changeset 793 0c32c669a39d
child 872 17498133d9ad
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/ats/smoketest/localisation/apparchitecture/inc/APGAPLST.H	Fri Nov 27 12:22:12 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+// Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#if !defined(__APGAPLST_H__)
+#define __APGAPLST_H__
+#if !defined(__APAID_H__)
+#include <apaid.h>
+#if !defined(__APMSTD_H__)
+#include <apmstd.h>
+#if !defined(__BADESCA_H__)
+#include <badesca.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+// classes defined:
+class CApaAppData;
+class CApaAppList;
+class CApaAppViewData;
+// classes referenced:
+class CApaMaskedBitmap;
+class TEntry;
+class RFs;
+class CApaAppRegFinder;
+class CApaAppIconArray;
+class CApaIconLoader;
+const TInt KApaMaxAppIcons=3;
+const TInt KApaIconIndexSmall=0;
+const TInt KApaIconIndexMedium=1;
+const TInt KApaIconIndexLarge=2;
+const TInt KIgnoreScreenMode=-1;
+_LIT(KLitPathForUntrustedRegistrationResourceFiles, "?:\\private\\10003a3f\\import\\apps\\*");
+class CApaAppEntry : public CBase
+Utility class with smaller RAM footprint than TApaAppEntry
+	{
+	static CApaAppEntry* NewL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry);
+	~CApaAppEntry();
+	void Get(TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry) const;
+	CApaAppEntry(const TUidType& aUidType);
+	void ConstructL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+	TUidType iUidType;
+	HBufC* iFullName;
+	};
+class CApaAppData : public CBase
+/** Represents the data associated with a CApaApplication, such as its 
+caption, capabilities and icons. This should be accessed through the Apparc Server.
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CApaAppData* NewL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry, RFs& aFs);
+	IMPORT_C static CApaAppData* NewL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry, RFs& aFs, const TDesC& aDefaultAppIconFileName);
+	IMPORT_C ~CApaAppData();
+	IMPORT_C TApaAppEntry AppEntry() const;
+	inline TPtrC Caption() const;
+	inline TPtrC ShortCaption() const;
+	IMPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap* Icon(TInt aIconIndex) const;
+	IMPORT_C void Capability(TDes8& aCapabilityBuf)const;
+	inline TBool IsPresent() const;
+	// ER5
+	IMPORT_C TDataTypePriority DataType(const TDataType& aDataType) const;
+	// ER6
+	IMPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap* Icon(TSize aSize) const;
+	IMPORT_C CArrayFixFlat<TSize>* IconSizesL() const;
+	// ER6.1
+	IMPORT_C CArrayPtrFlat<CApaAppViewData>* Views() const;
+	IMPORT_C CDesCArray* OwnedFiles() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool CanUseScreenMode(TInt aScreenMode);
+	// 7.0s
+	IMPORT_C void GetIconInfo(TInt& aIconCount, TInt& aDefaultIconsUsed) const;
+	// 8.1
+	IMPORT_C TUint DefaultScreenNumber() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool RegistrationFileUsed() const;
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC IconFileName() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool NonMbmIconFile() const;
+	// 9.0
+	IMPORT_C TBool ImplementsService(TUid aServiceUid) const;
+	TInt ImplementsServiceWithDataType(TUid aServiceUid, const TDataType& aDataType) const;
+	// 9.1
+	IMPORT_C TLanguage ApplicationLanguage() const;
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC RegistrationFileName() const;
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC8 OpaqueData() const;
+	IMPORT_C TUid NonNativeApplicationType() const;
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC LocalisableResourceFileName() const;
+	IMPORT_C void SetShortCaptionL(const TDesC& aShortCaption);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsPending()const;
+	// Icon/caption overrides
+	IMPORT_C void SetCaptionL(const TDesC& aCaption);
+	IMPORT_C void SetIconsL(const TDesC& aFileName, TInt aNumIcons);
