--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/build_platform.pl Tue Oct 20 12:41:54 2009 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This is a helper script which allocates unique drive letter and build number
+# then starts a platform build by running FBF bootstrap and build targets
+use strict;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Path;
+my $sBOOTSTRAP_DIR="C:\\Apps\\FBF\\bootstrap";
+my $sJOB_BASE_DIR="fbf_project";
+my $nMAX_JOBDIR_AGE_SECONDS = 86400; # max number of seconds after which the letter is forcibly released
+my $sNUMBERS_FILE="\\\\v800020\\Publish\\SF_builds\\numbers.txt";
+my $sLETTERS_FILE="letters.txt";
+my $nMAX_LETTER_AGE_SECONDS = 86400; # max number of seconds after which the letter is forcibly released
+my $sFbfProjectRepo = "\\\\bishare\\mercurial_development\\oss\\FCL\\interim\\fbf\\projects\\platforms";
+my $sFbfProjectDir = '';
+my $sSubProject = '';
+#my $sSourcesFile = '';
+#my $sModelFile = '';
+my $sFbfConfigRepo="\\\\bishare\\mercurial_development\\oss\\FCL\\interim\\fbf\\configs\\default";
+my $sFbfConfigDir = '';
+my $nCmdLineNumber;
+my $sDiamondsTag = '';
+my $bHudson = 0;
+my $bPublish = 1;
+my %hHlmDefines = ();
+my $bHelp = 0;
+ 'configrepo=s' => \$sFbfConfigRepo,
+ 'configdir=s' => \$sFbfConfigDir,
+ 'projectrepo=s' => \$sFbfProjectRepo,
+ 'projectdir=s' => \$sFbfProjectDir,
+ 'subproj=s' => \$sSubProject,
+ #'sources=s' => \$sSourcesFile,
+ #'model=s' => \$sModelFile,
+ 'number=s' => \$nCmdLineNumber,
+ 'tag=s' => \$sDiamondsTag,
+ 'hudson!' => \$bHudson,
+ 'publish!' => \$bPublish,
+ 'define=s' => \%hHlmDefines,
+ 'help!' => \$bHelp
+if ($bHelp or !($sSubProject or $sFbfProjectRepo or $sFbfProjectDir))
+ print "Usage: build_platform.pl --subproj=RELPATH [OPTIONS]\n";
+ print " build_platform.pl --projectrepo=REPO [OPTIONS]\n";
+ print "where OPTIONS are:\n";
+ print "\t--subproj=RELPATH Select subproject located at RELPATH (relative to the root of the project repository)\n";
+ print "\t--projectrepo=REPO[#REV] Use repository REPO at revision REV for the project (instead of \\\\bishare\\mercurial_internal\\fbf\\projects\\packages)\n";
+ print "\t--projectdir=DIR Use DIR location for the project (exclusive with --projectrepo).\n";
+ #print "\t--sources=FILE ...\n";
+ #print "\t--model=FILE ...\n";
+ print "\t--configrepo=REPO[#REV] Use repository REPO at revision REV for the config (instead of \\\\bishare\\mercurial_internal\\fbf\\config\\default)\n";
+ print "\t--configdir=DIR Use DIR location for the config (exclusive with --configrepo).\n";
+ print "\t--number=N Force build number to N\n";
+ print "\t--tag=TAG Apply Diamonds tag TAG to this build\n";
+ print "\t--hudson Checks that there is at least NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS X 10 GB available on the working drive\n";
+ print "\t--nopublish Use \\numbers_test.txt for numbers and disable publishing\n";
+ print "\t--define ATTRIBUTE=VALUE Pass -D statements to the Helium Framework\n";
+ exit(0);
