Moved the generation of the release metadata entry for the MD5 zip outside of
the parallel section, so it can't co-incide with the zipping of the binaries.
Ensured that any errors generated when merging log files are not just hidden
by putting them in the output file (which will render it not well-formed XML).
use strict;
my $lowercase = 1;
my $useoutputfiles = 1;
my $path = shift @ARGV;
my $outputpath = shift @ARGV;
sub main()
print "Running in lower case mode!\n";
my @listfiles = glob($path."listdir*");
my $gt_base;
my $gt_clean;
my $gt_main;
my $s60_base;
my $s60_clean;
my $s60_main;
foreach my $file (@listfiles)
if($file =~ m/s60/)
if($file =~ m/baseline/)
$s60_base = parsefile($file);
elsif($file =~ m/clean.log/)
$s60_clean = parsefile($file);
elsif($file =~ m/main.log/)
$s60_main = parsefile($file);
if($file =~ m/baseline/)
$gt_base = parsefile($file);
elsif($file =~ m/clean.log/)
$gt_clean = parsefile($file);
elsif($file =~ m/main.log/)
$gt_main = parsefile($file);
my $gt_try = diff($gt_base, $gt_clean);
my $gt_fail = diff($gt_base, $gt_main);
my $gt_built = diff($gt_try, $gt_fail);
# printgroup($gt_fail,'fail');
# printgroup($gt_built,'built');
my $s60_try = diff($s60_base, $s60_clean);
my $s60_fail = diff($s60_base, $s60_main);
my $s60_built = diff($s60_try, $s60_fail);
my $s60_add = diff($s60_main,$s60_base);
my $gt_add = diff($gt_main,$gt_base);
my $try = union($gt_try,$s60_try); # All the stuff we try to build
my $untouched = diff($gt_base,$try); # all the stuff we didn't try.
my $uptodate = finduptodate($path); # this is a bit dicey, 'cos it might get deleted/rebuilt by another part...
my $exported = findexported($path);
$untouched = diff($untouched,union($exported,$uptodate));
printgroup($untouched,"untouched"); # 'clean' doesn't remove headers if they are 'uptodate'
#here's where the fun begins...
my $rebuildfail = intersect(union($gt_built,$gt_add), $s60_fail); #everything built in GT, minus stuff that failed in S60
my $rebuilt = intersect($gt_built, $s60_built); # everything built in both
my $built = diff(diff(union($gt_built, $s60_built),$rebuilt),$rebuildfail); # everything built, minus rebuilt, minus rebuildfail
my $fail = diff(union($gt_fail,$s60_fail),$rebuildfail); #everyhting that failed, minus the rebuild failures
my $added = diff(diff(union($gt_add,$s60_add),$exported),$rebuildfail); #all the stuff that got added, minus the stuff that filaed to rebuild
$uptodate = diff($uptodate,union(union($added,$built),$exported)); #remove all stuff in other categories...'uptodate' was added late in the program
printgroup($uptodate,"uptodate"); # uptodate list isn't that good at the moment...put it last.
sub printgroup($$)
my $group = shift;
my $label = shift;
foreach my $key (sort keys %$group)
print $label." : ".$key."\t".$group->{$key}."\n";
my $filename = $outputpath."results_$label.log";
open(FILE,">$filename") or die "Couldn't open $filename\n";
foreach my $key (sort keys %$group)
print FILE $key."\n";
close FILE;
sub diff($s1,$s2)
my $s1 = shift;
my $s2 = shift;
my %r;
foreach my $key (keys %$s1)
if(!defined $s2->{$key})
$r{$key} = $s1->{$key};
return \%r;
sub intersect($s1,$s2)
my $s1 = shift;
my $s2 = shift;
my %r;
foreach my $key (keys %$s1)
if(defined $s2->{$key})
$r{$key} = $s2->{$key};
return \%r;
sub union($s1,$s2)
my $s1 = shift;
my $s2 = shift;
my %r;
foreach my $key (keys %$s1)
$r{$key} = $s1->{$key};
foreach my $key (keys %$s2) #lazy
$r{$key} = $s2->{$key};
return \%r;
sub finduptodate($path)
my $path = shift;
my @files = glob($path."*compile.log");
my %results;
foreach my $file (@files)
print "Reading $file\n";
open(FILE,"<$file") or die "Cannot open $file\n";
while( my $line = <FILE>)
if($line =~ m/<info>Up-to-date:\s+(.+)<\/info>/)
my $str = $1;
$str =~ s/^\S:\///;
$str = lc($str);
$results{$str} = "";
# print $str;
close FILE;
return \%results;
sub findexported($)
my $path = shift;
my @files = glob($path."*compile.log");
my %results;
foreach my $file (@files)
print "Reading $file\n";
open(FILE,"<$file") or die "Cannot open $file\n";
while( my $line = <FILE>)
#<info>Copied u:/sf/app/conntools/emulatorlan/data/s60_32_default_snaps.xml to u:/epoc32/winscw/c/s60_32_default_snaps.xml</info>
if($line =~ m/<info>Copied\s+(\S+)\s+to\s+(\S+)<\/info>/)
my $str = $2; #we want the destination, not the source...
$str =~ s/^\S:\///;
$str = lc($str);
$results{$str} = "";
close FILE;
return \%results;
sub parsefile($file)
my $file = shift;
# my @results;
my %results;
print "Reading $file\n";
open(FILE,"<$file") or die "Couldn't open $file\n";
while(my $line = <FILE>)
$line =~ s/\n//;
if($line =~ m/\S+/)
if( $line !~/^epoc32/ ) #latest lists sometimes don't have this...
$line = "epoc32/".$line;
if( $line !~/epoc32\/build\// ) #ignore epoc32/build
$line = lc($line);
$results{$line} = "";
# $results{$line} = $file; #debugging
# push(@results,$line)
close FILE;
# return \@results;
return \%results;