changeset 131 1f3285cd5668
child 145 430173497dd4
equal deleted inserted replaced
130:22e8d3918a31 131:1f3285cd5668
     1 #!/usr/bin/perl
     3 # Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
     4 # This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 # under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 # at the URL "".
     8 #
     9 # Initial Contributors:
    10 # Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
    11 # 
    12 # Contributors:
    13 #
    14 # Description:
    15 # Adds info form a file to a CSV
    17 use strict;
    18 use HTTP::Date;
    20 my $srccsvfile = shift @ARGV;
    21 my $whatlogfile = shift @ARGV;
    22 my @sysmodelfiles = @ARGV;
    24 if(! -e $srccsvfile)
    25 {
    26   die "cannot find $srccsvfile\n";
    27 }
    29 if(! -e $whatlogfile)
    30 {
    31   die "cannot find $whatlogfile\n";
    32 }
    34 foreach my $sysmodelfile (@sysmodelfiles)
    35 {
    36 	if(! -e $sysmodelfile)
    37 	{
    38 	  die "cannot find $sysmodelfile\n";
    39 	}
    40 }
    42 # Search for timestamp threshold in whatlog file
    43 # It corresponds to the first timestamp for which the target was genuinly rebuilt
    44 # Every target that has a timestamp below is considered as not rebuilt properly
    45 open(WHATLOG,"<$whatlogfile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $whatlogfile\n";
    46 my %bldtimes;
    47 my $timestampLimit = 0;
    48 while (my $line = <WHATLOG>)
    49 {
    50 	if($line =~ m/,\s*(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}\s+\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2})\s*$/){
    51 		$bldtimes{str2time($1)} = $1;
    52 	}
    53 }
    54 my $previoustime = 0;
    55 foreach my $decimaltime (sort(keys %bldtimes))
    56 {
    57   if ($previoustime == 0) {$previoustime = $decimaltime;}
    58   if ( ($decimaltime - (30*60) ) > $previoustime )
    59   {
    60 	$timestampLimit = $bldtimes{$decimaltime};
    61 	print "Timestamp Threshold found: $timestampLimit\n";
    62 	last;
    63   }
    64 }
    65 close(WHATLOG);
    67 # Create the Package List from sources.csv
    68 # And assign license type
    69 # Everything that is not found FCL or MCL are considered RND
    70 my @pkgList;
    71 open(SRCCSV,"<$srccsvfile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $srccsvfile\n";
    72 while (my $line = <SRCCSV>)
    73 {
    74 	if ($line =~ m/^source,/) {next;}
    75 	if ($line =~ m/^([^,]+),\/([^,]+),/){
    76 		my $pkglicense = $1;
    77 		my $pkgpath=$2;
    78 		if ($pkglicense =~ m/^[^,]+\/(\w+)\/(MCL|FCL)\/\w+/i) {$pkglicense = uc($1);}
    79 		else {$pkglicense = "RND";}
    80 		push @pkgList, "$pkgpath,$pkglicense";
    81 	}
    82 }
    83 print "Number of Packages to analyse: $#pkgList\n";
    84 close(SRCCSV);
    86 # Create System Definition Component List
    87 my @sysdefcomplist;
    88 foreach my $sysdeffile (@sysmodelfiles)
    89 {
    90 	open(SYSDEF,"<$sysdeffile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $sysdeffile\n";
    91 	while (my $line = <SYSDEF>)
    92 	{
    93 		if ($line =~ m/(\s*)<!--\s*(<.*?>)\s*-->/) {next;}
    94 		if ($line =~m/bldFile=\"([^"]*)"/i)
    95 		{
    96 			#push @sysdefcomplist, &getComponentInfo($1);
    97 			push @sysdefcomplist, $1;
    98 		}
    99 	}
   100 	close(SYSDEF);
   101 }
   103 # For each package in the list, process the whatlog to verify if it's built clean
   104 # And build the final summary log
   105 open(WHATLOG,"<$whatlogfile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $whatlogfile\n";
   106 my @whatlogs = <WHATLOG>;
   107 my @outputList;
   108 foreach my $package (@pkgList)
   109 {
   110 	my $corruptbldinfcount = 0;
   111 	# Write a CSV entry for pkgpath, license
   112 	my $pkgline = "$package";
   113 	# Search whatlog and match -> extract bldfiles -> clean vs not_clean
   114 	$package =~ s/,.*//;
   115 	foreach my $whatlog (@whatlogs)
   116 	{	
   117 		if ($whatlog =~ /^[^,]+,($package\/[^,]+),[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*(,([^,]*))?(,([^,]*))?/)
   118 		{
   119 			my $bldfilepath = $1;
   120 			my $status = $3;
   121 			my $timestamp = $5;
