changeset 1219 0fc9e31020ea
parent 1217 96548ab09767
child 1220 f2fbf395f696
--- a/common/build.postbuild.xml	Thu Sep 09 13:28:40 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/build.postbuild.xml	Fri Sep 10 11:29:11 2010 +0100
@@ -1,1100 +1,1102 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<project name="SF-POSTBUILD" xmlns:hlm="">
-    <target name="sf-postbuild" depends="sf-build-roms">
-        <stopwatch name="sf-postbuild"/>
-        <echo>[SF-POSTBUILD]</echo>
-        <if><istrue value="${sf.relicense.exported.headers}"/>
-        <then>
-            <runtarget target="sf-run-sfl-licence-munging"/>
-        </then>
-        </if>
-        <parallel>
-            <!-- TAG SOURCE CODE -->
-            <if>
-                <istrue value="${sf.spec.tagafterbuild.enable}" />
-                <then>
-                    <echo message="Apply tag to the source code used in this build"/>
-                    <runtarget target="sf-tag-hg-code"/>
-                </then>
-            </if>
-            <!-- Create MD5s -->
-            <if>
-                <istrue value="${sf.spec.md5.enable}"/>
-                <then>
-                    <echo message="INFO Creating MD5s"/>
-                    <runtarget target="sf-run-evalid"/>
-                </then>
-            </if>
-            <!-- Package up the binaries we built -->
-            <if>
-                <istrue value="${sf.spec.package.bin.enable}"/>
-                <then>
-                    <stopwatch name="sf-postbuild packaging binaries"/>
-                    <echo message="INFO Packaging Binaries"/>
-                    <runtarget target="sf-package-binary"/>
-                    <echo message="INFO Validate Zip files"/>
-                    <runtarget target="sf-package-validate"/>
-                    <stopwatch name="sf-postbuild packaging binaries" action="elapsed"/>
-                </then>
-            </if>
-            <!-- run build analysis tools -->
-            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis"/>
-            <if>
-                <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/>
-                <then>
-                    <!-- Generate reports to compare this build to a previous one -->
-                    <runtarget target="sf-compare-to-baseline"/>
-                </then>
-            </if>
-        </parallel>
-        <!-- Generate release_metadata entries for the md5 zips -->
-        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
-            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-            <param name="" value="md5-just-metadata" />
-        </antcall>
-        <!-- Launch smoketest -->
-        <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.test.sendpkg.enable}"/>
-            <then>
-                <runtarget target="sf-build-smoketestpkg"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-send-testpkg"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <!-- Launch BC check -->
-        <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable}"/>
-            <then>
-                <runtarget target="sf-bc-check"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <!-- Launch package tests -->
-        <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.package.test.enable}"/>
-            <then>
-                <runtarget target="sf-test-package"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <!-- copy log files linked to the generation of roms for REE -->
-        <runtarget target="sf-copy-rom-logs"/>
-        <runtarget target="sf-merge-brag"/>
-        <!-- Zip up all the logs -->
-        <runtarget target="sf-zip-logs"/>
-        <if>
-            <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}" />
-            <then>
-                <echo message="Send links to Diamonds"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-links-to-diamonds"/>
-                <echo message="Send BRAG status information to Diamonds"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-brag-to-diamonds"/>
-                <echo message="Publish log files and reports to ${sf.spec.publish.rootdir}"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-publish"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <stopwatch name="sf-postbuild" action="elapsed"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-tag-hg-code">
-        <!-- To do the tagging, we need to know what tag to use, and who the author is (from hg's perspective) -->
-        <fail message="This target needs to have all the details specified, or to be run interactively so it can query the user">
-            <condition>
-                <and>
-                    <isset property="sf.hudson.executor.number"/>
-                    <not>
-                        <or>
-                            <isset property="sf.tagafterbuild.tag"/>
-                            <isset property="sf.hg.ui.username"/>
-                        </or>
-                    </not>
-                </and>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-        <!-- Ask the user, interactively, what tag to use -->
-        <input addproperty="sf.tagafterbuild.tag" message="Enter the tag to apply to the code (eg &quot;PDK_1.0.1&quot;):"/>
-        <fail message="No tag supplied">
-            <condition>
-                <length string="${sf.tagafterbuild.tag}" trim="true" length="0"/>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-        <!-- Now get the username sorted out -->
-        <exec executable="hg" outputproperty="sf.hg.showconfig.ui.username">
-            <arg value="showconfig"/>
-            <arg value="ui.username"/>
-        </exec>
-        <input addproperty="sf.hg.ui.username" message="Enter hg author credentials (eg &quot;Fred Bloggs &lt;;&quot;) default is" defaultvalue="${sf.hg.showconfig.ui.username}"/>
-        <fail message="No author supplied">
-            <condition>
-                <length string="${sf.hg.ui.username}" trim="true" length="0"/>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${sf.common.config.dir}/templates/tag-hg-code.ant.xml.ftl"
-              outputFile="${}/tag-hg-code.ant.xml">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                ant: antProperties()
-                data: csv(${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}, {separator:','})
-            </data>
-        </fmpp>
-        <ant antfile="${}/tag-hg-code.ant.xml"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-push-hg-tags">
-        <!-- To do the pushing, we need to have a set of credentials for the site -->
-        <fail message="This target needs to have loging credentials specified specified, or to be run interactively so it can query the user">
-            <condition>
-                <and>
-                    <isset property="sf.hudson.executor.number"/>
-                    <not>
-                        <or>
-                            <isset property="sf.symbian.account.username"/>
-                            <isset property="sf.symbian.account.password"/>
-                        </or>
-                    </not>
-                </and>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-        <input addproperty="sf.symbian.account.username" message="Enter username (eg &quot;fredb&quot;)"/>
-        <fail message="No author supplied">
-            <condition>
-                <length string="${sf.hg.ui.username}" trim="true" length="0"/>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-        <input addproperty="sf.symbian.account.password" message="Enter password (eg &quot;unguessable&quot;)">
-            <!-- Ant 1.8 supports secure here, which would be an improvement... -->
-            <handler type="default"/>
-        </input>
-        <fail message="No password supplied">
-            <condition>
-                <length string="${sf.hg.ui.password}" trim="true" length="0"/>
-            </condition>
-        </fail>
-        <if>
-            <not>
-                <available file="${}/tagging" type="dir"/>
-            </not>
-            <then>
-                <!-- No dir with tagged repos in - create them! -->
-                <runtarget target="sf-tag-hg-code"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <fmpp sourceFile="${sf.common.config.dir}/templates/push-hg-tags.ant.xml.ftl"
-              outputFile="${}/push-hg-tags.ant.xml">
-            <data expandProperties="yes">
-                ant: antProperties()
-                data: csv(${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}, {separator:','})
-            </data>
-        </fmpp>
-        <ant antfile="${}/push-hg-tags.ant.xml"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-evalid" >
-        <delete dir="${}/output/md5"/>
-        <mkdir  dir="${}/output/md5"/>
-        <parallel>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/include output/md5/epoc32_include.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/s60 output/md5/epoc32_s60.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/localisation output/md5/epoc32_localisation.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -x ^armv5/udeb -x ^armv5/urel -x ^winscw/udeb -x ^winscw/urel -g epoc32/release output/md5/epoc32_release.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -g epoc32/release/armv5/udeb output/md5/epoc32_release_armv5_udeb.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -g epoc32/release/armv5/urel output/md5/epoc32_release_armv5_urel.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -g epoc32/release/winscw/udeb output/md5/epoc32_release_winscw_udeb.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -g epoc32/release/winscw/urel output/md5/epoc32_release_winscw_urel.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/cshlpcmp_template output/md5/epoc32_cshlpcmp_template.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/data output/md5/epoc32_data.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/engdoc output/md5/epoc32_engdoc.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/engineeringtools output/md5/epoc32_engineeringtools.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/gcc output/md5/epoc32_gcc.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/gcc_mingw output/md5/epoc32_gcc_mingw.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/ksa output/md5/epoc32_ksa.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/rom output/md5/epoc32_rom.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/rombuild output/md5/epoc32_rombuild.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/sbs_config output/md5/epoc32_sbs_config.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/sdk_special output/md5/epoc32_sdk_special.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/stdapis output/md5/epoc32_stdapis.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/stubs output/md5/epoc32_stubs.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/tools output/md5/epoc32_tools.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/wins output/md5/epoc32_wins.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/winscw output/md5/epoc32_winscw.md5"/>
-        </exec>
-        </parallel>
-        <!-- package MD5s directly into epoc32/relinfo location so that its usable out-of-the-box -->
-        <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/zips/release"/> <!-- Hack to prevent non-existing release dir -->
-        <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/">
-            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/md5/" prefix="epoc32/relinfo"/>
-        </zip>
-    </target>    
-    <target name="sf-package-binary" depends="sf-package-postbuild-rnd,sf-merge-manifest">
-        <!-- Warning: Reverting to using the He zipper will also revert to a single zip for the binaries:
-             would need to update the template and possibly the script that populates it -->
-        <!--antcall target="sf-zip-content">
-            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-            <param name="" value="bin" />
-        </antcall-->
-        <parallel>
-            <sequential>
-                <if>
-                    <isset property="sf.sdk.header.list.file"/>
-                    <then>
-                        <property name="sf.epoc32.exclusions.file" value="${sf.sdk.header.list.file}"/>
-                    </then>
-                </if>
-                <property name="sf.epoc32.exclusions.file" value="nul:"/>
-                <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_epoc32.log">
-                    <arg value="a"/>
-                    <arg value="-t${}"/>
-                    <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/> <!-- rnd content taken from internal hg repos -->
-                    <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-                    <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/> <!-- merged list of prebuilt content such as binaries_prebuilt -->
