;
   720 	// Trying to write to a file that hasn't been opened for write?
   722 	if (!(h->iMode&EFileWrite))
   724 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   727 	// Check pos doesn't go past the end of the file
   728 	TInt size;
   729 	TInt err = Size(size);
   730 	if (err != KErrNone)
   731 		return err;
   732 	aPos = Min(size, aPos);
   734     if (fseek(h->iHandle, aPos, SEEK_SET) == 0)
   735     	{
   736     	size_t sz = fwrite(aDes.Ptr(), 1, aLength, h->iHandle);
   737     	if (sz != (TUint)aDes.Length())
   738     		return mapErr(ferror(h->iHandle));
   739     	return KErrNone;
   740     	}
   741     return mapErr(errno);
   742 	}
   744 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Seek(TSeek aMode, TInt& aPos) const
   745 /**
   746 Sets the the current file position.
   748 The function can also be used to get the current file 
   749 position without changing it. The file position is the position at which
   750 reading and writing takes place. The start of the file is position zero.
   752 To retrieve the current file position without changing it, specify ESeekCurrent 
   753 for the seek mode, and zero for the offset.
   755 If the seek mode is ESeekStart, then:
   757 1. the function does not modify the aPos argument,
   759 2. the function returns an error if the offset specified is negative.
   761 If the seek mode is ESeekAddress, an error is returned if:
   763 1. the file is not in ROM, 
   765 2. the offset specified is greater than the size of the file.
   767 @param aMode Seek mode. Controls the destination of the seek operation.
   768 @param aPos  Offset from location specified in aMode. Can be negative.
   769              On return contains the new file position.
   770              If the seek mode is either ESeekCurrent or ESeekEnd and the offset
   771              specifies a position before the start of the file 
   772              or beyond the end of the file, then on return, aPos is set to
   773              the new file position (either the start or the end of the file).
   774              If the seek mode is ESeekAddress, aPos returns the address of
   775              the byte at the specified offset within the file.
   777 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   778         codes.
   779 */
   780 	{
   781 	FILEHANDLE(h);
   783 	// Get file size
   784 	TInt size;
   785 	TInt ret = Size(size);
   786 	if (ret != KErrNone)
   787 		return ret;
   789 	switch(aMode)
   790 		{
   791 		case ESeekStart:
   792 			{			
   793 			// Make sure you don't seek past the end
   794 			ret = fseek(h->iHandle, Min(aPos, size), SEEK_SET);
   795 			break;
   796 			}
   797 		case ESeekCurrent:
   798 			{
   799 			// Get file position
   800 			if ((ret = ftell(h->iHandle)) >= 0)
   801 				{
   802 				TInt current = ret;
   803 				ret = 0;
   805 				// Try and move the file position
   806 				// fseek will move past the end of the file but RFile doesn't allow this
   807 				// fseek thinks it's invalid to move before the start, RFile allows this and sets file pos to zero
   808 				TInt request = Max(0, Min(current + aPos, size));
   809 				if ((ret = fseek(h->iHandle, request, SEEK_SET)) == 0)
   810 					aPos = request;
   811 				}
   812 			break;
   813 			}
   814 		case ESeekEnd:
   815 			{
   816 			// Try and move the file position
   817 			// fseek will move past the end of the file but RFile doesn't allow this
   818 			TInt request = Max(0, Min(size + aPos, size));
   819 			if ((ret = fseek(h->iHandle, request, SEEK_SET)) == 0)
   820 				aPos = request;
   821 			break;
   822 			}
   823 		default: // Applies to ESeekAddress
   824 			return KErrNotSupported;
   825 		}
   826 	if (ret)
   827 		return mapErr(errno);
   828 	return KErrNone;
   829 	}
   831 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Flush()
   832 /**
   833 Commits data to the storage device and flushes internal buffers without closing 
   834 the file.
   836 Although RFile::Close() also flushes internal buffers, it is often useful 
   837 to call Flush() before a file is closed. This is because Close() returns no 
   838 error information, so there is no way of telling whether the final data was 
   839 written to the file successfully or not. Once data has been flushed, Close() 
   840 is effectively a no-operation.
   842 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   843         codes.
   844 */
   845     {
   846     FILEHANDLE(h);
   848 	// Flush messes with the file pointer!
