changeset 748 e13acd883fbe
child 872 17498133d9ad
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/common/tools/ats/smoketest/lbs/lbsclient/src/ctlbsclientpostp213.cpp	Tue Nov 10 13:50:58 2009 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2001-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "ctlbsclientpostp213.h"
+#include "ctlbsclientrequestor.h"
+#include "ctlbsclienteventtimer.h"
+#include <LbsPositionInfo.h>
+#include <Lbs.h>
+#include <LbsCommon.h>
+#include <LbsRequestor.h>
+#include <s32file.h>
+_LIT(KClient1, "RunL client1");
+_LIT(KClient2, "RunL client2");
+_LIT(KClient3, "RunL client3");
+_LIT(KClient1Default, "RunL client1, default psy");
+_LIT(KClient2Default, "RunL client2, default psy");
+_LIT(KClient3Default, "RunL client3, default psy");
+//Error logs
+_LIT( KErrStatusMismatch, "Statuses does not conform to each other!" );
+_LIT( KEventReceived, "Client 3 received an event that shouldn't be received!" );
+_LIT( KCanceledRequest, "Client 2 didn't receive KErrCancel, but %d!" );
+_LIT( KFileNotDeleted, "File created by PSY NOT deleted! PSY really unloaded from memory?" );
+//File name. Beware, also declared in EPos_CTestStatusPsy.h!!!!
+_LIT(KDummyFileName, "c:\\TestStatusPsyIsNotUnloaded.txt");
+// ================= MEMBER FUNCTIONS =======================
+// Constructor.
+CT_LbsClientPosTp213::CT_LbsClientPosTp213(CT_LbsServer& aParent): CT_LbsPortedStepBase(aParent)
+    {  
+    _LIT(KTestName, "TP213 - Disabling psy during request");
+    SetTestStepName(KTestName); 
+    }
+// Destructor
+    {
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CT_LbsClientPosTp213::CloseTest
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CT_LbsClientPosTp213::CloseTest()
+    {
+	delete ieventtimer;
+	ieventtimer = NULL;
+	delete iclient1;
+	delete iclient2;
+	delete iclient3;
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CT_LbsClientPosTp213::StartL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CT_LbsClientPosTp213::StartL()
+    {
+	TBool usedefaultpsy = FALSE; // Indicating if the default psy should be used
+	iNoFurtherEvents = FALSE;	// Client should receive events!
+	iErrorDuringExecution = FALSE;  // True if an error occurs 
+	//Enable PSY 
+	CPosModules* idb = CPosModules::OpenL();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(idb);
+	_LIT(KEnablePSY, "Enabling Test Status PSY");
+    EnablePsyL(*idb, iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	// Event timer
+	ieventtimer = CT_LbsClientEventTimer::NewL(Logger());
+	ieventtimer->SetObserver(this);
+	// 3 clients
+	iclient1 = CT_LbsClientRequestor::NewL(iUidTestStatusPsy, this, KClient1, Logger());
+	iclient2 = CT_LbsClientRequestor::NewL(iUidTestStatusPsy, this, KClient2, Logger());
+	iclient3 = CT_LbsClientRequestor::NewL(iUidTestStatusPsy, this, KClient3, Logger());
+	// Make a request with client 2
+	_LIT(KRequestClient2, "Calling StartRequestL for client2");
+	INFO_PRINTF1(KRequestClient2);
+	iclient2->StartRequestL(usedefaultpsy);
+	// Make client3 listen for status events
+	iclient3->RequestModuleStatusEvent();
+	// Disable Psy 3
+	User::After(100000); //a small delay
+	_LIT(KDisablePSY, "Disabling Test Status PSY");
+	DisablePsyL(*idb, iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	// Client1 reads Module Status
+	// Client API
+	TInt clientapistatus = iclient1->ReadModuleStatusClientApi(iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	_LIT(KClientApi, "Module Status from Client API: %d.");
+	TBuf<100> bufclientapi;
+	bufclientapi.Format(KClientApi, clientapistatus);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(bufclientapi);
+	// Modules API
+	TInt modulesapistatus = iclient1->ReadModuleStatusModulesApi(idb, iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	_LIT(KModulesApi, "Module Status from Module API: (IsAvailable=) %d.");
+	TBuf<100> bufmodulesapi;
+	bufmodulesapi.Format(KModulesApi, modulesapistatus);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(bufmodulesapi);
+	// Compare received statuses
+	if ( !((modulesapistatus == 0) && (clientapistatus == TPositionModuleStatus::EDeviceDisabled)) )
+		{
+		iErrorDuringExecution = TRUE;
+		ERR_PRINTF1(KErrStatusMismatch);
+		}
+	iclient2->ClosePositioner();
+	delete iclient1;
+	delete iclient2;
+	delete iclient3; 
+	///////////////////// Default PSY /////////////////////////////////////
+	// Do the same as before but now use the default PSY
+	iNoFurtherEvents = FALSE;	// Client should receive events!