-                    <arg value="-x@${sf.epoc32.exclusions.file}"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\gcc"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\gcc_mingw"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\tools"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\data\buildinfo.txt"/>
-                    <!-- Feature database artifacts released as part of the tools zip -->
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\data\config\features.dat"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\include\featureuids.h"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\rom\include\feature.iby"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\rom\include\featuredatabase.xml"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\data\media"/> <!-- Files created when emulator is used to create comms database - not worth releasing-->
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\build"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\release\armv5"/>
-                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\release\winscw"/>
-                    <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
-                    <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-                    <arg value="epoc32\"/>
-                </exec>
-            </sequential>
-            <if>
-                <isset property="sf.sdk.header.list.file"/>
-                <then>
-                    <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_sdk.log">
-                        <arg value="a"/>
-                        <arg value="-t${}"/>
-                        <arg value="-i@${sf.sdk.header.list.file}"/>
-                        <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
-                        <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-                        <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-                        <arg value="-x!epoc32/include/featureuids.h"/> <!-- This needs to come from the tools zip instead -->
-                        <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-                    </exec>
-                    <!-- Check that all the files we want in the SDK are zipped -->
-                    <antcall target="sf-log-to-brag">
-                        <param name="" value="SDK"/>
-                        <param name="sf.brag.log" value="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_sdk.log"/>
-                        <param name="sf.brag.phase" value="Postbuild"/>
-                        <param name="sf.brag.step" value="Package SDK"/>
-                    </antcall>
-                    <!-- Generate release_metadata entries for the SDK zip -->
-                    <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
-                        <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-                        <param name="" value="bin-sdk-just-metadata" />
-                    </antcall>
-                </then>
-            </if>
-            <!-- WinsCW binaries, by udeb/urel/lib -->
-            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_winscw_udeb.log">
-                <arg value="a"/>
-                <arg value="-t${}"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
-                <arg value="-xr!*.lib"/>
-                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-                <arg value="epoc32\release\winscw\udeb"/>
-            </exec>
-            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_winscw_urel.log">
-                <arg value="a"/>
-                <arg value="-t${}"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
-                <arg value="-xr!*.lib"/>
-                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-                <arg value="epoc32\release\winscw\urel"/>
-            </exec>
-            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_winscw_lib.log">
-                <arg value="a"/>
-                <arg value="-t${}"/>
-                <arg value="-ir!epoc32/release/winscw/*.lib"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-            </exec>
-            <!-- ARMv5 binaries, by udeb/urel/lib -->
-            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_armv5_udeb.log">
-                <arg value="a"/>
-                <arg value="-t${}"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
-                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-                <arg value="epoc32\release\armv5\udeb"/>
-            </exec>
-            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_armv5_urel.log">
-                <arg value="a"/>
-                <arg value="-t${}"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
-                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-                <arg value="epoc32\release\armv5\urel"/>
-            </exec>
-            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_armv5_lib.log">
-                <arg value="a"/>
-                <arg value="-t${}"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
-                <arg value="-ir!epoc32/release/armv5/_*.bin"/> <!-- include bootloaders in common lib zipfile -->
-                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-                <arg value="epoc32\release\armv5\lib"/>
-            </exec>
-        </parallel>
-        <runtarget target="sf-package-tools"/>
-        <runtarget target="sf-package-prebuilt"/>
-        <!-- Generate release_metadata entries for the above zips -->
-        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
-            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-            <param name="" value="bin-just-metadata" />
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-package-postbuild-rnd" >
-        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
-            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-            <param name="" value="rnd-postbuild" />
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-package-tools" depends="sf-merge-manifest">
-        <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_tools_epoc32.log">
-            <arg value="a"/>
-            <arg value="-t${}"/>
-            <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
-            <arg value="-x@/output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-            <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
-            <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-            <arg value="epoc32/tools"/>
-            <arg value="epoc32/gcc"/>
-            <arg value="epoc32/gcc_mingw"/>
-            <arg value="epoc32/data/buildinfo.txt"/>
-            <arg value="epoc32/data/config/features.dat"/>
-            <arg value="epoc32/include/featureuids.h"/>
-            <arg value="epoc32/rom/include/feature.iby"/>
-            <arg value="epoc32/rom/include/featuredatabase.xml"/>
-        </exec>
-        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
-            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-            <param name="" value="tools" />
-        </antcall>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-package-validate">
-        <exec executable="7z" dir="${}/output/zips" failonerror="false" output="${}/output/zips/validate.log">
-            <arg value="t"/>
-            <arg value="*.zip"/>
-        </exec>  
-        <exec executable="7z" dir="${}/output/zips/release" failonerror="false" output="${}/output/zips/release/validate.log">
-            <arg value="t"/>
-            <arg value="*.zip"/>
-        </exec>  
-    </target>
-    <!-- merge manifests for prebuilt stuff delivered at the start of build process -->
-    <target name="sf-merge-manifest">
-      <echo message="INFO Build drive is ${} "/>
-      <concat destfile="${}\output\temp_build_files\manifest_excludelist.txt">
-        <fileset dir="${}" includes="*manifest*" excludes="manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-      </concat>
-       <!-- touch file to update/create it in the event that there are no manifest* files available 
-            as 7z will not be happy being given a non-existent file -->  
-      <touch file="${}\output\temp_build_files\manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-package-prebuilt" depends="sf-merge-manifest">
-    <!-- for each prebuilt manifest* file, repackage -->  
-      <for param="manifest">
-        <path>
-          <fileset dir="${}\">
-            <include name="manifest*.txt"/>
-            <exclude name="manifest*restricted*.txt"/> <!-- dont repack restricted content such as testconfigfileparser -->
-          </fileset>
-        </path>
-        <!-- strip manifest_ and .txt extension for matched file -->
-        <sequential>
-        <propertyregex property="manifest.shortname" override="true" input="@{manifest}" regexp="manifest_(\S+)(.txt)" select="\1" global="true"  casesensitive="false"/>
-        <propertyregex property="manifest.fullname"  override="true" input="@{manifest}" regexp="(.*)" select="\1" global="true"  casesensitive="false"/>
-        <propertyregex property="manifest.pkgname"   override="true" input="@{manifest}" regexp="manifest_binaries_(\S+)(.txt)" select="\1" global="true"  casesensitive="false"/>
-        <echo message="INFO Packaging ${manifest.fullname} into ${manifest.shortname}.zip"/>
-        <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${}/zip_${manifest.shortname}.log">
-            <arg value="a"/>
-            <arg value="-t${}"/>
-            <arg value="-i@${manifest.fullname}"/>
-            <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/${manifest.shortname}.zip"/> 
-        </exec>
-        <!-- merge release metadata -->
-        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
-            <param name="zip.config.file"  value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-            <param name=""  value="bin-${manifest.pkgname}-metadata" />
-            <param name="" value="${manifest.pkgname}" />
-        </antcall>
-        </sequential>  
-      </for>
-    </target>
-    <!-- runs analysis of missing bins and source -->
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis">
-        <stopwatch name="sf-run-analysis"/>
-        <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis"/>
-        <parallel>
-          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-ant"/>
-          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-raptor"/>
-          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-yarp"/>
-          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-summary"/>
-          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-missing-files"/>
-        </parallel>
-        <if>
-          <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/>
-            <then>
-            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-diamonds"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <stopwatch name="sf-run-analysis" action="elapsed"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-ant">    
-        <echo message="Running source analysis of ANT output"/>
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_scan_ant.log">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
-            <arg value="*ant*"/>
-            <arg value="*stderr*"/>  <!-- helium 7 splits output into stderr logs, so use them also -->
-            <arg value="*sbs_error*"/> 
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-raptor">            
-      <!-- Cook the processed raptor logs to produce something in the right format for the BRAG system -->
-      <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/summary/"/>
-      <!-- exec executable="perl" output="${build.log.dir}/summary/sbs_BRAG.xml" logError="yes" failonerror="false">
-        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
-        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/analysis/*_compile_preprocessed.log"/>
-      </exec -->
-      <echo message="Running UH parser on *_compile.log files"/>
-      <apply executable="perl" dir="${}/utilities/uh_parser" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_raptorparse.log" parallel="true">
-        <arg value=""/>
-        <arg value="-m"/>
-        <arg value="--basedir=${build.log.dir}"/>
-        <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}">
-          <include name="*_compile.log"/>
-          <include name="*_export.log"/>  <!-- for explicit export step -->
-          <exclude name="*build_check_compile.log"/>
-        </fileset>
-      </apply>
-      <!-- Now iterate through the generated TSVs to sort them and remove duplicates -->
-      <for param="tsv">
-        <path>
-          <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}">
-            <include name="releaseables/**/*.tsv"/>
-          </fileset>
-        </path>
-        <sequential>
-          <exec executable="perl" input="@{tsv}" output="@{tsv}">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/"/>
-          </exec>
-        </sequential>
-      </for>