+	void ExternalizeL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream) const;	
+	void LoadIconsL();
+	TBool MbmIconsRequireLoading() const;
+	inline CApaAppData* Next() const;
+	CApaAppData(RFs& aFs);
+	TBool Update();
+	void SetAppPending();
+	void ConstructL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry);
+	TInt StoreApplicationInformation();
+	CApaAppData(RFs& aFs);
+	TBool Update(const TDesC& aDefaultAppIconFileName);	
+	void ConstructL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry, const TDesC& aDefaultAppIconFileName);
+	TInt StoreApplicationInformation(const TDesC& aDefaultAppIconFileName);
+	void UpdateServiceArray(CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>* aNewServiceArray);
+	TDataTypePriority DataType(const TDataType& aDataType, const CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>& aDataTypeArray) const;
+	void InternalizeL(RReadStream& aReadStream);
+	TBool ViewMbmIconsRequireLoading() const;
+	enum { ENotPresent, ENotPresentPendingUpdate, EPresentPendingUpdate, EIsPresent, ESuperseded };
+	CApaAppIconArray* iIcons;
+	HBufC* iCaption;
+	HBufC* iShortCaption;
+	HBufC* iFullName; // filename of application binary
+	TInt iIsPresent; // uses enum
+	TUidType iUidType;
+	CApaAppData* iNext;
+	TApaAppCapabilityBuf iCapabilityBuf;
+	CApaAppEntry* iSuccessor;
+	TTime iTimeStamp;
+	CArrayPtrFlat<CApaAppViewData>* iViewDataArray;
+	CDesCArray* iOwnedFileArray;
+ 	RFs& iFs;
+ 	HBufC* iRegistrationFile;
+ 	TUint iDefaultScreenNumber;
+ 	HBufC* iIconFileName;
+ 	TBool iNonMbmIconFile;
+ 	HBufC* iLocalisableResourceFileName;
+ 	TTime iLocalisableResourceFileTimeStamp;
+	TTime iIconFileTimeStamp;
+ 	TLanguage iApplicationLanguage;
+ 	CArrayFixFlat<TApaAppServiceInfo>* iServiceArray;
+ 	TInt iIndexOfFirstOpenService;
+	TUid iNonNativeApplicationType;
+	HBufC8* iOpaqueData;
+ 	TInt iNumOfAppIcons;
+ 	TInt iNumOfAppIconsFromResourceFile;
+ 	HBufC* iIconFileNameFromResourceFile; // Icon file name as found in the localisable resource file
+ 	TBool iNonMbmIconFileFromResourceFile; // A Flag that tells whether the icon in resource file is non MBM file format
+ 	TTime iIconFileTimeStampFromResourceFile;
+	HBufC* iShortCaptionFromResourceFile;	// Short Caption as found in the localisable resource file
+	HBufC* iCaptionFromResourceFile;		// Caption as found in the localisable resource file
+	CApaIconLoader* iIconLoader;
+	friend class CApaAppList;
+	};
+class CApaAppViewData : public CBase
+The CApaAppViewData class represents the data associated with an application view.
+	{
+	IMPORT_C TUid Uid() const;
+	inline TPtrC Caption() const;
+	IMPORT_C CApaMaskedBitmap* Icon(const TSize& aSize) const;
+	IMPORT_C CArrayFixFlat<TSize>* IconSizesL() const;
+	IMPORT_C TInt ScreenMode() const;
+	IMPORT_C TPtrC IconFileName() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool NonMbmIconFile() const;
+	~CApaAppViewData();
+	static CApaAppViewData* NewLC();
+	void SetUid(TUid aUid);
+	void SetCaptionL(const TDesC& aCaption);
+	void SetIconArray(CApaAppIconArray* aIcons);
+	void SetScreenMode(TInt aScreenMode);
+	void SetIconFileNameL(const TDesC& aFileName);
+	void SetNonMbmIconFile(TBool aNonMbmIconFile);
+	void SetNumOfViewIcons(TInt aNumOfViewIcons);
+	CApaAppViewData();
+	void ConstructL();
+	CApaAppIconArray* iIcons;
+	HBufC* iCaption;
+	TUid iUid;
+	TInt iScreenMode;
+	HBufC* iIconFileName;
+	TBool iNonMbmIconFile;
+	TInt iNumOfViewIcons;
+	friend class CApaAppData;
+	};
+class MApaAppListObserver
+ The MApaAppListObserver interface allows a class to be informed when a CApaAppList is 
+ updated.
+ @internalComponent
+	{
+	virtual void NotifyUpdate(TInt aReason)=0;
+	virtual void InitialListPopulationComplete()=0;
+	virtual void NotifyScanComplete()=0;
+ 	};
+class CApaAppList : public CBase
+The CApaAppList class provides a list of all available applications present on a device.
+Its functionality should be accessed through the Apparc Server.
