Moved the generation of the release metadata entry for the MD5 zip outside of
the parallel section, so it can't co-incide with the zipping of the binaries.
Ensured that any errors generated when merging log files are not just hidden
by putting them in the output file (which will render it not well-formed XML).
# Copyright (c) 2009 Symbian Foundation Ltd
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Symbian Foundation Ltd - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Arnaud Lenoir
# Dario Sestito
# Description:
# Generate build summary with BRAG status
use Getopt::Long;
use strict;
# Data used for the script
my $buildid = '';
my $basedir = '';
my $help = 0;
'buildid=s' => \$buildid,
'basedir=s' => \$basedir,
'help!' => \$help
# Files locations
# Command to build a package build
# F:\Dev\mercurial_local\bootstrap>perl --subproj=3k/mw/serviceapi location
# my package log files directory is: F:\fbf_job\serviceapi_3k.T014\output\logs
# my platform log files directory is: F:\Dev\fbf_job\platform_MCL.PDK-101\output\logs
# F:\fbf_job\serviceapi_3k.T014\output\logs
# console_bootstrap_d+.txt empty file
# console_sfbuildall_d+.txt empty file
# serviceapi_3k.T014_ant_env.log
# F:\fbf_project\serviceapi\sf-config
# console_sfbuildall_32428.txt
# console_sfprep_32428.txt
# console_sfsummary_32428.txt
# F:\Dev\fbf_job\platform_MCL.PDK-101\output\logs
# platform_MCL.PDK-101_ant_env.log
# in _ant_env.log
# Do a search for env.ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS to find out the type of build done as armv5, winscw, ...
# If no parameters entered or help selected, display help
$help = 1 if (!$buildid or !$basedir);
if ($help)
print "Generate build summary with BRAG status\n";
print "Usage: perl --buildid=ID --basedir=DIR\n";
print "Typical command line from script location: <perl --buildid=serviceapi_3k.T014 --basedir=F:\\fbf_job>\n";
# End section related to help
# Determine build number
$buildid =~ /^([^_]*)_([^.]*)\./;
my $project = $1;
my $codeline = $2;
# Define variable logdir
my $logdir = "$basedir\\$buildid\\output\\logs";
# General data information
print "\$builid = $buildid\n";
print "\$basedir = $basedir\n";
print "\$logdir = $logdir\n";
print "\$project = $project\n";
print "\$codeline = $codeline\n";
open(BUILDSUMMARYHTML, ">$logdir\\build_summary.html"); # !!!!! First time we are accessing the file build_summary.html, therefore create it or replace it, AFTR THAT WE NEED TO APPEND IT ONLY!!!!!
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "#********** build_summary.html **********#<br/><br/><br/>";
close(BUILDSUMMARYHTML); # Close file build_summary.html
# *****************************************************************************
# Construction "GENERAL STATUS" page in build_summary.html
# *****************************************************************************
# Fill html file with buildir data
open(BUILDSUMMARYHTML, ">>$logdir\\build_summary.html"); # Open build_summary.html in APPEND MODE!
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#************************************************#<br/><br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** GENERAL STATUS starts here **********#<br/><br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildid_val=$buildid<br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "basedir_val=$basedir<br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "logdir_val=$logdir<br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "project_val=$project<br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "codeline_val=$codeline<br/>";
# Calculate the number of files in the directory
opendir(DIR, $logdir);
my @dir_content = readdir(DIR);
my $nbfilesinlogdir = scalar(@dir_content);
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "nbfilesinlogdir_val=$nbfilesinlogdir<br/>";
# Define what we tried to build (target, winscw, armv5, TOOLS2, platform, package, ...)
# Information in the file buildid_ant_env.log that can be found in the log directory
# F:\Dev\fbf_job\platform_MCL.PDK-101\output\logs
# platform_MCL.PDK-101_ant_env.log
# in _ant_env.log
# Do a search for env.ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS to find out the type of build done as armv5, winscw, ...