-      <!-- Cook the raptor analysis further to produce something in the right format for the BRAG system -->
-      <exec executable="perl" output="${build.log.dir}/summary/Uh_BRAG.xml" logError="yes">
-        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
-        <arg value="--index"/>
-        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/html/index.html"/>
-      </exec>
-      <!-- And copy the XSL so the output can be transformed by a browser -->
-      <copy file="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/brag.xsl" toDir="${build.log.dir}/summary/"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-yarp">
-      <echo message="Running yarp over *_compile.log files"/>
-      <for param="logfile">
-        <path>
-          <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}">
-            <include name="*_compile.log"/>
-            <exclude name="*build_check_compile.log"/>
-          </fileset>
-        </path>
-        <sequential>
-          <propertyregex override="yes" property="yarpfile"  input="@{logfile}" regexp=".*[\\|\/](.*)_compile\.log" replace="\1_yarp.csv"/>
-          <propertyregex override="yes" property="yarpfile_short"  input="${yarpfile}" regexp="[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*_(.+)_[^_]*_yarp\.csv" replace="YARP_\1"/>
-          <echo message="Yarping @{logfile}..."/>
-          <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${yarpfile}.log" append="true">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
-            <arg value="@{logfile}"/>
-            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${yarpfile}"/>
-          </exec>
-          <exec executable="cmd" output="${}/output/logs/analysis/tmp_yarp_files.csv" append="true">
-            <arg value="/c"/>
-            <arg value="echo"/>
-            <arg value="${yarpfile_short},${sf.spec.publish.networkdrive}\${}\builds\${sf.spec.job.codeline}\${}\logs\analysis\${yarpfile},${}\output\logs\analysis\${yarpfile}"/>
-          </exec>
-        </sequential>
-      </for>
-      <!-- Cook the yarp analysis further to produce something in the right format for the BRAG system -->
-      <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/summary/"/>
-      <!-- exec executable="perl" output="${build.log.dir}/summary/Yarp_BRAG.xml" logError="yes">
-        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
-        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/analysis/*_yarp.csv"/>
-      </exec -->
-      <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" failonerror="false" outputproperty="sf.job.totalyarperrors">
-        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
-        <arg value="${}/output/logs/analysis/tmp_yarp_files.csv"/>
-      </exec>
-      <echo message="Total yarp errors: ${sf.job.totalyarperrors}"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-summary" >
-        <sequential>
-          <parallel>
-            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-list"/>
-            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog"/>
-          </parallel>
-          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-merge" />
-          <parallel>
-            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-package"/>
-            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-collisons"/>
-          </parallel>
-        </sequential>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-list">    
-        <echo message="Running list analysis"/>
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_list_results.log">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
-            <arg value="..\"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog">    
-        <echo message="Running whatlog analysis"/>
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_what_results.csv">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
-            <arg value="..\"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-merge" >        
-        <echo message="Running summary analysis"/>
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_summary.log">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
-            <arg value="${}_what_results.csv"/>
-            <arg value="${}_list_results.log"/>
-            <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-package" >        
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_analysecomponents.log">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
-            <arg value="${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}"/>
-            <arg value="${}_what_results.csv_results.csv"/>
-            <arg value="${sf.project.location}/sysdefs/system_model_os.xml"/>
-            <arg value="${sf.project.location}/sysdefs/system_model_s60.xml"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-collisons" >        
-        <echo message="Running collision analysis"/>
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_collisions.log">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
-            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_what_results.csv"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-diamonds">
-      <if>
-        <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/>
-        <then>
-          <echo>[SF-RUN-ANALYSIS-DIAMONDS]</echo>
-          <echo message="Translate \output\logs\html\index.html into a Diamonds file"/>
-          <exec executable="perl" dir="${}">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/"/>
-          </exec>
-          <echo message="Send ${build.log.dir}/diamonds_uh.xml to Diamonds"/>
-          <exec executable="python">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
-            <arg value="-u"/>
-            <arg value="http://${}${}"/>
-            <arg value="-f"/>
-            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/diamonds_uh.xml"/>
-          </exec>
-        </then>
-      </if>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-links-to-diamonds">
-      <fmpp sourceFile="${sf.common.config.dir}/diamonds/linksForDiamonds.xml.ftl" outputFile="${build.log.dir}/linksForDiamonds.xml">
-        <data expandProperties="yes">
-          ant: antProperties()
-        </data>
-      </fmpp>
-      <!-- Send the data to the server -->
-      <exec executable="python">
-        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
-        <arg value="-u"/>
-        <arg value="http://${}${}"/>
-        <arg value="-f"/>
-        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/linksForDiamonds.xml"/>
-      </exec>
-      <echo message="report&#x0009;Summary,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/summary/_brag.xml,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      <echo message="report&#x0009;Raptor Build Summary,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/html/index.html,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      <echo message="report&#x0009;Build BOM,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/,file${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      <echo message="report&#x0009;Build Logs,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/,file${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      <if><and><equals arg1="${sf.spec.smoketest.enable}" arg2="true"/><equals arg1="${sf.spec.ats.version}" arg2="ats3"/></and><then>
-        <echo message="report&#x0009;Smoke Test Report,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/ats_reports/ATS3Report.html,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      </then></if>
-      <if><and><equals arg1="${sf.spec.smoketest.enable}" arg2="true"/><equals arg1="${sf.spec.ats.version}" arg2="ats4"/></and><then>
-        <echo message="report&#x0009;Smoke Test Report,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/ats_reports/simplelogger/testreport.xml,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      </then></if>
-      <if><and><equals arg1="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable}" arg2="true"/><equals arg1="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable.ha}" arg2="true"/></and><then>
-        <echo message="report&#x0009;Binary Compatibility Report (Headerfiles),${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/BC/headers_report.xml,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      </then></if>
-      <if><and><equals arg1="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable}" arg2="true"/><equals arg1="${}" arg2="true"/></and><then>
-        <echo message="report&#x0009;Binary Compatibility Report (Libraries),${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/BC/libraries_report.xml,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      </then></if>
-      <if><equals arg1="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable.dynamic}" arg2="true"/><then>
-        <echo message="report&#x0009;Dynamic BC Test Reports,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/ats_reports/index.html,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
-      </then></if>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-merge-brag">
-        <!-- Merge all our bits of XML together -->
-        <exec executable="perl" output="${build.log.dir}/summary/_BRAG.xml" logError="true">
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/"/>
-            <arg value="--xsl=brag.xsl"/>
-            <arg value="--merge=buildStatus,phase(name),step(name),failures(level)"/>
-            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/summary/*?_BRAG.xml"/>
-        </exec>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-brag-to-diamonds">
-        <!-- Run XSL transform to create file to send to diamonds -->
-        <java jar="${sf.common.config.dir}/sysdefdowngrade/xalan-j_2_7_1/xalan.jar" fork="true">
-            <arg value="-IN"/>
-            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/summary/_BRAG.xml"/>
-            <arg value="-XSL"/>
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/bragForDiamonds.xsl"/>
-            <arg value="-OUT"/>
-            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/diamonds-status.xml"/>
-        </java>
-        <if>
-            <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/>
-            <then>
-                <!-- Make sure that the summary directory is available to display the BRAG link -->
-                <mkdir  dir="${publish.dir}/summary/"/>
-                <copy todir="${publish.dir}/summary/" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
-                   <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}/summary/"><include name="*.*"/></fileset>
-                </copy>
-                <!-- Try to obtain the diamonds ID for this build -->
-                <if>
-                    <not><isset property=""/></not>
-                    <then>
-                        <property file="${build.log.dir}/"/> <!-- This will fail silently -->
-                    </then>
-                </if>
-                <if>
-                    <isset property=""/>
-                    <then>
-                        <!-- Send the data to the server -->
-                        <exec executable="python">
-                            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
-                            <arg value="-u"/>
-                            <arg value="http://${}${}"/>
-                            <arg value="-f"/>
-                            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/diamonds-status.xml"/>
-                        </exec>
-                    </then>
-                    <else>
-                        <echo message=" is not known - unable to push any build specific information to diamonds server"/>
-                    </else>
-                </if>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-check-utilities-dir">
-        <available property="sf-utilities-available" file="${}/utilities" type="dir"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-compare-to-baseline" depends="sf-check-utilities-dir" if="sf-utilities-available">
-        <property name="" value="${build.log.dir}/"/>
-        <delete file="${}"/>
-        <!-- FCL Usage and Changesets -->
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" output="${}">
-            <arg value="-I"/>
-            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/lib"/>
-            <arg value="${}/utilities/releaseAutomation/"/>
-            <arg value="--sources=${build.log.dir}/BOM/sources.csv"/>
-            <arg value="--baseline=${sf.previous.pdk.tag}"/>
-        </exec>
-        <!-- Package Comparison and FCL Usage -->
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}" output="${}" append="true">
-            <arg value="${}/utilities/releaseAutomation/"/>
-            <arg value="--sources=${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}"/>
-            <arg value="--sysdef=${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/sysdefs/system_model.xml"/>
