author Simon Howkins <>
Tue, 10 Aug 2010 18:11:17 +0100
changeset 1186 4518bca1baf0
parent 0 571f289c60b8
permissions -rw-r--r--
Improved diagnostic output: when the build fails because a package cannot be cloned into the build drive, it says which package and the repo source and destination. Improved caching logic, so that it doesn't depend on network availability as much. Improved indentation.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="hg-prep" default="all" xmlns:hlm="">
    <property environment="env"/>

    <taskdef name="scm" classname="" uri="" />
    <typedef name="latestTag" classname="" uri="" />
    <typedef name="tagSet" classname="" uri="" />

    <target name="all">
    <parallel threadCount="${ant['threads']}">
    <#assign refid=0/>
<#list data as d>
            <delete dir="${ant['']}${d.dst}" failonerror="false"/>
            <mkdir dir="${ant['']}${d.dst}"/>
            <hlm:scm verbose="true" scmUrl="scm:hg:${d.source}">
                <hlm:checkout basedir="${ant['']}${d.dst}"/>
                <hlm:tags basedir="${ant['']}${d.dst}" reference="${refid}"/>
                <hlm:update basedir="${ant['']}${d.dst}">
                    <hlm:latestTag pattern="${d.tag}">
                        <hlm:tagSet refid="${refid}" />
        <#assign refid=refid + 1/>
    <import file="${ant['helium.dir']}/helium.ant.xml"/>   