changeset 1075 20205e7ab525
parent 1073 ac18844eb787
child 1221 4fbe6b3c1776
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/	Mon Jun 07 14:59:04 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+use strict;
+my $SYSDEFTOOLS_PATH = "packages\\sysdeftools";
+my $XALAN_J = "java -jar $SYSDEFTOOLS_PATH\\xalan.jar";
+my $XALAN_C = "packages\\sysmodelgen\\rsc\\installed\\Xalan\\Xalan.exe";
+system("rmdir /S /Q tmp") if (-d "tmp");
+print "\n\n### CLONE MCL/sftools/fbf/projects/packages REPO ###\n";
+system("hg clone");
+my $updatehifi_cmd = "hg -R packages update -r HighFidelityModel";
+print "$updatehifi_cmd\n";
+my ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst)=localtime(time);
+my $timestamp = sprintf "%4d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d",$year+1900,$mon+1,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec;
+#print "\n\n### CLONE MCL/sf/os/buildtools REPO ###\n";
+#system("hg clone -r RCL_3");
+print "\n\n### CLONE MCL/sftools/fbf/projects/platforms REPO ###\n";
+system("hg clone -r default");
+# get the codelines from the packages repo
+opendir(DIR, "packages");
+my @codelines = grep(($_ !~ /^\.\.?$/ and $_ =~ /^symbian/), readdir(DIR));
+my $packages_changeset = '';
+# loop over codelines
+for my $codeline (@codelines)
+	mkdir($codeline);
+	my $ROOT_SYSDEF = "packages\\$codeline\\os\\deviceplatformrelease\\foundation_system\\system_model\\system_definition.xml";
+	# Full model in schema 3.0.0 format, including all of the test units.
+	print "\n\n### GENERATE FULL MODEL ###\n";
+	my $updatehifi_cmd = "hg -R packages update -r HighFidelityModel -C";
+	print "$updatehifi_cmd\n";
+	system($updatehifi_cmd);
+	if (!$packages_changeset)
+	{
+		$packages_changeset = `hg -R packages identify -i`;
+		chomp $packages_changeset;
+		print "-->$packages_changeset<--\n";
+	}
+	my $full_cmd = "$XALAN_C -o $codeline\\full_system_model_3.0.xml $ROOT_SYSDEF $SYSDEFTOOLS_PATH\\joinsysdef.xsl";
+	print "$full_cmd\n";
+	system($full_cmd);
+	# Filter the model to remove the test and techview units
+	print "\n\n### REMOVE UNDESIRED UNITS ###\n";
+	my $filter_cmd = "$XALAN_C -o $codeline\\system_model_3.0.xml -p filter \"'!test,!techview'\" -p filter-type 'has' $codeline\\full_system_model_3.0.xml $SYSDEFTOOLS_PATH\\filtering.xsl";
+	print "$filter_cmd\n";
+	system($filter_cmd);
+	# Downgrade the model to schema 2.0.1 for use with Helium and Raptor
+	print "\n\n### DOWNGRADE TO SCHEMA 2.0.1 ###\n";
+	my $downgrade_cmd = "$XALAN_C -o $codeline\\system_model.xml $codeline\\system_model_3.0.xml $SYSDEFTOOLS_PATH\\sysdefdowngrade.xsl";
+	print "$downgrade_cmd\n";
+	system($downgrade_cmd);
+	print "\n\n### PUSH TO PLATFORMS REPOSITORY (auto) ###\n";
+	mkdir("platforms\\$codeline") if (!-d "platforms\\$codeline");
+	mkdir("platforms\\$codeline\\single") if (!-d "platforms\\$codeline\\single");
+	mkdir("platforms\\$codeline\\single\\sysdefs") if (!-d "platforms\\$codeline\\single\\sysdefs");
+	mkdir("platforms\\$codeline\\single\\sysdefs\\auto") if (!-d "platforms\\$codeline\\single\\sysdefs\\auto");
+	my $updatesysdef_cmd = "copy /Y $codeline\\system_model.xml platforms\\$codeline\\single\\sysdefs\\auto\\system_model.xml";
+	print "$updatesysdef_cmd\n";
+	system($updatesysdef_cmd);
+	system("hg -R platforms add"); # just in case this is a new platform
+	my $diff_cmd = "hg -R platforms diff --stat";
+	print "$diff_cmd\n";
+	my @diff_output = `$diff_cmd`;
+	if (@diff_output)
+	{
+		system("hg -R platforms add");
+		system("hg -R platforms commit -m \"Add auto generated $codeline system model (packages\@$packages_changeset)\" -u\"Dario Sestito <darios\>\"");
+		system("hg -R platforms push http://darios:symbian696b\");
+	}