-            <arg value="--sysdef=${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/sysdefs/system_model_os.xml"/>
-            <arg value="--sysdef=${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/sysdefs/system_model_s60.xml"/>
-            <arg value="--baseline=${sf.previous.pdk.tag}"/>
-        </exec>
-        <!-- Mercurial comparison -->
-        <echo file="${}" append="true">== Mercurial Comparison ==${line.separator}${line.separator}</echo>
-        <if>
-            <isset property="sf.previous.pdk.tag"/>
-            <then>
-                <echo file="${}" append="true">The Mercurial changes from Nokia were delivered as a bulk update based on '''XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'''.${line.separator}${line.separator}List of the Mercurial changes (files added/removed/modified) between ${sf.previous.pdk.tag} and PDK '''XXXXX''' - [[Media:XXXX.txt]].${line.separator}${line.separator}A short study of the results concentrating on the added and removed files has identified these significant package changes:${line.separator}${line.separator}</echo>
-                <if>
-                    <istrue value="${sf.spec.sourcesync.archive}"/>
-                    <then>
-                        <echo file="${}" append="true">'''Information cannot be derived as source was synced with archive option'''"${line.separator}${line.separator}</echo>
-                    </then>
-                    <else>
-                        <exec executable="perl" dir="${}/" output="${}" append="true">
-                            <arg value="${}/utilities/releaseAutomation/"/>
-                            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/BOM/build-info.xml"/>
-                            <arg value="${sf.previous.pdk.tag}"/>
-                            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/mercurialComparison.tsv"/>
-                        </exec>
-                    </else>
-                </if>
-            </then>
-            <else>
-                <echo file="${}" append="true">'''Information cannot be provided as the tag for the previous PDK was not provided to the build'''"${line.separator}${line.separator}</echo>
-            </else>
-        </if>
-        <!-- Code churn -->
-        <!-- TODO? -->
-        <fixcrlf file="${}"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- package all logs into zipfile for publishing -->
-    <target name="sf-zip-logs" >
-        <if>
-            <istrue value="${}"/>
-            <then>
-                <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/zips/release"/> <!-- workaround for when there's no other releaseables, just the logs -->
-                <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/" basedir="${}"> 
-                    <include name="output/logs/**"/>
-                    <exclude name="output/logs/BC/**"/>
-                    <exclude name="output/logs/BOM/**"/>
-                    <exclude name="output/logs/deliverables/**"/>
-                    <exclude name="output/logs/releaseables/**"/>
-                </zip>
-                <!-- workaround for the time when when 'sf-run-analysis-raptor' has not been run -->
-                <mkdir dir="${}/output/logs/releaseables"/>
-                <if>
-                    <available file="${}/output/logs/package_definitions" type="dir"/>
-                    <then>
-                        <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/">
-                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/BOM" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM"/>
-                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/releaseables" prefix="build_info/logs/releaseables"/>
-                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM">
-                                <include name="envinfo.txt"/>
-                            </zipfileset>
-                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/package_definitions" prefix="build_info/package_definitions"/>
-                        </zip>
-                    </then>
-                    <else>
-                        <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/">
-                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/BOM" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM"/>
-                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/releaseables" prefix="build_info/logs/releaseables"/>
-                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM">
-                                <include name="envinfo.txt"/>
-                            </zipfileset>
-                        </zip>
-                    </else>
-                </if>
-                <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
-                    <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
-                    <param name="" value="info-just-metadata" />
-                </antcall>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-     </target>
-    <target name="sf-publish" depends="prep-publish">
-        <copy todir="${publish.dir}" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
-           <fileset dir="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/"><include name="build_*.zip"/></fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <mkdir dir="${publish.dir}/html"/>
-        <copy todir="${publish.dir}/html" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
-           <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}/html"><include name="*.html"/></fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <mkdir dir="${publish.dir}/BC"/>
-        <copy todir="${publish.dir}/BC" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
-           <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}/BC/">
-               <include name="BBCResults.xsl"/>
-               <include name="headers_report.xml"/>
-               <include name="libraries_report.xml"/>
-           </fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <mkdir dir="${publish.dir}/ats_reports"/>
-        <copy file="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/ats/report_dummy.html" tofile="${publish.dir}/ats_reports/index.html" failonerror="false"/>
-    </target>
-    <!-- TODO: Make this work for package builds once we have sysmodel story worked out -->
-    <target name="sf-run-analysis-missing-files" if="sf.spec.checkbuild">
-        <runtarget target="sf-check-missing-os-files"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-check-missing-os-files" depends="sf-compile-options">
-        <hlm:argSet id="">
-            <hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
-            <hlm:arg name="run-check" value="true" />
-        </hlm:argSet>
-        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.check.main.var">
-            <hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
-            <hlm:arg name="run-check" value="true" />
-        </hlm:argSet>     
-        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-            <param name="build.system" value="${}" />
-            <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-            <param name="" value ="sbs_check"/>
-            <reference refid="" torefid="sbs.var" />
-            <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-            <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-        </antcall> 
-        <if><istrue value="${sf.os.compile.iterate}"/>
-          <then>
-            <for list="${}" delimiter="," param="sf.spec.check.splitconfig">
-              <sequential>
-                <echo message="INFO [Iterative check] @{sf.spec.check.splitconfig}"/>
-                <hlm:argSet id="sbs.check.iterate.main.var">
-                    <hlm:arg name="config" value="@{sf.spec.check.splitconfig}" />
-                    <hlm:arg name="run-check" value="true" />
-                </hlm:argSet>     
-                <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-                    <param name="build.system" value="${}" />
-                    <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-                    <param name="" value ="sbs_check"/>
-                    <reference refid="sbs.check.iterate.main.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-                    <reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-                    <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-                </antcall>
-              </sequential>
-            </for>
-          </then>
-          <else>
-          <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
-            <param name="build.system" value="${}" />
-            <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
-            <param name="" value ="sbs_check"/>
-            <reference refid="sbs.check.main.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
-            <reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
-            <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
-          </antcall>
-        </else>
-      </if> 
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-create-public-PDK" depends="sf-prebuild,sf-run-sfl-licence-munging" >
-        <if>
-            <istrue value="${sf.spec.md5.enable}"/>
-            <then>
-                <echo message="INFO Creating MD5s"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-run-evalid"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <!-- Package up the binaries we built -->
-        <if>
-            <istrue value="${sf.spec.package.bin.enable}"/>
-            <then>
-                <echo message="INFO Packaging Binaries"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-package-binary"/>
-                <echo message="INFO Validate Zip files"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-package-validate"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-        <runtarget target="sf-merge-brag"/>
-        <runtarget target="sf-zip-logs"/>
-        <if>
-            <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}" />
-            <then>
-                <echo message="Send links to Diamonds"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-links-to-diamonds"/>
-                <echo message="Send BRAG status information to Diamonds"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-brag-to-diamonds"/>
-                <echo message="Publish log files and reports to ${sf.spec.publish.rootdir}"/>
-                <runtarget target="sf-publish"/>
-            </then>
-        </if>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-run-sfl-licence-munging" depends="sf-check-utilities-dir" if="sf-utilities-available">    
-        <echo message="Running SFL Licence Munging writing log to ${build.log.dir}"/>
-        <stopwatch name="munge" action="start"/>
-        <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/postbuild_sfl-licence_munging_results.log">
-          <arg value="${}/utilities/williamr/"/>
-        </exec>
-        <stopwatch name="munge" action="total"/>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-copy-rom-logs">
-        <property name="sf.rombuild.dir" value="${}/epoc32/rom/"/>
-        <!-- copy log files for each variant we have -->
-        <echo message="build.log.dir= ${build.log.dir}"/>
-        <echo message="sf.rombuild.dir= ${sf.rombuild.dir}"/>
-        <echo message="sf.spec.referenceroms.variant= ${sf.spec.referenceroms.variant}"/>
-        <copy todir="${build.log.dir}" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${sf.rombuild.dir}/${sf.spec.referenceroms.variant}/"><include name="*ROMBUILD.LOG"/></fileset>
-        </copy>
-        <copy todir="${build.log.dir}" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
-            <fileset dir="${sf.rombuild.dir}/${sf.spec.referenceroms.variant}/"><include name="*rom.oby"/></fileset>
-        </copy>
-    </target>
-    <target name="sf-build-roms">
-        <!-- find out if this is an arm build, if it is, then build roms -->
-        <propertyregex property=""  override="true" input="${}" regexp="(arm.*)" replace="true" casesensitive="false"/>
-        <if><isset property=""/> 
-        <then>
-            <mkdir dir="${roms.log.dir}"/>
-            <echo message="INFO Building Syborg MiniGUI stripped ROM"/>
-            <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/epoc32/rom" failonerror="false">
-                <arg value="/c"/>
-                <arg value="buildrom syborg minigui-stripped"/>
-            </exec>
-            <if>
-                <!-- is iMaker rom building enabled? -->
-                <istrue value="${sf.spec.referenceroms.createimages.enable}" />
-                <then>
-                    <echo message="INFO Building iMaker configurations"/>
-                    <runtarget target="build-roms"/>
-                </then>
-            </if>
-        </then>
-        </if>        
-    </target>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<project name="SF-POSTBUILD" xmlns:hlm="">
