--- a/common/tools/raptor/RaptorWarning.pm Fri Aug 28 10:25:09 2009 +0100
+++ b/common/tools/raptor/RaptorWarning.pm Wed Sep 02 11:23:48 2009 +0100
@@ -36,27 +36,29 @@
$buildlog_warning_status->{on_chars} = 'RaptorWarning::on_chars_buildlog_warning';
my $filename = '';
+my $failure_item = 0;
my $characters = '';
-my $category = $RaptorCommon::CATEGORY_RAPTORWARNING;
+my $CATEGORY_RAPTORWARNING = 'raptor_warning';
+my $CATEGORY_RAPTORWARNING_MISSINGFLAGABIV2 = 'missing_enable_abiv2_mode';
sub process
my ($text, $component, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line) = @_;
- my $severity = $RaptorCommon::SEVERITY_UNKNOWN;
+ my $severity = '';
+ my $subcategory = '';
if ($text =~ m,missing flag ENABLE_ABIV2_MODE,)
- $severity = $RaptorCommon::SEVERITY_NORMAL;
+ $severity = $RaptorCommon::SEVERITY_MINOR;
RaptorCommon::dump_fault($category, $subcategory, $severity, $component, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line);
else # log everything by default
- $severity = $RaptorCommon::SEVERITY_NORMAL;
- my $subcategory = '';
RaptorCommon::dump_fault($category, $subcategory, $severity, $component, $phase, $recipe, $file, $line);
@@ -65,7 +67,7 @@
- $filename = "$::basedir/warnings.txt";
+ $filename = "$::basedir/raptor_warning.txt";
if (!-f$filename)
print "Writing warnings file $filename\n";
@@ -93,17 +95,31 @@
#print "on_end_buildlog_warning\n";
- print FILE $characters if ($characters =~ m,[^\s^\r^\n],);
- print FILE "\n" if ($characters !~ m,[\r\n]$, );
- close(FILE);
+ $characters =~ s,^[\r\n]*,,;
+ $characters =~ s,[\r\n]*$,,;
- # get the line number - not really optimized
- my $linecount = 0;
- open(FILE, "$filename");
- for ($linecount = 0; <FILE>; $linecount++) { }
- close(FILE);
+ if ($characters =~ m,[^\s^\r^\n],)
+ {
+ if ($failure_item == 0 and -f "$filename")
+ {
+ open(FILE, "$filename");
+ {
+ local $/ = undef;
+ my $filecontent = <FILE>;
+ $failure_item = $1 if ($filecontent =~ m/.*---failure_item_(\d+)/s);
+ }
+ close(FILE);
+ }
+ $failure_item++;
- process($characters, '', '', '', "warnings.txt", $linecount);
+ open(FILE, ">>$filename");
+ print FILE "---failure_item_$failure_item\---\n";
+ print FILE "$characters\n\n";
+ close(FILE);
+ process($characters, '', '', '', "raptor_warning.txt", $failure_item);
+ }
$characters = '';