# Declare any variable that will need to be used globaly otherwise can't be used only between the curly brackets!
my $antenvlog = "";
#print "$logdir\\$buildid\_ant\_env\.log\n"; # Test to find out that _ and . need backslash up front to work
my $antenvlogfile = "$logdir\\$buildid\_ant\_env\.log";
print "$antenvlogfile\n";
open (ANTENVLOG, "<$antenvlogfile");
local $/=undef; # Technic used to get a file in one unique string accessible via a variable
$antenvlog = <ANTENVLOG>;
close(ANTENVLOG); # Close file $buildid_ant_env.log
# List of data to extract from the file $buildid_ant_env.log
#Fri Aug 14 17:04:54 BST 2009 on the second line of the file
#base_release.getenv_options=-I tools
#bom.log=\\\\v800008\\Builds01\\SF_builds\\platform\\builds\\MCL\\platform_MCL.PDK-101/logs/platform_MCL.PDK-101_bom.xml or package ->DONE!! ->1st thing done in this script!! or serviceapi ->DONE!!
#build.number=PDK-101 ->DONE!!
#build.version=MCL.PDK-101 ->DONE!! ->DONE!! ->DONE!!
#env.ANT_CMD_LINE_ARGS=-Dhelium.dir "C\:\\Symbian\\Tools\\PDT_1.0\\helium" sf-build m\: -Dsf.spec.job.codeline MCL -Dsf.spec.job.number PDK-101 -Dsf.project.location f\:\\\\Dev\\maintools\\build\\config\\foundation -Dsf.spec.job.rootdir f\:\\\\Dev\\fbf_job winscw_udeb.whatlog -Dsf.spec.test.sendpkg.enable false
#env.USERNAME=arnaudl ->DONE!!
#publish.dir=\\\\v800008\\Builds01\\SF_builds\\platform\\builds\\MCL\\platform_MCL.PDK-101 ->DONE!! ->DONE!!
#sbs.config=armv5 ->DONE!!
#sf.spec.baseline.enable=true ->DONE!!
#sf.spec.baseline.getenv_options=-I tools
#sf.spec.bccheck.baseline.s60.version=5.1 ->DONE!!
#sf.spec.bccheck.enable=false ->DONE!! ->DONE!! ->DONE!!
#sf.spec.job.codeline=MCL ->Information already available under another name
#sf.spec.job.number=PDK-101 ->Information already available under another name
#sf.spec.sourcesync.enable=true ->DONE!!
#sf.spec.test.epocroot=D\:\\ATS3\\winscw_smoketest ->DONE!!
#sf.spec.toolsbaseline.getenv_options=-i emu ->Any use????
# Data extraction
# Type of Line to read is: "env.COMPUTERNAME=UK-ARNAUDL" with a end of line \\n character
if ($antenvlog =~ /env\.COMPUTERNAME=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Computer name is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "computername_val=$1<br/>";
print "Computer name is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "computername_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /env\.USERNAME=([^=]*)\n/)
print "User name is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "username_val=$1<br/>";
print "user name is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "username_val=?<br/>";
} or package
if ($antenvlog =~ /build\.family=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Build family is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildfamily_val=$1<br/>";
print "Build family is unknow\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildfamily_val=?<br/>";
} or serviceapi
if ($antenvlog =~ /build\.name=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Build name is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildname_val=$1<br/>";
print "Build name is unknow\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildname_val=?<br/>";
} - Define the server used
if ($antenvlog =~ /diamonds\.host=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Build server used is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildserver_val=$1<br/>";
print "Build server used is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildserver_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /build\.version=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Build version is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildversion_val=$1<br/>";
print "Build version is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildversion_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /build\.number=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Build number is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildnumber_val=$1<br/>";
print "Build number is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "buildnumber_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /core\.build\.version=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Core build version is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "corebuildversion_val=$1<br/>";
print "Core build version is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "corebuildversion_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /publish\.dir=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Publish directory is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "publishdir_val=$1<br/>";
print "Publish directory is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "publishdir_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.baseline\.enable=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Baseline retrieval enabled?:: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "baselineretrievalen_val=$1<br/>";
print "Baseline retrieval status is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "baselineretrievalen_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.sourcesync\.enable=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Source code sync enabled?: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodesyncen_val=$1<br/>";
print "Source code sync status is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodesyncen_val=?<br/>";