+    <target name="sf-postbuild" depends="sf-build-roms">
+        <stopwatch name="sf-postbuild"/>
+        <echo>[SF-POSTBUILD]</echo>
+        <if><istrue value="${sf.relicense.exported.headers}"/>
+        <then>
+            <runtarget target="sf-run-sfl-licence-munging"/>
+        </then>
+        </if>
+        <parallel>
+            <!-- TAG SOURCE CODE -->
+            <if>
+                <istrue value="${sf.spec.tagafterbuild.enable}" />
+                <then>
+                    <echo message="Apply tag to the source code used in this build"/>
+                    <runtarget target="sf-tag-hg-code"/>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+            <!-- Create MD5s -->
+            <if>
+                <istrue value="${sf.spec.md5.enable}"/>
+                <then>
+                    <echo message="INFO Creating MD5s"/>
+                    <runtarget target="sf-run-evalid"/>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+            <!-- Package up the binaries we built -->
+            <if>
+                <istrue value="${sf.spec.package.bin.enable}"/>
+                <then>
+                    <stopwatch name="sf-postbuild packaging binaries"/>
+                    <echo message="INFO Packaging Binaries"/>
+                    <runtarget target="sf-package-binary"/>
+                    <echo message="INFO Validate Zip files"/>
+                    <runtarget target="sf-package-validate"/>
+                    <stopwatch name="sf-postbuild packaging binaries" action="elapsed"/>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+            <!-- run build analysis tools -->
+            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis"/>
+            <if>
+                <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/>
+                <then>
+                    <!-- Generate reports to compare this build to a previous one -->
+                    <runtarget target="sf-compare-to-baseline"/>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+        </parallel>
+        <!-- Generate release_metadata entries for the md5 zips -->
+        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
+            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
+            <param name="" value="md5-just-metadata" />
+        </antcall>
+        <!-- Launch smoketest -->
+        <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.test.sendpkg.enable}"/>
+            <then>
+                <runtarget target="sf-build-smoketestpkg"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-send-testpkg"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <!-- Launch BC check -->
+        <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable}"/>
+            <then>
+                <runtarget target="sf-bc-check"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <!-- Launch package tests -->
+        <if><istrue value="${sf.spec.package.test.enable}"/>
+            <then>
+                <runtarget target="sf-test-package"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <!-- copy log files linked to the generation of roms for REE -->
+        <runtarget target="sf-copy-rom-logs"/>
+        <runtarget target="sf-merge-brag"/>
+        <!-- Zip up all the logs -->
+        <runtarget target="sf-zip-logs"/>
+        <if>
+            <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}" />
+            <then>
+                <echo message="Send links to Diamonds"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-links-to-diamonds"/>
+                <echo message="Send BRAG status information to Diamonds"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-brag-to-diamonds"/>
+                <echo message="Publish log files and reports to ${sf.spec.publish.rootdir}"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-publish"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <stopwatch name="sf-postbuild" action="elapsed"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-tag-hg-code">
+        <!-- To do the tagging, we need to know what tag to use, and who the author is (from hg's perspective) -->
+        <fail message="This target needs to have all the details specified, or to be run interactively so it can query the user">
+            <condition>
+                <and>
+                    <isset property="sf.hudson.executor.number"/>
+                    <not>
+                        <or>
+                            <isset property="sf.tagafterbuild.tag"/>
+                            <isset property="sf.hg.ui.username"/>
+                        </or>
+                    </not>
+                </and>
+            </condition>
+        </fail>
+        <!-- Ask the user, interactively, what tag to use -->
+        <input addproperty="sf.tagafterbuild.tag" message="Enter the tag to apply to the code (eg &quot;PDK_1.0.1&quot;):"/>
+        <fail message="No tag supplied">
+            <condition>
+                <length string="${sf.tagafterbuild.tag}" trim="true" length="0"/>
+            </condition>
+        </fail>
+        <!-- Now get the username sorted out -->
+        <exec executable="hg" outputproperty="sf.hg.showconfig.ui.username">
+            <arg value="showconfig"/>
+            <arg value="ui.username"/>
+        </exec>
+        <input addproperty="sf.hg.ui.username" message="Enter hg author credentials (eg &quot;Fred Bloggs &lt;;&quot;) default is" defaultvalue="${sf.hg.showconfig.ui.username}"/>
+        <fail message="No author supplied">
+            <condition>
+                <length string="${sf.hg.ui.username}" trim="true" length="0"/>
+            </condition>
+        </fail>
+        <fmpp sourceFile="${sf.common.config.dir}/templates/tag-hg-code.ant.xml.ftl"
+              outputFile="${}/tag-hg-code.ant.xml">
+            <data expandProperties="yes">
+                ant: antProperties()
+                data: csv(${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}, {separator:','})
+            </data>
+        </fmpp>
+        <ant antfile="${}/tag-hg-code.ant.xml"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-push-hg-tags">
+        <!-- To do the pushing, we need to have a set of credentials for the site -->
+        <fail message="This target needs to have loging credentials specified specified, or to be run interactively so it can query the user">
+            <condition>
+                <and>
+                    <isset property="sf.hudson.executor.number"/>
+                    <not>
+                        <or>
+                            <isset property="sf.symbian.account.username"/>
+                            <isset property="sf.symbian.account.password"/>
+                        </or>
+                    </not>
+                </and>
+            </condition>
+        </fail>
+        <input addproperty="sf.symbian.account.username" message="Enter username (eg &quot;fredb&quot;)"/>
+        <fail message="No author supplied">
+            <condition>
+                <length string="${sf.hg.ui.username}" trim="true" length="0"/>
+            </condition>
+        </fail>
+        <input addproperty="sf.symbian.account.password" message="Enter password (eg &quot;unguessable&quot;)">
+            <!-- Ant 1.8 supports secure here, which would be an improvement... -->
+            <handler type="default"/>
+        </input>
+        <fail message="No password supplied">
+            <condition>
+                <length string="${sf.hg.ui.password}" trim="true" length="0"/>
+            </condition>
+        </fail>
+        <if>
+            <not>
+                <available file="${}/tagging" type="dir"/>
+            </not>
+            <then>
+                <!-- No dir with tagged repos in - create them! -->
+                <runtarget target="sf-tag-hg-code"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <fmpp sourceFile="${sf.common.config.dir}/templates/push-hg-tags.ant.xml.ftl"
+              outputFile="${}/push-hg-tags.ant.xml">
+            <data expandProperties="yes">
+                ant: antProperties()
+                data: csv(${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}, {separator:','})
+            </data>
+        </fmpp>
+        <ant antfile="${}/push-hg-tags.ant.xml"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-evalid" >
+        <delete dir="${}/output/md5"/>
+        <mkdir  dir="${}/output/md5"/>
+        <parallel>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/include output/md5/epoc32_include.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/s60 output/md5/epoc32_s60.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/localisation output/md5/epoc32_localisation.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -x ^armv5/udeb -x ^armv5/urel -x ^winscw/udeb -x ^winscw/urel -g epoc32/release output/md5/epoc32_release.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -g epoc32/release/armv5/udeb output/md5/epoc32_release_armv5_udeb.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -g epoc32/release/armv5/urel output/md5/epoc32_release_armv5_urel.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -g epoc32/release/winscw/udeb output/md5/epoc32_release_winscw_udeb.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -x \.sym$ -g epoc32/release/winscw/urel output/md5/epoc32_release_winscw_urel.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/cshlpcmp_template output/md5/epoc32_cshlpcmp_template.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/data output/md5/epoc32_data.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/engdoc output/md5/epoc32_engdoc.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/engineeringtools output/md5/epoc32_engineeringtools.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/gcc output/md5/epoc32_gcc.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/gcc_mingw output/md5/epoc32_gcc_mingw.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/ksa output/md5/epoc32_ksa.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/rom output/md5/epoc32_rom.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/rombuild output/md5/epoc32_rombuild.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/sbs_config output/md5/epoc32_sbs_config.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/sdk_special output/md5/epoc32_sdk_special.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/stdapis output/md5/epoc32_stdapis.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/stubs output/md5/epoc32_stubs.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/tools output/md5/epoc32_tools.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/wins output/md5/epoc32_wins.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="evalid -g epoc32/winscw output/md5/epoc32_winscw.md5"/>
+        </exec>
+        </parallel>
+        <!-- package MD5s directly into epoc32/relinfo location so that its usable out-of-the-box -->
+        <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/zips/release"/> <!-- Hack to prevent non-existing release dir -->
+        <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/">
+            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/md5/" prefix="epoc32/relinfo"/>
+        </zip>
+    </target>    
+    <target name="sf-package-binary" depends="sf-package-postbuild-rnd,sf-merge-manifest">
+        <!-- Warning: Reverting to using the He zipper will also revert to a single zip for the binaries:
+             would need to update the template and possibly the script that populates it -->
+        <!--antcall target="sf-zip-content">
+            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
+            <param name="" value="bin" />
+        </antcall-->
+        <parallel>
+            <sequential>
+                <if>
+                    <isset property="sf.sdk.header.list.file"/>
+                    <then>
+                        <property name="sf.epoc32.exclusions.file" value="${sf.sdk.header.list.file}"/>
+                    </then>
+                </if>
+                <property name="sf.epoc32.exclusions.file" value="nul:"/>
+                <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_epoc32.log">
+                    <arg value="a"/>
+                    <arg value="-t${}"/>
+                    <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/> <!-- rnd content taken from internal hg repos -->
+                    <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+                    <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/> <!-- merged list of prebuilt content such as binaries_prebuilt -->
+                    <arg value="-x@${sf.epoc32.exclusions.file}"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\gcc"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\gcc_mingw"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\tools"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\data\buildinfo.txt"/>
+                    <!-- Feature database artifacts released as part of the tools zip -->
