changeset 1083 a91d8608229c
parent 1046 871bdf0d7610
child 1141 08f7282dae54
--- a/common/templates/tag-hg-code.ant.xml.ftl	Thu Jun 10 12:11:23 2010 +0100
+++ b/common/templates/tag-hg-code.ant.xml.ftl	Thu Jun 10 14:34:20 2010 +0100
@@ -80,19 +80,11 @@
 			<exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}/tagging${pkg_detail.dst}" logError="true">
 				<arg value="--quiet"/>
 				<arg value="commit"/>
+				<arg value="--user"/>
+				<arg value="${dollar}{sf.hg.ui.username}"/>
 				<arg value="--message"/>
 				<arg value="Added tag ${ant['sf.tagafterbuild.tag']} for changeset ${dollar}{hash12.${count}}"/>
-			<!-- Work out the URL of the web *MCL* -->
-			<propertyregex property="mcl.${count}" input="${pkg_detail.source}" regexp="(|sfl)/FCL/(sf|sftools)" casesensitive="false" replace="\1/\2/MCL/\3" defaultValue="${pkg_detail.source}"/>
-			<echo message="Outgoing changes for ${dollar}{mcl.${count}}:"/>
-			<exec executable="hg" dir="${ant['']}/tagging${pkg_detail.dst}" logError="true">
-				<arg value="out"/>
-				<arg value="--force"/>
-				<arg value="--rev"/>
-				<arg value="TAGS"/>
-				<arg value="${dollar}{mcl.${count}}"/>
-			</exec>
 		<#if (count > 0) >