# Smoke tests????? SALT tests????
if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.build\.testcode\.enable=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Tests execution enabled?: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "testexecutionen_val=$1<br/>";
print "Tests execution status is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "testexecutionen_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.test\.host\.name=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Tests host server is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "testhostserver_val=$1<br/>";
print "Tests host server is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "testhostserver_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.bccheck\.enable=([^=]*)\n/)
print "BCC check enabled?: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "bccchecken_val=$1<br/>";
print "BCC check status is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "bccchecken_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.bccheck\.baseline\.s60\.version=([^=]*)\n/)
print "BCC check S60 baseline version used is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "bccchecks60baselinever_val=$1<br/>";
print "BCC check S60 baseline version used is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "bccchecks60baselinever_val=?<br/>";
#sbs.config=armv5 possible values are armv5 (default) and winscw
if ($antenvlog =~ /sbs\.config=([^=]*)\n/)
print "SBS config is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sbsconfig_val=$1<br/>";
print "SBS config is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sbsconfig_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.sbs\.config=([^=]*)\n/)
print "Specific SBS config is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "specsbsconfig_val=$1<br/>";
print "Specific SBS config is unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "specsbsconfig_val=?<br/>";
if ($antenvlog =~ /sf\.spec\.build\.target=([^=]*)\n/)
print "specific build target is: $1\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "specificbuildtarget_val=$1<br/>";
print "specific build target is: unknown\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "specificbuildtarget_val=?<br/>";
# Extract data to define the type build done
# Find out what is expected to be done and what has been actually done.
# name="WINS" abldTarget="wins" description="MSVC Compiler"
# name="WINS_REL" abldTarget="wins urel" description="MSVC Compiler"
# name="WINS_DEB" abldTarget="wins udeb" description="MSVC Compiler"
# name="WINSCW" abldTarget="winscw" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"
# name="WINSCW_REL" abldTarget="winscw urel" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"
# name="WINSCW_DEB" abldTarget="winscw udeb" description="CodeWarrior Compiler"
# name="TOOLS" abldTarget="tools" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools"
# name="TOOLS_REL" abldTarget="tools rel" description="MSVC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"
# name="TOOLS2" abldTarget="tools2" description="MinGW GCC Compiler for Tools"
# name="TOOLS2_REL" abldTarget="tools2 rel" description="MinGW GCC Compiler for Tools Release mode only"
# name="ARMV5" abldTarget="armv5" description="RVCT Compiler"
# name="ARMV5_REL" abldTarget="armv5 urel" description="RVCT Compiler"
# name="ARMV5_DEB" abldTarget="armv5 udeb" description="RVCT Compiler"
# End data extraction from the file $buildid_ant_env.log
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** GENERAL STATUS ends here **********#<br/><br/>";
close(BUILDSUMMARYHTML); # Close file build_summary.html
# *****************************************************************************
# Construction "SUMMARISE" page in build_summary.html
# *****************************************************************************
# Build info - Describe the completion of the diffrent steps in the build process
# Fill html file with buildir data
open(BUILDSUMMARYHTML, ">>$logdir\\build_summary.html"); # Open build_summary.html in APPEND MODE!
# Indicates beginning of the SUMMARISE section in the file
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#*******************************************#<br/><br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** SUMMARISE starts here **********#<br/><br/>";
#{ # Used for local $/=undef
#local $/=undef; # indicates that the file will be put in one variable as one string
## Find the string "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" in the file console_bootstrap_\d+\.txt
## 1st open file
#open (CONSOLEBOOTSTRAP, "<$logdir\\console_bootstrap_\d+\.txt");
#my $searchconsolebootstrap= <CONSOLEBOOTSTRAP>; # Copy the full file in one string because of /$=undef
#if ($searchconsolebootstrap =~ /BUILD SUCCESSFUL/){
# print "Found string BUILD SUCCESSFUL\n";
# print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "BuildSuccessful_val=Yes<br/>";
# }
# else {
# print "Can't Find string BUILD SUCCESSFUL\n";
# print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "BuildSuccessful_val=No<br/>";
# }
#close (CONSOLEBOOTSTRAP); # Close file console_bootstrap_\d+\.txt
## End - Find the string "BUILD SUCCESSFUL" in the file console_bootstrap_\d+\.txt
## Check all the intermediate steps of the build process
## 1st open file console_sfbuildall_\d+\.txt
#open (CONSOLESFBUILDALL, "<$logdir\\console_sfbuildall_\d+\.txt");
#my $searchconsolesfbuildall= <CONSOLESFBUILDALL>; # Copy the full file in one string because of /$=undef