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\data\config\features.dat"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\include\featureuids.h"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\rom\include\feature.iby"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\rom\include\featuredatabase.xml"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\data\media"/> <!-- Files created when emulator is used to create comms database - not worth releasing-->
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\build"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\release\armv5"/>
+                    <arg value="-x!epoc32\release\winscw"/>
+                    <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
+                    <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+                    <arg value="epoc32\"/>
+                </exec>
+            </sequential>
+            <if>
+                <isset property="sf.sdk.header.list.file"/>
+                <then>
+                    <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_sdk.log">
+                        <arg value="a"/>
+                        <arg value="-t${}"/>
+                        <arg value="-i@${sf.sdk.header.list.file}"/>
+                        <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
+                        <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+                        <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+                        <arg value="-x!epoc32/include/featureuids.h"/> <!-- This needs to come from the tools zip instead -->
+                        <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+                    </exec>
+                    <!-- Check that all the files we want in the SDK are zipped -->
+                    <antcall target="sf-log-to-brag">
+                        <param name="" value="SDK"/>
+                        <param name="sf.brag.log" value="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_sdk.log"/>
+                        <param name="sf.brag.phase" value="Postbuild"/>
+                        <param name="sf.brag.step" value="Package SDK"/>
+                    </antcall>
+                    <!-- Generate release_metadata entries for the SDK zip -->
+                    <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
+                        <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
+                        <param name="" value="bin-sdk-just-metadata" />
+                    </antcall>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+            <!-- WinsCW binaries, by udeb/urel/lib -->
+            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_winscw_udeb.log">
+                <arg value="a"/>
+                <arg value="-t${}"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
+                <arg value="-xr!*.lib"/>
+                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+                <arg value="epoc32\release\winscw\udeb"/>
+            </exec>
+            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_winscw_urel.log">
+                <arg value="a"/>
+                <arg value="-t${}"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
+                <arg value="-xr!*.lib"/>
+                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+                <arg value="epoc32\release\winscw\urel"/>
+            </exec>
+            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_winscw_lib.log">
+                <arg value="a"/>
+                <arg value="-t${}"/>
+                <arg value="-ir!epoc32/release/winscw/*.lib"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+            </exec>
+            <!-- ARMv5 binaries, by udeb/urel/lib -->
+            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_armv5_udeb.log">
+                <arg value="a"/>
+                <arg value="-t${}"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
+                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+                <arg value="epoc32\release\armv5\udeb"/>
+            </exec>
+            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_armv5_urel.log">
+                <arg value="a"/>
+                <arg value="-t${}"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
+                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+                <arg value="epoc32\release\armv5\urel"/>
+            </exec>
+            <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_binaries_armv5_lib.log">
+                <arg value="a"/>
+                <arg value="-t${}"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+                <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+                <arg value="-xr!*.sym"/>
+                <arg value="-ir!epoc32/release/armv5/_*.bin"/> <!-- include bootloaders in common lib zipfile -->
+                <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+                <arg value="epoc32\release\armv5\lib"/>
+            </exec>
+        </parallel>
+        <runtarget target="sf-package-tools"/>
+        <runtarget target="sf-package-prebuilt"/>
+        <!-- Generate release_metadata entries for the above zips -->
+        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
+            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
+            <param name="" value="bin-just-metadata" />
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-package-postbuild-rnd" >
+        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
+            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
+            <param name="" value="rnd-postbuild" />
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-package-tools" depends="sf-merge-manifest">
+        <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${build.log.dir}/zip_${}_tools_epoc32.log">
+            <arg value="a"/>
+            <arg value="-t${}"/>
+            <arg value="-x@${build.log.dir}/rnd_excludefile.txt"/>
+            <arg value="-x@/output/temp_build_files/manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+            <arg value="-x@${sf.spec.prebuilt.excludelist}"/>
+            <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+            <arg value="epoc32/tools"/>
+            <arg value="epoc32/gcc"/>
+            <arg value="epoc32/gcc_mingw"/>
+            <arg value="epoc32/data/buildinfo.txt"/>
+            <arg value="epoc32/data/config/features.dat"/>
+            <arg value="epoc32/include/featureuids.h"/>
+            <arg value="epoc32/rom/include/feature.iby"/>
+            <arg value="epoc32/rom/include/featuredatabase.xml"/>
+        </exec>
+        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
+            <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
+            <param name="" value="tools" />
+        </antcall>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-package-validate">
+        <exec executable="7z" dir="${}/output/zips" failonerror="false" output="${}/output/zips/validate.log">
+            <arg value="t"/>
+            <arg value="*.zip"/>
+        </exec>  
+        <exec executable="7z" dir="${}/output/zips/release" failonerror="false" output="${}/output/zips/release/validate.log">
+            <arg value="t"/>
+            <arg value="*.zip"/>
+        </exec>  
+    </target>
+    <!-- merge manifests for prebuilt stuff delivered at the start of build process -->
+    <target name="sf-merge-manifest">
+      <echo message="INFO Build drive is ${} "/>
+      <concat destfile="${}\output\temp_build_files\manifest_excludelist.txt">
+        <fileset dir="${}" includes="*manifest*" excludes="manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+      </concat>
+       <!-- touch file to update/create it in the event that there are no manifest* files available 
+            as 7z will not be happy being given a non-existent file -->  
+      <touch file="${}\output\temp_build_files\manifest_excludelist.txt"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-package-prebuilt" depends="sf-merge-manifest">
+    <!-- for each prebuilt manifest* file, repackage -->  
+      <for param="manifest">
+        <path>
+          <fileset dir="${}\">
+            <include name="manifest*.txt"/>
+            <exclude name="manifest*restricted*.txt"/> <!-- dont repack restricted content such as testconfigfileparser -->
+          </fileset>
+        </path>
+        <!-- strip manifest_ and .txt extension for matched file -->
+        <sequential>
+        <propertyregex property="manifest.shortname" override="true" input="@{manifest}" regexp="manifest_(\S+)(.txt)" select="\1" global="true"  casesensitive="false"/>
+        <propertyregex property="manifest.fullname"  override="true" input="@{manifest}" regexp="(.*)" select="\1" global="true"  casesensitive="false"/>
+        <propertyregex property="manifest.pkgname"   override="true" input="@{manifest}" regexp="manifest_binaries_(\S+)(.txt)" select="\1" global="true"  casesensitive="false"/>
+        <echo message="INFO Packaging ${manifest.fullname} into ${manifest.shortname}.zip"/>
+        <exec executable="7za" dir="${}/" output="${}/zip_${manifest.shortname}.log">
+            <arg value="a"/>
+            <arg value="-t${}"/>
+            <arg value="-i@${manifest.fullname}"/>
+            <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/${manifest.shortname}.zip"/> 
+        </exec>
+        <!-- merge release metadata -->
+        <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
+            <param name="zip.config.file"  value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
+            <param name=""  value="bin-${manifest.pkgname}-metadata" />
+            <param name="" value="${manifest.pkgname}" />
+        </antcall>
+        </sequential>  
+      </for>
+    </target>
+    <!-- runs analysis of missing bins and source -->
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis">
+        <stopwatch name="sf-run-analysis"/>
+        <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis"/>
+        <parallel>
+          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-ant"/>
+          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-raptor"/>
+          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-yarp"/>
+          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-summary"/>
+          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-missing-files"/>
+        </parallel>
+        <if>
+          <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/>
+            <then>
+            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-diamonds"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <stopwatch name="sf-run-analysis" action="elapsed"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-ant">    
+        <echo message="Running source analysis of ANT output"/>
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_scan_ant.log">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
+            <arg value="*ant*"/>
+            <arg value="*stderr*"/>  <!-- helium 7 splits output into stderr logs, so use them also -->
+            <arg value="*sbs_error*"/> 
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-raptor">            
+      <!-- Cook the processed raptor logs to produce something in the right format for the BRAG system -->
+      <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/summary/"/>
+      <!-- exec executable="perl" output="${build.log.dir}/summary/sbs_BRAG.xml" logError="yes" failonerror="false">
+        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
+        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/analysis/*_compile_preprocessed.log"/>
+      </exec -->
+      <echo message="Running UH parser on *_compile.log files"/>
+      <apply executable="perl" dir="${}/utilities/uh_parser" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_raptorparse.log" parallel="true">
+        <arg value=""/>
+        <arg value="-m"/>
+        <arg value="--basedir=${build.log.dir}"/>
+        <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}">
+          <include name="*_compile.log"/>
+          <include name="*_export.log"/>  <!-- for explicit export step -->
+          <exclude name="*build_check_compile.log"/>
+        </fileset>
+      </apply>
+      <!-- Now iterate through the generated TSVs to sort them and remove duplicates -->
+      <for param="tsv">
+        <path>
+          <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}">
+            <include name="releaseables/**/*.tsv"/>
+          </fileset>
+        </path>
+        <sequential>
+          <exec executable="perl" input="@{tsv}" output="@{tsv}">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/"/>
+          </exec>
+        </sequential>
+      </for>
+      <!-- Cook the raptor analysis further to produce something in the right format for the BRAG system -->
