author Simon Howkins <>
Fri, 16 Oct 2009 15:11:28 +0100
changeset 680 81550e87fc91
parent 164 9a13f5f790ee
permissions -rw-r--r--
Moved the generation of the release metadata entry for the MD5 zip outside of the parallel section, so it can't co-incide with the zipping of the binaries. Ensured that any errors generated when merging log files are not just hidden by putting them in the output file (which will render it not well-formed XML).


# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Parse "ant" logs from SBS build to determine missing source files

my $pdk_src = "../.."; # path to sf tree - correct from "build/output"

my %missing_files;
my %damaged_components;
my %excluded_things;
my %damaged_bldinfs;

sub canonical_path($)
  my ($path) = @_;
  my @bits = split /\//, $path;
  my @newbits = ();
  foreach my $bit (@bits)
    next if ($bit eq ".");
    if ($bit eq "..")
      pop @newbits;
      push @newbits, $bit;
  return join("/", @newbits);

sub excluded_thing($$$)
  my ($path, $missing, $reason) = @_;
  if (!defined $excluded_things{$path})
    @{$excluded_things{$path}} = ();
  push @{$excluded_things{$path}}, $missing;
  # print "Missing $missing from excluded $path ($reason)\n";

sub do_missing_file($$$)
  my ($missing, $missing_from, $reason) = @_;
  $missing = canonical_path($missing);
  $missing_from = canonical_path($missing_from);
  my $component = "??";
  if ($missing_from ne "??")
    my @dirs = split /\//, $missing_from;
    shift @dirs if ($dirs[0] eq "sf");
    $path = $pdk_src . "/sf/$dirs[0]/$dirs[1]";
    if (!-e $path)
      # no sign of the package
      excluded_thing($path, $missing, $reason);
    $path .= "/$dirs[2]";
    if (!-e $path)
      # no sign of the collection
      excluded_thing($path, $missing, $reason);
    $path .= "/$dirs[3]";
    if (!-e $path)
      # no sign of the component
      excluded_thing($path, $missing, $reason);
    $component = join("/", $dirs[0], $dirs[1], $dirs[2], $dirs[3]);
  $missing_files{$missing} = $reason if ($missing ne "??");
  if (!defined $damaged_components{$component})
    @{$damaged_components{$component}} = ();
  push @{$damaged_components{$component}}, $missing;

sub scan_logfile($)
  my ($logfile) = @_;
  open FILE, "<$logfile" or print "Error: cannot open $logfile: $!\n" and return;
  my $line;
  while ($line = <FILE>)
    # Source of export does not exist:  s:/sf/mw/messagingmw/messagingfw/msgtests/group/msgerr.ra
    # Source zip for export does not exist: s:/sf/os/deviceplatformrelease/S60LocFiles/data/
    if ($line =~ /^Source (of|zip for) export does not exist.\s+.*\/(sf\/.*)$/)
      do_missing_file($2, "??", "source of export");
    # No bld.inf found at sf/os/buildtools/toolsandutils/burtestserver/Group in s:/output/build/canonical_system_definition_GT_tb91sf.xml
    # No bld.inf found at s:/sf/adaptation/stubs/licensee_tsy_stub/group in s:/output/build/canonical_system_definition_S60_5_1_clean.xml
    if ($line =~ /No bld.inf found at (.*\/)?(sf\/.*) in /i)
      my $bldinf = "$2/bld.inf";
      do_missing_file($bldinf, $bldinf, "no bld.inf");
      $damaged_bldinfs{"$bldinf\t(missing)"} = 1;
    # D:/Symbian/Tools/PDT_1.0/raptor/win32/mingw/bin/cpp.exe: s:/sf/os/networkingsrv/networksecurity/ipsec/group/bld.inf:19:42: ../eventmediator/group/bld.inf: No such file or directory
    if ($line =~ /cpp.exe: .*\/(sf\/[^:]*):.*\s+([^:]+): No such file/)
      my $parent = $1;
      my $relative = $2;
      if ($parent =~ /\.inf$/i)
        my $parent = canonical_path($parent);
        $damaged_bldinfs{"$parent\t$relative"} = 1;
      do_missing_file("$parent/../$relative", $parent, "#include");
    # make.exe: *** No rule to make target `m:/sf/os/security/crypto/weakcrypto/source/symmetric/des.cpp', needed by `m:/epoc32/build/weakcrypto/c_126994d895f12d1a/weak_cryptography_dll/winscw/udeb/des.o'.
    if ($line =~ /No rule to make target .*(sf\/.*)', needed by .*(epoc32\/.*)'/)
      my $missing = $1;
      my $impact = "building $2";
      # epoc32/build/weakcrypto/c_126994d895f12d1a/weak_cryptography_dll
      if ($impact =~ /epoc32\/build\/[^\/]+\/[^\/]+\/([^\/]+)\//)
        $impact = "building $1";
      do_missing_file($missing, "??", $impact);
    close FILE;
  my @logfiles = map(glob,@ARGV);
  foreach my $logfile (@logfiles)
    print "Scanning $logfile...\n";
  printf "%d Excluded things\n", scalar keys %excluded_things;
  foreach my $component (sort keys %excluded_things)
    my @list = @{$excluded_things{$component}};
    my %hash;
    foreach my $missing (@list)
      $hash{$missing} = 1;
    printf "%s\t%d\n", $component, scalar keys %hash;
    print "\t", join("\n\t", sort keys %hash), "\n";
  print "\nDamaged components\n";
  foreach my $component (sort keys %damaged_components)
    my @list = @{$damaged_components{$component}};
    my %hash;
    foreach my $missing (@list)
      $hash{$missing} = 1;
    printf "%s\t%d\n", $component, scalar keys %hash;
    print "\t", join("\n\t", sort keys %hash), "\n";
  print "\nMissing files\n";
  foreach my $missing (sort keys %missing_files)
    my $reason = $missing_files{$missing};
    my @dirs = split /\//, $missing;
    my $path = shift @dirs;
    my $dir;
    while ($dir = shift @dirs)
      if (-e "$pdk_src/$path/$dir")
        # still exists at this point
        $path .= "/$dir";
      print "\t$reason\t$path\t\t", join("/", $dir,@dirs), "\n";
  print "\nDamaged bld.infs\n";
  print join("\n", sort keys %damaged_bldinfs, "");
  print "\n\n";
  printf "%d files missing from ", scalar keys %missing_files;
  printf "%d damaged components\n", scalar keys %damaged_components;