#if ($searchconsolesfbuildall =~ /x/){
# print "Found string x\n";
# print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "x=Yes<br/>";
# }
# else {
# print "Can't Find string x\n";
# print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "x=No<br/>";
# }
#close (CONSOLESFBUILDALL); # Close file console_sfbuildall_\d+\.txt
#} # End use for local $/=undef
# Declare any variable that will need to be used globaly otherwise can't be used only between the curly brackets!
my $targettimeslog = "";
{ # Used for local $/=undef
local $/=undef; # indicates that the file will be put in one variable as one string
# The file targetTimesLog.csv contains all the information relative to the build process including time needed for each steps (generated by helium script)
# This file is available whatever the build we want to do (platform or package)
my $targettimeslogfile = "$logdir\\targetTimesLog\.csv";
print "$targettimeslogfile\n";
open (TARGETTIMESLOG, "<$targettimeslogfile");
local $/=undef; # Technic used to get a file in one unique string accessible via a variable
$targettimeslog = <TARGETTIMESLOG>;
close (TARGETTIMESLOG); # Close file targetTimesLog.csv
} # End use for local $/=undef
# Extract useful data from the file targettimeslog.csv
# step, time in second to do the operation
# For sure
#"^preparation-getenv:$" - the baseline retrieval starts
if ($targettimeslog =~ /(preparation-getenv[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
print "Baseline retrieval started: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "baselineretrievalstarted_val=yes<br/>baselineretrievalstarted_duration=$2<br/>";
print "Baseline retrieval started: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "baselineretrievalstarted_val=no<br/>baselineretrievalstarted_duration=?<br/>";
#"^\s+[exec] .+: done fetching environment$" - the baseline retrieval ends
#"^sf-prebuild-0:$" - the source code sync starts
if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-prebuild[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
print "Source code sync started: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodestarted_val=yes<br/>sourcecodestarted_duration=$2<br/>";
print "Source code sync started: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodestarted_val=no<br/>sourcecodestarted_duration=?<br/>";
#"^sf-unpack-rnd:$" - source code sync ends
if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-unpack[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
print "Source code sync ended: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodeended_val=yes<br/>sourcecodeended_duration=$2<br/>";
print "Source code sync ended: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "sourcecodeended_val=no<br/>sourcecodeended_duration=?<br/>";
#"^sf-compile:$" - compilation starts
if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-compile[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
print "Compilation startd: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "commpilationstarted_val=yes<br/>commpilationstarted_duration=$2<br/>";
print "Compilation startd: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "commpilationstarted_val=no<br/>commpilationstarted_duration=?<br/>";
#"^sf-postbuild:$" - compilation ends
if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-postbuild[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
print "Compilation ended: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "compilationended_val=yes<br/>compilationended_duration=$2<br/>";
print "Compilation ended: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "compilationended_val=no<br/>compilationended_duration=?<br/>";
#"^sf-run-analysis:$" - analysis starts
if ($targettimeslog =~ /(sf-run-analysis-raptor[^,]*),(\d+[^,]*)\n/)
print "Analysis started: OK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "analysisstarted_val=yes<br/>analysisstarted_duration=$2<br/>";
print "Analysis started: NOK \$1= $1, \$2= $2\n";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "analysisstarted_val=no<br/>analysisstarted_duration=?<br/>";
# Maybe????????
#"^sf-zip-logs:$" - analysis ends
#"^publish:$" - publication starts
#"\[copy\] Copying \d+ files to \\\\v800008\\Builds01\\SF_builds\\" - publication ends
# End - Check all the intermediate steps of the build process
# Copy Raptor summarise by DarioS
local $/=undef; # indicates that the file will be put in one variable as one string
open(RAPTORSUMINDEX, "<$logdir\\html\\index.html");
my $filecontent = <RAPTORSUMINDEX>;
# Like index.html will be called from the build_summary.html file, this means that is not calling the sub html file from the same directory \html.