+	_LIT(KDefaultPsyStart, "****** Testing Default PSY ******");
+	INFO_PRINTF1(KDefaultPsyStart);
+	// Enable Psy
+	EnablePsyL(*idb, iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	// 3 clients
+	iclient1 = CT_LbsClientRequestor::NewL(iUidTestStatusPsy, this, KClient1Default, Logger());
+	iclient2 = CT_LbsClientRequestor::NewL(iUidTestStatusPsy, this, KClient2Default, Logger());
+	iclient3 = CT_LbsClientRequestor::NewL(iUidTestStatusPsy, this, KClient3Default, Logger());
+	// Make a request with client 2
+	INFO_PRINTF1(KRequestClient2);
+	iclient2->StartRequestL(usedefaultpsy);
+	// Make client3 listen for status events
+	iclient3->RequestModuleStatusEvent();
+	// Disable Psy 3
+	User::After(1000000); //A small delay
+	usedefaultpsy = TRUE; //Use default PSY
+	DisablePsyL(*idb, iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	// Client1 reads Module Status
+	// Client API
+	clientapistatus = iclient1->ReadModuleStatusClientApi(iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	bufclientapi.Format(KClientApi, clientapistatus);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(bufclientapi);
+	// Modules API
+	modulesapistatus = iclient1->ReadModuleStatusModulesApi(idb, iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	bufmodulesapi.Format(KModulesApi, modulesapistatus);
+	INFO_PRINTF1(bufmodulesapi);
+	// Compare received statuses
+	if ( !((modulesapistatus == 0) && (clientapistatus == TPositionModuleStatus::EDeviceDisabled)) )	
+		{
+		iErrorDuringExecution = TRUE;
+		ERR_PRINTF1(KErrStatusMismatch);
+		}
+	iclient2->ClosePositioner();
+	delete iclient1;
+    iclient1 = NULL;
+	delete iclient2;
+    iclient2 = NULL;
+	delete iclient3;
+    iclient3 = NULL;
+	// Connect to EPos
+    User::LeaveIfError(iPosServer.Connect());
+	// Enable Psy
+	EnablePsyL(*idb, iUidTestStatusPsy);
+    // Open subsession to Status Psy that still is disabled!!!
+	_LIT(KInfoStatusPSY, "Calling OpenPositionerByName for Test Status PSY");
+    INFO_PRINTF1(KInfoStatusPSY);  
+	TInt err = OpenPositionerByName(iUidTestStatusPsy);
+	User::After(100000); //A small delay
+	if (err != KErrNone)
+		{
+		_LIT(KErrorRequest, "OpenPositionerByName failed, errCode = %d");
+		TBuf<100> buf;
+		buf.Format(KErrorRequest, err);
+		LogErrorAndLeaveL(buf);
+		}
+	// Make a position request
+	_LIT(KService, "service");
+	TPositionInfo positionInfo = TPositionInfo();
+	_LIT(KPerformSyncRequest, "Calling PerformSyncRequest");
+	INFO_PRINTF1(KPerformSyncRequest);
+    err = PerformSyncRequest(KService, &positionInfo);
+    if (err != KErrNone)
+        {
+        _LIT(KErrorRequest, "The last request was not completed with KErrorNone, errCode = %d");
+		TBuf<100> buf;
+		buf.Format(KErrorRequest, err);
+        LogErrorAndLeaveL(buf);
+        }
+	//Close Positioner
+	ClosePositioner();
+	//Disconnect from Epos
+	Disconnect();
+	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(idb);
+	//Checking if any errors occured during execution
+	if (iErrorDuringExecution)
+		{
+		_LIT(KErrorAndLeave, "Error(s) occured during execution, closing test!");
+		LogErrorAndLeaveL(KErrorAndLeave);
+		}
+	}
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CT_LbsClientPosTp213::EnablePsyL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CT_LbsClientPosTp213::EnablePsyL(
+    CPosModules&   aDb,
+    TUid             aPsy)
+    {
+    CPosModuleUpdate* moduleUpdate = CPosModuleUpdate::NewLC();
+    // Enable Psy
+    moduleUpdate->SetUpdateAvailability(ETrue);
+    aDb.UpdateModuleL(aPsy, *moduleUpdate);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(moduleUpdate);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CT_LbsClientPosTp213::DisablePsyL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CT_LbsClientPosTp213::DisablePsyL(
+    CPosModules&   aDb,
+    TUid             aPsy)
+    {
+    CPosModuleUpdate* moduleUpdate = CPosModuleUpdate::NewLC();
+    // Disable Psy
+    moduleUpdate->SetUpdateAvailability(EFalse);
+    aDb.UpdateModuleL(aPsy, *moduleUpdate);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(moduleUpdate);
+    }
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+// CT_LbsClientPosTp213::RequestCompleteL
+// (other items were commented in a header).