+if ($sSubProject and $sSubProject !~ m,^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$,)
+ print "ERROR: Option --subproj must be in the format codeline/platform (e.g. symbian3/micro)\n";
+ exit(0);
+#if (!$sFbfProjectRepo and !$sFbfProjectDir and (!$sSourcesFile or !$sModelFile))
+# print "Error: If you don't provide --projectrepo or --projectdir then you have to provide both --sources and --model\n";
+# exit(0);
+my $sWORKING_DRIVE = find_working_drive();
+print "Will use drive $sWORKING_DRIVE as working drive for this build\n";
+if ($bHudson)
+ my $nProcessors = $ENV{'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS'};
+ my $diroutput = `dir /-C $sWORKING_DRIVE`;
+ my $nBytesFree = 0;
+ $nBytesFree = $1 if ($diroutput =~ /(\d+) bytes free/);
+ my $nNeededSpace = 10*$nProcessors*1073741824;
+ #print "Needed space is $nNeededSpace\n";
+ if ($nBytesFree < $nNeededSpace)
+ {
+ print "ERROR: Available disk space on working drive ($nBytesFree bytes) is not enough to run a package build with Hudson.\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+my $sFbfProjectRev = '';
+if ($sFbfProjectRepo =~ m,(.*)#(.*),)
+ $sFbfProjectRepo = $1;
+ $sFbfProjectRev = $2;
+my $sFbfConfigRev = '';
+if ($sFbfConfigRepo =~ m,(.*)#(.*),)
+ $sFbfConfigRepo = $1;
+ $sFbfConfigRev = $2;
+my $sHlmDefineOpt = '';
+for (keys %hHlmDefines)
+ $sHlmDefineOpt .= "-D$_=$hHlmDefines{$_} ";
+my $sTestBuildOpt = "";
+$sTestBuildOpt = "-Dsf.spec.publish.diamonds.tag=\"$sDiamondsTag\"" if ( $sDiamondsTag );
+my $sNoPublishOpt = "";
+$sNoPublishOpt = "-Dsf.spec.publish.enable=false" if ( !$bPublish );
+$sNUMBERS_FILE = "$sWORKING_DRIVE\\numbers_test.txt" if ( !$bPublish );
+my $sJobLabel = 'job';
+if ($sSubProject)
+ $sSubProject =~ m,^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$,;
+ $sJobLabel = $2;
+elsif ($sFbfProjectRepo)
+ $sFbfProjectRepo =~ m,(.*[\\/])?([^\\^/]+),;
+ $sJobLabel = $2;
+elsif ($sFbfProjectDir)
+ $sFbfProjectDir =~ m,(.*[\\/])?([^\\^/]+),;
+ $sJobLabel = $2;
+#elsif ($sSourcesFile)
+# $sSourcesFile =~ m,/(adaptation|app|mw|os|ostools|tools)[\\/]([^\\^/]+),i;
+# $sJobLabel = $2;
+# $sSourcesFile =~ m,(.*[\\/])?([^\\^/]+),;
+# $sJobLabel = $2 if (!$sJobLabel);
+my $sJobDir = mkdir_unique("$sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sJOB_BASE_DIR\\$sJobLabel");
+print "Created project dir $sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sJOB_BASE_DIR\\$sJobDir\n";
+print("cd $sBOOTSTRAP_DIR\n");
+print "###### BOOTSTRAP ######\n";
+my $sConfigArg = "-Dsf.config.repo=$sFbfConfigRepo";
+$sConfigArg .= " -Dsf.config.rev=$sFbfConfigRev" if ($sFbfConfigRev);
+$sConfigArg = "-Dsf.config.dir=$sFbfConfigDir" if ($sFbfConfigDir);
+my $sProjectArg = "-Dsf.project.repo=$sFbfProjectRepo";
+$sProjectArg .= " -Dsf.project.rev=$sFbfProjectRev" if ($sFbfProjectRev);
+$sProjectArg = "-Dsf.project.dir=$sFbfProjectDir" if ($sFbfProjectDir);
+my $sBootstrapCmd = "hlm -f bootstrap.xml $sConfigArg $sProjectArg -Dsf.target.dir=$sJobDir";
+# check that $sNUMBERS_FILE exists, otherwise create it