+	{
+	IMPORT_C static CApaAppList* NewL(RFs& aFs,CApaAppRegFinder* aAppRegFinder, TBool aLoadMbmIconsOnDemand, TInt aTimeoutDelay = 50000); // takes ownership of aAppRegFinder
+	IMPORT_C void PurgeL();
+	inline void Purge();
+	IMPORT_C TInt Count() const;
+	IMPORT_C CApaAppData* FirstApp() const;
+	IMPORT_C CApaAppData* FirstApp(TInt aScreenMode) const; 
+	IMPORT_C CApaAppData* NextApp(const CApaAppData* aApp) const;
+	IMPORT_C CApaAppData* NextApp(const CApaAppData* aApp, TInt aScreenMode) const;
+	IMPORT_C CApaAppData* AppDataByUid(TUid aAppUid) const;
+	IMPORT_C void StopScan(TBool aNNAInstall = EFalse);
+	IMPORT_C void RestartScanL();
+	IMPORT_C TBool AppListUpdatePending();
+	IMPORT_C TInt UpdateCounter() const;
+	// ER5
+	IMPORT_C TUid PreferredDataHandlerL(const TDataType& aDataType) const;
+	IMPORT_C void StartIdleUpdateL();
+	IMPORT_C void StartIdleUpdateL(MApaAppListObserver* aObserver);
+	IMPORT_C void InitListL(MApaAppListObserver* aObserver);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsIdleUpdateComplete() const;
+	//
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsFirstScanComplete() const;
+	IMPORT_C TBool AppScanInProgress() const;
+	IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceArrayBufferL(TUid aAppUid) const;
+	IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceImplArrayBufferL(TUid aServiceUid) const;
+	IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceImplArrayBufferL(TUid aServiceUid, const TDataType& aDataType) const;	
+	IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceUidBufferL(TUid aAppUid) const;
+	IMPORT_C CBufFlat* ServiceOpaqueDataBufferL(TUid aAppUid, TUid aServiceUid) const;
+	IMPORT_C CApaAppData* FindAndAddSpecificAppL(CApaAppRegFinder* aFinder, TUid aAppUid);
+	IMPORT_C TUid PreferredDataHandlerL(const TDataType& aDataType, const TUid* aServiceUid, 
+		TInt& aPriority) const;
+	IMPORT_C ~CApaAppList();
+	// 9.1
+	IMPORT_C CApaAppData* AppDataByFileName(const TDesC& aFullFileName) const;
+	/*IMPORT_C*/ RFs& ShareProtectedFileServer();
+	IMPORT_C void AddForcedRegistrationL(HBufC* aRegistrationFile);
+	IMPORT_C void ResetForcedRegistrations();
+	IMPORT_C static TInt CompareStrings(const HBufC& aFirst, const HBufC& aSecond);
+	IMPORT_C TBool IsLanguageChangePending() const;
+	IMPORT_C static CApaAppList* Self();
+    IMPORT_C CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* UninstalledAppArray();
+	void AcquireDefaultIconArrayL() const;
+	const CApaAppIconArray& DefaultIconArray() const;
+	void ReleaseDefaultIconArray() const;
+	void StoreL();
+	void NotifyObserver();
+	void DeleteAppListStorer();
+	void DeleteAppIconLoader();
+	void InitiateStoringOfAppList();
+	enum
+		{
+		EFirstScanComplete = 0x01
+		,EAppListHasChanged = 0x02,	// This flag is used to check if the applist has really changed after a re-scan/update scan.
+		ENotifyUpdateOnFirstScanComplete = 0x04	// This flag is used to notify clients for applist update on first boot when AppsList.Bin is used.
+		,ELangChangePending = 0x08 // This flag is used to check if applist update is in progress on language change event.