+      <exec executable="perl" output="${build.log.dir}/summary/Uh_BRAG.xml" logError="yes">
+        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
+        <arg value="--index"/>
+        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/html/index.html"/>
+      </exec>
+      <!-- And copy the XSL so the output can be transformed by a browser -->
+      <copy file="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/brag.xsl" toDir="${build.log.dir}/summary/"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-yarp">
+      <echo message="Running yarp over *_compile.log files"/>
+      <for param="logfile">
+        <path>
+          <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}">
+            <include name="*_compile.log"/>
+            <exclude name="*build_check_compile.log"/>
+          </fileset>
+        </path>
+        <sequential>
+          <propertyregex override="yes" property="yarpfile"  input="@{logfile}" regexp=".*[\\|\/](.*)_compile\.log" replace="\1_yarp.csv"/>
+          <propertyregex override="yes" property="yarpfile_short"  input="${yarpfile}" regexp="[^_]*_[^_]*_[^_]*_(.+)_[^_]*_yarp\.csv" replace="YARP_\1"/>
+          <echo message="Yarping @{logfile}..."/>
+          <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${yarpfile}.log" append="true">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
+            <arg value="@{logfile}"/>
+            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${yarpfile}"/>
+          </exec>
+          <exec executable="cmd" output="${}/output/logs/analysis/tmp_yarp_files.csv" append="true">
+            <arg value="/c"/>
+            <arg value="echo"/>
+            <arg value="${yarpfile_short},${sf.spec.publish.networkdrive}\${}\builds\${sf.spec.job.codeline}\${}\logs\analysis\${yarpfile},${}\output\logs\analysis\${yarpfile}"/>
+          </exec>
+        </sequential>
+      </for>
+      <!-- Cook the yarp analysis further to produce something in the right format for the BRAG system -->
+      <mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}/summary/"/>
+      <!-- exec executable="perl" output="${build.log.dir}/summary/Yarp_BRAG.xml" logError="yes">
+        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
+        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/analysis/*_yarp.csv"/>
+      </exec -->
+      <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" failonerror="false" outputproperty="sf.job.totalyarperrors">
+        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
+        <arg value="${}/output/logs/analysis/tmp_yarp_files.csv"/>
+      </exec>
+      <echo message="Total yarp errors: ${sf.job.totalyarperrors}"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-summary" >
+        <sequential>
+          <parallel>
+            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-list"/>
+            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog"/>
+          </parallel>
+          <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-merge" />
+          <parallel>
+            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-package"/>
+            <runtarget target="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-collisons"/>
+          </parallel>
+        </sequential>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-list">    
+        <echo message="Running list analysis"/>
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_list_results.log">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
+            <arg value="..\"/>
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog">    
+        <echo message="Running whatlog analysis"/>
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_what_results.csv">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
+            <arg value="..\"/>
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-merge" >        
+        <echo message="Running summary analysis"/>
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_summary.log">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
+            <arg value="${}_what_results.csv"/>
+            <arg value="${}_list_results.log"/>
+            <arg value="${}/output/zips/release/"/>
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-package" >        
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${build.log.dir}/analysis" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_analysecomponents.log">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
+            <arg value="${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}"/>
+            <arg value="${}_what_results.csv_results.csv"/>
+            <arg value="${sf.project.location}/sysdefs/system_model_os.xml"/>
+            <arg value="${sf.project.location}/sysdefs/system_model_s60.xml"/>
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-whatlog-collisons" >        
+        <echo message="Running collision analysis"/>
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_collisions.log">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/analysis/"/>
+            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/analysis/${}_what_results.csv"/>
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-diamonds">
+      <if>
+        <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/>
+        <then>
+          <echo>[SF-RUN-ANALYSIS-DIAMONDS]</echo>
+          <echo message="Translate \output\logs\html\index.html into a Diamonds file"/>
+          <exec executable="perl" dir="${}">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/"/>
+          </exec>
+          <echo message="Send ${build.log.dir}/diamonds_uh.xml to Diamonds"/>
+          <exec executable="python">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
+            <arg value="-u"/>
+            <arg value="http://${}${}"/>
+            <arg value="-f"/>
+            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/diamonds_uh.xml"/>
+          </exec>
+        </then>
+      </if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-links-to-diamonds">
+      <fmpp sourceFile="${sf.common.config.dir}/diamonds/linksForDiamonds.xml.ftl" outputFile="${build.log.dir}/linksForDiamonds.xml">
+        <data expandProperties="yes">
+          ant: antProperties()
+        </data>
+      </fmpp>
+      <!-- Send the data to the server -->
+      <exec executable="python">
+        <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
+        <arg value="-u"/>
+        <arg value="http://${}${}"/>
+        <arg value="-f"/>
+        <arg value="${build.log.dir}/linksForDiamonds.xml"/>
+      </exec>
+      <echo message="report&#x0009;Summary,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/summary/_brag.xml,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      <echo message="report&#x0009;Raptor Build Summary,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/html/index.html,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      <echo message="report&#x0009;Build BOM,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/,file${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      <echo message="report&#x0009;Build Logs,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/,file${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      <if><and><equals arg1="${sf.spec.smoketest.enable}" arg2="true"/><equals arg1="${sf.spec.ats.version}" arg2="ats3"/></and><then>
+        <echo message="report&#x0009;Smoke Test Report,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/ats_reports/ATS3Report.html,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      </then></if>
+      <if><and><equals arg1="${sf.spec.smoketest.enable}" arg2="true"/><equals arg1="${sf.spec.ats.version}" arg2="ats4"/></and><then>
+        <echo message="report&#x0009;Smoke Test Report,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/ats_reports/simplelogger/testreport.xml,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      </then></if>
+      <if><and><equals arg1="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable}" arg2="true"/><equals arg1="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable.ha}" arg2="true"/></and><then>
+        <echo message="report&#x0009;Binary Compatibility Report (Headerfiles),${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/BC/headers_report.xml,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      </then></if>
+      <if><and><equals arg1="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable}" arg2="true"/><equals arg1="${}" arg2="true"/></and><then>
+        <echo message="report&#x0009;Binary Compatibility Report (Libraries),${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/BC/libraries_report.xml,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      </then></if>
+      <if><equals arg1="${sf.spec.bccheck.enable.dynamic}" arg2="true"/><then>
+        <echo message="report&#x0009;Dynamic BC Test Reports,${}/builds/${sf.spec.job.codeline}/${}/ats_reports/index.html,report${line.separator}" file="${build.log.dir}/bitinfo.txt" append="true"/>
+      </then></if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-merge-brag">
+        <!-- Merge all our bits of XML together -->
+        <exec executable="perl" output="${build.log.dir}/summary/_BRAG.xml" logError="true">
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/"/>
+            <arg value="--xsl=brag.xsl"/>
+            <arg value="--merge=buildStatus,phase(name),step(name),failures(level)"/>
+            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/summary/*?_BRAG.xml"/>
+        </exec>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-brag-to-diamonds">
+        <!-- Run XSL transform to create file to send to diamonds -->
+        <java jar="${sf.common.config.dir}/sysdefdowngrade/xalan-j_2_7_1/xalan.jar" fork="true">
+            <arg value="-IN"/>
+            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/summary/_BRAG.xml"/>
+            <arg value="-XSL"/>
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/bragForDiamonds.xsl"/>
+            <arg value="-OUT"/>
+            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/diamonds-status.xml"/>
+        </java>
+        <if>
+            <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}"/>
+            <then>
+                <!-- Make sure that the summary directory is available to display the BRAG link -->
+                <mkdir  dir="${publish.dir}/summary/"/>
+                <copy todir="${publish.dir}/summary/" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
+                   <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}/summary/"><include name="*.*"/></fileset>
+                </copy>
+                <!-- Try to obtain the diamonds ID for this build -->
+                <if>
+                    <not><isset property=""/></not>
+                    <then>
+                        <property file="${build.log.dir}/"/> <!-- This will fail silently -->
+                    </then>
+                </if>
+                <if>
+                    <isset property=""/>
+                    <then>
+                        <!-- Send the data to the server -->
+                        <exec executable="python">
+                            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/brag/"/>
+                            <arg value="-u"/>
+                            <arg value="http://${}${}"/>
+                            <arg value="-f"/>
+                            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/diamonds-status.xml"/>
+                        </exec>
+                    </then>
+                    <else>
+                        <echo message=" is not known - unable to push any build specific information to diamonds server"/>
+                    </else>
+                </if>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-check-utilities-dir">
+        <available property="sf-utilities-available" file="${}/utilities" type="dir"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-compare-to-baseline" depends="sf-check-utilities-dir" if="sf-utilities-available">
+        <property name="" value="${build.log.dir}/"/>
+        <delete file="${}"/>
+        <!-- FCL Usage and Changesets -->
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" output="${}">
+            <arg value="-I"/>
+            <arg value="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/lib"/>
+            <arg value="${}/utilities/releaseAutomation/"/>
+            <arg value="--sources=${build.log.dir}/BOM/sources.csv"/>
+            <arg value="--baseline=${sf.previous.pdk.tag}"/>
+        </exec>
+        <!-- Package Comparison and FCL Usage -->
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}" output="${}" append="true">
+            <arg value="${}/utilities/releaseAutomation/"/>
+            <arg value="--sources=${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecfile}"/>
+            <arg value="--sysdef=${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/sysdefs/system_model.xml"/>