+if (!-f $sNUMBERS_FILE)
+ open FILE, ">$sNUMBERS_FILE";
+ print FILE "\n";
+ close FILE;
+my $sJobNumberKey = '';
+my $sPackage = '';
+my $sPlatform = '';
+my $nUnformattedNumber = 0;
+if ($nCmdLineNumber)
+ $nUnformattedNumber = $nCmdLineNumber;
+elsif ($sFbfProjectRepo)
+ if ($sSubProject)
+ {
+ # key = <package>_<codeline>, e.g. for subproj=MCL/os/boardsupport -> key=boardsupport_MCL
+ $sSubProject =~ m,^([^/]+)/([^/]+)$,;
+ $sPackage = $2;
+ $sPlatform = $1;
+ $sJobNumberKey = "$2_$1";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # key = hash of the rev.0 of the package project repo
+ my $sRevZeroHash = get_rev_zero_hash($sFbfProjectRepo);
+ $sJobNumberKey = $sRevZeroHash;
+ }
+ $nUnformattedNumber = get_job_number($sJobNumberKey);
+my $nJobNumber = sprintf("%.3d", $nUnformattedNumber);
+print "For build key $sJobNumberKey got assigned number \"$nJobNumber\"\n";
+# check that $sLETTERS_FILE exists, otherwise create it
+ print FILE "\n";
+ close FILE;
+# acquire drive letter
+my $sDriveLetter = acquire_drive_letter();
+print "acquired drive letter: $sDriveLetter\n";
+die "Could not acquire drive letter" if (! $sDriveLetter);
+my $sJobRootDirArg = "-Dsf.spec.job.rootdir=$sWORKING_DRIVE\\fbf_job";
+my $sSubProjArg = '';
+$sSubProjArg = "-Dsf.subproject.path=$sSubProject" if ($sSubProject);
+print("cd $sJobDir\\sf-config\n");
+print "###### BUILD PREPARATION ######\n";
+my $sPreparationCmd = "hlm sf-prep -Dsf.project.type=platform $sSubProjArg -Dsf.spec.job.number=$nJobNumber -Dsf.spec.job.drive=$sDriveLetter: $sTestBuildOpt $sNoPublishOpt $sJobRootDirArg $sHlmDefineOpt";
+print "###### EXECUTE BUILD ######\n";
+my $sBuildallCmd = "hlm sf-build-all -Dsf.project.type=platform $sSubProjArg -Dsf.spec.job.number=$nJobNumber -Dsf.spec.job.drive=$sDriveLetter: $sTestBuildOpt $sNoPublishOpt $sJobRootDirArg $sHlmDefineOpt";
+print("cd $sBOOTSTRAP_DIR\n");
+# release the drive letter
+system("subst $sDriveLetter: /d"); # this is not required, but it's a good idea to keep things in order
+print "drive letter $sDriveLetter released (and drive unsubsted)\n";
+if ($bHudson)
+ print "cleaning job directories...\n";
+ if (-d "$sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sJOB_BASE_DIR\\$sJobLabel") # project dir
+ {
+ print "rmdir /S $sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sJOB_BASE_DIR\\$sJobLabel\n";
+ system("rmdir /S /Q $sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sJOB_BASE_DIR\\$sJobLabel");
+ }
+ if (-d "$sWORKING_DRIVE\\fbf_job\\$sPackage\_$sPlatform.$nJobNumber") # build drive
+ {
+ print "rmdir /S $sWORKING_DRIVE\\fbf_job\\$sPackage\_$sPlatform.$nJobNumber\n";
+ system("rmdir /S /Q $sWORKING_DRIVE\\fbf_job\\$sPackage\_$sPlatform.$nJobNumber");
+ }
+sub find_working_drive
+ my @drive_list = ('E', 'G', 'D', 'C');
+ for my $drive (@drive_list)
+ {
+ return "$drive:" if (-d "$drive:/");
+ }
+ die "Could not find suitable working drive.";
+sub mkdir_unique
+ my ($sBaseDir) = @_;
+ # check that the path where the new dir must be created exists.
