author Simon Howkins <>
Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:52:23 +0100
changeset 956 72efe73cb3cf
parent 0 571f289c60b8
permissions -rw-r--r--
FIxed package config script to be able to handle utilities repo being at old URL, or new URL.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="hg-prep" default="all" xmlns:hlm="">
    <property environment="env"/>

    <taskdef name="scm" classname="" uri="" />
    <typedef name="latestTag" classname="" uri="" />
    <typedef name="tagSet" classname="" uri="" />

    <target name="all">
    <parallel threadCount="${ant['threads']}">
    <#assign refid=0/>
<#list data as d>
            <delete dir="${ant['']}${d.dst}" failonerror="false"/>
            <mkdir dir="${ant['']}${d.dst}"/>
            <hlm:scm verbose="true" scmUrl="scm:hg:${d.source}">
                <hlm:checkout basedir="${ant['']}${d.dst}"/>
                <hlm:tags basedir="${ant['']}${d.dst}" reference="${refid}"/>
                <hlm:update basedir="${ant['']}${d.dst}">
                    <hlm:latestTag pattern="${d.tag}">
                        <hlm:tagSet refid="${refid}" />
        <#assign refid=refid + 1/>
    <import file="${ant['helium.dir']}/helium.ant.xml"/>   