+            <arg value="--sysdef=${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/sysdefs/system_model_os.xml"/>
+            <arg value="--sysdef=${sf.spec.sourcesync.sourcespecdir}/sysdefs/system_model_s60.xml"/>
+            <arg value="--baseline=${sf.previous.pdk.tag}"/>
+        </exec>
+        <!-- Mercurial comparison -->
+        <echo file="${}" append="true">== Mercurial Comparison ==${line.separator}${line.separator}</echo>
+        <if>
+            <isset property="sf.previous.pdk.tag"/>
+            <then>
+                <echo file="${}" append="true">The Mercurial changes from Nokia were delivered as a bulk update based on '''XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'''.${line.separator}${line.separator}List of the Mercurial changes (files added/removed/modified) between ${sf.previous.pdk.tag} and PDK '''XXXXX''' - [[Media:XXXX.txt]].${line.separator}${line.separator}A short study of the results concentrating on the added and removed files has identified these significant package changes:${line.separator}${line.separator}</echo>
+                <if>
+                    <istrue value="${sf.spec.sourcesync.archive}"/>
+                    <then>
+                        <echo file="${}" append="true">'''Information cannot be derived as source was synced with archive option'''"${line.separator}${line.separator}</echo>
+                    </then>
+                    <else>
+                        <exec executable="perl" dir="${}/" output="${}" append="true">
+                            <arg value="${}/utilities/releaseAutomation/"/>
+                            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/BOM/build-info.xml"/>
+                            <arg value="${sf.previous.pdk.tag}"/>
+                            <arg value="${build.log.dir}/mercurialComparison.tsv"/>
+                        </exec>
+                    </else>
+                </if>
+            </then>
+            <else>
+                <echo file="${}" append="true">'''Information cannot be provided as the tag for the previous PDK was not provided to the build'''"${line.separator}${line.separator}</echo>
+            </else>
+        </if>
+        <!-- Code churn -->
+        <!-- TODO? -->
+        <fixcrlf file="${}"/>
+    </target>
+    <!-- package all logs into zipfile for publishing -->
+    <target name="sf-zip-logs" >
+        <!-- Moved from generate-layers -->
+        <copy overwrite="true" file="${}/output/build/canonical_system_definition_${sf.spec.sysdef.configurations.list}.xml" todir="${build.log.dir}/BOM/"/>
+        <if>
+            <istrue value="${}"/>
+            <then>
+                <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/zips/release"/> <!-- workaround for when there's no other releaseables, just the logs -->
+                <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/" basedir="${}"> 
+                    <include name="output/logs/**"/>
+                    <exclude name="output/logs/BC/**"/>
+                    <exclude name="output/logs/BOM/**"/>
+                    <exclude name="output/logs/deliverables/**"/>
+                    <exclude name="output/logs/releaseables/**"/>
+                </zip>
+                <!-- workaround for the time when when 'sf-run-analysis-raptor' has not been run -->
+                <mkdir dir="${}/output/logs/releaseables"/>
+                <if>
+                    <available file="${}/output/logs/package_definitions" type="dir"/>
+                    <then>
+                        <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/">
+                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/BOM" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM"/>
+                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/releaseables" prefix="build_info/logs/releaseables"/>
+                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM">
+                                <include name="envinfo.txt"/>
+                            </zipfileset>
+                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/package_definitions" prefix="build_info/package_definitions"/>
+                        </zip>
+                    </then>
+                    <else>
+                        <zip destfile="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/">
+                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/BOM" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM"/>
+                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs/releaseables" prefix="build_info/logs/releaseables"/>
+                            <zipfileset dir="${}/output/logs" prefix="build_info/logs/BOM">
+                                <include name="envinfo.txt"/>
+                            </zipfileset>
+                        </zip>
+                    </else>
+                </if>
+                <antcall target="sf-zip-content">
+                    <param name="zip.config.file" value="${}/zip.cfg.xml.ftl"/>
+                    <param name="" value="info-just-metadata" />
+                </antcall>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+     </target>
+    <target name="sf-publish" depends="prep-publish">
+        <copy todir="${publish.dir}" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
+           <fileset dir="${build.output.dir}/zips/release/"><include name="build_*.zip"/></fileset>
+        </copy>
+        <mkdir dir="${publish.dir}/html"/>
+        <copy todir="${publish.dir}/html" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
+           <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}/html"><include name="*.html"/></fileset>
+        </copy>
+        <mkdir dir="${publish.dir}/BC"/>
+        <copy todir="${publish.dir}/BC" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
+           <fileset dir="${build.log.dir}/BC/">
+               <include name="BBCResults.xsl"/>
+               <include name="headers_report.xml"/>
+               <include name="libraries_report.xml"/>
+           </fileset>
+        </copy>
+        <mkdir dir="${publish.dir}/ats_reports"/>
+        <copy file="${sf.common.config.dir}/tools/ats/report_dummy.html" tofile="${publish.dir}/ats_reports/index.html" failonerror="false"/>
+    </target>
+    <!-- TODO: Make this work for package builds once we have sysmodel story worked out -->
+    <target name="sf-run-analysis-missing-files" if="sf.spec.checkbuild">
+        <runtarget target="sf-check-missing-os-files"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-check-missing-os-files" depends="sf-compile-options">
+        <hlm:argSet id="">
+            <hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
+            <hlm:arg name="run-check" value="true" />
+        </hlm:argSet>
+        <hlm:argSet id="sbs.check.main.var">
+            <hlm:arg name="config" value="${}" />
+            <hlm:arg name="run-check" value="true" />
+        </hlm:argSet>     
+        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+            <param name="build.system" value="${}" />
+            <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+            <param name="" value ="sbs_check"/>
+            <reference refid="" torefid="sbs.var" />
+            <reference refid="sbs.toolsbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+            <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+        </antcall> 
+        <if><istrue value="${sf.os.compile.iterate}"/>
+          <then>
+            <for list="${}" delimiter="," param="sf.spec.check.splitconfig">
+              <sequential>
+                <echo message="INFO [Iterative check] @{sf.spec.check.splitconfig}"/>
+                <hlm:argSet id="sbs.check.iterate.main.var">
+                    <hlm:arg name="config" value="@{sf.spec.check.splitconfig}" />
+                    <hlm:arg name="run-check" value="true" />
+                </hlm:argSet>     
+                <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+                    <param name="build.system" value="${}" />
+                    <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+                    <param name="" value ="sbs_check"/>
+                    <reference refid="sbs.check.iterate.main.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+                    <reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+                    <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+                </antcall>
+              </sequential>
+            </for>
+          </then>
+          <else>
+          <antcall target="compile-main" inheritAll="false" inheritRefs="true">
+            <param name="build.system" value="${}" />
+            <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sf.spec.os.sysdef.clean.configurations.list}" />
+            <param name="" value ="sbs_check"/>
+            <reference refid="sbs.check.main.var" torefid="sbs.var" />
+            <reference refid="sbs.fullbuild.options" torefid="sbs.make.options" />
+            <reference refid="sf.spec.os.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
+          </antcall>
+        </else>
+      </if> 
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-create-public-PDK" depends="sf-prebuild,sf-run-sfl-licence-munging" >
+        <if>
+            <istrue value="${sf.spec.md5.enable}"/>
+            <then>
+                <echo message="INFO Creating MD5s"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-run-evalid"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <!-- Package up the binaries we built -->
+        <if>
+            <istrue value="${sf.spec.package.bin.enable}"/>
+            <then>
+                <echo message="INFO Packaging Binaries"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-package-binary"/>
+                <echo message="INFO Validate Zip files"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-package-validate"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+        <runtarget target="sf-merge-brag"/>
+        <runtarget target="sf-zip-logs"/>
+        <if>
+            <istrue value="${sf.spec.publish.enable}" />
+            <then>
+                <echo message="Send links to Diamonds"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-links-to-diamonds"/>
+                <echo message="Send BRAG status information to Diamonds"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-brag-to-diamonds"/>
+                <echo message="Publish log files and reports to ${sf.spec.publish.rootdir}"/>
+                <runtarget target="sf-publish"/>
+            </then>
+        </if>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-run-sfl-licence-munging" depends="sf-check-utilities-dir" if="sf-utilities-available">    
+        <echo message="Running SFL Licence Munging writing log to ${build.log.dir}"/>
+        <stopwatch name="munge" action="start"/>
+        <exec executable="perl" dir="${}" failonerror="false" output="${build.log.dir}/postbuild_sfl-licence_munging_results.log">
+          <arg value="${}/utilities/williamr/"/>
+        </exec>
+        <stopwatch name="munge" action="total"/>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-copy-rom-logs">
+        <property name="sf.rombuild.dir" value="${}/epoc32/rom/"/>
+        <!-- copy log files for each variant we have -->
+        <echo message="build.log.dir= ${build.log.dir}"/>
+        <echo message="sf.rombuild.dir= ${sf.rombuild.dir}"/>
+        <echo message="sf.spec.referenceroms.variant= ${sf.spec.referenceroms.variant}"/>
+        <copy todir="${build.log.dir}" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
+            <fileset dir="${sf.rombuild.dir}/${sf.spec.referenceroms.variant}/"><include name="*ROMBUILD.LOG"/></fileset>
+        </copy>
+        <copy todir="${build.log.dir}" preservelastmodified="true" failonerror="false">
+            <fileset dir="${sf.rombuild.dir}/${sf.spec.referenceroms.variant}/"><include name="*rom.oby"/></fileset>
+        </copy>
+    </target>
+    <target name="sf-build-roms">
+        <!-- find out if this is an arm build, if it is, then build roms -->
+        <propertyregex property=""  override="true" input="${}" regexp="(arm.*)" replace="true" casesensitive="false"/>
+        <if><isset property=""/> 
+        <then>
+            <mkdir dir="${roms.log.dir}"/>
+            <echo message="INFO Building Syborg MiniGUI stripped ROM"/>
+            <exec executable="cmd" dir="${}/epoc32/rom" failonerror="false">
+                <arg value="/c"/>
+                <arg value="buildrom syborg minigui-stripped"/>
+            </exec>
+            <if>
+                <!-- is iMaker rom building enabled? -->
+                <istrue value="${sf.spec.referenceroms.createimages.enable}" />
+                <then>
+                    <echo message="INFO Building iMaker configurations"/>
+                    <runtarget target="build-roms"/>
+                </then>
+            </if>
+        </then>
+        </if>        
+    </target>