   849     TInt oldpos = ftell(h->iHandle);
   850 	if (oldpos < 0)
   851 		return mapErr(errno);
   852     if (fflush(h->iHandle) != 0)
   853     	return mapErr(errno);
   854     if (fseek(h->iHandle, oldpos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
   855 		return mapErr(errno);
   857 	return KErrNone;
   858     }
   860 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Size(TInt& aSize) const
   861 /**
   862 Gets the current file size.
   864 @param aSize On return, the size of the file in bytes.
   866 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   867         codes.
   868 */
   869 	{
   870     FILEHANDLE(h);
   872 	// Have to flush data before changing size - flush messes with the file pointer!
   873     TInt oldpos = ftell(h->iHandle);
   874 	if (oldpos < 0)
   875 		return mapErr(errno);
   876     if (fflush(h->iHandle) != 0)
   877     	return mapErr(errno);
   878     if (fseek(h->iHandle, oldpos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
   879     	return mapErr(errno);
   881     struct stat sb;
   882     if (fstat(fileno(h->iHandle), &sb) == 0)
   883     	{
   884     	aSize = sb.st_size;
   885     	return KErrNone;
   886     	}
   888     return mapErr(errno);
   889 	}
   891 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::SetSize(TInt aSize)
   892 /**
   893 Sets the file size.
   895 If the size of the file is reduced, data may be lost from 
   896 the end of the file.
   898 Note:
   900 1. The current file position remains unchanged unless SetSize() reduces the size 
   901    of the file in such a way that the current file position is now beyond
   902    the end of the file. In this case, the current file position is set to
   903    the end of file. 
   905 2. If the file was not opened for writing, an error is returned.
   907 @param aSize The new size of the file, in bytes. This value must not be negative, otherwise the function raises a panic.
   909 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   910         codes.
   912 @panic FSCLIENT 20 If aSize is negative.
   914 */
   915 	{
   916 	FILEHANDLE(h);
   919 	// Trying to set size on a file that hasn't been opened for write?
   921 	if (!(h->iMode&EFileWrite))
   923 		return KErrAccessDenied;
   926     // fflush messes with the file position!
   927     TInt oldpos = ftell(h->iHandle);
   928 	if (oldpos < 0)
   929 		return mapErr(errno);
   930     if (fflush(h->iHandle) != 0)
   931     	return mapErr(errno);
   932     if (fseek(h->iHandle, oldpos, SEEK_SET) != 0)
   933     	return mapErr(errno);
   935 	// Now change the file size
   936 	if (ftruncate(fileno(h->iHandle), aSize) != 0)
   937 		return mapErr(errno);
   938 	return KErrNone;
   939 	}
   941 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Att(TUint& aVal) const
   942 /**
   943 Gets the file's attributes.
   945 @param aVal A bitmask which, on return, contains the file’s attributes.
   946             For more information, see KEntryAttNormal and the other
   947             file/directory attributes.    
   949 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   950         codes.
   952 @see KEntryAttNormal        
   953 */
   954 	{
   955 	FILEHANDLE(h);
   956 	RFs fs;
   957 	return fs.Att(h->iName, aVal);
   958 	}
   960 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::SetAtt(TUint aSetAttMask,TUint aClearAttMask)
   961 /**
   962 Sets or clears file attributes using two bitmasks.
   964 The first mask controls which attributes are set.
   965 The second controls which attributes are cleared.
   967 Notes:
   969 1. The file must have been opened for writing, or an error is returned.
   971 2. A panic is raised if any attribute is specified in both bitmasks.
   973 3. An attempt to set or clear the KEntryAttDir, KEntryAttVolume or KEntryAttRemote
   974    attributes have no effect.
   976 4. The new attribute values take effect when the file is flushed or closed (which 
   977    implies a flush).
   979 @param aSetAttMask   A bitmask indicating the file attributes to be set
   980 @param aClearAttMask A bitmask indicating the attributes to be cleared. For 
   981                      more information see KEntryAttNormal, and the other
   982                      file/directory attributes.
   984 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
   985         codes.
   987 @panic FSCLIENT 21 if the same attribute bit is set in both bitmasks.