+// ---------------------------------------------------------
+void CT_LbsClientPosTp213::RequestCompleteL()
+    {
+	if (iclient2->CompletionCode() != KNoEvent)
+		{
+		_LIT(KClient2Compl, "Client 2 request completed with %d.");
+		TBuf<100> bufclient2comp;
+		bufclient2comp.Format(KClient2Compl, iclient2->CompletionCode());
+		INFO_PRINTF1(bufclient2comp);
+		if (iclient2->CompletionCode() != KErrCancel)
+			{
+			TBuf<80> errorMessage;
+			errorMessage.Format( KCanceledRequest, iclient2->CompletionCode() );
+			ERR_PRINTF1( errorMessage );
+			}
+		/*Testing if PSY is unloaded from memory. PSY created a temp-file that only should 
+			exist during its lifespan. */
+		User::After(5000000);
+		RFs fileserver;
+		RFile file;
+		User::LeaveIfError(fileserver.Connect());
+		TInt err = file.Open(fileserver, KDummyFileName, EFileWrite);
+		if (err == KErrNone || err == KErrInUse) 
+            {
+            ERR_PRINTF1(KFileNotDeleted);
+            }
+		file.Close();
+		fileserver.Close();
+		iclient2->ClosePositioner();
+		iclient2->ResetCompletionCode();
+		}
+	else if (iclient3->CompletionCode() != KNoEvent)
+		{	
+		iclient3->ResetCompletionCode();
+		_LIT(KClient3Compl, "Client 3 request completed, ");
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KClient3Compl);
+		if (iNoFurtherEvents) //Client 3 received event but should NOT have!
+			{	
+			iErrorDuringExecution = TRUE;
+			ERR_PRINTF1(KEventReceived);
+			}
+		//Read what event was received!
+		TInt eventReading = iclient3->ReadModuleStatusEvent();
+		if (eventReading != TPositionModuleStatus::EDeviceDisabled) //NO Disable Event!
+			{	
+			_LIT(KClientStatusRead, "Event received by client not EDeviceDisabled, but %d.");
+			TBuf<100> bufstatusread;
+			bufstatusread.Format(KClientStatusRead, eventReading);
+			INFO_PRINTF1(bufstatusread);
+			//Make client3 listen for status events again!!
+			iclient3->ContinueRequesting();
+			}
+		else //A Disable Event!
+			{
+			_LIT(KClient3ComplDisabled, "Client 3 received EDeviceDisabled event!");
+			INFO_PRINTF1(KClient3ComplDisabled);
+			//Make client3 listen for status events again!!
+			iclient3->ContinueRequesting();
+			/*Wait 5 s for events before halting the scheduler. 
+				No further events for client 3 should be received! */
+			ieventtimer->Start(5000000);
+			iNoFurtherEvents = TRUE;
+			//Start Timer
+			_LIT(KStartTiming, "Start Timer, 5 s.");
+			INFO_PRINTF1(KStartTiming);
+			}
+		}
+	else if (ieventtimer->CompletionCode() != KNoEvent) //Time-out
+		{
+		ieventtimer->ResetCompletionCode() ;
+		//Stop Scheduler
+		_LIT(KTimeOut, "Timer Stopped.");
+		INFO_PRINTF1(KTimeOut);
+		CActiveScheduler::Stop();
+		}
+	else 
+		{
+		_LIT(KUnknownEvent, "Unknown request was completed!");
+		LogErrorAndLeaveL(KUnknownEvent);
+		}
+    }
+// End of File