+		};
+	enum
+		{
+		EFirstStageScan=0x01,
+		EScanFinished=0x02,
+		};
+	CApaAppList(RFs& aFs, CApaAppRegFinder* aAppRegFinder, TBool aLoadMbmIconsOnDemand, TInt aIdlePeriodicDelay);
+	void UpdateNextAppL(const TApaAppEntry& aAppEntry,TBool& aHasChanged);
+	void AddToList( CApaAppData* aAppData );
+	static void SetPending(CApaAppData* aAppData);
+	static void SetNotFound(CApaAppData* aAppData, TBool& aHasChanged);
+	static TInt IdleUpdateCallbackL(TAny* aObject);
+	TInt IdleUpdateL();
+	void ScanComplete();
+	void UndoSetPending(CApaAppData* aAppData);
+	void StopIdler();
+	void DeleteAppData();
+	void StopIdlerL();
+	CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>* DataTypeArrayDeepCopyLC(const CArrayFixFlat<TDataTypeWithPriority>& aOriginal) const;
+	CApaAppIconArray* LoadDefaultIconsL() const;
+	void UpdateDefaultIconsL();
+	void StartIconLoadingL();
+	void DeleteAppsListBackUpAndTempFiles();
+	void ScanRemovableDrivesAndUpdateL();
+	void CreateDefaultAppIconFileNameL();
+	// Persistence Layer
+	void RestoreL();
+	void ConstructL();
+	void StoreL();
+	void StoreEntryL(RFileWriteStream& theWriteStream,CApaAppData* aApp);
+	void DoStoreL(RFileWriteStream& aWriteStream);
+	void GetAppsListCachePathL();
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CApaIdleIconLoader) : public CActive
+		{
+	/**
+	Utility class used to Load Icons once applist is populated
+	@internalComponent
+	*/	
+	public:
+		CApaIdleIconLoader(CApaAppData* aFirstAppData, RFs& aFs, CApaAppList& aAppList);
+		~CApaIdleIconLoader();
+		void Start();
+	private:	// from CActive
+		void RunL();
+		void DoCancel();
+		TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	private:
+		CApaAppData* iCurrentAppData;
+		RFs& iFs;
+		CApaAppList& iAppList;
+		};
+	NONSHARABLE_CLASS(CApaAppListStorer) : public CActive
+		{
+	/**
+	Utility class used to externalize applist to file
+	@internalComponent
+	*/	
+	public:
+		static CApaAppListStorer* NewL(CApaAppData* aFirstAppData, RFs& aFs, CApaAppList& aAppList);
+		~CApaAppListStorer();
+		void StartL(const TTimeIntervalMicroSeconds32& aDelay);
+	private:
+		CApaAppListStorer(CApaAppData* aFirstAppData, RFs& aFs, CApaAppList& aAppList);
+		static void StoreEntryL(RWriteStream& aWriteStream, const CApaAppData& aApp);
+		void ConstructL();
+	private:	// from CActive
+		void RunL();
+		void DoCancel();
+		TInt RunError(TInt aError);
+	private:
+		CApaAppData* iCurrentAppData;
+		TFileName iTempFilename;
+		RFileWriteStream iWriteStream;
+		RTimer iTimer;
+		RFs& iFs;
+		CApaAppList& iAppList;
+		};
+	RFs& iFs;
+	CApaAppData* iAppData; // linked list of apps
+	CPeriodic* iAppIdler;
+	MApaAppListObserver* iObserver;
+	CApaAppData* iValidFirstAppData; //First valid app data in linked list!
+	TInt iFlags;
+	CApaAppRegFinder* iAppRegFinder;
+	TInt iIdlePeriodicDelay; 	// idle timeout periodic delay
+	RFs iFsShareProtected;
+	mutable CApaAppIconArray* iDefaultIconArray;
+	mutable TInt iDefaultIconUsageCount;
+	RPointerArray<HBufC> iForcedRegistrations;
+	class CApaLangChangeMonitor; //inner class of CApaAppList.
+	CApaLangChangeMonitor* iAppLangMonitor; // Active Object used for language change monitoring.		
+	RBuf iAppsListCacheFileName;
+	RBuf iAppsListCacheBackUpFileName;
+	RBuf iAppsListCachePath;
+	HBufC* iDefaultAppIconMbmFileName; // This member data lives only during the scan
+	CApaAppListStorer* iAppListStorer;	//Active Object used for writing applist to file.
+	CApaIdleIconLoader* iAppIconLoader;	//Active Object used for icon handling
+	TInt iScanStage;
+	TInt iUpdateCounter;
+	TApaAppEntry iCurrentApp;
+	TInt iOldUpdateCounter;
+	HBufC* iDefaultAppIcon; // This member data lives only during the scan
+	TBool iLoadMbmIconsOnDemand;
+	TBool iNNAInstallation;
+    CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* iUninstalledApps; 
+	friend class CApaLangChangeMonitor;
+	};
+// inlines
+inline TPtrC CApaAppViewData::Caption() const
+	{ return *iCaption; }
+inline TPtrC CApaAppData::Caption() const
+/** Gets the application's caption.
+@return The application's caption. */
+	{ return *iCaption; }
+inline TPtrC CApaAppData::ShortCaption() const
+/** Gets the application's short caption.
+@return The application's short caption. */
+	{ return *iShortCaption; }
+inline TBool CApaAppData::IsPresent() const
+/** Tests whether the application is present or not on the device.
+@return True if application exists, else false. */
+	{ return iIsPresent; }
+inline CApaAppData* CApaAppData::Next() const
+/** Gets the Next Appdata in the list
+@return iNext */
+	{ return iNext; }
+ * Use PurgeL.
+ *
+ * @deprecated
+ */
+inline void CApaAppList::Purge()
+	{	TRAP_IGNORE(PurgeL());	}
+#endif //__APGAPLST_H__