   122 			if (($status =~ /fail/i) || ($status eq "") ||
   123 				(($status =~ /untouched/i) and ($timestamp ne "") and (str2time($timestamp) < str2time($timestampLimit))) )
   124 			{
   125 				chomp($status);chomp($timestamp);
   126 				$status = "KO ($status - $timestamp)";
   127 			}
   128 			else {$status = "OK"; }
   129 			#if ($status =~ /KO/ ) {print "$pkgline,$bldfilepath,$status\n";}
   130 			push @outputList, "$pkgline,$bldfilepath,$status\n";
   131 		}
   132 	}
   133 }
   135 # Write the Full Analysis log
   136 open(OUTPUT,">PkgComponentAnalysisFull.csv") or die "Error: Couldn't open PkgComponentAnalysisFull.csv for writing\n";
   137 print OUTPUT "Package Path (from Sources.csv), License, BldFile (from whatlog), Status\n"; 
   138 print OUTPUT @outputList;
   139 close(OUTPUT);
   141 # Keep only uniq bldfile in the list
   142 # And calculate final status
   143 #my @uniq = keys %{{ map { $_ => 1 } @outputList }};
   144 my %seen = ();
   145 my $value; my $remains; my $status;
   146 foreach my $item (@outputList) {
   147 	$item =~ /^([^,]+,[^,]+,([^,]+)),([^,]+)/;
   148 	$remains = $1;
   149 	$value = $2;
   150 	$status = $3;
   151 	chomp($status);
   152 	if ($status ne "OK") {$status = "KO"};
   153     if ($seen{$value}) 
   154 	{
   155 		$seen{$value} =~ /^[^,]+,([^,]+)/;
   156 		my $currentstatus = $1;
   157 		if ($currentstatus eq "KO")
   158 		{
   159 			$status = "KO";
   160 		}
   161 	}
   162 	$seen{$value} = "$remains,$status\n";
   163 }
   164 my @uniq = values(%seen);
   166 # Prepend system model info (block name, component name)
   167 foreach my $line (@uniq)
   168 {
   169 	if ($line =~ /^[^,]+,[^,]+,([^,]+),/)
   170 	{
   171 		my $bldfile = $1;
   172 		my $sysmodelinfo = &getSysModelInfo($bldfile);
   173 		$line = "$sysmodelinfo, $line";
   174 	}
   175 }
   178 # Write the summary log
   179 open(OUTPUT,">PkgComponentAnalysisSummary.csv") or die "Error: Couldn't open PkgComponentAnalysisSummary.csv for writing\n";
   180 print OUTPUT "Package Name, Component Name, Package Path (from Sources.csv), License, BldFile (from whatlog), Status\n"; 
   181 print OUTPUT @uniq;
   182 close(OUTPUT);
   183 close(WHATLOG);
   185 # Status statistics
   186 my $componentOkCount = 0;
   187 my $componentKoCount = 0;
   188 my $totalcompCount = 0;
   189 foreach my $line (@uniq)
   190 {
   191 	if ($line =~ /OK$/) {$componentOkCount++;}
   192 	else {$componentKoCount++;}
   193 	$totalcompCount++;
   194 }
   195 print "Total number of Components: $totalcompCount\n";
   196 print "Number of Components Cleanly rebuilt: $componentOkCount\n";
   197 print "Number of Components not rebuilt properly: $componentKoCount\n";
   201 sub getSysModelInfo
   202 {
   203 	my $bldfilepath = shift;
   205 	# remove prepending sf dir, and trailing bld.inf
   206 	$bldfilepath =~ s/^sf\///;
   207 	$bldfilepath =~ s/\/bld.inf$//i;
   208 	#print "Looking for bldfile path: $bldfilepath ...\n";
   210 	my $packageName = "";
   211 	my $componentName = "";
   213 	MODEL_LOOP:	foreach my $sysmodelfile (@sysmodelfiles)
   214 	{
   215 		open(SYSFILE,"<$sysmodelfile") or die "Error: Couldn't open $sysmodelfile\n";
   216 		my @model_lines = <SYSFILE>;
   217 		foreach my $line (@model_lines)
   218 		{
   219 			$line =~ s/\\/\//g;
   221 			if ($line =~ m/bldFile=\"$bldfilepath"/i)
   222 			{
   223 				#print "Component $packageName/$componentName found in model $sysmodelfile\n"; 
   224 				last MODEL_LOOP;
   225 			}
   226 			elsif ($line =~ m/<component/)
   227 			{
   228 				$line =~m/\slong-name="([^"]*)"/;
   229 				$componentName = $1;
   230 			}
   231 			elsif ($line=~ m/<\/component/)
   232 			{
   233 				$componentName = "";
   234 			}
   235 			elsif ($line =~ m/<block/)
   236 			{
   237 				$line =~m/\slong-name="([^"]*)"/;
   238 				$packageName = $1;
   239 			}
   240 			elsif ($line=~ m/<\/block/)
   241 			{
   242 				$packageName = "";				
   243 			}
   244 		}
   245 		close(SYSFILE);
   246 	}
   248 	# One mode file remains open if match found
   249 	if ($packageName ne "") { close(SYSFILE)}
   251 	return "$packageName, $componentName";
   252 }