Bug 2274 - Detection of physical drives doesn't work on Vista/Win7
#!perl -w## Copyright (c) 2010 Symbian Foundation Ltd# This component and the accompanying materials are made available# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"# which accompanies this distribution, and is available# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".## Initial Contributors:# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.# # Contributors:## Description:# Search physical drives to find either:# * The one with the largest amount of free space# * The one with the greatest capacity# * The list of all such drivesuse strict;use Getopt::Long;use Win32::OLE;# Read option argumentsmy $option;my $ok = GetOptions( 'capacity' => \$option->{capacity}, 'space' => \$option->{space}, 'all' => \$option->{all}, 'help|?' => \$option->{help},);if (defined $option->{help}){ usage(); exit;}if (!$ok || @ARGV || 1 != scalar grep { defined $option->{$_} } keys %$option){ warn "Exactly one option must be supplied to indicate the required output\n$ok\n@ARGV\n"; usage(); exit(1);}# Connect to WMI services on this machine (".")my $wmiServices = Win32::OLE->GetObject( "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate,(security)}//." ) or die;# Get list of all volumes (drive letters)my @volumes = Win32::OLE::in($wmiServices->InstancesOf( "Win32_LogicalDisk" ));# Get list of substed drivesmy %subst = map { (substr $_, 0, 2) => 1 } `subst`;# Filter volumes to remove non-Partitions, and substed drives@volumes = grep { $_->{DriveType} == 3 && !exists $subst{$_->{DeviceID}} } @volumes;# Also remove the system drive (usually C:) unless it's the only drive in the box!@volumes = grep { $_->{DeviceID} ne $ENV{SystemDrive} } @volumes if scalar(@volumes) > 1;die "Unable to find any suitable drives at all\n" unless @volumes;if ($option->{all}){ print join ",", map { $_->{DeviceID} } @volumes; print "\n";}elsif ($option->{capacity}){ # Sort by capacity to find the largest volume and print out the corresponding letter @volumes = reverse sort { $a->{Size} <=> $b->{Size} } @volumes; print "$volumes[0]->{DeviceID}\n";}elsif ($option->{space}){ # Sort by space to find the volume with the largest amount of space and print out the corresponding letter @volumes = reverse sort { $a->{FreeSpace} <=> $b->{FreeSpace} } @volumes; print "$volumes[0]->{DeviceID}\n";}exit;sub usage{ $0 =~ m{[\\/]([^\\/]*)$}; print <<EOT;Usage: $1 -all | -capacity | -space | -help -all Outputs all physical drives in the system (separated by ','). -capacity Outputs physical drive of greatest capacity in the system. -space Outputs physical drive with greatest free space in the system. -help Outputs this help message.EOT}