   988 */
   989 	{
   990 	FILEHANDLE(h);
   991 	RFs fs;
   992 	return fs.SetAtt(h->iName, aSetAttMask, aClearAttMask);
   993 	}
   995 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Modified(TTime& aTime) const
   996 /**
   997 Gets local date and time the file was last modified, in universal time.
   999 @param aTime On return, contains the date and time the file was last modified in UTC.
  1001 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
  1002         codes.
  1003 */
  1004 	{
  1005 	FILEHANDLE(h);
  1006 	RFs fs;
  1007 	TEntry entry;
  1008 	TInt err = fs.Entry(h->iName, entry);
  1009 	if (err < KErrNone)
  1010 		return err;
  1011 	aTime = entry.iModified;
  1012 	return KErrNone;
  1013 	}
  1015 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::ChangeMode(TFileMode aNewMode)
  1016 /**
  1017 Switches an open file's access mode between EFileShareExclusive and EFileShareReadersOnly.
  1019 This allows or disallows read-only access without having to close and re-open the file.
  1021 @param aNewMode The new access mode.
  1023 @return KErrNone, if successful;
  1024         KErrArgument, if aNewMode has any value other than the two specified;
  1025         KErrAccessDenied, if:
  1026         a) the function is called when the current file share
  1027         mode is EFileShareAny;
  1028         b) the file has multiple readers, and an attempt is made
  1029         to change the share mode to EFileShareExclusive; 
  1030         c) the file has been opened for writing in EFileShareExclusive mode, and an 
  1031         attempt is made to change the access mode to EFileShareReadersOnly.
  1033 @capability Dependent If the path starts with /Resource then capability DiskAdmin is required
  1035 */
  1036 	{
  1037 	// Pretend it worked!
  1038 	return KErrNone;
  1039 	}
  1041 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Drive(TInt &aDriveNumber, TDriveInfo &aDriveInfo) const
  1042 /**
  1043 Gets information about the drive on which this file resides.
  1045 @param aDriveNumber On return, the drive number.
  1047 @param aDriveInfo   On return, contains information describing the drive
  1048                     and the medium mounted on it. The value of TDriveInfo::iType
  1049                     shows whether the drive contains media.
  1051 @return       KErrNone, if successful, otherwise one of the other
  1052               system-wide error codes
  1054 @see RFs::Drive
  1055 */
  1056 	{
  1057 	aDriveNumber = EDriveC;
  1058 	aDriveInfo.iType = EMediaHardDisk;
  1059 	aDriveInfo.iBattery = EBatNotSupported;
  1060 	aDriveInfo.iDriveAtt = KDriveAttLocal|KDriveAttInternal;
  1061 	aDriveInfo.iMediaAtt = 0;
  1062 	return KErrNone;
  1063 	}
  1065 EXPORT_C TInt RFile::Rename(const TDesC& aNewName)
  1066 /**
  1067 Renames a file.
  1069 If aNewName specifies a different directory to the one in which 
  1070 the file is currently located, then the file is moved.
  1072 @param aNewName The new file name and/or directory path. No part may contain 
  1073                 wildcard characters or an error is returned.
  1075 @return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error 
  1076         codes.
  1077 */
  1078 	{
  1079 	FILEHANDLE(h);
  1080 	TFileName name(h->iName);
  1082 	// Need the file to be opened for write
  1083 	if (!(h->iMode & EFileWrite))
  1084 		return KErrAccessDenied;
  1086 	TBuf8<KMaxFileName + 1> copyOld;
  1087 	const char* oldName = PosixFilename(name, copyOld);
  1089 	TBuf8<KMaxFileName + 1> copyNew;
  1090 	const char* newName = PosixFilename(aNewName, copyNew);
  1092 	// Remember the file position
  1093 	TInt pos = 0;
  1094 	TInt err = Seek(ESeekCurrent, pos);
  1095 	if (err != KErrNone)
  1096 		return err;
  1098 	// Close the file
  1099 	Close();
  1101 	// Rename the file
  1102 	if (rename(oldName, newName) != 0)
  1103 		return mapErr(errno);
  1105 	// Open the file again
  1106 	RFs fs;
  1107 	err = Open(fs, aNewName, EFileWrite);
  1108 	if (err != KErrNone)
  1109 		return err;
  1111 	// Reposition the file pointer
  1112 	return Seek(ESeekStart, pos);
  1113 	}