+ $sBaseDir =~ m,(.*[\\/])?(.*),;
+ mkpath($1) if ($1 && !-d $1);
+ my $nI = 0;
+ my $sNewDirName = "$sBaseDir";
+ while(!mkdir($sNewDirName))
+ {
+ $nI++;
+ $sNewDirName = "$sBaseDir.$nI";
+ }
+ return $sNewDirName;
+sub get_rev_zero_hash
+ my ($sFbfProjectRepo) = @_;
+ my $sOutput = `hg -R $sFbfProjectRepo identify -r0`;
+ # remove leading and trailing spaces
+ $sOutput =~ s,^\s+,,;
+ $sOutput =~ s,\s+$,,;
+ # remove tags e.g. "1fc39a7e9d79 tip"
+ $sOutput =~ s,([0-9a-z]+)\s+.*,$1,;
+ return $sOutput;
+sub get_job_number
+ my ($sKey) = @_;
+ $sKey=lc($sKey);
+ my %hnNumbers = ();
+ my $nAttempts = 0;
+ my $bGotNumber = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ open(FILE, "+<$sNUMBERS_FILE") or die("Can't open $sNUMBERS_FILE");
+ if ( flock(FILE, 6) )
+ {
+ my $sLine;
+ while ($sLine = <FILE>)
+ {
+ $hnNumbers{lc($1)} = $2 if ($sLine =~ m%(.*),(.*)%);
+ }
+ $hnNumbers{$sKey} = 0 if (! $hnNumbers{$sKey} );
+ $hnNumbers{$sKey} = $hnNumbers{$sKey} + 1;
+ seek(FILE, 0, 0);
+ for my $sStr ( keys(%hnNumbers) )
+ {
+ print FILE "$sStr,$hnNumbers{$sStr}\n";
+ }
+ truncate(FILE,tell(FILE));
+ $bGotNumber = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $nAttempts ++;
+ sleep(3);
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ until ( $bGotNumber or $nAttempts == $nLOCK_FILE_MAX_ATTEMPTS );
+ return $hnNumbers{$sKey};
+sub acquire_drive_letter
+ my %hsPidsAndTimestamps = ();
+ my $sLetterToRelease = '';
+ my $nAttempts = 0;
+ my $bAcquired = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ open(FILE, "+<$sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sLETTERS_FILE") or die("Can't open $sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sLETTERS_FILE");
+ if ( flock(FILE, 6) )
+ {
+ my $sLine;
+ while ($sLine = <FILE>)
+ {
+ if ($sLine =~ m%([^,]*),(.*)%)
+ {
+ my $sLetter=$1;
+ my $sString=$2;
+ $sString=~m%([^,]*),(.*)%;
+ my $nPid=$1;
+ my $nTimestamp=$2;
+ if (time()-$nTimestamp<=$nMAX_LETTER_AGE_SECONDS)
+ {
+ $hsPidsAndTimestamps{$sLetter} = $sString;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ # lease has expired: unsubst drive letter and don't add to hash
+ system("subst $sLetter: /d");
+ print "forced release of letter: $sLetter (and drive unsubsted)\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for my $sNewLetter ('H'..'Y')
+ {
+ if (! $hsPidsAndTimestamps{$sNewLetter})
+ {
+ my $sTimestamp = time();
+ $hsPidsAndTimestamps{$sNewLetter} = "$$,$sTimestamp";
+ $sLetterToRelease = $sNewLetter;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ seek(FILE, 0, 0);
+ for my $sLetter ( keys(%hsPidsAndTimestamps) )
+ {
+ print FILE "$sLetter,$hsPidsAndTimestamps{$sLetter}\n";
+ }
+ truncate(FILE,tell(FILE));
+ $bAcquired = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $nAttempts ++;
+ sleep(3);
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ until ( $bAcquired or $nAttempts == $nLOCK_FILE_MAX_ATTEMPTS );
+ return $sLetterToRelease;
+sub release_drive_letter
+ my ($sLetterToRelease) = @_;
+ my %hsPidsAndTimestamps = ();
+ my $nAttempts = 0;
+ my $bAcquired = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ open(FILE, "+<$sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sLETTERS_FILE") or die("Can't open $sWORKING_DRIVE\\$sLETTERS_FILE");
+ if ( flock(FILE, 6) )
+ {
+ my $sLine;
+ while ($sLine = <FILE>)
+ {
+ $hsPidsAndTimestamps{$1} = $2 if ($sLine =~ m%([^,]*),(.*)%);
+ }
+ delete $hsPidsAndTimestamps{$sLetterToRelease};
+ seek(FILE, 0, 0);
+ for my $sLetter ( keys(%hsPidsAndTimestamps) )
+ {
+ print FILE "$sLetter,$hsPidsAndTimestamps{$sLetter}\n";
+ }
+ truncate(FILE,tell(FILE));
+ $bAcquired = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $nAttempts ++;
+ sleep(3);
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ until ( $bAcquired or $nAttempts == $nLOCK_FILE_MAX_ATTEMPTS );