# When copy index.html in the file build_summary.html, we need to include the path to \html directory
# We have:
# file:///F:/fbf_job/serviceapi_3k.T014/output/logs/raptor_unreciped.html
# We need:
# file:///F:/fbf_job/serviceapi_3k.T014/output/logs/html/raptor_unreciped.html
# This means we need to go from:
# <tr><td><a href='raptor_unreciped.html'>raptor_unreciped</a></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>190</td><td>0</td></tr>
# To:
# <tr><td><a href='html\raptor_unreciped.html'>raptor_unreciped</a></td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>190</td><td>0</td></tr>
$filecontent =~ s/href=\'/href=\'html\\/ig;
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>$filecontent<br/>"; # copy the content of the index.html file into the build_summary.html file.
# Copy html files for raptor summarise to bishare
# options used for xcopy
# /E -> Copies directories and subdirectories, including empty ones.
# /F -> Displays full source and destination file names while copying.
# /I -> If destination does not exist and copying more than one file, assumes that destination must be a directory.
my $copy_html = "xcopy $logdir\\html \\\\bishare\\sf_builds\\$project\\builds\\$codeline\\$buildid\\html \/E \/F \/I";
print "Exec: $copy_html\n";
# Indicates end of the SUMMARISE section in the file
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** SUMMARISE ends here **********#<br/><br/>";
close(BUILDSUMMARYHTML); # Close build_summary.html
# End - Build info - Describe the completion of the diffrent steps in the build process
# *****************************************************************************
# Construction "DATA BREAKDOWN" page in build_summary.html
# *****************************************************************************
# Hyperlink to log files
open(BUILDSUMMARYHTML, ">>$logdir\\build_summary.html"); # Open build_summary.html in APPEND MODE!
# Indicates beginning of DATA BREAKDOWN section in the file
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#************************************************#<br/><br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** DATA BREAKDOWN starts here **********#<br/><br/>";
# Get tree for the directory where the log files are (bishare probably the best place???)
# Should be already exported there, but maybe in a zip file)
# Extract each file with directory, then create a hyperlink to that file to make sure that user can click on the link and open the file!
#ex: platform_MCL.PDK-101_summary.log.xml
#######print FILE "buildid_summary.log.xml=<a class ="hoverlink" href ="file://///$logdir/$buildid_summary.log.xml">$buildid_summary.log.xml<br>";
# example of html hyperlink
#<a class ="hoverlink" href ="file://///builds01/devbuilds/MasterSF/logs/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf.summary.html#AdvisoryNotesByComponent_Scan for S60 distribution policy files">Scan for S60 distribution policy files (1162) <br></a></td>
#<a class ="hoverlink" href ="file://///builds01/devbuilds/MasterSF/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf/logs/GT.summary.html#errorsByComponent_SBS: Error">SBS: Error (4) <br></a></td>
#<a class ="hoverlink" href ="file://///builds01/devbuilds/MasterSF/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf/logs/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf_cbr.summary.html#AdvisoryNotesByOverall_Total">Total (1) <br></a></td>
#<a class ="hoverlink" href="file://///builds01/devbuilds/MasterSF/logs/MSF00159_Symbian_OS_vtb92sf/AutoSmokeTest/EMULATOR/WINSCW/Test Summary Report.htm">WINSCW ( EMULATOR ) </a></td><td>
# All log files hyperlink have been created, close build_summary.html
# Indicates end of DATA BREAKDOWN section in the file
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** DATA BREAKDOWN ends here **********#<br/><br/>";
print BUILDSUMMARYHTML "<br/>#********** summary_build.html ends here ******#<br/><br/>";
close(BUILDSUMMARYHTML); # Close file build_summary.html
# *****************************************************************************
# Final step, copy build_summary.html to \\bishare drive
# *****************************************************************************
# Copy html file to bishare
my $copy_cmd = "copy $logdir\\build_summary.html \\\\bishare\\sf_builds\\$project\\builds\\$codeline\\$buildid";
print "Exec: $copy_cmd\n";